Microsoft Word - 1 Internal External Surface of Cranial Base Orbit Nasal Cavity

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Transcript of Microsoft Word - 1 Internal External Surface of Cranial Base Orbit Nasal Cavity


    is divided into: the anterior cranial fossa

    the middle cranial fossa

    the posterior cranial fossa

    anterior cranial fossa:

    1. frontal bone - orbital parts - superior surfaces

    2. ethmoidal bone - cribriform plate olfactory n.(1st)

    3. sphenoid bone - lesser wings

    middle cranial fossa:

    1. sphenoid bone body - hypophysial fossa (hypophysis=pituitary gland)

    - optic canal - optic nerve (2nd)

    - ophthalmic a.

    - sulcus chiasmatis (optic chiasm)

    greater wings - cerebral surface

    foramen rotundum: Maxillary n. (5th/2)

    foramen ovale: Mandibular n. (5th/3)

    foramen spinosum: middle meningeal a. superior orbital fissure: Oculomotor n.(3rd)

    Trochlear n.(4th)

    Abducent n. (6th)

    Ophthalmic n.(5th/l)

    Sup. ophthalmic v.

    2. temporal bone - petrous part - anterior surface

    trigeminal impression

    tegmen tympani

    carotid canal internal carotid a. foramen lacerum - borders:sphenoid,petrous,occipital

    posterior cranial fossa: 1. temporal bone -petrous part -internal acoustic meatus:

    Facial n. (7th)

    Vestibulocochlear n. (8th)

    - mastoid part - internal surface

    2. occipital bone - basilar part - superior surface

    - lateral parts - superior surface

    - squama - internal surface

    jugular foramen - borders: dorsal margin of petrous part

    occipital b. - jugular notch

    internal jugular v. Glossopharyngeal n. (9th)

    Vagus n. (10th)

    Accessory n. (11th)

    hypoglossal canal: Hypoglossal n. (12th)

  • NORMA BASALIS (External surface of cranial base)

    maxilla - body - infratemporal surf.

    - alveolar process

    - palatine process

    - zygomatic process

    zygomtic bone

    zygomatic arch

    palatine bone - horizontal plate - inferior surface

    sphenoid bone - body - inferior surface

    - greater wings - infratemporal sufrace

    - pterygoid process


    temporal bone - petrous part - inferior surface

    - squamous part - ext. surf.- zygomatic process, condylar

    - tympanic part fossa

    - styloid part

    - mastoid part - external surface

    occipital bone - basilar part - inferior surface

    - lateral parts - inferior surface

    - squamous part - external surf. - from foramen magnum

    to superior nuchal line

    !!! other important structurs:

    inferior orbital fissure: borders:greater wings


    posterior nasal apertures:

    borders:horizontal plate of palatine

    madial plate of pterygoid process

    inf. surf. of sphenoid body


    infratemporal fossa:

    borders: ifratemporal surface of greater wings

    body of maxilla -infratemporal surface

    lateral plate of pterygoid process

    ramus of mandible (lateral wall)



    greater palatine foramen: greater palatine n.

    lesser palatine foramina: lesser palatine nerves

    pterygoid canal: nerve and vessels of pterygoid canal

    foramen ovale: mandibular n.

    foramen spinosum: middle meningeal a.

    carotid canal: internal carotid a.

    jugular foramen: internal jugular v.

    9th, 10th, 11th cerebral nerves

    stylomastoid foramen: facial n.

  • mastoid and condylar canals: emissary veins

    hypoglossal canal hypoglossal n.


    orbital opening:

    borders: frontal bone

    zygomatic bone


    superior wall: frontal bone - orbital part - orbital surface

    sphenoid bone - lesser wing

    medial wall: maxilla - frontal process

    lacrimal bone ethmoid bone - labyrints - lateral (orbital) plate

    inferior wall: zygomatic bone

    maxilla - body - orbital surface

    lateral wall: zygomatic bone sphenoid bone - greater wing - orbital surface

    !!!important structures:

    optic canal (optic nerve, central a. of retina) superior orbital fissure -

    borders: greater wings, lesser wings

    (transmits:III.,IV.,VI.,V/l nerves, ophthalmic a., v.)

    inferior orbital fissure -

    borders: greater wings


    transmits:infraorbital a. v., n.,

    inf. ophthalmic v.


    anterior nasal aperture

    borders: maxilla and nasal bones

    posterior nasal apertures - choanae

    borders: superiorly: sphenoid bone - body

    laterally: pterygoid process - medial plate

    inferiorly: palatine bone horizontal plate

    roof: nasal bones

    frontal bone

    cribriform plate of ethmoid bone

    body of sphenoid bone

    floor: maxilla - palatine process

    palatine bone - horizontal plate

    lateral wall: nasal bone

    lacrimal bone

    maxilla - frontal process

    - body - nasal surface

    ethmoid bone - medial plate

    palatine bone - perpendicular plate

    pterygoid process of sphenoid bone medial plate)

    nasal septum: ethmoid bone - perpendicular plate (anterosup.part)

    vomer (posteroinf. part)

    nasal conchae superior and middle are projections of ethmoid b.

    - inferior concha (separate bone connected to the maxillary nasal surface)

    nasal meatuses - superior, middle, inferior

    PARANASAL SINUSES - cavities in bones bordering nasal cavity

    l. frontal sinus

    2. maxillary sinus

    3. ethmoid sinuses - anterior, middle and posterior

    4. sphenoid sinus

    openings of paranasal sinuses:

    sphenoid and post. ethmoid sinuses open into the superior nasal meatus

    frontal, ant. and middle ethmoid, maxillary sinuses open into the middle nasal meatus

    (nasolacrimal canal - into inferior nasal meatus)