Ministry of Exhortation

GIBI Course- The Ministry of Exhortation THE MINISTRY OF EXHORTATION A MEDITATION HANDBOOK FOR GOD'S CHEERLEADERS! Written By Apostle A. E. Matthews A ‘For His Glory!’ Publications Product 1 Another publication release by Apostle Andre Matthews

Transcript of Ministry of Exhortation

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GIBI Course- The Ministry of Exhortation


Written By Apostle A. E. MatthewsA ‘For His Glory!’ Publications Product

Gateway International Bible Institute4445 W Olive Ave.

Glendale, AZ 85302(602)993-5353

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FreshFire Fellowship Ministries International & the School Of Ministerial Excellence

POB 1138 Glendale, AZ 85311

Fifth Printing (2008) for F.F.M.I. (Glendale, AZ.)and

the Gateway International Bible Institute (G.I.B.I.), Phoenix, AZ.

Unless otherwise indicated, all scriptural references and quotations are taken from the King James Version of the Holy Bible.

Printed by Gateway International Bible Institute4444 W. Olive AvenueGlendale, AZ 85302

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This handbook is dedicated to all of those unsung heroes and heroines of the Body of Christ, which is the Church worldwide.

To all of you who yet hold so tenaciously to the gracious Hand of God, as He empowers you

to operate in the 'less comely' ministries of the Holy Spirit to the Church in particular...

Unto you, who are so 'poor in spirit' that God has now ordained you to be 'rich in faith'...

Unto you, my true brothers and sisters in the Kingdom...

Unto you, who have been gloriously called by God to the high ministry of exhortation...

I salute you.

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Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 5

Chapter 1: Introduction Of New Testament Ministry of Exhortation ............................................... 7

Chapter 2: Definitions And Associations For Exhortation ................................................................ 10

Chapter 3: Imageries Of Exhortation ..................................................................................................... 14

Chapter 4: Exhortation Is Ministry To The Church! ........................................................................... 17

Chapter 5: Exhortation Builds The House Of God! ............................................................................ 20

Chapter 6: The Fine Line Between Exaltation And Exhortation ....................................................... 23

Chapter 7: Admonishments To All Exhorters ...................................................................................... 30

Chapter 8: Give The Warriors A Break! ……………………………………………………...… 33

Chapter 9: "Be Of Good Cheer!" ............................................................................................................ 39

Chapter 10: A Word Of Exhortation ...................................................................................................... 42

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Answer Sheets ……………………………………………………………………………….....

About the Author: ........................................................................................................................................

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I recall just a few years ago, observing an interesting conversation between TBN's founders Paul and Jan Crouch, and world-champion bodybuilder Brother Lee Haney. This quiet man of many bodybuilding championships and awards sat across from Paul and Jan and quietly, yet oh, so humbly related to them how he had been called in to assist the quiet man of the boxing world- Brother Evander Holyfield- in his preparatory quest to fight this century's boxing wonder- Mr. Mike Tyson.

Brother Haney began to share how he helped Brother Evander prepare for that momentous fight. He spoke of how he assisted the man in beefing his weight up, by introducing not only new weight training techniques, but also keeping Brother Evander on a concentrated diet of specific foods and vitamins. Brother Lee then went on to share how he helped his brother in Christ mentally prepare for this great bout of fisticuffs.

I tell you now, I was never more impressed with Mr. Haney's calm demeanor than when I observed him on television! I was even more impressed with the character of love that this great and gentle giant of faith exhibited, as he related how he was so used of the Lord Jesus to encourage Brother Evander to pursue this particular world heavyweight championship title. It had been reported by so many around the world that our Brother Evander was the underdog in this boxing match. And yet, Brother Lee Haney never gave up encouraging him.

So well did Lee Haney do what he had been called in to do, and so effectively did Mr. Holyfield perform his task in the ring, that, to everyone's surprise, Brother Evander walked away with the world championship! Now, isn't that amazing? And, not only that, but, at the post press conference, once again, Evander gave all honor and glory unto God for helping him win against seemingly insurmountable odds! Praise God!

When it comes to encouragement and verbal assistance to cause another to excel in whatever one does, one need not have to look very far to find appropriate examples. In fact, the world is chock full of living examples of those employing the principles of exhortation and encouragement! We can see forms of exhortation in almost every arena of life. In the business sectors, we can now find employee incentive packages and motivational courses. If you were to walk down the hushed halls of education, guidance counselors dole out gobs of encouragement, reinforcement, and challenges to improve self esteem.And let's not forget the medical and psychiatric fields, resplendent with their own brands of nouthetic counseling and relaxation techniques! Hypnosis is now being widely used to filter out the so-called 'bad' in us, in hopes that some lone qualified soul would finally be able to ferry themselves through the mazes and the messes of our lives well enough to, in turn,

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'speak the positive' into us, and to ‘reprogram’ our nearly bankrupt soulish realms with ‘good’ and positive character-building statements!

I think that the sports field gives us the greatest number of examples for exhortation. As they say, “First natural, then spiritual!” In the sports arenas we can easily find types of motivation... from those screaming, cheering fans, to advertisements and game programs designed to excite! Pit crews work hard, feverishly scrambling around metal, ether, and rubber, in hopes that a checkerboard flag will be waved over their car as it reaches the finish line first! Coaches scream, berate, and challenge their teams; while trainers mend, tie things up, and help stretch muscles and sinews into shape. And, last but not least, we stand on the sidelines in freezing cold and unbearable heat, straining our eyes to get a glimpse of our favorite marathon runner, international cyclist, our favorite swimmer, our hometown or national champion!

Here they come, now, out of the fog, in the rain's unforgiving downpour...

Somehow, they have managed to get ahead of the pack, but they look so tired, wearied in mind, bodies straining to accomplish seemingly unreachable goals, all at the risk expense of dehydration, exhaustion, and near-death experiences! And yet somehow these soldiers of ‘no pain-no gain’ trudge onward. Somehow, they amazingly muster up courage for the task. So much is riding on their performance.. and they keep pressing onward. It seems as though they sort of reach way down inside, to that inner reserve to do that which, for so many others, seems humanly impossible! And somehow, they just keep on a’ goin’. It's almost as if they have become the prototype for the Everready battery!

Funny, when it seems that they have run out of all that they could ever humanly possess, they begin to hear something in their ear. They look up through sweat-filled, pain-induced tearful eyes, and there they are! Yes! Yes, up ahead, to my left and right, on the side of this old forgotten road, stands a smalls group of ecstatically screaming fans of mine... they're right where I didn't even think to look! Now they see me, and they're going crazy rooting for me!

Hey, isn't that my best friend James waving at me? Yeah, and isn't that my main man David, lifting his voice and singing one of those wild and crazy victory-songs? Yep, it sure is! I can even see old Mother Deborah, singing her duet with Barak; there's apostle Paul grunting at me to keep at it.. pointing ahead of me and saying that the finish line was just ahead!

Then there's my friend Mephibosheth whistling at me while standing next to his wheelchair. And, who do I see leading in the victory dance for us… but

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the same blind man who just came away from Jesus with his sight restored? Oh, my Lord, I think I can see the whole gang of God's cheerleaders in the Bible.. lining up to exhort and to encourage me onward to the finish!

This type scenario is precisely what I shall endeavor to portray for you, in terms of the unique position that the ministry of exhortation holds for both the local and worldwide Body of Christ! In this short writing, I shall work to present the ministry of exhortation as one extension of the ministry of the Holy Spirit that is so vitally important for the very life of the Church of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord!

It is my prayer to God that you would consider examining your effectiveness in this the end-time in-house ministry of the Holy Ghost, as He empowers the Church-militant to go and preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to every creature!

My expectation shall be made manifest as every one of you enter into this wonderful ministry of shared encouragement, motivation, and prophetic consolation!

Lastly, my challenge goes out to all teachers, pastors, evangelists, prophets, and apostles of this last-day ministry of the Holy Ghost… to minister so cleanly unto the Body, that it will push and press all ‘men to edification, and exhortation, and comfort.’

May you enjoy this spiritual appetizer concerning- “THE MINISTRY OF EXHORTATION”.

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SCRIPTURE: St. Luke 3:1-18.FOCUS VERSE: St. Luke 3:18.

REASONING 1: The Ministry Of Exhortation Flows From The Most Unlikely Sources!As we have carefully observed this passage of Scripture in Luke's synopsis of the gospel of Jesus, we stumble upon a most amazing revelation for the New Testament Church, that being the introduction of New Testament ministry by means of exhortation! My, what a wonderful eye-opener! What I find so compelling and intriguing about this particular incident of exhortation, is the mere fact that this particular season of exhortive ministry issued forth in the midst of that prophetic stream which flowed from an unlikely source... it gushed forth from, and was ingeniously mixed by the hand of the Holy Ghost into that so-called tough-handed, no-nonsense preaching style of none other than that of John the Baptist!Now, who, in their right minds, would have even thought to include the harshness of preaching the gospel of repentance for the remission of sins in the same breath as that supposedly ‘soft’ and careful ministry of exhortation? But, there it is, written in black and white, scribed in the Holy Bible for the whole world to see! I mean, how, in the world, is this possible?

Isn't it also interesting to note that the ministry of exhortation was initially introduced to the religious world by a man whose normal diet often consisted of wild honey and locusts? [1] Believe it or not, this man of leather-girdled wardrobe-wearing was actually walking in prophetic fulfillment![2] John the Baptist's ministry mirrored that of his high apostolic-prophetic predecessor- the prophet Elijah himself. So, our brother John was literally walking in and doing the Book, aggressively fulfilling divine purpose for his life! Besides the fact that John the Baptist exhibited a peculiarly unique style of deliverance ministry, we must all admit that these drawing cards of his were quite effective.Question: What are you using nowadays to draw the world to Christ? Hmm...

Here is another side-note about the man we call John the Baptist: the very mention of the peculiar name of 'John' in those days actually intimated God Himself was directly involved in exhorting His own people! In a time when prophetic utterances from the oracles of God's Presence had strangely grown cold and silent for so long... here stands a rugged man of God, knee-deep in the very river bed of the Jordan River, somewhere near to the ford called Jabbok. There he stands, preaching with the fervor of a man on fire. In a time when so many had thought that God had written them off, and signed their lives over to a ruthless army of marauding demons, here stands a man calling us to repentance. You see, John's name meant 'God is gracious!'[3] Now, isn't that amazing? I think it is!

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You must also recognize the historical significance of a place called Bethabara seen in St. John 1:28-29. Bethabara literally meant ‘The Ferry-House’, ‘The Place of the Cross-Over’, or ‘The Place of Transition’.

Now, if you are not ready right now to accept a shifting upwards in ministry areas in your life, you should challenge yourself right now to admit defeatism and return to a life of minimized normalcy, visionary smallness, and socio-religious mediocrity. But if you would dare yourself to believe in a God who believes in Himself fully operating in you, then you must prepare yourself to ‘-lay aside every weight, and the sin that doth so easily beset you,’ and cast off all restraints of carnal or imposed restraints!

Child of God, you must prepare to take one giant ‘Leap of Faith,’ and ask God the Spirit of the Lord to safely ‘ferry’ you to that safe haven of totally trusting God for all things! Think you can do that? I believe that you can!

God is calling you out from the maddening crowds of skepticism and fear and intimidation into the bright glory of His Profound Presence and Power! My friend, others may not believe it, but, Saint of God… this is Your Season to Rise and Shine! Why? For The Glory Of The Lord Has Shone Upon You!

Now let us see what can be grasped concerning the ministry of exhortation within the context of the ministry of John the Baptist!

Study ST. LUKE 3:1-18.STATEMENTS:1. John the Baptist's preaching ministry was full of examples of exhortation.2. John's office, as crier or herald, was to give notice that the Kingdom of God was at hand!3. John the Baptist exhorted the people to repent, assuring them of

forgiveness and pardon of sins through repentance as well as the flow of God's Love and Mercy to them.

CONCLUSIONS:A. The Ministry of Exhortation is a ministry that includes:

Personally incubating the Word of God; Carefully releasing the Word of God in a divinely-timed manner; Much prayer and intercession for all men; and Assisting in the preparation of all hearts to hear and receive the

Words of Christ!B: The Ministry of Exhortation is:

Both very humbling and simultaneously joyous;

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Costly to the individual, yet achievable by the help of the Holy Spirit!

One's flesh (carnality, vanity) never speaks out in true exhortation.The Spirit of the Lord has now taken up residence and is administering His Grace, freely sharing with us the heart and mind of God through those who exhort, those whom He has chosen to be His humble mouthpieces.

C: The Ministry of Exhortation is given for everyone to receive.Note: Please read St. Luke 3:10, 12, 14a.

