Microsoft PowerPoint conversion macro  · Web view7:00 pm Rainbow Express and Joyful Noise Angels....

December, 2003 Strongsville United Methodist Church Christmas Eve Services 3:00 pm Communion Service with special music 5:00 pm Moving 4Word and the Commitments 7:00 pm Rainbow Express and Joyful Noise Angels 9:00 pm Sanctuary Choir and Crossroads Ringers 11:00 pm Sanctuary Choir and Crossroads Ringers The 5:00, 7:00, 9:00 and 11:00 pm services will be candlelight services. You won’t want to miss The Go-fers Christmas Join us for the production of The Go-fers Christmas on Sunday, December 7th at 7:00 pm. This is a musical celebration of the Christmas season in which a group of children visit the "Strongsville Retirement Village" to perform their Christmas pageant. The residents of the retirement village decide to have a Christmas program of their own. With the help of some "go- fers" they learn about the gift of giving and God's greatest gift to us all. Everyone is invited to a reception in Tiber Hall following the performance.

Transcript of Microsoft PowerPoint conversion macro  · Web view7:00 pm Rainbow Express and Joyful Noise Angels....

Page 1: Microsoft PowerPoint conversion macro  · Web view7:00 pm Rainbow Express and Joyful Noise Angels. ... Over the last several weeks a song by musician Jim Brickman has caught my attention.

December, 2003 Strongsville United Methodist Church

Christmas Eve Services3:00 pm Communion Service with special music5:00 pm Moving 4Word and the Commitments7:00 pm Rainbow Express and Joyful Noise Angels9:00 pm Sanctuary Choir and Crossroads Ringers11:00 pm Sanctuary Choir and Crossroads Ringers

The 5:00, 7:00, 9:00 and 11:00 pm services will be candlelight services.

You won’t want to missThe Go-fers Christmas

Join us for the production of The Go-fers Christmas on Sunday, December 7th at 7:00 pm. This is a musical celebration of the Christmas season in which a group of children visit the "Strongsville Retirement Village" to perform their Christmas pageant. The residents of the retirement village decide to have a Christmas program of their own. With the help of some "go-fers" they learn about the gift of giving and God's greatest gift to us all.

Everyone is invited to a reception in Tiber Hall following the performance.

Reminder!! The winter session of Logos will begin on

Thursday, January 8th at 5:30pm. You still have time to sign up your children/youth in grades K-12. If you need more information, please call Lynne Koszkalda (238-0883) or Bev. Wells (572-1415).

Make Christmas brighterby fulfilling a child’s wish

Gift tags will be placed on our tree in the atrium on Sunday, December 7. There will be gift request tags from needy youngsters in our community and also tags for Project Angel Tree children.

If you take a tag, please purchase your gift during the following week, wrap it and securely attach the tag to the outside, and bring your gift to put under the tree on Sunday, December 14.

The area beneath our tree is sure to be overflowing with gifts, thanks to the generous support that our congregation always gives to the less fortunate children of our community.

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From Pastor Paula’s Desk

And she gave birth to her Son; her Firstborn; and she wrapped Him in swaddling clothes and laid Him in a manger, because there was no place for them in

the inn. Luke 2:7 (AMP)

Over the last several weeks a song by musician Jim Brickman has caught my attention. The song is titled, “Simple Things,” and every day this particular phrase draws me to think about a particular moment of everyday life. As I have pondered the phrase each time it comes to mind, it brings with it thoughts of warm socks, the prrrrr of a contented kitten, the flame of a candle, a single rose bud, the laughter of a child, the hug of a friend, a tear of thanksgiving. With each passing day my list continues to grow. So as we enter into the season of Advent and look to the celebration of Jesus’ birth, the message this single phrase creates in my own heart is this; the simple things of life are the best gifts anyone can receive or give. In Luke 2 we read the account of Jesus' birth as an inn keeper offers his table, angels greet the shepherds with the wonderful news, shepherds come as visitors to meet Jesus and his parents, and a newborn is wrapped in clothes and laid to rest in a manger. Yet, the simplest and most profound part of the story; this is the Son of God and he has been sent to earth because God loves us! The simple things in life are truly the most treasured gifts we are given! During this season of Advent perhaps you will take a moment each day to ponder as Mary did (Luke 2:19) the simple gifts of each day given to you by God. Incredible signs of His love for you! Then lift a prayer of love and thanksgiving to the Giver of simple gifts!

