Microsquirt Hardware 3.3

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  • 7/23/2019 Microsquirt Hardware 3.3


    Microsquirt Hardware Manual

    Megasquirt-2 Product RangeMS2/Extra 3.3.x

    Dated: 2014-11-27

    This version of the documentation applies to:

    MicroSquirt V3 as shown aove runnin! firmware MS2/Extra 3.3.x

    "oes not appl# to other Me!asquirt products or other firmware versions.

    $c% 2&'( )ames Murra#

  • 7/23/2019 Microsquirt Hardware 3.3


    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    Table of Chapters

    ' ,ntroduction..............................................................................................................................-2 Microsquirt S#stem *ardware.................................................................................................3 irin!.....................................................................................................................................''

    ( 0uel S#stem...........................................................................................................................311 ,!nition S#stem fundamentals.............................................................................................(( ,!nition s#stem specific operatin! modes...........................................................................-2- Throttles...............................................................................................................................'3(4 5ptional *ardware..............................................................................................................'31 Example wirin!....................................................................................................................'3-'& 0urther information............................................................................................................'34'' 6ppendix 6 Schematics.....................................................................................................'34'2 6ppendix 7: )un8#ard !uide to findin! E",S....................................................................'(-'3 9evision histor#.................................................................................................................'12

    $c% 2&'( )ames Murra# 2&'(''2- a!e 2/'12

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide


    ' ,ntroduction..............................................................................................................................-'.' Emissions and disclaimer................................................................................................-'.2 9equired tools..................................................................................................................-

    '.3 *ow to use this manual....................................................................................................-2 Microsquirt S#stem *ardware.................................................................................................

    2.' 5verview..........................................................................................................................2.2 Microsquirt ,nstallation.....................................................................................................2.3 irin! *arness and fuses..............................................................................................'&2.( ;ran8 / ;am ,nputs........................................................................................................'&2.1 Sensor ,nputs.................................................................................................................'&2. 5utputs...........................................................................................................................'&2.- Tunin! interface..............................................................................................................'&

    3 irin!.....................................................................................................................................''3.' 7est ractices.................................................................................................................''

    3.'.' ire and connector choice.....................................................................................''3.'.2 Solderin! or crimpin!..............................................................................................''3.'.3 9epinnin! 6MSE6noc8 sensor........................................................................................................23.1 5utputs...........................................................................................................................3&

    3.1.' 0uel ,n?ector outputs...............................................................................................3&3.1.2 ,!nition outputs.......................................................................................................3'3.1.3 0uel pump output....................................................................................................3'3.1.( ,dle valve.................................................................................................................3'3.1.1 Tacho output...........................................................................................................323.1.

  • 7/23/2019 Microsquirt Hardware 3.3


    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    3..' Minimal connection.................................................................................................3(3..2 )imStim connection.................................................................................................3(

    ( 0uel S#stem...........................................................................................................................31(.' ,ntroduction....................................................................................................................31

    (.'.' Existin! E0, Vehicle................................................................................................3

    (.'.2 9etrofit E0, Vehicle................................................................................................3(.2 Sin!le 0uel pump...........................................................................................................3(.3

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    .2.3 "istriutor with hall/optical Atri!!er returnA...............................................................-.2.( "istriutor with asic cran8 tri!!er.........................................................................4&.2.1 "istriutor with cran8 tri!!er wheel........................................................................4'

    .3 0ord T0,..........................................................................................................................4'.( +M *E,-.........................................................................................................................42

    .1 +M *E,4.........................................................................................................................43. "ual S#nc "istriutor.....................................................................................................4(.- 0ord E",S.......................................................................................................................4(

    .-.' S#stem components...............................................................................................41.-.2 E;D wirin!..............................................................................................................4.-.3 Module wirin!..........................................................................................................4.-.( 3' tri!!er wheel and V9 sensor..........................................................................4-.-.1 ;hec8in! the timin!................................................................................................2

    .4 +M ",S $for reference onl#%...........................................................................................2. Toothed heel...............................................................................................................3

    ..' heel cominations...............................................................................................3

    ..2 Terminolo!# notes...................................................................................................(..3 heel namin!.........................................................................................................(..( 9etrofit install..........................................................................................................1..1 Existin! install........................................................................................................... Missin! tooth cran8 wheel........................................................................................- Missin! tooth cam wheel........................................................................................4..4 Missin! tooth cran8 wheel and sin!le tooth cam wheel.........................................4.. Missin! tooth cran8 wheel and polled cam wheel................................................'&'..'& =ippondenso ;6S..............................................................................................'&1..'' =ippon"enso ;6S with sin!le + tooth...............................................................'&-..'2 =ippon"enso ;6S with two + teeth...................................................................'&

    ..'3 =ippon"enso ;6S with three or four + teeth.....................................................''&..'( =onmissin! tooth cran8 wheel with one cam tooth...........................................''&..'1 Mitsuishi ;6S with aftermar8et disc sin!le coil / wasted spar8......................''3..' Mitsuishi ;6S with aftermar8et disc coilonplu!...........................................''(..'- 5ther wheel arran!ements.................................................................................''1..'4 Example: 0ord etec...........................................................................................''1

    .'& =eon/(2&6..................................................................................................................''.'' 32F2 $=+;%.............................................................................................................''4.'2 3222......................................................................................................................'2&.'3 Miata &1................................................................................................................'2&.'( Suaru /-..................................................................................................................'2'.'1 +-2...........................................................................................................................'2'.' ,6 eer.................................................................................................................'22.'- Mitsuishi ;6S (/'.....................................................................................................'23.'4 Mitsuishi (+3 $and Miata%......................................................................................'23.' Twin tri!!er.................................................................................................................'21.2& ;hr#sler 2.2/2.1..........................................................................................................'2.2' 9enix ((22 $222%.............................................................................................'2.22 Su@u8i Swift................................................................................................................'2.23 Su@u8i Vitara 2.&........................................................................................................'2-

    $c% 2&'( )ames Murra# 2&'(''2- a!e 1/'12

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    .2( "aihatsu 3c#l..............................................................................................................'2-.21 "aihatsu (c#l..............................................................................................................'2-.2 VT9'&&&....................................................................................................................'2-.2- 9overG'......................................................................................................................'24.24 9overG2......................................................................................................................'24

    .2 9overG3......................................................................................................................'24.3& +M-B.........................................................................................................................'2.3' H921"E.....................................................................................................................'2.32 *onda 9;1'..............................................................................................................'2.33 +M

  • 7/23/2019 Microsquirt Hardware 3.3


    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    1 IntroductionThe Microsquirt is a compact E;D ased on Me!asquirt2 technolo!#. This manual covers Microsquirt specificinstallation details and should e used in con?unction with the !eneral Settin! up and TunerStudio referencemanuals.

    1.1 Emissions and disclaimer

    6ll parts are sold for 500 956" 96;E5=

  • 7/23/2019 Microsquirt Hardware 3.3


    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    This !uide includes a numer of notes which are indicated as follows:

    This s#mol indicates an K,nformationL note.

    This s#mol indicates a K;autionL note.

    This s#mol indicates a Karnin!L note.

    ,nstallin! or tunin! #our Microsquirt incorrectl# can potentiall# cause dama!e to #our en!ineC the Microsquirt orexternal hardware. arnin! notes indicate specific areas where #ou need to exercise extreme care.

    "o not rel# on these warnin!s as #our onl# criteria for ta8in! care

    0or additional help and supportC visit the wesite www.se!tra.co

    $c% 2&'( )ames Murra# 2&'(''2- a!e 4/'12

  • 7/23/2019 Microsquirt Hardware 3.3


    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    2 Microsquirt "#ste Hardware

    2.1 Overview

    The Microsquirt en!ine control unit $E;D% receives si!nals from the various input sensors and then controls thefuel and spar8 outputs to run the en!ine.

    0or en!ines that alread# have fuel in?ection installedC #ou will li8el# e ale to reuse man# of the existin!sensors and output hardware.

    0or en!ines that do not have existin! fuel in?ectionC review the availale options in this manual and select themost suitale components to complete #our install.

    2.2 Microsquirt Installation

    The Microsquirt is desi!ned to e splash resistant and uses automotive !rade electronic components internall#.*oweverC it is not desi!ned to e installed in the en!ine compartment. T#picall# it will e installed under the dashin a car or under the seat on a i8e ut awa# from direct en!ine temperatures. The temperature must notexceed '41N0 $41N;.%

    The dimensions of the mountin! hole pattern are (.2&O # 2.'(O $'&- x 1(mm%. The hole diameters are &.2&O$1mm.%

    $c% 2&'( )ames Murra# 2&'(''2- a!e /'12

  • 7/23/2019 Microsquirt Hardware 3.3


    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    ,f full water resistance is desiredC the case can e dismantled and sealed with a silicone sealant. The wirin! plu!$6MSE6

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    $ %iring6 main step in #our Microsquirt installation is connectin! up the wirin!. 7e sure to follow the !uidance here toavoid common mista8es that will often lead to prolems.

    3.1 *est +ractices

    3.1.1 Wire and connector choice

    0or man# firsttime usersC it ma# e temptin! to reuse old connectors and wirin!. hile this ma# sometimes ecosteffectiveC eware of false econom#. Dsin! fresh connectors and suitale automotive !rade wirin! can saveman# a headache. 7e particularl# aware of usin! wire or components that are not temperature rated hi!henou!hC en!ines !et *5T and the insulation on sustandard wires can melt or de!rade leadin! to erraticconnections or short circuits. 6ll components must e rated for '&1N; / 22&N0 as a minimum.

    There are man# suppliers dedicated to suppl#in! the required items to construct wirin! harnesses.

    3.1.2 &oldering or crim$ing

    This is mainl# down to personal choiceC some installers prefer a soldered ?ointC others swear that crimpedconnections are superior. The 8e# tas8 is to ma8e a reliale connection.

