M»lj Banning, COMPACT.!€¦ · BUSINESS ENTERPRISE. The Hkr \u> steam PVKTDTG HoUSI makes a...

BUSINESS ENTERPRISE. The Hkr \u> steam PVKTDTG HoUSI makes a specialty of Legal Printing. Briefs, Transcripts, etc., printed at low rates. Spanish language. By Prof. A. Cuyas, '.'4 Main Street. dll-ly CUSTOM SHOE STORE. Something New, Something Needed. We are prepared to make to order all of the latest styles of ladies' and gents' fine boots, shoes and slippers, in the the best workmanlike manner. We have also the best assortment of leather aud findings this side of San Francisco. Uppers of all description made on short notice. Sign of Mammoth Golden Boot, No. 33 Main street, Los Angeles, jet-lm Shotguns at Coat. I have a tine lot of both breech ami muzzle-loading shotguns which 1 will sell at cost prices in order to reduce my stock. Call and examine my guns be- fore purchasing elsew here. No. 77 Main street, Downey Block. jeS-lm H. Si.o'iteuueck. French Dressmaker. Madame L. Ferrie-Dclpech takes pleasure in announcing to the ladies of Los Angeles and vicinity that she has a full stock of the latest styles of silks und other elegant dress goodi, which she is prepared to make up for customers in the newest Parisian modes. Having purchased her goods at first hands she can furnish material cheaper than it can be bought at the stores. my'2tf John Shaffer, 08 Alameda Street, Opp. Sisters' School. Manufacturer of tents, wagon covers, awnings, etc. All kinds of tents to rent. Also, sells all widths of canvas from the lightest to the heaviest, at San Fran- cisco prices. My'2-3m. Mr. F. Adam, the pioneer tailor of Los Angeles, No. 13 Spring street, in- forms his patrons and the public gener- ally that he has just received a large as- sortment of the latest styles of spring and summer goods, which for elegance and variety of pattern cannot be sur- passed. A Cordial invitation is extended to all to call and examine his stock. m'2-lm To Whom it May Concern. Please take notice. Any person hav- ing pledges or collaterals at the Star Loan and Broker Office, No. 4 Com- mercial street, will please redeem the same or pay accrued interest thereon within thirty days from this date or they will be sold. P. S.?-Money loaned ou all kinds of personal property. mr3otf Rooms and Board. Desirable rooms, with board, at 200 Spring street. Immy'2l If you want choice pure candies go to Gardner's, 30 Main street, under wand Central Hotel. Im-jel How can they do it, and where do they get. them from '/ is tlie question trembling on lie lips of scores of anxiou.i men, us they eagerly procure good, serviceable suits of clothing at from S'2 to $2.50 and $3 each at the great clear- ance sale of men's clothing at No. 8 Aliso street. (Jome aud see- for yourselves. The greatest discovers of the age is the celebrnteii "Rnkoezy Water." Pre- scribed by the leading physicians and recognized as the bust. C. F. Heinze- man is the agent for Southern California. ¥, Lindquist, merchant tailor, No. *20 Spring street, is himself a practical cut- ter; ami, having had ample experience in San Francisco and Los Angeles, ?knows ROW to meet the requirements oi his customers. He keeps a full supply of the best cloths constantly on nana and makes them up "upon honor." Miss Logan, one of Los Angeles's oili- est and most reliable dress-makers, has secured the services of a tirst-class East- ern trimmer, and will this seuson he pleased to see all her old customers and the ladies in general at N0.5 First street} corner of Spring. apl2-lm The old reliable store of C. F. Heiu/e- --man is still headquarters for drugs and medicines. He has a full line of patent medicines, selling them in quantities to suit at Eastern prices. Hughes's Russian baths, located No. 15 Main street, opposite tike Pico House. Gentlemen and ladies attended to by persons of their own sex. Crowded from morning tillnight, sell- ing off his immense stock of new and second-hand clothing at lees than 25c on the dollar, at the great clearance sale of Horatio Marteen, N«» 8 Aliso street. Drop in aud see. Eastern oystern every style; hot and cold lunches and all thu delica- cies of the season served ou the shortest notice at Congress Hall, corner of Main and Reqiiena streets. lee cold Boca beer, the hest on the coast, always ou hand, as well as a full supply of the hest brands of liquors, wines and cigars. Open day und night. To the ladies out shopping: Stop in at C-ardner's at any time and get a glass of ice water; .'SO Main street, under Grand Central hotel. lm-jel Repairing promptly and cheaply done at Slaughter's 88 Spring street, near Second. Bavarian Kelson beer constantly on draft at Fhilippi's Yolks Halle, Market street. WAR DEPARTMENT. SIGNAL SER- VICE, U. S ARMY. Ml Men of Telegrams anil Reports tor the licn- ellt of Commerce and Agriculture. Report of ob- servations taken at l.os Angeles, Cal., June lii, 1882; Maximum Thermometer, 77.0 Minimum Thermometer, &7.0 LOCAL BREVITIES. Capt. B. F. Ames, U. S. Army, is registered at the I'ieo House. For banquets, dinners anil parties use Eclipse Champagne, equal to any iin ported. Thermometer for the 94 hum's ending at Stiff h. m. last night: Maximum, 77"; minimum, 57. My. S. s. Law son, of San Bernardino, Mission Indian Agent, is registered at the Cosmopolitan. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mesmer and their son, Tony Mesmer, went up to Sau Francisco overland last evening. General Stoneman went up to San Francisco overland last evening, en route to the San .lose Convention. Mr. A. L. Seely, proprietor of the stage line between Santa Ana and Sau Diego, is stopping at the St. Charles. All who enjoy fun should remember the anniversary picnic of the Turnverein Gennania at the City Gardens next Sun- day. Mr. Theodora Lynill. of Anaheim,del- egate to tho Democratic State Conven- tion, w cut up to San Jose overland hist evening. A special meeting of the League of Freedom will be held at Turnverein Hall at 7:30 o'clock this evening. See notice under New To-Day. We aro under obligations for an invi- tation to a social to be given by the ladies of the Eastern Star, at Masonic Hall, McDonald Block, this evening. The Boston Quintette Club reached San Francisco on Tuesday on their re- turn from Australia. Thoy will prob- ably visit I.os Angeles iv the eaaly part of July. We arc very happy to learn through Father Peter that the condition of Bish- op Mora Inn so improved that he can vow be moved with safety, aud will probably be brought home to-morrow. For the tirst iime iv the history of the freight tratlic of Wilmington, there were three heavy trains dispatched to Las Angeles yesterday, aggregating ninety loaded cars. Fruit and vegetables as follows were ?hipped by Wells, Fargo A Company's Express yesterday : To Arizona and New Mexico, 3,215 pounds; to San Francisco, '2,900 pounds; total, 0,175 pounds. There willbe a general meeting of the Congregation B. B. in the vestry room of tho Synagogue at 7:30 o'clock next Sunday evening, for the election of otlic- ers. See notice umler New To-Day. Stephen M. White, Esq., Judge J. C. Morgan and Messrs. Sam Prager and M. E. Ryan, delegates to the Democratic State Convention, go up to San Francis co overland this evening, ou route to Sau Jose. There was a lively shooting match in a saloon about 2 o'clock yesterday morn- ing, in which neither party was hurt. It was foQttd to be a case of mistaken identity, and both parties went otr and iook a drink. There will be a meeting of the Ameri- can Colony Association at Union Hall, Spring street, opposite the Court House, at S o'clock this evening. All desiring information about the colony are in- vited to be present. Mr. (leorge Vignolo, of La Espcrun/a, has commenced moving into his new store iv the Rivara and Sanguinetti Block, opposite the Court House. Whon his goods are in place Mr. Vignolo will have one of the handsomest and most complete family groceries in the city. The Greenback Labor State Conven- tion is called to meet at San l'Yancisco September Oth, ut 10 a. M. Five dele- gates at large will he allowed to each county, and the clubs will be represented on the basis of the vote east for Weaver and Chambers in 1880. It is reported that Col. W. H. H. Russell h.'.s been tendered the position of Brigadier General of the First Brig- ade, N. G. C.