Mini Project Documentation2

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  • 8/13/2019 Mini Project Documentation2



    Mini Project Report

    Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

    For the award of the degree of

    Bachelor of Technology




    SYED. HUSSAIN 08UK1A0436M. RADHA 08UK1A0413

    A. MADHAVI 08UK1A0419

    L. DEVSINGH 08UK1A0412

    Under guidance of

    Mr. J. LingaiahAsst. Prof



    (Affiliated to JNTU HYDERABAD)

    Department of Electronic & communication Engineering


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    This is to certify that the mini project report enlited POWER SUPPLY FAILURE

    ALARM Is being submitted by Mr. SYED. HUSSAIN, M. RADHA, A.

    MADHAVI, L. DEVSINGH Bearing H.T.No. 08UK1A0436, 08UK1A0413,08UK1A0419, 08UK1A0412 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the

    degree in Bachelor of Technology in Electronics & Communication

    Engineeringtojntu Hyderabad is a bonafide work carried out by him under my guidance

    and supervision during academic year 2010-2011.

    The result presented in this report has not submitted to any other university or

    institution for the award of any degree or diploma.


    Guide Head of the Department Principal


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    With immense pleasure we would like to take this opportunity to place it on record

    that POWER SUPPLY FAILURE ALARM has taken shape, but without thecooperation extended to us by certain individuals it wouldnt have been possible. We

    consider it as a privilege to thank all those persons who have helped us in completing this


    We express a sincere and profound gratitude toA.RajiReddy, principalof Vaagdevi

    engineering college for his support help, guidance and encouragement in the course of our


    We are very thankful to Mr.Suresh Kumar, Head of the dept. of electronics and

    communication engineering of vaagdevi engineering college, Bollikunta for providing

    necessary facilities in carrying out this project.

    We wish to express my deepest sense of gratitude to my guide Mr.J.Lingaiah, for his

    inspiring and expert guidance throughthe tenure of this work, his encouragement and open-

    minded discussions have been a source of inspiration during this project.

    We acknowledge the help and cooperation of all teaching and non-teaching staff who

    have helped us in completion of this project successfully.

    We apologize for any oversights and inaccuracies in our acknowledgment.

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    Abstract 1

    Chapter 1.Introduction 2

    1.1Field of Invention

    1.2Background of Invention

    Chapter 2.Architecture Overview 3

    2.1 Project Description

    2.2Circuit Diagram

    Chapter 3.Hardware section 6

    3.1 Resistor

    3.2 Capacitor

    3.3 Diode

    3.4 Transistor BC558

    3.5 LED

    3.6Piezo Buzzer3.7 Mains Supply


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    Chapter4.Appendix 17

    i. Fabrication Of PCB

    ii. List Of Components Used

    Chapter 5.APPLICATIONS 21

    Conclusion 22

    Bibliography 23


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    A power failure alarm for use in sounding a warning in the occasion of a power failure,

    with built in electrical connectors, and a temporary source of light. The device is housed in

    a molded plastic enclosure in a rectangular shape and includes an emergency light, night-

    light, flashlight, and power failure alarm. All unit functions are completely automatic once

    the unit has been plugged into a standard 120 volt receptacle. The device has a three prong

    male plug on the back of the body and is designed to occupy one receptacle of a duplex

    receptacle thus leaving one receptacle still available for use. Alternate embodiments of the

    device are specifically intended to alert and notify the user of a power failure. The device

    utilized logic circuitry to determine if a power failure or improper setup has occurred. The

    battery charging and monitoring circuits ensure the batteries are always charged and ready

    for use.


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    The present invention relates to a power failure alarm device, and more particularly, to a device

    that not only generates an audible signal to indicate when a connected power source has failed,

    but also is configured to incorporate a portable lamp and may be used in a variety of

    applications including refrigeration. An option available on this device will also alert the user

    when a power failure has occurred when connected to a standard dialup phone line.


    Numerous electrical appliances in home and commercial businesses require a continuous

    supply of electrical power in order to function, such as refrigerators, freezers, lamps,

    computers, clocks, and critical medical equipment. Most of these devices gain electrical power

    by connecting to a main power supply via a plug into a wall receptacle. However, on occasions

    these devices may become inoperable through a power failure, accidental unplugging, turning

    off the power switch, or a tripped circuit breaker. These occasions can happen without

    becoming noticeable. It is not uncommon for a motor driven appliance to fail and open the fuse

    or circuit breaker. Quite often a homeowner is not aware of the motor failure until it is too late,

    for example refrigerated food is spoiled or the basement is flooded.