    ,n #our wirin! harness #ou will need to ensure that all ?oints are effective oth electricall# and mechanicall#.6lwa#s test # tu!!in! on the wires to ensure that the# are not loose. Dse heatshrin8 tuin! over connectionsto insulate them and prevent shorts.

    ith the correct crimpersC uninsulated crimp terminals with a slide on cover will usuall# !ive a more professionaland reliale connection than preinsulated t#pe crimp connectors.

    "onAt even thin8 aout usin! scotch loc8s the# are ad enou!h for installin! a radio or trailer plu!

    3.1.3 Re,$inning -M+&E-

    5ptionall#C to create the smallest wirin! harness possileC the 6MSE6< connector ma# e carefull# dismantledand unused spare wires removed. +enerall# it is advised to leave spare wires in place with the ends taped up.

    9emovin! wires from the 6MSE6< connector will ma8e it nonsealedC so this should not e donewhen the sealin! is required.

    3.1. /using

    ,t is required that the s#stem e fused as shown in the !eneral wirin! dia!ram. 9ememer that an automotiveatter# is capale of suppl#in! hundreds of amps into a short circuit which can easil# melt wires or start a fire.6ppropriate fuses can help reduce this ris8 and save component dama!e.

    ,f there is a ris8 of the connections ecomin! damp then it can e worth appl#in! petroleum ?ell# $e.!. Vaseline%to the connections to slow the corrosion.

    3.1.% Ma"ing the harness

    hen uildin! the wirin! harnessC it is stron!l# advised to run all cales first efore attachin! ends. =eaten upthe cale runs and wrap or otherwise attach in place. 5nl# once all the len!ths are 8nown and ever#thin! is inplace should ends e crimped. ,t also helps to ma8e the wirin! in one direction. i.e. wor8 inwards towards theE;D or outwards towards the accessories not oth.

    3.1.' /our,$in rela0 $in,out note

    7e aware that there are two incompatile OstandardsO for fourpin automotive rela#s. Mixin! them up will usuall#cause a shortcircuit in #our wirin! harness. The t#pe where pin 41 is opposite 4 is preferred as this is the

    $c% 2&'( )ames Murra# 2&'(''2- a!e ''/'12

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    same as 1pin rela#s.

    ,t is hi!hl# recommended to use rela#asesC these are easier to mountC loo8 tidier and there is no prolem ofmixin! up the wires if a rela# is unplu!!ed.

    3.1.( Rela0 and accessor0 $ower routing

    6n# rela#sC solenoids or lamps operated # the Microsquirt must onl# e powered when the Microsquirt is on.T#picall# it is easiest to ta8e their power from the Ofuel pump rela#O so the# are onl# powered when the en!ine isrunnin!. Miswirin! accessories can cause power to ac8feed into the Microsquirt causin! unexpected ehavioursuch as runnin!on.

    3.2 rounding Earthing &chemes

    ,mplementin! a correct !roundin! scheme is critical to a successful Microsquirt install.

    ;onnectin! sensors to the wron! !roundC usin! corroded !round points or duious ori!inal wirin! are surefirewa#s to !ive #ou a headache.

    There are two 8e# rules:

    '. 6ll sensors must !round at the Microsquirt

    2. +round the Microsquirt at the en!ine loc8/head usin! oth availale !round wires.


    hen a current flows throu!h a wire there is alwa#s a volta!e dropC the i!!er the currentC the i!!er the drop$this is ohmAs law.% "urin! cran8in! there is a ver# lar!e current flowin! throu!h the !round strap from atter# toen!ine and perhaps a few volts ma# e dropped across it. Even durin! runnin!C a numer of amps will flowthrou!h the Microsquirt !rounds to the en!ine.

    The sensors $coolantC air tempC throttle positionC wideandC tach input% all use low currentC low volta!e si!nals.The Microsquirt measures the volta!e from the sensor and converts it into a temperatureC position etc. readin!.,f that sensor is !rounded to an#thin! other than the Microsquirt itselfC then that input volta!e will e altered #

    an# external volta!e drops. 0or a sensitive measurement such as 609 $lamda% this can e a real prolem. 6ll!ood wideand controllers offer a hi!hcurrent !round $connects to en!ine% and a sensor/si!nal !round$connects to Microsquirt.%

    Tach input $e.!. cran8C cam sensors% will e even worse the# can show false or missed teeth and cause s#ncloss due to the !round volta!e difference.

    The followin! two dia!rams illustrate !ood and ad wirin! schemes showin! where the troulesome volta!edrops are created and how that would cause sensor readin!s to e !ara!e.

    $c% 2&'( )ames Murra# 2&'(''2- a!e '2/'12

  • 7/23/2019 Microsquirt Hardware 3.3


    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    ,f reusin! or splicin! into 5EM wirin!C do not assume that their wirin! is 5>. 6lwa#s follow the aove principles.

    6s a chec8C with the Microsquirt connector unplu!!edC ensure that the sensor !rounds have no continuit# to

    $c% 2&'( )ames Murra# 2&'(''2- a!e '3/'12

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    en!ine/od# !round. Iour sensor readin!s will e ?un8 if the# do have continuit# the sensors must !round atthe Microsquirt onl#.

    3.3 !ore Wiring 4iagram

    9efer to dia!ram on next pa!e.

    $c% 2&'( )ames Murra# 2&'(''2- a!e '(/'12

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    $c% 2&'( )ames Murra# 2&'(''2- a!e '1/'12

  • 7/23/2019 Microsquirt Hardware 3.3


    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    Pin& 'ae Color In()ut *unction Ma!current

    ' F'2V ,n 9ed ,n Main power feed P '6

    2 ;6=* 7lue/Iellow ;omms ;6= communications

    3 ;6=< 7lue/9ed ;omms ;6= communications

    ( V92F V92 ,n A;amA tach in

    1 S69E6";2 $M60% in8/7lac8 ,n Spare analo!ue input


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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    3. In$uts

    3..1 !ran" and !am )ach in$uts

    These sensors provide the Microsquirt with en!ine position information and are used to schedule fuel and spar8.See chapter 1 for more information.

    3..2 M-+ Manifold -5solute +ressure sensor

    This sensor measures air pressure on asolute scale where @ero is a complete vacuum and sealevel amientpressure is around '&'8a. This sensor is the primar# input for the OSpeed"ensit#O fuel al!orithm. 6lpha=

    users do not require a M6 sensor.

    The sensor has three wiresC 1V suppl# $TSV9E0%C +round $sensor !round return% and si!nal. ,t sends a &1Vsi!nal ac8 to the Microsquirt.

    The pressure ar is connected to a fullvacuum source at the inta8e manifold. hen tappin! into an# existin!vacuum ports on a throttle od# e sure to select one that !ives full vacuum when the throttle is closed. $i.e. nota Oported vacuumO source that would connect to a distriutor.%

    The +M sensors are desi!ned to e installed on the en!ineC =orthstar and

  • 7/23/2019 Microsquirt Hardware 3.3


    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    & 1& '&& '1& 2&& 21& 3&&






    M6 sensor response

    6solute pressure 8a


    5ptionall# a second sensor ma# e installed to measure arometric pressure. This wor8s in the same wa# utt#picall# a 'ar sensor is used. The pressure feed port is left open to the atmosphere and will help the en!ine

    respond to chan!es in amient pressure or elevation.

    3..3 I-)#M-) Inta"e#Manifold -ir )em$erature sensor

    This external sensor measures the temperature of the air enterin! the en!ine. This is used to calculate airdensit# and is a 8e# factor in the Speed"ensit# fuel calculation.

    The temperature sensor is a variale resistor $a thermistor%. *i!her temperatures !ive a lower resistanceC theresponse is nonlinear.

    6n# install not usin! a M6T should connect the M6T input to sensor !round to prevent the readin! Ofloatin!O.

    6 !ood sensor will have two wiresC one wire connects to sensor !roundC the other to the M6T input on the E;D.

    5newire sensors are not recommended.

    The sensor ma# either e an OopenelementO or OclosedelementO t#pe sensor. O5penelementO sensor have athermistor directl# exposed to the airstream this t#pe of sensor is required for turochar!ed application wherethe air temperature can chan!e quic8l#. The OclosedelementO t#pe sensor is identical to a coolant temperaturesensor and has an encapsulated thermistor these respond too slowl# for turochar!ed application.

    $c% 2&'( )ames Murra# 2&'(''2- a!e '4/'12

  • 7/23/2019 Microsquirt Hardware 3.3


    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    (& '& & ''& '& 2'& 2& 3'&








    Temperature sensor resistance

    Temperature $de!0%


    The red dots are the three standard caliration points for +M sensors.

    The E;D uses a circuit to convert the resistance into a volta!e that it measures.

    (& '& & ''& '& 2'& 2& 3'&











    Temperature sensor si!nal at E;D

    Temperature $de!0%


    $.+.$.1 "ensor calibration

    TunerStudio includes man# predefined caliration curves to select fromC ut for other Oun8nownO sensors thethree caliration points can e determined.

    $c% 2&'( )ames Murra# 2&'(''2- a!e '/'12

  • 7/23/2019 Microsquirt Hardware 3.3


    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    The manual caliration process requires the use of a multimeter set to measure resistance and ideall# athermometer. ithout a thermometer #our caliration will e fairl# close ut not perfect.

    '. Set the meter to ohms and connect the meter to the two terminals on the M6T or ;

  • 7/23/2019 Microsquirt Hardware 3.3


    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    3.. !) !oolant )em$erature sensor

    This external sensor measures the temperature of the en!ine coolant $or c#linder head for aircooled en!ines.% ,tis primaril# used to provide additional fuel durin! en!ine warmup.

    The coolant temperature is a thermistor and wor8s in the same wa# as the air temperature sensor.

    6n# install not usin! a ;

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    6n# install not usin! a TS should connect the TS input to sensor !round to prevent the readin! Ofloatin!O.