Exhortation, Therefore: Births excitement and expectancy in all who hear (v. 15a). Rebuilds trust in God-sent ministry (v.15b). Has purpose , in that it turns all hearts to the Lord Jesus Christ

(v.16-17) Helps provide answers to some of life's most perplexing questions

(v.10, 12, 14a). Ought to be given gently, wisely and generously! (v, 18)

Now, if the ministry of exhortation was an apparently integral part of John the Baptist's preaching ministry, what does that say for ministry today?

Besides all of the generic prophecy and regurgitated, reprocessed preaching and teaching going on around us, what are we to do in public ministry as we deal with God's own dear children?

Are we to abandon our tenacious grasp on the effective plow of God's righteousness, as it births the abundance of life, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost, for a fleeting moment of fleshly fame and impish glory?No! So, what are we to do?Are you beginning to see something in this? I mean, even as early into this handbook on exhortation as it is to work in symphony with in-house church ministry, are you really catching hold to what I am driving at?

I want you to know that I am not attempting to use literary or poetic license to start some strange cult of folk running around, carelessly oblivious to the obvious norms of life in Christ! What I am saying is, that, if the ministry of exhortation was introduced by John the Baptist, and ratified by none greater than Jesus Christ Himself, need we look for any greater confirmation as to the place and purpose of exhortation in the Body of Christ?

Did not Jesus Himself refer to the greatness of John's ministry and all that it entailed when He was recorded as saying in St. Luke 7:26-28, saying:‘But what went ye out for to see? A prophet? Yea, I say unto you, and much more than a prophet. This is he, of whom it is written, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee. For I say unto you, Among those that are born of women there is not a greater

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prophet then John the Baptist: but that is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he.’

Though He referenced this saying to that of that which was written in Malachi chapter three, even Jesus highly respected the style, the effectiveness, and the clarity of John's ministry! This also included the ministry of exhortation! And with that being said, let’s press in on the concept, definitions, and associations of exhortation!

Scripture References: [1] St. Matthew 3:1-4[2] 2 Kings 1:8; Zechariah 13:4[3] St. Luke 1:13-17, 57-80[4] 2 Corinthians 3:17

[5] 1 Thessalonians 2:5-8

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SCRIPTURE: ST. Luke 3:18.FOCUS VERSE: ST. Luke 3:18.

REASONING 2. Exhortation Is Definitive!The word 'exhortation' found in St. Luke 3:18 is given a unique place in biblio-centric phraseology, in that it receives double priority here. You see, the law of first mention is in operation here. This word, exhortation, in herein mentioned for the first time in the Holy Bible, and for the first time in the New Testament, even at the very onset of classical Christendom! This word, therefore, makes New Covenant History! Now, in my estimation, that is something to really make close inspection of!

The word exhortation is introduced to our thirsty minds with no regard to our own ignorance to its inherent worth. In fact, because the Lord allowed it to be revealed in such a peculiar way, this word, in itself, is cause for us to take special care in how we address its significance!

Note: If exhortation and the season for revelatory discovery was that important to God at that particular time, then, surely and most certainly, it behooves us to delve untiringly into the hidden treasures of God's Mind to ferret out its intrinsic value to us and to the Church at large!

Note: The Greek word for 'exhortation' is 'parakaleo', having a number of meanings:

To call near to; to invite; to invoke (by imploration, consolation, hortation); to entreat; and to pray for!

Note: ‘Parakaleo’ , or ‘exhortation’ , is a compound word generally derived from:

‘Para’ ‘beside, in the vicinity of, to the proximity of; beyond or opposed to.’

+‘Kaleo,’ meaning ‘to call.’ Kaleo is based upon another word:

‘kuleuo’ , meaning: ‘To urge on; to hail; to incite by a word; to

enthusiastically order or bid; and, to give command to.’

Now that we have assessed the history of this word exhortation, we may safely conjecture that exhortation is basically the ability of one to get close enough to another and to enthusiastically urge that individual onward towards greatness by a series of challenges, cheers, commands, and encouragement!

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Now if we were to scratch a bit deeper under the general terra firma of the foundation and reasoning for operating in the spirit of exhortation, we would quickly find that, the ministry of exhortation must incorporate an on-going ministry of prayer, intercession, strong crying, a profusion of the Word of God, and an undaunted, insatiable desire to see the things of God accomplished in the earth!

Question: The Holy Ghost has put out a 'Help Wanted!'Ad that says: “Are you ready and available for the work of the Lord?”

REASONING 3: Exhortation Is Supported By Old Testament Prophetic Association.Please read Isaiah 40:1-2.‘Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God. Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry unto her, that her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned: for she hath received of the LORD’s hand double for all her sins.’

As we have noted these two verses in Isaiah chapter 40, we first notice that we have entered into the second section of this great and masterfully written book of prophecy. In contrast to the dark judgments of the preceding chapters, here, beginning with verse one of chapter forty, we are almost stunned by the blatant brilliance of a new light that suddenly breaks forth upon us! It shines with the light of God's Promise of Restoration! And, though the prophet has already pronounced God's inevitable chastisement by judgment upon rebellious children of Israel, Isaiah is yet inspired by the Holy One of Israel to pronounce a brighter day of coming comfort and restoration and joyful satisfaction!

Please allow me to stop right here and inform you of something vitally important...The ministry of prophetic exhortation urges one onward toward a prophetic fulfillment of the Word of God!Note: If the exhorter does not believe that which the Spirit of God has just released and is presently speaking, there will hardly ever be an overall conviction in the heart of the hearer to heed, believe and obey that same prophetic sprinkling! Though it is the ‘Vox Deos’ (the Voice of God) speaking, we must be careful to remember that His Words are being released through lips of flesh yet learning to yield to the ministry of the Holy Ghost!

Precious exhorter, may you continuously endeavor with all fervor to be a ready, yielded and obedient vessel of utterance through whom God may show His Omnipotent Wonders through!

REASONING 4. The Ministry Of Exhortation Is Closely Associated With The Deep Movements Of The Compassion Of Our God.

Note: Please read Lamentations 3:22. 15

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As the compassion of God never fails, so likewise ought the ministry of exhortation be ongoing and effervescent! At the heart of exhortation is the heart of God's compassion! And, in the heart of God is the most intense expression of His passionate love for you and every one that is His!

REASONING 5. Exhortation Is God’s Expressed Compassion.Please read Isaiah 49:15-16, along with Jeremiah 12:14-15.Note: In Old Testament scripture, the word 'compassion' was also closely associated with the phrase – ‘bowels of mercies.’ The Hebrew word for compassion is ‘racham.’ ‘Racham’ has a number of meanings such as:

to fondle; to handle with passionate love; and, the showing of mercy towards.

Concerning ‘The Bowels’: You will notice that the word ‘bowels’ is readily seen in both the Old and New Testaments:OT: ‘meah’ [Hebrew] ‘to be soft.’ The word ‘meah’ was used only in the plural, giving a general definition of ‘the intestines’; or, collectively, meaning ‘the abdomen’, which also carried the meaning of ‘sympathy.’

By implication, ‘meah’ means ‘a vest.’ By extension, this Hebrew word meant ‘the stomach.’ ‘Meah’ also meant ‘the heart’, ‘the belly’, and even ‘the womb’!

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For example, in Hebrew understanding, when ‘meah’ was directed toward the female, it usually meant ‘the uterus’.

Whenever this phrase was directed toward the male, his 'bowels' (meah) were found in his pelvic region, and the seat of the generation of all life-seed that issued from him! This phrase, simply stated, implied that ‘meah’ was the place of releasing life.

NT: ‘splagchnon’ [Greek], being derived from ‘splen’ [pronounced ‘splane’]; basically means ‘the spleen, an intestine.’

‘Splen’ also meant two other things: inward affection and tender mercy.

Now, with all of that in mind, let us turn to these next few scriptures and receive some fresh new insight in Philippians 1:3; 2:1; Colossians 3:12; Philemon 7, 12, 20; 1 John 3:17.

Concerning the words ‘Mercy’ or ‘Mercies’:The Old Testament carries two (2) general terms/words for that single word ‘mercies’: ‘Racham’ ‘compassion’, which is ‘the womb’, as if one is always

found ‘cherishing the fetus!’The imagery of ‘racham’ is that of a young wife's tender love for the yet unborn child of her womb!

‘Chacad’[pronounced ‘khawsad’] means ‘to be kind to’ ; also, ‘to bow the neck in courtesy

to an equal.’ Chacad was also taken to mean both awesome and natural ‘beauty’.

The New Testament shows ‘mercies’ in the revelatory light and context of one general word: ‘Oiktirmos’ meaning 'pity', or ‘mercy’. Oiktirmos is derived from the

Greek word ‘oiktereo’,which means ‘to exercise pity’, and ‘to have compassion


STATEMENT A. The ministry of exhortation is quite definitive, in the fact that there is much gathered from the silent halls of language and interpretation. In my estimation, there is yet much more to be learned from the select words used to convey the message of God's special love and affection for His own dear children! Oh, praise Him for His matchless Love!

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STATEMENT B. The ministry of exhortation is explorative and ever expanding, in that we see the God of the Bible revealing the intimacies of His very Personhood, reaching deeply within Himself to give us a more graphic picture of just how much He truly loves and cares for us.

STATEMENT C. The ministry of exhortation is not without careful observation and

didactic scrutiny. To be sure, no activity performed under the so-called banner of church ministry can go without Gods' omniscient purview.

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All that operates from the Body of Christ ought to haveits foundation in the womb of the Word of God!

It has been supported by a plethora of Scripture, that there is sufficient given evidence for supporting the reality of the ministry of exhortation among us. And, though some may not hold as high an office as that of apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, or teacher, it is safe to say that the Church would be bereft of the broader scope of ministry by the Holy Spirit unto its own Body and members if exhortation was not operative! So in terms of receiving encouragement, comfort, and edification, we the Church, need this precious ministry of exhortation!

So many soldiers of the Lord are returning from ground zero combat with the enemy, and need healing and restoration. They have looked the enemy in the eye so long, until as they come off the battlefield, they might think your advances toward them are oppositional; but you must persevere with wisdom! Some of our ministers and ministries on the forefront have fought and struggled and warred so intensely until they haven’t noticed that their artillery is running low, their moral is anemic, and their warfare is losing its punch! No one has told them that they need to bivouac for a while, to stop and recuperate and allow their souls, minds, and bodies, their families and their ministries receive a spiritual resuscitation.

Friend, God is championing a new cause in the Body, and that cause is aiding His Spirit in restoring, refitting, reviving, healing, blessing, and anointing afresh those who have given their all to follow Christ wherever that assignment is! The Lord is calling on every Word-filled believer to step forward and cheer to victory on those who are out on the field of combat. Others are being called forth to initiate intense, personal restoration surgery of the souls of these mighty warriors in the faith! God is using many in-house ministers to pour in oil and wine through teaching, prophetic exhortation, intercession and supplication for these saints of the Most High. There are yet others whom the Spirit is inspiring to write songs, prose, and other theatric releases that help in the healing process for our brothers and sisters in Christ! Now which of these companies are you a part of? Which of these is God calling you to serve Him in?

You must continue to pour in oil and wine, singing and speaking and making declarations over them! You cannot stop ‘treating them’ with the love of God: there is great reward just ahead for you. And, that reward is celebrating our compatriots’ recovery and restoration to full strength so that the Church may move forward with renewed vigor and courage! Yes, the very ministry of restoration, healing and wholeness… the very season of God sharing His heart and desire with us is right upon us! My Lord, what do we do?

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You must understand that the ministry of the Holy Spirit by exhortation will never quite be finished, until we see He who is perfect and entire, until we cast our sights upon He who is the Hope of Glory, yes, until we see for ourselves our reigning Prince of Life and Peace, Jesus Christ Himself!

Scripture References: [1] Isaiah 40:1-6;[2] Deuteronomy 13:17; 30:3;[3] Isaiah 16:11; 63:15.

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SCRIPTURE: St. Matthew 15:29-32.FOCUS VERSE: St. Matthew 15:32.

REASONING 6: The Ministry Of Exhortation Can Be Traced Throughout The Holy Bible.As we have already noted, the ministry of exhortation has been traced throughout the whole of the Holy Bible. Exhortation was God's way of verbally expressing His best interests

and compassion for us!

And, as we have quite easily observed, the Bible is a repository of wealth when it comes to the issue of comprehending the value of exhortation and all of its facets. The Word of God gives us a rich picture of God's Love for us, as it reminds us of how He tenderly caresses us with a careful passionate love and touch, which is evidenced by the showering of His Mercy upon our lives! Oh, what a wonderful and loving God we serve! Allow me to give you just a few pictures of the sumptuous exquisiteness of His deep-rooted Love for us:

When we read of the bowels of God's mercies in the Bible, three rather vivid images flash before us:1. The first glimpse is that of a healthy young married man, he,

who has just excitedly caught a glimpse of his newly-wed bride, as she prepares to receive him as his wife for the very first time! The deep fountains of his love wells up within him. Anatomically, it almost hurts him to have to wait to enjoy her intimate company, and to passionately embrace her and intertwine his greatness with her glorious submission. NOTE: This imagery speaks of the sovereignty of God and the submission

of the Church to Him.This imagery is that of Stimulation And Preparation.

