MINISTRY OF GENDER EQUALITY AND CHILD … Report...Decision No. 2nd/11.03.14/007. The circular...

REPUBLIC OF NAMIBIA MINISTRY OF GENDER EQUALITY AND CHILD WELFARE TRAINING OF TRAINERS WORKSHOP ON GENDER RESPONSIVE BUDGETING AND APPLICATION OF GENDER RESPONSIVE BUDGETING GUIDELINES FOR SEVEN MINISTRIES Workshop Report Prepared by: Aramanzan Madanda, PhD International Gender Consultant (Facilitator) [email protected]/[email protected] +256776110126/256750110126+2648187759192 Hotel C’est Si Bon Otjiwarongo, Namibia SEPTEMBER 21- 25, 2015 With Support of UNDP

Transcript of MINISTRY OF GENDER EQUALITY AND CHILD … Report...Decision No. 2nd/11.03.14/007. The circular...

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Workshop Report

Prepared by:

Aramanzan Madanda, PhD

International Gender Consultant (Facilitator)

[email protected]/[email protected]


Hotel C’est Si Bon Otjiwarongo, Namibia

SEPTEMBER 21- 25, 2015

With Support of UNDP

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Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 3

1.1 Background ...................................................................................................................... 3

1.2 Workshop Goal and Objectives ...................................................................................... 3

1.3 Participants ....................................................................................................................... 3

1.4 Pre-Training Assessment ................................................................................................. 4

2. WORKSHOP PROCEEDINGS AND RESULTS ................................................................ 4

2.1 Official Opening and Closing .......................................................................................... 4

2.2 Workshop Content and Coverage ................................................................................... 5

2.2. The Namibia GRB Template Application and Experiences ........................................... 6

2.3. Tips on Gender Training ................................................................................................. 7

2.4 Training Workshop Evaluation ........................................................................................ 7

3. LESSONS .............................................................................................................................. 7

4. RECOMMENDATIONS ....................................................................................................... 8

3.1 For MGECW .................................................................................................................... 8

3.2 For O/M/As .................................................................................................................... 8

3.3 For Development partners ................................................................................................ 9

5. ANNEXES ........................................................................................................................... 10

Annex 1: List of Participants ............................................................................................... 10

Annex 2: Workshop Programme ......................................................................................... 11

Annex 3: Draft GRB Plans Per Ministry ............................................................................. 15

A1: Ministry of Safety and Security – Namibia Police ................................................... 15

A2: Ministry of Safety and Security – Namibia Correctional Service ............................ 16

B: Ministry of Defence .................................................................................................... 17

C: Ministry of Finance ..................................................................................................... 21

D: Ministry of Higher Education, Training and Innovation ............................................ 23

E: Ministry of Health and Social Services ....................................................................... 23

F: Ministry of Works and Transport ................................................................................ 25

Abbreviations ....................................................................................................................... 26

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1.1 Background The Namibia Cabinet Decision No. 2nd/11.03.14/007 directed all government Offices, Ministries and

Agencies (O/M/As) in Namibia to comply with Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) Guidelines.

Subsequently, the Ministry of Finance (MoF) Treasury Circular/Budget Circular for the 2015/2016

Budget and the 2015/16-2017/18 Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) emphasized in

paragraph 12, that budget proposals for O/M/As were to adhere to GRB Guidelines as per Cabinet

Decision No. 2nd/11.03.14/007. The circular requested O/M/As to seek guidance from the Ministry of

Gender Equality and Child Welfare (MGECW) to comply with the guidelines. This was the first country

Budget Call Circular to incorporate a gender paragraph since the inception of GRB in the Namibia in

1998. To support the integration of gender into the country budgeting process, the MGECW prepared

and circulated Gender Responsive Budgeting Guidelines to O/M/As in August 2014.

As a follow-up, the MGECW with support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

commissioned analyses of the respective budgets and MTEF proposals in 2015 for seven Ministries,

which collectively are allocated about 70% of the total expenditure budget to assess progress in the

implementation of the Cabinet Directive on GRB and adherence to Paragraph 12 of the Budget Call

Circular. The analyses was to come up with strategies for addressing any challenges found and map

out means of strengthening GRB in Namibia. The assessment was followed by a TOT Workshop for the

assessed ministries to enable them further strengthen GRB practice in the respective institutions. This

report details the proceedings and outcome of the TOT Workshop held in Hotel C’est Si Bon,

Otjiwarongo from September 21-25, 2015.

