Microsoft Word - Journey Through Isaiah With the Fathers

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  • 8/8/2019 Microsoft Word - Journey Through Isaiah With the Fathers




    (Between Pre-Lent Sunday and Treasures Sunday)

    Throughout the year, we become pre-occupied with the cares of this life. For

    those of us who lose sight of our true purpose in life, the Lenten Period is theChurchs way of leading us back to our true goal.

    We begin Lent distracted, but by the end we are reminded of Resurrection. Weremember that we who were baptized have actually shared in the death andresurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. We have put on Christ. This is ourpurpose. This is our new life in Him. We are Gods. Our true purpose is to beunited with Him.

    On the first Sunday of the Great Lent (Treasures Sunday), we appropriatelybegin this journey toward Christ by reading Matthew 6:19-33. Christ tells us, Do

    not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about yourbody, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more thanclothing (Matthew 6:25). Our Lord tells us to lay our treasures in heaven whereneither moth nor rust destroy, and above all, to seek after the Kingdom of God.

    The following sayings speak about Christ as the center to Whom we must allreturn. They also speak of the greater importance of decorating our souls withvirtue than decorating our bodies with ornaments and fine clothing.

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    Wednesday of the First Week of the Great Lent: Isaiah 2:3-11

    Their land is also full of silver and gold, and there is no end to their treasures; theirland is also full of horses, and there is no end to their chariots. Their land is also full of

    idols; they worship the work of their own hands, that which their own fingers have made

    (Isaiah 2:7-8).


    Someone might ask, what is wrong with having silver or horses? How should we

    respond? The prophet was not criticizing the use of these possessions but the misuse ofthem. When he said, Woe to the mighty, he was not condemning them for having

    possessions but for hoarding so much more than they needed.

    + Saint John Chrysostom (4th


    Thursday of the First Week of the Great Lent: Isaiah 2:11-19

    The loftiness of man shall be bowed down, and the haughtiness of men shall be broughtlow; the LORD alone will be exalted in that day, but the idols He shall utterly abolish.

    They shall go into the holes of the rocks, and into the caves of the earth, from the terrorof the LORD and the glory of His majesty, when He arises to shake the earth mightily

    (Isaiah 2:17-19).


    You have opened the eyes of our hearts so that we realize You alone are highestamong the highest, and ever remain holy among the holy. You humble the pride of the

    arrogant, overrule the plans of the nations, raise up the humble and humble the haughty.You make rich and make poor; You slay and bring to life; You alone are the guardian of

    spirits and the God of all flesh.

    You see into the depths: You look upon mens deeds; You aid those in danger and savethose in despair. You are the creator of every spirit and watch over them. You multiply

    the nations on the earth, and from out of them all You have chosen those who love Youthrough Jesus Christ, Your beloved Son. Through Him you have trained us, made us

    saints, and honored us.

    + Saint Clement of Rome (1st/2

    ndCentury), First Epistle 59.3

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    Friday of the First Week of the Great Lent: Isaiah 3:1-14

    As for My people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O Mypeople! Those who lead you cause you to err, and destroy the way of your paths (Isaiah



    Isaiah also, filled with the Holy Spirit, cries out and chides the daughters of Zion whohave been defiled by gold and raiment, and he reproves those who have an abundance of

    harmful riches and withdraw from God for the sake of the pleasures of time . . .

    This, God blames; this, He brands with reproach. By this He declares that they have beendefiled; by this they have departed from the true adornment and have merited disgrace

    and shame. Having put on silk and purple, they cannot put on Christ; adorned with goldand pearls and necklaces, they have lost adornments of the heart and soul . . .

    If, on draining the cup, he who had taken the potion should die, you would know that

    what he drank was poison; if, after taking food, he who had taken it should perish, youwould know that what could kill, when taken, was deadly. Seeing this you would not eat

    nor would you drink from that which had been used by those who died.

    Now what ignorance of the truth it is, what madness of mind to wish for what has alwaysbeen and still is harmful, and to think that you yourself will not perish from the same

    causes from which you know that others have perished!