    3..' O2 O60gen &ensor # am5da &ensor

    'wire =arrowand (wire =arrowand ideand

    The 52 / ox#!en sensor / lamda sensor input !ives feedac8 on the air:fuel ratio $mixture% of the en!ine and isscrewed into a threaded un! which is welded into the exhaust s#stem. Ensure that there are no air lea8s or thereadin!s will e inaccurate.

    =arrowand sensors are cheap and ver# accurate for readin! OstoichiometricO mixtures $e.!. '(.- 609 or '.&&&lamda.% The# are widel# used # 5EMs where the 3wa# catal#sts require these mixtures for correct operation.The# do not !ive accurate readin!s under rich or lean conditions.

    1-wire narrowbandsensors rel# on exhaust heat to rin! them up to operatin! temperature and are t#picall#mounted close to the exhaust ports or the OcollectorO of a cast exhaust manifold.

    $c% 2&'( )ames Murra# 2&'(''2- a!e 22/'12

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    +-wire narrowbandsensors include a heater and a si!nal !round. These can e mounted further awa# from theexhaust port as the# are self heatin!. referale to a 'wire.

    T#pical wirin!

    7lac8s R heater power and !round

    7lue R si!nal !round

    hite R 52 si!nal

    %ideband sensorsrequire an external controller for use with the Microsquirt. ideands are more expensivethan narrowand sensors ut !ive readin!s over a far wider ran!e of exhaust mixtures. hen used with aMicrosquirt the# !ive #ou the ailit# to tune #our en!ine in the rich $power% and lean $cruise% re!ions. Stron!l#recommended.

    The etter controllers offer a si!nal !round which should e connected to the Microsquirt sensor !round. 5thermodels require !roundin! to the en!ine loc8 onl#. ;onsult the directions that came with #our wideandcontroller.

    $c% 2&'( )ames Murra# 2&'(''2- a!e 23/'12

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    3..( M-/ Mass -ir /low &ensor


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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    0ord pin M60

    This M60 also includes an inta8e air temperature sensorC so an additional M6T is not required.

    E R ,6T sensor si!nal !round

    6 R Switched '2 volts suppl#

    7 R ower +round

    ; R M60 si!nal !round

    " R M60 output si!nal

    0 R ,6T sensor si!nal

    $c% 2&'( )ames Murra# 2&'(''2- a!e 21/'12

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    =issan ,nfiniti H(1 &mm M60

    7 R M60 output si!nal $hite%

    " R +round $7lac8%

    E R Switched '2 volts $7lac8/white%

    The flow response of M60 sensors is nonlinear and uses a caliration tunin! curve in the Microsquirt to convertthe input si!nal into a !rammes/second flow rate numer.

    & &.1 ' '.1 2 2.1 3 3.1 ( (.1 1








    M60 sensor response $0ord V4%

    Volta!e $V%



    $c% 2&'( )ames Murra# 2&'(''2- a!e 2/'12

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    3..7 /le6 # &witch in$ut

    The 0lex fuel $or fuel composition% sensor detects the percenta!e of ethanol within the fuel passin! throu!h it.This can e used # the Microsquirt to automaticall# ad?ust fuel and spar8 to allow for the chan!e in fuel. *i!herethanol lends require more pulsewidth and additional spar8 advance.

    The +M sensor $shown% uses ared pipesC the 0ord sensor uses screw in fittin!s.

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    3..8 &$are -4! # &witch in$ut

    The S69E6"; and S69E6";2 inputs can e used as &1V analo!ueC switch inputs or as outputs to thestepperidle addon.

    6nalo!ue options: M60C 2nd 52 sensorC 7aro sensorC misc sensor.

    hen used for a misc &1V analo!ue sensor inputC S69E6"; is datalo!!ed as 6"; on a scale of &'&23points and S69E6";2 is datalo!!ed as 6";-. See the TunerStudio manual for more detail.

    Switch input options:

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    volta!e noise sources. "o not ever appl# a volta!e to this wire.

    3..11 !-: comms

    The ;6=*/< wires are used to connect to addon units such as transmission controlC ;6=E+T interfacesC datacapture or compatile dashoards.

    ,n !eneralC ;6= forms a us networ8 with a '2&9 terminator at each end and devices wired as short AdropsA offthe networ8.

    The Microsquirt includes a terminatin! resistor internall#C so no additional resistor is required at that end.

    3..12 ;noc" sensor

    Microsquirt supports 8noc8 sensin! with an external interface to the 8noc8 sensor. "o not connect a sensordirectl# to the Microsquirt it will not wor8.

    Two confi!urations are availale on/off or analo!ue.

    The on(off odecan e used with a +M ES; module $'&222'C '&12(&'%

    $c% 2&'( )ames Murra# 2&'(''2- a!e 2/'12

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    The connection to the Microsquirt is on S69E6"; or S69E6";2.

    ,n the analogue odeC &1V si!nal is fed into S69E6"; or S69E6";2.

    3.% Out$uts

    3.%.1 /uel In

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    3.%.2 Ignition out$uts

    The Microsquirt as standard provides two lo!ic i!nition channels ,+=5DT' $S>6% and ,+=5DT2 $S>7%.5ptionall# the

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    2-wire P%M idle ,al,e

    The '2V suppl# for the idle valve must e a fused switched suppl# ideall# from the fuel pump rela#. ,t mustnever e supplied power when the Microsquirt is off.

    Man# M idle valves will enefit from the addition of a '=(&&' diode in the wirin! harness across the idlevalve connections. ;onnect the anded end to the '2V side. $The diode chan!es the wa# the valve responds tothe M si!nal and ma8es it more controllale.%

    3.%.% )acho out$ut

    The Tacho output t#picall# provides a &'2V pulsed si!nal that is suitale for drivin! an aftermar8et tachometer$rev counter.% This must e enaled in the software.

    3.%.' WE4#-E4 out$uts


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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    3.' *ench test wiring

    7efore installin! on #our en!ineC it can e useful to install the Microsquirt on the ench to ecome familiar withthe tunin! software.

    $c% 2&'( )ames Murra# 2&'(''2- a!e 33/'12

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    3..1 !inimal connection

    The are minimum for testin! is a fused '2V suppl#C !round and the serial connection to #our tunin! computer.

    3..2 "im#tim connection

    0or more extensive testin!C the )imStim can e used. This has screw terminals to connect #our Microsquirtwirin! pi!tail and can simulate man# of the en!ine sensors.

    $c% 2&'( )ames Murra# 2&'(''2- a!e 3(/'12

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    + *uel "#ste0uel is extremel# flammale and fuel s#stems run at hi!h pressures. 7e sure to have a fire extin!uisherto hand in case of mishap and ta8e appropriate caution when wor8in! on fuel s#stems.

    .1 IntroductionThe fuel s#stem install comprises electrical and plumin! wor8.

    The Microsquirt has two in?ector outputs. These can suppl# up to 16 maximum each. Dp to four hi!h@ $'( ohm%in?ectors are allowed per channel. e# elements

    0uel pump

    0uel hose/pipe and fittin!s


    $c% 2&'( )ames Murra# 2&'(''2- a!e 31/'12

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    ,n?ector mountin!

    0uel rails

    ressure re!ulator

    .1.1 E6isting E/I =ehicle

    Most vehicles with E0, alread# fitted are readil# adaptale to use Me!asquirt for control. T#picall# all of the fuels#stem components will e readil# suitale.

    *oweverC if li8e man# users #ou are increasin! the power of #our en!ineC #ou will need to consider whether #ourin?ectors are lar!e enou!h and whether #our fuel pump has adequate flow. ,n particular note that all fuel pumpsflow less fuel as the pressure increases so if #ou are oostin! #our en!ine #ou will e needin! more fuel underthe conditions when #our pump can suppl# less

    Some recent en!ines use E;D controlled fuel pumps or deadhead s#stems with no re!ulator. 6t this timeCthese are not easil# controlled and #ou are advised to convert to a conventional s#stem with a vacuumreferenced #pass re!ulator and return line.

    .1.2 Retro,fit E/I =ehicle

    hen installin! E0, on a previousl# caruretted vehicle or a new uild #ou have to source all the required fuels#stem components. There are man# choices open to the retrofit mar8et. 7e aware that a hi!h horsepowerinstall will often spend more on the fuel s#stem than the E;D.

    .2 &ingle /uel $um$

    Iou will need a hi!h pressure pump with enou!h volume at #our operatin! pressure to feed #ou en!ine undermaximum load. T#pical pressures needed in the nei!horhood of (1 psi for port fuel in?ectionC '&2& psi forT7, in?ection. 6 port in?ection pump will wor8 with T7,C ut not viceversa.

    6 standard E0, install uses a sin!le hi!h pressure pump connected as per the dia!ram in (.' aove. "ependin!on #our tar!et power outputC man# 5EM st#le pumps ma# e suitale. Surprisin!l#C some of the 7osch inlineE0, pumps installed on '&&hp cars are actuall# rated to (1&hp fuel capacit#. 5EM st#le pumps are a usuall# a

    !ood choice as the# are desi!ned for troule free operation for tens of thousands of miles.

    5EMs sometimes place the pump inside the fuel tan8. ,n an E0, retrofit it is !enerall# easier to use an externalfuel pump.

    ,f an 5EM st#le pump does not offer sufficient outputC there are plent# of aftermar8et hi!h volume E0, pumps onthe mar8et.

    .3 ow $ressure # high $ressure , twin $um$

    0or a asic retrofitC #ou ma# find that a low pressure/hi!h pressure s#stem is a simpler wa# to avoid tan8modifications for the fuel pic8upC althou!h a fuel return to the tan8 is still required.

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    The low pressure side can e #our existin! electric fuel pump. Iou need to add the sur!e/swirl tan8 and hi!hpressure side. 0or the tan8 return #ou ma# alread# have an return or evap canister connection or could connect

    into the filler nec8C ensurin! that fuel returns to the tan8 and cannot lea8 out of the vehicle.Sur!e/swirl tan8 can e purchased or #ou can ma8e #our own. Dse thic8 wall T,+ed aluminium or ra@ed steel.Ensure it is totall# lea8 free.