| recently made vacant by the resignation of Gencrul Banning. Col. Russell is a thorough soldier and Governor Perkins could not select one who would do more honor to the posi- tion. We had the pleasure of meeting Mr. E. W. Maslin, Secretary of the State Board of Equalization, in the city yes- terday. He returns to Sacramento over- land to-day. Mr. Muslin willbe a can- didate before the State Democratic Con- vention, which meets at San Jose next Tuesday, for nomination for the office of Jtato Controller. We have received from our young townsman, Mr. W. James Carlisle, an invitation to tbe hall to be given by the graduating class, of which he is a mem- ber, of the Virginia Military Institute on the evening of June HOth. While regrottiug our inability to be present, we wish those who will have the good fortune to be there a delightful time. The Sau Francisco Holt I OatcMc, of last Tuesday, has this to say about the drama that is to be presented in Los Angeles in a few days: "The last week of "Hazel Kirke," at the Old California opened auspiciously, and will undoubt- edly continue so to the close. It will be some time before our theatre-going public will have an opportunity of wit- nessing so rare a combination as that of the Madison Square Company in this thrillingly sensational drama." The case of tho People vs. John Weiser, charged with embezzlement, which, on Wednesday, was continued by City Justice Adams for one mouth on account of tho press of business and the demand of counsel that tho testimony be taken down in writing, was ro-set for examination ou .Monday, June '2(5, both parties waiving tho right to have the testimony written in long hand by the Justice. By telegram elsewhere it will bo seeu that tho dead body of Captain Ains- worth, of the American bark Dublin, was found near tho coal sheds of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, at Wilmington, yesterday morning, with a paper iv which there was some urscnic and an empty laudanum bottle by its side. An inquest was held and a vor- dict rendered that death had beeu caused by laudanum and arsenic. No cause could be discovered for the rash act. In City Justice Adams's Coart yester- day J, 15. Fields, an old offender, pleaded guilty to a charge of vagrancy and was sent up for twenty days. Wm. Williams drunk and disorderly, got nine days in tho chain gang. Fong Chu, arrested for keeping an opium den, pleaded not guilty; case set for trial on Thursday next at 10 a. m. H. Slommons, charged with assault with a deadly weapon, was discharged on account of Insufficient evidence. Jacob Vignoli pleaded guilty to a charge of assault and was lined §12 or twelve days in the chain gang. Dy announcement elsewhere it will be seen that Mr. John Kelley, the pio near violinist and vocalist, who, by his dulcet strains, has gladdened the hearts of the weary miners in every mining camp on the Pacific Slope since "The Days of '49," will give a vocal and in- strumental concert at Good Templars' Hall next Tuesday evening, assisted on the piano aud organ by his accomplished wife. Mr. Kelley is known lo every old Pacific Coaster and is universally con- ceded by the press to be one of the most accomplished violinists now living. Justice Fisher was engaged nearly all day yesterday iv the examination of the case of the People vs. Ah Yung, a China- woman, charged with stealing §.100 from her husband. Deputy District Attorney Morgan appeared for the prosecution and Col. 0, Wiley Wells for the defence. The examination was conducted with closed doors and at its close tho defen:'- ant was discharged. A second informa- tion was sworn out before City Justice Adams against the defendant for the same offence. She was rearrested by Deputy Sheriff Berry and in (Jcfuult of ¥.100 bail was committed to jail for ex- amination. The programme for the Uth annual picnic of the French Benevolent Society, to take place at Sycamore Grove, Arroyo Seeo, next Sunday, will be found else- where. The Committee of Arrange- ments, composed of a Dumber of our best Franco-American citizens, have been in- defatigable iv their preparations, aud the entertainment promises to be one of the most enjoyable ever given in this city. Carriage! will leave Downey Block every hour and will convey passengers to the drove for '25 eeuts each. We can safely promise all who attend a delight- ful time. Brown vs. Brown. The Supreme Court has affirmed the decision of the Superior Court of Los Angeles in the case of Martha Brown vs. John A. Brown, un action for divorce on the ground of cruelty aud adultery. The lower Court found against the de- fendant ou tho charge of extreme cru- elty, and for him on the other charge, awarding the plaintiff half the commu- nity property. The Supreme Court finds that the lower Court was compe- tent to give all the relief on tt finding for extreme cruelty that it could give had it found the charge of adultery true, hut iv awarding the property the Court erred. Section 148 of tho Civil ('ode provides that "the disposition of the community property and of the home stead as above provided is subject to re- vision on appeal iv all particulars." Under this authority the Court athrms the decision of the lowor Court, but re- mands the case with instructions to awardthe plaint ill' three-fourths of the community property.? S. F. (.'hronirlc. Florence Percy, who wrote "Rock Me to Sleep," is living with her third husband, the two others having been successfully rocked. HOTEL ARRIVALS YESTERDAY. PICO HOUSE. W 1' OttlllllM.Hal Fran (1 W Steinnian, Phila C" MsjSHlllll. do J RWhikey, Leaden J Meyersteiu, do A Kiokard, do L Jacobs, do J tl Ousley ano wf, Chi J A Crane, Santa Ana S X Hanlv, Phila B t Allies, USA W A Caldwell, Louisville 0 H Laubenheinier, city W M Hainhridge, Florue T A Case, Toronto H Neill, Santa Ana T Wibbelt, Germany Jose Pico, San Fndo ('has Johnson, Oaklaud A o Farnswortli, N V Win P Hopkins, do X P Ellsworth, do J James, Santa Clara COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL N C Hawks, San Fran SS Lawsnn, San Hdno P H Derby, jr, do Jas Farris, do J II West, do J T Reed, do W P Tompkins, city A W Phillips, do C S McCarty, Mojave A M Kimetor, do T F ltotello, Yuma OeoChaffey, Etewando E T Urundstrora, Rivrsd W B ChAfley, do 11 Alvorde, Sac Manuel Buca, Sau Bdo ST. CHARLES HOTEL. M J Whipple, Kansas A Saniulin, Yuma N W Blanchard, S Paula F Chile, do H Arkerman, San Bdo H Dore, do A L Seeley, San Hicgo C Hasbrook, do A Ricard, National City Lynn Lyman, city UNITED STATES HOTEL. J W Morgan, Globe S W Hutchins.Silvcr Dist T F Oardiner, city Mrs Rowe & 3 eh.El Paso Oeo Meyers, do Mrs Maxwell Si 2 eh, do Wm A Witte, Anaheim O E Roberts <& wf, Chi Wm Kuhlman, do John D Ordway H T Stebbius, Newbury J B Camp, Pomona A Workman & fin, S Fd Rev 0 T Ixk>v>, do J D MeCollough, S F .IS George.Van Nuvs Rh L Fogal, do J McCallura, city H Crampton, do O 8 Olsen, Denver H Charles, San Juan (' Sandgreen, do S Staple, St Uarliara (lus Erechson, do W Pike 4 fm, Gilrov T H Parks, city B M Swain, AT U M Russell, do SIF.RRA MADRE VILLA. B T Cable & wf, Ills Frank Dalton & wf. s F Mrs Crosby, Tucson Jas W Dolan and wf, do H W Taylor, San Bdo John N Dolau, do F C Graves, Boston Miss H Cooke, do Henry C Dave, do R S Baker and wife, Lot Louise Templeton, 3 F Angelas Fourth of July Meeting. Pursuant to call a large number of in- fluential citizens assembled in Union Hall last evening, to mako tho prelimin- ary arrangements for the eelebratiou of the coming Fourth of July. On motion, J. R. Briefly was chosen Chairman and Louis Lewiu Secretary. On motion, the chair appointed the following executive committee; B.Cohn, L. Lewis, Geo. P. McLain, A. Smith, H. T. Payne, J. C. McMenomy, John Bloesser. Ou, motion of 11. T. Payne, the com- mittee was instructed to invite tho Mili- tary, the Fire Department and tho Civic Societies of the city and county to par- ticipate in the celebration. There being no other business the meeting adjourned until next Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock, ut the same place, to hear the report of tho Executive Committee. After adjournment the Executive Committee met and organized by the election of R. Cohn as Chairman aud L. Lewin, Secretary. On motion, the following gentlemen wero appointed to solicit subscriptions: Col. Walter S. Moore, Major George E. Card and Mr. Dan Ullmau. Literary Committee?Lieut.-Governor John Mansfield, ex-Gov. J. G. Downey and Mayor J. R. Toberman. Committee on Music -J. R. Brierly, .). Downey Harvey and Robert Eekert. Other committees will bo appointed hereafter. On motion, tho Committee on Suh- soriptious was instructed to report to tho Executive Committee next Tuesday evening before the opening of the ad- journed meeting. Live Stock Statistics. We glean the following interesting figures us to the live stock on farms in the United States at the time of the tak- ing of the census from Census Bulletin No '28.'!, issm-d by the Interior Depart- ment at Washington, D. C, May 18, 15.82: Horses, 10,357,961) mules and asses, 1,812,9.'12; working oxen, 993,970; milch cows, 12,413,593; other cattle, 22,488, 590; sheep, 85,191,658j swine, 47,08.'