Mike Salvietti Fitness LLC,  · couldn’t get back into my old rhythm of exercising, I was out of...

Mike Salvietti Fitness LLC, www.mikesalviettifitness.com , www.fatfreevacation.com

Transcript of Mike Salvietti Fitness LLC,  · couldn’t get back into my old rhythm of exercising, I was out of...

Page 1: Mike Salvietti Fitness LLC,  · couldn’t get back into my old rhythm of exercising, I was out of breathe much quicker and just wouldn’t like how I looked or felt. It would take

Mike Salvietti Fitness LLC, www.mikesalviettifitness.com , www.fatfreevacation.com

Page 2: Mike Salvietti Fitness LLC,  · couldn’t get back into my old rhythm of exercising, I was out of breathe much quicker and just wouldn’t like how I looked or felt. It would take

Mike Salvietti Fitness LLC, www.mikesalviettifitness.com , www.fatfreevacation.com

Fat Free Vacation

Program Manual

By Mike Salvietti, NPTI-CPT

Page 3: Mike Salvietti Fitness LLC,  · couldn’t get back into my old rhythm of exercising, I was out of breathe much quicker and just wouldn’t like how I looked or felt. It would take

Mike Salvietti Fitness LLC, www.mikesalviettifitness.com , www.fatfreevacation.com

Disclaimer You must get your physician’s approval before beginning this exercise program.

These recommendations are not medical guidelines but are for educational purposes

only. You must consult your physician prior to starting this program or if you have any

medical condition or injury that contraindicates physical activity.

See your physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program. If you are taking any medications, you must talk to your physician before starting any exercise program, including Muscle Gaining Secrets. If you experience any lightheadedness, dizziness, or

shortness of breath while exercising, stop the movement and consult a physician. You must have a complete physical examination if you are sedentary, if you have high

cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes, if you are overweight, or if you are over 30

years old. Please discuss all nutritional changes with your physician or a registered


This publication is intended for informational use only. Mike Salvietti, Mike Salvietti

Fitness LLC, www.mikesalviettifitness.com and www.fatfreevacation.com will not

assume any liability or be held responsible for any form of injury, personal loss or illness

caused by the utilization of this information.

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Mike Salvietti Fitness LLC, www.mikesalviettifitness.com , www.fatfreevacation.com

Welcome To the Program Manual!

This portion of the fat free vacation program is intended to give you a deeper

understanding of the “why” behind “what” you will be doing in the other aspects of the


I wanted to write this for you so that you can have more faith and understanding in

what you are doing, especially because a lot of things in this program might challenge

what may be considered “conventional wisdom”.

By “conventional wisdom” I am referring to a lot of the common exercise and nutrition

information you hear from “arm-chair experts” that really have no experience in helping

people get in shape.

I hope you enjoy both reading this program manual and implementing this program

on your next vacation, and every vacation after that!

Why You Should Listen To Me

First and foremost, I hope you listen to what I have to say because I truly have your

best interests at heart. My personal philosophies with this program stem from both the

desire to maintain or lose weight on vacation while simultaneously enjoying your

vacation to the fullest.

In other words, I want you to be able to do what you need to do to maintain or lose

weight without it depriving you of anything on vacation so that you can fully enjoy

yourself; after all you work hard and probably deserve it!

Another reason you should listen to me; I’ve already had the honor and privilege of

working HANDS-ON with over 2500 people from all walks of life in the last 4 years.

Almost all of which were directly pertaining to goals of looking and feeling better,

burning fat and balancing health and fitness with a busy lifestyle.

In fact, I am kind of known for specifically helping busy people burn fat and balance

exercise and nutrition with family and work life. I’m also known in my community for my

Rock Your Body Bootcamp program that is specifically designed to help people burn fat,

get strong and eat better without boring cardio or crazy crash diets.

If you live in the Long Island, NY area I highly recommend you check out

www.rockyourbodybootcamp.com for more details. Enough about that, let’s get started!

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Mike Salvietti Fitness LLC, www.mikesalviettifitness.com , www.fatfreevacation.com

The Back Story

Just in case there is a slight chance that you were wondering how this program came

to be, I thought I would give you the slightly embarrassing yet possibly entertaining story

of how and why I created this program.