2. The second image shown to us is a bit more personal. It occurs when we happen upon the private scene when the wife has received of her husband in private, and she begins to weep, as she begins to think upon that impending miracle of conception, and the very thought of literally carrying about in her womb their very first yet unborn child! Thoughts of a perfectly formed, healthy and obedient child unconsciously cause her hands to slowly and softly caress her belly. She even starts to whisper almost imperceptible prayers unto God for the safe delivery of her tiny little baby. She often finds herself singing sweet lullabies to the fetus, and teaching her child of its Creator right there before that precious little soul even

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breaks forth into the glaring inspection of a cruel and criticizing world.NOTE: This imagery is that of Incubation, Expectancy, And


3. The last image of a ministry of exhortation comes from the all-encompassing ministry of Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God!It would be so very small of me to exclude my Master and Savior from this writing! I would be lacking in full understanding concerning the ministry of exhortation if I were unable to comprehend the magnitude of unselfishness, servant-hood ministry exampled by Jesus Himself! After all, is He not also ever our perfect example? [Now, let us examine how Jesus went forth in the ministry of exhortation!

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REASONING 7. The Ministry Of Exhortation Bursts Forth From The Very Movement Of The Bowels Of the Compassionate Heart Of God.Please read St. Matthew 9:35-38.

‘And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and

healing every sickness and every disease among the people. But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd. Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.’

When Jesus was seen in Scripture as being ‘moved with compassion’, He was operating in the high ministry of exhortation!

REASONING 8: The Ministry Of Exhortation Flowed Freely Throughout Jesus’ Ministry.Whenever Jesus was moved with compassion, whenever He looked upon the multitudes with compassion, you can better comprehend now that ‘the bowels of the sure mercies of God’ within Him were suddenly beginning to surge upwards from within Him, excitedly anticipating and awaiting a divinely-appointed opportunity for the love of God to be dispensed into the open womb of a hungry, needy congregation! And, what Jesus 'dispensed' was the veritable incorruptible 'germ-seed' of the living Word of God!

Let me park right here for a moment and share what I believe is the difference between what mercy and grace are to the children of God: Mercy is what you receive even though you don’t deserve it Grace is what you receive because you deserve it!

In short, JESUS COULD NOT WAIT TO PREACH THE WORD TO THE WORLD! No, He couldn't wait to impregnate them with that which would eternally link their souls unto God! In fact, it must have pained Him to no end not to be able to minister the copiousness of God's life-generating Love and Truth! There was in Him such a stirring of empathy for the satisfaction of the people's needs until He was moved to remove all obstacles to their faith! All of this was done through His spoken words.

What Jesus said was already flowing from the heart of God, and issuing forth from mouth of His dear Son!

Believe it or not, but, as God had already considered your present situation, His Son Jesus has just been moved by the very bowels of God’s compassion! He is now ready to speak a heavy word unto your light affliction! You see, Your Situation Is Not Critical; It’s Only Pivotal In The Mind And Eye Of God!


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Listen: The Holy Spirit is preparing to impregnate the barren areas of your spiritual womb with life! New Life! So, as one exhorter to another, I say unto you that God is ready to plant the good seed of the living prophetic Word of God into the world through you! Now... the real question is... Are you ready?

REASONING 9: The Ministry Of Exhortation Works To Bring Unity And Harmony In The Body Of Christ.

Please read 1 Corinthians 12:27-28.STATEMENT A: As the above scripture so aptly reveals, there is a rather

wonderful interrelatedness of relationship between every gifted believer in the Church, each one learning to accept the joys and strengths of being interdependent upon each other, to perform the specific task(s) assigned unto them.

There is also much to be said concerning rejoicing with one another as that particular member of the Body of Christ is honored for excellency in a ministry-function. Remember that, in Christ, not one soul is misplaced or deemed prophetically inferior.

We have all been baptized into one body, and have all been made to drink into one Spirit!AS WE ALL HAVE EXPERIENCED NEW LIFE FROM THE SAME SOURCE, SO ALSO OUGHT OUR PASSION, MISSION, AND JOY BE THE SAME! AMEN? AMEN!

REASONING 10: The Ministry Of Exhortation Comes From Jesus, Challenging All To Abound In Faith, Virtue, And Victory.

Please read 1 Thessalonians 4:1.Since true and right exhortation finds its foundation in the express Word of God, then it also means that the ministry of exhortation will ultimately receive ‘the crown of exaltation’!Galatians 6:7-10 reads as thus:'Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.'

REASONING 11: The Ministry Of Exhortation Is A Necessary Support-Arm For All Areas Of Church-Life.

EXHORTERS CHALLENGE THE CHURCH:1. To trust in the counsel of God. (Acts 2:40)2. To eat the fruit of their own hands. (2 Thessalonians 3:12)3. To be first to give bountifully. (2 Corinthians 9:5)

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4. Not to be busybodies in others' affairs, and to work for the cause of Christ! (1 Peter 4:15)

Scripture References: [1] 1 Peter 2:21-22[2] 1 Corinthians 12:12-14[3] Psalms 138:2[4] Proverbs 15:23; 25:11

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SCRIPTURE: I Timothy 4:12-13.FOCUS VERSE: I Timothy 4:13.

REASONING 12: The Ministry Of Exhortation Is Preparatory For Ministry Of The Preached Word.

Please read I Timothy 4:1-13 before moving into this next area of understanding.

If we were to take into consideration the historical backdrop of the New Testament book of I Timothy, we happen upon a young man called Timothy (originally Timotheus in Greek language) as he receives a special package personally sent to him by the apostle Paul. After saluting the mailman, Timothy turns inside the house to find a well-lit place to sit down and investigate this present. Timothy breaks the seal on the letter, finding the rough enlarged scrabbling of old man Paul. It must have been a real surprise to receive anything from anyone in those days for this young brother named Timothy. First of all, for most of his early life, young Timothy had been labeled a ‘half-breed’, simply because he was of mixed parentage. His father was a Greek Gentile, and his mother Eunice, a Jewish woman.

Now, as you well know, people tend to hover in cliques, cackling and whispering about others they may deem lower on the social totem-pole of affluence than themselves. I am sure that Timothy had been the subject of much chiding and snide remarks by these same individuals, whether those derogatory statements were muttered under breath or in face to face confrontation!

And yet, the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the love of God continued to move Timothy to no end. It had to have been an awesome task of mind for this bright young man to even fathom the thought of Jesus' efficacious and unbiased sacrifice of Himself upon the cross for someone as battered and belittled as he! So, it was, by God's wise design, to initially transform the very life of one named Saul of Tarsus before He would use this Paul of Rome to carefully approach and win the confidence and soul of young Timothy to Christ. It was Paul’s careful ministry of the gospel of Jesus Christ that won Timothy. And, surely, the ministry of exhortation had to operate through Paul at times in order to bring Timothy to the feet of Jesus.

In any case, here we sit next to our brother Timothy as he begins to eagerly share what was on the heart of Paul concerning himself. Mind you, it was this same much-maligned, much-whispered about Timothy that Paul had in fact surprisingly turned around and left in charge of the churches in Ephesus and in Asia Minor. Though Paul had desired to visit Timothy (3:13; 4:13), he wisely sent this letter instead, in hopes that it would help guide him in the proper conduct of his pastoral responsibilities.

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Paul writes- ‘Till I come, give attention to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine.’ In verse 12 of chapter 4, the apostle Paul both instructs and encourages young Pastor and Bishop Timothy to ‘be an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, and in purity.’ Paul goes on in verse 13 to give Timothy some personal ‘tricks of the gospel trade’, in terms of guarding oneself against the dangers of departing from the faith, and giving heed to seducing spirits! This seasoned apostle then launches into a surprising aspersion of the ministry of personal exhortation to Timothy, starting with verse 6 of chapter 4. He says this: ‘If thou put the brethren in remembrance of these things, thou shalt be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished up in the words of faith and of good doctrine, whereunto thou hast attained.’

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Verses 7-13 gave Timothy all that was needed in order to fulfill that to which he had been appointed. So many think they are going to receive in quite peculiar proportions an anointing such as the world has never known. If that were the case, then God would have to deny having given Jesus Christ the highest place of exaltation by virtue of His perfect obedience and utter submission to the Father's Will!

QUICK STUDY:St. John 3:31-34 reads as thus:‘He that cometh from above is above all; he that is of the earth is earthly, and speaketh of the earth; he that cometh from heaven is above all. And what he hath seen and heard, that he testifieth; and no man receiveth his testimony. He that hath received his testimony hath set his seal to this, that God is true. For he whom God hath sent speaketh the words of God; for God giveth not the Spirit by measure unto him.’

NOTE: If you would just read this passage again this time without the italicized words, you just might receive fresh new insight concerning what is now being offered you right now!

‘For he whom God hath sent speaketh the words of God; for God giveth not the Spirit by measure.’

Question: Is this scripture implying, therefore, that, God is ready to offer an immeasurable supply of His Spirit and anointing unto both you and I, if were to dare ask for it?

We must all remember this one important thing:THERE IS NO TRUE ANOINTING, MINISTRY, OR ULTIMATE SUCCESS IN


May we all learn to remain humble, not seeking undue glories, not reaching for more than that which we are able to maintain in righteousness through Christ! We would all do well to follow Timothy's example:


You see, by the time of the writing of 1 Timothy 4:13, exhortation had become a by-word for excitable preaching!

Also notice, if you will, how sound doctrine was actually to follow exhortation, in terms of word ministry protocol! This was to be done in the assembly of the congregation amongst the saints of God in the churches!

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REASONING 13: The Ministry Of Exhortation Contains A Dimension Of Careful,

Constructive Warning.Note: Please read Acts 27:1-22. Focus on verse 22.The expressions of exhortation, in the form of careful constructive warning, is able to assist in averting much unnecessary misery, pain, embarrassment, and trauma upon the hearers. This type exhortation will assist pastoral ministry remove those spirits of negligence, ignorance, fear, and blatant rebellion from the very portals of progressive church-life!

REASONING 14: The Ministry Of Exhortation Respectfully Urges And Calls Church

Leadership To:A. Warn the unruly,B. Comfort the feebleminded,C. Support the weak, and,D. Be patient toward all men!

The end result of this type exhortative ministry may be seen in 1 Thessalonians 5:23, where it says: ‘And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.’

REASONING 15: The Ministry Of Exhortation Often Advises And Recommends One To Take Another Route, To Go A different Course.

Note: Please read Acts 27:22 again.The word ‘exhortation’ in this particular verse brings forth yet another definition in Greek thought:‘Paraineo’ - meaning: ‘to recommend or advise for a different course’; ‘to admonish, comfort, exhort’.

‘Paraineo’ is derived from 2 words: ‘Para’ – Beside, near to, in the vicinity of; and ‘aino’ - To praise God;

to give a praise-story! ‘Paraineo’ also affords us a look at the methodology and style of

exhortation. That means that we are to prayerfully and respectfully approach

our brothers and sisters with praise-reports of God's wondrous handiwork in our lives. Then, using these as life-examples, we can offer wise suggestions and prayers to aid our fellow believers in the

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transitional process away from dangers seen and unseen and into the glorious liberty of abundant life in Christ!

My friend, it is through the word of exhortation that we are challenged to consider the recommendation and advice of going in another direction, especially if the direction in which we are headed is downward and away from God. Our careful consideration ought to be based upon the many praise-reports, testimonies, and thanksgiving seasons by the saints unto God for His meritorious work on our behalf!

THE END-RESULT OF ALL RIGHT AND PROPER EXHORTATION IS AS QUOTED FROM ACTS 27:22, THAT: "-THERE SHALL BE NO LOSS OF ANY MAN'S LIFE AMONG YOU-!"Scripture References: [1] 1 Timothy 4:1-5; [2] 1 Thessalonians 2:3-4; [3] 1 Thessalonians 5:14-22.

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SCRIPTURE: I Corinthians 14:1-3.FOCUS VERSE: I Corinthians 14:3.

REASONING 16: The Ministry Of Exhortation Is Designed To Help In The Building up Of The House Of God!

In general, all word-based ministries ought operate in one of these three (3) areas:1. Edification: ‘Oikdome’ architecture; (concretely) structure; also confirmation

(the process of building).2. Exhortation: ‘Paraklesis’ imploration by comfort and consolation.3. Comfort: ‘Paramuthia’ to comfort by encouragement and relating to; to initiate, to teach,

and to instruct by story!

