Mind Map of @GiniDietrich Spin Sucks Keynote Presentation


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Spin Sucks Gini Dietrich Presentation Mind Map from #socialbrand13

Transcript of Mind Map of @GiniDietrich Spin Sucks Keynote Presentation

Page 1: Mind Map of @GiniDietrich Spin Sucks Keynote Presentation

Spin Sucks - Gini

miley cyrus

great pr case study

required to be as disney wanted as hannah

left that and wanted to be her own

did vmas, wrecking ball, etc

sex only sells if youre selling sex


go daddy


multiweek strategy ended in SNL and interview exposing strategy

result - we've talked about miley for months

whisper campaigns

about her husband

very charismatic individual

she was scared to intro to team

liked to his put feet in hair when 4

told foot story to team to diminish his awesomeness

gravity"hot" movie

nearing oscars, hollywood starting to slam

where you say something bad, softly, secretly to bring someone down


using fake accounts to change someones mind about a topic

halifax news - congressman about

medicare advantage

dc pr firm sending fake letters on behalf

of unknowning locals

wants us to think about what

spin is and why it sucks

media manipulation

pr pros don't have special sneaky relationships with ny times

michael arrington said getting it right is expensive, getting it first is cheap

hudson river - citizen journalists report 2 hours before media news

pr firms helping seemingly everyone.. but is it media manip? depends on

transparency, authenticity, etc.

trust me im lying example - proved a point about how easy

it is to manip the media

pr turned easy?

used to have to go to library - research - build relationships

now - have access to all info - just throw a generic news post out and hope

tools make it seem easy, but its nowhere near as effective

not all press is good pres

saying i'm sorry is a great emergency mgmt tactic

competitors sending bad linksgo research to see how it works

spammy links on site lead to site index ranking going down

this is not a sprint - its a marathonunderstand how all disciplines work together

know which expert to bring in at the right time

OXO example

competitor tried to say they were stealing

they posted content on it, explaining situation to inventor community

community started defending OXO

tesla nt times example

sm success process

harvest stories

storytelling humanizes company

humanize creates kinship

kinship drives purchases

customers create more stories

Spin Sucks - Gini.mmap - 10/25/2013 - Mindjet