Mike Wynn - ArtofAlpha must know... · So it is up to you to make a move and let her know that you...

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Transcript of Mike Wynn - ArtofAlpha must know... · So it is up to you to make a move and let her know that you...

Mike Wynn - ArtofAlpha.com

The Art of Alpha Presents'

7 Proven Conversation Starters That Lead To Dates

How to easily approach any women, And not get stuck in your head

wondering what to say

I just let another beautiful woman slip through my fingers.

It was Friday night and there I was again; out at the club. I remember my friend and I at first were standing by the dance floor, just waiting.

We were hoping that eventually a cute girl would come talk to us, but it never happened. In fact, I looked around the club and saw a BUNCH of guys doing the exact same thing that we were doing; all just hoping and praying that something would happen.

That somehow, if the forces alined and the stars were shining just right; a group of smokin' hot chic's would walk over to us and be interested. Again, that didn't happen.

But...I did get ONE opportunity.

I was off to the side of the dance floor just doing a simple side-to-side dance. When I noticed a really attractive girl looking at me. I looked back and then quickly looked away. I thought “this girl is really cute and I think she's looking

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at me.”

So I looked again. And there she was peering through the crowd looking back at me.

I thought again to myself “wow I would love to meet this girl.”

This sounds like the set-up to a nice romance novel – right?

You might be waiting for the happy ending. Or you might even ask me; “what was her name?”

But the reality is, that I don't know her name and there was no happy ending to this story.

Why? Because I just stood there. I didn't know how to approach her and/or what to say to her. I was trapped in my own head.

Sometimes I still regret it to this day.

I wish that I had know what to say. I wish that I hadn’t been scared to start a conversation with her.

Who knows what would have happened if I did go over and talk to her. But I'll never know.

I let another girl slip through my fingers and I didn't want it to happen again.

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Dear Friend,

I'm sure that you can relate to the above story. I am sure that you also have let women slip right through your fingers because you didn't approach them and/or you didn't know what to say.

Unfortunately the above story is still very vivid in my mind. I think what would have happened if I DID approach her? Would we have dated? Or would we just have had a one night adventure?

Luckily I have had many more adventures and dates since then because I spent hours and hours practicing and learning. I have spent hours mastering the art of “small talk” and learning how to approach girls.

I know that you want to learn how to meet women NOW and that you don't want to take three or four years (often longer) to master everything on your own.

So in a minute I will share with you the “Ninja tricks” that I use to consistently approach women and get dates. But first...

I want to list some of the more common questions about approaching women.

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Do Women Want To Be Approached?

YES. 99% of women DO NOT approach guys that they are interested in. So it is up to you to make a move and let her know that you are interested.

Will She Reject You?

It is impossible to attract EVERY women that you meet. But I can 100% guarantee that you will NOT regret any approach that you make; only the approaches that you do not do.

Should I Be Embarrassed To Approach A Girl I Like?

NO. When someone sees you approach a girl they instantly wish that they could do the same thing. They wish that they could have had the courage to do what you just did.

What If She Doesn’t Like Me?

Not every girl is going to like you; but that's OK. You're not going to like every girl and “click” with every girl that you approach either. Just don't take it personal if there is no connection; Move onto the next girl.

Now let's talk about some “Ninja tricks” for approaching women and let's get you some dates.


Here are the conversation starters that work for me

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Conversation Starter #1

“Hey can I ask you a question? What would you say if a handsome guy thought that you were cute and wanted to come talk to you?”

Details: In this conversation starter, you are describing yourself. And the more descriptive that you are, the better.

I could say; “the handsome guy in the white shirt” (or whatever I'm wearing) to make it even more playful and fun. It works because she knows that you are describing yourself. But it is also rejection proof because you have a way out.

If she says “ohh I have a boyfriend” you can simple say “Okay I'll tell the handsome guy that you're taken.” And then you can walk away.

OR, if she says something like “I would be flattered” or if she doesn't say anything, then you would just say “Hi, my names _____ “ (Then use easy sexy small talk)Best Used: During the daytime at mall's, grocery store, or on the street.

Difficulty level: This is a really easy opener to use. It is rejection proof because you can act like you're not even asking for you...maybe you're describing yourself, but maybe not. If she's interested say hi. If she's not you say “Okay I'll let him know” (as if you were asking about her for someone else).

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Conversation Starter #2

“I Like Your Style”

Details: This is a good conversation starter because women pay close attention to their “style.” They spend a lot of time buying clothes, jewelry, etc. so that they look good. If you comment on her style and let her know that you have noticed the effort that she has put in, she will love you for it.

Make sure to then tell a story; “I like your style, it reminds me of...”

OR - “I like your style, you have this cool sophisticated look that I don't see very often.” (The more genuine that you make the compliment, the better)

Uses: Excellent for the street as she is walking past you. Good to use at the mall. It will even work at a bar/club.

Difficulty level: This is a fairly easy opener to use. It is direct, but as long as you're genuinely complimenting her, she will be Okay with that.

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Conversation Starter #3

“What Are You Celebrating?”

Details: This is my default conversation starter for the clubs. When you use this opener make sure that you are ready to be high energy.

Often times girls will be celebrating a bachelorette party or a birthday party. So when you use this opener, you're going to want to provide them some energy and some fun. But, high energy women can be exciting...

What I will usually do is say “what are you guys celebrating?” The girls will then say something like; “It's my my birthday!”

Then I will say “did you get your birthday kiss yet!?” Then I will say “you HAVE to get a B-day kiss!”