    . Wiring the /uel +um$

    To activate the fuel pumpC the Microsquirt provides a !round for the fuel pump rela# circuit see the main wirin!dia!ram.5rdinaril#C at power onC the Microsquirt will run the fuel pump for 2 secondsC then when #ou start cran8in! thefuel pump is enaled a!ain. ,f #ou stop cran8in! efore the en!ine starts or #ou stallC the pump is turned off.

    6n inertial safet# shut off switch is a !ood safet# feature it is used to 8ill power to the pump if there issi!nificant impact to vehicle.

    .% /uel ine

    Steel tuin! or ;unifer $7und# tuin!% is recommendedC ut #ou MDST have short sections of flexile line in thefeed and return lines etween the en!ine and frame to allow for en!ine movement. The return line should haveminimal restriction. 0or referenceC +M s#stems t#picall# have 3/4O feed lines and 1/'O return lines.

    Iou ma# e ale to use #our ori!inal fuel line as a return lineC plumin! a new 3/4O $'&mm% line for fuel suppl#.Iou can run the return line into the tan8C or reroute it to a fittin! or nipple #ou install in the fuel tan8 fillernec8/tue asseml# $in which case #ou ma# e ale to use the ori!inal pic8up for #our suppl# line%. ,f #ou run anew pic8up into the tan8C it will need a filter.

    Iou ma# have to faricate fuel lines for #our s#stem. Tuin! is availale in steelC cunifer $und#%C stainless steelC

    $c% 2&'( )ames Murra# 2&'(''2- a!e 3-/'12

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    and aluminum for this purpose. "o not use plain copper as it can fati!ue fail with dan!erous lea8s resultin!. Thesi@e is !enerall# !iven as the outside diameter of the tuin!. Dnless #ou have a ver# unusual comination $orver# hi!h horsepowerC well over 1&&F%C #ou should e ale to use 3/4O tuin! for oth the suppl# and returnlines.

    7u# a !ood tuin! ender $there are numerous st#les in various price ran!es% so that #ou donAt 8in8 or collapsethe tuin! while endin! it.

    Most fittin!s and adapters in the DS6 automotive aftermar8et are ased on a 3-N sealin! an!le $S6E )1'( 3-Nformerl# 8nown as ),;%. These are also often referred to simpl# as 6= fittin!s. Male and female 3-N fittin!s willmate to!ether for a lea8proof connection. 7e aware that (1N fittin!s $commonl# availale in the DS6% are notinterchan!eale with 3-N fittin!s.

    6rasion $the ruin! of the hose a!ainst some other component% is the numer one cause of hose failure. 6lea8in! fuel hose can start a ver# dan!erous fire in #our carC so ma8e sure hose assemlies are routed properl#to reduce the chance of an# arasion dama!e. Dse a support ever# '2 to '4 inches $3& to (1 cm% to secure thehose. 0or chafe protectionC e sure to install a !rommet at an# point a hose passes throu!h a panel orul8head.

    7esides steel or aluminum tuin! fuel lineC #ou can also use one of the steel or n#lon raided hoses fromvarious suppliers. +enerall# these use the same 6= AdashA si@in! s#stemC and can use appropriate fittin!s to

    connect to 3-N flareC =T threadC or other s#stems.=ote that if #ou are usin! a factor# fuel railC #ou ma# e ale to find an aftermar8et adapter to mate #our 5EMfuel fittin! to an 6= hose.

    ,M59T6=T: >eep the fuel lines out of passen!er compartment and routed safel# awa# from movin! or hotparts to avoid dama!e/excessive heat. 0or flexile ruer hose use the S6E 3&9 E0, hose which is rated at21& psi. E0, hose clamps are also recommended rather than !ear clamps. ;hec8 with someone who 8nows if#ou are not sure aout #our installation. =ood# needs a 1& psi !asoline fed fire to ruin their da#

    .' /uel filter

    Dse a fuel in?ection fuel filter rated for the pressure at which #our s#stem operates. "5 =5T use a universalcarurettor filter the hi!her pressure of fuel in?ection s#stems ma# cause it to urst osition the filter

    downstream of the pump so that a clo!!ed fuel filter will not over heat the fuelcooled pump.*oweverC if #ou fuel pic8up does not include a strainerC it is wise to install a coarser filter ahead of the pump.hen usin! ori!inal old steel fuel tan8sC pieces of rust can dislod!e and ?am the fuel pump.

    .( /uel +ressure Regulator

    The vacuum referenced fuel pressure re!ulator is essential. ,t provides constant pressure differential etweenfuel at in?ector no@@le and manifold air pressure Uport E0, or atmospheric pressure UT7,. This ma8es thein?ected fuel quantit# solel# a function of the in?ector open time. ithout the vacuum/oost reference connection#ou would need an excessivel# small pulsewidth under cruise/idle and an enlar!ed pulsewidth under wide openthrottle or oost. Ma8e sure the re!ulator is connected to a full vacuum sourceC not portedvacuum. ;hec8 it hasvacuum with the en!ine idlin! and the throttle shut.

    ,f #ou have an ad?ustale fuel pressure re!ulator $09%C set the pressure with the fuel pump runnin!C ut the

    en!ine not runnin! thatAs #our ase fuel pressure $it is referenced to atmospheric pressure%.

    The re!ulator is t#picall# at the far end of the fuel rail $after the in?ectors% which recirculates all of the fuelC8eepin! it cool and free from air poc8ets. *oweverC it can e installed an#where after the fuel pumpC ut #ouma# experience fuel heatin! and air poc8ets.

    ,f #ou are usin! an aftermar8et fuel pressure re!ulatorC it is a !ood idea to also install a pressure !au!eC sincemost of these are ad?ustale. 0or T7,C use a &3& psi !au!e. 0or port in?ection use a && psi or &'&& psi!au!e. Most of these !au!es will mount directl# on a fuel fittin! usin! a '/4O =T thread.

    $c% 2&'( )ames Murra# 2&'(''2- a!e 34/'12

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    .7 In

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    ,n?ectors 9atin! 9equired in cc/min $ls/hr%

    =umer of ,n?ectors

    *orsepower ' 2 ( 1 4

    '&& 2& $1% 3&1 $2% '14 $'1% '2 $'2% '&1 $'&%

    '1& 2( $44% (2 $((% 23' $22% '4 $'4% '14 $'1% '' $''%

    2&& 2& $1% 3&1 $2% 212 $2(% 2'& $2&% '14 $'1%

    21& --- $-(% 34 $3-% 3&1 $2% 23 $21% '4 $'4%

    3&& 2( $44% (2 $((% 34 $31% 3&1 $2% 23' $22%

    31& 12( $1'% (3' $('% 31- $3(% 2-3 $2%

    (&& 2& $1% (( $(-% ('& $3% 3&1 $2%

    1&& --- $-(% 2& $1% 1'1 $(% 34 $3-%

    && 2( $44% -( $-'% 2& $1% (2 $((%

    4&& '23 $''4% 4- $(% 4' $-4% 2& $1%

    '&&& '1(( $'(-% '2(& $''4% '&3& $4% --- $-(%

    '1&& '1-1 $'1&% ''4- $''3%

    2&&& '11( $'(4%

    7ased on &.1& 7S0; and 41Q dut# c#cleTuro/superchar!ed en!ines should add '&Q to listed minimum in?ector si@e

    ,n?ectors are usuall# rated in either ls/hour or cc/min. The accepted conversion factor etween these dependssomewhat on fuel densit#C which chan!es with formulation $i.e.C # season%C ut the !enerall# used conversionfor !asoline is:

    1 lb(hr 1./ cc(in

    6nother wa# to select in?ectors is to ta8e them from an en!ine that ma8es nearl# the same power as #ouren!ine will Uassumin! the same numer of in?ectors.

    ,f #our re!ulator is ad?ustale $man# aftermar8et ones are%C #ou can also ad?ust the fuel pressure to achievedifferent flow rates. ;han!in! the fuel pressure doesnAt affect the flow rate as much as #ou mi!ht assumeC sinceit is ased on the square root of the pressure ratio. The formula is:

    new flow rate R old flow rate W X$new pressure Y old pressure%

    So for exampleC if #ou had 3& l/hr in?ectors rated at (3.1 psiC and #ou went to 1& psiC #ou would !et:

    flow rate R 3& Z X$1&/(3.1% R 32 l/hr

    "o not run more than -& psi fuel pressureC or the in?ectors ma# not open/close properl#.

    *oweverC do not install in?ectors with a much lar!er flow capacit# than #ou need. Ver# lar!e in?ectors will createidle pulse width issues that will ma8e tunin! ver# difficult.

    $c% 2&'( )ames Murra# 2&'(''2- a!e (&/'12

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    .19.2 In

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    'uber of in0ectors per channel Resistor ,alue

    ' 3.3 ohm

    2 (.- ohm

    ( '& ohms

    The resistors should e mounted to a suitale heatsin8 $e.!. a thic8 piece of aluminium plate% as the# will !et hotin operation.

    "ia!ram showin! one in?ector per channel and 3.3 ohm series resistors.

    $c% 2&'( )ames Murra# 2&'(''2- a!e (2/'12

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    +.1.2./ 4ow ipedance in0ectors - Pea5 and hold

    6ftermar8et pea8 and hold controllers are availaleC these ta8e the lowside in?ector output from the Microsquirtand provide the required pea8 and hold drive for the in?ectors. T#picall# this is a pea8 to (6 and then a hold at'6.

    9efer to supplierAs documentation for exact wirin! the followin! dia!ram is representative onl#.

    .19.3 &taged in

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    / Ignition "#ste - fundaentalsThe i!nition s#stem comprises oth the cran8 and cam tach inputs and the i!nition outputs to drive coils. Thereare man# different cominations possileC this chapter will descrie some of the possiilities.

