Mise-en-scene analysis


Transcript of Mise-en-scene analysis

Page 1: Mise-en-scene analysis


Page 2: Mise-en-scene analysis

In this image of pop artist Pixie Lott, the pure cream coloured

background suggests her youth and innocence, which goes with

her genre of music. Her bold feathered headpiece stands out

and immediately reflects her femininity and fun personality, and

also gives the looks a more flirtatious and fun feel. Her hair is

very light blonde and curled at the ends. This tousled style

shown falling over her face creates a more naturally attractive

and sexy look, especially as she holds her hand up to her hair

and has her lips slightly parted.

The blouse she is wearing appears to be a shade of yellow

which adds to the young girl look which Pixie is trying to

achieve. Her makeup is kept very natural and flawless

looking, allowing her freckles to shine through, but has a

bold eye look of smoky black liner which suggests that

though her music is sweet and feminine, it also has some

sexy mature undertones. Her facial expression is showing

her almost intrigued and happy which reflects her

captivating style. Her hand is held poised loosely near her

face which makes her body language appear to be

charmed and attracted to something she sees. This shows

how she is inspired by things around her.

The lighting used is artificial and is being used to illuminate

her flawless skin and pastel toned costume. She has been

centred in the frame which makes her the centre of

attention, and the audience's attention is not being taken

away by the background as it is plain and simple.

Page 3: Mise-en-scene analysis

In this image, Katy Perry stares dreamily and wistfully into the

distance in a way that suggests she has a care free attitude. In the

same way, her posture is draped across the chair giving her a sense

of vulnerability and a seductive feel. Her black stilettoes show a bit

of her wild rebellious side and indicate that she is not afraid to be

bold or rebellious. The cut-outs along the side of her dress suggest

that Katy has added her own wild touch to a plain dress, and

supports the idea of the image being sexy. Her dress colour is a

deep purple which could symbolise passion, and it matches her hair

colour which demonstrates how daring she is.

Her long flowing vibrant purple hair styled in a loose

wave indicates her fierceness and classic femininity,

while the simple décor of the room and the lighting

coming from the top and sides draws more attention to

the curves of her body. The lighting also illuminates the

outline of her figure to draw to draw further attention to

it (as it is already taking up most of the frame) so this

shows that she is very confident in her own skin. Her arm

being held to her head emphasis her vulnerability and


Page 4: Mise-en-scene analysis

In this image of Iggy Azalea, the background suggests her status

as a bold, daring hip-hop/pop artist. The black glittery crop top

goes with the background and gives her a sexy yet fun and

creative look, and shows her status as a bold, daring pop artist,

whereas the bottoms show her more relaxed and down to earth

side as they aren’t as extravagant and her upper half, though

her red nails show she can still be feisty. This reflects her unique

contemporary style. Her bold gold necklace stands out and goes

with her trademark modern stylish look. Her long flowing her

shows her femininity, yet the tattoo on her wrist shows that she

can also be rebellious.

Her tattoo is of a roman goddess Venus who symbolises

love, and this represents love, sex, beauty and fertility

which goes with her feisty attitude and star image. Her

body language is relaxed and calm by the way her

hands are in her pockets and she is not standing up

straight which presents her as a naturally confident

person. Her facial expression is quite inviting, as though

trying to lure someone in which shows her to be quite an

interesting person. The lighting is very bright to show off

all the reflectiveness of the glitter and jewellery in the

frame, and also helps to illuminate her skin more to give

it a healthy glow. Her position in the frame is slightly to

one side, almost leaning against the background which

demonstrates her calm character and how she is care-