We notice here, how there is a holy order in the house of God, even as it relates to the efficiency of the ministry of the spoken word.God does not desire nor does He condone confusion or misrepresentation of any sort in His House! As He is the God of Peace [1], so likewise is His House a place of sublime peace, comfort, restoration, and spiritual rest. Therefore, when we minister by way of exhortation, our primary purpose and mission is to assist the ministry of the Holy Ghost in the preservation of the Church!Hence, we have also learned that..

To edify actually means to be a house-builder, a support to the construction, and a comfort to each and every worker!

Note: Please read Nehemiah 2:18:‘Then I told them of the hand of my God which was good upon me; as also the king's words that he had spoken unto me. And they said, Let us rise up and build. So they strengthened their hands for this good work.’

This is a very good picture of what happens when God's people have been exhorted to do the work of the ministry!

Edification and exhortation causes the fires of vision and revelation to be rekindled in all!

Now let's look a bit further! Note: Please read Nehemiah 4:6, 9-11, 16; 6:15-16.‘So built we the wall; and the wall was joined together unto the half thereof; for the people had a mind to work. Nevertheless we made our prayer unto our God, and set a watch against them day and night, because of them. And

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Judah said, The strength of the bearers of burdens is decayed, and there is much rubbish; so that we are not able to build the wall. And our adversaries said, They shall not know, neither see, till we come in the midst among them, and slay them , and cause the work to cease. And it came to pass from that time forth, that the half of my servants wrought in the work, and the other half of them held both the spears, the shields and the bows, and the habergeons; and the rulers were behind all the house of Judah. [They which builded on the wall, and they that bare burdens, with those that laded, every one with one of his hands wrought in the work, and with the other hand held a weapon.] So the wall was finished in the twenty and fifth day of the month Elul, in fifty and two days. And it came to pass, that when all our enemies heard thereof, and all the heathen that were about us saw there things, they were much cast down in their own eyes; for they perceived that this work was wrought of our God.’ Saint of God, this is what happens when the ministry of exhortation is released amongst the people of God!Note: The key word in this passage is ‘strengthened’ in Nehemiah 2:18!‘Strengthened’ – ‘chazaq’ [pronounced khaw zak] has a number of meanings:

To fasten upon; grasp with vigor; To seize; To be strong and courageous; To cure, help, repair, fortify.

Sounds kind of like what an exhorter does, amen? Amen! So in keeping with this chapter's theme, I must remind you of a few things:


neglect being sensitive to the apparent needs of others around them.

Neither can they continue to so work themselves into such an uncontrollable frenzy of being so-called ‘caught up in the spirit’ that their ‘holy antics’ will venerate or exempt them from being held accountable unto God and others for their words and actions! One must dare to be publicly temperate and wise, mastering their flesh and carnality, “so that the cause of Christ will not be evil spoken of!” (Thanks, Mom!)

B. THE MINISTRY OF EXHORTATION IS THE EMBRACE OF GOD'S DEEP LOVE FOR YOU!EXHORTATION IS: The embrace of the veritable presence of God our Heavenly Father-

in the midst of your very present crisis!

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The help of the Holy Spirit leading souls onward from one glory to another, the end result being to experience the 'abundance of glory' from the Lord!

Christ assisting the Church fulfill it's destiny of birthing faith in others, and increasing an awareness of the inheritance of God and the exceeding weight of His Glory in every person's life!

Leading the mature Body of Christ into an atmosphere of corporate rejoicing and celebration!

STATEMENT A: The ministry of exhortation is by no means a license of personal expression and rantings for gossipers, wayward souls, or unruly and disobedient people. Exhorters do not go about profusely speaking

anything that comes to mind! They are a disciplined corps of ministry! [4]

The list of those excluded from the ministry of exhortation includes: All liars, talebearers, false witnesses, false prophets, scandal-rousers, double-minded, shallow-thinking, or untrustworthy and unfaithful people!

STATEMENT B. There is a holy carefulness to all verbal expression that must be adhered to by each and every exhorter. They must diligently work to bridle every attempt of 'the old man' to rise up to take domination over the tongue. [5]

STATEMENT C. All exhorters are constrained by the Holy Ghost to guard themselves from becoming 'castaways' of the faith!

[Please read 1 Corinthians 9:24-27]STATEMENT D. Exhorters are therefore admonished to study the

Word of God with all diligence, that they might rightly divide the word of truth, to keep themselves unspotted from the taint of the world, and to discern with all carefulness the type company they should keep. This will work to ensure a purity, cleanness, and clarity to that which the Spirit of God desires to impart to someone through you.

Scripture References: [1] 1 Thessalonians 5:23[2] Isaiah 40:5a; Ephesians 1:6; 2 Corinthians 3:18[3] Isaiah 66:10-14, 11[4] Ecclesiastes 5:2, 6-7[5] Habakkuk 2:1 (2-5).

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SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 2:10-18; ST. Matthew 23:9-12.FOCUS VERSE: Isaiah 2:17; ST. Matthew 23:12.

REASONING 17: The Ministry Of Exhortation Can Assist In Bridling And Binding The Sprits Of Pride And Self-Exaltation.

There really is a fine line that exists between exaltation and exhortation.

Careful discernment and dissection must be applied to both active terms in order to clarify the necessity for both functions to be operative in the Body of Christ (the Church worldwide, in particular) and amongst its members.

As we ponder the OT passage of scripture drawn from Isaiah's writings, we are quickly reminded by this “eagle-eye prophet”, that it is imperative that human pride be humbled and managed, and that lofty self-gloating looks be swiftly removed from the very midst of God's people!

If left alone to do its malicious work, these demonic devices can wreak havoc upon an unsuspecting group of souls! You see, pride unchecked and a swollen ego often go hand in hand with moral decadence and societal disassociation. Emotional detachment is soon to follow.

This is somewhat how pride can infest even the most hallowed halls of churchdom, where it may breed in-house church classism, dissension, cultic division and satanic dynasties. Spirits of elitism, imperialism, local church isolationism, flesh-run ministries also begin to manifest. If no intercessional supplications be made unto God, you can rest assured that those particular type church structures will start to wear away!

These things can easily be detected and identified where there are cliques, and individuals looking down upon one another with disdain; sometimes a supremist or elitist attitude pervades church business meetings rather than the leader allowing the Spirit of God to lead and guide everyone with all carefulness and wise instruction.

Yes, there is a fine line that exists between exaltation and exhortation!

Q: What are some differences between exaltation and exhortation?

1. The Book of Proverbs deals with exhortation. 2. The book of Psalms deals with exaltation.

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3. Exhortation can be prompted by pity, compassion, memory of one's own past, or another's evirons. 4. Exaltation is majorly prompted by the nuances of the Holy Spirit and generally directed God-ward. 5. Exhortation is horizontal, reaching from person to person. 6. Exaltation is vertical, reaching from your person to the very Person of God our Father. 7. Therefore, the Cross [ + ] is easily seen when exhortation and exaltation is properly administered! 8. Exhortation is often conditional, moved by circumstance. 9. Exaltation is positional, based upon the inward movement and ministry of the Spirit of God within someone who has received knowledge concerning their inheritance and Kingdom rights in Christ!10. Exhortation is God's delight at displaying you as one of His spiritual wonders!11. Exaltation is your spiritual display of delight towards God at any one of His wonders!

Exhortation, if administered with the love of Christ, does wonders to encourage the flock of God!Exhortation, as directed by the Holy Spirit, is love's direct arsenal against those dangerous spirits of discouragement, failure, fear, isolation, mislabeling and loneliness!Exhortation destroys traditional schisms, religio-socio infighting, and spiritual suicide.

Exhortation is also part and parcel of the mortar that God uses to bind the Body of Christ together.As lively stones, His joy is fulfilled as we are built up a holy habitation for His perpetual indwelling!

One of two complementary notions is expressed in OT and NT occurrences of the word exhortation.

1. One set of original terms means ‘to become or declare great’. God shows Himself great through His acts; faith recognizes and affirms His greatness and exalts Him by praising Him for what He has done and for who He is!

2. Another set of biblical words means ‘to lift up, raise, or be high’. In the active sense of the word, exaltation also means ‘to raise or set up, promote, and be lofty’. It is also appropriate that God alone be exalted, for He is great and already lifted up!

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Yet, it is not appropriate for mere human beings to exalt themselves (see Isaiah 2:17; 1 Peter 5:5-7).

It is interesting to note that God does allow His children to exhort one another (Proverbs 25:6-7), and to do so with all carefulness.

When we speak of exaltation, there is a learned skill to be honed. (Please read Proverbs 25:11-12; 27:17; 2 Timothy 2:15).We, as exhorters for the household of faith, are continually admonished to diligently work at developing and controlling our spirits (see Proverbs 25:28). We must remember that exaltation is geared toward magnifying God, extolling His greatness, and applauding His wonderful works towards the children of men!

Q: So, what is the fine line that exists between exaltation and exhortation?A: The fine line that exists between exaltation and exhortation is two-fold: 1. The fruit of the Spirit called temperance, and.. 2. An eager attitude towards joyful obedience to the Spirit of God through Christ Jesus!

Self-control and obedience will always be evident in the life of a true child of God!

Self-control, temperance, or self-mastery , as Galatians 5 states is one of the greatest barometers by which leaders and followers alike may discern the character of one who is called to exhort the Body of Christ. If one cannot control oneself, it is almost certain that that individual will not be used of God to bring peace to a troubled mind, healing to a wounded spirit, or restoration to a broken body.

Temperance goes to the very core of one personality , even to the point of the Spirit-filled believer opting for a total fulfillment of the plans, purposes, and pursuits of God our Heavenly Father. This person’s decision-making processes are wrapped up in choosing rather to be seen walking in meekness and humility, as well as guarding their tongues in what they say in behalf of the kingdom of God and how they communicate what the Spirit has directed them to share!


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Now, I must warn you of the danger of self-exaltation and defective exhortation!

I warn you to fear God only!

Some would have you believe that if you have a love for all good people in the world, that it qualifies you to exhort God's people! Not so! Good morals and community status is not a shoe-in for being an exhorter! It's really not who you know, but Who's you are! Materialism and egotism don't cut it with the Spirit of truth! What the Lord expects from you is your expectation of Him in you making impact in another's impoverished life! Now, I ask you pointedly, Can You Handle Being God's Property?

Church, God is looking for a few good people! People who are not ashamed of Him, His love, nor His Son!God is looking for true worshippers, those with an outwardly expressed unfeigned love for Him, and an undeniable, unshakable faith in His Word!

The Captain of the Lord's hosts has just summoned you to become one of God's cheerleaders for the Army of believers in this last great day battle for the faith!

Now I ask you, what could you do to inspire the Church to ‘greater works than these..’?

Now, with all of this exaltation and exhortation going on around us, another question arises from the pale shadows of our minds:

Q: If exhorters are being called to assist in building the House of God up, and exalters are called upon to worship, adore and glorify the high name of the Lord Almighty, then how are we to be infused and strengthened for so great an in-house ministry?

A: You got to learn how to do three things:1. Learn how to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit;2. Learn how to talk to God for yourself; and...3. Learn how to talk to yourself!

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The first thing to learn about hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit is that...

1. You must learn how to give God audience with you!So many spend more time in prayer telling God all that they are need of, rather than spending time in His Presence, waiting for and listening to all that God desires to share with them! If we spent the same amount of time letting God invest in us as we do giving Him an earful of what we are presently impregnated with in this ‘realm of cognitive materialism and one-upmanship called the earth, I am sure that we would be the better for His time with us!

Hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit also includes learning how to cancel out every negative image, sound, and sense of the Enemy from around you. Satan does his greatest work once he has distracted you from your intended purpose for God! Enchantment, enticement, covetousness, greed, environmental coercions and entrapment are all ploys wielded by the devil and his imps to coerce you into those mystical realms of temptation, sin, and death! So, my friend, do your best to learn how to hear, discern, and obey the voice of the Holy Spirit! After all, even Jesus said that He would lead and guide you into all truth!

2. You must learn how to talk to God for yourself! We are such a needy people! We have spent so much time telling God and others what is so wrong with our lives until folks don't even know who we really are for all of the stink and mess and death going on with us! Now folks only know us by the name of our most recent calamity! “Hello, my name is sickness!” Or, “Hello, my name is extreme poverty!” “Can somebody else help me please? Because I just know that I can't help myself!”

Saint of God, would you please make a concentrated effort to learn how to talk to God for yourself? Please?Would you simply just start declaring to Him what He has called you to be before the foundations of this world? Could you find the time to remind Him of how He knew you in your mother's womb, and how that you are fearfully and wonderfully made? Could you do that for yourself?