David and I pray that each of you will experience in the days ahead, the simplest and most profound gift given, God’s love for you! Have a Blessed Advent and Christmas! Pastor Paula

Dear SUMC Family, I wanted to take a moment and say "THANK YOU" for your prayers, concerns and cards during my sudden surgery and recovery time. My surgery was not expected, but I am so thankful for a great doctor, complete healing and a final good report! Your prayers were a part of the healing and I am grateful for them. To those of you who brought us meals, THANK YOU! David was able to care for my needs by you caring for ours! For flowers and special surprises, THANK YOU, these were daily reminders of how our God cares for the creation and how much more He cares about me! And to those of you who greeted me early the morning of my surgery with your prayers and hugs, THANK YOU! I am so blessed to be able to serve the Lord with all of you! So with hearts of thanksgiving, David and I ask God's blessing on you and say THANK YOU!

Women are invited to Bible study Attention Ladies! Chase the winter blah's away! Come

join the Women's Bible Study on Tuesday nights beginning on January 13th. We meet from 7:30 – 9 pm at the Bonnie Lane parsonage. Each lesson is self-contained, so if you need to miss a week you can.

Our next study is from the Women of Faith series and the title is Living Above Worry and Stress.. Come join us for a time of laughter, learning and making new friends! This is a study you won't want to miss! For information and to sign up call Pastor Paula (440) 238-6135.

Friday Fellowship

Friday Fellowship will not be meeting in December. These are busy times as the holiday season draws near. Our best wishes to you at this beautiful time. May we all remember “the reason for the season.”December BirthdaysDec. 10 Lee StimsonDec. 14 Dolores HuhnDec. 19 Tom VerbskyDec. 31 Ray RichardsAnniversariesDec. 8 Bob & Betty Smith, 58 yearsDec. 9 Chuck & Lita Staley, 47 yearsThought for the DayA Bible in the hand is worth two in the bookcase.

Rustad LibraryAnother thank you to Friday Fellowship for purchasing a

book in the name of Newton Chalfant. Shepherds Abiding is the newest novel from the popular Jan Karon. You may find it in the New Books section of the library.

Please welcome your librarians for 2004! Mr. and Mrs. Dale (Jessica) Van Lehn, Mrs. Darlene DeBrock, and Mrs. Eve Hill will be purchasing new books and keeping things in order in your church library.

A very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone -- please pick up a good book and enjoy it over the holidays!

United Methodist WomenOur members have been invited to attend the annual

Ecumenical Christmas Tea on December 3 at 1:00 pm. First Lutheran Church of Strongsville is this year’s host for the event which has the theme of “Christmas Memories.”

We have also been invited to attend a noon luncheon program at the Berea United Methodist Church on December 10. Our District Superintendent, Rev. Dan Drew, will be speaking about one his forebears, “Grandma Moses: The Life of Simple Beauty.” Cost of the lunch is $4.00. RSVP to Dianne Powell by December 5.

Lydia CircleThe ladies of Lydia Circle will celebrate the holiday

season with a Chinese luncheon in Tiber Hall on December 4 at 12:30 pm. There will be a variety of dishes. Cost is $5.00 per person. Reservations should be in by Monday, December 1st. As a gift to our Strongsville Food Bank, you are asked to bring a box of cereal.

Betty Berry, 238-6495Grace Kellner, 234-0938

Hannah CircleThe Hannah Circle Holiday Ornament Exchange and

Christmas Party will be held December 15th from 6:30 - 8:00 pm. Please bring a holiday ornament (less than $5) and an appetizer or dessert to share. We will meet at the home of Jennifer Hedinger, 10237 Pamela Drive, 440-846-0390.

Elizabeth CircleElizabeth Circle will be celebrating their annual Christmas

Party at Debbie Miller's on Monday, December 15th. Dinner will be at 6:30 pm with a cookie exchange and ornament exchange following. For additional information, please call:Karen Muskoff, 440- 572-1084

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Don’t miss ON THE WAY December 28

Have you ever watched a movie and thought about how you might learn something about God from the


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movie? Think about that and join us on SUNDAY, DECEMBER 28th at 6:30 pm for our contemporary service, "ON THE WAY"! During our service you will view a scene from a popular movie and learn how what the character has to say relates to your life as you love God! Are you curious about the movie? Here is a hint . . . “look for incoming mail”!

Bring yourself and some friends and come join us! Moving 4WORD will lead worship, and don't forget, a recent movie may have something to teach all of us! See you December 28th at 6:30 pm!