    + Saint Cyprian of Carthage (3rd

    Century), The Dress of Virgins 13

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    (Between Treasures Sunday and Temptation Sunday)

    Just as Christ faced temptation in the wilderness when He set out to begin His

    ministry, we too, who have decided to follow Christ, must undergo temptation.On Temptation Sunday we read Matthew 4:11. In overcoming Satan, Christhas given us an example, the power, and the hope to do the same.

    The following sayings teach us that we must resist temptation and put away allmaterial and carnal desires in order to follow the Savior. Blessed are the purein heart for they shall see God (Matthew 5:6). How we long to see the gloriousvision of Isaiah of God on His throne surrounded by the Seraphim. How we longto behold the mystery of the virgin birth.

    Monday of the Second Week of the Great Lent: Isaiah 4:2-5:7

    Now let me sing to my Well-beloved a song of my Beloved regarding His vineyard: My

    Well-beloved has a vineyard on a very fruitful hill. He dug it up and cleared out itsstones, and planted it with the choicest vine. He built a tower in its midst, and also made

    a winepress in it; so He expected it to bring forth good grapes, but it brought forth wildgrapes (Isaiah 5:1-2).


    [God] calls us to produce much fruit so that we will not be cast into the fire because we

    do not. He constantly compares human souls with vines. He says, My beloved has avineyard on a hill in a fruitful place. And I planted a vineyard and put a hedge around


    Obviously He called human souls the vineyard, around which he puts the security of Hiscommandments and His angels as a hedge

    Our soul is dug around when we lay aside the cares of the world that burden our hearts.Therefore, the one who has laid aside carnal love and the desire of possessions and has

    deemed desire for small glory of greatest contempt has been dug around and liberatedfrom the vain burden of the spirit of the world.

    + Saint Basil the Great (4th

    Century), Homilies on the Hexaemeron 5.6

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    Tuesday of the Second Week of the Great Lent: Isaiah 5:7-16

    Woe to those who join house to house; They add field to field, till there is no placewhere they may dwell alone in the midst of the land (Isaiah 5:8)!


    The lust of possessions and money are not to be sought for. In Solomon, in Ecclesiastes:

    He that loves silver shall not be satisfied with silver. Also in Isaiah: Woe to themwho join house to house, and lay field to field, that they may take away something from

    their neighbor. Will you dwell along upon the earth? Also in Zephaniah: They shallbuild houses, and shall not dwell in them; and they shall appoint vineyards, and shall not

    drink the wine of them, because the Day of the Lord is near. Also in the Gospelaccording to Luke: For what does it profit a man to make a gain of the whole world, but

    that he should lose himself?

    + Saint Cyprian of Carthage (3


    Century), To Quirinus, Testimonies against the Jews12.3.61

    Wednesday of the Second Week of the Great Lent: Isaiah 5:17-25

    Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for

    darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe to those who are wise intheir own eyes, and prudent in their own sight (Isaiah 5:20-21)!


    Wherefore let us walk circumspectly in these last daysLet us flee from all vanity. We

    should utterly despise the works of the evil way. Do not live separately from oneanother, as though you have already become perfect, but come together and seek what is

    the common good.

    Let us be a perfect Temple to God. To the best of our ability let us meditate on the fearof God and strive to keep His commandments, so that we might rejoice in His ordinances.

    + From the Letter of Barnabas, 4:9-11 (2nd


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    Thursday of the Second Week of the Great Lent: Isaiah 6:1-12

    Above it stood seraphim; each one had six wings: with two he covered his face, with twohe covered his feet, and with two he flew. And one cried to another: Holy, holy, holy is

    the LORD of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory (Isaiah 6:2-3)!


    The mouths of the seraphim are filled with blessings. They offer a doxology in turn, notin my opinion because they are tired, but because they show respect to one another, both

    receiving and giving the doxology.

    They say holy three times and then conclude with Lord of hosts. This demonstratesthat the Holy Trinity exists in one divine essence. All hold and confess that the Father

    exists, along with the Son and the Spirit. Nothing divides those who are named norseparates them into different natures. Just the opposite is true. We recognize one

    Godhead in three persons.

    + Saint Cyril of Alexandria (375 444 A.D.), Commentary on Isaiah 1.4

    Friday of the Second Week of the Great Lent: Isaiah 7:1-14

    Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign. Behold, a virgin shall conceive andbear a son, and shall call His name Immanuel (Isaiah 7:14).


