Mini-Skat 6-Wheel Plans Assembly

Plans Assembly Manual These Plans are sold solely for non-Commercial purposes and their sale in no way licenses any individual or firm to reproduce the Mini-Skat in any form for resale. To do so will constitute direct violation of all pat- ents applicable at that time. To reproduce these Plans and Instructions in any form will constitute direct violation of our Copyright. C. F. STRUCK CORP. Copyright 1970 by C. F. Struck Corp.

Transcript of Mini-Skat 6-Wheel Plans Assembly

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Assembly Manual

These Plans are sold solely for non-Commercial purposes and theirsale in no way licenses any individual or firm to reproduce the Mini-Skatin any form for resale. To do so will constitute direct violation of all pat-ents applicable at that time.

To reproduce these Plans and Instructions in any form will constitutedirect violation of our Copyright.


Copyright 1970 by C. F. Struck Corp.

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MS800 - 1 Body Assembly- 1A Side Wall- IB Bottom- IC Gusset- ID Angle- 1ER Plate (Right)- 1EL Plate (Left)- IF Tube- 1G Bracket- 1H Bracket- II Axle- 1J Mount- IK Bracket- 1 L Arm- 1M Handle- IN Rod- 1O Clip- IP Brace


- 2 Cover Assembly 4.58

-3 Drive Wheel Assembly (6) 12. 95ea .- 3A Hub- 3B Tube :.- 3C Sprocket

4 Sprocket & Shaft (2) 3.98 ea .4A Shaft4B Sprocket

5 Guard (2) 4.95 ea .

6 Right Clutch Assembly 4.956A Lever6B Handle6C Tube

7 Left Clutch Assembly 4 .957A Lever (Same as #6A)7B Handle (Same as #6B)7C Tube (Same as #6C)8 Engine Belt Guide (2) .98 ea .9 Clutch Belt Guide (4) 1 . 1 3 e a10 Pivot Rod 2. 6511 Power Shaft (2) 2. 95 ea12 Self-Aligning Bearing (8) 3. 95 ea13 Idler Wheel 3" 'A' x 3/8 bore (2) 1.98 ea14 Idler Wheel 2" 'F la t ' x 3/8 bore (16) 2. 15 ea

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- 15 Pulley 12" 'A' x 5/8 bore (4) 4.00 ea.- 16 Pulley 5" 'A' x 5/8 bore (2) 1.98 ea.- 1 7 Pulley 3" 'A' x 3/4 bore 1.35- 1 8 Pulley 3" 'A' x 5/8 bore (4) 1.25 ea.- 19 Belt AA66 6.20- 20 Belt 4L500 (4) 2.98 ea.- 21 Engine, H70 Tecumseh 98.95- 22 Spring .32- 2 3 Roller Chain #40 w/connector (2) 12.98 ea.- 2 4 Throttle Wire . 2.25- 2 5 Handgrip 5/8 bore (2) .32 ea.- 2 6 Wheels 7 . 5 0 - 1 6 x 8 (6) 24.95ea.- 27 Seat w/cushion 9. 95

Key 3/16 sq x 7/8 (11)Snap Ring 7/8 (6)Snap Ring 5/8 (2)Washer WI 5/16 (4)Washer WI 3/8 (131)Washer WI 1/2 (1)Washer WI 5/8 (75)Washer WI 7/8 (102) . Lock Washer 1/4 (17) Lock Washer 5/16 (6)Lock Washer 3/8 (3)Lock Washer 1/2 (28)Nut 1/4-20 (17)Nut 5/16-18 (2)Nut 3/8-16 (3)Nut 1/2-13 (2 8)Stollach Nut 1/4-20 (2)Stollach Nut 3/8-16 (28)Wing Nut 5/16-18 (4)Carriage Bolt 1 /4 -20x1 /2 (16)Carriage Bolt 3/8 - 16 x 1 1/2 (1)Cap Screw 1/4-20 x 3/4 (3)Cap Screw 5 / 1 6 - 1 8 x 3 / 4 (6)Cap Screw 5 / 1 6 - 2 4 x 1 (2)Cap Screw 3/8-16 x 3/4 (3)Cap Screw 3 / 8 - 1 6 x 1 - 1 / 2 (1)Cap Screw 3 / 8 - 1 6 x 3 - 1 / 4 (2)Cap Screw 1/2-13 x 1 (28)Cotter Pin 1 / 8 x 1 (2)Allen Wrench 3/32Allen Wrench 5/32

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Assembly Instructions MS-800 Mini-Skat

Unpacking the KIT:

Care must be exercised in unpacking the Kit to avoid bending or scratching thevarious components. As the parts are unpacked lay. them out neatly and check theparts against the enclosed Parts List. Notify us immediately of any shortages.

