Mirrors: Increase the Effectiveness of Self-Awareness with a Feedback Device

Mirrors: Increase the Effectiveness of Self-Awareness with a Feedback Device There are many ways to increase awareness, but none are more effective than those done with the information received back from a feedback device. According to Wikipedia, ...“feedback is the return of information about a system or process that may effect a change in the process, for example, the regulation or optimization of performance. Feedback occurs when a portion of the output of a system is "fed back" to the input. As part of a chain of cause-and-effect that forms a circuit or loop, the system is said to "feed back" into itself.” A feedback device then, is a material, emotional, or spiritual device that is meant to reflect (feedback) information to the person using it, thus increasing their awareness of what they are seeking feedback for. The use of a feedback device allows for modifications and changes to an action based on the feedback that is received from the device; and without such feedback, it is much more difficult to be aware of the successfulness of any particular course of action. In short, a feedback device allows for the fine tuning and calibration of an action, because it raises awareness about whatever is being acted upon. For example, doing kegel exercises without a feedback device is much less effective than using a jade egg within the vagina, the amount of sensory information and awareness that a woman will receive back from using a jade egg in her kegels is priceless, it is impossible for her to understand her vagina as intimately without one. A jade egg not only allows for increased muscle strength, but also allows for increased sexual sensitivity, muscle awareness, muscle skill, and a host of other sexual and non sexual benefits that simply doing kegels does not provide. In the same way, a man that uses a prostate massaging device as a feedback device while doing kegels will have similar muscle control, heightened sensitivity, etc., than a man who practices kegels without such a feedback device. DivinePollination.com


There are many ways to increase awareness, but none are more effective than those done with the information received back from a feedback device. Learn how to increase your physical, emotional, and spiritual awareness in this article.

Transcript of Mirrors: Increase the Effectiveness of Self-Awareness with a Feedback Device

Page 1: Mirrors: Increase the Effectiveness of Self-Awareness with a Feedback Device

Mirrors: Increase the Effectiveness of Self-Awareness with a Feedback Device

There are many ways to increase awareness, but none are more effective than those done with the information received back from a feedback device. According to Wikipedia,

...“feedback is the return of information about a system or process that may effect a change in the process, for example, the regulation or optimization of performance. Feedback occurs when a portion of the output of a system is "fed back" to the input. As part of a chain of cause-and-effect that forms a circuit or loop, the system is said to "feed back" into itself.”

A feedback device then, is a material, emotional, or spiritual device that is meant to reflect (feedback) information to the person using it, thus increasing their awareness of what they are seeking feedback for. The use of a feedback device allows for modifications and changes to an action based on the feedback that is received from the device; and without such feedback, it is much more difficult to be aware of the successfulness of any particular

course of action. In short, a feedback device allows for the fine tuning and calibration of an action, because it raises awareness about whatever is being acted upon.

For example, doing kegel exercises without a feedback device is much less effective than using a jade egg within the vagina, the amount of sensory information and awareness that a woman will receive back from using a jade egg in her kegels is priceless, it is impossible for her to understand her vagina as intimately without one. A jade egg not only allows for increased muscle strength, but also allows for increased sexual sensitivity, muscle awareness, muscle skill, and a host of other sexual and non sexual benefits that simply doing kegels does not provide. In the same way, a man that uses a prostate massaging device as a feedback device while doing kegels will have similar muscle control, heightened sensitivity, etc., than a man who practices kegels without such a feedback device.


Page 2: Mirrors: Increase the Effectiveness of Self-Awareness with a Feedback Device

Using weights while exercising is another example of a feedback device, as a certain level of muscle awareness is gained through the experience of using them; how many repetitions at any given weight, with certain form and range of motion, allows for the person doing the exercises to gain strength, flexibility, explosiveness, power, etc.. Pushups uses the floor as a feedback device, an opposing immovable force that provides sensory feedback to the host of muscles engaged in the exercise. A scale to weigh a person, goods, etc., is yet another carefully calibrated feedback device.

Another feedback device that many people overlook is a mirror, it provides feedback about what the Source that is viewing itself looks like. From a purely analytical perspective, the Source viewing themselves in a mirror can become aware of all types of things about their appearance, and from this new awareness, they can then utilize this feedback to make alterations to their lifestyle, clothes, makeup, body shape, etc. From a more emotional perspective, they can use their time looking into the mirror to admire or be critical of themselves, depending on their personal predispositions to vanity or embarrassment; and incidentally, those two possibilities are the dualistic opposites of the unity feeling of being reflective.

For more on the “Duality to Unity Feelings Wheel”, and how to use it, please click HERE.

Whereas a person does not need to use a feedback device to become more Self-aware, for maximum results, it is essential to have, and work effectively with, some type of feedback device. This is never more true than in relationships, especially intimate ones, where a romantic partner provides the most essential feedback to increase the potential awareness of a person; the problem is, most people do not desire this type of raw feedback, and instead choose to shame or guilt their mirror for what it is showing them about themselves. Some people may even excuse it away by saying that being single is just as capable of providing feedback as being in an intimate relationship, unfortunately, this just isn’t true. It is impossible to reach the depths of Self-intimacy without a feedback device capable of showing you the depths of who you truly are – romantic relationships are the ultimate feedback device (mirror) for Self-exploration and growth.


Page 3: Mirrors: Increase the Effectiveness of Self-Awareness with a Feedback Device

While sexually intimate relationships are the best mirror for personal growth, there are also tiers of reflective capacity within them; for if a person is less aware, their romantic relationships will reflect back to them a more infantile image of who they are. However, after some practice at being mindful and understanding the feedback (mirrors) from life experiences, a romantic partner is capable of reflecting greater and greater details and refinement of the character, values, beliefs, and patterns of the Source that is looking into the mirror. An immature relationship, no matter how long the couple has been together, cannot provide the same degree of refined feedback that an emotionally and spiritually mature couple can, even if the mature couple has only been together a few months or years.

Closeness of souls, especially soulmates that traverse many lifetimes together, much like a pod of dolphins or whales travel the seas together, will provide a higher degree of feedback, especially when compared to a non soulmate intimate relationship. Beyond that though, a Twin Soul couple will refine this feedback even further, with Twin Flame relationships providing the highest capacity to refine, tweak, and explore the Self in this dimension. Looking into a Twin Flame mirror can be one of the most soul wrenching journey’s a person will ever delve into, but it also provides the greatest potential for Self-awareness possible, and with that, the potential for increased inner peace, inner joy, and inner personal power. While Twin Flame relationships are the most sensitive feedback device in this dimension, not all souls desire or need such refined feedback to accomplish their life’s purpose, utilizing some feedback to navigate life can be a valuable asset to an individual’s growth and awareness.

Far from being an enmeshed “we” of consciousness soup, the feedback of looking into the mirror of intimate relationship provides the catalyst for individuating the Self from the amalgamated “we” of duality, and into the unique “I” of unity consciousness. While this process takes practice, it is not something that is mastered overnight; it only starts after an individual is aware of their need for refined feedback, and then they will find that a long trail of breadcrumbs (feedback) has been waiting for them to notice and utilize all along. The Source must first acknowledge its mirrors, and their purpose of providing feedback, otherwise they are still seeing themselves as a victim, and their feedback as their perpetrator; this acknowledgment is the beginning of personal responsibility.

Are you ready to take responsibility for your life and look into the mirror of Self? Are you ready to begin this journey of awareness? To do so, look no further than the feedback device of intimate relationship.