    =ote: 6 tach input is required on 6

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    There are man# different options for tach input and this is proal# one of the lar!est areas of difficult# with an#aftermar8et E0, install. The firmware contains software decoders to suit man# stoc8 installs usin! ori!inalsensors. ,f #our en!ine is supportedC then this is the recommended approach.

    Two 8e# pieces of information #ou need to 8now are:

    Sensor t#pe$s%

    Tri!!er wheel pattern

    The sensor t#pes fall into a few asic families of sensors and the ri!ht wa# to use the sensor depends more onthe t#pe rather than the particular vehicle or manufacturer. There are also a few OspecialO s#stems in use fromthe ei!hties that comine a sensor input with an i!nition driver output in one module. These will e discussedlater 0ord T0,C 0ord E",SC +M *E,C +M ",S.

    ,f #ou are considerin! an aftermar8etC non5EM sensor #ou must E=SD9E that it has a suitale temperatureratin!. T#picall# en!ines run at around '&&N;/2'2N0 so a minimum of '&1N; ratin! is requiredC '21N; desired."o not consider usin! 41N; rated parts around the en!ine as the# will de!rade and cause #ou troule. 7e awareof heat radiated from exhaust components these can overheat sensors and cause failure.

    %.2.1 !oil :egative In$ut

    0or fuelonl# installs it is possile to otain a tach in tri!!er from the ne!ative terminal of a sin!le coil. Seesection .'

    %.2.2 =R magnetic sensor in$ut

    The V9 sensor is a ver# commonl# used sensor. Dsuall# it is seen as a two wire sensor althou!h somemanufacturers install a screen on the caleC so #ours ma# have three wires. ,n ;6S $cran8 an!le sensor% units amultiplu! ma# e used to comine multiple sensors. The sensor itself !enerates an 6; volta!e when a piece ofsteel $the tri!!er% moves past it. =onferrous tri!!er wheels will not wor8. The volta!e varies from less than avolt durin! cran8in! to tens of volts at hi!her revs.

    T#picall# it is su!!ested that the ma!netic tip of the sensor is around the same si@e as the teeth on the wheel.

    $c% 2&'( )ames Murra# 2&'(''2- a!e (1/'12

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    ,n order to use a V9 sensor a OconditionerO circuit is required to convert the 6; volta!e into a "; square wavesi!nal while retainin! the timin! information. The Microsquirt has this conditioner uilt in. The two si!nal wiresfrom the V9 sensor are connected to the V9F/ inputs at the Microsquirt. ,deall# use a screened twisted paircale and connect the screen to sensor !round at the Microsquirt end onl#.

    Some installs ma# find it necessar# to install a OshuntO resistor etween V9F and V9 to reduce the si!nalvolta!e at hi!her 9Ms. 6 '/( resistor is sufficient and values in the ran!e of '8 to '&8.

    '&8 is recommended for &2 wheels.

    The V9 cam input is unli8el# to need a shunt as the camshaft rotates at half speed. *oweverC if it is foundnecessar#C appl# an additional shunt resistor in the wirin! harness erween V92F and V92.

    $c% 2&'( )ames Murra# 2&'(''2- a!e (/'12

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    6lternativel#C inside the case there are Osolderrid!eO pads.

    To appl# a shunt to the V9' inputC

    rid!e S72 with solder.

    To appl# a shunt to the V92 inputC

    rid!e S73 with solder.

    %.2.3 Hall sensor in$ut

    The *all sensor is another commonl# used cate!or# of sensor. These are almost exclusivel# a three wiresensor. ,n ;6S $cran8 an!le sensor% units a multiplu! ma# e used to comine multiple sensors. The sensoritself acts li8e a switch to !round in the presence of a ma!netic field. *all sensors are commonl# seen indistriutors where vanes or shutters mas8 off the ma!netic field causin! the sensor to rapidl# switch on or off atthe ed!e of the vane. 6nother wa# that a hall sensor can e used is with a Ofl#in! ma!netO installed on a rotatin!part of the en!ine $cran8C cam sproc8et etc.%. 6s the ma!net passes the hall sensorC the output switches to!round.

    The most common 5EM arran!ement for a hall sensor is within a distriutor. The vanes in the distriutor rotateand loc8 or unloc8 a ma!net.

    ith no vane etween the ma!net and sensor the output is !rounded.

    ith a vane etween the ma!net and sensor the output is inactive.

    6ove: dia!rammatic representation.

    7elow: 5EM di@@# modified to ma8e sin!letooth cam tri!!er.

    $c% 2&'( )ames Murra# 2&'(''2- a!e (-/'12

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    There are two main cate!ories of hall sensor

    opencollector $needs a pullup resistor%

    uiltin pullup resistor $covered in section 1.2.(%

    $c% 2&'( )ames Murra# 2&'(''2- a!e (4/'12

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    The hall sensor requires a suppl# volta!e which is usuall# '2V from a fused '2V suppl# or 1V from the TS9E0output of the Microsquirt. The sensor is then !rounded at the Microsquirt sensor !round and the si!nal wireconnects to the V9 tach input. 6 pullup resistor is required in the wirin! harness.

    %.2. Hall sensor in$ut 5uilt,in $ull,u$

    These sensors operate similarl# to the hall sensors in section 1.2.3 ut include the pullup resistor internall# sothe# !ive a &V or 1V si!nal.

    $c% 2&'( )ames Murra# 2&'(''2- a!e (/'12

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    The hall sensor requires a suppl# volta!e which is usuall# '2V from a fused '2V suppl# or 1V from the TS9E0output of the Microsquirt. The sensor is then !rounded at the Microsquirt sensor !round and the si!nal wireconnects to the V9 tach input.

    %.2.% ear,tooth sensor in$ut

    The !eartooth sensor is a variant of the hall sensor the 8e# difference is that it has a ma!net uilt into it andswitches when close to steelC no external ma!nets are required. This ma8es them ver# eas# to use. These arealmost exclusivel# a three wire sensor. ,n ;6S $cran8 an!le sensor% units a multiplu! ma# e used to cominemultiple sensors. The sensor itself acts li8e a switch to !round when close to steel.

    )ust li8e hall sensorsC the !eartooth sensor ma# e opencollector or have a uiltin pullup. 9efer to sections1.2.3 and 1.2.( for more detail.

    The ima!e aove shows the *one#well '+T'&'"; !eartooth sensorC this wor8s well for sin!le tooth or halfmoon cam wheelsC ut is not suitale for missin!tooth wheel installs.

    %.2.' M & 2B cran"#cam sensors

    The sensors used on the

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    %.2.( M & %7B cran"#cam sensors

    The sensors used on the

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    itself acts li8e a switch to !round when li!ht shines throu!h the tri!!er disc. 5ptical sensors are commonl# seenin distriutors where vanes or shutters loc8 the li!ht causin! the sensor to rapidl# switch off and ac8 on whenli!ht is present a!ain. 6 pullup resistor is almost certainl# required.

    See section 1.2.3 for wirin!.

    =ote: 5ne 5EM application for optical sensors is the Mitsuishi/=issan/5ptispar8 ;6S. Me!asquirt2 does notsupport the 3& slit OhiresO tach input from these ;6SesC see the specific manual section for confi!urationdetails.

    %.2.8 4istri5utor $oints in$ut

    =5TE: rephasin! a distriutor can e quite aw8ward installin! a tri!!erwheel for tach input is stron!l#recommended instead.

    ,t is possile to convert a points distriutor to !ive a tach input to Microsquirt and have control of #our timin!. ,nthis case the points now onl# provide a tach si!nal and the Microsquirt is used to control the coil. Mostconventional points distriutors have a mechanical advance $wei!hts% and a vacuum canister. ,n the ori!inals#stem these chan!e the timin! dependin! on en!ine 9M and load. =ow that Microsquirt will e controllin! thetimin! #ou will need to loc8 out these mechanisms in #our distriutor and li8el# chan!e the phasin!.

    Set the en!ine to approx '&7T";. 9otate the distriutor so that the point are ?ust openin! when the en!inerotates forwards.

    =ow set the en!ine to approx 217T"; the rotor arm needs to e pointin! directl# to a tower on the distriutorcap.

    Iou will li8el# need to ma8e mechanical chan!es $cuttin!C oltin!C weldin!% inside the distriutor to achieve this.

    ith incorrect rotor arm phasin! #ou will ver# li8el# end up with crossfirin! to the wron! c#linder.

    The lowtension side of the coil must e disconnected from the distriutor and is now controlled # theMicrosquirt $see i!nition outputs section.%

    The points are !rounded within the distriutor and the points terminal is connected to the Microsquirt tach input.

    %.2.19 !om5ined Ignition module )/IA E4I&A HEIA M4I&

    Some i!nition modulesC particularl# from the '4&s comine the tach input and coil drivin! i!nition output withinone module. 6ll of them suppl# a simple square wave di!ital si!nal to the Microsquirt and should e connectedto the V9' input.

    $c% 2&'( )ames Murra# 2&'(''2- a!e 12/'12

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    ,t is important to e aware that while 0ord E",S and +M ",S oth have special toothed wheelsC themodule handles all the decodin! and presents a si!nal to the Microsquirt that loo8s li8e a distriutorinput. ith these two modulesC the Microsquirt does not 8now or care how man# teeth are actuall# on the

    wheelC so do not use the Otoothed wheelO settin!. This also means that normall# #ou cannot usesequential fuel with these s#stems as no en!ine position information is availale to the Microsquirt.

    0ull confi!uration details for these specific installs are covered in the section .

    %.2.11 :issan !-&

    The Mitsuishi ;6Ses used on man# =issans and +M

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    ith the stoc8 tri!!er discC the hi!hresolution outer trac8 is not used. The lowresolution inner trac8 isconnected to the V9' input.

    T#pical settings6

    Spar8 mode R 7asic Tri!!er

    Tri!!er an!le/offset R Start at '& de! ad?ust while stroin! timin!.

