MissionStatement - nutrabuzz.com · Medical School, is a former teacher of neurology, is a member...


Transcript of MissionStatement - nutrabuzz.com · Medical School, is a former teacher of neurology, is a member...

Mission Statement

At Chews-4-Health Inc., our mission and promise is to always live life embracing and pursuing change, recognizing whatis considered the norm and rising above those standards.We vow never to compromise and will always demand perfection,potency, natural affinity, bioavailability and superior absorption.We believe, “You are not what you eat, but what youabsorb,” and take the health of our customers very seriously.We will always use the highest quality raw materials, thoroughlyinspected for safety, purity and performance. Chews-4-Health is notonly a business for us, it is our way of helping you to embrace a healthylife style so you can live life to its fullest. Good health doesn’t come TO YOU, it comes from WITHIN YOU. The goodnutrients you bring to your inside today will determine the health and happiness you will receive on the outside tomorrow.



Dr. Friedman is a renowned educator and lecturer in the field of nutrition.He is currently the Health Expert for Lifetime Television’s popular show“The Balancing Act.” He received post-doctorate certification from Harvard

Medical School, is a former teacher of neurology, is a member of the NaturopathicMedical Association and has been honored in the NationalWho’sWho Directory for thepast eight years.Dr.Friedman has authored three books,appeared on numerous radio andtelevision shows and his best selling CD on nutrition has been heard by over onemillion people. Dr. Friedman is often called “the chiropractor to the stars” because hispatients include some of today’s top celebrities and movie stars. In fact,many celebritiesfly Dr. Friedman across the country to treat them because they trust no one else.

A decade ago, the nutritional industry was predominately filled with pills andcapsules. Dr. Friedman lit the world on fire by putting liquid nutrition on the map. Hebecame one of America’s top multi-million dollar income earners in the field of networkmarketing. In less than two years, his unique marketing campaign helped catapult aliquid nutritional company to over $20 million in sales per month.

After 20 years in practice, he became frustrated by the void he found in the world of nutrition and spent three yearsformulating and perfecting his revolutionary product,Chews-4-Health—the world’s first full spectrum super fruit,sea vegetable,antioxidant chewable.

“Good health doesn’t come to you,it comes from within you.”

Chews-4-Health, Inc.

Launched in July 2008, Chews-4-HealthInc. is headquartered inWilmington,N.C., andits revolutionary product is now being sold inevery major city in the USA and Canada.

Headquarters facility includes:• 11,000 sq. ft. Corporate Headquarters• 80 Operator Call Center• 5,000 sq. ft. Fulfillment Center/Shipping and Receiving

Chews-4-Health is manufactured in the USA.

State-of-the-art Customer Call Center

Chews-4-Health: Read What all the Buzz is About!

“You are what you eat!” is a saying we’ve all heard, but perhaps it should be, “You are what you absorb!”. Dr. DavidFriedman is educating the world on how to improve diets and choose proper supplementation.He explains it's not what youswallow,but what your body USES that makes you who you are.

Dr. Friedman’s life forever changed in the mid 1990’s when a patient told him, after having her septic tank repaired,the plumber found hundreds of undigested vitamins, some of them with thebrand names still readable!This stunning realization that our nutrition,as wellas our money, was literally being flushed down the toilet, spurred Dr.Friedman on a journey to develop something better.That began his quest to

put liquid nutrition on the map, earning him the nickname "The Godfather of Liquid Nutrition.” There are now over a thou-sand liquid products on the market as well, and you can find them nearly everywhere. Although liquids are superior to pills,they still leave a lot to be desired.The answer? A CHEWABLE vitamin.

Dr. Friedman spent three years formulating his new product, and 14 manufacturers said a chewable supplement of thatquality could not be made.He wouldn’t take“no”for an answer, and now,he proudly offers Chews-4-Health, the WORLD’SFIRST chewable super fruit, sea vegetable, antioxidant dietary supplement!

Chews-4-Health… 16 Powerful Ingredients

Chews-4-Health is a delicious tasting,doctor formulated,natural chewable dietary supplement derived fromthe most nutrient-rich sources from around the world. It combines current nutritional science with nature’sfinest. Chews-4-Health contains 16 ingredients from land and sea, uniting the antioxidant powers of exotic,life-enhancing super fruits with mineral-rich sea vegetables, along with a powerful antioxidant/vitamin blendcombined with healthy select fruit concentrates.Compared to many pills and liquids on the market,Chews-4-Health is more convenient, affordable and more quickly absorbed.