Setting up for Assembly:

It is best to set the Body in an upright position on the edges of two saw-horsesor on top of a crate. This will allow you to easily work around and underneath theSkat. NOTE: The directions 'Left & Right' and 'Upper & Lower' referred to inthe following instructions are determined by standing behind the Skat and lookingforward. 'Inside' refers to the side of a part which is closest to an imaginary cen-ter line running down the length of the Skat. 'Outside' refers to the side farthestfrom the above defined center line.


Oil the various "Oilite" bearing surfaces of #3 Drive Wheel Assemblies as youassemble them. Later lubricate these 6 Wheels periodically; more frequently whenoperating the Skat in dusty or water conditions.



1. Slide thirteen 7/8 WI Washers over each of the six #11 Axle stubs. Slide on #3Wheel Assemblies (Sprocket next to Body) and retain with 7/8 Snap Rings. (Note:more 7/8 Washers may be added before inserting Snap Rings to eliminate any sideplay)

2. Using 1/4-20 x 1/2 Carriage Bolts, Lock Washers and Nuts loosely mount thetwo #12 Self-Aligning Bearings on #1A Wall and # 1ER Plate. (Note Drawing andthat Bearing housings are located inbetween #1A Wall and #1ER Plate and thattheir set screws are located to the outside in both cases). Do the same on theleft side mounting Bearings in #1A Wall and #1EL Plate.

3. Using 5/8 WI Washers as shims insert #4 Sprocket & Shaft through the above#12 Bearings on each side of Body (8 tooth Sprocket kept to outside). Add or re -move 5/8 Washers so that 8- tooth Sprocket on #A Shaft is in alignment with 54 toothSprockets on #3 Drive Wheel Assemblies on each side. When aligned, tighten bear-ings, 1/4-20 x 1/2 Carriage Bolts first, and then tighten set screws in #12 Bearingswith wrench provided.

4. On each side of Body slide four 3/8 WI Washers over each bolt stud of #1G and1H Brackets. Then slide on #14 Idler Wheel followed by three more 3/8 WI Wash-ers and loosely secure with 3/8-16 Stollach Nut.

5. Loop #23 Chain around the #3 Assemblies, #14 Idlers and #4 Sprocket & Shafton each side and secure with connector link. Evenly draw up the two #14 Idlers onthe #1H Brackets on each side to tighten Chain and then securely tighten the sixJ/8-16 Stollach Nuts on each side. (Rotate Wheel Assemblies to check for properfit) On each side slide 3/8 WI Washer over each bolt stud. Follow with the #5Guard - the holes and slots will line up with the similar holes and slots in the #1Gand 1H Brackets.

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Slip another 3/8,Wafher over each bolt stud up against Guard and secure with 3/8-16Stollach Nuts . .

6. The #26 Wheels may now be mounted using the 1/2-13x1 Cap Screws, Lock Wash-e r s and Nuts . After completing this step the Skat may be put on the floor and rolledforward and back to check for proper free rotat ion.

7. Inside Body slide 5/8 WI Washers onto ends of #4 Sprocket and Shafts. Slide onsingle #15 Pul ley (Hub to inside) and add or remove 5/8 Washers so that side ofPulley c l ea r s #1EL and. 1ER P la tes by approx. 1/2". Inser t 3/16 sq x 7/8 Key intoPulley hub so it is flush and tighten Pulley set sc rew. Slide on five more 5/8 WIWashers on each #4 Shaft and slide on second #15 Pul ley - hub to inside. Inser tsecond Key each s ide , keeping it flush with hub end, and tighten set s c r ew. Shimremainder of #4 Shaft with 5/8 Washers up to 1/8" hole, then inser t 1 / 8 x 1 CotterPin and cl inch. (Check Assembly - #15 Pulleys should be "s lop-f ree" and rotatingthem should move the vehicle left and r ight , forward and back)

8. Using 1/4-20 x 1/2 Car r iage Bol ts , Lock Washers and Nuts, loosely mount theremaining #12 Bear ings on the #1EL and 1ER Pla tes - keep Bearing housings andset screws to the outside. Take each #11 Power Shaft and slide on two #18 Pul leys ,one #16 Pul ley and two #20 Belts - check drawing for proper o rde r . (Note: Top #11Power Shaft should also be inser ted into #19 Belt) Inse r t these Shaft a s sembl i e sinto the Body cavity and inser t ends of #11 Shafts into thei r respect ive #12 Bear ings ,Center these shafts in #12 Bear ings , tighten all 1/4" Ca r r i age Bolts f i rs t and thentighten all set sc rews in Bear ings . (Check Drawings to see that Pul leys a r e inproper o rder and that hubs a r e facing proper direction)

9. Align each #18 Pul ley with its respect ive #15 Pul ley . Inser t 3/6 sq x 7 /8 Keyin each hub and tighten set sc rew. Following "Belt Diagram" loop each #20 Beltover its respec t ive set of #18 and #15 Pu l leys .