Without hesitating or thinking about it; I will pull her into me and kiss her (I do this all the time). If you don't hesitate and you're confident, you can get away with anything.

Uses: Works great in bars and clubs with big groups of women.

Difficulty level: This is a difficult opener to use because you have to be high energy (or match the energy of the group, which will usually be high during a party). But you can start by saying “what are you celebrating?”(when she answers) Say cool...”give me a high-five.” (if you are not ready to go for the kiss yet).

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Conversation Starter #4

“Hi, Let me see your hand (hold hand and pretend that you're thinking) How

long have you been a nurse?”

Details: This works great for a group of Two girls. Women love knowing what other people think of them. If she looks kind of friendly then you will say “How long have you been a nurse?” If she looks stand-offish or less friendly then you will say “How long have you been a teacher?”

If you guess right – she will automatically be amazed that you knew that,AND even if you guess wrong she will wonder why you thought that about her.

It works great for two girl together because you can guess that one is the teacher and one is the nurse.

You can say: “You're the nurse because you seem like you're the one that's ready to let loose and have fun.” And you're the teacher because you seem more strict like you have to keep her under control...you're like “don't make me pull out my ruler and whack your hand.”

NOTE: You can also use this as a transition. Start with a simple opener like “Hi, what's your name?” Then say “so, how long have you been a nurse?”Making assumptions like this are awesome to use. If you guess right she'll be amazed. If you guess wrong she'll wonder why you thought that.

Uses: Best used at a bar/club with a group of two girls.Difficulty level: It is difficult to have the confidence to use this as an opener. But it is much easier to use as a transition from an easier opener such as: “Hi, my names ____”

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Conversation Starter #5

“You Know What I like About You...”

Details: This works because women like to know what other people think of them. The conversation starter is there to simply get her attention; and that is exactly what this opener does; it gets her attention.

She wants to know why you like her.

Now all that you have to do is give her a unique compliment. For example: “You know what I like about you...you have a bad ass style. I had to come say hi”

Start with this opener and then use small talk and/or transition into a story.

Uses: This conversation starter works anywhere. It's good during the day and at night. Also really good for singles events.

Difficulty level: This is an easy opener to use that will get any girls attention.

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Conversation Starter #6

“Hey, Did You Get Your Midnight Kiss Yet?”

Details: Girls at clubs WANT to have fun. They also WANT attention from guys. That is why this opener works. It is a bold opener, but I wanted to show what is possible.

This opener works if you are bold and do not hesitate. Use high energy and approach a girl, or if a girl is walking by say: “did you get your midnight kiss!? Then without hesitating; put your hand on her cheek and kiss her.

High risk openers get high risk results.

Work your way up to this opener and then when you're ready; go for it.

Uses: Works great in a club environment.

Difficulty level: This opener/conversation starter has a high level of difficulty. You must be sure of yourself and commit to it. If you second guess yourself it won't work. But once you trust that you can do it; it is awesome. The girl will instantly be attracted to you for the boldness that you've displayed and for the fact the no other guy has ever done that to her before.

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Conversation Starter #7

“Are you guys best friends? I can tell by the way that you looked at each other

when I asked”

Details: This works great for approaching a group of two girls. When you use this opener the girls will ALWAYS look at each other as if they're wondering if they really are best friends.

The reason that this opener works so well, is because when you are talking to a group of girls; you need BOTH girls to be interested in the conversation.

If you talk to only one girl then the other girl will loose interest and often times will pull her friend away. So you must engage them both at first; this opener does precisely that. It gets them to talk about their relationship.

You can then transition or “stack” openers by saying “which one of you is the teacher? Because you're the one that I'll have to watch out for.”

If neither of them are teachers then say “well which one is the wild one and which one of you is in charge and has to watch out for the other one?” (usually in a group of women there is a leader and then a girl that is a bit more wild; that is why this works)

Uses: Works great in a bar or club.

Difficulty level: It is easy to use, but just make sure that you have been practicing your small talk skills, because you're going to have to think on the fly for this one! (the girls tend to get excited and start talking a lot)

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Bonus: Conversation Starter #8

“Hi, can I ask you a random question...are you single?

Details: This is an easy conversation starter. It is direct and let's her know that you ARE interested. The reason that it works so well is because, it is a genuine way to approach a girl. There are no games and no tricks, she knows exactly what you want.

It also gets right to the point so you won't have to talk to her for 15 minutes and then realize that she is not interested. However, if you use your sexy small talk skills, you may be able to change her mind if she isn’t ;)

Uses: Really good opener for the day. Works great at the mall, in the grocery store, or where ever you see a cute girl that you want to talk to.

Difficulty level: Not too difficult to pull off, but be ready to ask for her number if she says that she is single.

And there you have it.

Those are the conversation starters that I personally use every time that I go out. They work for me and I know that they will work for you as well.

I just want to give you one more quick piece of advice when you're approaching a girl...

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Your delivery is very important. And by delivery I mean the way that you say it.

It is important to speak SLOWLY. And not slowly like this...

Can. I. Ask. You. A. Random. Question.

But it should look more like this...

Hi (pause) Can I ask you a random question? (pause) Are you single? (pause)

When guys get nervous their sentences sometimes end up looking like this...

canIaskyouarandomquestion, areyousingle?

They don't leave any room for pauses. Adding in pauses will make the approach a lot better for you and for her.

Now you're ready to go out and make it happen and meet some women.

Here's to your success,

Connect with me at The Art Of Alpha

Mike Wynn - ArtofAlpha.com