1.2 Workshop Goal and Objectives

The workshop goal was to enhance capacity of government Offices, Ministries and Agencies (O/M/As)

to conduct gender responsive budgeting.

The specific objectives were that by the end of the workshop, participants should be able to:

1. Apply the Namibia Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) Guidelines in respective O/M/As.

2. To conduct training on the use of the GRB Guidelines.

1.3 Participants

The TOT workshop attracted 32 participants, consiting of 20 women and 10 men from seven ministries

namely: Ministry of Safety and Security (MOSS) with resentation from both the Namibian Police

(NAMPOL) and the Namibia Correctional Service (NCS); the Ministry of Defence (MOD); the Ministry of

Finance (MoF), the Ministry of Higher Education, Training and Innovation (MHETI); the Ministry of

Health and Social Services (MOHSS), Ministry of Works and Transport (MWT); and the Host Minsitry of

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Gender Equality and Child Welfare (MGECW). A representative each from the United Nations

Development Programme (UNDP) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) participated in the

workshop. Of theparticipants, 3 are part of the pioneer group of the Master of Arts in Gender Studies

Course at the UNiveristy of Namibia who were specially invited to take part. The only invited O/M/A that

did not turn up due to pressing engangements was the Minstry of Education, Arts and Culture (MEAC).

See Annex 1 for a List of Participants.

1.4 Pre-Training Assessment A questionnaire was given to each participant prior to the training. Twenty participants cositing of 13

women and 7 men responded to the pre-training assessment, which mainly sought to find out the

experinces that trainees bring to the workshop. The partcipants had varried management, planning and

accountancy resposibilities as well as various professional backgrounds including: Accounts,

Administration, Education, Development studies, Health, Social Work, Human Resources, Development

Studies and Economics. Out of the 20 that responded only 9 (45%) of the participants had prior gender

training of any sort implying that for the majority, the TOT was the first encounter with gender training.

Most of the Trainees that reported prior knowledge of gender obtained it as part of a course they

studied at Training Institution.

The fact that most of the Trainees had no prior gender knowledge was problematic in that identification

of gender isseus neccesray to inform the formulation of gender resposinve activities to budget for was

difficult to comeby. The post workshop evaluation results provide more feed back on this and the

recommendations point to future action. GRB traning usually assumes prior exposure to gender

knowledge. This particular training was focused on the application of the GRB Guidelines rather than

equiping participants with gender comcepts of general GRB skills. This focus was dictated by the fact

that budgting by O/M/As was alrrady ongoing and the MGECW wanted possibilities of influencing the

process. Timing and ensuring that interventions around GRB are carefully mapped over the budgeting

cycle is important just like the intial raining plan that was to take all the Trainees through general

gender analysis skills prior to GRB training.


2.1 Official Opening and Closing The opening remarks were made by Mr. Victor Shipoh, the Director of Gender Equality and Research.

In his remarks, he laid emphasis on O/M/As ensuring that the respective budgets address gender

needs of the population. He noted that the workshop was to ensure that O/M/As apply the Namibia

GRB Guidelines which had been developed by the MGECW and approved by Cabinet. He urged

participants to learn so that they can conduct training on the application of GRB Guidelines in the

context of the respective O/M/As. He called for commitment on the part of the Trainees to be able to be

effective Trainers. He acknowledged the Development Partners that were represented at the training

namely UNDP and UNFPA especially for the continued support to the MGECW and gender work in the


The workshop was also closed by Mr. Victor Shipoh the Director Gender Equality and Research who

emphasised gender mainstreaming in all government institutions. He noted that participation of women

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and men in the development process is important and gender must be applied in a way that allows

women and men to be effective. He noted that the training was important to the institutions and the

country at large in line with the achievement of the aims of Vision 2030. It is important to note that

cultural issues are important in the context of training.

2.2 Workshop Content and Coverage The workshop programme showing the whole spectrum of content covered is appended as Annex 2.

The focus of the training as per the objectives listed above was on the application of the Namibia GRB

Guidelines. The intention was that participants were to draft respective gender responsive budget

proposals that they would possibly incorporate into the budgets and three-year Medium Term

Expenditure Plans (MTEPs). Henceforth, apart from a presentation on the history of GRB in Namibia

from 1998 when it commenced to date, to inform the participants, coverage was centred on the aspects

of the GRB Guidelines namely:

The concept of GRB

Importance of GRB for Namibia

Key approaches to GRB, which focused on the three-category expenditure approach as

developed by Australian Economist Rhonda Sharp and the five-step approach to gender

budget analysis developed in South Africa by Debbie Buddlender.