10. Inser t 3 /8-16 x 3-1/4 Cap Screw into #14 Idler Wheel followed by th ree 3/8 WIWasher s . Inser t this from outside (Note Drawing - Cap Screw head to outside) intoslot of #6A A r m followed by three m o r e 3/8 Washers and a second #14 Idler Wheel.Slip on three 3/8 Washe r s , two #9 Clutch Belt Guides, one 3/8 Washer and 3/8-16Stollach Nut. Tighten, but leave loose enough so that assembly may slide up anddown slot in #6A A r m . (Assemble in this manner for both #6 and #7 Clutch A s s e m -blies checking Drawing to see that : Cap Screw heads a r e to the outside and that#9 Belt Guides a r e opposite each other and 90 to the #6A Arm) Note on assemblythat upper #9 Belt Guide is c loser to #14 Id le r .

11. Following "Belt Diagram" inse r t #6 and #7 Gluten Assembl ies into Body cavityand secure with #10 Pivot Rod. (Note: Use 5/8 WI Washers to shim #6 and #7Assembl ies left or right so that the i r respect ive #6A Arms a re centered betweentheir respect ive #18 Pulleys) Now you must proper ly adjust #14 Idler Wheel unitsyou assembled above. Slide this Wheel unit r e a rward (or forward as the case maybe) so that the Clutch control handles can move forward and backward a tota l d i s -tance of approximately 3" as measu red on the ends of Handles. Make tlis t r a v e lequal in both cont ro l handles and then tighten each 3/8 Cap Screw. (Check forproper 90° angle as explained in Step #10). NOTE: Check to make su re that al lfour #9 Guides r ide with the "hooked end" to the outsids of each #20 Bel t .

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In proper operation as the #14. Idler moves away from tightening a #20 Belt, simul-taneously the "hooked end" of the #9 Guide should start to hit the backside of the#20 Belt and start to pull it in to eliminate any excessive slack.

12. From inside slide a 3/8-16 x 1-1/2 Carriage Bolt into slot of #1K Bracket.Slide on one 1/2" WI Washer followed by three 3/8 WI Washers and #13 Idler Wheel.Secure with 3/8-16 Stollach Nut.

13. Insert 3/16 sq x 7/8 Key into hub of #17 Pulley and slide onto PTO of Engine -hub to outside. Slip 5/16-24 x 1 Cap Screw into 5/16 WI Washer, then into "tight"loop end of #8 Engine Belt Guide followed by 5/16 Washer. Make two Guide Assem-blies like above and screw them into the two rear threaded holes in Engine case.Note that 90° Bend end is pointing away from Engine.

14. Lower Engine into Body cavity (PTO to the left) and fasten front and rear ofEngine to #1J Mount using four 5/16-18 x 3/4 Cap Screws and Lock Washers.(Nuts are already welded into the Mount)

15. Insert 3/8-16 x 1-1/2 Cap Screw into #13 Idler Wheel, then into three 3/8 WI.Washers and finally into inside hole of #1L Arm; secure on other side with 3/8-16Stollach Nut. (Note on Drawing that #13 Wheel is next to inside face of #1L Arm)

16. Using the #1J Mount as a "straight-edge" guide, align the #17 Engine Pulleyand #16 Pulleys with the two fixed #13 Idler Wheels. When aligned, lock all setscrews noting that Keys are centered in hub of their respective Pulleys. Slip the#19 Belt over the #17, 16 and 13 Pulleys following the "Belt Diagram".

17. Slip 1/4-20 x 3/4 Cap Screws into each end of #22 Spring. Slide one end ofScrew into the inside 1/4" hole in #1M Handle and the other end into the outside1/4" hole in rear of.#lEL Plate. Secure both Screws with 1/4-20 Stollach Nuts.(Note how lowering #1M Handle - under spring tension - causes #13 Pulley on #1LArm to engage and tighten #19 Belt) At this point (Belt under tension) rotate thetop and bottom #8 Engine Belt Guides so they are approx. 1/8" away from the #19Belt. Tighten both 5/16-24 x 1 Cap Screws. (Check Drawing for correct place-ment of #8 Guides)

18. Now raise #1M Handle and engage it behind #1O Clip to hold it. Loosen the3/8-16 x 1-1/2 Carriage Bolt holding #13 Idler on #1K Bracket. Locate the #13Idler so that when the above #1M Handle is in the raised position, the #19 Belt isslackened sufficiently to allow the #17 Engine Pulley to slip. Tighten the CarriageBolt after you have made this adjustment.