    Supermarkets use multiple refrigerators providing open storage of chilled or frozen foods, thus

    if an unnoticed power failure occurs, the consequence would result in a large loss of inventory

    and revenue. Even though most commercial refrigeration is monitored by temperature alarmsystems, an alarm on the power source would provide early warning of an imminent

    temperature rise.


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    Most of the power-supply failure indicator circuits need a separate power-supply for themselves. But the

    alarm circuit presented here needs no additional supply source. It employs an electrolytic capacitor to

    store adequate charge, to feed power to the alarm circuit which sounds an alarm for a reasonable duration

    when the mains supply fails.

    1. During the presence of mains power supply, the rectified mains voltage is stepped down to a required

    low level. A zener is used to limit the filtered voltage to 15-volt level. Mains presence is indicated by an

    LED. The low-level DC is used for charging capacitor C3 and reverse biasing switching transistor

    T1. Thus, transistor T1 remains cut-off as long as the mains supply is present. As soon as the mains

    power fails, the charge stored in the capacitor acts as a power-supply source for transistor T1. Since, inthe absence of mains supply, the base of transistor is pulled low via resistor R8, it conducts and sounds

    the buzzer (alarm) to give a warning of the power-failure.

    2. With the value of C3 as shown, a good-quality buzzer would sound for about a minute. By increasing

    or decreasing the value of capacitor C3, this time can be altered to serve ones need.

    3. Assembly is quite easy. The values of the components are not critical. If the alarm circuit is powered

    from a many external DC power-supply source, the mains-supply section up to poin ts P and M can be

    omitted from the circuit. Following points may be noted.

    i. At a higher DC voltage level, transistor T1 (BC558) may pass some collector-to-emitter leakage

    current, c causing a continuous murmuring sound from the buzzer. In that case, replace it with some low-

    gain transistor

    ii. Piezo buzzer must be a continuous tone version, with built-in oscillator.

    To save space ,one may use five small sized 1000F capacitors (in parallel) in place of bulky high-value

    capacitor C3.


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    2.2 Project Description:

    This project is power supply monitoring device that will trigger a buzzer when the mains

    supply cuts off. At the same time, the light emittingdiode will be turned ON. This device is

    helpful to inform the loss of power supply to some critical installation such as a pump in a fish

    tank. Once the buzzer sound, one will know that there is a loss of power supply and actions

    need to be taken to rectify the situation by providing alternative power supply or relocating the


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    4. Most of the power supply failure indicator circuits need a separate power supply for themselves. But

    the alarm circuit presented here needs no additional supply source. It employs an electrolytic capacitor to

    store adequate charge, to feed power to the alarm circuit which sounds an alarm for a reasonable


    This circuit can be used as an alarm for power supplies in the range of 5V to 15V.

    To calibrate the circuit, first connect the power supply (5 to 15V) then vary the potentiometer VR1 until

    buzzer goes from on to off .Whenever the supply fails, resistor R2 pulls the base of transistor low and

    saturates it, turning the buzzer ON.


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    3.1 RESISTOR:

    Adevice used in electricalcurrent conduction tocontrol thedirection of the current flowing

    to acircuitby applying resistance. Resistors may be fixed or variable both controlling the

    flow of current differently. It is sometimes not obvious whether a color coded component is a

    resistor, capacitor, or inductor, and this may be deduced by knowledge of its circuit function,

    physical shape or by measurement. Resistor values are always coded

    inohms ,capacitors inpicofarads (pF), andinductors inmicro henries


    figuresMultiplier Tolerance




    Black 0 10 250 U

    Brown 1 10 1% F 100 S

    Red 2 10 2% G 50 R

    Orange 3 103 15 P

    Yellow 4 10 (5%) 25 Q

    Green 5 105 0.5% D 20 Z

    Blue 6 10 0.25% C 10 Z

    7 107 0.1% B 5 M

    fig 3.1 color coding of Resistors


    Gray 8 10



    (10%) A 1 K

    White 9 109

    Gold 10-1

    5% J

    Silver 10-2 10% K

    None 20% M
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    The standard color code perEN 60062:2005 is as follows:

    3.12 Capacitor:

    Fig 3.12 Electrolytic Capacitor

    A capacitor (formerly known as condenser) is a device for storing electric charge. The forms of

    practical capacitors vary widely, but all contain at least two conductors separated by a non-

    conductor. Capacitors used as parts of electrical systems, for example, consist of metal foils

    separated by a layer of insulating film.