United Methodist MenAll men of the church are invited to join the United

Methodist Men on Sunday, December 21st at 7:00am in Tiber Hall. We will enjoy a continental breakfast and then be led in singing Christmas Carols by Don Shearer. Watch for the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board next to the nursery. We encourage men of all ages to become part of our UMM ministry. If you have questions, please call Paul Wells (572-1415).

SometimersRemember our brunch at the Schwebel Room at KSU on

December 7th. We leave church at 11:00 am. The total cost is $20.00, and reservations must be given to Betty Smith by December 1.

Our annual evening out to shake the “holiday blahs” will be January 17. We will be having dinner at Buca di Beppo in Southpark Center at 7 pm. Make reservations with Betty by January 11. Watch the Sunday bulletins for cost. All are welcome, so please join us.

Christian Education News

Winter Quarter-Teachers neededPlease check the schedule board for classrooms needing

teachers/helpers this quarter, which begins on Sunday, December 7th. We need your help in providing a consistent classroom environment for our Sunday school children. Parents with children attending are encouraged to participate in this unique and rewarding program. Just a reminder: the schedule board is located in the old education wing next to the atrium entrance. Take a moment to look at the sign-up sheets and consider taking on the rewarding challenge of teaching our children the gracious word of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Fall Quarter ReviewIn review of the Fall Quarter, I want to thank all of those

involved who faithfully taught in the classrooms, shared ideas, shared visions, and truly gave of themselves to bring glory to God. I have enjoyed meeting all of you, and especially getting to know the children. I look forward to seeing the kids each week and miss them when they are unable to attend. Soon I am sure I will know each child by name. . .Praise the Lord.

Our Sunday school children and teachers were blessed to celebrate in a recognition/worship service on Sunday, November 16th in the atrium. Thanks to Mark Hotz who put together a live band, the power point production, and the youth who helped announce and run the video equipment. Each quarter, we will conclude with a worship/recognition Sunday. Thanks to all who participated!

Thank You!A special note of thanks to Mrs. Debra Ryan who was

the inspiration behind the Thanksgiving craft and to Lisa Johnson who faithfully records the weekly attendance in Shelby. Special thanks also to Jen Weisbrod and Holly Hotz who organize the actors, actresses, choirs, sound, and lighting people to bring a wonderful Christmas production to the congregation each year.

Have a Merry Christmas!Mary PhillipsDirector of Christian Education

Notes from the Nurses The holiday season is here! This season brings with it

excitement, joy, reunions and a multitude of emotions. With all this excitement and anticipation can also come tragedies if

safety is not carefully thought about. Each year emergency rooms see 8,100 people for injuries related to holiday lights, decorations and Christmas trees. Christmas trees result in over 400 fires annually, resulting in 30 deaths, 90 injuries and about $17 million in property loss and damage.

Help have a safe holiday by following some safety suggestions. Make sure your artificial tree is “fire resistant.” When buying a live tree, check for freshness. Needles should be hard to pull off and should not snap in half when bent. If you tap the tree trunk on the ground, few needles should fall off. Have your tree away from fireplaces or any source of heat. Check live trees every day to make sure they have plenty of water in the base. Spraying a live or artificial tree with a non-toxic flame retardant also helps to reduce the chance of a fire. A dry tree can be consumed by fire in less than 30 seconds.

Christmas lights should be checked for broken or cracked sockets, frayed or bare wires, or loose connections. Throw out damaged lights. Use no more than three standard-size sets of lights per single extension cord. Make sure outside lights are securely

fastened so they don’t get damaged by the wind. Remember to turn off lights when you are away from home and when you go to bed.

Working smoke detectors help save lives. 90% of fire deaths occur in residential areas between 11 pm and 6 am when occupants are asleep. Working smoke detectors help to warn occupants when fires are still small and there is time to escape.

We wish everyone a very safe and fun-filled holiday season. Merry Christmas!

Blood Pressures will be taken between services on December 14.

Gail Spence & Betsy Mowry

Who is it?A Sunday school teacher asked her class of

kindergarteners to draw pictures of the manger scene at Bethlehem. The children quickly and eagerly began to color. The teacher walked around the room observing each picture in progress. She was puzzled by something she saw in one little boy’s picture. In one of its corners was a very plump, jolly-looking fellow.

“Bobby, who’s this person?” she asked, pointing to the portly character.

“Why, that’s Round John Virgin!” Bobby replied.

