Middle School Memories ABC Book

Middle School Memories: ABC Book 8 th Grade Language Arts Directions: You will create an ABC memory book, reflecting upon your middle school years, as well as some fond memories from your youth. You should have no more than 2 entries per page. Each entry should be at least 3-5 sentences long. At least 10 drawings must be included in the book. Mechanics, neatness, color usage, and creativity will count! A = Advice What are three pieces of advice you would give younger students before you graduate? What is one piece of good advice you wish previous students had given you? B = Bad Why do bad things happen to good people? Did anything bad happen to you this year? If not, then count your blessings. In this section of your book, write about a bad thing that happened to you and what you gained from it or write about a blessing – something good that happened. C = Changes What major changes have taken place in the world about you this year? What changes have occurred in your school? Your community? Your life? What has changed the most about you? D = Difficult Decisions Discuss at least two difficult decisions you had to make this year. Explain how you made them and why each was difficult. E = Exciting or Embarrassing Moment Describe either an exciting or embarrassing moment you had this year. (If it’s really embarrassing, spare the details!) F = Friendship Saying goodbye to an old friend and moving on to meet new ones…this time of year can be hard when you begin to realize that. Write a poem or journal entry with your thoughts on this. G = Growth What goals have you accomplished this year? How are you different now than you were a year ago? Discuss three things you have learned about yourself this year.

Transcript of Middle School Memories ABC Book

Page 1: Middle School Memories ABC Book

Middle School Memories: ABC Book 8th Grade Language Arts

Directions: You will create an ABC memory book, reflecting upon your middle school years, as well as some fond memories from your youth. You should have no more than 2 entries per page. Each entry should be at least 3-5 sentences long. At least 10 drawings must be included in the book. Mechanics, neatness, color usage, and creativity will count!

A = Advice What are three pieces of advice you would give younger students before you graduate? What is one piece of good advice you wish previous students had given you?

B = Bad Why do bad things happen to good people? Did anything bad happen to you this year? If not, then count your blessings. In this section of your book, write about a bad thing that happened to you and what you gained from it or write about a blessing – something good that happened.

C = Changes What major changes have taken place in the world about you this year? What changes have occurred in your school? Your community? Your life? What has changed the most about you?

D = Difficult Decisions Discuss at least two difficult decisions you had to make this year. Explain how you made them and why each was difficult.

E = Exciting or Embarrassing Moment Describe either an exciting or embarrassing moment you had this year. (If it’s really embarrassing, spare the details!)

F = Friendship Saying goodbye to an old friend and moving on to meet new ones…this time of year can be hard when you begin to realize that. Write a poem or journal entry with your thoughts on this.

G = Growth What goals have you accomplished this year? How are you different now than you were a year ago? Discuss three things you have learned about yourself this year.

H = Hardest Explain which of the subjects you have studied this year that has been the hardest for you and explain why.

I = Identify Identify the person who has the greatest influence on you. Explain how they have influenced you.

J = Junk Describe the junk that you have had in your locker at one time or another this year.

K = Key Discuss what you think has been the key to your success this year, whether academically or in sports or other activities. Or discuss what has kept you from being successful.

L = Lasting Memory Years from now when you look back on this year, what is one memory that will come to mind? Why

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M = Music What do you listen to? Why? Has your musical choice changed over the course of the year? How and why?

N = Nervous Moment Describe a moment this year that was nerve-wrecking for you and explain how you handled or did not handle your nerves.

O = Opinion Discuss two problems you see facing teens your age today and give your opinion on how teens should handle them.

P = Pet Peeves Name three pet peeves you’ve had this year. Explain why they’ve bothered you.

Q = Quote Write a quote that in some way relates to you. Explain how it relates to you.

R = Regrets What are some regrets you have had this year –things you wish you had done or said, or not done or said?

S = Satisfaction What was the most satisfying moment of Eighth Grade? Was it a grade you received, athletic achievement, an award? Describe it.

T = Time Well Spent What are some examples of your time well spent? Times that you look back on and realize you did a good job, had a great time, or did something that someone will remember.

U = U-Turn When was a time in your life that wished you could have made a U-Turn and go back and relive it or do it over again in a different way?

V = Free space! You create the entry for this letter.

W = Watchful Eyes What are your favorite things to watch and to think about? Think about sitting on a park bench, what would you most like to observe and why?

X = X’ed Out What are some examples of things you have done that you wish could be X’ed out of your life? Like something dumb you did or something you said that you wish you had not said, etc.

Y = Youthful Memories Describe a favorite memory from your youth that you will always carry with you.

Z = Zoo Relations What is the animal that you can most relate to? Why?

Point values: Entries: 52 (2 points per entry-includes content and mechanics)Artwork: 10 (includes color, neatness—need at least 10)Cover: 3 (includes title, your name, decoration)
