T ••*J % i A l 5* *i§ i-v% I J^f-r- 11 .^ •MM* mum it WITH US -.YOU ABE' SAfE w FOR I^PEi^BCIT'•' :.eVBNafft : You can get them fny&ar locality from tJio most VesponsiMe and : competent opticians, tsptri. a %»> tvbose *e*y_ nasafe-"Is & ®aa*anty o l accurate work and satisfaction. , :_ .- .'..'We also carry a foil Iftae <>f ttp*to?dat® ffe!d*gSaSSeSinp^rtav gfesses aad goggles. -;-'..-.;'-,;.;.- Come and see as ahflfee folly convinced. PLATTSBCROH PRESS TUESDAY, MAY 2$> 1$14. I Panamas. Sennets and Split Straws '. MM *• fHh»0 "i" SKss Bfcuxthtt Ltsiphtusa has returned from Ciollese- to spend 1 the .vacation with her, parents oh Broad Street. Ttte'inafty .ffiends 5£Iss' J^Bs&both j .^winyer, of Saraaae will, he ferigyed 'to heap that sh#;an\derVfint;a,-,scriou» operation at the "'Physicians Hospital Monday jm<orning\ She is resting «? confortably as *ouW<fe& sxpeetea at this time. , *X.i • "_*" ••*''" „Mrs. Joseph 3Iiney "o^Troy 5s spend- ing the- weelc -frith, her mother Mrs. Susan ~R«"fily. * ' . - .Mrs. A. Bel! and son Coral -of jjftcd>* ford were "week v ea^ visitors in .the' •city. >, - - . ivtisfe May Herron has? reigned her Position ixrtth treed, Conway and Got- ten and accepted a position with the Pfcttshursrh Gas and Electric Co. „S. Lefc'evre, H. Comstock and Ben}, j^bote, of Port Henry, were among the visitors in this city yesterday* Miss 'Helen Mayo, of Rouses Point, is spending a few days visiting in town with Miss JRva dlonso. MKS* <Jeter>se Brown, of Boston* ar- rived in this city yesterday to ioin her nushand h^re. Mr. Brown is pro- prietor of tne Brown Clothing sioto on Marjgfaret street, successor- to> i». W. Haj-es. - .- Hon, P. P. Cannion of Xew Y-otk is in town, fcr the parpose of opening the >few York iv'o. il and the Curtis Pine -Villa.-at CM-!*-Haven, the, latter of u'hkh f» "r^entiy-iMarehasedi',/.. . 5Jife& "Beatrice CoiTey left yesterday' fer Sfaforie to enter tfce'allioe'Mfyd* Hospital, wh*r**he will, ^u^j?'to .J^t. •eonie a.nmse. •',•""" '~.;- 'V SllSM'-rJfelsQn iBesia*. Jr. H, JB«Ue«v H> a. Cart«right» W. A. <5ooltoei -.-oase of H« Ba^cey, tos. Oillen, Jshn'QaT* rant, W. ©. '^orham, '<roha B, Bornetts,' Charles Xawshton* €Jeorj» Z&am> K. Morris, Joseuh St Vente, %felo Wii* sen/Joe Telle. " --. WOMESf«-sr¥«. % .B«fe -Blanche'rA &btt& ^ebo't^ Mi«s fioiQutXfeft&;-Xn(. ^osejjh HuwaJ>ise, ^Miiss Anna.' HyAn :S«&'"MsKs:tta9 $»yle's» -Xliss"t<Mtie^fe6ne Mrs. Iioafee-White, ' A,.®, 'SESiTECAI*^ -Pastwaster S* .¥. > - «i i / ft. rdr^»*»»ll«ur C« C».. iMnti. IKdb, i mwm mmmmz warn n&fat. iiuffi *tn matji'li iri|l* 11 A Simple And Ino.TrKmsivo nomc ; t«'yoffip halt Is. not $feit£j tt-St-ls losing -It «jjJor, to» 4rF f matted, IteaH'ng: 'o«t» .