    You must appreciate, brothers and sisters, what a tremendous desire possessed the saints

    of old to see the Christ. They knew He was going to come, and all those who were livingdevout and blameless lives would say, Oh, if only that birth may find me still here! Oh,

    if only I may see with my own eyes what I believe from Gods Scriptures!

    The saints who knew from the holy Scripture that a virgin was going to give birthSo donot let it surprise you, unbelieving soul, whoever you are, do not let it strike you as

    impossible that a virgin should give birth, and in giving birth remain a virgin. Realizethat it was God who was born, and you will not be surprised at a virgin giving birth

    + Blessed Augustine (4


    Century), Sermon 370.3

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    (Between Temptation Sunday and Prodigal Son


    The third week of the Great Lent leads us to the reading of the Parable of theProdigal Son (Luke 15:11-32). Our pride is an obstacle to repentance. The spiritof pride motivated the son to claim his inheritance and leave his fathers home,determined to make it on his own. How many because of the hardness of theirhearts have refused to return to their heavenly Fathers home, His Church andthe mysteries? How many who are away from God find themselves in adesperate and empty condition?

    The following readings speak about Gods grace and power. God shines Hislight upon those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death. Though we

    rebel, God waits patiently with His hand stretched out. He desires that we allreturn as members of His Body, the Church.

    Monday of the Third Week of the Great Lent: Isaiah 8:13-9:7

    The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in the

    shadow of death, upon them a light has shinedFor unto us a Child is born, unto us aSon is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder (Isaiah 9:2,7).


    Hence He was in the shadow of life, whereas sinners are in the shadow of death.

    According to Isaiah, the people who sinned sat in the shadow of death. For these a lightarose, not by the merits of their virtues but by the grace of God

    Accordingly, to call the nations to the grace of His resurrection...He bowed his shoulder

    to labor, bowed Himself to the cross, to carry our sins. For that reason the prophet says,whose government is on His shoulder. Therefore He bowed His shoulder, applying

    Himself to the plow patient in the endurance of all insults, and so subject to afflictionthat He was wounded on account of our iniquities and weakened on account of our sins.

    + Saint Ambrose of Milan (4th


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    Tuesday of the Third Week of the Great Lent: Isaiah 10:12-20

    Shall the ax boast itself against him who chops with it? Or shall the saw exalt itselfagainst him who saws with it (Isaiah 10:15)?


    And so we shall be able to avoid the snares of this most wicked spirit if, in the case of

    each virtue where we have felt that we have made progress, we speak the words of theApostle, Not I, but the grace of God with me. And, By the grace of God I am what I

    am. And that is God who works in us both to will and to accomplish, for the sake ofHis good pleasure.

    The Author of our salvation Himself also says, He who abides in Me and I in Him, he

    bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing. And, Unless the Lord buildthe house, they who build it have labored in vain; unless the Lord guard the city, in vain

    has he who guards it watch

    Therefore, if we wish in deed and in fact to attain to the true perfection of virtue, we mustbe at one with those teachers and leaders who did not engage in empty talk about it but

    who grasped it through direct experience and who are also able to teach us, to direct us toit, and to show us the surest way of arriving at itThe purity of heart that they acquired

    also made it possible for them, most especially, to be ever more aware that they wereweighed down by sinfulness

    And so it is apparent that a person cannot attain the end of perfection and purity exceptby true humility, which he should show first to the brothers and also manifest to God in

    the depths of his heart, in the belief that, unless He offers him His protection and help atevery moment, he cannot ever reach the perfection that he desires and after which he is

    running with all his might.

    + From John Cassians The Institutes (c. 365 c. 435 A.D.), Twelfth Book: TheSpirit of Pride

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    Wednesday of the Third Week of the Great Lent: Isaiah 9:9-10:4

    For all this His anger is not turned away, but His hand is stretched out still (Isaiah9:12,17,21; 10:4).


    Rise and run to the church. Here is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. He who

    hears you pondering in the secret place of the mind runs to you. When you are still faraway, He sees you and runs to you. He sees in your heart. He runs, perhaps someone

    may hinder, and He embraces You.

