MKFC Local partner visit to Sololo, Northern Kenya

HABARI YA KENYA? How is Kenya? Mzuri sana. Good and how are you? I could not believe my ears when some greeted me that way 1000km from Nairobi


Anne Kagiri, Manager eCAP East Africa ( and Local Partner to MKFC in Kenya visited Sololo, a district in Moyale, one of the most northern parts of the country. In this presentation, she tells us about her trip. MKFC and eCAP East Africa will be holding Community Action Plan workshops in the next month. The purpose of these workshops is to create an opportunity for the local people to take up responsibility on their well-being, analyse the problems in their society and take up change-making action.

Transcript of MKFC Local partner visit to Sololo, Northern Kenya

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• How is Kenya? Mzuri sana. Good and how are you?

• I could not believe my ears when some greeted me that way 1000km from Nairobi

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Sololo market square

• Sololo population is 40, 000

• About 80km from Moyale town

• Ethiopia is 2km up the hill

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Most of the goods come from Ethiopia

• You can find all soughts of trades at the market square, but the livestock market is near the main road

People rely on livestock as the main source of Income.

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• There are about 16 primary schools

• 2 secondary schools one for boys and one for Girls

• 1 village polytechnic

started in 2009

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Sololo primary school

• Oldest primary school in sololo• 750 students• 550 boys• 14 mentally disabled children• 150 orphans• 14 teachers• 4 latrines

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Anona Primary School

• 608 students

• 263 girls

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School enrollment• Primary education is free from class 1-8, Parents are however required to

buy school uniform• Enrollment of girls in primary school is usually quite high in the lower

classes. As time goes by, the number begins to dimish in the upper classes.• Girls are subjected to doing house chores such as fetching firewood &

cooking leaving them little time for their studies.• The overall student permance in most schools is quite low as compared to

other parts of the country.• Most homes do not have power and doing homework is a challenge for

many students.• Lack of school fees and the students lack of motivation to continue with their

studies has increased cases of school dropouts in the area.• Most Teachers hail from the community so the use of vernacular in schools

in not uncommon. Communication in Kiswahili and English is poor.

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Hawecha Girls primary school

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Hawecha Girls Primary School

• Total of 234 girls about 30 of them orphaned

• 31 in standard 8• The school forcuses on educating girls• They have a boarding wing where 100

girls board.• They encourage the girls to board in order

to concentrate on their studies.• 4 funtional latrines

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• The school has one female teacher• A Fence around the school could offer the

parents and students assurance of security• Parents are skeptical of sending their girls to

boarding schools. They prefer to have them closeby inorder to keep an eye on them.

• Inadequate water tanks, toilet facilities and lighting( Power ) and proper kitchen.

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Challenges in educating girls

• Also threatening the girl education is early marriages and FGM.• Girls can be married as early as class 5. ( although in some

incidences the area chief and elders have intervened )• The lack of female teachers may inflence the girl education,since

they need role models and someone to open up to.• Girls shy away from discussing basic topics such as using sanitally

towels. I Did’nt come a cross sanitally towels in the shops.• In day schools girls opt to stay at home during their periods.• Sex talk is taboo, incase of unwanted pregnacies the pregnant girl is

bannished from her family for good.

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Uran Primary school

• One school of the schools with suffiencent power supply.

• The school has 24 solar pannels• One computer with internet connection ( telkom wireless )• They also have one volunteer female teacher

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There are two dams in the area

• This dam is the main source of water in the commuinity.

• It serves as a water source for both humans and livestock

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Gutters on roof tops

• Rain water is tapped from roof tops

• Schools with storage water tanks use this system to

Collect water

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Students fetching water

• In the dry season students are required to bring water from home.

• The water is used to cook their meals which is part of the free primary education

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Water transportion

• A diesel water pump connected to the dam was used to pump water in the past.

• This service has however ceased with one to cater for the diesel costs.

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Drinking water

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Filled up pit Latrines

• Holes like this everywhere

• During the heavy

rainy season holes like

this are easily flooded.