    ,!nition input capture R [[[[

    =umer of coils R Sin!le coil

    %.2.12 '3 # '(2Some other hall or optical ;6Ses such as (+3 $Miata% and +-2 can e supported # special decoders for thetri!!er pattern.

    $c% 2&'( )ames Murra# 2&'(''2- a!e 1(/'12

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    See sections .'1 for +-2 and .'4 for (+3

    %.2.13 Mitsu5ishi !-& with aftermar"et disc

    6s an alternative to the 3& slot ;6S or low resolution (+3C +-2 patternsC man# companies offerreplacement tri!!er discs with standard patterns. hen this 8ind of replacement tri!!er disc is installed theOToothed heelO mode needs to e used see section .

    %.3 Ignition out$uts

    The Microsquirt as standard provides two lo!ic i!nition channels. 5ptionall# the

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    5n re!ular i!nition installsC the i!nition outputs must e connected in firin! order sequence.

    e.!. a (c#l en!ine with coilonplu! and a '3(2 firin! order would connect 6R'C 7R3C ;R(C "R2

    9otar# en!ines are wired differentl# refer to the specific section.

    %.3.1 ogic coils

    These coils can directl# accept the &1V lo!ic level si!nal from the Microsquirt. The contain an i!nition driverand a coil within the pac8a!e.

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    6 dwell fi!ure of 3.1ms is advised for

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    9eneral la#out for +-c#l coil-on-plug using 4" coils

    I9'1: logic coil

    6 ,!nition si!nal from Me!asquirt


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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    +- +2 1 - single logic coil


    ' R ower +round $7rown%

    2 R Spar8 input si!nal ' $7lac8/9ed%

    3 R '2V suppl# $7lac8%

    Set the Spar8 5utput to +oin! *i!h.

    0itted to man# V6+ vehicles includin! 2.& litre m83 +olfs '3'. "esi!ned to e used as a sin!le coil with adistriutor.

    ,ntermotor '2'

    $2 ;/ 1< - + tower wasted spar5 logic coil


    ' R Spar8 input si!nal '

    2 R '2V suppl#

    3 R Spar8 input si!nal 2

    ( R ower +roundSet the Spar8 5utput to +oin! *i!h

    The connector is ')& -3 -2(

    roal# the simplest wa# to !et i!nition on a ( c#linder en!ine with the Microsquirt. This cost effective 5EMlo!ic wasted coil is a direct connection to the Microsquirt as it has a uiltin i!nitor.

    0itted to man# V6+ vehicles includin! '. litre m8( +olfs.

    $c% 2&'( )ames Murra# 2&'(''2- a!e 1/'12

    Switched '2Vsuppl#







    'Spar8 6

    ;ustomised forlo!ic spar8





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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    ,ntermotor '2'

    :;/;= - + wa# logic coil

    ( wa# lo!ic coil from V +olf / )ettaC S8oda 5ctavia

    Dses part numers &&(&'&2&2C &6&1&-C&6&1'&(C SE&2

    The connector is a polarised 7osch >ompact wa#.')&-3-2 a# Sealed 0emale ;onnector. Thecontacts are 2.4 mm

    Set the Spar8 5utput to +oin! *i!h


    ' R ower +round

    2 R Spar8 input si!nal '

    3 R Spar8 input si!nal 2

    ( R Spar8 input si!nal 3

    1 R Spar8 input si!nal (

    R '2V suppl#

    $c% 2&'( )ames Murra# 2&'(''2- a!e &/'12

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    < ;/ 11/ - + wire logic C)P

    >:9 P(' < ;/ 11/ C)Ps: used on V '.4tand ma# other V6+ cars.

    in ': ;onnects to in ' on all other coils and thento F'2v i!nition feed $or fuel pump rela#%

    in 2: Si!nal !round $connect to en!ine loc8%

    in 3: Spar8 Si!nal from Microsquirt

    in (: ower !round $connect to en!ine loc8%

    Earlier than 2&&' coilsC = &7 &1 ''1C &7 &1 ''1rev 7 and E.

    These have an input resistance of '8 and should wor85> with the Microsquirt outputs.

    ;ran8in! dwell R (.&ms 9unnin! dwellR 3.&ms

    Set the Spar8 5utput to +oin! *i!h

  • 7/23/2019 Microsquirt Hardware 3.3


    Microsquirt *ardware +uide


    7efore usin! an Oun8nownO coil it is necessar# to chec8 the resistance to !round on the input.

    Dsin! a multimeter set to resistanceC chec8 etween the Spar8 Si!nal ,nput and Si!nal +round.

    ,f #ou have a readin! of sa# '8 then the Microsquirt outputs can e used directl#.

    3wire ;5s are ami!uousC man# are hi!hcurrent $needin! an i!nitor%C some ma# e lo!ic level with a uilt indriver. erform a resistance chec8 on the si!nal input to confirm. *i!h current will have an input resistance to'2V of a few ohms onl#.

    ;5s with ( or 1 wires have a uilt in amplifier $i!nitor% so the# can t#picall# e connected directl# to the lo!icspar8 output from the Microsquirt.

    %.3.2 -m$lifiers ignitorA $ower transistorA ignition module

    6n i!nition amplifier module ta8es the 1V lo!ic si!nal from the Microsquirt and drives a hi!hcurrent i!nition coil.

    There are man# different modules availale on the mar8et with 'C 2C ( i!nition channels.

    $c% 2&'( )ames Murra# 2&'(''2- a!e 2/'12

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    7osch st#le 'C 2C ( channel i!nitors and Huadspar8 ( channel i!nitor.

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    Set the Spar8 5utput to +oin! *i!h


    ' R ;oil ne!ative output '

    2 R Spar8 input si!nal '

    3 R =;

    ( R ower +round

    1 R =;

    R ;oil ne!ative output 2

    - R Spar8 input si!nal 2

  • 7/23/2019 Microsquirt Hardware 3.3


    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    3 R ower +round

    ( R Spar8 input si!nal 3

    1 R Spar8 input si!nal (

    inout $( pin%

    ' R ;oil ne!ative output (

    2 R ;oil ne!ative output 3

    3 R ;oil ne!ative output 2

    ( R ;oil ne!ative output '


    This aftermar8et four channel module operates similarl# to the 7osch 2''C ut is t#picall# more cost effective.

    Set the Spar8 5utput to +oin! *i!h

    Pin-out Thic5ness *unction

    Iellow 2& !au!e Spar8 ,nput 6 $from Microsquirt%

    hite ' !au!e Spar8 5utput 6 $to coil ne!ative%

    5ran!e 2& !au!e Spar8 ,nput 7 $from Microsquirt%

    $c% 2&'( )ames Murra# 2&'(''2- a!e 1/'12

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    in8 ' !au!e Spar8 5utput 7 $to coil ne!ative%

    "ar8 !reen 2& !au!e Spar8 ,nput ; $from Microsquirt%

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    Shown are conventional sin!le coilC +M wasted spar8 coilC 0ord wasted spar8 coilpac8C 9enault 2wire ;5.6ll of these coils are hi!h current coils and require an i!nition amplifier module $i!nitor% to connect to theMicrosquirt.

    Con,entional coilsand

    AdumA 2wire ;5s.

    The connections are :

    switched/fused '2V suppl#

    output from i!nitor.

    The resistance measuredetween the inputs will e a fewohms onl#.

    9equires an i!nitor.

    $c% 2&'( )ames Murra# 2&'(''2- a!e -/'12

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    2 wire wasted spar5 coils li8e the+M coil.

    The connections are : switched/fused '2V suppl#

    output from i!nitor.

    The resistance measuredetween the inputs will e afew ohms onl#.

    9equires an i!nitor.

    +-tower wasted spar5 coil-pac5such as 0ord $E",S st#le% =eonC Vand others.

    The connections are : switched/fused '2V suppl#

    output from i!nitor $left and

    ri!ht%The resistance measuredetween '2V and the primar#

    wires will e a few ohms onl#.

    9equires an i!nitor.

    %.3. !4I modules e.g. M&4A !rane etc.

    T#pical ;", units provide a Owhite wireO tri!!er input that can e connected to the Microsquirt for i!nition control.0ollow the manufacturers installation instructions for the other wirin!. Ensure that no other tri!!er inputs are

    connected $e.!. !reenC violet.%

    The followin! ,!nition settin!s are required:

    Set the Spar8 5utput to O+oin! *i!hO

    =umer of coils to OSin!le ;oilO

    "well to OStandard "wellO

    Spar8 6 5utput pin as O

  • 7/23/2019 Microsquirt Hardware 3.3


    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    coloursC ut chec8 the supplied dia!rams.

    tach si!nal is a #ellow wire do not connect this to MicroSquirt. spar8 control si!nal is a white wire connect this to the Microsquirt.

    !round is a heav# lac8 wire

    permanent '2V power is a heav# red wire

    switched '2 volts is a thin red wire

    the coil positive $F% wire is oran!e

    the coil ne!ative $% wire is thin lac8

    the unused V9 si!nal wires are !reen and violet.

    ith the MS" i!nition oxC we use the white ApointsA input wire. "o not connect an#thin! to the !reen and violetwires. The MS" ox is onl# ein! used to fire the coil. The Microsquirt must receive its tach input from a cran8or distriutor pic8up.

    %.3.% Ma>da Rotar0 ignition wiring

    Earl# Ma@da rotar# en!ines used a distriutor and conventional coilsC these are not covered here.

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    Mode -@ *C *7 RA8

    'uber of coils asted Spar8 asted Spar8 ;oil on lu!

    )utput ode 0; 0" 0"

    "par5 :

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    $c% 2&'( )ames Murra# 2&'(''2- a!e -'/'12

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    Ignition s#ste - specific operating odesThe Me!asquirt ran!e supports man# different tach input and output schemes includin! man# 5EM specificconfi!urations.

    0or installations on en!ines without a supported tach inputC a 3' tri!!er wheel on the cran8shaft is the

    su!!ested setup.