Unlike pills you swallow,Chews-4-Health contains no binders, fillers or hard chemical coatings that diminish absorption.Unlike liquid nutritional products, Chews-4-Health uses no artificial coloring or artificial flavoring, and no preservatives orchemical stabilizers. Additionally, it can be taken by the entire family, and is appropriate for adults, children (age 2 and up)and even pregnant women. With Chews-4-Health,one product is all you need to help fill the nutritional void in your daily diet.


“You are what you absorb!”

Fruits and berries offer tremendous health-enhancing qualities and contain hundreds of naturally occurringvitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids, enzymes, essential fatty acids, fiber and phytonutrients. The fruitscontained in Chews-4-Health are considered by many experts to be the most nutrient-rich fruits the world has to offer.

What are antioxidants? They work by neutralizing the damaging effects of free radicals, rendering themharmless to your body. This helps protect your skin and body from the ravaging effects of premature aging.

Sea Vegetation is considered superior to vegetables grown on land because it does not contain the geneticmodification and chemicals frequently used in farming. The sea vegetable blend contains up to 70 natural plantsource minerals fromA to Z.

Chews-4-Health contains four select fruit concentrates. These carefully selected fruits were chosen as part ofthe formulation because of their combined health-enhancing properties. They are also what gives Chews-4-Health its delicious taste!

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Four Super Fruits: Goji, Mangosteen, Acai, Noni

Four Super Antioxidants: Vitamin B-12, Folic Acid, Resveratrol, Alpha Lipoic Acid

Four Sea Vegetables: Kelp, Nori, Bladderwrack, Dulse

Four Select Fruit Concentrates: Pomegranate, Cranberry, Raspberry, Blueberry

Why a Chewable?

…vs. Pills Swallowed WholeEvery type of food you eat, you CHEW before swallowing.There is a scientific

reason for that: the most important part of digestion actually takes place in the mouth.Your teeth break apart food into small particles and your saliva,which contains threedigestive enzymes, breaks down the proteins, fats and carbohydrates. If you swallowvitamins and minerals in pill form, you are skipping this vital part of the digestiveprocess, and many of these nutrients will never completely absorb in your body. Infact, some vitamin companies use binders, fillers and hard chemical coatings thatdiminish absorption.

After conducting tests on 17 brand name vitamins for dissolvability, IntegratedBiomolecule Corporation concluded: “At the end of the recommended USP dissolutiontime of two hours,none of the products were considered fully dissolved. In fact, someof the pills were not completely dissolved even after 12 hours.” By comparison,Chews-4-Health is fully broken down in less than 40 seconds and digestion begins even beforereaching the stomach.This leads to quicker absorption and assimilation.Also, duringthe act of chewing, your brain sends signals to the stomach preparing it for properdigestion.

Guaranteed Quality

Chews-4-Health realizes that how the product is made is just as important as the ingredients thatare in the product. The manufacturer of Chews-4-Health has earned an“A”rating from the NationalNutritional Foods Association (NNFA) Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) CertificationProgram—one of very few to hold this distinction. This nationally mandated cGMP standingassures Chews-4-Health’s commitment to bring you the highest quality ingredients and the moststringent standards in the industry.


X-ray showing undigestedpills in the colon

…vs. Liquid Nutrition:• Many contain mostly water- some are 75% water (and you are PAYING for this water).• Most are pasteurized.This process is required to kill bacteria and harmful organisms; however, this

excessive heat can alter and deactivate some of the naturally occurring GOOD nutrients.• They must be refrigerated after opening.• They contain chemical preservatives like sodium benzoate.• They are difficult to travel with (you can’t put a bottle in your pocket or purse, or take them on an


…vs. Nutritional Powders:• Many are vacuum/heat processed.• Very INCONVENIENT: require a glass,water, and spoon or mixer to stir the ingredients.• Leave a mess to clean up afterwards.


Ask the Doctor: Dr. David R. Friedman, BS., ND., DC.