And.. if you could somehow find some time, would you please let the devil know that you're armed and dangerous? That the Word is nigh you, even in your mouth?

Would you also tell Satan that you just found out that you are on a divine assignment, and that his impending judgment is hinging on whether you will apply the blood of Jesus, speak the name of the Lord, and claim the anointing of the Holy One of Israel as your own?

Would you warn your enemy that the weapons of your warfare are not carnal, but they are mighty to the pulling down of strongholds, and that you are well able to fight the good fight of faith?

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Now, if you would only just begin there, I believe that God is going to be well pleased with you this very moment! I tell you what - Why don't we just stop right here and begin to worship the Lord? Let’s do it!

This third point is certainly not least...3. You have got to learn how to declare Kingdom Principles and

Divine Promises to yourself!This has nothing to do with subliminal statements, nor auto-suggestive responses; no, not to do with any type hypnotic self-psychoses.True spiritual self-talk has all to do with speaking into your personal life that which God has already invested in you and coming into an unshakable agreement or covenant with His providential decree over your life!

When you can talk to yourself using the Word of God as your mirror for true character, things will quickly begin to change around you!

The type of company you desire to be around will shift, and your outlook on life will suddenly become an uplook!

Don't be too surprised now, but your verbiage, your communication, your Kingdom-speech will start to make greater impact in your life as well as in the lives of others. Your relationships with others close to you will take on a different hue; the color of deep passionate love for all things created will manifest in you! And, all of this will begin, the moment you learn how to talk to yourself!

Talking to yourself does not mean that you are bordering on some thin line of dementia, irrational behavior, problematic neurotica, nor schizophrenia… No, this type ‘talk’ is really dealing with the issue of the occupation of the seat of dominion and authority in your life as you now know it.

You must remember:There are three (3) ‘kings’ (or ruling authorities) who have the ability to 'reign' in your life:[1] God [2] Satan, and [3] You!

Only a king can decree a thing into existence in their specific sphere of influence!

Whoever is 'king' over you at any given moment has been given authority to decree into your life for that particular season!

If you, as the reigning authority in your personal sphere of influence, were to come into alliance or covenant with another king greater than yourself, then that king would then be bound by His own oath or promise to do whatever it takes in order for you to prosper and be in health! That king is bound to his own word over you!

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Now.. If God only sees Satan as a ‘prince’, a toothless wandering lion, and not as king, then why are we giving the devil so much ‘territory’ in our lives?

I hope that you can now see just how important it is to ‘talk to yourself’ using the Word of God!

For, if you remind the Greater that He is in league with you, and that He promised never to leave you neither forsake you; that you are a bit older and wiser now, and that you have never seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread...

If you could remind Royalty of His Regal Responsibility to Reward your Reach for His Righteousness' sake, then I am sure that He will make inroads to Respond in Resplendent Richness to Rescue you!

On the next page you will find a number of scriptures that you may speak over yourself:Note: Please write a short Statement of Revelatory Confession after you have read each passage.

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Psalm 34: _____________________________________________________________________

Psalm 49:3: ____________________________________________________________________

Psalm 51:15: ___________________________________________________________________

Ephesians 4:15 - 5:19: ____________________________________________________________

Now, here are a few passages for your personal meditation:

Psalm 62: _____________________________________________________________________

Psalm 63: _____________________________________________________________________

Ephesians 1: ___________________________________________________________________

Jeremiah 1:1-8: _________________________________________________________________

Isaiah 60: _____________________________________________________________________

Joel 1-2: ______________________________________________________________________

Amos 9: ______________________________________________________________________

Revelation 20-22: _______________________________________________________________

Lastly... If there is a line of distinction that has been clearly defined between that which is exaltation and that which is exhortation, then...

Q: How do I walk this line of exhortive distinction effectively?

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A: The answer is found only in the Word of God! Read these passages for insight and enlightenment:James 1:1-19; Romans 8:5-9; St. Matthew 10:18-19; Isaiah 50:1-4; and

finally.. Colossians 4:6.

When you read Colossians 4:6, it talks of your conversation and communication with others being similar to that of salt.

Salt is a preservative that retards spoilage of that which it is applied to. That is exactly what our speech should be like: It ought to be tempered so as never to be insipid, corrupt, or obscene. It ought to invite an inquiry on the part of the needy to an investigation of the fullness of the Godhead dwelling in your brother and sister through faith!

Once again, I ask you pointedly.. Can you handle being a vessel of the Lord, a minister of exhortation?

You must always remember that you are no more your own, that you’ve bought with an eternal price far above rubies! You, as well as I, are now waiting servants of the Lord!

As the psalmist wrote, all our eyes wait upon Him in His courts, and there is nothing that He would desire us to do that will bring detriment to our life or others in Him.His Word is auspicious; His Counsel is august; His Decree is altruistic, and His Handiwork is unparalleled! His timing is accurate, and His mysteries incomparable! Glory! What a great God we serve!

Scripture References: [1] Proverbs 6:16-19; [2] Proverbs 16:18; 26:27; 28:14; 29:23; 1 John 2:16;[3] 2 Chronicles7:13-14; St. Matthew 18:1;[4] 1 Corinthians 1:10; 1 Corinthians 12-13;[5] Psalm 133;[6] Isaiah 6:1-3.

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SCRIPTURE: Romans 12:1-8.FOCUS VERSE: Romans 12:8.

REASONING 18: Exhortation Is A Grace Given In Measure By God.

1. Exhortation is most definitely a grace from God given in measure unto exhorters through faith in Him.

2. Exhortation can only be as great as the level of one's faith in God!3. One's level of faith is easily measured by the amount of the Word of

God operating in the very life of you, the exhorter.4. According to 1 Timothy 4:14, prophetic exhortation ought be accepted

as a ministry of helps gift to the church!

A. Exhorters are: Daily prayer warriors. To exhibit a daily display of encouragement to others. To exhort because they themselves have been exhorted by the Holy

Spirit and, To yearn for the truth, and to humbly accept biblical, Christian, and

social responsibility, as they are given opportunity to express the truth!

B. Exhorters are also challenged to: Call all believers to a deeper love towards others; Stir all believers to a more intimate relationship with God our Father; Read, meditate, sing, pray, live, and express the selfsame Word which

they minister to others; Wholeheartedly support the pastoral vision for their local church-life

and outreach ministries; and, Continue to challenge all souls to profound prayer-seasons and a life

pleasing and delightful to God!

Listen.. So much is called for of those who minister by exhortation; and yet, the Spirit of the Lord has called them unto this peculiarly wonderful ministry! He has challenged them to be examples of faith amongst their fellow soldiers and comrades-in-arms of the faith.

Exhorters are now finding themselves a kind of mirror-reflection of what every believer ought be like. Exhorters are now under great pressure to love unconditionally and comfort others tirelessly, in spite of the negative feelings launched in their direction. Others' nerves may be frazzled, but an exhorter must continue to move onward an inward!

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There are five general levels and stratas of the ministry exhortation that should be explored.

1. Personal Exhortation is where the exhorter encourages a needy soul.

This can be done reverently, respecting the admonishments, teachings, and restrictions of your local pastor.

2. Internal Exhortation is where the exhorter practices encouraging themselves.

This internal empowerment is activated in the presence of God during times of brokenness and worship.

3. Corporate Exhortation is when the exhorter rises to press a specific group of people into service for King Jesus; when the exhorter reveals specific insight from God to a waiting congregation. This type of exhortive release must conform to

the requirements set forth by the spiritual leadership of that ministry house, with an eye towards maintaining corporate peace, not dissension and division

4. Pastoral Exhortation is evidenced in the example of the Apostle Paul writing to young Bishop Timothy. It can also be careful counsel shared by the

exhorter to the pastor of a local church.

5. Prophetic Exhortation can be that bold unflinching challenge to both moral and spiritual excellence of character in all hearers. Prophetic Exhortation may also be the excited

sharing of prophetic vision for either a specific localized ministry or ministry everywhere!

Of course, none of this type ministry would be possible, if it were not for the administration of the Holy Spirit manifesting the Wisdom of God through Christ as He directs His Body through these turbulent times!

Note: Please read St. John 16:7-14.According to these eight verses (along with others throughout the Bible), we are introduced to the notion that...

Exhortation is also an expressed activity of the Holy Spirit to the Body of Christ!

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The Greek word for Comforter is ‘parakletos’, which means ‘An Intercessor, Consoler, Advocate, and Comforter!’

‘Parakletos’ is derived from another word: ‘paraklesis’ meaning ‘to implore, comfort, and give’.

Does any of this sound familiar to you, oh exhorter?

Does this remind you of what you’ve been doing ever since you could remember but didn’t know what it was?

You see, as a result of this new knowledge, I can optimistically assume these next few statements:A. Exhortation is a part of the ministry of consolation.B. The ministry of exhortation is a by-product of the ministry of the Holy Spirit. C. The ministry of exhortation includes a number of the gifts of the

Spirit, such as the word of knowledge, discernment of spirits, and prophecy. [5]

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As has been aforementioned,The Ministry Of Exhortation Is Really A Part Of The Ministry Of Consolation.

It is now quite easy to see how exhortation can be either interchangeable or synonymous with consolation and the strengthening of others!Exhortation is consolation, and consolation is encouragement!Encouragement is a re-strengthening, and new strength always fortifies one to accomplish one's previously assigned tasks!

As consolation can be easily traced throughout the Bible, [6] we have discovered that...

Consolation also means ‘to favorably pity or sigh for’. Consolation also means ‘to comfort oneself or another’, ‘to ease oneself, and ‘to avenge oneself’.

So, when we couple consolation with that of exhortation, we find so much strength being added to someone's life, that it is no small wonder how that individual can resume a life of normalcy and recovery in so short a time after disaster! This reveals to us the character of exhortation.

Well, why don't we stop and bless the Lord right now for His great mercy, comfort, strength, and encouragement measured unto us? Come on and bless the Lord for what the Spirit of God is saying to you right now! Praise Him!!

With these notes, you can agree that exhortation has many facets, dimensions, and dynamics of expression hidden within! This only goes to prove just how pristine the Wisdom of God is, when it comes to how He expresses His concern for us! Hallelujah!

Scripture References: [1] Hebrews 13:6; Romans 13:17;[2] 2 Corinthians 14:29-32;[3] 1 Timothy 2:1-8;[4] 1 Corinthians 12:1-11;[5] St. Matthew 3:7-12;[6] Job 15:11; 21:2; Isaiah 16:11; Jeremiah 16:7; St. Luke


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As we come to the close of this short book on the ministry of exhortation, I wanted to remind you of the main emphasis for this writing. My major desire is to expose the Church to yet another facet of the helps ministry, the likes of which is so important that without the ministry of exhortation, I dare say that many of our fellow warriors in Christ will continue to endure unwarranted injury and incur more wounds because of not being covered or cared for.

A Little More Meat, Please!Jesus gave a challenge to His disciples after He began sharing Kingdom Reality and Truth on a deeper level. In St. John 6, we find Jesus’ followers and disciples struggling to comprehend the weight and depth of all that He was sharing. We notice how some people reacted to Jesus’ introductory statements concerning Him sharing the true meat.

The purpose of what you have been exposed to in this book is nothing more than a ready arsenal of scriptures you can use to train your spirit to engage in the art of ‘cheering others on’ in the name of the Lord! For so many of us, we have not done so only to the detriment of watching our brothers and sisters in Christ fall through the cracks of porous, unconcerned, selfish ministry houses.

When I talk of porous ministry houses, I am reminding you of the fact that some ministries are more concerned with filling pews than they are filling the believer. Some places of ministry are so desperate to be recognized as a mega-church, that they have almost lost sight on ministering to the least of these our Heavenly Father’s dear children. They’ve got programs galore, but limited spiritual progress. My wife and I have witnessed watching some of television’s church leaders being publicly embarrassed because they couldn’t even tell who they own local members while standing in front of thousands.I know that you may think that the church world is doing fine; but in general, the overall church world is suffering losses left and right. Many pastors and their wounded spouses disappear into oblivion because we failed to recognize warning signs that they were tiring of serving God’s people without a reprieve or rest! There have even been some gifted preachers and pastors ‘switch-hit’ (leave the gift-office God called them to and operate illegally in another area of ministry for which they were never called nor trained)!

Most of our corporate losses are due to our inability to cover and encourage those whom God is using on the forefront of the advance of His Kingdom here on planet earth. As a result, injuries are plenteous while emotional and spiritual healings are minimal!

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Church leaders have had to deal with immature believership and support ministers with their own agendas for so long that no one notices that our pastors need a break!1. Apostles need to monitor their spirits and simply go in to a local

church and help build another builder’s work so that they can experience another level of refinement and accuracy when the Lord sends them out to new territories again! Apostles who do so will gain clarity in the restructuring of the vision for every local assembly that is willing to conform to the design of God for future expansion and Kingdom inclusion! Apostles must spend time with pastoral leadership in developing the core vision, Kingdom principles, expansion techniques and Kingdom advancement strategies! Apostles, you need a break!