-*r it'tlBas kcaln tifehes m& %wcm* yon -on ©vcreojnn^aJl of '^aeso w&m snppliGS «vcrf'- : hat^-3Jcc4 ; - 'Il'-ira^ii; right In "to #us &a^'TO©^ ; 3&iai'ujia«ji^ &E»4 anO, fv«nlihing-tte-n;onti$lt8i«tti;- ; ©at Is'needed, &y th&;ij&i£ |»- : jp0^; •a^». «n^ long and' beavy, lyat' #n^r^ sdEt»- iastro»& and gaorteas^* rui'lani* -Yftn «an ^et a. bot&tfi&l this &«& *en^?e;.^i* etSflSana- 4teS : %d9BSW hair *0n|| &©m" Hac&€0<^s S*h^m< a«y or at' ,iany dtrog isatore. $mm&&* meiil "'heg-Jtos with « i e *«*$• 33r^ 1&W»» cation. Beslfles slapping th« *<aap Irritation it we&uma every Mt «t ^,a«: ; firaff.' l"he (8*e -of ims%tt«faale«%»4t ,5 : i t«»le «fi Mn^r^Biv»«Dlic ItMr «mri sf* ana- ia$£n*y^A*i*s «__„—^—1,1,,^, ••««MMM ' " • • i i t i W J WHU.III fiflv«r f W n p i .. ^iMtniivpi Gold Crown* » »* *» <SH$ ^S@a^6ffl» ft** GAS SOMXO >isew«, PAiKTdBss mx,?• mBWMK : m. sews* p»rto*« wpBK5 J* From the Blood Bsas MUM rrfilKl The Garb of i Gentleman ••is alway* dt§- ttnetir*, ft noticeable for It* simplicity nf style, its grace* fulness of lines and Its good taste In color scheme Smart Clothes reflect refine* ment-they are truly the garb i t a gentleman mmmmm m lyi'iinWMiw; fUESDAY,' aiXY IMMMMMSilMMMlM ^ ma mojfA. May 23—Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bro- derick, Sn were visitors nt Ttmk Miller's Sunday. Mr. and Mtr#. E. S. Parks were re- tent visitors at Henry Tate's. O. A. Olyer ha3 purchase* a new up to date ouriaffe of E. J. Cheeseman of Ellenburgh* Mrs. C, G. Olyer and Mrs. ,T. O^ Story were recent visitors at Nathan, •Nile's. 3>on O'Brien spent Sunday at Ellen* hurgh, Ealpfi. liamberton is huildingr a new barn Archie Bundo is doinsr tho car- penter work. , A verj.' successful term of school; ha* closed in this District No. 6 taught »y Miss Nichols. Mr. 'and Mrs. Jesse are spending a few days in Plattsburgfc, Mrs. Clayton,- .Olyer and children have returned to their, home in Ken tuclty after spending:' the past few months' with their, parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. A* Olyer.' W. E. Parkhnrjst of Pittsburgh was a, recent caller at 0«car OJyersv Pittsburgh KO USE. "Don't you want to dance the tanKo?" he asked. "Indeed, I do." said the sweet young thing-. "I want to dance it in the worst way," "Oh, well*, you'll hav* to excuse me. There are ltows against that, you know.'*—Yonkers Statesman, JfiBMttOX BKttH? ClftCUtA'TKD ASKING AMENT>MENT APPLY- ING TO STATK 1Q.1SDJS—WUE* lStl/nS OF MtSJB WAR newer, May 23;—The Coal Con- Hum*i»' Lesi^lative league i? clrcu* laUjis? & petition healed "Stale Mining of Coal", xvh^ch initiate a nciv article to the State Constitution, *mpo»*r* insf the Board of l*and Commihionet* to mine and jsell for A pront all "co«V% metal«and mineraV now in the lands owned by tho State of which may he discover?d in land hereafter fco owned. The petition is one jrexultof the date's war with the eoal miners employed hy private corporations u'he petition calls for th<» addition of %e Mmei& to urn covsoxmotu »M" : fij^- iecttmn tstmu&s ifti* *la «onv%€#' when saeh-; lands sa^'.dte* ' f osfei ; $g ,*i?4h» S"M6. : ***n* '*&%&&• \ ©il, artful #y *ticr njincral-.