Email Dr.Friedman to find out the answers to all the health and nutrition questions you’vebeen wanting to know!Email Dr. Friedman: [email protected]

Q: Dr. Friedman, how does Chews-4-Health compare to the liquid and pill products onthe market? Sally P. – Marietta, Georgia

A: Sally, there is no comparison! Unlike pills you swallow, Chews-4-Health containsno binders, fillers or hard chemical coatings that diminish absorption. Unlike liquidnutritional products, Chews-4-Health uses no artificial coloring, artificial flavoring, nopreservatives or chemical stabilizers.Also, some liquid products must be pasteurized inorder to kill bacteria and harmful organisms;however,this excessive heat process can alsoalter and deactivate naturally occurring GOOD nutrients.Liquid products also need to berefrigerated after opening.

Q: Is Chews-4-Health recommended for a Vegan or Vegetarian diet? Rick P. - Atlanta, Georgia

A: Yes. Chews-4-Health contains no dairy products or ingredients of animal origin. In addition to a variety of fruits andvegetables from land and sea,Chews-4-Health also contains vitamin B12.Vegetarians often have low serum B12 levels and sincethere isn't an adequate source of vitamin B12 in plant foods, theAmerican DieteticAssociation has stated that vegetarians areat risk of a vitamin B12 deficiency and supplementing their diets with B12 is highly recommended.

Q: I'm glad to see Chews-4-Health contains no artificial sweeteners. But what kind of sweetener is used in the product?Leah F. - Modesto, California

A: Chews-4-Health contains a natural sugar alternative called Xylitol.This has been proven to reduce tooth decay/gingivitisand has received the official endorsement from six national dental associations. In fact, it is the only sugar substitute to havethe American Dental Association's seal of approval.That’s a great benefit when you have a chewable product.This sugaralternative was chosen as part of the Chews-4-Health formulation because of its proven ability to PROTECTTEETH!

Q: Can pregnant or lactating women take Chews-4-Health? Fran H.– Baltimore, Maryland

A: Yes. Chews-4-Health contains a variety of whole food nutrition through a complete variety of fruits and vegetables andalso contains the exact ratio of Folic Acid recommended by OB-GYN doctors.This nutrient plays a tremendous role inpreventing birth defects.There are many supplements on the market that state on their label:“Don’t take if you are pregnantor lactating.”Ask yourself this question,“If it’s dangerous for a living fetus (growing human cells), how can it be good formy cells?”

Q: Can Chews-4-Health be taken by children? Robert Z. – Des Moines, Iowa

A: Yes.Because Chews-4-Health is a delicious chewable product, it makes children WANT to take a nutritional supplement. Italso helps with children who don’t get an adequate daily intake of vitamins and nutrients from fruit and vegetable sources.Chews-4-Health offers growing children plant, berry and fruit-based vitamins, minerals (from A to Z), anti-oxidants, aminoacids and phytonutrients. Chews-4-Health was the featured nutritional product on the TV show “Kids Spaces” (from thecreators of the award winning show,“Designing Spaces”).This was seen nationally on LifeTime Television,WE,ABC familychannel and more. Chews-4-Health is the first and only chewable product of its kind and KIDS LOVE THEM!

“Chews4Health is the most powerfulcombination if all-natural ingredients Ihave ever put in my body.I have a ton ofenergy which has allowed me to finally

start working out again. It feels GREAT toknow that I am no longer throwing 90% of mymoney away by taking supplements in pillform.” Lee B.

“Thanks to the great taste and "no mess"convenience of Chews-4-Health,my familycan NOW benefit from these awesome

ingredients EVERY DAY. Before Chews, it wasalways a "hit and miss" activity.Having been an RNfor many years, I know that "consistency" is keyto reaping the benefits of good nutrition. I highlyrecommend Chews-4-Health to any parentlooking for a smart way to supplement theirfamily's diet.” Brenda W.

“I train people physically and coachpeople nutritionally, and I LOVE thisbusiness! I believe a big part of my

well being is thanks to Chews-4-Health. I havean overall higher energy level and commentson how I look have been pouring in... I thinkthat the CHEWS are improving my skin in avery positive way.” Diane C.