2. Prophets need a time of prophetic quiet in which they do nothing but receive for a season, instead of release all of the time! Prophets need time to ‘tweak’ their tuning frequencies to the sound of heaven all over again, so as not to miss out on what the Spirit is presently saying to the church, and to help raise up prophetic voices in the local church to ‘guard against all foreign invasions of the enemy (whether covert, overt, subtle, or blatant)! Prophet of God, you need to take a break!

3. Many of our pastors need a break from ministering so much. This will aid in God giving to them a fresh word from on high; in tuning their spirits for discernment and internal readjustment. Pastors need to take the kind of break that let’s the congregation know that we all need to hear from the Lord! They need to trust those who in leadership with them to minister under the same anointing in the house as they would, and to speak forth the unadulterated Word of God

4. Our evangelists need to take some time off for a while and rest in the Lord. They need to come home to a local church and be fed just like everyone else they minister to! Evangelists as well as traveling missionaries need to ‘come off the road’ for a while and help develop and upgrade their local church’s witnessing and outreach efforts. Oh, brother and sister evangelist, it’s time to take a break from running around so much!

5. Teachers need a break to stop, listen and learn again! They need to submit to the teaching of their pastor once again for season time of refocusing and adjustment in their theological outpours. Oh, teacher sent from God, you need some time to listen if you are to instruct in the weightier matters of the law of the Spirit! Teacher, take this time to sit down and rest a while… Please take a break!

6. Gifts to the Body, support ministers and helps ministry workers, even janitors and ushers all need to take a break and be refreshed in the Lord!

Listen: there is nothing more odious than a foul-mouthed, vision-limiting, leader-cursing, stingy,

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self-minded worker in the church!

So, before the enemy consumes you any further with error and blame, simply stop right now, make your move to the altar in the church, and meet God for yourself! Ask Him for a refreshing, for new joy, for a renewed attitude to serve, and for the fire to return to your belly for the things of God!

Dear gift ministry of God, it’s time for all of us to take a break!

I know that this seems like such a tough pill to swallow, especially since all you’re doing right now is trying to get through this course of instruction so you can receive your degree, I must respect the dictates of the Holy Spirit and remind you that, once again, you are not your own, that you’ve been bought with a heavy price – even the priceless Blood of our Savior, Jesus Christ! There is nothing you would not want to do for Christ now! After all that He has done for each and every one of us, we should all be doing all we can to please the Father and represent the Son in our service!

Listen: The church world thinks that healings and deliverances are fantastic moments of the invasion of God into our closeted church services. While in one aspect this is true, God wants me to admonish every one to revisit the entire concept of this unique support ministry called the ministry of exhortation. The reason for you to revisit the ministry concept of exhortation is vital to the overall health and force of the Body of Christ is that your ministry of exhortation is being viewed as symbolically ‘cheering’ your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ on to greater works for God!

Please comprehend this revelation that while you minister exhortation to others, God is administering healing and restoration to the one you’re speaking to! Therefore, the ministry of exhortation is the ministry of healing! Your words are going to be like divine signals that God is waiting on His children to come in His house and find rest for their weary souls! So, what am I driving at?

God is about to bring many of us to a place of multi-dimensional healing! Dimensional healing is nothing more than a phrase I coin to capture the aspect of God rendering a deeper healing and level of restoration to those whom He has used and has chosen to impart grater truth and revelation to! Dimensional healing has more to do with God releasing completeness and fullness in the areas of ministry that one is already engaged in.Church, God is about to bring some of our favored ministers into a season of reflection, divine inspection, and ministry re-tooling! He is ushering forth a command for all of us, at His beck and call, to “come aside and rest a while (read St. Mark 6:30-31)

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Church, God is calling His Church in for a time of corporate humility and quietness before Him – in His House! Friend, God is also calling you to be at the ready to administer healing and words of comfort and exhortation to them as they submit to the voice of God! Dear exhorter, do not skimp on your words and acts of love! Your leader is going to need them to regain balance, perspective, courage, and visionary thrust for their next assignment!

On the next two pages I want to give you a scriptural view of what every weary warrior is going to experience when they submit to this time of resting, inspection, deep surgery, healing, cleansing, restoration, renewal and refinement. When you read it, these scriptures will prepare you to be an example of love to them.Listen: God is not calling you to judge them in their time of quietness and searching; He is not calling you to whip them into what you want them to be! No, God is calling you to encourage their desire to seek after more of God; He is calling you to release words that will create atmospheres of anticipatorial excitement, the kind of atmosphere in which new vision is born, Kingdom strategies are birthed and displayed, and in which unique empowerments and anointings are going to come from the Holy One, even the Lord Most High! So, Servant of the Most High God, are you ready to pour in oil and wine to those coming off the battle field for a while? Servant of God, are you ready to bless and not curse, to give and not take? Are you ready to come into mutual covenantal agreement with your spiritual leadership, not curse your leader and divide the flock with poison and slander?

Please understand that as the time grows short for global impact with the gospel of the Kingdom, so does the impact of your words increase! As you press into God for his instruction and guidance from the Holy Spirit, so also will He impart to you what He expects you to share with your spiritual leader! While no one book or treatise will suffice to cover such an expansive subject as that of exhortation, It has been my honor and duty to at least whet your spiritual appetite as to begin this journey into the very heart of God to learn how to encourage and bless those whom God is using in the last and evil days!

After I write this scriptural exhortation for all leaders to seek God, I will then share how you can exhort and encourage God’s warriors in your local church! I will conclude in chapter nine a personal word of apostolic exhortation for you! You may use it as a model for what God is releasing you into!Ezekiel 8:1-4 says, “And it came to pass in the sixth year, in the sixth month, in the fifth day of the month, as I sat in mine house, and the elders of Judah sat before me, that the hand of the LORD God fell there upon me. Then I beheld, and lo a likeness as the appearance of fire: from the appearance of his loins even downward, fire; and from his loins even upward, as the

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appearance of brightness, as the color of amber. And he put forth the form of a hand, and took me by a lock of mine head; and the spirit lifted me up between the earth and the heaven, and brought me in the visions of God to Jerusalem, to the door of the inner gate that looketh toward the north; where was the seat of the image of jealousy, which provoketh to jealousy. And behold the glory of the God of Israel was there, according to the vision that I saw in the plain.” Ezekiel 8:1-4

“After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will show thee things which must be hereafter. And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne. And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald. Revelation 4:1-3

“And when the LORD saw that he turned aside to see, God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. And he said, Here am I. And he said, draw not nigh hither: put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground. Morever he said, I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. And Moses hid his face; for he was afraid to look upon God.” Exodus 3:4-6

“In the year that king Uzziah died, I saw also the L ORD sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple. Above it stood the seraphims: each one had six wings; with twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly. And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory. And the posts of the door moved at the voice of him that cried, and the house was filled with smoke. Isaiah 6:1-4

“And round about the throne were four and twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold. And out of the throne proeceded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven spirits of God. Revelation 4:4-5Yet heard I the voice of his words: and when I heard the voice of his words, then was I in a deep sleep on my face, and my face toward the ground. And, behold, a hand touched me, which set me upon my knees and upon the palms of my hands. And he said, O Daniel, a man greatly beloved, understand the words that I speak unto thee, and stand upright: for unto thee am I now sent. And when he had spoken this word unto me, I stood trembling. Then said he unto me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day

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that thou didst et thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words.” Daniel 10:9-12

All of these passages are designed to reveal that God moved upon each of them in strategic seasons in order to strategically impart an upgrade in Kingdom-strategy for Kingdom-advancement! The fact that there is a major shift in strategies for Kingdom advancement.

God is calling some of leaders off the road and away from prying eyes and the scrutiny of men to a place in Him that they’ve never encountered before! The reason for this calling away is His way of preserving His best without compromising Kingdom positions in the earth realm!

How to Encourage God’s Warriors:There are some simple things that you can do to encourage and exhort those who the warriors of God. Sometimes we think that we are not as equipped as needed to such an awesome job or to complete such an awesome task for the Lord. But, the real fact of the matter is that God has already equipped you to do whatsoever He has assigned you to do for Him! So, no matter what the enemy attempts to whisper in your ear, you have already been endowed with power from on high; you have already received the gift of the Holy Ghost; the Lord has already qualified you to receive all spiritual blessings in heavenly places by Christ Jesus, and you are already more than a conqueror through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!Now that you have all of that going for yourself, and then some, all you really need are a few suggestions to ‘get your feet’ wet in this ministry of exhortation. Let me first describe who God’s Warriors are. God’s Warriors:

A. They are those seasoned, Spirit-filled believers who have blazed many a trail for this generation of faith-filled saints of God

B. They are those who have been sent out into various fields of ministry, and have a track record of proven ministry behind them

C. They are those anointed apostolic leaders, prophetic voices, proven evangelists, sound teachers, and your local pastor!

D. They can be saved business owners and entrepreneurs who use Kingdom strategies and God’s proven scriptural principles

E. They are those families that are doing their best to serve GodF. They are those unmarried persons who continue living as unto

the LordG. They are these and so many others who have decided to live

for God

What God’s Warriors Have Endured:

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A. Heartache and DisappointmentB. Persecution and OstracizationC. Demonic AttacksD. Blatant Refusals To Listen To Or Follow Their InstructionsE. Disregarding Of Their WarningsF. Unfounded Lies, Gossip, and InuendosG. Intimidation and Psychological PressureH. Mislabeling and BelittlementsI. Interrogation by weak-minded scoffersJ. Confusion of Mind and A Struggle With God’s Call on their lifeK. Disrespect for the anointing in their life and ministryL. Turbulence in their FamilyM. Lack of Support and ResourcesN. Loss of Good Friends and FamilyO. Closed Doors and Limited Network OpportunitiesP. Hardness As Good SoldiersQ. Sleepless Nights and Tension-Filled DaysR. Unstable Marital RelationshipsS. Limited Network OpportunitiesT. Walking In Error Because Of Being Out of Focus With God’s


Can you think of any other things the Holy Spirit has shown you that His Warriors have had to face?1. ________________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________________

There have been many wounds to our brothers and sisters in Christ, but few have gone to them to speak healing and render restoration to them! How doe heal what you never hurt, and restore what you never stole? God is giving us that answer through this word I give unto you?This is the time when you can help ‘correct the distorted image’ of how the Church deals with broken and bruised, wounded and weary warriors of our faith!

What God’s Warriors Need:A. A BreakB. A Real VacationC. Time To Recover Their StrengthD. A Quiet Place where they can meet with God in solitude and

reflectionE. A Season of Feasting On The Word of GodF. Moral Support and Corporate EncouragementG. A Renewed Prayer Life

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H. A Monitored Season of Limited Responsibility for the sake of full recovery

I. A Restored Sense of BelongingJ. A New Vision and A Kingdom StrategyK. HELP, HEALING, and HOPE!L. The Clean, Undisturbed Atmosphere of Praise & Worship

HOW TO HELP GOD’s WARRIORS:1. Pray for them unceasingly.2. Take them out to breakfast, lunch, dinner (or all of the

aforementioned)!3. Speak kind and grace-filled words to them.4. Give them time to be healed!5. Purchase something nice for them and surprise them6. Pray for them with joyful anticipation of their renewed spirit

and refreshed soul7. Encourage them by sharing how and what you see of them in

God8. Ask them to rehearse some of God’s exploits through them9. Challenge them to be healed and go forth in might10. Pray for them with the expectation of God’s promised

outcomes11. Buy them some encouraging material (books, CD’s, DVD’s,

interesting movies, trinkets, etc.)12. Be faithful in what God showed you of them to your spiritual

leader13. Be consistent and available, but not always hanging around to

beg for something trivial14. Pray with accuracy concerning their total recovery and

restoration15. Purchase a new Bible or a new ministry outfit for them16. Pray scripture-prayers over their life (God hears His Word

over your weeping)17. Be available to help them in any way possible (within reason)18. Celebrate their return to full capacity!

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As this time of my sharing with you draws to a temporary close, I must take the liberty to reinforce my concern for those many churches that are rapidly growing cold and insensitive to both God and His people. Some ministries are even growing dangerously distant from the beckoning hand of God, and are bordering on total spiritual bankruptcy! Still others are now found drinking the lukewarm waters of mediocrity and vanity, and going about spewing evidences of a morally constipated lifestyle!