    A capacitor is apassiveelectronic component consisting of a pair ofconductors separated by

    adielectric.When there is apotential difference (voltage) across the conductors, a

    staticelectric field develops across the dielectric, causing positive charge to collect on one plate

    and negative charge on the other plate.Energy is stored in the electrostatic field. An ideal

    capacitor is characterized by a single constant value ,capacitance,measured infarads.This is

    the ratio of theelectric charge on each conductor to the potential difference.

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    3.13 Theory of operation:

    Charge separation in a parallel-plate capacitor causes an internal electric field. A dielectric

    reduces the field and increases the capacitance.

    fig 3.13 parallel plate capacitor

    A capacitor consists of twoconductors separated by a non-conductive region. The non-

    conductive region is called the dielectric or sometimes thedielectric medium.In simpler terms,

    the dielectric is just anelectrical insulator. Examples of dielectric mediums are glass, air,

    paper,vacuum, and even asemiconductordepletion region chemically identical to the

    conductors. An ideal capacitor is wholly characterized by a constant capacitance C, defined as

    the ratio of charge Qon each conductor to the voltage Vbetween them

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    Sometimes charge build-up affects the capacitor mechanically, causing its capacitance to

    vary. In this case, capacitance is defined in terms of incremental changes:

    Energy storage:


    W= = dq

    Current-voltage relation:

    .() () ()() Thedual of the capacitor is theinductor,which stores energy in themagnetic field rather than

    the electric field. Its current-voltage relation is obtained by exchanging current and voltage in

    the capacitor equations and replacing Cwith the inductanceL.

    3.14 DC circuits

    Fig 3.14 RC Circuit

    fromKirchhoff's voltage law that

    () () ()()

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    Taking the derivative and multiplying by C, gives afirst-order differential equation,

    () ()

    At t= 0, the voltage across the capacitor is zero and the voltage across the resistor is V0. The

    initial current is then i(0) =V0/R. With this assumption, the differential equation yields


    0=RCis thetime constant of the system.

    3.15 AC circuits

    Impedance,the vector sum ofreactance andresistance,describes the phase difference and the

    ratio of amplitudes between sinusoidally varying voltage and sinusoidally varying current at a

    given frequency.Fourier analysis allows any signal to be constructed from aspectrum of

    frequencies, whence the circuit's reaction to the various frequencies may be found. The

    reactance and impedance of a capacitor are respectively

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    Capacitors may retain a charge long after power is removed from a circuit; this charge can

    cause dangerous or even potentially fatalshocks or damage connected equipment. For example,

    even a seemingly innocuous device such as a disposable camera flash unit powered by a 1.5voltAA battery contains a capacitor which may be charged to over 300 volts. This is easily

    capable of delivering a shock. Service procedures for electronic devices usually include

    instructions to discharge large or high-voltage capacitors.

    Capacitors may also have built-in discharge resistors to dissipate stored energy to a safe level

    within a few seconds after power is removed.

    High-voltage capacitors restored with the terminalsshorted, as protection from potentially

    dangerous voltages due todielectric absorption.

    ZENER Diodes:

    Diodes that can be made to conduct backwards. This effect, called Zener breakdown, occurs at

    a precisely defined voltage, allowing the diode to be used as a precision voltage reference. In

    practical voltage reference circuits Zener and switching diodes are connected in series and

    opposite directions to balance the temperature coefficient to near zero.

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    The BC558is a general purposesiliconNPNBJTtransistor found commonly in European

    electronic equipment; the part number is assigned byPro Electron, which allows many

    manufacturers to offer electrically and physically interchangeable parts under one

    identification. The BC548 is commonly available in European Union and Commonwealth

    Countries and is often the first type of bipolar transistor young hobbyists encounter. The

    BC548 is often featured in circuit diagrams and designs published in Electronics Magazines

    such as "Silicon Chip" and "Elektor".

    Fig 3.3.1 BC558 Transistor

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    3.4 LED:


    fig 3.4.1 Structure of LED

    LED spotlight using 38 individual diodes for mains voltage power

    A LED is asemiconductor light source. LEDs are used as indicator lamps in many devices and

    are increasingly used for other lighting. LEDs emitted low-intensity red light, but modern

    versions are available across thevisible,ultraviolet andinfrared wavelengths, with very high

    brightness. When a light-emittingdiode is forwardbiased ,electrons are able

    torecombine withelectron holes within the device, releasing energy in the form ofphotons.