Before I created this program my personal philosophy towards vacations were that

you should completely relax, eat and drink, whatever you want, take a break from

exercise and just let loose, then get back to work when you get home.

I just didn’t believe that you could maintain or lose weight while staying fit on

vacation without it interfering with all the fun aspects of vacation. But there was

just one big problem……

I just wasn’t working for me

See before every vacation, what I would do is basically get as lean as I possibly can

so that I would look good on vacation. I would spend about 6 weeks going really strict

with my eating, working out almost every day.

Then when vacation time came around I would completely relax and go all out! Eating

and drinking whatever I wanted, lying around not exercising at all.

The problem was that in a matter of 2 weeks all my hard work was completely undone. I

would end up back where I was before getting in my best shape. But the problem didn’t

stop there.

Even when I got back home, not only did I look worse but I actually felt worse. I

couldn’t get back into my old rhythm of exercising, I was out of breathe much quicker

and just wouldn’t like how I looked or felt.

It would take me anywhere from 2-6 weeks AFTER VACATION to get back in the

rhythm of things and back to square one.

It was like taking 2 steps forward and 4 steps back

I knew that something had to change because this year I didn’t want to let the same

thing happen. So I began looking at a way to exercise and eat a little differently while on

vacation in order to maintain my fitness level and maintain or lose fat in the process.

Here is what I discovered in The Process.

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Mike Salvietti Fitness LLC, www.mikesalviettifitness.com , www.fatfreevacation.com

Vacation = Best Time to Burn Fat

Before you think I’m crazy here are 4 good reasons why:

1. Your stress hormones are low: Specifically the hormone cortisol which causes

abdominal fat is much lower on Vacation. That’s because all of your work stress and a

lot of your regular daily life stress is far away back at home. This is the best time to burn

fat because you’re not fighting a hormonal uphill fat loss battle. Your hormones are

actually primed for fat loss.

2. Your Fat Burning Hormones Are High: Specifically the metabolism controlling

hormone Leptin. Leptin is an important fat loss hormone because it sort of determines

whether or not you are going to use Fat for energy on a daily basis. Leptin levels are

higher on vacation because you’re not drastically under eating like you would on a diet

back at home. This keeps your Leptin levels more stable meaning you can splurge a

tiny bit more on food without too much negative consequences.

3. Less distractions: when you’re completely isolated from your regular life it’s a lot

easier to focus a little bit of time out of your entire day to workout. Later in this manual

I’ll show you how you only need to exercise 10-15 minutes a day while on vacation.

4. More free time: Similar to number 3, not only can you focus a little bit more time on

exercise, you are also up and about doing things that are fun rather than being

sedentary all day.

5. Better environment: all the annoying, negative and bothersome people that typically

get on your nerves and induce emotional eating are back at home. Instead you’re with

people you like and love, at least enough to spend a vacation with.

Once I realized how much easier it could be to burn fat on vacation I started to look

into some of the mistakes, traps and pitfalls people get sucked into that cause them to

put on extra weight on vacation.

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Mike Salvietti Fitness LLC, www.mikesalviettifitness.com , www.fatfreevacation.com

The Top 5 Vacation Mistakes and Solutions

While Vacationing, both through observation and experience I found that there are 5

main vacation mistakes that most people make which cause added fat gain. Even

better, I was able to find very simple solutions to each of them so that you don’t have to

make the same mistakes everyone else makes.

Problem #1: Eating out of Boredom

When on vacation, depending on where you go, there tends to be a TON of down

time where you’re not really doing anything specific or engaging your senses. It seemed

like every time on vacation when there was nothing to do, me, my girlfriend or my family

members would say the exact same thing.

“Want to grab some food?”

For some reason in our modern day society, we tend to use eating as a time killing

activity and don’t always do it when we are hungry. Often times we eat simply because

we are both bored and not full.

The Solution: Get Up and Go

What you really need is something to engage yourself in that requires some brain

activity and gets you moving a bit. I find the simplest solution to just get up, get out and

explore your surroundings.

