Minor Project Presentation - Macmillan Publishers India Limited - Farhan Choudhary 1320MPS


Transcript of Minor Project Presentation - Macmillan Publishers India Limited - Farhan Choudhary 1320MPS

Page 1: Minor Project Presentation - Macmillan Publishers India Limited - Farhan Choudhary 1320MPS
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Strategic Sales Planning

Farhan Choudhary1320 MPS

Corporate MentorMr. Tarun Kumar

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Macmillan Publishers

Nature Publishing Group

Pan MacmillanPalgrave


Macmillan Education

• Company Background

• Book Categorization

• Macmillan Area

• Motivation for the Study • Ahmedabad•Hyderabad•Bhopal•Nagpur•Pune•Reay Road

• Calcutta•Cuttack•Guwahati•Patna

• Bangalore•Chennai•Coimbatore•Madhurai•Trivandrum

•Chandigarh•Delhi• Jaipur• Lucknow

North South


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• Qualitative Analysis

• Quantitative Analysis – Gustav Fechner’s Model of Quantitative Data Analysis

• Problem Audit & Problem Definition

• Problem Conceptualization & Operationalization

• Hypothesis Specification

• Sampling Design Specification

• Data Collection

• Interpretation and Integration of Findings

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Figures taken with permission from MPIL & Mr. Tarun Kumar – https://www.macmillansales.co.in

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work flow

Price/Sampling Check

Cross matching ISBN's with their corresponding updated price for the Acedemic Year 2015-16Checking sampling of the books, to be made available only after administrative approval

SE/BM Stock Check

Checking the quantities of books left at the branch for SE's & offices of MPIL for Branch Managers

Transaction Reports

The values entered by the SE's cross checked at the Corporate Office as to the quantity of stock left and the business done by them for the previous yearCheking discrepancy in the system in terms of values entered


Possibility of acceptance of the titles by Macmillan Publishers India or the status of a title getting adopted by a particular institution which would help forecast demand for the Academic Year 2015

Opportunity Planning

Opportunity of business in the institutions and dispersal of stock to the BM's/SE's on the basis of their previous year's record and values entered into the MAST/SAP System

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• Defines the Criteria of Availability

• ISBN-13 Standard

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stock check

• Concept of SE/BM Stock

• Branches & Warehouses

• Planned & Unplanned Stock

• Stock Status

• Approved

• Shipped

• Partially Shipped

• Validated

• Rejected

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transaction reports

• Executive Current Stock

• Bulk Current Stock

• Adoption

• Sampling Reports

• Setting up of Opportunity Values

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• Externalities

• Adoption Value

• Adoption Quantity – 60:40 Ratio

• Samples – Given vs. Transferred

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opportunity planning

• Mapping System Stock with Physical Stock

• Opportunity Percentage Categories

• Lost

• Low

• Medium

• High

• Sure

• Adopted

• School Categories/Enrolment Categories

• OV = Quantity x Discount x MRP x O%age

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• Developing a Strategy at the Corporate Level

• Mapping Congruency

• Making Learning Easier

• SE/Corporate Conflict

• Importance of Insights

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• Strategy Conceptualization & Implementation

• Branch to Ground Reality – Disparity

• Importance of Data

• Systems Upgrade

• Use of Insights

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• Stock Discrepancy

• Data Mismatch/Missing

• Opportunity/Adoption Values not Entered

• Incomplete Data for Schools

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Strategic Sales Planning

Farhan Choudhary1320 MPS

Thank you