!,- --951. Rates of increase since census of 1870-80: Horses, 45 per cent; mules and asses, 01 per cent; working oxon, 25 per cent; milch cows, 39 per cent; other cat- tie, 00 per cent; sheep, 24 per cent; swine, 90 per cent. There were at that date in California: Horses, 237,710; mules and asses, 28,- --,">13; working oxen, 2,288; milch cows, 210.075; other cattle, 451,941; sheep, 4,15-2,349; swine, 003,550. Rate of in- crease iv ten years: Horses, 24 per cent; mules ami asses, 02 per cent; working Oxen, 02 per cent decrease; milch cows, 28 per cent; other cattle, 2 per cent de- crease; sheep, 50 per cent; swine, 30 per cent. Increase in production of Indian corn 03 per cent; population 54 per cent. Passengers Due This Evening. The following is the list of passengers by the Southern route to arrive, in Los Angeles at 4:15 o'clock this evening, specially telepraphod to the Hkrai.d from Casa Grande, Arizona, at 10 o'clock last night: AA Snyder, W L Chalmers, Joseph Cease, It (Joldsworth, Wm Goldbaum, Tombstone; Mrs M H Patton and child, .lames S Robinson. Ceo D Thompson, J C Stewart, Tucson; T Douglas, li C Douglas, wife an I daughter, Chihuahua; Oscar Lankfold, Benson; Prank Garst, Socorro; J Franklin, Texas; C W Prei- ter. 101 Paso. The Pests of the Tropics. Ernest Morris, tho youug traveler and naturalist, who has just returned from Brazil, repeats the 'general observation of explorers that the exuberance of in- sect life is the principal obstacle to the eujoymont of a sojourn in that part of the world. Cockroaches swarm in every house, despite the inroads of an army of spiders which sally forth from every chink to prey upon them; scorpions are intrusive and dangerous; a small red in- sect called the "mecium" is an intolera- ble annoyance; at certain hours of tho day the air is black with Hies and mos- quitoes, and ants are a universal plague. To battle these last-named foes of peace, Mr. Morris was obliged to keep his en- tiro collection on hanging shelves, the cords of which were soaked in the oil of copaiba. "The most destructive ant in Brazil," says Mr. Morris, "is the sanba. It will strip trees of their foliage iv a single night, and in many places orange trees cannot be grown for this reason. The tocandcira is a very large ant, the bite of which is poisonous aud makes a very painful sore. I was once rendered unable to work for a week from a bite received from ono of these ants. Borne species travel in large Isjdies, marching in a straight line and never turning to tho right or left. If a house lies in the track of oue of these marching bodies, unless they are com- pletely exterminated they will pass through. Nothing will be injured, but every crack and cranny will be explored, and uot a cockroach or spiper will sur- vive the visitation. They are, therefore, regarded as friends and their advent is always welcomed. Go where you will in Brazil, you will meet ants. You live, sleep and oat with them?and cat them, too." An enterprising and gentlemanly assas- sin who makes a "baking powder," em- ployed a skillful chemist to analyze it, and the following result was obtained: Ono hundred parts of Dr. Sprico's Great North American Dough Expander con tains: Phosphate of Slime 09 Flaxseed Poultice 07 Dynamite 13 Bicarbonate of Latchkeys 08 Horshoe Nails 08 Triturated Beer-mugs 07 Baldpate Paralysis 12 Solution of Coffin-screws 19 Electrate of Mule-kick 05 Suicide of Stomach ache 10 Black Plague 02 Sudden Death 04 Baking Powder 01 . 100 Th's interestin I mlt was uot made public at the time, ami is now tirst given to the world by the manufacturers of the New England Baking Powder, which contains none of the ingredients above mentioned.but is composed of pure cream of tartar and bicarbonate of soda. One ounce of the New England Baking Powder evolves 174J cubic inches of gas; no other will give of more than 134. COURT Superior Court Sepulveda, J. Thursday June 15. Los Angeles County Bank vs. E. S. Blasdel et al.?Argument had and sub- mitted. Jose Julian Chavez et al. vs. Ramona Felis de Ybarra -Foreclosure. Default of defendant duly entered and decree ordered as prayed for. IfoGarvin VS. Bryant ?Defendant al lowed to tillamended and supplemental answer. HOWARD, .1. People vs. 8. P. R. R. Co.?Set for trial June 27 at 10 a. M. Application of John Weiser for writ of habeas corpus--Application dis- missed. Estate of Win. Monks, deceased?Re. turn of sale of real estate. Loomis vs. Peila ot al?Further timo to answer plaintiff's complaint. Guardianship of Mary M. Maxey et al, minors -Order to show cause on ap- plication to sell real estate granted. SET KOK TO-DAY. Estate of P. MeFadden, deceased- Petition for letters and contest. Estate of Jacob Gray, deceased -Re- turn of saje of real estate. C. Karlson, executor -Account. Wilmington Shipping News. Sailed, June 11, schooner Serena Thayer, Wheeler master, in ballast for Humboldt. Sailed, June 11, schoouer Peerless, Staekman master, inballast for Umppia. Sailed, June 12, schooner Ida, passen- gers for Santa Catalina. Sailed, June 13, bark tiermania, Ross master, in ballast for Departure Bay. Arrivod, June 11, schooner Vega, Thorn master, three days from Cuffey's Cove, li.OOO ties to S. P. R. R. Co. Sailod, June 14, barkentine Mukah, Thompson master, in ballast for Paget Sound. Sailed, June 13, steamer Salinas for San Francisco. Arrived, June 11, schooner Elnorah, Botts master, seven days from Trinidad, 170,000 feet of lumber to Bryson A Co. Arrived, June 11, schooner American Girl, seven days from Trinidad, 280,000 feet of lumber to Bryson & Co. Arrived, Sparrow, Simms master, six .lays from Humboldt, 230,000 feet of lumber to KerckholF, Cuzner & Co. On Sunday a boat containing two sailors belonging to tho schooner Vega capsized on the bar and they would in all probability have been drowned hut that William fuinsh, a pilot, who was com- ing in from sea rescued them aud towed their 1 oat ashore. Artesia. The editor of tho Riverside Pre**, who was at one time connected with the settlement of Artesia, makes the follow- ing reference to that locality: Artesia, Los Angoles county, was set- tled iv 1875. The land of that settle- ment was mostly sold at auction in Feh- ruarp and April of that year. The sale lasted through three days of February aud four day-* in April, during which time ahout $75,000 worth of property was sold. The Company selling the land built a school house that cost about $0,000, at a time when there was scarcely enough children in the neighborhood to form v district. The district was formed afterwards. Artesia is now entitled to three teachers, and the school house is getting too small. A postotfice has just been established there, and Win. M. Wilson apponted postmaster. Mr. Wilson has just established a store there. Thus new settlements grow rapidly in this fast growing country. PROPERTY TRANSFERS. REPORTED HV JUDSON, GILLETTE & GIU- SON, EXAMINERS OF TITLES. CON VEVANCES?JUNE 15, 1882. A Weill to Celestin Save- Lot 3, block 11, Aliso tract; S4OO. Robert Cummings to Jacob B Hoth- SJ of blk I, Ross Addition to Santa Ana; 5750. Lydia Thompson Parker to Leonard Parker?2D acres in NW cornor Sec 12 T 4 S R 10 W; WM, Jacob Ross to Mrs Emily W Squires? Lots 4, 5, 0, 7 and W t lots 3 and 8, blk L, Ross Addition to Santa Ana; *l:'.>. Wm M Scott to Leon Vellinger 20 acres in ran- eho Santiago de Santa Ana; $3000. J W Clark to F Kuehenbeiser 150 acres iv raneho La Ballona; $1000. Frank Monaghan to Geo II Peck, jr- Lots !», 15 and 17, blk B, Morris Vineyard tract; $350. Thos Banbury to A O Bristol - Lot 88, Arroyo Seco; $60. San Gabriel Orange Grove Association to A 0 Bristel?ls acres SW corner Mountain avenue and Fair Oaks avenue. Geo A Nolton to S D Spear Lot 10 and SJ lot 11, blk 12, East Los Angeles; 9300 Josefa Palomares de Yorba to 0 J Downing 30 acres in raneho San Jose; 53200. Wm Metcalf to Celina B Wise -Lots A and B blk A, Ocean View tract; 4300. S C Hubhell to Mrs Ann Glover-Lot 8, blk H, Thomas tract; 9025. Real Estate Associates to Mrs Matilda Waldeu - Lot 15, blk 7, Fairniount tract: $75. Louise Kalisher vs City of Los Angeles and Wolf Kalisher -Decree quieting title to lot 13, blk C, lot east side Upper Main street and part of lot 4, blk 12, Ord's survey. MARRIED. WATKINS STONE -At San Marino, June 14th, by Rev. Father Bot, Mr. Edward L. Watkins to Miss Mary M. sumo. No cards. DAILY HERALD. FRIDAY JUNE 10, 1882. If \u25a0 1 | : 11 l I s a 5 u 6 «9 :15 a.m. 29:98 I 58 S3 8 3 Kair :16P.M. 24* 98 75 16 8W 7 Fair :15 p.m. 20:00 | 01 52 W 6 Fair $500 REWARD. We will pay the above reward (or any case o( Liver Complaint, Dy»|iepsia, Sick Headache, in- digestion, Constipation or OosUveneea we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver I'ills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely Vegetable, aiid never (ail to give satislac- tion. Sugar Coated. Large Boxes, containing HO Pills, 25 cents. For sale by all Druggists. Be- ware o( inimitations. The gciiuire manufactured only by JOHN C. WEST 4t CO., "The Pill Mak crsj" 191 &IM W. Madison St., Chicago. Free trial package sent by mail pit-paid on receipt of a three cent stamp. C. F. HEINZEMAN, No. 72 Main St., Los Angcies, California, Wholj- sale and Retail Druggist. Orders by mail at regular prices. I fe2:»-lydiw Nervous Debility. A CURE GUARANTEED. DR. E. C. WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN Teeat- raent, a specific (or Hysteria, Dizziness, Convul- sions' Nervous Headache, Mental Depression, Loss o( Memory, Spermatorrhoea, Impoteiiey, lmolun- tan Emissions, premature old age, caused by- over exertion, self-abuse or over indulgence, which leads to misery decay and death. One box will cure recent cases. Each box contains one month's treatment; one dollar a box, or six boxes tor five dollars; sent by mail on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each order received by us for six boxes, accom- panied with five dollars, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to return the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees is- sued only by C. F. HEINZEMAN, No. 72 Main St, Los Angoles, California, Whole- tale and Retail Druggist. Orders by mail at regular prlcw. fe23-lyd*w NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. H. Newmark & Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, Dealers In Wool, Grain, Hides. 