-sots^l^iceTS. '»f -'Cjtw'"fc$n5a* «)»!stitJS saVgiaiwe'ea: Wtffecsi" «haB Ism. tes&xk& & #t«t--SiS«66 :of.""-|fr»Jo^o. w : HPhtt:«cctIoiii tiiO&Kt- •$mtmm "iha* -**fho ^Stote" '&ear$ ' _i o-f' J<tnd CftmiBhiiidacwt S» hereby An- aA^teea to miae, %$Afm% »eJI «Mt C%* tiwssh l*M4 *f#r *n4 «»feehalf«f %«- mm «t «»0IMK^ it i» f»wi&M that thfc board must iaanrfe ^ men ^m|Sey«t i»i i& timet tt* «nli»i *j»ifi»t nil mxmms. This feoat4 I* *ia|HW«*ea to twru* 15. 'K.'.4P«te> h « opened a ftm, a _,._ _ _ , _ ,_.____ _. ^g^» ej|« -Staib mines, iThe amendment will he voted «n -at 13m mm inoNi ^^8o»,. Willi •<«-|iiiiiiHiiiiniiiiiiilil.|i|ii XOTICli TO CONTRACTOKS m% tot Ktef t « & OIBC» i« «i»- State Commission o HiKhw*y«. Al- bany, « * ^ ^ P u i ^ i i i f r t o "ei* smyi>< *mended % Chapter *t* f UPV* nf ^ M|^ propoMtla will be received by O. J. 30 Margaret WHAT . WE mM^iim We can sell you a dollar bottle of S E A V E T S >YRUP OF TAR AMD best you ever used, bring the empty bottle badk to us and get your money back. We wM gjve it to you cheerfully and without argument* CADY DEUG COMPANY d|er #t^e««- -i»X«» ^^th# v 4«ti^iBi»t*' witent &i #EB foliowinsr idti^nKK^ , Map^, 'plan^:«^ciCoattons anft «*i-, i^sgm<?r int^iDt «n€Jlr#jjjpii «^rtt* M |he office of Bivi^on BnKlaeer DIETADE. s '©.•p. MR. M. B. BOSTAN0, OF WASHING- TON, D, C , W I L I ^ E AT 1«4 MAR- GARET STREKT, S13COND HOCSK NORTH OF ELM ST. E\ ER\ THURSDAY, FKTO.VX: AX0 SAT- URDAY (Hte Second VMU to Platte- b«i'gii) .- Oolehrated life R**dcr And Phjehic Ha» Yl«ltc4 Towns In Xorthcrn Xcw York Ew»y Sawuuer for Years— . Has Been Asked to Betnm to Platte* - Imrgli l)y SpecUJ nearest. WitlKmt *{.ktnff a bintfc aucsUon of hts culler Mr. Rostand wtU tell yo\ir exactly *hat yon catted for «>^ snalc no charge whatever. HE STANDS AIX>S T E EN'HIS ABIM. ^Bfe* 6;«e w^iiift powers, tifta «o£ ^Bi««|^# ill all «MMenK $»» «Kft ; ^»«Mt ne^»» «Sv«» 9«b*s4l& «»>; fc «a««f*ctJon, IMMSP «{ MJQIBBI. «*«»• itic^pnt np aagtiitaft he awak- en* a force around yoa m create ^«rv' *>n*l m««n«U»m, teach** hia prof»»- 4^pS»3Mm)h «HAA% Off t«W^r «f^«fe-. jrtBS^ 1 *** H»* mm* t » « w s ^>:' ahout yourself and othera l » interested t«J» <Jl«w «tofe* aitd »r « i « * « ^ <# interwt. «S»^90 ^OttRllSErAS^nP- Withnnt asking * aajn^ tyMjBoi CarpetSeRu^Se Mattini and Linoleums Do you need Floor Coverings of any idatl ? If y^ don't fat! to come in and let us show yoa f|& -aew-'-'tb |tt Rugs, €arElet^ ^iattirigs and Linoleaais, Mey^l we been so well preparedtosupply yoarwaats in Coverings M all kinds as we are at ttie present time. Usual Our Prices Are Weiaye a