If you’re in a hotel room, go outside and walk around or see what’s on the ground

floor. If you’re at the beach go for a walk along the water or go in the water. If you’re

outside the country or in an exotic or unfamiliar place then go sightseeing.

Problem #2: Chronic dehydration

For some reason, most of us just don’t seem to think about drinking water when we

are on vacation. Throw in the heightened alcohol consumption and the heightened sun

exposure and your setting yourself up for major dehydration.

Being dehydrated negatively affects every single cell in your body and every single

function of your body, especially fat burning and slows your metabolism.

I had to constantly remind myself and my girlfriend to drink water on vacation and

even when we would remember to drink up, we didn’t always have it on hand.

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Mike Salvietti Fitness LLC, www.mikesalviettifitness.com , www.fatfreevacation.com

The Solution: stock up and don’t get caught empty handed

This is actually a solution to both #1 and #2 because dehydration and thirst is often

mistaken for hunger. Try and find a place that you can buy a case of waters or possibly

a few gallon jugs, like a local grocery store, and keep it handy in the hotel.

Start and end your day both with a nice tall glass of water and never leave your hotel

room without a bottle.

Problem #3: A Little Slice of Home

Almost anywhere you go I can pretty much guarantee you’ll see some eating places

that you recognize from home:

- Starbucks

- McDonald’s

- Dunkin Donuts

- Nathan’s

- Burger King

- Sonic’s

- Wendy’s

- White Castle

You get the idea…..but for some reason, as a subconscious, psychological comfort, we

tend to gravitate towards food places that we know, like and trust. This is a bad idea.

Anything that is considered “American food” is directly related to fat gain unfortunately.

Fast Food joints and large conglomerate food chains are responsible not just for making

America Fatter (among other things) but they are actually making other countries fatter


The Solution: Local cuisine only

Even if you’re vacationing within the United States I encourage you to broaden your

horizons and enjoy the small business, local eateries and local cuisine as much as

possible. For one thing, if you’re eating outside of the country, the ingredients used in

the local places are probably better quality, especially in Europe.

Another good reason for you is your much more likely going to get whole food,

unprocessed ingredients from a local restaurant then a large chain restaurant.

This is more of a caloric and health based concern than anything else.

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Mike Salvietti Fitness LLC, www.mikesalviettifitness.com , www.fatfreevacation.com

Problem #4: Sloth

It’s very easy on vacation to just sit out in the sun and not do anything or lay in bed

watching TV in the hotel room, but spending too much time lying down or sitting is just

going to make it THAT much harder to keep the fat off. By not staying at least

moderately active you are significantly decreasing the amount of calories you burn a

day, which means it will take less calories from eating to cause weight gain.

The Solution: Stay moderately active often

Walk, swim, go sightseeing, throw a ball or Frisbee on the beach or anything else

you can think of. The more activity you do the more calories you burn a day, which

means a bit more food you can enjoy on vacation.

Problem #5: Alcohol Overload

A lot of us tend to drink way too much alcohol when on vacation. I find that it’s hard

to notice that you’re drinking too much because a lot of times it’s spread out over a large

time span. A little cocktail poolside, a beer back at the hotel bar, wine with dinner, 2

more cocktails after dinner…..it starts to really add up.

When it comes to alcohol it’s not just the calories that you have to worry about. It’s

the other affects alcohol has on fat storage. You see; when you drink alcohol a couple

things happen. First your Liver sends signals to your body to take any calories in your

blood stream such as carbs, protein and fat, and store them as fat. Your body does this

so that your liver doesn’t have to filter all of these different calories at once, instead it

can focus all its filtration efforts on the alcohol.

Second your liver sends signals to stop burning fat as energy so that it can focus on

burning off the alcohol. So all in all, alcohol stops you from burning fat and makes you

store more fat.

The Solution: 2 per day as dessert

Sorry but there is no good reason to be drinking in the middle of the day, you need to

stick to water then. Later on after dinner you can have a couple drinks as a treat to

unwind at the end of the day but that’s about it. Zero is even better if you’d rather not


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Mike Salvietti Fitness LLC, www.mikesalviettifitness.com , www.fatfreevacation.com

To sum things up, any 1 of these 5 things can cripple your efforts on this program so

it’s important to follow ALL 5 SOLUTIONS as best as you can. You’ll have a much

better time during and after your vacation for doing so.