Stephen MinistryThe holidays are a time of family togetherness, fun-filled

days of shopping and cooking and sharing with those we love, a time when our lives are filled with the warmth of the season. Right?? Not for everyone.

For those who are experiencing difficulties in their lives, the joyful Christmas season can be a time of terrible pain and isolation. This church has a group of compassionate Stephen Ministers who are committed to bringing distinctively Christian care to those who are hurting. If you are suffering or you know someone who is suffering, please reach out and allow a Stephen Minister to care for you. All relationships are strictly confidential.


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To find out more about Stephen Ministry call Jim Boyer (572-4976, Hildi Fitzpatrick (572-5004), Mark or Karen Milia (572-0602), or Bev. Wells (572-1415).

Berea Children’s Home offersopportunities to serve

At holiday time, you remember your favorite childhood memories…sitting by the fire, caroling, a delicious warm turkey meal…Hopefully, you are smiling right now as you remember these good times. The children at Berea Children’s Home & Family Services need volunteers to put smiles on their faces.

There are many ways you can help. If you would like to buy a Christmas gift for one of the children, you can deliver NEW, UNWRAPPED gifts every Monday through Friday, 9 to 5, during the month of December to the Masonic Temple, 366 Eastland Road, Berea. Monetary donations (cash, check or credit card) are also welcome. To learn about special volunteer opportunities, including food drive boxes, holiday parties, and ongoing commitments to the kids, please call 440-260-8385.

Thank you…to Bob Allwood for his faithful mowing of the church lawn

throughout the year. This has been a growing year when he has needed to be here several times a week and we give thanks for his great dedication.

to Eve Hawk who prepared the inspirational worship setting for this November Thanksgiving season that graces the Communion Table and Chancel area. Thank you, Eve, for sharing your creativity with the Lord.

Joys & Concernsof the congregation

BirthsCongratulations to Bob & Diane Hawk on the birth of their

daughter, LeAnne Carol Hawk, on October 30th. Proud grandparents are Charles & Eve Hawk.

BaptismWe rejoice with the family of Ashleigh Nicole Johnson,

who was baptized on Sunday, November 9. Ashleigh is the daughter of James & Kelly Wright Johnson.

DeathsThe prayers and sympathy of the congregation are

extended to Richard & Roni Klink and Henry Klink and their families upon the death of Richard’s and Henry’s sister, Donna Peeples, on October 20; to Mike & Lisa Johnson and family upon the death of Lisa’s uncle, Bill Inglesby, on October 20; to Jim & Anne Dickerson and family upon the death of Anne’s mother, Elizabeth Taylor, on October 18; to Bob & Lynne Koszkalda and family upon the death of Bob’s uncle, Fedir Koshkalda, on October 22; to Randy & Connie Border and family upon the death of Randy’s stepfather, Ralph Stewart, on November 3; and to Shirley Boyer and family upon the death of her sister, Claudia Jordan, on November 12.

From our church’s mailboxDear Rev. Ron, Pastor Paula, and our church family,

We truly appreciate all the prayers and concern shown to us and for Michelle. Her brain surgery went well. We are blessed to have such a caring church. Many thanks.

Jim & Sandy Kepke

Dear Congregation of the UMC,You are such a supportive and generous organization.

Thank you for your donation of food and $285. Typically during the summer months distribution of food is

greater than donations, and by October our shelves are lean. Then in comes Bob bearing your gifts! Your year-round help means so much to the food bank. Twenty more families, mostly seniors, have applied for assistance since last year at this time. Your cash donations will be used to purchase Tops gift certificates. Thank you for all your work on our behalf.

Sincerely yours,Ann Miley

United Methodist Men’s Poinsettia SaleAgain this year, you can give a poinsettia plant in memory of or in honor of a loved one. The United Methodist Men are taking orders for

plants which can be picked up for your personal use or donated for use in decorating the church. The cost is $7.50 per plant and payment must be included with order. The deadline for placing your order is Sunday, December 14.

Please complete the order form and place it (with your check made out to United Methodist Men) in the offering plate or return it to the church office. Orders will also be taken in the atrium between services on December 7 and 14.

Name_____________________________________________________________ Phone number ( )_______________________

No. of plants @ $7.50 each __________ Amount enclosed $___________

In Memory of_________________________________________________________________________________________________(please print clearly)

In Honor of__________________________________________________________________________________________________(please print clearly)

_____I will not be picking up my plant(s). _____ I will be picking up my plant(s) on December 26 between 10 am and noon.Please note: Any plants not picked up will be taken to area hospitals and nursing homes.


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