few piece3 of Straw Mattlap that we make a Special Price on by the roll W. C. PIK 104 Margaret Street !04 Margaret Entire Hack Busim Including 7 horses, 5 closed carriages, 4 s e t a e r harness, 4two-seaters, 1 Victoria^ X f JCrank WnmJi Coupe harnessi Purchaser may take; part or 4 whole of «rip Reason for selling, have become engaged m hand busmess. Very easy terms will be given R. W* SQUIRES 33 couch Ironing Day Comfoi Prndgcry fades to » m n w j when yo* banish tire hotstove/i * »nd many ste|» <rf 0 » o«^a«bion«l inning day, by usi^tte' <MB Electric Flatiroi Ironing IKXXUIKS an a«ree*l^ task oecaic* pifce IKHI concea£»i«i beat on tire wwk, wlUwot lw«uinr Ow liand, lin# Stays dean and all tho Ume. Yoor work Is flnfel»«j e 9 M r « l f t « ) » i l y with a 6-E&»j m^m*««*fiK«^3)il3p^^ H a l Irons-1 Irons ©ttjaramteed For \S i f"«fV net fee eon* j^o|«ft9|»fec «Mbli « M l qpjt&to*&. ^ a ^^ l 1 ^ 11 ** ^®o«^ pcimm mgi COUGH CURE for 50 cents and H % is not the fc^a^wSilSS f ^%m^W?m * tow*^ Sf!l23. "^ e t^ ^ ** 8^*ST^^S61W ^^wnl & I ^ftS? ^*5 9^neraHe& *" "" * ^^^^^^^j^^^mj^^m m ^fe ms* msmm mm mm those «fer Plattsbur^h Gas and Electric im IWIIII nriMiiiiiiiiiiauiwtiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiimiiuuuMMMiaiiiiimiitintiiiiiJiiiiiag Lumber JlMSHBl) i^t-d With . , of Bi WHEN ^THJC jolt 1 "¥ou ^(Slt high i result, if yuu ehoif» HARDWOOD 1 l« HIKING The cost of lay " "' nnS »e gareater our*. ftonal ftrst cost that of cheap, u i Soorais-^-and in ti • floors «re muth i «&d satisfactor\ Come in and n ] • Stock of flooring and building n « PLATTbBlKOH i-l M1W.R t" 0 ' . 4 ii a I. « ...ft WO hardWOO b pleo^ mmnm»iitim Itl^-^* 7 MERCHANTS J0» .«-- < -i-M, \N ATI»M?*t*'» - .IM>i^LVI - YUe Jdea of JV-DoSar BarRaih ;Ik '-jg this crty <roWS £h pc^ularity ^«i.Vn, L«r inerchanta.-^1Ut ^ « * s t e e ^ L n "-Sr and there Is fit* tifUhht ihui tha Wor« 1,ar Bar * am %r—"Tn-Esda? ^, e 9—ro|l« around every-m?mluj* :'lTcone«J«l^ e i 0 - tfae 0 " 3 r T ' i,!i ^ e l - : ^e with -d|)Har tF.arsaina - whi^h V-M. •-S an indii|ement -far "tte pe«W<« i ' aiehborinsr^ towns t<* fiJpnd the da - - I Piatt«*)ur|h and- V^% np £ W : x ^egood tiifae offerod. c- »Mjrv roe'TChajit M th« « i ^ .»a .--•^HBe-nne of *«ood« trhlefc h© C$n ^ p f '*«r»ihis on that day as sn ihdueamen S: - to the «traa«er -to .xfsK his «to« ' « « « ' i«° » poss^&fflfc'" t h a t t h e me llg of a Bin«le fcangafn &y * mc-ieha* ::^ajr draw to hi^ mm mme |j<?rso DANGEI ; - ForYouifoSffi To-Install Meet IlieSavihgof a Few B&H - Electric Work, of All • • -'Wprkmea* . , : To Imtall f% T A W ^ r-f* Look i IntejWiiiaetureof the h Flooring, Ceiling, j* *n^1fe^%"item to them is ^ J ^ V f l ^ y e thought of this Wlt^^easefQlly and you iTOJpAll be uniform whe ^Mr^eaad check us up n f;JL MASO: " JP^one Pittsburgh', s^s The P^«0GCK