    *ere are all of the Aspar8 modesA supported # the Me!asquirt2 product ran!e and whether the# support wastedspar8 $/S% and ;5/seq $coilonplu! or sequential fuel% or not on a (stro8e en!ine. 2stro8e en!ines onl#need a missin! tooth wheel on the cran8shaft for sequential fuel and spar8.

    =ote that even if #our tri!!er input could support ;5/sequentialC #our E;D ma# not have enou!h outputs.

    "par5 Mode Cainput


    %(" C)P(seq


    0uel onl# = = = Various for fuel onl# $no spar8 control%

    E",S = I = Earl# to mid '&s 0ords (CC4c#l

    7asic tri!!er $distriutor% = = = idespread *E,-C +M",SC T0,C distriutor

    Tri!!er 9eturn = = = T#picall# '4&s V hall distriutors

    Toothed wheelOMissin! tooth wheelO on cran8OMissin! tooth wheelO on camOMissin! tooth wheelO on cran8 Fsin!le tooth on camO"ual wheelO non missin! on cran8F sin!le tooth on cam$3'C &2C ('C 2(/'C 2(/2C '


    Varies Varies Varies 0ordC 7osch E;DsC ver# widespread. e.!.0ordC 7MC Vauxhall/5pelC man# )apanesevehicles usin! =ippondenso ;6SC +M

  • 7/23/2019 Microsquirt Hardware 3.3


    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    "par5 Mode Cainput


    %(" C)P(seq


    ;hr#sler 2.2/2.1Z I I I "istriutor pic8up. IMMV

    9enix ((22 = = = 9enault (c#lC also V with 222Su@u8i SwiftZ = = = "istriutor tri!!er wheel

    Su@u8i Vitara 2.&Z = I = Su@u8i Vitara 2.&

    "aihatsu 3c#lZ = = = 3F' cam tri!!er

    "aihatsu (c#lZ = = = (F' cam tri!!er

    VT9'&&&Z = I = '23 on cran8

    9overG'Z = [ = 9over > Series 3''

    9overG2Z = [ = 9over > Series 3''''

    9overG3Z = [ = 9over > Series 322

    +M-BZ = I = "irect from sensor #passin! +M",Smodules.

    H921"EZ I I I =issan

    *onda 9;1'Z I I I 6lso other versiants

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    T#pical "ettings

    Spar8 mode R O0uel onl#O

    '.2 4istri5utor $ic"u$

    The distriutor is the traditional method of timin! spar8 and distriutin! the hi!htension spar8 volta!e toindividual spar8 plu!s. T#picall# this used a set of rea8er pointsC a condensor and a sin!le i!nition coil. Mostdistriutors feature mechanical and vacuum advance s#stems to match spar8 timin! somewhere close tooptimal for different operatin! conditions.

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    Shown aove is a Olar!e capO +eneral Motors *E,( distriutorC t#pical on mid '-&s V4s.

    T#pical ori!inal arran!ement

    T#pical arran!ement with E;D i!nition timin! control and loc8ed distriutor

    $c% 2&'( )ames Murra# 2&'(''2- a!e -1/'12

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    .2.1.1 Input phasing

    6 t#pical distriutor includes advance mechanisms which were ori!inall# used to control the timin!. These arenot used when usin! computer control and must e loc8ed out to !ive a Oloc8edO distriutor.

    ;orrectl# modif#in! an old distriutor to !ive a reliale tach input ma# well e more difficultthan addin! a cran8 tri!!er wheel and will never e as accurate. Iou are advised to

    consider installin! a cran8 tri!!er wheel $e.!. 3'% and sensor instead.

    Earl# distriutors such as pointsC *E,(C "uraspar8 etcC all have advance mechanisms uilt in. The *E,(distriutor shown aove illustrates these mechanisms and is t#pical of precomputer distriutors. Similardistriutors can e converted to computer control

    9emove i!nition module $if present%

    ;onnect pic8up sensor $V9C hallC optoC points% to E;D.

    9emove and weld up mechanical advance mechanism.

    9emove vacuum canister.Dse remnants of vacuum advance mechanism to achieve correct input:output phasin!.

    Iou ma# e ale to set the rotor output phasin! 0,9ST and then rotate the aseplate to achieve the correctinput phasin!.

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    7e aware of the allowale values for Otri!!er an!leO. "o not use an!les in the disallowed ran!e or #ou will haveunreliale or unexpected operation.

    6llowed hi!h an!les

    Timin! allowed in normal ran!e $up to 1 de!reesless than tri!!er an!le.% 9etarded 6T"; timin!possile.

    "isallowed an!les.

    "o not use a tri!!er an!le etween ' and 1(de!rees.

    Tiing will not wor5 correctl#.

    "istriutor must e moved or rephased.

    $c% 2&'( )ames Murra# 2&'(''2- a!e --/'12

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    6llowed low an!les

    Timin! allowed in normal ran!e $!reater thantri!!er an!le.% 9etarded 6T"; timin! notpossile.

    5nce the tach input is setup it is important to confirm the output phasin! is correct.

    '.2.2 Rotor # Out$ut $hasing , all distri5utor installs

    9otor phasin! is ;9,T,;6

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    unhoo8 the vac canister and leave the mechanical advance operational.

    '.2.3 4istri5utor with hall#o$tical ?trigger return?

    The purpose of the OTri!!er 9eturnO mode is to have accurate cran8in! timin! as well as accurate runnin!timin!. ,t achieves this # usin! the si!nal from oth ed!es of a vane/slot. 5ne ed!e is used for the timin!calculations durin! runnin! and will t#picall# pass the sensor at 117T"; or more. The other ed!e is used for

    cran8in! timin! and must pass the sensor at the desired cran8in! advance an!le e.!. '&7T";

    This scheme was commonl# used # V durin! the '4&s with a loc8ed halleffect distriutor.

    ATri!!er returnA ma# onl# e used if the slots/shutters/vanes in the distriutor are evenl#spaced and equal si@ed.

    "o not tr# to use Atri!!er returnA with man# =issan optical pic8ups or with si!nature, T0, as these haveuneven slots/vanes.

    See section 1.2 for wirin! details on the tach input.

    ;onfi!urin! tri!!er return requires 8nowin! the cran8 an!le that each vane ed!e passes the sensor. Iou canchec8 this visuall# or # wirin! up the s#stem and usin! a multimeter to measure the output from the sensor.

    6. *all/opto distriutorshowin! inactivetri!!er.

    7. En!ine rotatedforwards until ed!e atsensor.The cran8 an!le here isthe OTri!!er 6n!leO

    $c% 2&'( )ames Murra# 2&'(''2- a!e -/'12

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    ;. En!ine turnedforwards some more.

    ". En!ine turnedforwards some more.

    This is the 9eturnan!le and needs to

    match #our settin! forcran8in! advance.This needs to e'&7T";.

    9otate #our distriutorif neededC then repeatsteps 7C;C".

    The output phasin! on an 5EM tri!!erreturn t#pe distriutor installed in the normal position should not requiread?ustment.

    '.2. 4istri5utor with 5asic cran" trigger

    ,nstallin! a Ofl#in! ma!netO cran8 tri!!er !ives more accurate i!nition control than usin! a distriutor asedpic8up as it eliminates timin! chain and cam!ear slop. ,t also eliminates the hassle of rephasin! the distriutor.

    0or est timin! accurac#C it is recommended that the fl#in! ma!net passes the pic8up sensor when the en!ine isaround &7T";.

    See section 1.2 for wirin! details on the tach input.

    T#pical "ettings

    Spar8 mode R O7asic Tri!!erO

    Tri!!er an!le/offset R & 7T"; $ad?ust as required%

    ,!nition capture R Set accordin! to whichever ed!e !ives the most stale si!nal. $,f timin! advances with 9MCtr# flippin! it.%

    Spar8 output R depends

    Spar8 6 output pin R depends

    "well t#pe R depends

    "well dut# R depends

    $c% 2&'( )ames Murra# 2&'(''2- a!e 4&/'12

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    '.2.% 4istri5utor with cran" trigger wheel

    This is the preferred ethod to use with a distributor.

    Dsin! a tri!!er wheel $e.!. 3'% on the cran8 is the most est wa# to otain accurate i!nition control. The E;D

    uses ever# tooth on the wheel to determine en!ine position. ,t eliminates timin! chain and cam!ear slop. ,t alsoeliminates the hassle of rephasin! the distriutor.

    The distriutor and sin!le coil can e retainedC ut #ou have the option of a future up!rade path to wastedspar8or perhaps coilonplu! i!nition.

    The setup and confi!uration of the cran8 tri!!er wheel is covered in the Toothed wheel section ..

    '.3 /ord )/I

    0ordAs T0, module was used throu!hout the '4&s and into the '&s on man# millions of vehicles in two mainmountin! positions Adistriutor mountA and Aremote mountA. There are also two electrical versions: Oush StartOand O;omputer ;ontrolled "wellO. ;hec8in! the wirin! on pin( is li8el# est. The wirin! of the modules is lar!el#the sameC ?ust the distriutor mount connects directl# to a 3 wire hall sensor in the distriutor. ,n most

    installations #ou do not need to concern #ourself with that as onl# the A,A and AS5DTA connections are ofinterest. The other connections should e left stoc8.

    Push-"tart P"3 ,s. Coputer Controlled 7well CC73The module descried mainl# here is the ASA t#pe that uses a '2V start si!nalC it is claimed to e !re# in colour.1&Q dwell dut# should e used.The A;;"A t#pe is claimed to e lac8 in colour and pin ( runs as a dia!nostic si!nal to the ori!inal E;D. Thesemodules need standard dwell control e.!. 3ms instead of a fixed dut#. 5ther wirin! should e the same.

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    T#pical "ettings

    Spar8 mode R O7asic Tri!!erO

    Tri!!er an!le/offset R '& 7T"; as a startin! pointC fine tune with a timin! li!ht.