11, 13 und 15 LOS ANGELES STREET. je3tf Phineas Banning, FORWARDING & COMMISSION AGENT, WILMINGTON, Los Angeles County, Cal. Vessels towed, goods lightered, lumber sold and grain stored, with ACCUSTOMED PROMPTNESS. oc7tf J. M, GRIFFITH & CO,, Lumber Dealers, ALAMEDASTREET, Between Macy and Chavez Streets, \u25a0urns in DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, SHINGLES, POSTS, LATHS, SHAKES, HAIR, PLASTER OF PARIS, ETC., ETC. LUMBER AT REDUCED PRICES. -AT- PERRY, WOODWORTH & COB LUMBER YARDS AND PLANING MILLS, No. 10 Commercial Street, near Railroad Depot, nurwtf Judson, Gillette & Gibson, Examiners of Title and Conveyancers, Rooms II and 14, McDonald Block, Main .Street, LOS ANGELES, CAL. sciHltf The King of the Body is the brain; the stomauh iv main support; the nerves its mes- sengers; the bowels, the kidney Hand the pores its ssfoguards. Indigestion creates a violent revolt among these attaches of the regal organ, and to bring them back to their duty, there is nothing like the regulating, purifying, invigorating, cool- ing operation of Tarrant's Seltzer AMBJHV. It renovates the system and restores to health both the body and the mind. SOLD RV ALL DRUGGISTS. L SCRESOVICH & CO., San Francisco, San Jose and Los Angeles, PRODUCE, BHIPPINC AND COMMIS- SION MERCHANTS. Oranges and Lemons. Eastern and interior trade supplied with And by smaller quantities. Fruit picked and packed fresh from orchards. Apples, grapes, etc., in their season. Correspond- once solicited. ADDRESS: P 0. Box 13S8, P. O. Box 1212, Sau Francisco. Los Angeles. ORANGE ORCHARDS BOUGHT. 'all at Yard, south end of New Los Angeles St. Jstf Wine for Sale! PURE AND UNADULTERATED Port and Angelica Wines, In lots of uot less than live gallons. Price, 60 and 75c. per Gallon. Apply at LINDEN PARK, No. 11(1 First street, near the river. ml3-lm Temple St. Barber Shop, No. 4 TEMPLE STREET. Sirt*u first-class workmen always on lun.i .. n SHAVING TEN CENTB. jel3lw W. H. CLINE, Proprietor. THE HERALD STEAM Printing House HAS FACILITIES FOR DOING JOB WORK Not Equaled in Southern Califoraia. Power and Joh Presses run by *tea secure promptuoss and Moderate Prices. Give this office a call aud secure work at San Francisco Prices and of a San Francisco finish and style. SLAVEN'S CHERRY TOOTH PASTE An aromatic combination for the pres ervation of the teoth and gums. It is far superior to any preparation of its kind in market. In large handsome opul pots, price 50 cents. For sale hy all druggists. C. F. Niece, agent, Los Angeles. $1,000 Reward To auy person who can equal Madame De Florence, the celebrated clairvyant, the seventh daughter of the seventh son. She tells of lovers, names who you are to marry, brings the separated together, causes speedy marriages, re- covers stolen property, cures drunken- ness, etc. Call at room 1 Ponet Block, No. 127 Main street, up stairs. Con- sultation, $1. Im-je4 Lewis Bros, wish to inform the public that they are clearing off no auction trash, hut good California-made reliable boots and shoes, to make room for East- ern importations. C. F. Heinzeman has been appointed agent for the celebrated Shaker medi- cines. Save money by buying your saddles and harness at Slaughter's 88 Spriijg street, near Second. Delicious ice cream, with cakes, 15 cents, at Gardner's, 30 Main street, un- der Grand Central Hotel. jel-lm Lewis Bros, experienced an euormous rush of business yeeVrday, owing to the attraoions at their great clearance sale. The largest stock of drugs, medicines, perfnmeries and toiletsrticles in South- ern California, at C. F. Heinzeman's. Cool and cosy, just the place to eat cc cream. Gardner's, 30 Main street, under Grand Central Hotel. lm-jel A full line of caramels aud chewing candies, at Gardner's, 36 Main street, under Grand Central Hotel. jel-lm Ladies' shoes only 75c. at Lewis Bros great clearance sale. NEW TO-DAY. _J M TXJJEt»TVIIJEf,jniBi- TTAT.T., 1 WOOD A OSBORNE, LESSEES. 11 WEDNESDAY, "ORIDAY, Cj ATI'RDAY "\*"ATINEE, Tt'N'E SI, I 1 THURSDAY, F SATURDAY, SATURDAY JjfLAriNEE, »J USE ft*. M»lj A SIMPLE STORY OP LOVE. j MADISON SQUARE THEATRE COMPACT.! ????? ifeiJß JOY .*...:. .Oustavk A Chas. Frohman, Mau'grs. , :. * PCRrtY . * . : ;| 9 E. M. Roberts. . .Acting Manager. Mark Thall Agent. .%M * PEACE * IN I » COHFOKT * jM » -*JW si nsuine *: -r 2 ~ ' * rIDELITY *'\u25a0 fl > E('STACY * . ' VIETCE * ' {H : » rapture * : 0 * HARMONY *' |i : * delight * : J<» * BLEBBIJf ° * : Ij ' HAZEL KlRt <^ l 't l TRUTH KEFIN,U) |i BRIGHT PATHKTIC | ELEGANT SINCXEK I :::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::« POLISHED ISk V \u25a0 PLEASURE *\u25a0 THK ADVISABILITY OF » ARDENT 1 SECURING SEATS FORTHWITH I LAUGHTER '. RESPECTFULLY SUGGESTED. '. SWEET HAPPINESS |jj HAZEL KIRKE 1 " GOES HOME TO EVERY HEART." J SALE OF SEATS now in progress at P. Lazarus's book store, 14 and 16 Spring ] street. Notwithstanding the enormous expense of this celebrated company, there j will he no extra charge for reserved seats. C. X*. FISHER, No. 26 Spring Street, Has just received the largest and best assortment of Boots, Shoes, Slippers, Etc., f Ever opened in Los Angeles, comprising the celebrated goods of GRAY BROS., Utica; J C. HOWARD, Boston, and W C. MORROW, New York. CALL AND SEE THEM. THE LARGEST Carriage and Wagon REPOSITORY IN CALIFORNIA. A $40,000 Stock! Look at Our Prices! Buggy with top $115 Platform spring wagon $135 Buggy without top 100 Three-spring wagon 120 Carriages, extension top 250 Business spring wagon 90 Open barouches 125 Four-spring wagon 135 PHAETONS, : : $150. WE HAVE ALMOST ANY STYLE YOU WANT. WE ALSO CARRY A LARGE STOCK OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS Of the Best Quality and Style at Correspondingly Low Prices. NEXT DOOR EAST OF FASHION STABLES, MAIN ST., LOS ANGELES. J eUlm J. R. McMANIS, Manager. Geo. T. Hanly & Co., TEAS, COFFEES abto SFIOES. itd'We are prepared to fill orders for the above, also for Baking Powders, Cream Tartar, Saleratus, Bi-Carb. Soda and Flavoring extracts. Office and Factory, Corner San Fernando and Railroad Sts., Los Angeles. s»2ltf C. DUCOMMUN, HARDWARE, MECHANICS' TOOLS FOR ALLTRADES, ?And dealer in? Paints, oils, Varnishes, Window Glass, Mlhis, Sheep ear punches, Pruning Shears, Honey hnives, Sheep Shears, Assayrrs' Outfits, Spectacles, Eye Ulasses and other Optical Instruments, Pocket and Table t'utlcrv (Imported and Domestic), Fancy Goods, etc-, and 25.000 Assorted lIWM No. 54 MAINST., I/» Angeles, CaL ap2stt David K. Abass, Thos. Diiksksos 1 Attorney-at-Uw. Wm. R. Huw. DAVID E. ADAMS St CO., REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Los Axuklks, Cad., P. O. Box 233. Offlee in Western I'nion Telegraph Buildiiij,', Baker Block, Cor. Main and Arcadia SU. Will give attention to sales of both city and country property, negotiate loans of money, rent dwellings and other property, collect rents and attend to payment o( taxes (or non resident or absent owners. Free conveyance (or the use o( patrons to examine property. my2li-lm FOR SALE. 11 60 acres, about one-eighth mile below Agricultural Park, on Santa Monica railroad; a well, 19 (eet to water, wind mill and tank; pump and hose; house, two rooms, a garden, stable, chicken house, SO chickens, granary, ten acres in crane vines, a row of pepper and blue gum trees in front and on the west side; 200 assorted (ruit trees- a good horse, spring wagon, harness and cart. plow and cultivator, all iv good condition. Enquire of X GASNE, joB-lw No. 15 Aliso street. The BOUVIER PUMP, » Patented Nov. 15, lSsl, Ever offered to the public; will throw more water at less cost than any other pump now in use. For 1 particulars and prices enquire of C. DELEVAL. Agent, aIS-lm Cor. Aliso and Alameda Sts W. E. MORFORD. W. E. MORFORD, Jr MORFORD & SON, Real Estate Agents, NO. 4, SPRING STREET. HAVE FOR SALE City and County Residences, Orange Groves, Vineyards, Grain and Stock Ranchos. also, CITY BUSINESS PROPERTY. i I onv i > ances nt the door (or the free use ol our patron*'in examining property. o7 'D. K. Houghtelin, FORWARDING and COMMISSION MERCHANT. Wholesale Dealer in all kintii ot Fish, flame, Poultry and Country Pjoduce and Lubricating and lllumiuating Oils. CASH PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. NO. BPRINO STREET, Corner of First, Los Angeles, Ckl P. O. Box urn. All orders must be accompanied by essh or or. red C. O. D. n2-ta-4*»r I wish my friends and the general pablie Is mm deretand that I have never rirm cause or see" vocation (or tbe adoption by Mr. Krumdiek of precautionary measures, as might be tnferrsi from the notice published by him In Use Los As> Jjeles Daily Herald, which ia altogether without oondation and certainly not actuated by ootiju- gal love or respect (or his wi(e and family. |Mw MRS. KRUMDICK.