    His foreknowledge is in the running, His mercy in the embrace and the disposition offatherly love. He falls on your neck to raise one prostrate and burdened with sins and

    brings back one turned aside to the earthly toward heaven.

    Christ falls on your neck to free your neck from the yoke of slavery and hangs His sweetyoke upon your shoulders.

    + Saint Ambrose of Milan (4th

    Century),Exposition on the Gospel of Luke

    Thursday of the Third Week of the Great Lent: Isaiah 11:10-12:2

    O LORD, I will praise You; though You were angry with me, Your anger is turned

    away, and You comfort me. Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid;for YAH, the LORD, is my strength and song; He also has become my salvation (Isaiah



    I know, O Lord, that my sins exceed those of all other men, but I have as my refuge theabyss of Your compassions which exceeds all things. I am confident that You will accept

    and have mercy on all who approach Your goodness, for it pleases You to beholdrepentance, and You rejoice at the ascetic struggles of Your servants.

    When a caring mother is rejected by her child, she does not scorn him, for her motherly

    care triumphs over all; may my sins likewise not surpass Your grace.

    Only hope in the manifestation of Your grace, O man-befriending Master, consoles meand keeps me from despair.

    + Saint Ephrem the Syrian (4th


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    Friday of the Third Week of the Great Lent: Isaiah 13:2-13

    The noise of a multitude in the mountains, like that of many people! A tumultuous noiseof the kingdoms of nations gathered together! The LORD and His weapons of

    indignation, to destroy the whole land (Isaiah 13:4).


    Many who have waged war against the Church perished, but the Church soared up to theskies. The Church is your hope, salvation, and refuge. It is higher than heaven, and

    wider than the world.

    + Saint John Chrysostom (4th


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    (Between Prodigal Son Sunday and Samaritan Woman


    The fourth week of the Great Lent leads us to the passage in the Gospel of SaintJohn about the Samaritan Woman (John 4:1-42). This Gospel reading remindsus of Gods personal care for each of us. He desires to write His name on ourhearts. The Gospel also reminds us that true worship is not just reserved to theJews and their temple, but that all nations have been called to worship God inspirit and truth. The followings sayings from the Fathers more or less touch onthese themes.

    Monday of the Fourth Week of the Great Lent: Isaiah 14:24-32

    For the LORD of hosts has purposed, and who will annul it? His hand is stretched out,

    and who will turn it back?


    For their part [Josephs brothers] plotted to hand him over to death, distress, slavery andthe worst of evil fates; but God who is skillful in devising good used the wickedness of

    the plotters for the credit of him whom they plotted to sell.

    Lest anyone think that these things happened through some coincidence or reversal ofcircumstances, by the very men who opposed and hindered them God brings about the

    events that they tried to prevent, using Josephs enemies as servants for His credit.

    From this you may learn that what God has planned no one will scatter, and no one willturn aside His lofty hand, so that when people plot against you, you may not fall or be

    annoyed but may keep in mind that the plot leads to good at the end, if only you endurenoble whatever happens to you.

    + Saint John Chrysostom (4th


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    Tuesday of the Fourth Week of the Great Lent: Isaiah 25:1-26:8

    Therefore the strong people will glorify You; The city of the terrible nations will fearYou (Isaiah 25:3).


    Israel was called to the knowledge of God through the tutoring of the law and was richly

    endowed with the things of God. It was delivered [from Egypt] and inherited thePromised Land. Although there were many other peoples living in other parts of the

    world, all were alien to spiritual matters and heavenly things. They had not tasted thegifts that come from God. They were, as it were, naked and unclothed, enjoying neither

    divine protection nor shelter from on high, nor spiritual wealth that comes from virtue norother things worthy of praise or admiration.

    When Christ appeared, destroying the arrogance of the devil, He led the nations to God

    the Father, and they basked in the splendor of the true light and shared in His glory.

    + Saint Cyril of Alexandria (375 444 A.D.), Commentary on Isaiah 3.1.25

    Wednesday of the Fourth Week of the Great Lent: Isaiah 26:21-27:9

    In that day God shall bring His holy and great and strong sword upon the dragon, eventhe serpent that flees, upon the dragon, the crooked serpent: He shall destroy the

    dragon (Isaiah 27:1).


