Mini ProjecAndroid Controlled SwitchBoard

Android Switchboard- Mini Project Report  Introduction Eve r sin ce we invented ele ctr ici ty , we have bee n usi ng swi tch  boards. Except certain changes in form factor, switches used for do mestic applications have stayed pretty much the same for the last century. Their inherent disadvantage is that the operator has to manually turn the switch on and of f. But wi th the advent of new te chn ol ogy li ke Bl uetoot h communication and Smart Phones, we can now tackle this disadvantage and we can make Smart Switch Boards!. Through our Pro"ect, we intent to tackle this problem by making a switch board that can be controlled using an #ndroid mobile  phone. $or this, we intent to use the Bluetooth connectivity present in almost all of the commercially available android phones. %e will be using a Bluetooth to Serial module &'( )*+ to interface the phone and the switch board. %e designed this system in such a way that it can be integrated into existing switch boards as an addon and do not re-uire ma"or overhauls of the wiring in the house. The system has two parts one is the switchboard part and the other is an androi d application. The switchboard pa rt goes inside th e Switchboard. The android appl ication is used to control the system usi ng an android phone. Department of Instrumentation, CUSA TPage 1

Transcript of Mini ProjecAndroid Controlled SwitchBoard

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Ever since we invented electricity, we have been using switch

 boards. Except certain changes in form factor, switches used for domestic

applications have stayed pretty much the same for the last century. Their 

inherent disadvantage is that the operator has to manually turn the switch

on and off. But with the advent of new technology like Bluetooth

communication and Smart Phones, we can now tackle this disadvantage

and we can make Smart Switch Boards!.

Through our Pro"ect, we intent to tackle this problem by

making a switch board that can be controlled using an #ndroid mobile

 phone. $or this, we intent to use the Bluetooth connectivity present in

almost all of the commercially available android phones. %e will be

using a Bluetooth to Serial module &'( )*+ to interface the phone and the

switch board. %e designed this system in such a way that it can be

integrated into existing switch boards as an addon and do not re-uire

ma"or overhauls of the wiring in the house.

The system has two parts one is the switchboard part and the other 

is an android application. The switchboard part goes inside the

Switchboard. The android application is used to control the system using

an android phone.

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 Motivation and Product Design

%hile we were hunting ideas for the mini pro"ect, the most

important thing we had in mind was that whatever we build should have

immediate practical applications. %e wanted our pro"ect to solve a

common problem faced by the society. Since switchboards were present

everywhere and since they needed to be operated manually, we decided to

automate the system. oing so would increase the convenience for people

and would be of immense importance to elderly people and people

suffering from disabilities.

The three elements of design are/

• $unction

• #esthetics

• Ergonomics

%e have designed the product by keeping in mind all the above factors.

%e believe that this system will make a huge difference in our current

and future lives. %e are also excited about the future aspects and possible

expansions of our pro"ect.

2.Block Diagram

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The goal of this pro"ect is to control a switch board from an

android phone. $or this we are using Bluetooth communication. The

system has two parts, a circuit that goes inside the switchboard and an

#ndroid app.

 Figure 1:- Basic Block Diagram

 Switchboard section

The switchboard section of the system contains a circuit board which has

Bluetooth communication capability.

 Android Application

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HC 05



Serial Co!

Switches Microcontro



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The android application pushes data to the Bluetooth client to transmit it

to the switch board. The data is collected by means of software switches

on a 0raphical user interface on the app.

Fig! " Block Diagram o# Android Application

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1 B&te 'ata



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".Block Diagram Description


The microcontroller we choose for the system was the #tmel 12S*3. The

#T12(3)*4is a lowpower, highperformance (56S1bit

microcomputer with 17 bytes of $lash programmable and erasable read

only memory &PE865+. The device is manufactured using #tmel9s high

density non volatile memory technology and is compatible with the

industrystandard 1)(*4 and 1)(*3 instruction set and pinout. The on

chip $lash allows the program memory to be reprogrammed in system or 

 by a conventional non volatile memory programmer. :t is a stand ; alone

high ; performance single chip computer intended for use in sophisticated

realtime applications such as instrumentation, industrial control and

intelligent computer peripherals. :t provides the hardware features,

architectural enhancements and new instructions that make it a powerful

and cost effective device.


The switches we use for the system are the standard household switches.

The switches must be Single pole Single Throw &SPST+ Switches. :t is a

 basic on<off switch that turns a single circuit on or off. #n SPST switch

has two terminals/ one for the input and one for the output. SPT &single

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 pole, double throw+/ #n SPT switch routes one input circuit to one of 

two output circuits.


# relay is an electrically operated switch. 5any relays use an

electromagnet to mechanically operate a switch, but other operating

 principles are also used, such as solidstate relays. 8elays are used where

it is necessary to control a circuit by a lowpower signal &with complete

electrical isolation between control and controlled circuits+, or where

several circuits must be controlled by one signal. The first relays were

used in long distance telegraph circuits as amplifiers/ they repeated the

signal coming in from one circuit and retransmitted it on another circuit.

8elays were used extensively in telephone exchanges and early

computers to perform logical operations.

 Bluetooth Module

The device that we use for communication with the android phone is a

Bluetooth to serial module called '( )*. The '( )* receives and

transmits serial data as #S(:: data i.e. 4 Byte data. The device uses TT=

logic levels and has a default baud rate of 2>))bps.

&he '(I 

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The graphical user interface of the android application uses software

switches to interact with the user and then relay that data back to the

controller through the Bluetooth client.

 Bluetooth )lient and Bluetooth Modem

The Bluetooth client and Bluetooth modem present inside the android

 phone can be used to sent the collected data to the controller by properly

configuring it. The use of high level languages to program the app makes

it easy to code the application.

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*. )ircuit Diagram

The circuit diagram for the Switch board side circuit is as shown below/

 Fig 4:- Circuit Diagram

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+. Dc Power Suppl%

 Fig 5:- DC Power Supply

These form an important e-uipment of any Electronics laboratory. Power 

supplies are essential for the testing and implementation of any useful

electronic circuit. :f power supplies are not available then the only way to

 provide power to a circuit is the battery. $or longterm use and fre-uent

manipulation these are not feasible. 5ore over these are not as flexible as

modern day power supplies. They do not provide for overload protection

and thermal protection.

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The following units form the backbone of any modern day power supply

• $ull wave bridge rectifier

• $ilter circuit

• ?oltage regulator

:n the case if modern power supplies, the re-uired power is derived from

the #( mains. $or this at first the 3@)?<*) 'A is step down using a step

down transformer. Then The #( voltage is converted to ( using a

rectifier circuit. The bridge rectifier is considered the apt choice since it

avoids the centertapped transformer. The ripples from the rectifiers

output are removed by filtering. The filter can be any of the following/

4. = filter

3. ( filter

@. =( filter

. (8( filter

#nd we use capacitive filtering.

The function of the voltage regulator is to provide a stable ( voltage for 

 powering other electronic circuits. The voltage regulator must be capable

of providing substantial output current. They must provide a constant

voltage regardless of changes in load current, temperature, and #( line

voltage. #lthough voltage regulators can be designed using opamps, it is

-uicker and easier to use :( ?oltage regulators. $urthermore, :( voltage

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regulators are versatile and relatively inexpensive and are available with

features such as programmable output, current < voltage boosting, internal

short ;circuit current limiting, thermal shut down, and floating operation

for high voltage applications. ?oltage regulator may be classified as/

• Series 8egulator 

• Switching 8egulator 

Series regulators use a power transistor connected in series between the

unregulated ( input and the load. The output voltage is controlled by

the continuous voltage droptaking place across the series pass transistor.

Since the transistor conducts in the active or the linear region, these

regulators are also called linear regulators. =inear regulators may have

fixed or variable output voltages and could be positive or negative.

?oltage regulators such as the C1DD series and the :( C3@ are commonly

used. Switching regulators operate the power transistor as a '$ on<off

switch, so that the power transistor does not conduct current continuously.

This gives an improve efficiency over the series regulator. The :( C3@ can

 be used as a switching regulator too.

%ith the advent of microelectronics, it is now possible to

incorporate the complete circuit of a voltage regulator on a single

monolithic silicon chip. These provide for high reliability, low cost,

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reduced siAe and excellent performance. The C1DD, C2DD families and

:(C3@ are good examples of monolithic generalpurpose regulators. 'ere

we use the positive voltage regulators C1DD series.

78xx Series

The C1DD series of regulators are @ terminal, positive fixed voltage

regulators. There are C voltage options available like/ *?, >?, 1?, 43?,

4*?, 41? and 3?. The C2DD series are negative fixed voltage

regulators. These regulators are available in two types of packages/

4. 5etal Package &T6@+

3. Plastic Package &T633)+

,. Microcontroller 

The microcontroller is programmed to read the serial data coming out of

the '( )* and turn the relays on or off according to the received data.

The #T12S*3 is a typical 1)*4 microcontroller manufactured by

#tmel.12S*3 has different ports, each one having 1 :nput<output lines

 providing a total of @3 :<6 lines. Those ports can be used to output #T#

and orders do other devices, or to read the state of a sensor, or a switch.

5ost of the ports of the 12S*3 have dual function meaning that they can

 be used for two different functions/ the fist one is to perform input<output

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operations and the second one is used to implement special features of the

microcontroller like counting external pulses, interrupting the execution

of the program according to external events, performing serial data

transfer or connecting the chip to a computer to update the software.

 Fig 6:- Block diagram of microcotroller 

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The main features include/

1kb of insystem programmable flash memory

 .)v to *.*v operating range

 $ully static operation/ ) 'A to @@ 5'A

 Threelevel program memory lock

 3*> x 1 bit internal 8#5

 @3 Programmable :<6 lines

 Three 4> bit timer<counters

 1 interrupt sources

 $ull duplex F#8T serial channel

 =ow power :dle and power down 5odes

 :nterrupt 8ecovery from Power down 5ode

 %atchdog Timer

 ual ata pointer

 Power off flag

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 Fig !:- Pi out of "#S5$

 PI- DS)$IP&I/-

Vss :(ircuit ground potential

Vcc :G*? power supply during operation, programming and verification.

Port ‘O’ :Port H6I is an 1bit open drain bidirectional :<6 port. :t is also

the multiplexed low order address and data bus when using external

memory. :t is used for data output and output during programming and

verification. Port 6 can sink<source two TT= loads.

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Port 1 :Port 4 is an 1bit -uasitraditional :<6 port. :t also emits the low

order address byte during programming and verification. Port 4 can

sink<source one TT= =oad.

Port 2 :Port 3 is an 1bit -uasibidirectional :<6 port. :t also emits the

high order address byte when accessing external memory. :t is used for 

the highorder address and the control signals during programming and

verification. Port 3 can sink<source one TT= load.

Port 3 :Port @ is an 1bit -uasi bidirectional :<6 port. :t also contains the

interrupt, timer, serial port and 8 and %8 pins that are used by various

options. The output batch corresponding to a secondary function must be

 programmed to a one &4+ for that function to operate. Port @ can

sink<source one TT= load. The secondary functions are assigned to the

 pins of port @, as follows.

R!"data #P3$%&:Serial PortIs receiver data input &asynchronous+ or data

input<output &synchronous+.

T!"'loc( #P3$1& Serial ports transmitts data output &asynchronous+ or 

clock output &synchronous+.

)*TO #P3$2&::nterrupt 6 input or gate control input for counter ).

)*T) #P3$3& ::nterrupt 4 input or gate control input for counter 4.

T% #P3$+&::nput to counter ).

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T1 #P3$,&::nput to counter 4.

-R #P3$.&:The write control signal batches the data byte from port ) into

the External ata 5emory to port ).

RST"VP! :# low to high transition on this pin &at approximately @?+

resets the 1)*4. :f ?P is held within its space &approximately G*?+,

while ?cc drops below spec, ?P will provide stand by power to the

8#5. %hen ?P is low, the 8#5Is current is drawn from ?cc. # small

internal resistor permits power on reset using only a capacitor connected

to ?cc.

/0"PRO:Provides #ddress =atch Enable output used for latching the

address into external memory during normal operation. 8eceives the

 program pulse input during EP865 programming.

PS*: The program store enable output is a control signal that enables

the external program memory to the bus during normal fetch operations.

/"V!!: %hen held at a TT= high level, the 1)*4 executes instructions

from the internal 865<EP865 when the P( is less than )2>. %hen

held at a TT= low level, the 1)*4 fetches all instructions from external

 program memory. The pin also receives the 34? EP865 programming

supply voltage.

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T/01::nput to the oscillators high gain amplifier. # crystal or external

source can be used.

/PP0)'/T)O*S O 4)'RO'O*TRO00R

4+ 'andheld instruments

a+ Pagers

 b+ Electronic plan meter

c+ =evel meter

d+ :( Tester

3+ Peripheral evices

a+ 7eyboard controller

 b+ 5odem

c+ Printer buffer

@+ Stand#lone devices

a+ (olor copier

 b+ Electronic typewriter

c+ (able T? terminal

+ :nstrumental Sub$unctions

a+ igital oscilloscope

 b+ edicated front panel

c+ 5icrowave computer

*+#utomotive application

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0. (1-2"A

The microcontroller cannot directly drive a relay. # relay need high

current to turn on<off. To provide that high current we use a arlington

 pair array.

The F=x3))x# devices are highvoltage, highcurrent . arlington

transistor arrays. Each consists of seven JPJ arlington pairs that

feature highvoltage outputs with commoncathode clamp diodes for 

switching inductive loads.

 Fig ":-Simplified Block Diagram

The collectorcurrent rating of a single arlington pair is *)) m#. The

arlington pairs can be paralleled for higher current capability.

#pplications include relay drivers, hammer drivers, lamp drivers, display

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drivers &=E and gas discharge+, line drivers, and logic buffers. $or 4))

? &otherwise interchangeable+ versions of the F=x3))@# devices, see the

S=8S)3@ data sheet for the SJC*>1 and SJC*>2 devices. The

F=J3))3# device is designed specifically for use with 4? to 3*?

P56S devices. Each input of this device has a Kener diode and resistor in

series to control the input current to a safe limit. The F=x3))@# devices

have a 3.CkL series base resistor for each arlington pair for operation

directly with TT= or *? (56S devices.

3. 4) + Bluetooth Module

:t is a Bluetooth module that is widely used with 5icrocontroller to

enable Bluetooth communication. This module cam be interfaced using

the F#8T in 1)*4 microcontroller where the data are transmitted in the

form of packets. The pins TD and 8D pin of the '( )* form the path for

data transmission and reception. These TD pin of '()* must be

connected to the 8D pin of 1)*4 and vice versa.

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 Fig #:- %C &5 Bluetoot' (odule

'()* module is an easy to use Bluetooth SPP &Serial Port Protocol+

module, designed for transparent wireless serial connection setup.

Serial port Bluetooth module is fully -ualified Bluetooth ?3.)GE8 

&Enhanced ata 8ate+ @5bps 5odulation with complete 3.0'A radio

transceiver and baseband. :t uses (S8 Bluecore )External single chip

Bluetooth system with (56S technology and with #$'&#daptive

$re-uency 'opping $eature+

5ard6are eatures

• Typical 1)dBm sensitivity

• Fp to GdBm 8$ transmit power 

• =ow Power 4.1? 6peration ,4.1 to @.>? :<6

• P:6 control

F#8T interface with programmable baud rate

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• %ith integrated antenna

• %ith edge connector 

Soft6are eatures

• efault Baud rate/ @1)), ata bits/1, Stop bit/4,Parity/Jo parity, ata control/ has.

Supported baud rate/ 2>)),423)),@1)),*C>)),44*3)),3@))),>)1)).

• 0iven a rising pulse in P:6), device will be disconnected.

• Status instruction port P:64/ lowdisconnected, highconnectedM

• P:64) and P:644 can be connected to red and blue led separately. %hen master and slave

are paired, red and blue led blinks 4time<3s in interval, while disconnected only blue led blinks 3times<s.

• #utoconnect to the last device on power as default.

• Permit pairing device to connect as default.

• #utopairing P:J(6E/!))))! as default

• #utoreconnect in @) min when disconnected as a result of beyond the range of connection.

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 Fig 1&:- )terfacig wit' t'e "#S5$

The :nterfacing of the evice is as Shown in the (ircuit diagram above.

$or additional protection, the voltage of the Tx line of the 5icrocontroller 

may be reduced by the use of a resistor network.

5 So#tware and Programming &ools


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lectronic !esin /utomation #!/& Tools:  %ith the advent of 

 powerful computing system and interactive software stages in the design

and development of an electronic circuit has undergone automation is

called E# tools. This tool helps us in such a way that we can draw the

circuit, list the functioning of the circuit in response to the best input in

assimilation software after successfully simulating the circuit. The

 placing and routing software does the P(B artwork in the pro"ect. The

design automation tool used is EDP8ESS P(B, which includes

EDP8ESS S(' ; $or circuiting the diagram, create schematic and net


EDP8ESS P(B ; $or creating the P(B artwork .

Programming Tools

 ,he prora wa. written and .iulated Mi/roC

which i. a coplete %'! %t con.i.t. o a tet editor C

copiler and a .iulator to .iulate our code! ,he Mi/roC

PR4 or P%C i. a powerul eature- rich deelopent tool

or P%C icrocontroller.! %t i. de.ined to proide the

proraer with the po..ible .olution to deelop

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application. or ebedded .&.te. without perorance or control!

eatures: 5ickro( P86 for P:( allows you to -uickly develop

and deploy complex applications

• %rite your ( source code using the built in code editor &(ode and

Parameter #ssistance, (ode $olding, Syntax 'ighlighting, #uto

(orrect (ode Templates, and more.+

• Fse included 5ikro( P86 for #T12c3)*4 and #T12s*3

microcontroller libraries to dramatically speed up the development/

data ac-uisition, memory, displays, conversations, communicationsetc.

• 5onitor your program structure, variables and functions in the

(ode Explorer.

• 0enerate commented, human readable assembly, and standard

'ED compatible with all programmers.

eatures: 5ickro( P86 for P:( allows you to -uickly develop

and deploy complex applications

• %rite your ( source code using the built in code editor &(ode and

Parameter #ssistance, (ode $olding, Syntax 'ighlighting, #uto

(orrect (ode Templates, and more.+

• Fse included 5ikro( P86 for #T12c3)*4 and #T12s*3

microcontroller libraries to dramatically speed up the development/

data ac-uisition, memory, displays, conversations, communications


• 5onitor your program structure, variables and functions in the

(ode Explorer.

• 0enerate commented, human readable assembly, and standard

'ED compatible with all programmers.

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6 P)B Design

The P(B design starts right from the selection of the laminates .The two

main types of base laminate are epoxy glass and phenolic paper laminates

are generally used for simple circuits. Though it is very cheap and can

easily be drilled, phenolic paper has poor electrical characteristics and it

absorbs more moisture than epoxy glass. Epoxy glass has higher mechanical strength.

The important properties that have to be considered for selecting the P(B

substrate are the dielectric strength, insulation resistance, water 

absorption property, coefficient of thermal expansion, shear strength,

hardness, dimensional stability etc.

4anufacturin Process

The steps involved in manufacture are

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a+ #rtwork preparation.

 b+ 8esist preparation.

c+ 8esist application an fixing.

d+ #cid etches.

e+ (leaning and inspection.

f+ 8esist removal.

P'9 arication

The fabrication of P(B has basically of four steps.

a+ Preparing the P(B pattern.

 b+ Transferring the pattern onto the P(B.

c+ eveloping the P(B.d+ $inishing ie+ drilling, cutting, smoothing, turning etc.

Pre;arin the P'9 ;attern

Pattern designing is the primary step in fabricating a P(B in this step, all

interconnection between the components in the given circuit are

converted into P(B tracks several factors such as positioning, the

diameter of holes, the area that each component would occupy, and thetype of end terminal should be considered.

Transferrin the P'9 Pattern

The copper side of the P(B should be thoroughly cleaned with the help

of alcoholic spirit or petrol must be completely free from dust and other 

contaminants. The mirror image of the pattern must be carbon copied andto the laminate the complete pattern may now be made each resistant with

the screen printing technology.


:n this developing all excessive copper is removed from the board

and only the printed pattern is left behind. #bout 4))ml of tape water 

should be heated to C* N ( and @).* grams of $e(l @ added to it, the

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mixture should be thoroughly stirred and a few drops of '(l may be

added to speed up the process.

The board with its copper side facing upward, should be placed in a

flat bottomed plastic tray and the a-ueous solution of $e(l3 poured in

the etching process would take ) to >) min to complete.

#fter etching the board it should be washed under running water 

and then held against light .the printed pattern should be cleanly visible.

The paint should be removed with the help of thinner.

inishin Touches

#fter the etching is completed ,hole of suitable diameter should be

drilled, then the P(B may be tin plated using an ordinary @* %atts

soldering rod along with the solder core ,the copper side may be given a

coat of varnish to prevent oxidation.


rills for P(B use usually come with either a set of collects of 

various siAes or a @Oaw chuck. $or accuracy however @"aw chunks

aren9t brilliant and small drill below 4 mm from grooves in the "aws

 preventing good grips.


Begin the construction by soldering the resistors followed by the

capacitors and the =Es diodes and :( sockets. on9t try soldering an

:( directly unless you trust your skill in soldering. #ll components

should be soldered as shown in the figure. Jow connect the switch and

then solder<screw if on the P(B using multiple washers or spaces.

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 Fig 11:- *op copper layer 

• (omponents =ayout/

 Fig 1$:- Compoets +ayout 

12 The Program



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define mode P4C

<< global variables

unsigned char con,ipt,asM

unsigned int nbM

void modify&+M

void toggles&unsigned char d+M

void serialcomm&+M

void toggle&unsigned char s+M

<< main

void main&+

unsigned char a,bM















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void serialcomm&+ interrupt






void modify&+


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void toggle&unsigned char s+


case )/ P))UZP))M


case 4/ P)4UZP)4M


case 3/ P)3UZP)3M


case @/ P)@UZP)@M


case / P)UZP)M


default / P)CUZP)CM


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void toggles&unsigned char d+

unsigned char a,b,cM











<< End of Program

6" Android Application Development 

The second part of the system is the #ndroid application. :n order to

develop the app, we used a development environment called 5:T #pp

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:nventor. :t is a "oint venture by 0oogle and 5assachusetts :nstitute of 

Technology, FS#.

6ur devices such as mobile and P(9s need special applications known as

Bluetooth Terminal! to communicate with our microcontrollers viaBluetooth.

These applications are developed in such a way to send characters

through your device BT which was received by the BT module connected

with our controller. Even some apps offers some interactive 0F: buttons

which transmits specific characters with the press of each buttons. =ater 

the received character can be processed in our code and force the

controller to perform tasks based on the received character. %e can use

the Bluetooth communication in two ways, either we can use it to receive

data from the (ontroller or control the system using our device


&he App Inventor 

#pp :nventor for #ndroid is an opensource web application originally

 provided by 0oogle, and now maintained by the 5assachusetts :nstitute

of Technology &5:T+.

:t allows newcomers to computer programming to create software

applications for the #ndroid operating system &6S+. :t uses a graphical

interface, very similar to Scratch and the Star=ogo TJ0 user interface,

which allows users to draganddrop visual ob"ects to create an

application that can run on #ndroid devices. :n creating #pp :nventor,

0oogle drew upon significant prior research in educational computing, as

well as work done within 0oogle on online development environments.


#pp :nventor and the pro"ects on which it is based are informed by

constructionist learning theories, which emphasiAes that programming

can be a vehicle for engaging powerful ideas through active learning. #s

such, it is part of an ongoing movement in computers and education that

 began with the work of Seymour Papert and the 5:T =ogo 0roup in the

42>)s and has also manifested itself with 5itchel 8esnicks work on=ego 5indstorms and Star=ogo.

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 Fig 1,:- Blocks ditor ) .pp )/etor 

These (omponents of #pp :nventor are uses by our Program/

• #ccelerometer 

• Bluetooth (lient

•  Jotifier 

The accelerometer is used to sense 0estures enable controlling of the

switch board with the help of 0estures like $licking the phone etc. The

Bluetooth client sents info to the (ontroller. The notifier is used to

display error messages on screen.


 Fig 14:- Screes'ots of t'e .pplicatio

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 Fig 15:- Screes'ots of t'e .pp )/etor Blocks editor 

The application is named Bluelink! and can be packaged as an .apk file

and can be run on most android devices with inbuilt Bluetooth


The app allows us to do the following/

• (onnect the android device to the switchboard

• (ontrol the switches using the on Screen Buttons!

• (ontrol the switches using 0estures.

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6* Applications

The system designed as part of this 5ini Pro"ect can be used for the

following applications/

4. 'ome #utomation Systems

3. %ireless 6peration of Switchboards using a android phone.

@. Fsing #ndroid phone to control 'ome #ppliances

. The system can help old and disabled people control their 

home appliances with an android phone.

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6+ Merits and Demerits


4. Easy to setup

3. Since android phones have become ubi-uitous, no separate

remote control is needed for different home appliances. They

can all be controlled using an android phone.

@. Fse of gesture recognition technology allows the system to

 be controlled even by blind people.


4. (an be use to control only one switchboard.

3. Bluetooth technology has a range of only 4) meters.

@. (annot yet control regulators of fans etc.

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6, Future Scope

The future scope of a system like this is a thousand times more exciting

than the current design. %ith the inevitable advent of the :nternet of

Things &:oT+, a connected switchboard could be controlled from

anywhere in the world. The complete control of the devices at our homes

can be done from an internet enabled device, placed anywhere in the


*'e furt'er de/elopmets t'at ca 0e doe are:-

4. 8eplace Bluetooth with %i$i to get better range andfunctionality.

3. (onnect to the internet to enable :oT.

@. Jetwork a number of switchboards to make a complete

home automation system.

. :mprove the functionality of the android app to turn devices

on<off at specific times of the day with no user input etc..

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60 )onclusion

 The pro"ect was designed and implemented successfully and has proved

to be of immense practical applications. The system enables a person to

control the appliances connected to a switchboard using an #ndroid

Phone. The system can be very useful to old and physically challenged

 people. The future scope of the system is aweinspiring and can be the

sub"ect of a larger pro"ect.

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63 $e#erences

 7ournal 8 )on#erence Papers

\4] 8ishabh0ulati, 5odern electrical control system!,:nternational Oournal of Scientific V

Engineering 8esearch, ?olume 3, :ssue 4, Oanuary3)44.

\3] Pan Thu Tun, evelopment and :mplementation of 5icrocontrollerbased sensors!, %orld

#cademy of Science, Engineering and Technology, ?olume , $ebruary 3))1, Page number 


 $e#erence 8 4and Books 8 &e9t Books

\4] Tim %ilmshurst, esigning Embedded Systems with 1)*4 5icrocontrollers!,

Published by Elsevier =td, $irst Edition, :SBJ/ 2C1)C*)>>C***\3] 7irk Kurell, ( programming for embedded systems! , 8 and Books, $irst Edition,

:SBJ 4232>32)

\@] 5artin Bates, #T5E= microcontrollers, #n introduction to 5icroelectronics! ,

Published by Elsevier =td, Second Edition, :SBJ/ ) C*)> >3>C )


\4] 4>$1CC#,http/<<<downloads<en<devicedoc<@2*13b.pdf 

\3] P:( 5id 8ange 8eference 5anual,<downloads<en<devicedoc<@@)[email protected] 

\@] Express tutorial,http/<<<tutorials<express<express)4.php42 atasheets, http677www!data.heet.archie!co52 'ttp:33ai$appi/etormitedu3 

62 'ttp:33wikiiteadstudiocom3SerialPortBluetoot'(odule(aster3Sla/e7: 


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#eatures Copatible with MCS8-51 Product.

*9 B&te. o %n-S&.te Proraable :%SP; <la.h Meor&

ndurance6 1000 =rite7ra.e C&cle.

"!0> to 5!5> 4peratin Rane

<ull& Static 4peration6 0 H? to 33 MH?

 ,hree-leel Prora Meor& @oc/

*-bit %nternal RAM

32 Proraable %74 @ine.

 ,hree 1(-bit ,ier7Counter.

iht %nterrupt Source.

<ull 'uple $AR, Serial Channel

@ow-power %dle and Power-down Mode.

%nterrupt Recoer& ro Power-down Mode

=atchdo ,ier

'ual 'ata Pointer

Power-o <la

<a.t Prorain ,ie

<leible %SP Prorain :B&te and Pae Mode;

#reen :Pb7Halide-ree; Pac/ain 4ption

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$in Dia%ram o& A'(S)*

Fig.A.6.6 .*"#S5$ Pi diagram

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$in Description

Port %

  Port 0 i. an *-bit open drain bidirectional %74 port! A. an output port

each pin can .in/ eiht ,,@ input.! =hen 1. are written to port 0 pin. the

pin. can be u.ed a. hih-ipedance input.! Port 0 can al.o be conured

to be the ultipleed low-order addre..7data bu. durin acce..e. to

eternal prora and data eor&! %n thi. ode P0 ha. internal pull-up.!

Port 0 al.o receie. the code b&te. durin <la.h prorain and output.

the code b&te. durin prora erication! ternal pull-up. are reuired

durin prora erication!

Port 1

Port 1 i. an *-bit bidirectional %74 port with internal pull-up.! ,he Port 1

output buer. can .in/7.ource our ,,@ input.! =hen 1. are written to Port

1 pin. the& are pulled hih b& the internal pull-up. and can be u.ed a.

input.! A. input. Port 1 pin. that are eternall& bein pulled low will

.ource current :%%@; becau.e o the internal pull- up.! %n addition P1!0 and

P1!1 can be conured to be the tier7counter 2 eternal count input

:P1!07,2; and the tier7counter 2 trier input :P1!17,2D; re.pectiel&

a. .hown in the ollowin table!Port 1 al.o receie. the low-order addre..

b&te. durin <la.h prorain and erication!

$ort $in Alternate #unctionsP1!0 ,2:eternal count input to ,ier7Counter2; cloc/-out

P1!1 ,2D:,ier7Counter 2 capture7reload trier and direction

control;P1!5 M4S%:u.ed or %n-S&.te Prorain;

P1!( M%S4:u.ed or %n-S&.te Prorain;P1!) SC9:u.ed or %n-S&.te Prorain;

&able A.6.6 Pi descriptio- Port 1

 $ort *

  Port 2 i. an *-bit bidirectional %74 port with internal pull-up.! ,he Port

2 output buer. can .in/7.ource our ,,@ input.! =hen 1. are written to

Port 2 pin. the& are pulled hih b& the internal pull-up. and can be u.ed

a. input.! A. input. Port 2 pin. that are eternall& bein pulled low will

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.ource current :%%@; becau.e o the internal pull-up.! Port 2 eit. the hih-

order addre.. b&te durin etche. ro eternal prora eor& and

durin acce..e. to eternal data eor& that u.e. 1(-bit addre..e.

:M4>D E 'P,R;! %n thi. application Port 2 u.e. .tron internal pull-up.

when eittin 1.! 'urin acce..e. to eternal data eor& that u.e. *-

bit addre..e. :M4>D E R%; Port 2 eit. the content. o the P2 Special

<unction Rei.ter! Port 2 al.o receie. the hih-order addre.. bit. and

.oe control .inal. durin <la.h prorain and erication!

Port 3

Port 3 i. an *-bit bidirectional %74 port with internal pull-up.! ,he Port 3

output buer. can .in/7.ource our ,,@ input.! =hen 1. are written to Port3 pin. the& are pulled hih b& the internal pull-up. and can be u.ed a.

input.! A. input. Port 3 pin. that are eternall& bein pulled low will

.ource current :%%@; becau.e o the pull-up.! Port 3 receie. .oe control

.inal. or <la.h prorain and erication! Port 3 al.o .ere. the

unction. o ariou. .pecial eature. o the A,*+S52 a. .hown in the

ollowin table!

$ort $in Alternate #unctionsP3!0 RD' :Serial %nput Port;

P3!1 ,D' :Serial 4utput Port;

P3!2 %F,0 :ternal %nterrupt 0;

P3!3 %F,1 :ternal %nterrupt 1;

P3!" ,0 :,ier 0 ternal %nput;

P3!5 ,1 :,ier 1 ternal %nput;

P3!( =R :ternal 'ata Meor& =rite Strobe;

P3!) R' :ternal 'ata Meor& Read Strobe;

Table A.1.2 Pin description- Port '

RST input! A hih on thi. pin or two achine c&cle. while the o.cillator

i. runnin the deice! ,hi. pin drie. hih or +* o.cillator period.

ater the =atchdo tie. out! ,he '%SR,4 bit in S<R A$DR :addre.. *H;

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can be u.ed to thi. eature! %n the deault .tate o bit '%SR,4 the

RS, H%#H out eature i. enabled!


Addre.. @atch nable :A@; i. an output pul.e or latchin the low b&te o 

the addre.. durin acce..e. to eternal eor&! ,hi. pin i. al.o the

prora pul.e input :PR4#; durin <la.h prorain! %n noral

operation A@ i. eitted at a con.tant rate o 17( the o.cillator reuenc&

and a& be u.ed or eternal tiin or cloc/in purpo.e.!

Fote howeer that one A@ pul.e i. ./ipped durin each acce.. to

eternal data eor&! % de.ired A@ operation can be di.abled b& .ettin

bit 0 o S<R location *H! =ith the bit .et A@ i. actie onl& durin a

M4>D or M4>C in.truction! 4therwi.e the pin i. wea/l& pulled hih!

Settin the [email protected] bit ha. no eect i the icrocontroller i. in eternal

eecution ode!


Prora Store nable :PSF; i. the read .trobe to eternal prora

eor&! =hen the A,*+S52 i. eecutin code ro eternal prora

eor& PSF i. actiated twice each achine c&cle ecept that two

PSF actiation. are ./ipped durin each acce.. to eternal data eor&!


ternal Acce.. nable :A; u.t be .trapped to #F' in order to enable

the deice to etch code ro eternal prora eor& location. .tartin

at 0000H up to <<<<H! Fote howeer that i loc/ bit 1 i. proraed A

will be internall& latched on! A .hould be .trapped to >CC or

internal prora eecution.! ,hi. pin al.o receie. the 12-olt

prorain enable oltae :>PP; durin <la.h prorain!


%nput to the inertin o.cillator aplier and input to the internal cloc/

operatin circuit!

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D,A@2 i. the output ro the inertin o.cillator aplier!

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Architecture o& A'(S)*

Fig.A.1.2 AT%&S(+ Architecture

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Di/erent Modes

)dle 4ode

%n idle ode the CP$ put. it.el to .leep while all the on-chip peripheral.

reain actie! ,he ode i. ino/ed b& .otware! ,he content o the on-

chip RAM and all the .pecial unction. rei.ter. reain unchaned durin

thi. ode! ,he idle ode can be terinated b& an& enabled interrupt or

b& a hardware! Fote that when idle ode i. terinated b& a

hardware the deice norall& re.ue. prora eecution ro

where it let o up to two achine c&cle. beore the internal

alorith ta/e. control! 4n-chip hardware inhibit. acce.. to internal RAM

in thi. eent but acce.. to the port pin. i. not inhibited! ,o eliinate the

po..ibilit& o an unepected write to a port pin when idle ode i.

terinated b& a the in.truction ollowin the one that ino/e. idle

ode .hould not write to a port pin or to eternal eor&!

Po6erdo6n 4ode

%n the Power-down ode the o.cillator i. .topped and the in.truction that

ino/e. Power-down i. the la.t in.truction eecuted! ,he on-chip RAM and

Special <unction Rei.ter. retain their alue. until the Power-down ode i.

terinated! it ro Power-down ode can be initiated either b& a

hardware or b& an enabled eternal interrupt! redene. the

S<R. but doe. not chane the on-chip RAM! ,he .hould not be

actiated beore >CC i. re.tored to it. noral operatin leel and u.t be

held actie lon enouh to allow the o.cillator to re.tart and .tabili?e!

Serial Port !emonstration

 ,hi. deon.trate. the wor/in o the icrocontrollerG. .erial port! Fow

&ou can .end an& data b&te a. it i. coin ro the ho.t icrocontroller! ,he controller receie. thi. data and then copleent. the data and

.end. it bac/ to the ho.t! Aain &ou can .ee the data coin into the ho.t

port receie buer! ,he prora wait. or the data b&te at the RD' line o 

the controller! ,hen the controller copleent. the input data and .end.

out the .ae at ,D' line!

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#eatures^ (ompatible with 5(S_*4Products

^ 37 Bytes of 8eprogrammable $lash


 ; Endurance/ 4),))) %rite<Erase (ycles

^ 3.C? to >? 6perating 8ange

^ $ully Static 6peration/ ) 'A to 3 5'A

^ Twolevel Program 5emory =ock 

^ 431 x 1bit :nternal 8#5

^ 4* Programmable :<6 =ines

^ Two 4>bit Timer<(ounters

^ Six :nterrupt Sources

^ Programmable Serial F#8T (hannel

^ irect =E rive 6utputs

^ 6nchip #nalog (omparator 

^ =owpower :dle and Powerdown 5odes

^ 0reen &Pb<'alidefree+ Packaging


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The #T12(3)*4 is a lowvoltage, highperformance (56S 1bit microcomputer with

37 bytes of $lash programmable and erasable readonly memory &PE865+. The device is

manufactured using #tmel9s highdensity nonvolatile memory technology and is compatible

with the industrystandard 5(S*4 instruction set. By combining a versatile 1bit (PF with

$lash on a monolithic chip, the #tmel #T12(3)*4 is a powerful microcomputer which

 provides a highlyflexible and costeffective solution to many embedded control applications.

The #T12(3)*4 provides the following standard features/ 37 bytes of $lash, 431 bytes of 

8#5, 4* :<6 lines, two 4>bit timer<counters, a five vector twolevel interrupt architecture, a

full duplex serial port, a precision analog comparator, onchip oscillator and clock circuitry.

:n addition, the #T12(3)*4 is designed with static logic for operation down to Aero

fre-uency and supports two software selectable power saving modes. The :dle 5ode stops

the (PF while allowing the 8#5, timer<counters, serial port and interrupt system to continuefunctioning. The powerdown mode saves the 8#5 contents but freeAes the oscillator 

disabling all other chip functions until the next hardware reset.

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