Program Overview: Workout Volume and Frequency

By now you are probably wondering how the program works. You might also be

wondering how it’s possible to exercise on vacation without it getting in the way of

having fun. The truth is working out on vacation is actually a lot different than what I

normally recommend you do at home.

Volume and frequency of training

The biggest difference between working out on vacation vs. working out at home in

your daily life is the difference in exercise volume and exercise Frequency.

Volume pertains to how much exercise you are doing at one time. This can be based on

a lot of different Factors.

- How long the workout is

- How much work you are doing within the time frame

- How many repetitions you are doing per workout or exercise

- How many sets you are doing per workout of each exercise

Frequency pertains to how often you are working out per week.

- 1-2x’s/week is considered low frequency

- 3-4x’s/week is considered moderate frequency

- 5-7x’s/week is considered high frequency

- 8 or more x’s/week is considered very high frequency

Normally when exercising in your regular daily life I recommend a high volume of

training with a moderate frequency. Basically this consists of Very intense 30-60 minute

workouts that have very little rest during the workout, but only doing these workouts 2-4

times a week.

On vacation though, things are much different. First of all 30-60 minute workouts on

vacation are too long in my opinion. That tends to cut into family and fun time a little too

much for my taste. Let’s tack on the added time it takes to prep for a workout and you’re

looking at 40-70 minutes of vacation time you could have spent having fun.

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Mike Salvietti Fitness LLC, www.mikesalviettifitness.com , www.fatfreevacation.com

That’s partly why the Fat Free Vacation workouts are low volume. Each workout is

only about 15 minutes long, but instead of just 2-4 times a week you’ll be doing these

workouts every day.

So let’s re-cap a little bit.

Regular workouts at home = high volume, low frequency: total 90-180 minutes

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7

Rest Workout 30-60 min

Rest Workout 30-60 min

Rest Workout 30-60 min


Vacation workouts = low volume, high frequency: total 70-105 minutes

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7

Workout 10-15 min

Workout 10-15 min

Workout 10-15 min

Workout 10-15 min

Workout 10-15 min

Workout 10-15 min

Workout 10-15 min

Program Overview: Workout Protocols

Now because the vacation workouts are so low in volume and short in duration, it’s

important that whatever you do in the workouts accomplishes 3 things.

1. High caloric burn. They need to be workouts that burn the maximum amount of

calories per minute so that you can create a “negative calorie balance” at least for a little

while. “Negative calorie balance” basically means that your body has burned more

calories than it has consumed.

2. Metabolic boosting affects. There are plenty of workouts that can kick your butt and

burn calories during the workout, but the secret to our fat free vacation workouts is their

affect to increase your metabolism during the rest of the day. The only way this will

happen though is if you put in your absolute best effort into the workouts.

3. Increase or maintain your fitness level. This is an important and often overlooked

factor. Specifically you want workouts that will maintain and improve both your muscular

strength and your aerobic capacity. Aerobic capacity is basically your body’s ability to

maintain a high level of work output and replenish oxygen quickly in the blood.

That being said there are 2 specific types of training we will be doing in the fat free

vacation workouts, AICT and MBWT.

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Mike Salvietti Fitness LLC, www.mikesalviettifitness.com , www.fatfreevacation.com

What Is AICT? AICT stands for Anaerobic Interval Cardio Training. This type of

training specifically involves doing cardiovascular type exercises in very short intense

burst that really rev things up, followed by periods of complete rest.


Most people tend to think AICT training IS HIIT which stands for High Intensity Interval

Training but that’s not the case. For vacation purposes AICT is actually a lot better.

That’s because HIIT involves more of a sprint jog or job walk type of interval whereas

AICT involves a high intensity short burst sprint followed by complete rest

Now why would sprint/rest be better than sprint/jog? The truth is when doing a

sprint/jog interval like HIIT the sprint isn’t a real sprint because you aren’t able to

recover enough during the jog to go all out in the sprint. At that point you might as well

just do a fast jog. With AICT you are able to maintain the highest intensity possible

during the sprint phase because you are fully recovering in between sprints. This

actually burns only slightly less calories during the workout that HIIT burns, but it has a

higher metabolic boosting affect and increases your level of aerobic capacity better than

HIIT as well.