Transcript of •MM* Bsas IMMMMMSilMMMlM PRESS...


••*J %

i A



i-v% I

J^f-r-1 1 .^

• M M * mum

it WITH • U S -.YOU ABE' S A f E w

FOR • I^PEi^BCIT'•' : .eVBNafft :

You can get them fny&ar locality from tJio most VesponsiMe and

: competent opticians, tsptri. a %»> tvbose *e*y_ nasafe-"Is & ®aa*anty o l

accurate work and satisfaction. , :_ .-

. '.. 'We also carry a foil Iftae <>f ttp*to?dat® ffe!d*gSaSSeSinp^rtav

gfesses aad goggles. -;-'..-.;'-,;.;.-

Come and see as ahflfee folly convinced.


TUESDAY, MAY 2$> 1$14.


Panamas. Sennets and Split Straws '. MM *• fHh»0


SKss Bfcuxthtt Ltsiphtusa has returned from Ciollese- to spend1 the .vacation with her, parents oh Broad Street.

Ttte'inafty .ffiends h£ 5£Iss' J^Bs&both j .^winyer, of Saraaae will, he ferigyed 'to heap that sh#;an\derVfint;a,-,scriou» operation at the "'Physicians Hospital Monday jm<orning\ She is resting «? confortably as *ouW<fe& sxpeetea a t this time. , *X.i • "_*" ••*''"

„Mrs. Joseph 3Iiney "o^Troy 5s spend­ing the- weelc -frith, her mother Mrs. Susan ~R«"fily. * ' . -

.Mrs. A. Bel! and son Coral -of jjftcd>* ford were "week vea^ visitors in .the' •city. >, - - .

ivtisfe May Herron has? reigned her Position ixrtth treed, Conway and Got­ten and accepted a position with the Pfcttshursrh Gas and Electric Co.

„S. Lefc'evre, H. Comstock and Ben}, j^bote, of Port Henry, were among the visitors in this city yesterday*

Miss 'Helen Mayo, of Rouses Point, is spending a few days visiting in town with Miss JRva dlonso.

MKS* <Jeter>se Brown, of Boston* ar­rived in this city yesterday to ioin her nushand h^re. Mr. Brown is pro­prietor of tne Brown Clothing sioto on Marjgfaret street, successor- to> i». W. Haj-es. • - .-

Hon, P. P. Cannion of Xew Y-otk is in town, fcr the parpose of opening the >few York iv'o. il and the Curtis Pine -Villa.-at CM-!*-Haven, the, latter of u'hkh f» "r^entiy-iMarehasedi',/.. .

5Jife& "Beatrice CoiTey left yesterday' fer Sfaforie to enter tfce'allioe'Mfyd* Hospital, wh*r**he will, u^j?'to .J^t. •eonie a.nmse. •',•""" '~.;- 'V

SllSM'-rJfelsQn iBesia*. Jr. H, JB«Ue«v H> a . Cart«right» W. A. <5ooltoei -.-oase of H« Ba^cey, tos . Oillen, Jshn'QaT* rant, W. ©. '^orham, '<roha B, Bornetts,' Charles Xawshton* €Jeorj» Z&am> K. Morris, Joseuh S t Vente, %felo Wii* s en / Joe Telle. " --.

WOMESf«-sr¥«. %.B«fe -Blanche'rA &btt& ^ebo't^ Mi«s fioiQutXfeft&;-Xn(. ^osejjh HuwaJ>ise, ^Miiss Anna.' HyAn :S«&'"MsKs:tta9 $»yle's» -Xliss"t<Mtie^fe6ne Mrs. Iioafee-White, '

A,.®, 'SESiTECAI*^ -Pastwaster

S* .¥.

