Mm kenya project report 2007

Moving Mountains Kenya Report on projects 2007 NAIROBI Muthurwa primary school Feeding program since 2005 the 650 children have been taking porridge daily at the school, it had been a routine at the school every day at mid-day most of the kids would be sleepy and dozing in class due to hunger ,their concentration could only last till 10am. Some kids would even not come to school as they have no food at home and neither at school. Since the program started there has been an in flack of children to the school, their performance has shoot up as now there is more concentration as they are not on empty stomach. The school has been excelling in co curriculum activities like football. Basket ball, volley ball and rugby they have trophies which give them pride. The children enjoy been in school and cant miss a day as this would mean the only meal is over. The mother that cooks for the kids is a parent at the school and now gets some income. Just this month the Government in conjunction with world food programme on seeing the benefit of the porridge gave the school some rice, beans and porridge. Moving mountains still funding the programme as the school needs some cooking pots and complimentary vegetables to accompany the beans and rice. In preparation for the feeding program we bought a gas cooker, 2 gas cylinders, eating utensils and cooking pots and lids, buckets and washing kit too. The kitchen is been used for storing the food for the feeding program at moment. Renovation of classrooms The school been based in an industrial slum the community /parents cannot afford to renovate the school so it was rundown, some classroom had even been out of bound others a poor learning environment for children with not comfortable facilities e.g. children been more than the tables and sits available making them either share a sit of sit down. Over the years we have been renovating the classrooms through paint work, floor cementing, putting ceilings, replacing windows and putting blackboards as well as notice boards. This work has make the classes better for studying and making sure all the kids have a desk and chair to study on



Transcript of Mm kenya project report 2007

Moving Mountains Kenya Report on projects 2007 NAIROBI Muthurwa primary school

Feeding program – since 2005 the 650 children have been taking porridge daily at the school, it had been a routine at the school every day at mid-day most of the kids would be sleepy and dozing in class due to hunger ,their concentration could only last till 10am. Some kids would even not come to school as they have no food at home and neither at school. Since the program started there has been an in flack of children to the school, their performance has shoot up as now there is more concentration as they are not on empty stomach. The school has been excelling in co curriculum activities like football. Basket ball, volley ball and rugby they have trophies which give them pride. The children enjoy been in school and cant miss a day as this would mean the only meal is over. The mother that cooks for the kids is a parent at the school and now gets some income.

Just this month the Government in conjunction with world food programme on seeing the benefit of the porridge gave the school some rice, beans and porridge. Moving mountains still funding the programme as the school needs some cooking pots and complimentary vegetables to accompany the beans and rice. In preparation for the feeding program we bought a gas cooker, 2 gas cylinders, eating utensils and cooking pots and lids, buckets and washing kit too. The kitchen is been used for storing the food for the feeding program at moment.

Renovation of classrooms The school been based in an industrial slum the community /parents cannot afford to renovate the school so it was rundown, some classroom had even been out of bound others a poor learning environment for children with not comfortable facilities e.g. children been more than the tables and sits available making them either share a sit of sit down. Over the years we have been renovating the classrooms through paint work, floor cementing, putting ceilings, replacing windows and putting blackboards as well as notice boards. This work has make the classes better for studying and making sure all the kids have a desk and chair to study on

Toilets Facilities

Sanitary facilities was a nightmare and the children dreaded going to the toilets which had very big cockroaches and no flashing system which means at the end of the day you see what everyone did in there. Through the assistance of some 4 Irish builders the whole system was replaced and new flash toilets were the end result. There were lots of dead cockroaches and Hygiene has improves and rates of worms gone down too.

Full sponsorship Some of the children that attend the school were from the streets with no where to call home, after re uniting them with their family we decided in order for them to go to school and study hard like any other kid they needed extra assistance .we have been providing a food allowance for the kids family, rent and all the needs that they require academically (books, uniform, shoes)

Library and books Just this year muthurwa got a trophy for been the best library in Nairobi area. It is fully packed with books, tables, sits and a mat to sit down and read a book or two. The library has been a small heaven for the children and has helped them improve in grammar and school performance. Every time books are donated to the school they are put in the library for references. The library also works as a counselling area and revision place too.

Sports facilities The school as of now has a strong football, rugby and netball team who have brought a lot of pride to the school. We have provided balls, games kit, post and nets for the teams over the years. The children feel very happy and proud in their uniform and confident too.

Uniforms The children received more than 100 school uniforms to help the needy children who had none or torn clothes and parents couldn’t afford to buy.

Field trip Class 7 and 8 (year 13-15) got a trip to the Great Rift Valley. The school trip was made possible with the charity through Africampers providing logistics it truck, driver and fuel. The children learnt a lot and appreciated the trip since none could have ever though of such a trip in their lives. It was a chance to see Kenya and especially the famous great crater which they learn in social studies. They also visited Mt Longonot (dormant volcanic Mt), lakes likes Nakuru, naivasha and Elementaita

SIAYA Siaya scout centre

Water tank We put up a water tank to facilitate the water supply to the whole scout centre and especially the nursery school at the place.

Dorm Finishing the dorm and partitioning it into rooms and by so improving the accommodation facilities in the campsite for both the scouts and community at large

Wagai primary school

Classrooms We build 1 new classroom during an Africamp and renovated more than 5 classroom doing paint work and floors. We also donated a total of 40 desks and chairs to the school which have made the study environment better and motivated the children to work harder, they just love the school. The children performance in the final exams has been going up and many children have been called to good secondary school thou not most are able to afford secondary school fee at least they have hope of one once they do well in the last exams .