Transcript of M»lj Banning, COMPACT.!€¦ · BUSINESS ENTERPRISE. The Hkr \u> steam PVKTDTG HoUSI makes a...

Page 1: M»lj Banning, COMPACT.!€¦ · BUSINESS ENTERPRISE. The Hkr \u> steam PVKTDTG HoUSI makes a specialty of Legal Printing. Briefs, Transcripts, etc., printed at low rates. Spanish


The Hkr \u> steam PVKTDTG HoUSImakes a specialty of Legal Printing.Briefs, Transcripts, etc., printed at lowrates.

Spanish language. By Prof. A. Cuyas,'.'4 Main Street. dll-ly

CUSTOM SHOE STORE.Something New, Something Needed.

We are prepared to make to order allof the latest styles of ladies' and gents'fine boots, shoes and slippers, in thethe best workmanlike manner. Wehave also the best assortment of leatheraud findings this side of San Francisco.Uppers of all description made on shortnotice. Sign of Mammoth Golden Boot,No. 33 Main street, Los Angeles, jet-lm

Shotguns at Coat.

I have a tine lot of both breech amimuzzle-loading shotguns which 1 willsell at cost prices in order to reduce mystock. Call and examine my guns be-fore purchasing elsew here. No. 77 Mainstreet, Downey Block.

jeS-lm H. Si.o'iteuueck.

French Dressmaker.

Madame L. Ferrie-Dclpech takespleasure in announcing to the ladies ofLos Angeles and vicinity that she has afullstock of the latest styles of silks undother elegant dress goodi, which she isprepared to make up for customers inthe newest Parisian modes. Havingpurchased her goods at first hands shecan furnish material cheaper than it canbe bought at the stores. my'2tf

John Shaffer, 08 Alameda Street,Opp. Sisters' School.

Manufacturer of tents, wagon covers,awnings, etc. Allkinds of tents torent.

Also, sells all widths of canvas fromthe lightest to the heaviest, at San Fran-cisco prices. My'2-3m.

Mr. F. Adam, the pioneer tailor ofLos Angeles, No. 13 Spring street, in-forms his patrons and the public gener-ally that he has just received a large as-sortment of the latest styles of springand summer goods, which for eleganceand variety of pattern cannot be sur-passed. A Cordial invitation is extendedto all to call and examine his stock.


To Whom it May Concern.

Please take notice. Any person hav-ing pledges or collaterals at the StarLoan and Broker Office, No. 4 Com-mercial street, will please redeem thesame or pay accrued interest thereonwithin thirty days from this date or theywillbe sold. P. S.?-Money loaned ouall kinds of personal property. mr3otf

Rooms and Board.

Desirable rooms, with board, at 200Spring street. Immy'2l

If you want choice pure candies go toGardner's, 30 Main street, under wandCentral Hotel. Im-jel

How can they do it, and where dothey get. them from '/ is tlie questiontrembling on lie lips of scores of anxiou.imen, us they eagerly procure good,serviceable suits of clothing at from S'2to $2.50 and $3 each at the great clear-ance sale of men's clothing at No. 8 Alisostreet. (Jome aud see- for yourselves.

The greatest discovers of the age isthe celebrnteii "Rnkoezy Water." Pre-scribed by the leading physicians andrecognized as the bust. C. F. Heinze-man is the agent for Southern California.

¥, Lindquist, merchant tailor, No. *20Spring street, is himself a practical cut-ter; ami, having had ample experiencein San Francisco and Los Angeles,

?knows ROW to meet the requirements oihis customers. He keeps a fullsupplyof the best cloths constantly on nanaand makes them up "upon honor."

Miss Logan, one of Los Angeles's oili-est and most reliable dress-makers, hassecured the services of a tirst-class East-ern trimmer, and will this seuson hepleased to see all her old customers andthe ladies in general at N0.5 First street}corner of Spring. apl2-lm

The old reliable store of C. F. Heiu/e---man is still headquarters for drugs andmedicines. He has a full line of patentmedicines, selling them in quantities tosuit at Eastern prices.

Hughes's Russian baths, located No.15 Main street, opposite tike Pico House.Gentlemen and ladies attended to bypersons of their own sex.

Crowded from morning tillnight, sell-ing off his immense stock of new andsecond-hand clothing at lees than 25c onthe dollar, at the great clearance sale ofHoratio Marteen, N«» 8 Aliso street.Drop in aud see.

Eastern oystern every style; hotand cold lunches and all thu delica-cies of the season served ou the shortestnotice at Congress Hall, corner of Mainand Reqiiena streets. lee cold Bocabeer, the hest on the coast, always ouhand, as well as a full supply of the hestbrands of liquors, wines and cigars.Open day und night.

To the ladies out shopping: Stop in atC-ardner's at any time and get a glass ofice water; .'SO Main street, under GrandCentral hotel. lm-jel

Repairing promptly and cheaply doneat Slaughter's 88 Spring street, nearSecond.

Bavarian Kelson beer constantly ondraft at Fhilippi's Yolks Halle, Marketstreet.


MlMen of Telegrams anil Reports tor the licn-ellt of Commerce and Agriculture. Report ofob-servations taken at l.os Angeles, Cal., June lii,1882;

Maximum Thermometer, 77.0Minimum Thermometer, &7.0


Capt. B. F. Ames, U. S. Army, isregistered at the I'ieo House.

For banquets, dinners anil parties useEclipse Champagne, equal to any iinported.

Thermometer for the 94 hum's endingat Stiff h. m. last night: Maximum, 77";minimum, 57.

My. S. s. Law son, of San Bernardino,Mission Indian Agent, is registered at

the Cosmopolitan.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mesmer and theirson, Tony Mesmer, went up to SauFrancisco overland last evening.

General Stoneman went up to SanFrancisco overland last evening, enroute to the San .lose Convention.

Mr. A. L. Seely, proprietor of thestage line between Santa Ana and Sau

Diego, is stopping at the St. Charles.

All who enjoy fun should rememberthe anniversary picnic of the TurnvereinGennania at the City Gardens next Sun-


Mr. Theodora Lynill. of Anaheim,del-egate to tho Democratic State Conven-tion, w cut up to San Jose overland histevening.

A special meeting of the League ofFreedom will be held at TurnvereinHall at 7:30 o'clock this evening. See

notice under New To-Day.

We aro under obligations for an invi-tation to a social to be given by theladies of the Eastern Star, at MasonicHall, McDonald Block, this evening.

The Boston Quintette Club reachedSan Francisco on Tuesday on their re-turn from Australia. Thoy willprob-ably visit I.os Angeles iv the eaaly partof July.

We arc very happy to learn throughFather Peter that the condition of Bish-op Mora Inn so improved that he canvow be moved with safety, aud willprobably be brought home to-morrow.

For the tirst iime iv the history of thefreight tratlic of Wilmington, therewere three heavy trains dispatched to

Las Angeles yesterday, aggregatingninety loaded cars.

Fruit and vegetables as follows were?hipped by Wells, Fargo A Company'sExpress yesterday : To Arizona andNew Mexico, 3,215 pounds; to SanFrancisco, '2,900 pounds; total, 0,175pounds.

There willbe a general meeting of theCongregation B. B. in the vestry roomof tho Synagogue at 7:30 o'clock next

Sunday evening, for the election of otlic-ers. See notice umler New To-Day.

Stephen M. White, Esq., Judge J. C.Morgan and Messrs. Sam Prager and M.E. Ryan, delegates to the DemocraticState Convention, go up to San Francisco overland this evening, ou route to

Sau Jose.

There was a lively shooting match ina saloon about 2 o'clock yesterday morn-ing, in which neither party was hurt.It was foQttd to be a case of mistakenidentity, and both parties went otr andiook a drink.

There will be a meeting of the Ameri-can Colony Association at Union Hall,Spring street, opposite the Court House,at S o'clock this evening. All desiringinformation about the colony are in-vited to be present.

Mr. (leorge Vignolo, of La Espcrun/a,has commenced moving into his newstore iv the Rivara and SanguinettiBlock, opposite the Court House. Whonhis goods are in place Mr. Vignolo willhave one of the handsomest and mostcomplete family groceries in the city.

The Greenback Labor State Conven-tion is called to meet at San l'YanciscoSeptember Oth, ut 10 a. M. Five dele-gates at large will he allowed to eachcounty, and the clubs will be representedon the basis of the vote east for Weaver

and Chambers in 1880.

It is reported that Col. W. H. H.Russell h.'.s been tendered the positionof Brigadier General of the First Brig-ade, N. G. C.| recently made vacant bythe resignation of Gencrul Banning.Col. Russell is a thorough soldier andGovernor Perkins could not select onewho would do more honor to the posi-tion.