> -

« i


/ ft. rdr^»*»»ll«ur C« C».. iMnti. IKdb,


mwm mmmmz warn n&fat. iiuffi * t n matji'li ir i | l* 11

A Simple And Ino.TrKmsivo nomc

;t«'yoffip halt Is. not $feit£j tt-St-ls losing -It «jjJor, to» 4rFf matted, IteaH'ng: 'o«t» .-*r it'tlBas kcaln tifehes m& %wcm* yon -on ©vcreojnn^aJl of '^aeso w&m

snppliGS «vcrf'-:hat^-3Jcc4;- 'Il'-ira^ii; right In "to #us &a^'TO©^;3&iai'ujia«ji^ &E»4 anO, fv«nlihing-tte-n;onti$lt8i«tti;-;©at Is'needed, &y th&;ij&i£ |»- :jp0^; •a^». « n ^ long and' beavy, lyat' # n ^ r ^ sdEt»- iastro»& and gaorteas^* rui'lani*

-Yftn «an ^et a. bot&tfi&l this &«& *en^?e; .^ i* etSflSana- 4teS:%d9BSW hair *0n| | &©m" Hac&€0<^s S*h^m< a«y or at' ,iany dtrog isatore. $mm&&* meiil "'heg-Jtos with « i e *«*$• 33r^ 1&W»» cation. Beslfles slapping th« *<aap Irritation it we&uma every Mt «t ^,a«:

; firaff.' l"he (8*e -of ims%tt«faale«%»4t,5: i t«»le « f i Mn^r^Biv»«Dlic ItMr «mri sf* ana- ia$£n*y A*i*s

« _ _ „ — ^ — 1 , 1 , , ^ ,

••««MMM ' " • • i i t i W J WHU.III

fiflv«r f W n p i . . ^iMtniivpi Gold Crown*

• » »* *» <SH$

S@a 6ffl» ft** GAS SOMXO >isew«, PAiKTdBss mx,?•

mBWMK : m. sews* p»rto*«

wpBK5 J*

From the Blood

Bsas MUM


The Garb of i Gentleman

••is alway* dt§-ttnetir*, ft i « noticeable f o r It* simplicity nf style, its grace* fulness of lines and Its good taste In color scheme

Smart Clothes reflect refine* ment-they are truly the garb i t a gentleman

mmmmm m lyi'iinWMiw; fUESDAY,' aiXY

IMMMMMSilMMMlM ^ ma mojfA.

May 23—Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bro-derick, Sn were visitors nt Ttmk Miller's Sunday.

Mr. and Mtr#. E. S. Parks were re-tent visitors a t Henry Tate's.

O. A. Olyer ha3 purchase* a new up to date ouriaffe of E. J. Cheeseman of Ellenburgh*

Mrs. C, G. Olyer and Mrs. ,T. O^ Story were recent visitors at Nathan, •Nile's.

3>on O'Brien spent Sunday at Ellen* hurgh,

Ealpfi. liamberton is huildingr a new barn Archie Bundo is doinsr tho car­penter work. ,

A verj.' successful term of school; ha* closed in this District No. 6 taught »y Miss Nichols.

Mr. 'and Mrs. Jesse are spending a few days in Plattsburgfc,

Mrs. Clayton,- .Olyer and children have returned to their, home in Ken tuclty after spending:' the past few months' with their, parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. A* Olyer.'

W. E. Parkhnrjst of P i t t sburgh was a, recent caller at 0«car OJyersv


KO USE. "Don't you want to dance the

tanKo?" he asked. "Indeed, I do." said the sweet young

thing-. "I want to dance it in the worst way,"

"Oh, well*, you'll hav* to excuse me. There are ltows against that, you know.'*—Yonkers Statesman,



newer, May 23;—The Coal Con-Hum*i»' Lesi^lative league i? clrcu* laUjis? & petition healed "Stale Mining of Coal", xvh^ch initiate a nciv article to the State Constitution, *mpo»*r* insf the Board of l*and Commihionet* to mine and jsell for A pront all "co«V% metal«and mineraV now in the lands owned by tho State of which may he discover?d in land hereafter fco owned. The petition is one jrexultof the da te ' s war with the eoal miners employed hy private corporations