    ,!nition capture R O0allin! ed!eO

    Spar8 output R O+oin! *i!hO

    Spar8 6 output pin R O

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    R ositive from V9 sensor

    = R =e!ative from V9 sensor

    E R Electronic spar8 timin! $EST% from Microsquirt ,+=5DT'

    9 R 9eference $9E0% to Microsquirt V9

    7 R 7#pass from Microsquirt ,+=5DT2

    T#pical "ettings

    Spar8 mode R O7asic Tri!!erO

    ,!nition capture R O9isin! Ed!eO

    Spar8 output R O+oin! *i!hO

    Spar8 6 output pin R O,+='O

    "well t#pe R OStandard "wellO

    =ominal "well R O3.&O

    +M/*E, options R O+M #passO

    '.% M HEI7

    This wor8s the same as *E,-C ut the module is pac8a!ed differentl#.

    R ositive from V9 sensor

    $c% 2&'( )ames Murra# 2&'(''2- a!e 43/'12

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    = R =e!ative from V9 sensor

    + R +round to Microsquirt Sensor !round

    7 R 7#pass from Microsquirt ,+=5DT2

    9 R 9eference $9E0% to Microsquirt V9

    E R Electronic spar8 timin! $EST% from Microsquirt ,+=5DT'

    T#pical "ettings

    Spar8 mode R O7asic Tri!!erO

    ,!nition capture R O9isin! Ed!eO

    Spar8 output R O+oin! *i!hO

    Spar8 6 output pin R O,+='O

    "well t#pe R OStandard "wellO

    =ominal "well R O3.&O

    +M/*E, options R O+M #passO

    '.' 4ual &0nc 4istri5utor

    6 duals#nc distriutor is an aftermar8et loc8ed distriutor that provides a clean tri!!er si!nal for an E;D. Thesi!nal can e used for sequential fuel in some situations.

    6s Microsquirt has onl# two fuel channelsC it is simplest to i!nore the OreferenceO si!nal from the distriutor andconfi!ure as a re!ular distriutor usin! O7asic Tri!!er.O

    Settin! the rotor arm phasin! is important as shown in .2.'.2.

    6lternative: ,t is possile to use oth si!nals from the duals#nc distriutor and control a distriutorless i!nitions#stem $wasted spar8 or wasted;5.% ,n this case use the O"ual wheelO option in the Tri!!er heel s#stem.Settin! the rotor arm phasin! is important as shown in .2.'.2C then determine the toothG' an!le from theTri!!er heel pa!e.

    '.( /ord E4I&

    0ordAs Electronic "istriutorless ,!nition S#stem $E",S% is an i!nition s#stem that does not require a camposition si!nal. ,t requires a variale reluctor $V9% sensor and a 3' tooth cran8 wheel $3' means A3 teethminus oneAC and refers to 3 evenl# spaced teethC one of which has een removed%C it will not wor8 with otherpattern wheels or hall sensors.

    E",S is a particularl# eas# wa# to install pro!rammale i!nition control on an older en!ine with a distriutor. TheE",S modules are ver# reliale and the s#stem wor8s well. The E",S module itself handles all the decodin! ofthe toothed wheel and sends one pulse per c#linder to the E;D.

    $c% 2&'( )ames Murra# 2&'(''2- a!e 4(/'12

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    ,t is stron!l# advised to use 0ord V9 sensors and 0ord coilpac8s with the E",S modules. The# were desi!ned towor8 to!ether and do.

    =ote ,f #our en!ine alread# has a different supported tri!!er wheel setupC consider utilisin! that efore retrofittin! E",S.

    '.(.1 &0stem com$onents

    The E",S s#stem is made up of:

    E",S moduleC

    cran8 wheelC

    cran8 variale reluctor $V9% sensor and

    one or more coil pac8$s%.

    See appendix 7 for a ?un8#ard hunters !uide to findin! E",S.

    $c% 2&'( )ames Murra# 2&'(''2- a!e 41/'12

  • 7/23/2019 Microsquirt Hardware 3.3


    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    '.(.2 E!@ wiring

    T#pical "ettings

    Spar8 mode R OE",SO

    ,!nition capture R O9isin! Ed!eO

    Spar8 output R O+oin! *i!hO

    Spar8 6 output pin R O,+='O

    '.(.3 Module wiring

    The E",S s#stem comes in three varieties : E",S(C E",SC E",S4 which are suited to evenfire (C C 4 c#linderen!ines. The specific wirin! of the module varies sli!htl# etween the variants.

    $c% 2&'( )ames Murra# 2&'(''2- a!e 4/'12

  • 7/23/2019 Microsquirt Hardware 3.3


    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    '.(. 3',1 trigger wheel and =R sensor

    The relationship of the V9 sensor and the missin! tooth is critical. The E",S module expects and requires a

    $c% 2&'( )ames Murra# 2&'(''2- a!e 4-/'12

  • 7/23/2019 Microsquirt Hardware 3.3


    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    specific phasin!.

    5n en!ines ori!inall# equipped with E",S this will alread# e set.

  • 7/23/2019 Microsquirt Hardware 3.3


    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    .=.+.2 D7I"+ - Cloc5wise rotation noral3 - ethod b

    Turn #our en!ine to & 7T";. Mount the V9 sensor wherever is convenient and mount tri!!er disc so that thecentre of the sensor ali!ns with the centre of the missin! tooth.

    .=.+.$ D7I" - Cloc5wise rotation noral3 - ethod a

    Set #our en!ine at T";C then put the missin! tooth teeth earlier $more cloc8wise% than the sensor. This will putthe centre of a tooth central to the sensor.

    $c% 2&'( )ames Murra# 2&'(''2- a!e 4/'12

  • 7/23/2019 Microsquirt Hardware 3.3


    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    .=.+.+ D7I" - Cloc5wise rotation noral3 - ethod b

    6 different wa# of loo8in! at the S6ME phasin!.Turn #our en!ine to & 7T";. Mount the V9 sensor wherever is convenient and mount tri!!er disc so that thecentre of the sensor ali!ns with the centre of the missin! tooth.

    .=.+./ D7I"8 - Cloc5wise rotation noral3 - ethod a

    Set #our en!ine at T";C then put the missin! tooth 1 teeth earlier $more cloc8wise% than the sensor. This will putthe centre of a tooth central to the sensor.

    .=.+. D7I"8 - Cloc5wise rotation noral3 - ethod b

    Turn #our en!ine to 1& 7T";. Mount the V9 sensor wherever is convenient and mount tri!!er disc so that the

    $c% 2&'( )ames Murra# 2&'(''2- a!e &/'12

  • 7/23/2019 Microsquirt Hardware 3.3


    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    centre of the sensor ali!ns with the centre of the missin! tooth.

    .=.+.= D7I"+ anti-cloc5wise

    6nticloc8wise rotation.The same appliesC ut directions are reversed.

    $c% 2&'( )ames Murra# 2&'(''2- a!e '/'12

  • 7/23/2019 Microsquirt Hardware 3.3


    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    '.(.% !hec"ing the timing

    6s with all installsC it is important to confirm the timin! is correct. To test this it is est to first run the E",S in limphome mode. This can e achieved # disconnectin! the S6 plu!/soc8et or switchin! off/unplu!!in! the E;D.0it #our stroe onto no.' plu! lead as normal $#ou ma# need to tr# the other tower of the pair%.

    6 dum stroe is advisedC or use a stroe that is compatile with wastedspar8 or 2stro8e.

    Ensure E",S still has power and cran8 #our en!ineC chec8 that the timin! is exactl# '&de!. ,f notC ad?ust #oursensor until it is. ,t is safe to idle the en!ine with the S6 lead disconnectedC timin! should e roc8 solid at'&7T";. "onAt for!et to reconnect the plu! when done

    =ow that #ou have confirmed that the E",S is correctl# runnin! at '&7T"; ase timin!C #ou need to chec8 thatE;D is correctl# commandin! timin! on the E",S.Start the en!ine and then on the ,!nition settin!s menu on #our tunin! computerC select O0ixed Timin!O and enter'1 7T";C chec8 that #ou stroe '1 7T"; on the cran8.

    hen doneC return the settin! to ODse taleO and 7urn.

    '.7 M 4I& for reference onl0

    6s far as the E;D is concernedC +M",S wor8s similarl# to *E,-. Even thou!h the module is controllin! wastedspar8 i!nitionC the E;D does not receive an# c#linder identification or phase information.

    This wirin! need confirmin!.

    R ositive from V9 sensor

    = R =e!ative from V9 sensor

    + R +round to Microsquirt Sensor !round

    7 R 7#pass from Microsquirt ,+=5DT2

    9 R 9eference $9E0% to Microsquirt V9

    E R Electronic spar8 timin! $EST% from Microsquirt ,+=5DT'

    These settin!s need confirmin!.

    ,!nition capture R O0allin!O $chec8%

    Spar8 output R O+oin! *i!hO $chec8%

    Spar8 6 output pin R O,+='O

    "well t#pe R OStandard "wellO

    $c% 2&'( )ames Murra# 2&'(''2- a!e 2/'12

  • 7/23/2019 Microsquirt Hardware 3.3


    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    =ominal "well R O3.&O

    +M/*E, options R O+M #passO

    '.8 )oothed Wheel

    The Toothed heel mode is desi!ned to support most cominations of re!ular missin! tooth wheels with or

    without a cam si!nal. ,t is the most commonl# used Ospar8 modeO for tach input.Various spar8 outputs $sin!le coilC wasted spar8C coilonplu!% are supported # Toothed heelC the tale insection ..' shows possile options. See section 1.3 for i!nitorC coil and wirin! examples.

    5ther irre!ular 5EM specific wheel patterns $e.!. (2&6C (+3C

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    Microsquirt *ardware +uide

    =onmissin!tooth oncran8

    ;am wheelwith tooth perc#linder

    I = = = I = = "ual wheel ;ran8Ever#;#linder

    =onmissin!tooth oncam