    Let us earnestly endeavor, therefore, to flee every crooked and tortuous act, and let uskeep our mind and the judgment of our soul as straight as a rule, in order that the praise

    of the Lord may be permitted to us since we are upright.

    In the same way the serpent, which is the author of sin, is called crooked, and the swordof God is drawn against the dragon, the crooked serpent, which makes many twists and

    turns in its progresshe who follows the serpent shows that his life is crooked, uneven,and filled with contrariness; but, he who follows after the Lord makes his paths straight

    and his footprints right.

    + Saint Basil the Great (4th

    Century), Homily 15 on Psalm 32

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    Thursday of the Fourth Week of the Great Lent: Isaiah 28:14-22

    Behold, I lay in Zion a stone for a foundation, a tried stone, a precious cornerstone, asure foundation; whoever believes will not act hastily (Isaiah 28:16).


    Jacob, hastening to seek a bride, met Rachel unexpectedly at the well. And a great stone

    lay upon the well, which a multitude of shepherds were [accustomed] to roll away whenthey came together and then gave water to themselves and to their flocks. But Jacob

    alone rolls away the stone and waters the flocks of his spouse.

    The thing is, I think, a dark saying, a shadow of what should come. For what is the stonethat is laid but Christ? For of Him Isaiah says, And I will in the foundations of Zion a

    costly stone, precious, elect; and Daniel likewise, A stone was cut out but not by hand,that is, Christ was born without a man.

    + Saint Gregory of Nyssa (4th

    Century), On the Baptism of Christ

    Friday of the Fourth Week of the Great Lent: Isaiah 29:13-23

    Therefore the Lord said: Inasmuch as these people draw near with their mouths and

    honor Me with their lips, but have removed their hearts far from Me, and their feartoward Me is taught by the commandment of men (Isaiah 29:13).


    If we do not see our children deriving any benefit from the teachers we send them to, then

    we blame the teachers and take our children to other teachers.

    What excuse will we have for putting so much emphasis on earthly things but not puttingemphasis on virtue?

    Our teachers here [at church] are far more numerous. No less than the prophets and

    apostles and patriarchs and all righteous people are set over you as teachers in everychurch. And there is no profit in merely chanting out two or three psalms, making the

    accustomed prayers at random and then being dismissed. Do you think this is enough for

    your salvation? Have you not heard the prophet (or rather God through the prophet) say,These people honor me with their lips, but their heart is far from me?

    To keep this from being the case with us as well, then wipe out the letters andimpressions the devil has engraved on your souls, and bring me a heart that has been set

    free from worldly tumults so I can write on it what I want to.

    + Saint John Chrysostom (4th

    Century),Homilies on the Gospel of Matthew 11.9

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    (Between Samaritan Woman Sunday and The Paralyzed

    Man Sunday)

    As we have journeyed through more than half the Great Lent, we are in need of areminder that our Lord Jesus Christ continues to walk with us. The fifth weekleads us to the story of the paralyzed man in John 5:1-18. This man had aninfirmity for 38 years, and patiently waited at the Pool of Bethesda.

    The following readings and sayings remind us that Christ never leaves us. OurLord came to the paralyzed man, a man who had not given up hope, but desiredhealing. We too, no matter how much we must endure in our spiritual journeymust constantly seek healing, must never cease praying, and must lay our hopein the power of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Monday of the Fifth Week of the Great Lent: Isaiah 37:33-38:6

    Go and tell Hezekiah, Thus says the LORD, the God of David your father, I have heard

    your prayer, I have seen your tears; surely I will add to your days fifteen years. I willdeliver you and this city from the hand of the king of Assyria, and I will defend this city.

    (Isaiah 38:5-6).


    Blessed is he, who makes himself a friend to faith and prayer; he will live with onethought. Prayer rising in a mans heart will open up the doors of heaven. Prayer sets

    peace with Gods wrath.

