Mission Statement - rothwellstmarys.co.uk€¦  · Web viewMission Statement. At St Mary’s ... A...

ROTHWELL ST MARY’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL ATTENDANCE POLICY Mission Statement At St Mary’s Catholic Primary School We ‘Grow together in Christ’ ‘Live and learn in God’s love’ by Developing the potential of every individual by providing the best education through experience of our Catholic, Christian Community within which all members can grow in faith. ‘This school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the wellbeing of all children, and expects our staff and volunteers to share this commitment’ .

Transcript of Mission Statement - rothwellstmarys.co.uk€¦  · Web viewMission Statement. At St Mary’s ... A...



Mission StatementAt St Mary’s Catholic Primary School

We‘Grow together in Christ’

‘Live and learn in God’s love’by

Developing the potential of every individual by providing the best education through experience of

our Catholic, Christian Community within which all members can grow in faith.

‘This school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the wellbeing of all children, and expects our staff and volunteers to

share this commitment’.

Rothwell St Mary’s Primary School believes that every child has the right to achieve high standards and benefit fully from the opportunities on offer. The Attendance Policy aims to:

Raise and maintain levels of attendance so that every child has the best possible chance to succeed.

Raise attainment and achievement levels by having high expectations of attendance.

Work effectively with our various partners to maintain high attendance levels.

Ensure that all pupils are kept safe at all times.

We know that all children benefit from attending school regularly and arriving at school in good time. We take seriously the responsibility of monitoring and promoting the regular and timely attendance of all our children. Regular attendance and punctuality are essential; they help children to be successful and promote important lifelong skills and habits. We know that regularly arriving late or having time off seriously disrupts learning, hinders progress and affects short and long term outcomes.Encouraging good attendance is the shared responsibility of schools, parents/carers and partners within our cluster of schools.

Schools have a responsibility to create an ethos and learning environment which encourages children and young people to take part.

School has a responsibility to ensure that all children are safe and this includes pupils attendance/ absence (please see Child Protection Policy/ Keeping Children Safe in Education Policy – available from the school office)

Parents/carers have a responsibility to see that their children attend school in order to receive the appropriate education.

The Cluster has a responsibility to support families and schools in promoting and maintaining regular school attendance.

Types of AbsenceAuthorised Absence:This is where schools accept that there is good reason for absence i.e. when a child is genuinely ill, in hospital, where there has been a family bereavement or exceptional circumstances. An authorised absence requires a written or telephone communication from the parent/carer. A child’s or siblings own word cannot be taken as reason for absence. Phone calls / texts home are made by school on the first day of absence. Unless word has been received from parents / carers about reasons for an extended absence, subsequent contact will be made by schools. Children and young people who return to school following an unauthorised absence will require a written note otherwise the absence will remain unauthorised.

Children missing in education:

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The school has a right to report any child who is absent for a period of more than 10 days (after a period of authorised absence) with no explanation (See DFE Children missing in education) to the Local Authority as this may be deemed to be CME child (child missing in education).

Authorised Planned Leave in Exceptional Circumstances In all cases an attendance record of at least 95% is required for any authorised absence leave to be considered. Each case will be considered individually but usually meet the criteria below

Up to 2 days per year for religious festivals Funeral of a close family member Up to 2 days for the wedding of a family member Participation in a sporting event at city, regional or national level Theatre performances (only authorised if a recognised licence is

required) Recognised examinations for music or dance Other exceptional circumstances agreed on an individual basis by the

Head Teacher

This list of Exceptional circumstances has been agreed by all the Primary Schools in the Rothwell Cluster Unauthorised absence is most frequently defined as absence when no explanation is given by parents. In addition, these planned absence requests below will not be authorised

All holidays will be unauthorised including long weekends, and preparation before or recovery from a holiday.

Visits to relatives Visits to events Modelling auditions Birthdays and shopping trips Sleeping in after a late night. Family day out.

Schools are required to report unauthorised absences to the Local Authority, and parents/carers may be contacted to follow up any concerns.

Persistent Absentees - The DfE category for Persistent Absentees is as follows: -If a child has 24 days absence, they are considered a Persistent Absentee until the end of the academic year. Parent/carers of children whose attendance drops below 90%, will be contacted by school to discuss further.Term-time HolidaysEach school expects that parents/carers will take their holidays during the approved school breaks. It should be noted that there are 175 days each year when children/young people are on holiday from school. No child or young person should be absent from school on holiday during term-time. Leeds City Council guidance.“Pupils attend school for a maximum of 190 days each academic year. Full attendance is vital for your child’s educational progress. Leeds City Council expects all parents/guardians to ensure that their children attend school

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whenever possible. Absences due to holidays, taken during term time can seriously impact on a pupil’s academic attainment. Leeds City Councils policy allows for a maximum of 10 days leave of absence only in exceptional circumstances. The cost, convenience or availability of a holiday will not be taken into consideration and will not be authorised”There is no entitlement to time off during term time. In exceptional circumstances a maximum of 10 school days may be authorised by the Head Teacher, on behalf of the governors. Absences for children with an attendance of less that 90% will not be authorised except in exceptional circumstances to be discussed with the attendance officer/ Head Teacher or the governing body. Formal requests for time off must be submitted to the school office, they will pass on requests to the head teacher/governors for discussion.


For persistent illnesses parents/carers will be required to provide a copy of a doctor’s note, appointment card or prescription. For sickness and stomach bugs a child is expected to remain off school for 48 hours after the last bout, to avoid cross infection. School must be informed before 9.30am on the day of absence, confirming details of any illness.

Parents/ carers can help by: Informing school when your child is transferring to another school.

Being proud of your child’s achievements and talk with them about the importance of good attendance and punctuality.

Ensuring that your child attends school every single day unless they are ill.

Making sure they leave home in good time and that they arrive in time for the start of the school day.

Making sure that your children have everything they need for the school day, such as PE kit.

Letting your school know before the school day begins at 9.50am why your child is unable to attend school on the first day of their absence. If no contact has been made, then school will text after the close of register at 9am.

Contact school on 0113 2828182.

Arranging routine medical and dental appointments out of school hours or during the holidays.

Keeping school informed if your child has an extended period of absence due to illness.

Keeping school informed of circumstances at home which may be affecting your child’s attendance.

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Sending a note to school when your child returns, explaining why they were absent.

Responding positively to any requests for information about lateness or absence.

Keeping school up to date with contact details, such as new mobile phone numbers.

Teachers and Staff will ensure that registers are taken correctly and promptly. They will ensure that any messages about a child’s absence or appointments are passed through to the office immediately.

Schools will encourage good attendance and continue to raise standards by:

Acknowledging and rewarding good attendance and timekeeping. Recording and monitoring children’s attendance, timekeeping and medical appointments. Contacting parents/carers as soon as possible when a child does not attend and when school has not had a message to explain their absence. This safeguards children and young people who make their own way to school, if they have not arrived by the close of registers. Make home visits if a child is not in school and no contact has been made with parents by 9.30am. Making initial enquiries of families who are not attending regularly, outlining any concerns and making clear the school and Local Authority’s expectations with regard to regular school attendance. Referring irregular, unexplained or persistently poor attendance to the Cluster Support Team or the Rothwell Cluster Support Group. Reporting on children’s attendance to parents/carers, governors, Local Authority and DFE.

Dec 2013/ reviewed 2016/to be reviewed December 2017