“I am a 100% disabled Army veteran whowas injured in Germany in 1987. Thingsstarted to change when I started taking

Chews-4-Health. Within two weeks of takingChew-4-Health, my life is totally different! I feelgreat! My joints don't pop and crack anymore. Ihave freedom of movement, and this is the bestI've felt in 22 years.All because of this incredible,amazing product.” Paul B.

“My 2 year old grandson, Brody, wasvisiting when our Chews arrived. Hisfavorite words are now “more” and

“mine”.Thanks for a great product!” Cheryl H.

“My husband and I love this product!It is the most convenient, full-blown

nutritional supplement we’ve ever found! It keepsmy energy and stamina up,and I love the immunesystem enhancing capabilities of this convenientproduct. I love the convenience, but moreimportantly it’s the sound nutrition.Dr.Friedmanhas given us a winner!”Dorothy M.

“My name is Tom Clifford, and I havebeen taking Chews-4-Health from Day1. I am also an Ironman tri-athlete. Ialso started my own business as arunning and triathlon coach. Since Istarted taking 4 Chews-4-Health per

day (every 3 hours), my energy levels andfocus have been astounding!! I am able toconcentrate during the practices that I coachand still have the energy to train myself for theIronman Competition. I recover faster nowthat Chews helps eliminate the free radicalsthat build up in my body from my intenseexercise regimen. Chews-4-Health has theright ingredients to fulfill my health needs tokeep me going for many years to come.”Tom C., Without Limits Running


“Every growing cell in a child requiresthe assistance of whole food vitaminsand minerals in order for a child to grow

to a healthy adult. Chews-4-Health offersa great source of whole food vegetables andfruits and it also includes Folic Acidsupplementation, which is important fornormal tissue growth and mental focus.”Mary F., MD Pediatric Medicine

“As a father of 5 kids and ownerof 3 chiropractic offices, I neededsomething simple yet complete to offer

my family and patients.My search has led meto Chews-4-Health. The guesswork is over,what a brilliant design.My patients love it andmy 5 kids love the taste. Combining juices,powders and pills was a nutritional nightmare!Chews-4-Health is complete and simple.Thanks Dr. Friedman for all you do and yourWELLNESS vision!” Dr. Mike G., D.C.

"I’m an orthopedic surgeon, specializingin sports medicine and spinal care. I talkabout Chews-4-Health to just about every-

one I treat. I have so many elderly patients thathave fallen and broken their hip or fracturedtheir spine.These injuries are often times notedto be the beginning of the end. Some of theseinjuries could have been prevented if they hadtaken better care of themselves and had utilized

the nutrients in Chews-4-Health.This productwould have helped keep their bones strongerand tissues from degenerating quite as fast."George L., M.D., Orthopedic Surgeon

"The healthy whole food ingredientsin Chews-4-Health are VERY impressive.Being a chewable product,I immediately

looked to see how it was sweetened. I wasexcited to find Xylitol was used instead ofsugar. Xylitol is a natural low calorie sugaralternative that has received official endorse-ments from six national dental associationsbecause it has been shown to actually reducecavities. That’s important when looking at achewable product.” Dr. Dana S., DDS,Cosmetic and Family Dentist

"In medical school, there was minimaltalk about vitamins and supplements.As a Dermatologist, my views have

changed over the past 20 years. I beganlearning more about supplements that werein fruits such as Goji, Noni, Mangosteen, andAcai… sea vegetable and antioxidants andhow there is a clear association between a diethigh in fruits and overall health.This is thebest product that I have found to date. I amvery impressed with Dr. Friedman’s level ofdedication in forming this product."Jonathan Stuart C., D.O., F.A.O.C.D.,Dermatologist

"I’m a certified Anti-Aging physician, inpractice now for 17 years. I specialize incosmetic procedures. The results I have

seen from patients taking Chews-4-Health havebeen astounding. I have seen wrinkles clear up,diminishing pigmentation and improved over allyouthful appearance. Chews-4-Heath contains somany things beneficial for healthy skin in oneconvenient chewable! I recommend Chews-4-Health to all my patients." Connie O., M.D.,Anti-Aging Medicine


Product Testimonials

“First and foremost I love theproduct. And, the businessopportunity is great for peoplethat are looking for anotherstream of revenue.”