Integrating gender into Namibia’s budgeting cycle, which included covering key steps in

incorporating gender perspectives, the main actors at each step and their respective roles.

The application of the Namibia GRB Template which was the main pre-occupation of the

workshop and involved: discussion of the general features of the Namibia GRB Template;

identification of gender issues from gender gaps, discriminative practices and oppressive

norms during technical working sessions. Participants from respective budget votes formulated

gender specific and responsive activities, which they aligned to the MTEF Programmes,

outcomes and outputs. After a rigorous process, represented O/M/As populated the GRB

template, presented for validation and made cost estimates and projections for the proposed

activities over the three year medium term period. The draft plans are to form a basis for further

discussions and refinements once the Trainees return to their respective O/M/As. They are also

intended for use by the MGECW for follow-up support to the O/M/As and monitoring GRB

adoption across the trained ministries.

Costing activities and calculating proportion allocations to gender also showed the amount of

the budget that could be devoted to gender activities over the medium term. This ranged from a

minimum annual allocation of about 0.1% to a maximum of 5% depending on the cost of

projected activities as a portion of the total budget. The Draft Plans at different levels of

refinement are provided “as is” in Annex 3.

On completion of the template filling process, participants were engaged in a session to

examine their experience with the GRB tool. This included capturing views of O/M/As

especially the Namibian Defence Force (NDF) and the Namibian Police that had engaged with

the tool the previous year. The next section captures some of the feedback views and

recommendations from the participants.

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2.2. The Namibia GRB Template Application and Experiences A substantial amount of training time was spent on learning how to apply the Namibia GRB Template

and drawing lessons from O/M/As that had substantially applied it in the Financial Year 2015/16 since

the issuance of the first gender responsive budget circular by the MoF, especially the NDF and


All the O/M/As present successfully applied the template during the training and stated that it was user

friendly. All indicated that there were no technical hurdles to integrate the results of the template into

the mainstream budgeting framework. Hazy areas around the alignment of the template with the MoF

forms were clarified and participants aligned the identified activities to the MTEF programmes and

provide cost estimates. The only area that required more training especially for those that had lesser

gender skills was the identification of gender issues as well as formulation for gender responsive

activities which the MGECW should work on strengthening. Although the Trainees found the tool similar

to others they have used especially in strategic planning led by the OPM, participants had the following

recommendations to strengthen adoption of GRB:

1. The MGECW should advocate for a fixed percentage of the allocation to gender issues of 5%. It should be noted however that this approach does not guarantee that the allocation will be spent on

gender if the O/M/As are not technically equipped to identify gender issues and plan for them. Besides, a

“one shoe fits all” approach is not recommended. As was seen from the training (See Tentative Plans in

Annex 3) some O/M/As could budget for more or for less depending on identified gender needs and

mandate realities. The approach of fixed percentage in GRB can led to inappropriate use of allocations

such as in the case of the Philippines1.

2. That Financial Advisors and Programme Staff from all O/M/As should be trained in GRB.

3. Further in-service training for Trainers and other staff members should be carried out to sustain

the GRB in O/M/As

4. GRB template should be incorporated with MOF to reduce resistance from O/M/As.

Accountability report should incorporate report

5. To ensure buy-in from management, MGECW should approach Ministers and accounting

officer to set GRB as a Ministry Target.

6. Beyond the GRB Cabinet directive, a specific policy and a legal GRB instrument to enforce

GRB in the budget

7. Some Trainees especially those with no prior gender skills recommended that there is need to

understand gender and GRB concepts more before working on and applying the GRB


8. Need for more time to practice, follow up with people who implement to understand

9. The noted a problem with the timing of the workshop and suggested that such a workshop

needs to be brought earlier such as in the month of June

10. MGECW should help O/M/As to find technical support for GRB

11. O/M/As would need help from the MGECW in helping to train and facilitate Retreats of

managers and identification of experts to assist as well as in making them to understand the

Cabinet Resolution on GRB.

1 In the Philippines case, part of the gender responsive budget was allocated to ‘inappropriate’ activities, such as ballroom dancing lessons (International

Labour Organization Bureau for Gender Equality (2014) Overview of Gender-responsive Budget Initiatives.