We had the pleasure of meeting Mr.E. W. Maslin, Secretary of the StateBoard of Equalization, in the city yes-terday. He returns to Sacramento over-land to-day. Mr. Muslin willbe a can-didate before the State Democratic Con-vention, which meets at San Jose next

Tuesday, for nomination for the office of

Jtato Controller.

We have received from our youngtownsman, Mr. W. James Carlisle, aninvitation to tbe hall to be given by thegraduating class, of which he is a mem-ber, of the Virginia Military Instituteon the evening of June HOth. Whileregrottiug our inability to be present,we wish those who will have the goodfortune to be there a delightful time.

The Sau Francisco HoltI OatcMc, oflast Tuesday, has this to say about thedrama that is to be presented in Los

Angeles in a few days: "The last weekof "Hazel Kirke," at the Old Californiaopened auspiciously, and will undoubt-edly continue so to the close. It will

be some time before our theatre-goingpublic will have an opportunity of wit-nessing so rare a combination as that ofthe Madison Square Company in thisthrillingly sensational drama."

The case of tho People vs. JohnWeiser, charged with embezzlement,

which, on Wednesday, was continuedby City Justice Adams for one mouth onaccount of tho press of business and thedemand of counsel that tho testimonybe taken down in writing, was ro-set forexamination ou .Monday, June '2(5, bothparties waiving tho right to have thetestimony written in long hand by the


By telegram elsewhere it willbo seeuthat tho dead body of Captain Ains-worth, of the American bark Dublin,was found near tho coal sheds of theSouthern Pacific Railroad Company, atWilmington, yesterday morning, with apaper iv which there was some urscnicand an empty laudanum bottle by itsside. An inquest was held and a vor-dict rendered that death had beeu causedby laudanum and arsenic. No causecould be discovered for the rash act.

In City Justice Adams's Coart yester-day J, 15. Fields, an old offender, pleadedguilty to a charge of vagrancy and wassent up for twenty days. Wm. Williamsdrunk and disorderly, got nine days in thochain gang. Fong Chu, arrested forkeeping an opium den, pleaded notguilty; case set for trial on Thursdaynext at 10 a. m. H. Slommons, chargedwith assault with a deadly weapon, wasdischarged on account of Insufficientevidence. Jacob Vignoli pleaded guiltyto a charge of assault and was lined §12or twelve days in the chain gang.

Dy announcement elsewhere it willbe seen that Mr. John Kelley, the pionear violinist and vocalist, who, by hisdulcet strains, has gladdened the heartsof the weary miners in every miningcamp on the Pacific Slope since "TheDays of '49," willgive a vocal and in-strumental concert at Good Templars'Hall next Tuesday evening, assisted onthe piano aud organ by his accomplishedwife. Mr. Kelley is known lo every oldPacific Coaster and is universally con-ceded by the press to be one of the mostaccomplished violinists now living.

Justice Fisher was engaged nearly allday yesterday iv the examination of thecase of the People vs. Ah Yung, a China-woman, charged with stealing §.100 fromher husband. Deputy District AttorneyMorgan appeared for the prosecutionand Col. 0, Wiley Wells for the defence.The examination was conducted withclosed doors and at its close tho defen:'-ant was discharged. A second informa-tion was sworn out before City JusticeAdams against the defendant for thesame offence. She was rearrested byDeputy Sheriff Berry and in (Jcfuult of¥.100 bail was committed to jail for ex-amination.

The programme for the Uth annualpicnic of the French Benevolent Society,to take place at Sycamore Grove, ArroyoSeeo, next Sunday, will be found else-where. The Committee of Arrange-ments, composed of a Dumber of our bestFranco-American citizens, have been in-defatigable iv their preparations, audthe entertainment promises to be one ofthe most enjoyable ever given in thiscity. Carriage! willleave Downey Blockevery hour and will convey passengersto the drove for '25 eeuts each. We cansafely promise all who attend a delight-ful time.

Brownvs. Brown.

The Supreme Court has affirmed thedecision of the Superior Court of LosAngeles in the case of Martha Brown vs.John A. Brown, un action for divorce onthe ground of cruelty aud adultery.The lower Court found against the de-fendant ou tho charge of extreme cru-elty, and for him on the other charge,awarding the plaintiff half the commu-nity property. The Supreme Courtfinds that the lower Court was compe-tent to give all the relief on tt finding forextreme cruelty that it could give had itfound the charge of adultery true, hutiv awarding the property the Courterred. Section 148 of tho Civil ('ode

provides that "the disposition of thecommunity property and of the homestead as above provided is subject to re-vision on appeal iv all particulars."Under this authority the Court athrmsthe decision of the lowor Court, but re-mands the case with instructions to

awardthe plaint ill' three-fourths of thecommunity property.? S. F. (.'hronirlc.

Florence Percy, who wrote "RockMe to Sleep," is living with her thirdhusband, the two others having beensuccessfully rocked.



W 1' OttlllllM.Hal Fran (1 W Steinnian, PhilaC" MsjSHlllll. do J RWhikey, LeadenJ Meyersteiu, do A Kiokard, doL Jacobs, do J tl Ousley ano wf, ChiJ A Crane, Santa Ana S X Hanlv, PhilaB t Allies, USA W A Caldwell, Louisville0 H Laubenheinier, city W M Hainhridge, FlorueT A Case, Toronto H Neill, Santa AnaT Wibbelt, Germany Jose Pico, San Fndo('has Johnson, Oaklaud A o Farnswortli, N VWin P Hopkins, do X P Ellsworth, do


N C Hawks, San Fran S S Lawsnn, San HdnoP H Derby, jr, do Jas Farris, doJ II West, do J T Reed, doW P Tompkins, city A W Phillips, doC S McCarty, Mojave A M Kimetor, doT F ltotello, Yuma OeoChaffey, EtewandoE T Urundstrora, Rivrsd W B ChAfley, do11 Alvorde, Sac Manuel Buca, Sau Bdo


M J Whipple, Kansas A Saniulin, YumaN W Blanchard, S Paula F Chile, doH Arkerman, San Bdo H Dore, doA L Seeley, San Hicgo C Hasbrook, doA Ricard, National City Lynn Lyman, city


J W Morgan, Globe S W Hutchins.Silvcr DistT F Oardiner, city Mrs Rowe & 3 eh.El PasoOeo Meyers, do Mrs Maxwell Si 2 eh, doWm A Witte, Anaheim O E Roberts <& wf, ChiWm Kuhlman, do John D OrdwayH T Stebbius, Newbury J B Camp, PomonaA Workman & fin, S Fd Rev 0 T Ixk>v>, doJ D MeCollough, S F .IS George.Van Nuvs RhL Fogal, do J McCallura, cityH Crampton, do O 8 Olsen, DenverH Charles, San Juan (' Sandgreen, doS Staple, St Uarliara (lus Erechson, doW Pike 4 fm, Gilrov T H Parks, cityB M Swain, AT U M Russell, do


B T Cable & wf, Ills Frank Dalton & wf. s FMrs Crosby, Tucson Jas W Dolan and wf, doH W Taylor, San Bdo John N Dolau, doF C Graves, Boston Miss H Cooke, doHenry C Dave, do R S Baker and wife, LotLouise Templeton, 3 F Angelas

Fourth of July Meeting.

Pursuant to call a large number of in-fluential citizens assembled in UnionHall last evening, to mako tho prelimin-ary arrangements for the eelebratiou ofthe coming Fourth of July.

On motion, J. R. Briefly was chosenChairman and Louis Lewiu Secretary.

On motion, the chair appointed thefollowing executive committee; B.Cohn,

L. Lewis, Geo. P. McLain, A. Smith, H.T. Payne, J. C. McMenomy, JohnBloesser.

Ou, motion of 11. T. Payne, the com-mittee was instructed to invite tho Mili-tary, the Fire Department and tho CivicSocieties of the city and county to par-ticipate in the celebration.

There being no other business themeeting adjourned until next Tuesdayevening at 8 o'clock, ut the same place,to hear the report of tho ExecutiveCommittee.

After adjournment the ExecutiveCommittee met and organized by theelection of R. Cohn as Chairman aud L.Lewin, Secretary.

On motion, the following gentlemenwero appointed to solicit subscriptions:Col. Walter S. Moore, Major George E.Card and Mr. Dan Ullmau.

Literary Committee?Lieut.-GovernorJohn Mansfield, ex-Gov. J. G. Downeyand Mayor J. R. Toberman.

Committee on Music -J. R. Brierly,.). Downey Harvey and Robert Eekert.

Other committees will bo appointedhereafter.

On motion, tho Committee on Suh-soriptious was instructed to report to thoExecutive Committee next Tuesdayevening before the opening of the ad-journed meeting.

Live Stock Statistics.

We glean the following interestingfigures us to the live stock on farms inthe United States at the time of the tak-ing of the census from Census BulletinNo '28.'!, issm-d by the Interior Depart-ment at Washington, D. C, May 18,15.82:

Horses, 10,357,961) mules and asses,1,812,9.'12; working oxen, 993,970; milch

cows, 12,413,593; other cattle, 22,488,590; sheep, 85,191,658j swine, 47,08.'!,---951. Rates of increase since census of1870-80: Horses, 45 per cent; mules and

asses, 01 per cent; working oxon, 25 percent; milch cows, 39 per cent; other cat-tie, 00 per cent; sheep, 24 per cent;swine, 90 per cent.