    + Saint Ephrem the Syrian (4th


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    Tuesday of the Fifth Week of the Great Lent: Isaiah 40:1-8

    The crooked places shall be made straight and the rough places smooth (Isaiah 40:4)


    According to the plain teaching of the Lord, the kings highway is easy and smooth,though it may be felt as hard and rough: for those who piously and faithfully serve Him,

    when they have taken upon them the yoke of the Lord, and have learned of Him, that Heis meek and lowly of heart, at once somehow or other lay aside the burden of earthly

    passions, and find no labor but rest for their souls, by the gift of the Lord

    For to them at once the crooked shall become straight and the rough ways plain andthey shall taste and see that the Lord is gracious, and when they hear Christ proclaiming

    in the Gospel, Come unto Me all you that labor and are heavy laden, and I will refreshyou, they will lay aside the burden of their sins, and realize what follows, For My yoke

    is easy, and My burden is light.

    The way of the Lord then has refreshment if it is kept to according to His law.

    + From John Cassians Conferences (c. 365 c. 435 A.D.), Conference of AbbotAbraham, Chapter 25

    Wednesday of the Fifth Week of the Great Lent: Isaiah 41:4-14

    Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you,

    Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand (Isaiah 41:10).


    [Our Lord Jesus Christ] announced as a general law, useful and necessary for salvation,not only to the holy apostles but to all living on the earth, that people must seek His

    kingdom. He announced this, being sure that what He gives will be sufficient for them tobe in need of nothing else.

    What, then, does He say? Fear not, little flock (Luke 12:32). And by do not fear, He

    means that they must believe that certainly and without doubt their heavenly Father will

    give the means of life to those who love Him.

    He will not neglect His own. Rather He will open His hand to them the hand which

    ever fills the universe with goodness.

    + From Saint Cyril of Alexandria (c. 375 444 A.D.), Commentary on Luke, Homily 91

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    Friday of the Fifth Week of the Great Lent: Isaiah 43:1-9

    But now, thus says the LORD, who created you, O Jacob, and He who formed you, OIsrael: Fear not, I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; You are Mine.

    When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall

    not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, nor shall theflame scorch you (Isaiah 43:1-2).


    To bestow yet another means of comfort on our minds, He forcibly added that fivesparrows are scarcely perhaps worth a penny, and yet God does not forget even one of

    them. He also said that the separate hairs of your head are all numbered (Luke 12:6-7).

    Consider how great care He takes of those that love Him. The Preserver of the universeextends His aid to things so worthless and descends to the smallest animals. How can He

    forget those who love Him, especially when He takes so great care of them? Hecondescends to visit them, to know exactly each particular of their state, and even how

    many are the hairs of their heads

    Let us not doubt that with a rich hand He will give His grace to those who love Him. Hewill not permit us to fall into temptation. If, by His wise purpose He permits us to be

    taken in the snare in order that we may gain glory by suffering, He will most assuredlygrant us the power to bear it.

    + Saint Cyril of Alexandria (c. 375 444 A.D.), Commentary on Luke, Homily 87.

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    (Between The Paralyzed Man and The Man Born


    The sixth week leads us to the healing of the man who was born blind (John 9:1-41). This Sunday, in the Coptic Church, is also called Baptism Sunday. TheChurch makes the connection between baptism and the healing of the blind man.Just as the man washed in the Pool of Siloam and regained his sight, we toowash in the baptismal font and receive spiritual enlightenment. We have sharedin the resurrection of Christ and eagerly await the Pascha.

    Monday of the Sixth Week of the Great Lent: Isaiah 43:10-28

    Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will

    even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. The beast of the field willhonor Me, the jackals and the ostriches, because I give waters in the wilderness and

    rivers in the desert, to give drink to My people, My chosen (Isaiah 43:19-20).


    But as often as water is named alone in the Holy Scriptures, baptism is referred to, as wesee intimated in IsaiahThere, God foretold by the Prophet, that among the nations in

    places which previously had been dry, rivers should afterwards flow plenteously andshould provide water for the elected people of God, that is, for those who were made sons

    of God by the generation of baptism.

    Moreover, it is again predicted and foretold before, that the Jews, if they should thirst andseek after Christ, should drink with us, that is, should attain the grace of baptism.

    If they shall thirst, he says, He shall lead them through the deserts, shall bring forth

    water for them out of the rock; the rock shall be cloven, and the water shall flow, and Mypeople shall drink (Isaiah 48:21), which is fulfilled in the Gospel, when Christ, who is

    the Rock, is cloven by a stroke of the spear in His passion; who also, admonishing whatwas before announced by the Prophet, cries and says, If any man thirst, let him come

    and drink. He that believes in Me, as the Scripture says, out of his belly shall flow riversof living water (John 7:38).