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12. GRB template could be incorporated into the MOF template in order to reduce resistance from

O/M/A and accountability report to take GRB

13. Continuous Technical support for budget stakeholders such as management and middle

management involvement in budgeting process

2.3. Tips on Gender Training Since it was a TOT workshop, participants were taken through an interactive session covering basic

tips on gender training. Among the various aspects covered were: characteristics of adult learners;

training techniques for adults given their characteristics; likely difficulties in conducting gender training,

and qualities of a good gender trainer. It was emphasized that gender training aims not only to raise

awareness and transform attitudes and structures which are very challenging tasks. To make it effective

such training should be well planned and followed-up to strengthen outcomes.

2.4 Training Workshop Evaluation A Post Training Evaluation Questionnaire was distributed to participants to get feedback about the

effectiveness of the training and recommendations for future trainings. Nineteen trainees returned the

evaluation questionnaire of which 14 were females. Overall all the trainees rated the training strongly

but complained of: the small size of the conference room for the numbers, the fact that lunch was not

provided at the venue were not provided at the venue Below are the key points from the feedback while

a few were not happy with the quality of the teas and absence of bottled water for refreshment. Those

that had no prior knowledge of the training suggested more training is needed and some indicated that

they were not yet ready to train others as they needed more training especially in concepts as well as


Most participants from O/M/As indicated that they need technical assistance to train the managers in

the respective ministries as that is likely to be deemed more appropriate for the top managers. The

members also urged the MGECW to conduct more follow-up trainings and support to the O/M/As to be

able to implement GRB properly. The more advanced Trainees especially requested for training in

Gender Budget analysis so that they can be able to track compliance by O/M/As in the respective


3. LESSONS 1. Planning for cross-cutting issues such as GBV requires a coordinated effort from the

MGECW. This can be done through the operationalization of the National GBV Plan of Action

and the various GBV Conference recommendations in a multispectral approach under the

relevant cluster within the National Gender Coordination Mechanism. This will get many

O/M/As that can make a contribution to the reduction in GBV to have initiates in line with their

mandates. The UN agencies could play a catalytic role in this planning and scaling up of

implementation across sectors.

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2. Having accounting, finance and programme staff who are directly involved in budgeting

is crucial as they can easily see the linkages and application of the template. The

MGECW should innovative ways of reaching out to more senior staff members such as

Directors and Permanent Secretaries who may not find much time to attend week-long

meetings. A possibility is to break down the training into shorter presentations or sessions at

Ministry management meetings. Both the Permanent Secretary and Director of Gender Equality

can engage the counterparts across O/M/As to explore this and other viable possibilities.


3.1 For MGECW

1. The MGECW should ensure that all the GRB Trainers are provided introductory training in

addition to their learned skills in application of GRB Guidelines and that future Training of

Trainers is properly sequenced and given to people with some prior gender training. Otherwise

enough time and resources should be provided to ensure that the background knowledge is

provided to training.

2. In planning GRB interventions, the MGECW should take into account the full national budgeting

cycle so that all planned interventions are timely and relevant. Poorly timed activities will only

lead to a stampede which may be counter-productive.

3. The MGECW should as a priority strengthen the gender focal points/persons by way of

providing introductory gender training, comprehensive GRB training as well as robust technical

support and requisite tools.

4. The MGECW should provide gender materials to the Trainers and especially focal persons that

are more advanced to conduct similar sessions in their O/M/As such the MOD and Namibian


5. While all participants found the GRB template easy to use and can integrate it into the MTEF

and mainstream budgeting they recommend that the MGECW should further institutionalise

GRB by:

a. Working closely with the Ministry of Finance to integrate the GRB Template into the

MOF Forms to reduce resistance in adoption

b. Working with the Auditor General’s Office to ensuring that aspects of GRB Guidelines

are captured by the Accountability Report and ensure that the Auditor General’s

Monitoring Statement in Namibia Does Not Address Gender Issues/GRB/ Gender


c. The MGECW should work with O/M/As to strengthen the Gender Focal Persons/Points

– skills, tools and back up support.


3.2 For O/M/As

1. The respective O/M/As should proactively take steps to refine and integrate the GRAB draft

plans into the budgets and the MTEF. O/M/As with technical capacity challenges should seek

assistance from the MGECW and development partners to assist.

2. All O/M/As should work with the MGECW and within the framework of the national gender

coordination mechanism to strengthen the policy, functional and technical capacities of the

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respective gender focal persons or points to support the GRB process as well as the broader

gender mainstreaming agenda while ensuring that such persons or points are strategically

positioned to function across the various management units.

3.3 For Development partners

Given the lessons, input into the GRB process by the O/M/As especially those assesed to provide

background information for the training, the ministries are making varried progress but key obstacles

are related to technical capacity to comply with GRB despite the positive political will signified by the

cabinet decision. There are also gaps in monitoring and cordination on the part of the MGECW

including the challenge of building strong gender focal points across the entire governemnt structure.