There were at that date in California:Horses, 237,710; mules and asses, 28,---,">13; working oxen, 2,288; milch cows,210.075; other cattle, 451,941; sheep,4,15-2,349; swine, 003,550. Rate of in-crease iv ten years: Horses, 24 per cent;mules ami asses, 02 per cent; workingOxen, 02 per cent decrease; milch cows,28 per cent; other cattle, 2 per cent de-crease; sheep, 50 per cent; swine, 30 percent. Increase in production of Indiancorn 03 per cent; population 54 per cent.

Passengers Due This Evening.

The following is the list of passengersby the Southern route to arrive, in LosAngeles at 4:15 o'clock this evening,specially telepraphod to the Hkrai.dfrom Casa Grande, Arizona, at 10o'clock last night:

A A Snyder, W L Chalmers, JosephCease, It (Joldsworth, Wm Goldbaum,Tombstone; Mrs M H Patton and child,.lames S Robinson. Ceo D Thompson, JC Stewart, Tucson; T Douglas, li CDouglas, wife an I daughter, Chihuahua;Oscar Lankfold, Benson; Prank Garst,Socorro; J Franklin, Texas; C W Prei-ter. 101 Paso.

The Pests of the Tropics.

Ernest Morris, tho youug traveler andnaturalist, who has just returned fromBrazil, repeats the 'general observationof explorers that the exuberance of in-sect lifeis the principal obstacle to theeujoymont of a sojourn in that part ofthe world. Cockroaches swarm in everyhouse, despite the inroads of an army ofspiders which sally forth from everychink to prey upon them; scorpions are

intrusive and dangerous; a small red in-sect called the "mecium" is an intolera-ble annoyance; at certain hours of thoday the air is black with Hies and mos-quitoes, and ants are a universal plague.To battle these last-named foes of peace,Mr. Morris was obliged to keep his en-tiro collection on hanging shelves, thecords of which were soaked in the oil ofcopaiba. "The most destructive antin Brazil," says Mr. Morris, "is thesanba. It will strip trees of theirfoliage iv a single night, and in manyplaces orange trees cannot be grown forthis reason. The tocandcira is a verylarge ant, the bite of which is poisonousaud makes a very painful sore. I wasonce rendered unable to work for aweek from a bite received from ono ofthese ants. Borne species travel in largeIsjdies, marching in a straight line andnever turning to tho right or left. If ahouse lies in the track of oue of thesemarching bodies, unless they are com-pletely exterminated they will passthrough. Nothing will be injured, butevery crack and cranny willbe explored,and uot a cockroach or spiper will sur-vive the visitation. They are, therefore,regarded as friends and their advent isalways welcomed. Go where you willin Brazil, you willmeet ants. You live,sleep and oat with them?and cat them,too."

An enterprising and gentlemanly assas-sin who makes a "baking powder," em-ployed a skillful chemist to analyze it,and the followingresult was obtained:

Ono hundred parts of Dr. Sprico'sGreat North American Dough Expandercon tains:Phosphate of Slime 09Flaxseed Poultice 07Dynamite 13Bicarbonate of Latchkeys 08Horshoe Nails 08Triturated Beer-mugs 07Baldpate Paralysis 12Solution of Coffin-screws 19Electrate of Mule-kick 05Suicide of Stomach ache 10Black Plague 02Sudden Death 04Baking Powder 01. 100

Th's interestin I mlt was uot madepublic at the time, ami is now tirst givento the world by the manufacturers ofthe New England Baking Powder,which contains none of the ingredientsabove mentioned.but is composed of purecream of tartar and bicarbonate of soda.One ounce of the New England BakingPowder evolves 174J cubic inches of gas;no other willgive of more than 134.


Superior Court Sepulveda, J.Thursday June 15.

Los Angeles County Bank vs. E. S.Blasdel et al.?Argument had and sub-mitted.

Jose Julian Chavez et al. vs. RamonaFelis de Ybarra -Foreclosure. Defaultof defendant duly entered and decreeordered as prayed for.

IfoGarvin VS. Bryant?Defendant allowed to tillamended and supplementalanswer.


People vs. 8. P. R. R. Co.?Set fortrial June 27 at 10 a. M.

Application of John Weiser for writof habeas corpus--Application dis-missed.

Estate of Win. Monks, deceased?Re.turn of sale of real estate.

Loomis vs. Peila ot al?Further timoto answer plaintiff's complaint.

Guardianship of Mary M. Maxey etal, minors -Order to show cause on ap-plication to sell real estate granted.


Estate of P. MeFadden, deceased-Petition for letters and contest.

Estate of Jacob Gray, deceased -Re-turn of saje of real estate.

C. Karlson, executor -Account.

Wilmington Shipping News.

Sailed, June 11, schooner SerenaThayer, Wheeler master, in ballast for

Humboldt.Sailed, June 11, schoouer Peerless,

Staekman master, inballast forUmppia.Sailed, June 12, schooner Ida, passen-

gers for Santa Catalina.Sailed, June 13, bark tiermania, Ross

master, in ballast for Departure Bay.Arrivod, June 11, schooner Vega,

Thorn master, three days from Cuffey'sCove, li.OOO ties to S. P. R. R. Co.

Sailod, June 14, barkentine Mukah,Thompson master, in ballast for PagetSound.

Sailed, June 13, steamer Salinas forSan Francisco.

Arrived, June 11, schooner Elnorah,Botts master, seven days from Trinidad,170,000 feet of lumber to Bryson A Co.

Arrived, June 11, schooner AmericanGirl, seven days from Trinidad, 280,000feet of lumber to Bryson & Co.

Arrived, Sparrow, Simms master,six .lays from Humboldt, 230,000 feet oflumber to KerckholF, Cuzner & Co.

On Sunday a boat containing twosailors belonging to tho schooner Vegacapsized on the bar and they would in allprobability have been drowned hut thatWilliamfuinsh, a pilot, who was com-ing in from sea rescued them aud towedtheir 1 oat ashore.


The editor of tho Riverside Pre**,who was at one time connected with the

settlement of Artesia, makes the follow-ing reference to that locality:

Artesia, Los Angoles county, was set-tled iv 1875. The land of that settle-ment was mostly sold at auction in Feh-ruarp and Aprilof that year. The salelasted through three days of Februaryaud four day-* in April, during whichtime ahout $75,000 worth of propertywas sold. The Company selling theland built a school house that cost about$0,000, at a time when there was scarcelyenough children in the neighborhood toform v district. The district was formedafterwards. Artesia is now entitled tothree teachers, and the school house isgetting too small. A postotfice has justbeen established there, and Win. M.Wilson apponted postmaster. Mr. Wilsonhas just established a store there. Thusnew settlements grow rapidly in thisfast growingcountry.




A Weill to Celestin Save- Lot 3, block 11, Alisotract; S4OO.

Robert Cummings to Jacob B Hoth- SJ of blkI, Ross Addition to Santa Ana; 5750.

Lydia Thompson Parker to Leonard Parker?2Dacres in NW cornor Sec 12 T 4 S R 10 W; WM,

Jacob Ross to Mrs Emily W Squires? Lots 4, 5,0, 7 and W t lots 3 and 8, blk L, Ross Addition toSanta Ana; *l:'.>.

Wm M Scott to Leon Vellinger 20 acres in ran-eho Santiago de Santa Ana; $3000.

J W Clark to F Kuehenbeiser 150 acres ivraneho La Ballona; $1000.

Frank Monaghan to Geo II Peck, jr-Lots !», 15and 17, blk B, Morris Vineyard tract; $350.

Thos Banbury to A O Bristol - Lot 88, ArroyoSeco; $60.

San Gabriel Orange Grove Association to A 0Bristel?ls acres SW corner Mountain avenue andFair Oaks avenue.

Geo A Nolton to S D Spear Lot 10 and SJ lot11, blk 12, East Los Angeles; 9300

Josefa Palomares de Yorba to 0 J Downing 30acres in raneho San Jose; 53200.

Wm Metcalf to Celina B Wise -Lots A and Bblk A,Ocean View tract; 4300.

S C Hubhell to Mrs Ann Glover-Lot 8, blk H,Thomas tract; 9025.

Real Estate Associates to Mrs Matilda Waldeu -Lot 15, blk 7, Fairniount tract: $75.

Louise Kalisher vs City of Los Angeles andWolf Kalisher -Decree quieting title to lot 13, blkC, lot east side Upper Main street and part of lot4, blk 12, Ord's survey.


WATKINS STONE -At San Marino, June 14th,by Rev. Father Bot, Mr. Edward L. Watkins toMiss Mary M. sumo. No cards.



|: 11l Isa 5



:15 a.m. 29:98 I 58 S3 8 3 Kair:16P.M. 24* 98 75 16 8W 7 Fair:15 p.m. 20:00 | 01 52 W 6 Fair

$500 REWARD.

We will pay the above reward (or any case o(

Liver Complaint, Dy»|iepsia, Sick Headache, in-digestion, Constipation or OosUveneea we cannotcure with West's Vegetable Liver I'ills, when thedirections are strictly complied with. They arepurely Vegetable, aiid never (ail to give satislac-tion. Sugar Coated. Large Boxes, containing HOPills, 25 cents. For sale by all Druggists. Be-ware o( inimitations. The gciiuire manufacturedonly by JOHN C. WEST 4t CO., "The Pill Makcrsj" 191 &IM W. Madison St., Chicago. Freetrial package sent by mail pit-paid on receipt ofa three cent stamp.