What is MBWT? MBWT stands for Metabolic Bodyweight Training. This involves doing

full body strength training workouts, using only your bodyweight. I didn’t want to create a

program that required you to go out and buy equipment and then pack it in your

suitcase, at the same time I didn’t want to create a program that used hotel gym

equipment because there is not guarantee that you have the same stuff in your hotel as

somebody else.

MBWT is the only way you will maintain your muscular strength so that when you get

back from vacation you are able to pick up right where you left off in your regular

workout routine.

The #1 exercise style to avoid

It’s probably not surprising to you that 90% of people who DO exercise on vacation do

it completely wrong. Even worst they are doing the #1 style of exercise you should

completely avoid on vacation, Endurance Based Training.

Endurance based training is basically doing cardio like going for a long jog outside or

on a treadmill, or doing strength exercises like squats or pushups for ridiculously high

numbers of reps.

Why This Is Bad on Vacation

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Mike Salvietti Fitness LLC, www.mikesalviettifitness.com , www.fatfreevacation.com

The most obvious reason is because it does not increase your metabolism, improve

your overall fitness or burn high levels of calories per minute. So it doesn’t even come

close to the benefits of what we are doing in this program. Now you might think, “so

what, any exercise is better than no exercise right?” wrong!

Endurance type exercise is known to increase stress hormones like cortisol. As I

mentioned towards the beginning of this manual, cortisol is a fat storing hormone and is

important to keep low when on vacation. So avoid doing these endurance type workouts

as much as possible.

A NEAT way to burn extra calories

Another important and often overlooked method to burning more calories is NEAT.

NEAT stands for Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis. Specifically it refers to the

added calories you burn from non-exercise activities.

Because of the amount of free time you have on vacation that you don’t normally have

at home, you can really increase the amount of activities you do as opposed to sitting at

a desk at work or driving. It can be as simple as going for a walk on the beach, visiting

local tourist attractions or doing something more fun like swimming, kayaking, playing

catch, even badminton.

When it comes to non-exercise activities the more you can do on vacation the better!

Program Overview: Exercise tools and equipment

When creating this program I didn’t want the workouts to require you to go out and

buy exercise equipment like bands, jump ropes or weights. Instead, I wanted to keep

the workouts only using bodyweight accompanied by some unique exercises using

things that you are almost guaranteed to have on vacation.

Here is a list of some of the tools you will be using in the fat free vacation program.

A Towel

How you will use it: the primary use of towels in this program will be to add what I like

to call dynamic isometric tension to exercises as well as perform certain stretches and

to use as a workout mat for outdoor workouts and exercises. EVERY hotel has towels

complimentary and it’s highly unlikely that you will be going to a beach or pool without


A Bed or Couch

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Mike Salvietti Fitness LLC, www.mikesalviettifitness.com , www.fatfreevacation.com

How you will use it: Any exercise that requires an unstable surface can be done on a

bed or couch. These surfaces also come in handy with upper body pushing regressions

and lower body single leg exercises.

Paper Plates or furniture sliders

How you will use them: These will be used for exercises that require sliding on

carpet, sand or grass. If you want a little more comfort you can buy furniture sliders for

$15 at Bed, Bath and Beyond or a Home Depot. Otherwise Paper Plates will do just


Rolling Suitcase

How you will use it: as additional weight or resistance or to add stability to single leg

exercises. Even if you don’t use a rolling suitcase someone you are travelling with is

bound to have one.


How you will use it: Walls are good for lower body isometrics, upper back stability

and balance for single leg exercises. Every room has at least some wall space to work


Program Overview: The Exercises

The following section is to familiarize yourself with all the exercises in the program

that you will be doing. All the exercises are separated into categories of Upper Body,

Lower Body, Full Body, Core and Cardio.

Each exercise is clickable, so when you click on the name of each exercise it will

take you to a video of how to perform the exercise.