Given that the O/M/As were able to finacially support the workshop with the exception of hiring a

Fcailitator, development partners should focus support on areas that are catalytic in nature to sustain

the momentum to drive dreater insutionalisation of GRB. It appears GRB in Namibia requires more of

technical capaicty development, monitoring implemntaion and evaluation of impact with coleagual peer-

to-peer advocacy.

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Annex 1: List of Participants Name Sex Position O/M/A Email And Contact Details

1 Anastasia Chiwana F Chief Liaison Officer MGECW [email protected]

2 Anna N. Itengula F Deputy Commissioner NAMPOL [email protected]

3 Aramanzan Madanda M Gender Consultant/Facilitator


4 Benson Matali M Chief Development Planner


5 Berney Brandt M Accountant MOF [email protected]

6 Cloudina Venaani F Programme Officer UNDP

7 Delinsia Garises F Accountant MHETI [email protected]

8 Ella Shigwedha F Social Worker MGECW [email protected]

9 Emily Munepapa F Learning and Development Officer

MOF [email protected]

10 Emma Shihengo F Chief Control Administrative Officer

MWT [email protected]/[email protected]

11 Herman Angala M Senior Accountant MOF [email protected]

12 Josefina Amunyela F Development Planner MGECW [email protected]

13 Josephine Toivo F Development Planner MGECW [email protected]

14 Kooper Vernon M Administrative Officer MOHSS [email protected]

15 Kwenani Zita F Chief Learning and Development Officer

MWT [email protected]/[email protected]

16 Lawrence Siyanga M Chief Health Programme Officer

MOHSS [email protected]/[email protected]

17 Leena. N. Shikongo F Chief Inspector NAMPOL [email protected]

18 Letisia Alfeus F National Programme Officer


19 Lineekela Hainyanyula M Development Planner MGECW [email protected]

20 Mitchel Mubuyaeta M Chief Development Planner


21 Mweulinale Hambeleleni F Asst. Commissioner NCS [email protected]

22 Nande Amakali M Control Administrative Officer

MWT [email protected]

23 Naomi Kafita F Chief Accountant MOHSS [email protected]

24 Palestina Pombili Nghiitete F Senior Accountant Budget

MOD [email protected]

25 Rosina Museke-Mubonenwa F Deputy Director MGECW [email protected]

26 Ruth Mukono F Deputy Commissioner NCS [email protected]

27 Selma Kaoas F Chief Accountant Budget

MOD [email protected]

28 Severinus Heita M Development Planner MGECW [email protected]

29 Sofia Benjamin F Research Auditing and Publicity Officer/SO2

MOD [email protected]

30 Uapingene Joseph M Chief Accountant MWT [email protected]/[email protected]

31 Vejarukapo Kaura F Senior Accountant MHETI [email protected]

32 Victor Shipoh M Director MGECW [email protected]

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Annex 2: Workshop Programme



08h00- 08h40 Reporting and Registration


08h40 – 09h00 Welcome Remarks and Opening


09h00 – 10h00 Workshop Objectives and Rationale

Expectations and Programme Overview

Historical Background to GRB in Namibia and Key Milestones

10h00-10h30 Tea/Coffee break


10h30.-11h00 Purpose, Aims and target users of the guidelines

11h00– 13h00 Application of Gender and Gender Mainstreaming Concepts to GRB

What is Gender Responsive Budgeting? Why GRB for Namibia?

13h00-14h00 Lunch Break


14h00 – 15h00 The Three-Category Expenditure Approach

15h00 – 17h00 The Five Step Approach to Gender Budget Analysis



08h00-10h00 Namibia’s Budgeting Cycle: Key Steps, Incorporation of Gender Perspectives

and Roles of Main Actors

10h00 – 10h30 Break

10h30 am -11h30 General Overview of Generic GRB Tools and their Application in Programme

Based Budgeting

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11h30-13h00 Presentation and Discussion of General Features and Elements of the

Namibia GRB Template

13h00–14h00 Lunch Break

14h00 – 17h00 Identification of Gender Issues: Gaps, Practices and Norms

Technical Working Session


8.00h09h30 Formulation of Gender Specific and Responsive Activities

Session Eight:

09h00– 10h30

Aligning activities to MTEF Programmes, Outcomes and outputs

10h30 – 11h00 Coffee/Tea Break

11h00-13h00 Populating the GRB template, addressing horizontal and vertical logic