I am even more amazed at these same people when I enter into these various places of so-called houses of worship and praise. And, without being recognized by these congregations, I often go to these places seeking to simply enjoy a corporate fellowship with God our Father in another atmosphere other my own at our local assembly.. only to find the ushers and greeters pulling 'double-duty' for all those who so quietly anchor themselves in their favorite pews of bridled indifference, knowing full well that God has placed His 'bowels of mercies and compassion' within their wombs, and stirred them to encourage someone! And yet they sit.

My God! What has become of us? Are we not proud to be called the blessed of the Lord? Are we not excited when others receive bounty from the Father of us all? Where is our joy? And, who is going to give us an encouraging word from the Lord when it is time for us to receive from Him?

Listen: So much is riding on whether you will pick up your mantle of exhortation! So many souls are teetering on the very brink of disaster right now! Will you allow the Lord to minister unto you right where you are now? Won't you grant the Spirit of the Lord an audience with your inner man? Would you just take some time right now, and just enter into the Presence of the Lord and His Love? Go ahead, put this book down, and go walking along the quiet shores of Peace and Safety with Him! Go ahead, and let Him hold your hand right now! Let Him deeply speak to you! Go ahead.. I'll wait until you return!

I pray that this handbook would re-ignite the fires of your hot love for the people of God, whether they be rich or poor, bond or free, high or low, mighty or weak, happy or sad, great or small, whether in Him or on their way back to Him! I pray that you receive such a burning within for them, whether they are in fellowship at your ministry, church, organization or otherwise; whether they worshipping the Lord over here with us or elsewhere. It ought not really matter to you from now on! You, my beloved warrior and exhorter of God, you should be on fire for God at all times!In closing this chapter, I want to share just a few more things with you:The ministry of exhortation has a general message that runs course throughout the whole of the Holy Bible: “Be of good courage, and he will strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord!” [Psalm 31:24]

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On a more personal note, how about this one: “Wait on the LORD: Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: Wait, I say, on the Lord!” [Psalm 27:14]

You see, in order for you to effectively go forth in true exhortation, you, my friend, must yourself be encouraged! You, too, must experience first-hand the joys of hearing and receiving a fresh new encouragingly exciting word from the Lord! And with that being said, allow me to say with as much ‘oomph’ and as much gusto as I can possibly muster up within me...



How is this so? Because joy is the most recently squeezed fresh grape of the True Vine of God’s daily delight and desire! Is the joy of the Lord your strength? Then you have tasted of the sweet wine of exhortation!




Friend, I have just perceived that our Father has just squeezed some grapes from His Heavenly Vine, and you are about to not only ‘taste’ but ‘share’ the

sweet wine of exhortation from your own life!




Oh, Saint of God, you are hereby called unto the excellency of the ministry of exhortation!

Now what you need are a few words to meditate upon as you prepare yourself before God and the leadership of your church!

This next list of phrases that Jesus used ought to soon become so ingrained in you, until every time you open your mouth, all that will spring forth will be a fresh river of scripture-exhortations! See if you recognize any of these:

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Be of good cheer; thy sins be forgiven thee.____________________________________

Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.____________________________________

Be of good comfort: thy faith hath made thee whole.____________________________________

Be of good comfort, rise; he calleth thee.____________________________________

For with God nothing is impossible.____________________________________

I can even see Jesus putting on His exhorter's uniform and saying: And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.

Again, listen to what Jesus said by way of exhortation to the entire church world:

Fear not, little flock, for it your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.

These things have I spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye

shall have tribulation: But be of good cheer: I have overcome the world.

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Even heaven joins in and gives credence to the ministry of exhortation, when John the Revelator stumbles on to an awesome sight and sound! Just read Revelation chapter 19, and then dare to do exactly what it said! Go ahead, and use it as an exhorter’s exercise right now!!!

Scripture References: [1] St. Matthew 9:2;[2] St. Matthew 14:27; St. Mark 6:50;

[3] St. Matthew 9:22;[4] St. Mark 10:49;[5] St. Luke 1:37;

[6] St. Mark 11:22;[7] St. Luke 12:32;[8] St. John 16:33;[9] Revelation 19:1-7.

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It is my humble prayer before God that I have done sufficient justice to the subject matter granted me by Him for this present time. I pray that you will take this simple recipe for receiving and administering God’s comfort, solace, strength, challenge and encouragement to the Church, and begin to apply it to and through your life! Since no one person is a master of the Word of God on any particular subject, I do humbly thank the Lord for sharing a portion of His treasures with such a one as I!

What a glorious honor and privilege it has been to feast at the Master's Table with you!

As I decrease that He may increase the more in you- please allow me to share with you these few parting words of exhortation: I pray God that you will quickly grasp the sheer magnitude of this, oh so quiet ministry of the spoken Word! I also pray that you begin to fathom just how extremely important it really is to the Church at large!

Pastors are stumbling under the weight of lone ministry. Singers are trading in their anointing for appointments, and musicians are losing their touch with the veritable reality and necessity of having God in their lives! Ushers are growing increasingly ‘cold’, and those who are presently living in perversion are now becoming too bold! ‘Baby saints’ are fainting in this day, and some older saints are now sadly ‘falling by the way!’ What are we to do, Lord? Shall we throw up our hands and resign the Body of Christ to emptiness and vanity, simply because no one would simply learn to exhort one another? Why, No!

As you may well have noticed on the cover of this book, there is a phrase that, in my estimation of spiritual and natural parallelisms, best describes those who minister by way of exhortation. The image portrayed is that of a cheerleader! Oh, yes, I know that it doesn't seem right to call you a cheerleader for God’s Army, for God’s Team, but that is exactly what the Lord impressed upon me to call those who do dare to exhort! Therefore, I am going to call you one of God’s own cheerleaders!

Now.. I don't want you to think that you are in this thing alone, so I will now put on my own spiritual cheerleader's outfit, and encourage you to ‘do the work of the ministry!’

Now, what is so interesting about the uniform that exhorters wear?1. It’s never outdated, because exhortation is always timely!

2. Our uniform is not unisex, but it is most definitely ‘one-size-fits-all!’ There really is something that you can do to be part of God’s Cheerleading Team of Exhorters! Remember that the Bible says, that

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whatsoever your hands find to do (in His behalf), do it with a full and joyous heart!

3. The colors for an exhorter’s uniform is somewhat kaleidoscopic, because exhortation changes with the ebb and flow of the ministry of the Spirit!It's got red stripes on it, reminding us of the shed blood of Jesus, who has cleansed us from filthiness of the flesh and mind!Its purple cloak bespeaks of prophetic royalty, as well as the Lordship of Jesus over you!I can also see the ribbon blue on your hem, reminding me of your ability to remind others of the vastness of the endless peace and patience of God!And I really love how you have taken time to hand-stitch the tapestries of golden bells, trumpets, wheat, and pomegranates into your robe of humility and servitude!

4. Our exhorter’s uniform is not too tight, nor is it too loose-fitting, because exhortation never takes one out of character, nor makes one behave unseemly! Exhortation is not puffed up, but can increase the recipient!

So... Get ready now, because you are about to be exhorted and encouraged like never before!

Listen: To every exhorter, I want to personally take the time to thank God for you!Who knows, maybe it was you whom the Lord awakened in the night and had you pray for me! Maybe it was written in the postcard that you sent me. Or, could it have been that silent financial blessing that came to me just in the nick of time? Well, I take this time out to thank you for your sacrifice and obedience to the mandate to intercede for me as well as so many others in need of shelter from the Holy Spirit!

Now that I’ve put on my exhorter’s cheerleading uniform, please allow me to encourage you to continue in the ministry of exhortation! Listen! God had called you to ‘cheer up the brotherhood, the household of faith!’ So I encourage you now by saying:“I speak a word of consolation unto every one of you who feels that no one understands the type of ‘prophetic pressure’ that you are presently experiencing!Therefore, I speak the Balm of Gilead to your tired and bruised spirit!I speak healing to your every area of brokenness, innocence, humility and vulnerability!I prophesy this unto you, by the greatness of the riches of Christ, that...

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I pray the Breath of God into your very being right now!

I come into direct agreement with the Spirit of God, and call forth a time of refreshing for you!

I call you to a profound fullness of the Word right now!

I entice you to feast on manna, eat heaven's corn, share angels' milk, and drink deep of the Holy Spirit!

I implore you to desire to become so saturated in the Presence of God Almighty, that He, the Spirit of Truth, would impart unto you the dew of personal restoration, taste the many streams of His knowledge… tread the rivers of His understanding, be drenched in a torrent of the dynamics of the Wisdom of God!

I also pray that God would so overwhelm your life with the waves of His Love; that you would find yourself washed up upon the not-too-distant shores of His Vision for His people and for you!

Oh, my Lord! I think I can see something happening for you..!I see a new fire roaring in you! This fire is lit by the eternal fire of the Holy Ghost! Oh yes! He has just returned from Glory with a live coal, fresh from the altar of your silent, unheard prayers to Him!

Oh, my fellow-laborer of exhortation and comfort, be of good courage! Be of good cheer, for Jesus has overcome the world! He has called us to participate in His Victory-March! Are you ready? Then, let's go!

Let me end this share-time of ministry by saying...“Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made know unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any and if there be any praise, think on these things. Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.” [Phillipians 4:5-9]

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“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.

Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world,

against spiritual wickedness in high places.Wherefore take unto the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to

withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having

on the breastplate of righteousness;And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all

saints;And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open

my mouth, boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel,For which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak

boldly, as I ought to speak.”[Ephesians 6:10-20]

So... Until I see you on this side of Heaven or the other...Grace and Peace be multiplied unto you, from God our Father and

the Lord Jesus Christ!

From your ‘other brother’ in Christ, until the End... pray for me... Apostle A. E. Matthews!

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CHAPTER 1: Introduction of the New Testament ‘Ministry of

Exhortation’ Answers

REASONING 1: The ministry of exhortation


1. John the Baptist's preaching ministry was full of


2. John's office, as crier or herald, was to ________________ that the

Kingdom of God was at hand!

3. John the Baptist exhorted the people _____________________ .

A. The Ministry of Exhortation is a ministry that includes:

Personally ____________________ the Word of God;

Carefully _____________________ the Word of God in a divinely-timed


Much ______________ and _______________________________ for all men;


Assisting in the preparation of ________________________________ the

Words of Christ!

B: The Ministry of Exhortation is:

Both very ________________ and simultaneously ______________;

_____________ to the individual, yet ____________________ by the help

of the Holy Spirit!

C: The Ministry of Exhortation is given for


Exhortation, Therefore:

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Births ____________________ and ___________________________ in all who


Rebuilds ___________________ in God-sent ministry.

Has ________________ , in that it


Helps provide answers to some of life's most perplexing questions.

Ought to be given ______________, ________________ and


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CHAPTER 2: Definitions and Associations for Exhortation Answers

REASONING 2. Exhortation is _____________________________!

The Greek word for ‘exhortation’ is ‘parakaleo’, having a number of


To _________________to; to ________; to invoke (by ______________,

________________, hortation); to _____________; and to ______________for!

‘Parakaleo’, or ‘exhortation’, is a compound word generally derived from:

‘Para’- ‘___________’, in the _______________ of, to the proximity of;

beyond or opposed to.’


‘Kaleo,’ meaning ‘to _________.’ Kaleo is based upon another word:

‘kuleuo’ , meaning:

‘To ______ on; to hail; to ____________ by a word; to enthusiastically

_______ or _____; and, to give _______________ to.’

Exhortation is basically the ability of one to ____________________ to

another and to _________________________________ that individual

onward towards greatness by a series of ________________, ____________,

_____________, and __________________________!

REASONING 3: Exhortation is supported by


REASONING 4. The ministry of exhortation is

_______________________________of the compassion of our


REASONING 5. Exhortation is God’s ______________________ compassion.

STATEMENT A. The ministry of exhortation is quite _____________.

STATEMENT B. The ministry of exhortation is __________________ and ever____________________.

STATEMENT C. The ministry of exhortation is not without careful _____________________

and didactic scrutiny.

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All that operates _______ the Body of Christ ought to haveits ______________________ in the ________ of the Word of God!

So many soldiers of the Lord are returning from ___________ ____________ ________ with the enemy, and need healing and restoration.

You must continue to pour in ______ and ________, singing and speaking and making ________________________ over them!

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CHAPTER 3: Imageries Of Exhortation Answers

REASONING 6: The ministry of exhortation can be _________ _________________ the

Holy Bible.

Exhortation was God's way of _________________ ___________________ His best interests and compassion for us!

When we read of the bowels of God's mercies in the Bible, three rather vivid images flash before us:

1. The first glimpse is that of a healthy young married man.This imagery is that of S_______________ And


2. The second image shown to us is a bit more personal. It occurs when we happen upon the private scene when the wife has received of her husband in private.NOTE: This imagery is that of I_____________, Expectancy, And


3. The last image of a ministry of exhortation comes from the __________________ ____________________ ministry of Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God!