C. F. HEINZEMAN,No. 72 Main St., Los Angcies, California, Wholj-

sale and Retail Druggist. Orders by mail atregular prices. I fe2:»-lydiw

Nervous Debility.


DR. E. C. WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN Teeat-raent, a specific (or Hysteria, Dizziness, Convul-sions' Nervous Headache, Mental Depression, Losso( Memory, Spermatorrhoea, Impoteiiey, lmolun-tan Emissions, premature old age, caused by-over exertion, self-abuse or over indulgence,which leads to misery decay and death. One boxwill cure recent cases. Each box contains onemonth's treatment; one dollar a box, or six boxestor five dollars; sent by mail on receipt of price.We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. Witheach order received by us for six boxes, accom-panied with fivedollars, we will send thepurchaserour written guarantee to return the money if thetreatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees is-sued only by C. F. HEINZEMAN,No. 72 Main St, Los Angoles, California, Whole-

tale and Retail Druggist. Orders by mail atregular prlcw. fe23-lyd*w


H. Newmark & Co.,

WHOLESALE GROCERS,Dealers In Wool, Grain, Hides.

11, 13 und 15 LOS ANGELES STREET.je3tf

Phineas Banning,


Vessels towed, goods lightered, lumber soldand grain stored, with


J. M, GRIFFITH & CO,,Lumber Dealers,

ALAMEDASTREET,Between Macy and Chavez Streets,

\u25a0urns in







No. 10 Commercial Street, near Railroad Depot,nurwtf

Judson, Gillette & Gibson,

Examiners of Title andConveyancers,

Rooms IIand 14, McDonald Block, Main .Street,LOS ANGELES, CAL.


The King of the Body is the brain;the stomauh iv main support; the nerves its mes-sengers; the bowels, the kidney Hand the pores itsssfoguards. Indigestion creates a violent revoltamong these attaches of the regal organ, and tobring them back to their duty, there is nothinglike the regulating, purifying, invigorating, cool-ing operation of Tarrant's Seltzer AMBJHV.Itrenovates the system and restores to healthboth the body and the mind.


L SCRESOVICH & CO.,San Francisco, San Jose and Los Angeles,


Oranges and Lemons.Eastern and interior trade supplied with

And by smaller quantities.

Fruit picked and packed fresh from orchards.Apples, grapes, etc., in their season. Correspond-once solicited.

ADDRESS:P 0. Box 13S8, P. O. Box 1212,

Sau Francisco. Los Angeles.


'all at Yard, south end of New Los Angeles St.Jstf

Wine for Sale!


Port and Angelica Wines,Inlots of uot less than live gallons.

Price, 60 and 75c. per Gallon.Apply at LINDEN PARK, No. 11(1 First

street, near the river. ml3-lm

Temple St. Barber Shop,No. 4 TEMPLE STREET.

Sirt*u first-class workmen always on lun.i .. nSHAVING TEN CENTB.

jel3lw W. H. CLINE, Proprietor.



Printing House



Not Equaled in Southern Califoraia.

Power and Joh Presses run by *tea

secure promptuoss and

Moderate Prices.

Give this office a call aud secure work

at San Francisco Prices and of a San

Francisco finish and style.


An aromatic combination for the preservation of the teoth and gums. It isfar superior to any preparation of itskind in market. In large handsomeopul pots, price 50 cents. For sale hyall druggists. C. F. Niece, agent, LosAngeles.

$1,000 Reward

To auy person who can equal MadameDe Florence, the celebrated clairvyant,the seventh daughter of the seventhson. She tells of lovers, names whoyou are to marry, brings the separatedtogether, causes speedy marriages, re-covers stolen property, cures drunken-ness, etc. Call at room 1 Ponet Block,No. 127 Main street, up stairs. Con-sultation, $1. Im-je4

Lewis Bros, wish to inform the publicthat they are clearing off no auctiontrash, hut good California-made reliableboots and shoes, to make room for East-ern importations.

C. F. Heinzeman has been appointedagent for the celebrated Shaker medi-cines.

Save money by buying your saddlesand harness at Slaughter's 88 Spriijgstreet, near Second.

Delicious ice cream, with cakes, 15cents, at Gardner's, 30 Main street, un-der Grand Central Hotel. jel-lm

Lewis Bros, experienced an euormousrush of business yeeVrday, owing to theattraoions at their great clearance sale.

The largest stock of drugs, medicines,perfnmeries and toiletsrticles in South-ern California, at C. F. Heinzeman's.

Cool and cosy, just the place to eatcc cream. Gardner's, 30 Main street,under Grand Central Hotel. lm-jel

A full line of caramels aud chewingcandies, at Gardner's, 36 Main street,

under Grand Central Hotel. jel-lm

Ladies' shoes only 75c. at Lewis Brosgreat clearance sale.






JOY .*...:. .Oustavk A Chas. Frohman, Mau'grs. ,:. * PCRrtY. * .:;| 9E. M. Roberts. . .Acting Manager.Mark Thall Agent. .%M


:» si nsuine *: -r 2 ~

' * rIDELITY *'\u25a0 fl> E('STACY * . ' VIETCE * ' {H

: » rapture * : 0 * HARMONY *' |i: * delight * : J<» * BLEBBIJf° * : Ij

'HAZEL KlRt<^l 't l


ELEGANT SINCXEK I:::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::«POLISHED ISkV \u25a0 PLEASURE *\u25a0




SALE OF SEATS now in progress at P. Lazarus's book store, 14 and 16 Spring ]street. Notwithstanding the enormous expense of this celebrated company, there jwill he no extra charge for reserved seats.


No. 26 Spring Street,

Has just received the largest and best assortment of

Boots, Shoes, Slippers, Etc., fEver opened in Los Angeles, comprising the celebrated goods of

GRAY BROS., Utica; JC. HOWARD, Boston, and W

C. MORROW, New York.




A $40,000 Stock! Look at Our Prices!Buggy with top $115 Platform spring wagon $135Buggy without top 100 Three-spring wagon 120Carriages, extension top 250 Business spring wagon 90Open barouches 125 Four-spring wagon 135

PHAETONS, : : $150.


DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESSOf the Best Quality and Style at Correspondingly Low Prices.


Geo. T. Hanly & Co.,TEAS, COFFEES abto SFIOES.

itd'We are prepared to fill orders for the above, also for Baking Powders, CreamTartar, Saleratus, Bi-Carb. Soda and Flavoring extracts.

Office and Factory, Corner San Fernando and Railroad Sts.,Los Angeles. s»2ltf



?And dealer in?

Paints, oils, Varnishes, Window Glass, Mlhis,Sheep ear punches, Pruning Shears, Honey hnives,

Sheep Shears, Assayrrs' Outfits, Spectacles, EyeUlasses and other Optical Instruments, Pocket andTable t'utlcrv (Imported and Domestic), FancyGoods, etc-, and 25.000 Assorted lIWM

No. 54 MAINST., I/» Angeles, CaLap2stt

David K. Abass, Thos. Diiksksos 1

Attorney-at-Uw. Wm. R. Huw.


Los Axuklks, Cad., P. O. Box 233.Offlee in Western I'nion Telegraph Buildiiij,',

Baker Block, Cor. Main and Arcadia SU.Will give attention to sales of both city and

country property, negotiate loans of money, rentdwellings and other property, collect rents andattend to payment o( taxes (or non resident orabsent owners. Free conveyance (or the use o(

patrons to examine property. my2li-lm

FOR SALE.11 60 acres, about one-eighth mile below

Agricultural Park, on Santa Monica railroad; awell, 19 (eet to water, wind mill and tank; pumpand hose; house, two rooms, a garden, stable,chicken house, SO chickens, granary, ten acres incrane vines, a row of pepper and blue gum treesin front and on the west side; 200 assorted (ruit

trees- a good horse, spring wagon, harness andcart. plow and cultivator, all iv good condition.

Enquire of X GASNE,joB-lw No. 15 Aliso street.


Patented Nov. 15, lSsl,

Ever offered to the public; will throw more waterat less cost than any other pump now in use. For

1 particulars and prices enquire ofC. DELEVAL. Agent,

aIS-lm Cor. Aliso and Alameda Sts



Real Estate Agents,NO. 4, SPRING STREET.

HAVE FOR SALECity and County Residences, Orange

Groves, Vineyards, Grain andStock Ranchos.


CITY BUSINESS PROPERTY.i I onv i > ances nt the door (or the free use ol

our patron*'in examining property. o7



Wholesale Dealer in all kintii ot Fish, flame,Poultry and Country Pjoduce and Lubricatingand lllumiuating Oils.



Corner of First, Los Angeles, CklP. O. Box urn.

Allorders must be accompanied by essh or or.red C. O. D. n2-ta-4*»r

I wish my friends and the general pablie Is mmderetand that Ihave never rirm cause or see"vocation (or tbe adoption by Mr. Krumdiek ofprecautionary measures, as might be tnferrsifrom the notice published by him In Use Los As>

Jjeles Daily Herald, which ia altogether withoutoondation and certainly not actuated by ootiju-

gal love or respect (or his wi(e and family.|Mw MRS. KRUMDICK.