Mind Mapping Software - DropMind

Mind Mapping Transform Your Way Of Thinking


Mind mapping solution for brainstorming, visual thinking,organizing ideas and planning represented by the desktop platform friendly solution and online application. Download Now For Free! Visit: http://www.dropmind.com/

Transcript of Mind Mapping Software - DropMind

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Mind Mapping

Transform Your Way Of Thinking

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What We’ll Learn?


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Mind Map is a powerful technique that can be applied to all aspects of life where improved learning and clearer thinking will enhance performance and effectiveness. It is a non-linear way of organizing information and a technique that allows natural flow of ideas to be captured.

A Mind Map is a powerful graphic technique which harnesses the full range of cortical skills in a single, powerful manner

–word, –image, –number, –logic, –rhythm, –color, –spatial awareness

Mind Map Brings it all together


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Who can Use It?


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Who can Use It?

Mind Maps can be used by:

individuals groups

or by for

- simple tasks, such as writing a memo

- complex tasks, such as getting a shared perspective of a complex project


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The Origins of Mind Mapping


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The Origins of Mind Mapping

Mind Mapping is a creative way of recording ideas that was popularized by the author and psychologist Tony Buzan in the early 1970s.

Buzan pointed out that the normal linear methods of taking notes and recording ideas do not make efficient use of the brain’s powers.

The Mind Map is a method of recording information or ideas in a dynamic way that mirrors the brain’s processes.


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What Are The Basics Of Mind Maps?


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What Are The Basics Of Mind Maps?

Mind maps work the way the brain works

-Not in nice neat lines

Memory is naturally associative, not linear

-Any idea probably has thousands of links in your mind. Mind maps

allow associations and links to be recorded and reinforced

The mind remembers key words and images, not sentences

-Try recalling just one sentence from memory! Mind maps use just key

words and key images, allowing more information to be put on a page

Mind maps are more visual and depict


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The Process Of Mind Mapping


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The Process Of Mind Mapping

The process for creating a mind maps can be described in

8different steps

2. Lighten Up!

4. Think Fast

3. Free Associate

8. Allow Organizati


7. Keep Moving

5. Break Boundarie


6. Don’t Judge

1. Center First


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The Process Of Mind Mapping

Center First

Mind mapping begins with a word or image, placed in the middle, that symbolizes what you want to think about

Lighten Up!

Start with an open, creative attitude. Let go of the idea of solving the entire problem, or writing a report that everyone will love. This is simply a brain dumping process that helps stimulate new ideas and connections

Free Associate

Put down all ideas without judgment or evaluation. As ideas emerge, write one or two word descriptions of ideas on lines branching from the central focus. Allow the ideas to expand outward into branches and sub-branches

Think Fast

Your brain works best in five to seven minute bursts, so capture the ideas as rapidly as possible. Keywords, symbols and images provide a mental shorthand for recording ideas as quickly as possible


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The Process Of Mind Mapping

Break Boundarie


Don’t Judge

Keep Moving

Allow Organizati


The bigger the workspace, the more ideas you'll have. Use different colors and styles

Put everything down that comes to mind even if it is completely unrelated

Keep your hand moving. If ideas slow down, draw empty lines, and watch your brain automatically find ideas to put on them

Sometimes, you see relationships and connections immediately and you can add sub-branches to a main idea. Sometimes you don't, so you just connect the ideas to the central focus. Organization can always come later; the first requirement is to get the ideas out of your head and onto the paper.


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How To Draw Mind Map?


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How To Draw Mind Map?

Drawing a mind map involves gathering in all your ideas about a particular concept and organizing them into a pattern that shows the relationships between the ideas. You can order the information into important points and less important points. You can compare and contrast different points, and show problems with their solutions and causes with their effects. Mind maps let you see the big picture of a topic as well as the details that make up the picture.

How to draw the mind map


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How To Draw Mind Map?

Step 1: Write the topic in a circle in the center of Drop Mind mind mapping tool.

Step 2: For each of the main points, insert subtopics.

Step 3: Write the key words of the main points and subtopics.

Step 4: Insert parent topics out from the subtopics and write keywords for each of parent topics.

Step 5: Continue with subtopics and parent topics if you have other points or examples.


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How To Draw Mind Map?

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Four examples of how to use mind maps

Use detailed mind maps as tools for organizing and planning assignments

Draw more involved mind maps complete with diagrams and color as permanent records of topics or courses

Draw quick, sketchy mind maps to help you revise your last class or lecture

Use mind maps to take notes in a lecture or while reading

How To Draw Mind Map?


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A Powerful Approach to Note-Taking

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Our Advice

Seavus DropMind - Mind mapping solution for brainstorming, visual thinking, organizing ideas and planning represented by the desktop platform friendly solution and online application

Visit http://www.dropmind.com DOWNLOAD Experience The Best Mind Mapping Tool

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