13h00. – 14h00 LUNCH BREAK

14h00 – 17h00 pm Presentations of Draft Populated Templates and Refinements


08h00-10h30 Costing Activities and calculating proportion allocations to gender

10.30 am – 11.00 am Break

11.00.- 01.00 pm Discussing and sharing experiences with the application of the template and

exploring ways of strengthening adoption by O/M/As

13.00 p.m. – 14h00. LUNCH

14h00-17h00 Conducting GRB Training: Skills and Tips


08h00– 10h30 Looking Ahead and Planning Next Steps

10.30-11.00 am Break

11h00 – 13h00 Looking Ahead and Planning Next Steps

13.00 – 14h00 Lunch


14h00 pm – 15h00 Workshop Evaluation

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Closing Remarks

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Annex 3: Draft GRB Plans Per Ministry

A1: Ministry of Safety and Security – Namibia Police

Programme: (From the MTEF or a new formulation)

Outputs: (one or more activities

can contribute to one output ) Output Indicators: (what will be measured for each output?)

Activities: (these are identified

gender activities)

Financial Year

2016/17 Approved

2017/18 2018/19

Programme 1: Training and development

1. Increased % of women officers Trained and developed in qualifying courses

% of women trained, developed

1. Train and develop women up to a tune of 30% of the total number of officers trained in qualifying courses

N$ 4,500, 000 N$ 4,950,000 N$ 5,445,000


Combating of crime

2. Improved handling of GBV cases by the Namibian Police

Reduction in GBV cases in the community

Develop and implement police strategy to address prevalent GBV cases in line with police mandate

N$ 2, 000,000 N$2,500,000 N$1,000,000

Programme 3: Coordination and support services

Output 1: More Gender Balanced Police Force

The % of women officers in the Police Force

Activity 1: Advocate for the recruitment and promotion of women officers on equitable basis with men officers

N$ 300 000 N$ 350 000 N$ 370 000

Output 2: Sufficient and conducive accommodation for expectant officers constructed

The # of family friendly houses completed

Activity 2: Construction of sufficient and conducive accommodation for expectant officers

N$ 20 000 000 N$ 20 000 000 N$ 20 000 000

Total Costs N$ 26,800,000 N$ 27,800,000 N$ 26,815,000

Total MTEF Allocation 4,720,683,000 4,809,382,000 4,809,382,000

% allocated to gender equality and women empowerment activities 0.57% 0.58% 0.56%

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A2: Ministry of Safety and Security – Namibia Correctional Service

Programme: (From

the MTEF or a new


Outputs: (one or more

activities can contribute

to one output )

Output Indicators:

(what will be

measured for each


Activities: (these are identified gender


Financial Year


Approved 2017/18 2018/19

Programme 1:

Coordination and

support services

Knowledge, awareness

and stronger foundation

for implementation of

Gender activities


Number of top

managers and key

staff members that

support gender


Activity 1: Conduct a gender retreat for top


150 000 160 000 180 000

Activity 2: Conduct gender training for middle

management and selected staff.

500 000 520 000 550 000

Gender action plan

and functional

gender focal point

Activity3: Commission comprehensive

gender analysis for the NCS

300 000

Activity 4: Disseminate the findings of the

comprehensive gender analysis to the

management, staff and stakeholders.

250 000

Activity 5: Develop and cost an action plan to

implement the recommendations of the

comprehensive gender analysis

100 000

Activity 6: Strengthening the focal point.

100 000 120 000 140 000

Total Cost 1 400 000 800 000 870 000

Budget ceilings 801 248 000 771 235 000 771 235 000

% allocated to gender equality and women empowerment activities 0.17% 0.10% 0.11%

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B: Ministry of Defence


(From the MTEF

or a new


Outputs: (one or

more activities can

contribute to one

output )

Output Indicators:

(What will be measured for each


Activities: (these are identified gender


Financial Year


Approved 2017/18 2018/19

Supervision and

support services


Training capacity

building ,

Land operations ,



Offshore Defence

and Military health


Supervision and

support services,

Training capacity

Increased gender

responsiveness and

equity in top and

middle management

- No of top and middle

managers that support

gender activities

- Gender balance in the


- No of Gender Trainers

ISSUE ONE Imbalance in top

management structure

1. Conduct a High Level Round

Table on Gender in the MOD

N$300 000 N$200 000 N$200 000

2. Conduct Gender Training for

MLM and Key Operational Staff

on Gender related issues,

Affirmative Action Act and

Human Resource Policies

N$650 000 N$650 000 N$700 000

3. Organise mentoring, confidence

building and motivation events

for women in the MOD.