The Exercises: Upper Body

- Towel push pull combo

- Suitcase row

- Suitcase high pulls

- Suitcase floor press with pull over

- Suitcase shoulder to shoulder press

- Towel underhand row

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Mike Salvietti Fitness LLC, www.mikesalviettifitness.com , www.fatfreevacation.com

- Explosive bed push ups

The Exercises: Lower Body

- Towel overhead squat

- Side lunge with cross body resistance

- Towel resisted split squat

- sprinter step up on bed

- Suitcase bear hug squat

- Suitcase rolling lunge

- Suitcase rolling RDL

- Side to side lunge

- Jump squat to bed

The Exercises: Full Body

- Suitcase hip raise with pull over

- Suitcase shouldering

- Air chair wall slides

- Reverse bed burpees

The Exercises: Core

- Pillow rainbow chop

- Pillow sledge hammers

- Bed plank march

- Slide climbers

- Hand slide outs

- Standing towel core rotations

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Mike Salvietti Fitness LLC, www.mikesalviettifitness.com , www.fatfreevacation.com

The Exercises: Cardio

- Skaters

- Sprint in place

- Jump jacks

- Burpees

Program Overview: The Workouts

As I previously mentioned, the workouts combine both AICT and MBWT. There are 7

total workouts that you will cycle through in order over the course of anywhere from 1-3

weeks with no rest days in between unless you really need it. The following is to give

you an understanding of how to read and perform the workouts better.

Anytime you see an exercise with an “x” plus a number next to it that means you are

doing that exercise for however many reps the number reads next to the “x”.

Example: Burpess x10 (this means you are doing 10 reps of burpees)

When you see an exercise with just a number next to it that means you are doing that

exercise by itself.

Example: 1.) Burpees x10

When you see 2-3 exercises with the SAME number and a letter next to them that

means you are doing those exercises together.


1a.) pushups x10

1b.) squats x10

1c.) burpees x10

The rest is pretty self-explanatory. Just follow the directions as best as you can and give you best effort possible. Usually unless it says otherwise, do your best to perform each exercise as fast as possible with proper form.

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Mike Salvietti Fitness LLC, www.mikesalviettifitness.com , www.fatfreevacation.com

Workout 1

1a.) Explosive Bed Pushups x10

1b.) towel overhead squat x 10

1c.) standing towel core rotations x10 each side

Perform for 3 rounds with no rest in between rounds. 60 seconds rest after third round.

2a.) air chair wall slide x10

2b.) suitcase hip raise with pull over x10

Perform 3 rounds with no rest in between rounds. 60 seconds rest after third round.

3.) burpees x 5

Perform 5 rounds of this exercise with 30 seconds in between each round.

Workout 2

1a.) sprinter step ups on bed x110 each side

1b.) towel underhand row x10

Perform for 3 rounds with no rest in between rounds. 60 seconds rest after third round

2a.) suitcase row x10 each side

2b.) suitcase bear hug squat x10

Perform for 3 rounds with no rest in between rounds. 60 seconds rest after third round

3a.) suitcase shouldering x10 each side

3b.) pillow sledge hammers x10 each side

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Mike Salvietti Fitness LLC, www.mikesalviettifitness.com , www.fatfreevacation.com

Perform for 3 rounds with no rest in between rounds. 60 seconds rest after third round

4.) 50 jump jacks as fast as possible.

Workout 3

1a.) suitcase shoulder to shoulder press x10 each side

1b.) suitcase row x10 each side

1c.) suitcase rolling lunge x10 each side

1d.) pillow rainbow chops x10 each side

1e.) suitcase shoulder x10 each side

Perform for 3 rounds with no rest in between rounds. 60 seconds rest after third round

2.) burpees x10

Perform for 3 rounds with 60 seconds rest in between rounds.

Workout 4

1a.) towel overhead squat x 10

1b.) standing towel core rotations x10each side

Perform for 3 rounds with no rest in between rounds. 60 seconds rest after third round

2a.) jump squat to bed x10

2b.) bed plank march x10

Perform for 3 rounds with no rest in between rounds. 60 seconds rest after third round

3a.) towel resisted split squat x 10 each side

3b.) towel push pull combo x 10 each side

Perform for 3 rounds with no rest in between rounds. 60 seconds rest after third round

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Mike Salvietti Fitness LLC, www.mikesalviettifitness.com , www.fatfreevacation.com

4.) Reverse bed burpees x 10

Perform for 3 rounds with 60 seconds rest in between rounds.