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    This effect is calledelectroluminescence and thecolor of the light (corresponding to the

    energy of the photon) is determined by theenergy gap of the semiconductor. An LED is often

    small in area (less than 1 mm2), and integrated optical components may be used to shape its

    radiation pattern. LEDs present manyadvantages over incandescent light sources

    includinglower energy consumption, longerlifetime, improved robustness, smaller size,

    faster switching, and greater durability and reliability. LEDs powerful enough for room

    lighting are relatively expensive and require more precise current andheat management than

    compactfluorescent lamp sources of comparable output.

    Fig 3.4.2 Internal Diagram Of LED

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    3.5 BUZZER:

    fig 3.5.1 Buzzer

    A piezoelectric disk generates a voltage when deformed (change in shape is greatly


    A piezoelectric sensor is a device that uses thepiezoelectric effect To

    measurepressure,acceleration,strain orforceby converting them to anelectrical charge.

    One disadvantage of piezoelectric sensors is that they cannot be used for truly static

    measurements. A static force will result in a fixed amount of charges on the piezoelectric

    material. While working with conventional readout electronics, imperfect insulating materials,

    and reduction in internal sensorresistance will result in a constant loss ofelectrons,and yield a

    decreasing signal.


    Mains is the general-purposealternating current (AC)electric power supply. 240V (always

    expressed asroot-mean-square voltage). The two commonly used frequencies are 50 Hz and

    60Hz.Worldwide, many differentmains power systems are found for the operation of

    household and light commercial electrical appliances and lighting. The different systems are

    primarily characterized by their Voltage, Frequency Plugs and socketsbut also by their

    Earthing system (grounding).Protection againstover current damage (e.g., due to short

    circuit),electric shock,and fire hazards

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    Fig 3.6.1 Main Supply Voltage

    3.6.1 Measuring voltage

    A distinction should be made between the voltage at the point of supply (nominal system

    voltage) and the voltage rating of the equipment (utilization voltage). Typically the utilization

    voltage is 3% to 5% lower than the nominal system voltage; for example, a nominal 208 V

    supply system will be connected to motors with "200 V" on their nameplates. This allows for

    thevoltage dropbetween equipment and supply. Voltages in this article are the nominal supply

    voltages and equipment used on these systems will carry slightly lower nameplate voltages.

    Power distribution system voltage is nearly sinusoidal in nature. Voltage tolerances are for

    steady-state operation. Momentary heavy loads, or switching operations in the power

    distribution network, may cause short-term deviations out of the tolerance band. In general,

    power supplies derived from large networks with many sources are more stable than those

    supplied to an isolated community with perhaps only single generator.

    Utility frequency:

    At the end of 19th century, Westinghouse in the US decided on 60 Hz and AEG in Germany

    decided on 50 Hz, eventually leading to the world being mostly divided into two frequency

    camps. Most 60 Hz systems are nominally 120 volts and most 50 Hz nominally 230 volts.

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    CHAPTER -4



    ii.List Of Components Used


    The design of a PCB can be considered at the last step in electronic design as well as first major

    step in the production of PCBs. It forms a distinct factor in the electronic Ckt, performance and

    reliability. The producibility of PCB and its assembly and serviceability also depends on the

    design. The layout of a PCB has to incorporate all the information on the board before one can

    go to artwork preparation. Designing a Ckt in to a smaller one is difficult task to perform. The

    detailed Ckt diagram is very important for the layout designer, but he must also familiar with

    designing concept and with philosophy behind the equipment with use of PCB, the task of the

    problem &rectification becomes very simple.


    1.single sideboards

    2. double sideboards


    For single sideboard, the conducting copper clad is only on one side of non-conducting

    hylam a sheet. From one side the components are placed & soldered on the other side of

    the PCB. The cost of such PCBs is minimum is very easy to trace.

    These PCBs are mostly used in entertainment electronics where manufacturing costs

    have to be kept low. However in industrial applications, the cost factor can be neglected

    & single sided boards are used where particular Ckt is small & simple enough to be

    accommodated on such PCBs. To jump over the conductor tracks components have to

    be utilized. This is not feasible, jumper wires are used. The number of on the board,

    however, it is restricted by economic reasons. If their number is more than a few then

    the use of double sided PCBs is considered.


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    4.2.1 PCB DESIGN:

    to design a PCB layout must essentially to solve two tasks;

    one is to design the inter connections for the components.

    To minimize the magnitude and influence of the parasitic effects connected with the

    realization of such interconnections.