u'he petition calls for th<» addition

of %eMmei& n» to urn covsoxmotu »M" &»:fij^- iecttmn tstmu&s ifti* *la

«onv%€#' when saeh-; lands sa '.dte* ' f osfei;$g,*i?4h» S"M6. :***n* '*&%&&•

\ ©il, artful #y *ticr njincral-.-sots l iceTS. '»f -'Cjtw'"fc$n5a* «)»!stitJS saVgiaiwe'ea: Wtffecsi" «haB Ism. tes&xk& & #t«t--SiS«66 :of.""-|fr»Jo o.w :HPhtt:«cctIoiii tiiO&Kt-•$mtmm "iha* -**fho Stote" '&ear$ '_io-f' J<tnd CftmiBhiiidacwt S» hereby An-aA^teea to miae, %$Afm% »eJI «Mt C%*

tiwssh l*M4 *f#r *n4 «» feehalf «f %«-mm «t « » 0 I M K ^ it i» f»wi&M that thfc board must iaanrfe ^ men ^m|Sey«t i»i i& timet tt* «nli»i *j»ifi»t nil mxmms.

This feoat4 I* *ia|HW«*ea to twru* 15. 'K.'.4P«te> h « opened a ftm,a _,._ _ _ , _ , _ . _ _ _ _ _.

^ g ^ » ej|« -Staib mines, iThe amendment will he voted «n -at

13m mm inoNi ^^8o»,. Wil l i •<«-|iiiiiiHiiiiniiiiiiilil.|i|ii

XOTICli TO CONTRACTOKS m % tot Ktef t « & OIBC» i« «i»-

State Commission o HiKhw*y«. Al­bany, « * ^ ^ P u i ^ i i i f r t o "ei* smyi><

*mended % Chapter *t* f U P V * nf

^ M | ^ propoMtla will be received by

O. J. 30 Margaret

WHAT . WE mM^iim We can sell you a dollar bottle of SEAVETS


best you ever used, bring the empty bottle badk to us and get your money back. We wM gjve it to you cheerfully and without argument*


d|er # t^e««- -i»X«» ^^th#v4«ti^iBi»t*' witent &i #EB foliowinsr idti^nKK^ ,

Map^, 'plan^:«^ciCoattons anft «*i-,

i^sgm<?r int^iDt «n€Jlr#jjjpii «^rtt*

M | h e office of Bivi^on BnKlaeer


s '©.•p.


TON, D, C , W I L I ^ E AT 1«4 MAR-




URDAY (Hte Second VMU to Platte-

b«i'gii) .-

Oolehrated l i fe R**dcr And Phjehic

Ha» Yl«ltc4 Towns In Xorthcrn Xcw

York Ew»y Sawuuer for Years—

. Has Been Asked to Betnm to Platte*

- Imrgli l)y SpecUJ nearest .

WitlKmt *{.ktnff a bintfc aucsUon of

hts culler Mr. Rostand wtU tell yo\ir

exactly * h a t yon catted for «> snalc

no charge whatever.


^Bfe* 6;«e w^iiift powers, tifta « o £ ^ B i « « | ^ # ill all «MMenK $»» «Kft ;^»«Mt ne^»» «Sv«» 9«b*s4 l& «»>;

fc «a««f*ctJon, IMMSP «{ MJQIBBI.

«*«»• itic^pnt np aagtiitaft he awak­en* a force around yoa m create ^«rv' *>n*l m««n«U»m, teach** hia prof»»-

4^pS»3Mm)h «HAA% Off t«W r «f^«fe-. jrtBS^1*** H»* mm* t » « w s ^>:' ahout yourself and othera l » interested t«J» <Jl«w «tofe* aitd

» r « i « * « ^ <# interwt.

« S » ^ 9 0 ^OttRllSErAS^nP-

Withnnt asking * aajn^ tyMjBoi

CarpetSeRu^Se Mattini and Linoleums

Do you need Floor Coverings of any idatl ? If y^ don't fat! to come in and let us show yoa f|& -aew-'-'tb |tt Rugs, €arElet ^iattirigs and Linoleaais, Mey l we been so well prepared to supply yoarwaats in CoveringsM all kinds as we are at ttie present time.

