MIS – Digital Business


Transcript of MIS – Digital Business

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C O U R S E B Y A M I N S . L A L A N IS Z A B I S T M B A P R O G R A M

MIS ± Digital Business

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Course Outline

y Introduction to MIS

y ERP Theory and Practices

y Introduction Hardw are, Sof t w are, Application,

Net working, Security and Communicationy Business Process Re-engineering

y Managing Know ledge

y Project Management

y E-Commerce

y Business Intelligence

y Ethical Issues

y Project in MS Access

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Introduction to MIS

y Management of Information ± Systematic collection,retrieval of  data/information, and converting it into a reports/presentation for better business decisions.

MIS also helps in optimizing Business Processes w ithin the Functional Dept.

y http:// www .y outube.com/ w atch?v=yiaqo AGEhi8

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ERP Theory and PracticeDell BPM

y Built to order

y Just in Time

y Best Practices

y Business Processes

y  Artif icial Intelligence

http:// www .y outube.com/ w atch?v=EEhNkzdKyr w 

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Introduction Hardw are, Sof t w are, Apps,Net working, Security and Comm

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IT Environment

y IT Environment / IT Inf rastructure consist of  

Hardw are

Sof t w are

Net working (incl.security & policies) Communication Setup (eg VOIP)

ERP (business application) & Database

IT Policies (backup policy, virus protection, etc)

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Concept of Sof t w are

Sof t w are are madeup of programming codes that directly communicate w ith hardw are to perform some task.

y Operating Sof t w are : Those sof t w are that w akeup theoperating system and communicate  w ith hardw are to 

process the requesty Off ice Automation Sof t w are : All kind of application thatmanages some of the business process or automation

y Business Application Sof t w are : Applications are those

sof t w are that are purposely develop to f acilitate businessprocesses

y Database are also a kind of sof t w are

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Business Application

y Microsof t Server

y Microsof t Client (xp, vista, w indow s 7)

y ERP ± Oracle, SAP, Dynamics

y Fire w all sof t w are and hardw are

y ISA and Exchange Server

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Hardw are

y Server

y Desktop

y Mo bile PCs (Table PC)

y R outer / S w itches / Hub

y RFID Scanner / RFID

y Fire w all

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y  V oIP

y Project Management

y Business W ork Flow 

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y Fire w are (hardw are and sof t w are)

y ISA Server

y Encryption (Versign 128 bits security)

y  Validation

y IPSec

y Security Level: Net work, Server, Application,

 Validation, Database Encryption, etc

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y ERP are business application (sof t w are) thatmanages entire business resources w hich includesFinance, HR, Procurement, Production, Distribution

(SCM), eCommerce and CRM.

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y ERP is all about managing enterprise resources suchas assets, human resource, f inancial resources, stakeholder, customers, etc w ithin a centralized 

f rame work inorder to plan eff iciently for betteroperations, prof itability and relationship

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Understanding Terminologies

y MIS ± To deal w ith information processing for better business decision

y IS / IT ± Information System or Information

Technology Management is all about managing thecomputer, hardw are and net working

y ERP ± Enterprise Resource Planning is ne w conceptin centralized management of Information

Management using real time data processing,ad vance user capabilities, diff erent tools connectivity and more.

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E R P P L A N N I N G , I M P L E M E N T A T I O NM A N A G I N G A N D R E - E N G I N E E R I N G

Session 3

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The Seven Truths

y 1. Enhancements often don¶t deliver results commensurate with their costs.

y � Establish a f ixed budget for IT enhancements for each f unction or division, in line  w ith the goals they are expected to achieve.

y � Do not extend f unds. When they run out, they run out.y 2. Projects are often too big and take too long, partly because unnecessary functionality is built into

applications.y � Require leaders to commit to delivering measurable value for application f unctions before granting them project appro val and 

 before allow ing them to maintain f unding at each stage.

y � Tie executive compensation to realization of value.y 3. Previously purchased applications and infrastructure technology are often underutilized.

y � U

se w hat y ou have before investing in ne w technology.y � Require IT to counterbalance the added cost of ne w inf rastructure investments w ith sensible reductions in the cost of  

maintaining the basics.y 4. Project failure rates are too high.

y � Minimize the duration of project stages. (Limiting scope makes projects less risky and more likely to succeed. That, in turn,increases buy-in for subsequent stages.)

y � Establish ³kill s w itch´ rules for projects (for example, ³Kill project if initial budget has been modif ied t w ice and betadeplo y ment still has not occurred´).

y 5. Tech teams do not have sufficient incentive to achieve high quality, and quality is often not measured.

y � Make sure development and applications support teams are accountable for the operational costs associated  w ith def ects,including emergency change requests and help desk calls.

y 6. Managers don¶t know enough about the systems that support their areas.y � Follow Intuit¶s lead and charge units for ³helpless´ help desk calls.y 7. IT is too risk averse: ³No one ever got fired for buying IBM or Microsoft.´

y � Require IT to examine the costs and benef its of extending ref resh cycles, delaying upgrades, discontinuing maintenanceagreements, and using open source platforms and applications.

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Case Studies

y 99 cents Inc

y etc