Workout 5

1a.) suitcase shoulder to shoulder press x10 each side

1b.) towel underhand row x10

1c.) side lunge with cross body resistance x10 each side

Perform for 3 rounds with no rest in between rounds. 60 seconds rest after third round.

2a.) hand slide outs x 10 each side

2b.) pillow sledge hammers x10 each side

Perform 3 rounds with no rest in between rounds. 60 seconds rest after third round.

3.) burpees x5

Perform 5 rounds of this exercise with 30 seconds in between each round.

Workout 6

1a.) bed plank march x 10 each side

1b.) sprinter step up on bed x10 each side

1c.) towel push pull combo x10 each side

1d.) standing towel rotations x 10 each side

1e.) slide climbers x 10 each side

Perform for 3 rounds with no rest in between rounds. 60 seconds rest after third round

2.) 50 jump jacks as fast as possible

Page 20: Mike Salvietti Fitness LLC,  · couldn’t get back into my old rhythm of exercising, I was out of breathe much quicker and just wouldn’t like how I looked or felt. It would take

Mike Salvietti Fitness LLC, www.mikesalviettifitness.com , www.fatfreevacation.com

Workout 7

1a.) suitcase shouldering x10 each side

1b.) jump jacks x15

Perform for 3 rounds with no rest in between rounds. 60 seconds rest after third round

2a.) air chair wall slide x 10

2b.) skaters x 15 each side

Perform for 3 rounds with no rest in between rounds. 60 seconds rest after third round

3a.) suitcase hip raise with pull over x10

3b.) sprint x15 steps each side

Perform for 3 rounds with no rest in between rounds. 60 seconds rest after third round

4.) Reverse bed burpees x10

Perform 5 rounds of this exercise with 30 seconds in between each round.

Sample workout schedule

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Workout 7 Workout 1 Workout 2 Workout 3 Workout 4 Workout 5 Workout 6

Simple Vacation Eating Guidelines

Page 21: Mike Salvietti Fitness LLC,  · couldn’t get back into my old rhythm of exercising, I was out of breathe much quicker and just wouldn’t like how I looked or felt. It would take

Mike Salvietti Fitness LLC, www.mikesalviettifitness.com , www.fatfreevacation.com

As you know, this program is all about maintaining or losing weight on vacation while

still ENJOYING yourself. In order to enjoy yourself you can’t deprive yourself of all the

things that you love on vacation but at the same time you need to be sensible. So I put

together this simple list of eating guidelines to guide you on your vacation and keep you

from slipping up.

#1 Water comes first. The first and the last thing you should be putting in your body

every day is a nice glass of water. In between meals as well you should be drinking

plenty of water.

#2 Forget snacking. Keep yourself in line with just 3-4 meals a day and ditch the

snacking. Snacking is boredom eating and just keeps you feeling hungry.

#3 Eliminate food as a multi-tasking tool. This kind of falls somewhat in line with the

boredom eating. When eating is what you are doing, it should be the absolute only thing

you are doing at the time. Don’t eat to keep your mouth or hands busy doing other

things like site seeing or on walks or lying out on the beach.

#4 Eat whatever foods you want, just be sensible. You can enjoy eating the foods

you love just don’t be gluttonous or stuff yourself. Take your time and stop when you are

comfortable and satisfied.

#5 Easy on the alcohol. I’d stick to 2 drinks max towards the end of the day with at

least a glass of water in between.

THAT’S IT! Pretty simple huh? Told you it would be ;-)

Now go out there and start kicking Butt on your next vacation. The most important

thing of all is that you enjoy yourself and that includes the workouts. Don’t get up every

day while on Vacation and look at your workouts as a chore.

Wake up excited to bang out a quick workout knowing that those 15 minutes of hard

work will open you up to an entire day of higher energy, higher metabolism and an

overall more enjoyable vacation.