    The resistance or inductance of a conductor or the capacitance between the two

    conductors can cause parasitic effects influence working electronic circuit on o PCB.

    4.2.2 ARTWORK:

    The generation of PCB artwork should be considered as the first step of the PCB

    manufacturing process. The importance of the artwork should not be under estimated.

    Problems like inaccurate of registration, broken annual rings, or too critical spacing are

    often due to bad artwork. And even with the most sophisticated PCB production

    facilities, no PCB can be made better than the quality of artwork used. A common

    necessity for an artwork is needed for a clean and exact working, which means taking

    care of the smallest details.4.2.3 SCREEN PRINTING:

    The process of screen-printing is well known to the primary industry. Its inherent

    capabilities of printing a wide range of inks on almost and kind of surface including

    metals, plastic, fabrics, wood, etc.,

    But only of dimensionally high accurate and sable fine mesh fabrics of mono file

    materials made the screen-printing process applicable to fabrication of printed circuit


    The screen-printing process is particularly suitable for large-scale production process.

    however, the preparations screen can also be economically attractive for a series of 100

    PCBs or below.

    While photo printing is more accurate method to transfer a pattern onto a board surface.

    Screen-printing is considerable cheaper way to do a sufficient job for large series. With

    the screen-printing process, one can produce PCBs of as low 0.5 to 0.1mm and a

    registration error of 0.1mm on an industrial scale with high reliability.


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    Therefore, screen-printing is a method by which worldwide largest numbers of PCB

    patterns are printed. The screen-printed boards are typically processed in the print and

    etch process.

    In its basic form, the screen-printing process is very simple. A screen fabric with

    uniform meshes and openings is stretched and fixed on a solid frame of metal or wood.

    The circuit pattern is photographically transferred on the screen, leaking the meshes in

    the pattern open, with the meshes in the pattern open, with the meshes in the rest of the

    area are closed. In actual printing step, ink is forced by moving the squiggle through the

    open meshes on to the surface of the material to be printed.

    4.4.4 ETCHING:

    In all substructure PCB process, etching is one of the most important steps;

    The final copper pattern is formed by the selective removal of all unwanted copper,

    which is not protected by an etch resist. This looks very simple at the glance but in

    factors like under etching and overhang complicate the matter especially in the

    production of fine and highly precise PCBs.

    4.4.5 UNDER ETCHING:

    During the etching process, it is expected that etching progress vertically. However,

    there is also an etching action sideways which attack the pattern below the etch resist. If

    the etching action is not stopped immediately after all unwanted copper has been

    removed, under etching will continue and can lead to considerable reduction of

    conductor line width.

    4.4.6 OVER HANG:

    The exact control of the conductor width is further complicated where metal etch resist

    are used i.e., in pattern planting processes. The metal planting built up shows growth

    sideways also, resulting in over hang. The difficulties of overhang are reduced with the

    use of dry film resist.


    Tank or bubble etching, in which boards are kept in rack, are lowered and full vide the

    fast, precise and uniform production, which is desired in todays electronic production.

    Another etching method is etching with a splash type etching machines. In these

    machines, etching is thrown by a centrifugal force via a routing device in the center of

    etching machines on the surface of the surrounding boards .latest versions of etching

    machines available.19

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    When it comes to the choice of the most suitable etching system for a PCB production

    process, there are many factors to be considered. Firs it has to be matched to the etch

    resist used i.e., the etch resist should not allow the action of etching on the copper layer

    beneath it. Screen and photo resist can be either solvent or aqueous soluble type. The

    resist soluble in aqueous solution are not suitable for alkali etchings, but they offer

    sufficient other advantage with respect to environmental pollution and easy removal.

    Among many of the etchings ferric chloride was the earliest one used on massive scale.

    This is recommended for small PCB facilities where etching is occasionally carried out

    on a small number of boards.


    Ferric chloride is an etching very simple to use especially in case of small scale PCB

    production. In high volumes of productions this is not of much importance because it

    can hardly be regenerated and it attacks the common metal etch resists.


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    1.Power supply circuits are most commonly used in domestic appliances i.e, household


    2.Helpful to inform the loss of power supply with the help of a BUZZER.

    3.Easy to install due its simple circuitry.

    4.Low cost with high reliability.


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    This project POWER SUPPLY FAILURE ALARM can be helpful to know the information

    about the power loss by placing a BUZZER & even it supports placing another LED at the

    output side in turn resulting in proper usage of power in absence of mains supply.


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