REASONING 7. The ministry of exhortation ____________ __________ from the very movement of the bowels of the compassionate heart of God.

REASONING 8: The ministry of exhortation _________ _______ throughout Jesus’ ministry.

Mercy is what you receive even though you __________ ________________ it Grace is what you receive because ______ ____________ it!

REASONING 9: The ministry of exhortation works to bring U_______ And H_________ in the Body of Christ.

REASONING 10: The ministry of exhortation comes from Jesus, challenging all to abound in F________, V__________, and V____________.

Please read 1 Thessalonians 4:1.Since true and right exhortation finds its foundation in the express Word of God, then it also means that the ministry of exhortation will ultimately receive ‘the crown of ______________________’!

REASONING 11: The ministry of exhortation is a necessary ______________-______ for all areas of ____________-________.

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EXHORTERS CHALLENGE THE CHURCH:1. To __________ in the counsel of God. (Acts 2:40)

2. To eat the __________ of their own hands. (2 Thessalonians 3:12)

3. To be __________ to give bountifully. (2 Corinthians 9:5)

4. Not to be ____________________ in others’ affairs, and to ________ for the cause of Christ! (1 Peter 4:15)

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CHAPTER 4: Exhortation Is Ministry to the Church Answers

REASONING 12: The ministry of exhortation is ______________________ for ministry of the preached Word.

The ministry of exhortation helps to ___________________________ for another dispensational release of the prophetic Word of God!

REASONING 13: The ministry of exhortation contains a dimension of careful,

________________________ warning.

REASONING 14: The ministry of exhortation respectfully _________ and calls church

leadership to:

A. Warn the ___________,

B. Comfort the ____________________,

C. Support the _____________, and,

D. Be ________________ toward all men!

REASONING 15: The ministry of exhortation often advises and __________________ one to take another route, to go a different course.

‘Paraineo’ means: ‘to __________________________________ for a different course’; ‘to admonish, ________________, ____________’.

We are to prayerfully and respectfully __________________ our brothers and sisters with praise-reports of God's wondrous handiwork in our lives.

The end-result of all right and proper exhortation is as quoted from Acts 27:22, that- “there shall be ______________________ of any man’s life among you-!”

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CHAPTER 5: Exhortation Builds The House Of God Answers

REASONING 16: The ministry of exhortation is designed to help in the _________________ up of the House Of God!

In general, all word-based ministries ought operate in one of these three (3) areas:1. Edification: ‘Oikdome’ architecture; (concretely) _________________; also confirmation

(the process of _________________).2. Exhortation: ‘Paraklesis’ imploration by _____________ and consolation.3. Comfort: ‘Paramuthia’ to comfort by ______________________________ and relating to;

to initiate, to teach, and to instruct by __________.

We notice here, how there is a ________ ____________ in the house of God, even as it relates to the efficiency of the ministry of the spoken word.God does not ____________ nor does He _______________ confusion or misrepresentation of any sort in His House!

To edify actually means to be a house-builder, a support to the construction, and a comfort to each and every worker!

Edification and exhortation causes the fires of ______________________________________ to be rekindled in all!A. The ministry of exhortation is ________________-__________________ of the

Holy Spirit unto that of the human spirit.

B. The ministry of exhortation is ___________________________________ ___________________________ for you!EXHORTATION IS: The ________________ of the veritable presence of God our Heavenly

Father- in the midst of your very present crisis! The help of the Holy Spirit leading souls ________________ from one

glory to another, the end result being to experience the ‘abundance of glory’ from the Lord!

Christ _____________________________________ fulfill it’s destiny of birthing faith in others, and increasing an awareness of the inheritance of God and the exceeding weight of His Glory in every person's life!

Leading the mature Body of Christ into an _____________________ of corporate rejoicing and celebration!

STATEMENT A: The ministry of exhortation is by no means a _________________ of personal expression and rantings for gossipers, wayward souls, or unruly and disobedient people.

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STATEMENT B. There is a holy ______________________ to all verbal expression that must be adhered to by each and every exhorter.

STATEMENT C. All exhorters are _____________________ by the Holy Ghost to guard themselves from becoming 'castaways' of the faith!

STATEMENT D. Exhorters are therefore admonished to _______________ the Word of God with all diligence.

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CHAPTER 6: The Fine Line Between Exaltation And Exhortation Answers-A

REASONING 17: The ministry of exhortation can assist in bridling and binding the sprits of __________ and ________-___________________.

Q: What are some differences between exaltation and exhortation? 1. The Book of _______________ deals with exhortation.

2. The book of _______________ deals with exaltation.

3. Exhortation can be ____________ by pity, compassion, memory of one's own past, or another's evirons.

4. Exaltation is majorly prompted by the _____________ of the Holy Spirit and generally directed _____-________.

5. Exhortation is ______________________, reaching from person to person.

6. Exaltation is ______________, reaching from your person to the very Person of God our Father.

7. Therefore, the _________ [ + ] is easily seen when exhortation and exaltation is properly administered!

8. Exhortation is often ___________________, moved by ______________________.

9. Exaltation is positional, based upon the ________ movement and ministry of the Spirit of God.

10. Exhortation is _________________________ at displaying you as one of His spiritual wonders!

11. Exaltation is _________________________________ of delight towards God at any one of His wonders!

Exhortation, if administered with the love of Christ, does wonders to encourage the flock of God!

Exhortation, as directed by the Holy Spirit, is love's direct _________________ against those dangerous spirits of discouragement, failure, fear, isolation, mislabeling and loneliness!

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Exhortation _________________ traditional schisms, religio-socio infighting, and spiritual suicide.

Exhortation is also part and parcel of the _________ God uses to bind the Body of Christ together.

One of two complementary notions is expressed in OT and NT occurrences of the word exhortation. One set of original terms means ‘to _____________________________ great’.

Another set of biblical words means ‘________________________________________’.

CHAPTER 6: The Fine Line Between Exaltation And Exhortation Answers-B

It is ______________________________ for mere human beings to exalt themselves.

God _____________________ His children to exhort one another.

The fine line that exists between exaltation and exhortation is two-fold: 1. The fruit of the Spirit called _____________________, and..

2. An ________ attitude towards joyful obedience to the Spirit of God through Christ Jesus!

A: You got to learn how to do three things:1. You must learn how to give God audience with you!

Hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit also includes learning how to _________________ every negative image, sound, and sense of the Enemy from around you.

2. You must learn how to ________ to God for ________________!

3. You have got to learn how to declare Kingdom ____________ and Divine ____________ to yourself!

Don't be too surprised now, but your verbiage, your communication, your ______________-__________ will start to make greater impact in your life as well as in the lives of others.

There are three (3) ‘kings’ (or ruling authorities) who have the ability to ‘reign’ in your life:[1] __________ [2] __________, and [3] __________

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Only a king can _________ a thing into existence in their specific sphere of __________________!

Now, write down at least five scripture passages for your personal meditation as an exhorter:

1. _________________________________

2. _________________________________

3. _________________________________

4. _________________________________

5. _________________________________

There is a line of d___________________ that has been clearly defined between that which is ex________________ and that which is ex__________________ .

When you read Colossians 4:6, it talks of your __________________ and ____________________ with others being similar to that of salt.

Salt is a preservative that _______________________________ of that which it is applied to.

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CHAPTER 7: Admonishments For All Exhorters Answers.

REASONING 18: Exhortation is a ________________________________________ by God.

1. Exhortation is most definitely a __________ from God given in ______________ unto exhorters through faith in Him.

2. Exhortation can only be as ___________ as the __________ of one’s faith in God!

3. One’s level of faith is easily measured by the ____________ of the Word of God operating in the very life of you, the exhorter.

4. According to 1 Timothy 4:14, ___________________ exhortation ought be accepted as a ministry of helps gift to the church!

There are five general levels and stratas of the ministry exhortation that should be explored.

1. P____________________Exhortation

2. I____________________ Exhortation

3. C____________________ Exhortation

4. P____________________Exhortation

5. P____________________Exhortation

Exhortation is also an _________________________ of the Holy Spirit to the Body of Christ!The Greek word for Comforter is ‘parakletos’, which means ‘An Intercessor, Consoler, Advocate, and Comforter!’ ‘Parakletos’ is derived from another word: ‘paraklesis’ meaning ‘to implore, comfort, and give’.

A. Exhortation is a part of the ministry of __________________________.

B. The ministry of exhortation is a ____-_______________ of the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

C. The ministry of exhortation __________________ a number of the gifts of the Spirit, such as the word of knowledge, discernment of spirits, and prophecy. [5]

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The ministry of exhortation is really a part of the __________________ of consolation.

Exhortation is __________________________, and _____________________ is encouragement!

Consolation also means ‘____________________________________’.

Consolation also means ‘_________________________________________________________’

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CHAPTER 8: “Give The Warriors A Break!” Answers

Therefore, the ministry of exhortation is the ministry of ______________!

God is about to bring many of us to a place of _______________________________ healing!

God is about to bring some of our favored ministers into a ___________ of

_________________, divine _______________, and ministry re-tooling!

Write in your own words Who God’s Warriors Are:

“I believe that God’s Warriors are:





Name four (4) things God’s Warriors have endured:

1. ______________________________

2. ______________________________

3. ______________________________

4. ______________________________

Name three (3) things God’s Warriors Need:

H__________ , H__________, and H________________!

Name at least four (4) things that you can do to help God’s Warriors:

1. _______________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________

4. _______________________________________________

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The ministry of exhortation has a general message that runs ___________

throughout the whole of the Holy Bible: “Be of good courage, and he will

________________ your heart, all ye that ________ in the Lord!” [Psalm 31:24]

Please write out Psalm 27:14 below.



In order for you to effectively go __________ in true exhortation, you, my

friend, must yourself be _________________________!

What does this next phrase look optically like to you, and hoes it have any

significance to you?

DEAR EXHORTER OF GOD’S DELIGHT, DO YOU NEED A TASTE?______________________________________________________________________________




Write down three (3) phrases Jesus used in His ministry on earth that are

words of exhortation:

1. _____________________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________________

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78Another publication release by Apostle Andre Matthews

Page 79: Ministry of Exhortation

GIBI Course- The Ministry of Exhortation


Please write down your personal observations and feelings when you read

this chapter.

My Personal Observations:





















79Another publication release by Apostle Andre Matthews

Page 80: Ministry of Exhortation

GIBI Course- The Ministry of Exhortation







Andre Matthews is a believer in Jesus Christ and a son of God by inheritance. He received Jesus Christ as his personal Savior and Lord, the infilling of the Holy Spirit, and called to preach in September of 1972. He was then granted license to minister the Gospel of Good News [September, 1973]. He then experienced 10 years of ministerial preparation and catechism under the auspices of the Church Of God In Christ, and was released an ordained elder in Western New York [August, 1984]. Beginning in 1989, he has shepherded seven churches throughout the continental U.S.A (four of which he pioneered). On January 31, 1993, Pastor Matthews wed his only ‘Precious’ wife… (Evangelist Debra L. Jones of Boston, Massachusetts).

In early May of 1993, through a series of visions and confirmative prophetic releases, Apostle Matthews was called of God to minister as an apostle to the nations. In early 1994, God granted this young man the visionary blueprints for one of the fastest growing fellowship aggregations of the Body of Christ, FreshFire Fellowship Ministries International, which is yet flourishing under the canopy of God's blessings. He was ordained as an internationally recognized apostle in 2003 while on his maiden missionary trip to Africa.

Apostle Matthews now serves on several apostolic councils, executive and apostolic presbytery boards of theological institutes, schools, ministries and mentoring colleges. Apostle Matthews has taught in theological schools, traveled doing motivational assemblies in secular schools, and is an avid reader. He is the founder of his own, the School Of Ministerial Excellence (S.O.M.E.), with the headquarters location in the great state of Arizona.

As joyous exhorters themselves, Pastor and his lovely wife Pastor Debra Matthews enjoys times of refreshing with all who fellowship with them! This dynamic couple is always found encouraging, exhorting, and uplifting the hearts and souls of God's people, whether by the spoken Word, by revelation, or by entering into glorious seasons of praise and worship celebrations.

Apostle Matthews shares a unique ability to articulate the Word of God. Whenever prompted by the Spirit of God, he quietly takes pen to paper, fingers to keyboard, and his heart to God’s, and uniquely relates the very heart and mind of God in

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terms that are understandable, eye-opening and inspiring to every reader and listener.

If you would like to share your comments, contributions, and questions with Apostle Matthews and his wife, or, if you would like to order any books, tape series, make prayer requests or consider them for speaking engagements, please send all correspondence to:FreshFire Fellowship Ministries Intl.P. O. Box 1138Glendale, AZ. 85311

81Another publication release by Apostle Andre Matthews