    + Saint Cyprian of Carthage (3rd

    Century), The Epistles of Cyprian, Epistle 62

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    Tuesday of the Sixth Week of the Great Lent: Isaiah 44:1-8

    For I will pour water on him who is thirst, and floods on the dry ground; I will pour MySpirit on your descendants, and My blessing on your offspring (Isaiah 44:3).


    O Lord, who gave us Your Spirit in Baptism, give me the words by which I praise you

    with love.

    The Only-Begotten Son has descended, hauled you up from [filth], granted you His Spiritby Baptism, and made you His brother.

    In the water, webecome truly children; and since then, we gained the right to call God,

    Our Father. This Hidden One gave us His spirit through baptism.

    + Jacob of Serug (5





    Wednesday of the Sixth Week of the Great Lent: Isaiah 44:21-28

    I have blotted out, like a thick cloud, your transgressions, and like a cloud, your sins.Return to Me, for I have redeemed you (Isaiah 44:22).


    And may these words be spoken now again over you also, Sing, O heavens, and be

    joyful, O earth, and then, for the Lord has had mercy on His people, and comforted thelowly of His people (Isaiah 49:13). And this shall come to pass through the loving-

    kindness of God, who says to you, Behold, I will blot out as a cloud your transgressions,and as a thick cloud your sins.

    But you have been counted worthy of the name of Faithful of whom it is written: Upon

    My servants shall be called a new name which shall be blessed on the earth (Isaiah65:15); you shall say with gladness, Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus

    Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ(Ephesians 1:3):

    In whom we have our redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our sins,according to the riches of His grace, wherein He abounded towards us, and what follows,and again, But God being rich in mercy, for His great love wherewith He loved us, when

    we were dead through our trespasses, quickened us together with Christ (Ephesians 2:4)

    + Saint Cyril of Jerusalem (4th

    Century), Catechetical Lectures, Lecture 18

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    Thursday of the Sixth Week of the Great Lent: Isaiah 45:1-10

    I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places, that youmay know that I, the LORD, who call you by your name, am the God of Israel (Isaiah



    Your judgments are a great deep (LXX Psalm 35:6).

    Therefore, if you seek to know why the life of a sinner is continued, but the days ofsojourning of the just man are cut short; why the unjust man thrives, but the just man is

    afflicted; why the young child is snatched away before coming to maturity; whence arewars; why there are shipwrecks, earthquakes, droughts, heavy rains; why things

    destructive of man are created; why one man is a slave, another free, one is rich, anotheris poor; why this one is treated with kindness, and that one condemned; and what is the

    reward in the case of each of these from the Judge; taking all these questions into yourmind, consider that the judgments of God are the depths and, because they are enclosed

    in the divine storehouses, are not easily grasped by those encountering them.

    To him who believes, a promise is given by God: I will give you hidden treasures,unseen ones (Isaiah 45:3). When we have been deemed worthy of knowledge face to

    face, we shall see also the depths in the storehouses of God. If you will gather togetherthe sayings in Scripture about vessels, you will better comprehend the prophetic meaning.

    + Saint Basil the Great (4th

    Century), Exegetic Homilies, Homily 15

    Friday of the Sixth Week of the Great Lent: Isaiah 45:11-17

    I have made the earth, and created man on it. I My hands stretched out the heavens,

    and all their host I have commended (Isaiah 45:12).


    And the Father is called by the Spirit Most High and Almighty and Lord of Hoststhat we may learn that the God, this one Himself, He is the Maker of heaven and earth

    and the whole world, the Creator of angels and men, and the Lord of all, by whom all

    things exist, and from whom all things are nourished merciful, compassionate, good,righteous, the God of all both of the Jews and of the Gentiles and of the faithful.