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School pit latrine

• Most schools have 4 funtional toilets 2 for boys and two for girls. There was one school with no toilet at all

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Tree nurseries

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Students are keen on planting trees

• In this school every student has his/her own sappling and has to take care of it

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Once an agricultural district

• At one time this area produced tons of Maize and Beans

• The Kenya cereal board had a branch here• Most of the food and vegetables is imported from Ethiopia• People also rely on relief food for survial

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Whats cooking?

• The energy saving jiko

• Uses 3-4 pieces

of wood

This jiko is used in most


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Traditional way of cooking

• Having a cup of tea at a women’s group meeting

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Main street

• Basic commodities are available in many shops or kiosks

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Driving through the main street

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Road side Kiosk

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This is the main hopstial

• In addition there 2 government dispensaries serving the community

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orphans living at the mission hospital

• The children go to school,but are fed and taken care of

by the hospital

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Sololo Mission Hospital

• The hospital has an under five year old clinic, giving free immunization to children

• Own water bore hole and solar panels• They have a maternity wing& operating theatre• Anti- Natal Care- Normal delivery cost 1000 kshs- Caeserian 4000kshs- They also have outreach programmes where

they educate the community on Health issues, but not without challenges

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Despite the hospital having a qualified doctor and nurse the hospital services are under utilizied

• Culture influences are strong• The number of children born in the hospital is

lower than that of those born at home.• Women rely on traditional midwifes for services• Common diseases in children include,

Diahorrea, malaria, skin diseases, burns and coughs.

• TB, HIV and Malaria cases in adults

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• Lack of supplimentary milk for suckling mothers

• Lack of nutrition knowlege ( amenia is common ) stable food is Rice, spaggetti and meat. Vegetables are rare most & won’t eat fish.

• With the place been remote, well trained nurses prefer to move to urban centres.

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Baraza with leaders

• These are influencial members of the community.This is a close knit commuinty and having leaders on board is important.

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Youth Activities• The elders voiced their concerned over the increasing use of drugs

and illicit brew within the youth and are supportive to us doing eCAP workshops

• Chewing of ”Miraa” is the order of the day• There are lots of school drop outs, and those who complete

secondary schools do not continue with further studies.• Accessibility to further education is also a challege. Maybe due to

their poor grades and there are no colleges in the area or lack of school fees.

• The youth lack social activities. Entertainment, games,Library services & vocational training.

• There is a village polytechic teaching, masonary and tailoring and there is need for more trained staff and introduction of new courses eg mechanics.

• The Kenya Broadcasting Corparation (KBC ) is the main source of news through Radio. Newspapers are rare

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Industrious women

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”Merry go round”

• Individual groups decide on a monthly contribution by every group member.

• ”Merry go rounds” as they are commonly known, have enabled women create their own wealth. The amount of money collected is then given to one member of the group montly. The member can use the money for school fees, hospital bill etc

• They also raise funds to a common business together, like making bricks, growing vegetables and making ornaments, but due to the low income in the area it can take long to raise even small sums

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Dadu Women group

• 70 members

• Active for 6months

• Contributions:

20 shs weekly

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Pulling together

The women gathered here to fence this piece of land. It will also be used for holding meetings in future and making bricks

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Tulu resourse women’s group

• 20 members

• Each member raised 100 shs to buy brick building material.

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Final product

• One brick costs 6 shs.

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Grow your Vegetable

• Sukuma wiki ( kales )& tomato garden.

• The women take turns in watering it.

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Utamaduni group

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Village polytechnic

• Teaches: Masonary & Tailoring

• A good samaritan donated 10 computers, but the school has no power

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orphans & handicapped

• There is a large number of orphans and single parents than I expected.

• Orphans are left under the care of their grandparents or relatives. There is no orphanage in the area.

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Mobile Phone Network

• Safaricom has quite a good reception. Most people use mobile phones for communication and off course the company’s money transfer service.

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Mode of transport

• These trucks ferry people and goods between Nairobi & Moyale for 2500 KSHS

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Have a wonderful Journery REMEMBER

• carry your own mechanic or take a course if you can

• Lots of spare wheels ( preferably tubless ) you can repair this yourself

• Petro stations are Kilometers apart

• The nearest waterpoint is in the next town, probably 200km somewhere

• It takes about 2- 3 days to travel