4. TOT for Gender Unit

Representatives (GURs) on

gender issues

5. Conduct gender awareness

activities to junior staff members

in the ministry

N$600 000

N$350 000

N$600 000

N$350 000

N$600 000

N$350 000

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building ,

Land operations ,



Offshore Defence

and Military health


Supervision and

support services

Training capacity

building ,

Land operations ,



Offshore Defence

and Military health


N$150 000

N$150 000

N$150 000

ISSUE TWO Absence of Institutional

Gender Policy

Standard Gender

Policy Framework in


Gender Policy in place 1. Benchmark with other Defence

Forces with institutional gender


N$300 000

2. Develop MOD Gender policy N$500 000 N$300 000


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Supervision and

support services

Training capacity

building ,

Land operations ,



Offshore Defence

GBV Improved

understanding and

Response to GBV in

the MOD

Available information on GBV

and Response Activities

1. Conduct research/Study on GBV

in the ministry.

2. Develop GBV awareness

through workshops and Forums.

N$420 000

N$400 000

N$250 000

N$300 000

N$250 000

N$300 000

Enhanced Gender

Research Capacity

for MOD

ISSUE FOUR Lack of gender

disaggregated data base.

1. Number of Gender

Researchers Trained

2. Electronic Gender

Data Base System


1. Conduct Research Training

for MOD Gender researchers

2. Commission a Systems

Analysis and Design of a

Gender Data Base for MOD

N$190 000


N$100 000

N$100 000

TOTAL N$4 050 000 N$3 000 000 N$2 750 000

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MOD BUDGET CEILING N$7 282 514 500 N$7 493 722 000

PERCENTAGE Allocation to Gender Activities 0.05% 0.04%

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C: Ministry of Finance

Programme: (From the MTEF or a new formulation)

Outputs: (one or more

activities can contribute to one output )

Output Indicators: (what will be measured for each output?)

Activities: (these are identified

gender activities)

Financial Year


Approved 2017/18 2018/19


Policy Supervision

and Support


Output 1:

Gender analysis

conducted across all MOF


Gender analysis report

produced for MOF

Activity 1:

Commission A Gender

Analysis of All MOF


300 000

# staff attending

validation workshop for

GA analysis report

Activity 2:

Information sharing sessions

on gender analysis report

300 000

300 000

300 000

Output 2

Ministerial gender

Guidelines developed and

disseminated by 2016/17

# of staff members in the

Ministry of Finance

sensitized about gender

and have access to GRB


Activity 5

Adapt Generic GRB guidelines to

suit the MOF budgeting function

400 000

250 000

200 000

Output 3

Gender focal (GF) person

trained and capacitated to

implement gender

programs for MOF is


# of gender activities

attended by GF

Activity 6

Support capacity development of

the MOF Gender focal Point

Activity 7

Develop and implement gender

100 000

200 000

100 000

200 000

100 000

200 000

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# of gender


conducted by GF

program for MOF

98% of key staff

members trained across

all programs by 2017/18


Gender training for key staff

across all programs

(Management and Middle

Management Staff)

400 000

400 000


Total Cost 1 200 000 1 500 000 1 470 000

Budgetary Ceiling 3 891 261 000 3 518 973 000 3 569 354 000

% allocated to gender equality and women empowerment activities 0.03% 0.04% 0.04%

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D: Ministry of Higher Education, Training and Innovation

E: Ministry of Health and Social Services

Programme: (From the MTEF or a new formulation)

Outputs: (one or more activities can contribute to one output )

Output Indicators: (what will be measured for each output?)

Activities: (these are identified gender activities)

Financial Year

2016/17 Approved

2017/18 2018/19

Programme 1: Public Health (Teenage Pregnancy) ( Voluntary Male Medical Circumcision)

Output 1: Improved AFSRH services in hotspot regions

No. of skilled health workers on AFSRH

No of boys and girls utilizing AFSRH services

Activity 1: Develop gender responsive training guidelines/ manual on AFSRH


Activity 2: Conduct gender training for selected health workers on AFSRH (Nurses, social workers, counsellors)2

1,300,000 1,250,000 1,200,000

Activity 3: Conduct awareness activities for school boys and girls in hot spots (Kunene, Omaheke,Kavango,Zambezi) on AFSRH