Usual Our Prices Are Weiaye a few piece3 of Straw Mattlap that we

make a Special Price on by the roll

W. C. PIK 104 Margaret S t r e e t ! 0 4 Margaret

Entire Hack Busim Including 7 horses, 5 closed carriages, 4 set a e r harness, 4two-seaters, 1 Victoria^ X fJCrank WnmJi Coupe harnessi

Purchaser may take; part or4 whole of « r i p Reason for selling, have become engaged m

hand busmess. Very e a s y terms will b e given

R. W* SQUIRES 33 couch

Ironing Day Comfoi Prndgcry fades to » m n w j when yo* banish tire hotstove/i

* »nd many ste|» <rf 0 » o«^a«bion«l inn ing day, by usi^tte'

<MB Electric Flatiroi Ironing IKXXUIKS an a«ree* l^ task oecaic* pifce IKHI concea£»i«i

beat on tire wwk, wlUwot lw«uinr Ow liand, l in# Stays dean and

all tho Ume. Yoor work Is flnfel»«j e 9 M r « l f t « ) » i l y with a 6-E&»j

m ^ m * « « * f i K « ^ 3 ) i l 3 p ^ ^ Hal Irons-1

Irons ©ttjaramteed For \S i


net fee eon*

j^o|«ft9|»fec «Mbli « M l qpjt&to*&. ^ a ^ ^ l1^11** ^®o«^ pcimm mgi

COUGH CURE for 50 cents and H % is not the fc^a^wSilSS f ^%m^W?m * tow*^ S f ! l 2 3 . "^et^ ^ * *

8^*ST^^S61W ^^wnl & I

^ftS? ^*5 9^neraHe& *" "" *

^^^^^^^j^^^mj^^m m fe ms* msmm mm mm *» those «fer

Plattsbur^h Gas and Electric



Lumber JlMSHBl) i^t-d With

. , of Bi

WHEN THJC jo l t 1 "¥ou ^(Slt h© high i result, if yuu ehoif»


The cost of lay " "'nnS

»e gareater our*. ftonal ftrst cost that of cheap, u i Soorais-^-and in ti • floors «re muth i «&d satisfactor\ Come in and n ] • Stock of flooring and building n « PLATTbBlKOH i-l M1W.R t"0'


• a I. « . . . f t WO hardWOO

b p l e o ^





• -i-M, \N ATI»M?*t* '» - .IM>i LVI

- YUe Jdea of JV-DoSar BarRaih ; Ik '-jg this crty <roWS £h pc^ularity ^«i.Vn, L«r inerchanta.-^1Ut ^ « * s t e e ^ L n "-Sr and there Is fit* tifUhht ihui tha W o r « D° 1 , a r B a r * a m %r—"Tn-Esda?

^ , e 9—ro|l« around every-m?mluj*

: ' lTcone«J«l^ e i 0 - t fae 0 " 3 r T ' i , ! i ^ e l

- :^e with -d|)Har tF.arsaina - whi^h V-M. • - S an indii|ement -far "tte pe«W<« i ' aiehborinsr^ towns t<* fiJpnd the da - - I Piatt«*)ur|h and- V^% np £ W :x

^egood tiifae offerod. c- »Mjrv roe'TChajit M th« « i ^ .»a .--• HBe-nne of *«ood« trhlefc h© C$n ^ p

f'*«r»ihis on that day a s sn ihdueamen S:-to the «traa«er -to .xfsK his «to« ' « « « ' i«° » poss^&fflfc'" that the me llg of a Bin«le fcangafn &y * mc-ieha*

::^ajr draw to hi^ mm mme |j<?rso

DANGEI ; - ForYouifoSffi

To-Install Meet

IlieSavihgof a Few B&H

- Electric Work, of All • • -'Wprkmea*

. ,: To Imtall f%




Look i IntejWiiiaetureof the h

Flooring, Ceiling, j* *n^1fe^%"item to them is ^ J ^ V f l ^ y e thought of this

Wlt^^easefQlly and you iTOJpAll be uniform whe ^Mr^eaad check us up n

f;JL MASO: " JP^one Pittsburgh',

s s

The P ^ « 0 G C K