Jerome BettisNFL Super Bowl Winner5th All Time NFL Leading Rusher

“Being a fullback for Jerome “The Bus” Bettisand Emmitt Smith, my job was to block andprotect them from the defensive players. OnceI retired all my injuries resurfaced,making memiserable, in pain and being diagnosed astotally and permanently disabled. I begantaking Chews-4-Health and my pain lessened agreat deal—I had the energy I needed to workout again, enabling me to lose 30 pounds!Chews-4-Health changed my life.”Tim Lester


“I was a housepainter,but thanks to Dr.Fried-man’s marketing savvy,I became a millionaire.I’m ready to do it again!” Mike L.

“I gave 30 years of my life to corporateAmerica and after retiring at the ripeyoung age of 66, I realized, like many

retirees, I didn’t have much money in the bank toenjoy my (as they call them) “golden years.”Thatwas until I met Dr.Friedman.When I heard that hewas putting together his own company, withouthesitation I told him to“count me in!”“Where Dr.Friedman goes… I will follow.” He is a visionaryand has an unquenched desire to rise abovewhat’s ordinary and achieve the extraordinary.”The product is superior… the business opportu-nity sublime! Dick S.

"My wife and I are business owners inthe Wilmington, North Carolina area.Each time,either the product or the lead-ership sadly disappointed us. David

Friedman is the first to impress us with both aproduct and a business opporunity. His wellthought out formulation is without a doubtTHE best of the best! This, combined withan experienced leadership team and a groundbreaking marketing plan… we are SO EXCITEDto be part of this OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME!! Mark S.

“The home-based business industry ishonestly one of the most lucrative industriesan average person can use to create REALWEALTH FROM HOME that has ever

existed! Chews-4-Health's National Co-op Marketingprogram is an advancement and breakthrough incompensation delivery for this industry.Thanks toChews-4-Health, these are VERY exciting times thatI am thankful to be a part of."Robert P. - Business and Marketing Coach

“I have been a successful networkmarketer going on 23 years and I have tosay, Chews-4-Health is NOT network

marketing!They offer 4 streams of income!! GreatRETAIL profits for the health food stores,gyms and doctors offices. The NATIONALADVERTISING CO OP PROGRAM, which allowsthe average Joe to be part of a coast-to-coastadvertising pool for less than the cost of a nicedinner out for two! When I found out theyoffered the ability to earn a 12% volume from myweak side and a 12% equivalent volume from mystrong side (DOUBLE THE COMMISSIONS),I almost fainted! Kudos Chews-4-Health forbringing to the marketplace a unique businessstructure that is a BREATH OF FRESH AIR!Dan T.

Branding Your Business For You!… Unique Network Marketing Opportunity

In this time of recession and economic uncertainty, people want the confidence ofbeing their own boss, and the ability to determine their own paychecks. Owning yourown business is the solution. But what makes the Chews-4-Health business model sounique? Chews-4-Health has done away with the typical network marketing model andcreated a revolutionary marketing plan to go with its very unique product.

Chews-4-Health is a trademarked NCM™ company (National Co-Op Marketing).Thismeans product distributors across the country can benefit from a nationwide corporatemarketing campaign.This national branding gives Chews-4-Health distributors the abilityto take their Chews-4-Health business to levels that are difficult to attain by otherhome-based businesses. Additionally,Chews-4-Health does not require distributors to stock

inventory, and anyone can start their Chews-4-Health business for as little as $89.90. Even better, distributors earn moneynot just from their efforts, but also from the efforts of those above them and below them—it is truly a “team” approachto success.

With a product that practically sells itself, combined with a national marketing campaign and an industry-leadingcompensation plan,Chews-4-Health is enabling many people to“Chews” their own destiny!

Business Opportunity Testimonials

Chews-4-Health, as seen on…

Dr. David Friedman’s

Prescription for Health Care Reform?

Face it, health care begins with YOU. Chews-4-Health makes it easy, delivering 16 powerful ingredients in a convenient, chewable supplement. It contains a rich blend of:

• super fruit complexes • antioxidants • sea vegetables • vitamins & minerals

Don’t just talk health reform – START by taking Dr. Friedman’s advice.

For more information, go to www.chews4health.com

Look in the mirror.Look in the mirror.

David R. Friedman, BS., ND., DC.

To learn more about Chews-4-Healthcontact me at: