Minerals Intelligence Network for Europe - Minerals4EU

Minerals Intelligence Network for Europe - Minerals4EU Overview & Achievements Final meeting, Brussels, 24-25 August, 2015 Nikolaos Arvanitidis, Scientific Coordinator, SGU/EGS MREG http://www.minerals4eu.eu/ Minerals4EU the leading European minerals information network structure providing tools and expertise to enhance resource efficiency, minerals supply security and support sustainable minerals development for Europe

Transcript of Minerals Intelligence Network for Europe - Minerals4EU

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Minerals Intelligence Network for Europe - Minerals4EUOverview & Achievements

Final meeting, Brussels, 24-25 August, 2015

Nikolaos Arvanitidis, Scientific Coordinator, SGU/EGS MREG http://www.minerals4eu.eu/

Minerals4EU – the leading European minerals information network structure providing tools and expertise to enhance resource efficiency, minerals supply security and support sustainable minerals development for Europe

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European Minerals Network-eMINEnt An initially MREG-based conceptual

approach•Since early 2010 the EGS Mineral Resources Expert Group (MREG) was addressing the need for an organisation to facilitate provision of accurate and adequate mineral information within Europe and outside for the European Union institutions, industry and members states

•eMINEnt proposal and position paper made the 1st conceptual approach

•eMINEnt was issued to be a major recommendation of the Working Group on Exchanging Best Practice on Land Use Planning, Permitting and Geological Knowledge Sharing, in becoming the core of networking activities coordinated by the EuroGeoSurveys.

•Further and broader geoscientific SIP EIP synergies resulted to EURMKB and relevant H2020 calls From eMINEnt to


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Nano-particle products from new mineral resources from Europe

Application of web GIS technologies for the sustainable supply of Europe with Energy and Mineral Resources

Development of a sustainable exploitation scheme for Europe's REE ore deposits

Minerals Intelligence Network for Europe

EU Raw Materials Statistics

European Geological Data Infrastructure

Mineral resources databases and intelligence networking


ProSUM – Prospecting Secondary raw materials in the Urban Mine and mining waste. Creating the European knowledge base on secondary sources for Critical Raw Materials

EUMINETEUMINETEuropean Mineral European Mineral

Information NetworkInformation Network

ERANETERANETon Applied Geoscienceson Applied Geosciences


Mineral Intelligence Capacity Analysis

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EU / global standards ensuring the knowledge base is interoperable

All the developments made in EU-FP7 Eurare and Minerals4EU and in H2020 ProSUM are INSPIRE/OGC compliant, thus ensuring the highest degree of interoperability

Minerals4EU has worked on the INSPIRE code lists and has already created a good basis for interoperability with links EURARE and ProSUM, covering the secondary resources component.

It is recommended to have an action looking at the EURMKB platform in overall as the outcomes of various projects keeping delivered and updated.

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M4EU: Facts and figures

Funding scheme: FP7-NMP-2013-CSA-7; Coordination and Support Actions (CSA)

Work programme topics addressed: NMP.2013.4.1-3 (European Intelligence Network on the Supply of Raw Materials)

Total budget: 2 772 289 € EC funding: 1 999 000 € Person-months: 304,5 Consortium: 31 partners, 26 NGSOs, 26 countries Official start date: 1.9.2013 (+2 years) Technical and overall coordination: GTK Scientific coordination: EGS-MREG Project Officer: Germán Esteban Muñiz, DG Research and

Innovation/Manufacturing, Processing and Bio-technologies Technical reviewer: Emilio Nieto

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Naturelles de Belgique (BE)5.Natural Environment Research

Council (UK) 6.Bureau de Recherches Geologiques

et Minieres (FR)7.Bundesanstalt fuer

Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (DE)

8.Ceska Geologicka Sluzba (CZ)9.Geologische Bundesanstalt (AT)10.Geoloski Zavod Slovenije (SI)11.The Geological Survey of Denmark

and Greenland (DK)12.Institutul Geologic al Romaniei (RO)13.Department of Communications,

Energy and Natural Resources (IE)14.Instituto Geológico y Minero De

España (ES)15.Ethniko Kentro Viosimis kai

Aeiforou Anaptyxis (GR)

16. Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale (IT)

17. Laboratorio Nacional de Energia e Geologia I.P.(PT)

18. Magyar Foldtani és Geofizikai Intezet (HU)

19. Geological Survey of Norway (NO)20. Panstwowy Instytut Geologiczny

(PL)21. Geoinform Ukraine (UA)22. Statny Geologicky Ustav Dionyza

Stura (SK)23. Sveriges Geologiska Undersokning

(SE)24. Nederlandse Organisatie voor

Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NL)

25. Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment & Energy (DE)

26. Hrvatski Geološki Institut (HR)27. Joint Research Centre JRC (IGO)28. Fraunhofer -Institut für System- und

Innovationsforschung (ISI) (DE)29. Swiss Geological Survey Federal

office of topography Swisstopo (CH)30. Geological Survey Department GSD

(CY)31. Sherbimi Gjeologjik Shqiptar AGS

(AL)32. Raw Materials Group (SE)

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Deliverables addressed

Establishment of a permanent structure to guarantee the sustainability of the minerals intelligence network in the long term.