    However, to the faithful He is as Father, since in the last times He opened the testamentof the adoption as sons

    + Saint Irenaeus of Lyons (2nd

    Century), On the Apostolic Preaching

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    (Between The Man Born Blind and Palm Sunday)

    The last week of the Great Lent completes our journey and turns our focus to

    Christs life-giving death and resurrection. The readings and sayings point to thehope of salvation and the resurrection. The word Pascha means passover. InLent, Holy Week, and the Feast of Resurrection, we pass over from sickness tohealth, from the aridity of a spiritual desert to springs of living water, fromdarkness to light, and from death to life.

    Monday of the Seventh Week of the Great Lent: Isaiah 48:17 49:4

    There is no peace, says the LORD, for the wicked (Isaiah 48:22).


    Now, my beloved, our will ought to keep pace with the grace of God, and not fall short;lest while our will remains idle, the grace given us should begin to depart, and the enemy

    finding us empty and naked, should enter [into us], as was the case with him spoken of inthe Gospel, from whom the devil went out; for having gone through dry places, he took

    seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and returning and finding the house empty,he dwelt there, and the last state of that man was worse than the first (Mt. 12:43-35).

    For the departure from virtue gives place for the entrance of the unclean spirit.

    + Saint Athanasius of Alexandria (4th


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    Tuesday of the Seventh Week of the Great Lent: Isaiah 49:6-10

    Thus says the Lord, The Redeemer of Israel, their Holy One, To Him whom mandespises, To Him whom the nation abhors, To the Servant of rulers: Kings shall see and

    arise, Princes also shall worship, Because of the LORD who is faithful, The Holy One of

    Israel; And He has chosen You (Isaiah 49:7).


    The Son of God assumed human nature, and in it He endured all that belongs to the

    human condition.

    Let mankind raise its hopes and recognize its own nature: let it observe how high a placeit has in the works of God. Do not despise yourselves, you men: the Son of God assumed

    manhood. Do not despise yourselves, you women: Gods Son was born of a woman

    Do not set your heart on temporal rewardsDo not fear insults, crosses and death: for ifthey did man harm..., Gods Sonwould not have endured them.

    + Blessed Augustine of Hippo (4th


    Wednesday of the Seventh Week of the Great Lent: Isaiah 58:1-11

    Then your light shall break forth like the morning, your healing shall spring forth

    speedily, and your righteousness shall go before you; the glory of the LORD shall beyour rear guard (Isaiah 58:8).


    I am the luminous source of the immortal stream and river. In it those who love Me with

    all their soul are washing by the water that flows from Me, not after death but hour byhour, and are cleansed from every stain in body and soul, so that they are completely

    radiant like a lamp and have the appearance of a sunbeam.

    I am the Sun who rises in them every hour as in the morning and am seen by the mind,just as I in times past manifested Myself in the prophets. When they saw Me they sang

    My praise and constantly called on Me, as David says, In the morning hear my voice, in

    the morning I shall stand before You, and You will look upon me (LXX Psalm 5:3).

    Those who sit in darkness must see the great Light shine, if only they look toward it

    [Do not think that] though it shone in the past, it is impossible for men of the present

    day to see it while they are still in the body.

    + Saint. Symeon the New Theologian (949 1022 A.D.)

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    Thursday of the Seventh Week of the Great Lent: Isaiah 65:8-16

    For the Lord GOD will slay you, and call His servants by another name; so that he whoblesses himself in the earth shall bless himself in the God of truth; and he who swears in

    the earth shall swear by the God of truth; because the former troubles are forgotten, and

    because they are hidden from My eyes (Isaiah 65:16).


    He has already indicated this name previously; it is new and not ancient: for it was after

    the Manifestation of Christ our Master that the believers received the name Christians.It is the name that is conferred in lieu of all kinds of praise: for when one desires to laud

    someone, one usually adds, after a series of praises: He is truly a Christian. And, onthe contrary, when one exhorts, one has a habit of saying: Act Christian, do as it

    behooves a Christian to do; to such a point that this appellation is full of blessing andpraise.

    For they shall bless the true God, that is to say, those who have merited the new name.

    And they that swear upon the earth shall swear by the true God. For they will banish

    the memory of idols and not cease to bear everywhere in their mouth [the name] of thetrue God.

    For they shall forget the former affliction, and it shall not come into their heart. He

    calls the error of [idolatry] affliction, because it was the cause of misfortunes.

    + Theodoret of Cyrus (5th


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