Volunteer teachers Due to the introduction of free education in Kenya, there has been shortage of teachers’ e.g. A class ends up with more than 40 children and 1 teacher so the volunteer teachers have been really making a difference in assisting the teachers with class work e.g. marking, teaching and so off loading the teacher more work meaning she/ he can put more time to the student. With every teacher at the school a donation is made which has gone a long way to making the school architects of their own success. Through improving the school facilities by purchasing text books, exercise and also chalks etc. The school did a fencing project with the funds from the donation. The children have built their confidence in speaking English and that has also improved their grades

Africamp The Africamps (two week camping at Wagai primary school) put a platform for the children to interact with mzungu and so improve language, appreciate the world at large. Camping and scouting skills were also sharpened in the camp.

Through the interacting with youths from abroad it made them appreciate that the world is a global village and the only difference is colour as we speak the same are happy, sad just like any other being. Nyasidi Primary school

Classroom Renovation of 5 classrooms and putting in 40 desks and chairs, this has really made the school look very welcoming and a good educational environment for the children.

Teacher We are currently employing a teacher at school who is paid monthly by the charity. The teacher has helped curb the great shortage of teachers in the school.

Volunteer teachers The volunteer teachers have been helping at the school and this has up lifted the grades of the school. Language wise the children are more confident in English and look forward to improving grammar. The donations from the charity have made it possible for the school to purchase games kit which makes them very smart when out in competitions.

Text books and school trip The school has received lots of text books and they have really boasted their academics performance. The class 8 got a chance to visit kisumu town thou it is only one and a half hour drive from the school. The children had never been. It was fun and an The kids enjoyed a lot especially going to the museum and seeing how busy traffic can be. The children had fun and they felt like tourists.

Kumok Primary School

Renovations During Africamp 4 classrooms were renovated, this includes floors, walls, and windows. A water pump was also set up like the one at the orphanage. This has helped with water problems. The camp has improved their social skills and improved in relationships.


Fence and sanitation The scout land was fenced all around to keep off land grabbers, 4 toilets were Put up and they have come handy as the scouts are in meetings can go to a Proper toilets rather than in bushes making it a health risk Kayeye Primary school

Renovations We build 5 new classrooms from scratch .put in desks and chairs. This has made the school have a better academic environment and the school attendance has improved. One of the classroom is been used by the deaf children who now learn sign language.

Volunteers teachers The school has been receiving a lot of teachers over the years and this has boasted the morale of the local teachers .the children have greatly enjoyed the company of the teachers. English as a language has become commonly spoken unlike luo and Swahili .

Relationship with orphanage The school accommodates all the children that we support at the home and the

school works hand in hand with the staff at the orphanage to make sure the children are well looked after in terms of academic follow up and out door activities.

The school just recently received kitchen equipments which are now been used by the students and teachers

Wagwer primary and secondary school

Renovations We have renovated 6 classrooms in the primary section and 4 in the secondary school area .we also put In 40 tables and desks in both primary and secondary school which have made learning a better and more comfortable for the students. The students love going to school and are identify with their school as a perfect place to be.

Full sponsorship At the moment we are supporting 12 children at the secondary school this includes buying them uniforms, books, lunch and giving them fare plus pocket money. From the receive the assistance they now attend school on regular basis

unlike before they would be sent home because of fee balances. They children now don’t have to walk miles to get school; they can get into a matatu and in no time are at school ready to learn and not recovering from the morning walk. The students that receive sponsorship are now more involved with school activities and feel confident to be part of the MM family.

Volunteer teachers The school has been host to more than 5 teachers over the year and they have assisted a lot especially in marking books and teaching science lessons, thou the school has not lab the volunteer teachers have even gone ahead and taken the children to the local school with lab to experiments. The money they have received for donations has gone along way in buying books for the secondary school children.

Text books The school has received many text books which have been made it possible for teachers to give homework to the students to work at home. This has improved the academic inclinations of the students. EMBU RESCUE CENTRE

Renovations and buildings

We renovated the already existing structure which was been used to teach adult classes. We build new structure which includes office, store, kitchen, bathrooms and toilets. The centre is now fenced to curb insecurity The washrooms have made it easy for Gilbert when doing rehabilitation of the street boys to teach them about hygiene and encourage them to use the facilities at the centre well.

Black cats and feeding programme Black cats’ Embu comprises of boys who are in the streets and are leaving the streets now by getting involved with football. The boys are going through rehabilitation and so far 8 are on the way to moving into houses. They train during the day and at lunch time after the children from Embu county primary and some from urban have had lunch they get lunch as well. They have participated in various matches and won 2 trophies of the best disciplines team in Embu.

By having the boys coming to the rescue centre it has become not only a home but a place they find love and comfort they are proud to be identified with black cats as when they go out for games people cheer for them and this makes them really happy and worthwhile. The cook and watchman employed at the centre work really hard and the community fully identifies with the work they do there them been local people too, not strangers (from other places e.g. Nairobi) employed to work.

Full Sponsorship The charity is supporting children in secondary school and primary school who are either half or full orphans. The children receive fees, books and stationery, food to eat at home as well as personal effects. The children now do better in their exams and this does encourage their guardians to also work harder. Embu County

Renovations We renovated 6 classrooms during Africamp, put in new desks and sits. The schools nursery section was renovated and new plastic sits put in the children used to share and others sit down it was uncomfortable for the tender age. they also received mattresses to sleep on during sleep time , they now enjoy sleep rather than sleep on the desks .

Volunteer teacher the school thou has lots of teachers most are on and off due to sickness and the volunteer teacher have really assisted in such situations .the donation money we give to the school has mostly been used to buy books and stationery for the children to use .most of the children come for poor area and so cant afford simple things like pencils and books.