19. (Note: You will have to readjust the above after the first hour of operationdue to the natural "break-in" action of the Belt).

20. Mount #1P Brace over rear of #1ER and 1EL Plates by engaging the two 5/16Weld Screws into the two forward holes of #1P Brace. Align two rear 3/8 holesin #1P Brace with holes rear of #1ER and 1EL and secure with 5/16-18 x 3/4Cap Screw, Lock Washer and Nut.

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21. Mount #24 Throttle Wira.through 9/16 dia. Hole in #1P Brace and secure belowwith nut provided. Loop end of Wire down around bottom of Carburetor and enterthe end into the clip provided on left side of carburetor. (See Sketch "A" for properinstallation of remaining Wire end) NOTE: Position Wire so that pulling up on theThrottle will choke the Engine and pushing the Throttle all the way down will closethe small switch which,shuts off the Engine.

- r22. Pull up on Engine starter rope and tie a "loop knot" to keep it from retracting.Remove handle from rope and insert rope through bottom of remaining hole withgrommet in#lP Brace. Above, reassemble handle.on rope end and remove knotto allow rope to recoil. . ;

23. At this point check Engine manual and fill crankcase and gas tank as per in-structions. ' Take can of oil and generously lubricate oilers in the #3 Drive WheelAssemblies. Repeat this oiling periodically to renew the "Oilite" bearings' oilsupply. The #13 and #14 Idler Wheels and #12 Bearings all have sealed ball bear-ings and are lubricated for life.

24. Mount the #27 Seat to the #2 Cover using four 1/2-13 x 1 Cap Screws, LockWashers and Nuts. Slip vinyl cover and cushion over seat and tie draw-string.Set #2 Cover over the four protruding 5/16-18 Weld Screws and secure with four5/16-18 Wing Nuts. Slip #25 Handgrips on ends of #6B and 7B Handles.


Before starting Engine check to see that the #1M Handle is raised and engagedbehind the #1O Clip welded to #1EL Plate. Next pull up and set Throttle so thatEngine has sufficient gas to start - pull all the way up to choke in cold weather.Start Engine and lock Throttle setting by twisting handle 1/4 turn clockwise tohold position. Climb on the Skat and with your right hand keeping the ControlHandles in the center or neutral position, release the Safety Clutch Handle withyour left hand to set transmission in motion. Now firmly holding a Control Handlein each hand you can move forward by pushing forward on both Handles; rearwardby pulling back on the handles. Make your turns by simultaneously pushing oneControl Handle forward and pulling the other rearward. NOTE: All these actionsshould be done slowly and carefully for maximum safety and elimination of jerkymotions.

NOTE:For maximum safety both Control Handles must be held by the operator either

by a single hand or with both hands while the transmission system is in motion.Therefore, with the transmission in motion the Control Handles should never beleft unattended or the natural action of the transmission will cause them to occa-sionally bounce back and forth. If this condition takes place it can be quickly stop-ped by disengaging the transmission system with the Safety Clutch Handle and thenre-starting.

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LAND - As the Mini-Skat is a completely different type of vehicle to operate, it isadvisable that in the beginning you take the utmost of caution. Practice handling iton an open, level piece of ground until you get the "feel" of it. When climbing uphills or going through unfamiliar areas always take it slowly. Even though theSkat is extremely stable, it can still be tipped or damaged by irresponsible opera-

WATER - From the outset, it must be understood that the Mini-Skat's amphibioususe must be limited exclusively to crossing calm water. The Skat is purposelydesigned "front heavy" to give it the greatest stability climbing hills. Hence forwater travel it is advisable to place whatever cargo you wish to carry (tent, sleep-ing bag, etc.) to the rear to give you a level ride in water.

Always enter the water as level with the water as possible - that is never enter thewater while coming off a steep bank as you may "swamp" the Skat due to the severeangle of entering. The same is true on leaving the water - don't try to climb a steepbank to get out as the "tail" of the Skat may swamp.

The Skat's operation in water is quite similar to that of a "Jon Boat". Hence thesame loading and safety precautions apply. Most States require the Skat to beregistered as a boat if you plan on taking it on inland waterways. Also the stan-dard Coast Guard life preserver and fire extinguisher rules apply to the Skat.

NOTE: Tire Chains are an option well worth the expense as they give you a steelbiting grip on slippery surfaces and also provide additional propulsion in water.

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