Identification of existing data sources and assessment of data availability and quality for primary and secondary raw materials, on land and the marine environment, to achieve harmonization and standardization of EU mineral statistics.

Development of a ‘European Mineral Raw Materials Yearbook’ and a roadmap for future implementation, updating and maintenance after the project.

Development of an operational EU Knowledge data platform compliant to INSPIRE providing an efficient access to all available and new data related to mineral resources.

Production of foresight studies on mineral raw materials future supply and demand in the EU with special attention given to critical minerals including primary and secondary raw materials.

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Management Committee members and 6 WP Leaders

WP1. Management - Juha Kaija, GTK WP2. Sustainable Minerals Intelligence Network - Luca

Demicheli, EGS WP3. Knowledge management – Christian Burlet, RBINS WP4. Minerals statistics – Teresa Brown, NERC-BGS WP5. Knowledge Data Platform - Daniel Cassard, BRGM WP6. Foresight study – Henrike Sievers, BGR

Other members of MC: Nikolaos Arvanitidis, EGS-MREG James Baker, SELOR David Ovadia, Exploitation Manager

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Industrial Consultation Committee

The members of ICC are, Corina Hebestreit ,EUROMINES; Michelle Wyart-Remy & Aurela Shtiza, IMA; Jim O’Brien, UEPG; Eberhard Gschwindt, EIB.

All WPs were assessed, one by one, using the same questionnaire, and recommendations were delivered and received accordingly by SC and WP leaders

Overall overview of project achievements against objectives were constructive and pointed out the main challenges are beyond the lifetime of the project, facing the options for a sustainable and permanent service. These will require more intensive and continuous interaction with the future users, industry and public decision makers in order to take up their views and expectations.

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Main results & achievements A sustainable Minerals Intelligence Network to maintain and

update the Minerals4EU services. An interactive European Minerals Yearbook covering statistics

from 40 European countries. First edition of the e-Yearbook is available as part of the

Minerals4EU Portal at http://minerals4eu.brgm-rec.fr/m4eu-yearbook/theme_selection.html

Minerals4EU Knowledge Data Platform with a free, public web-service. Available and operational at http://minerals4eu.brgm-rec.fr/ Totally INSPIRE compliant

Foresight Study on mineral raw material supply and demand in the EU Today afternoon a dedicated WP6 Session: Looking Ahead – Exploring

Different Facets of Raw Material Supply and Demand (BGR)

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Yearbook potential impacts

will enable more informed national or EC policies and decisions to be developed for the benefit of society.

will facilitate the identification and prioritisation of future research on mineral-related topics to be commissioned by national Governments or the EC.

regular updates will enable national Governments and the EC to monitor the impact of policy decisions on mineral-related activities

the use by industry may inform future decisions and may facilitate investment in particular countries and/or Europe as a whole.

provides a source of data for academic and other researchers for use in future studies into mineral-related topics for Europe

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Minerals4EU organisation & structure

Network of “spokes” , a separate entity Minerals Intelligence

Network with members including both GSOs and other organisations.

Memorandum of Understanding signed by the members setting up of a M4EU-Minerals Intelligence Network for Europe

Permanent body is the ”hub”, has no members Focus on operational

management and maintenance of database & products : Web portal Yearbook Foresight studies Tendering/

Commissioning Service Legal


• Minerals Intelligence Network Members will act as the advisory board of the Permanent Body• Finance for the Permanent Body would be expected from the Minerals Pillar of the ERA-NET funding to be sourced from the EC • Various business plan options were considered for the structure

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M4EU Intelligence Capacity

Minerals4EU deliverables enabling:• An information infrastructure with coherent interoperable databases. • Access to Pan-European, high-quality mineral resources related geological data.• High quality data on mineralised areas, exploration and mineral production and flows; intelligence and foresight studies for public and private decision-makers, raw material producers and society.

Minerals4EU creates intelligence on both Primary & SecondaryRaw Materials, focused on mining waste

Any links to JRC- launched Raw Materials Information System (RMIS) ?

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EURMKB- Current state

Pre- SIP EIP databases (ProMine, EuroGeoSource) Syn- och post -SIP EIP driven database structuring

Minerasl4EU/MIN/PB, euRare, ProSUM (GSOs -based) MICA- Mineral Intelligence Capacity Analysis about to kick-off EUMINET/RMC making a conceptual basis and vision for the

EGS MREG community DG Growth data platform version JRC Raw Materials Information System (RMIS)

No financial support from the Commission Options for EGS-JRC joint efforts / cooperation? ERA-NET in applied geosciences intends to deliver financial

and in-kind resources to ensure operational sustainability?

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Thank you for your attention

www.eurogeosurveys.org [email protected]@nikolaosarvanitidis.eu