200,000 400,000 450,000

Activity 4: Conduct community outreach on ASHR in hot spots Kunene, Omaheke,Kavango,Zambezi)

80,000 100,000 120,000

Activity 1: Conduct/participate in Career fair marketing events targeting males to take up nursing

Output 2: Increased uptake of voluntary male medical circumcision (VMMC) in all 14 regions

Number of male health workers skilled to perform VMMC

Number of males utilizing

Activity2: Conduct pre service training on VMMC for male nurses at training institutions

1,900,000 1,900,000 1,900,000

2 Recommend MEAC to conduct similar training for teachers, traditional leaders and Councilors

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VMMC services in all regions Activity 3: Conduct in-service training on VMMC for male nurses at training institutions

700,000 700,000 700,000

Activity 4: Conduct awareness activities campaign on VMMC in all regions

1,000,000 1,200,000 1,350,000

Activity 5: Expand outreach programme on VMMC in all regions

820,000 1,000,000 1,400,000

Gender Based Violence

Output 1: Improved health services to survivors of GBV

No of incidents recorded on GBV

Activity 1: Conduct training for health workers on GBV

800,000 1,200,000 1,500,000

No of stop centres at health facilities

Activity 2: Advocate for one stop centre services on GBV at health facilities (Police shelter, Medical, Psycho-Social)

100,000 50,000 20,000

Activity 3: Advocate multi sectoral guidelines for GBV prevention and management

300,000 600,000

Programme 2: Development Social Welfare (Substance abuse)

Output 1: Improved Rehabilitation services on substance abuse in selected hot spot regions

Number of key service providers skilled in substance abuse, prevention and management Number of functional rehabilitation Centres Number of intake in rehabilitation Centres

Activity 1: Conduct training for selected key service providers (Social workers, Clinical Psychologist, Nurses) for rehabilitation Centres

2,000,000 2,500,000 1,000,000

Activity 2: Establish a functional rehabilitation Centre in selected hot spot regions for males

120,000,000 250,000,000 320,000,000

Activity 3. Conduct national awareness campaign on substance abuse prevention and management for males at hot spots and through media,

1,000,000 1,600,000 1,350,000

Total Cost 320,700,000 262,500,000 330,990,000

Budget Ceiling 6,489,082,000 6,651,870,000 6,634,300,000

% allocated to gender equality and women empowerment activities 5% 4% 5%

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F: Ministry of Works and Transport

Programme: (From the MTEF or a new formulation)

Outputs: (one or more activities can contribute to one output )

Output Indicators: (what will be measured for each output?)

Activities: (these are identified gender activities)

Financial Year

2016/17 Approved

2017/18 2018/19

Programme 6: Supervision and Support Services

Programme 4: Formulation transportation Policy and Regulation oversight

Increased gender knowledge and practice amongst Senior and middle Management of the MWT Relevant Information for a gender review of policies, laws, and institutional culture in place

Number of divisions with gender activities

Level of gender balance in the MWT

Developed proposals for a gender review of policies and acts

Gender Action Plan for the MWT

1. Conduct Gender Retreat for Senior Management of the MWT

2. Organise Gender

Training Workshop for Middle Management and key Operational staff

3. Develop and implement recruitment plan in compliance with the Affirmative Action Act

1.Commission a comprehensive gender analysis of the MWT

2. Organise dissemination activities for the Gender Analysis report and development an action plan to implement the recommendations

250 000 250 000 200 000 200 000 to be shared between MWT & GIZ 100 000

300 000 150 000 250 000 250 000

315 000 100 000 250 000 250 000

Total Cost 1 000 000 950 000 915 000

% allocated to gender equality and women empowerment activities (main budget 5 195 491 000 ) 0,02% 0,02% 0,02%

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Abbreviations AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

GBV: Gender Based Violence

GRB: Gender Responsive Budgeting

HIV: Human Immune-Deficiency Virus

MEAC Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture

MHETI: Ministry of Higher Education, Training and Innovation

MOD: Ministry of Defence

MOHSS: Ministry of Health and Social Services

MOSS: Ministry of Safety and Security

MTEF: Medium Term Expenditure Framework

MTEP: Medium Term Expenditure Plan

MWT: Ministry of Works and Transport

NAMPOL: Namibia Police

NCS: Namibia Correctional Service

NDF: Namibia Defence Forces

NGP: National Gender Policy

O/M/As: Offices, Ministries and Agencies

TOT: Training of Trainers

UNDP: United Nations Development Programme

UNFPA: United Nations Population Fund

VTC: Voluntary Counseling and Testing