Microbial redox interactions with uranium: an …€¦ ·  · 2015-03-23Microbial redox...

INTERACfIONS OF MICROORGANISMS wrrn RADIONUCLIDES Miranda J. Keith-Roach and Francis R. Livens (Editors) ~ 2002Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved 205 Chapter 7 Microbial redox interactions with uranium: an environmental perspective Robert T. Anderson, DerekR. Lovley University ofMassachusetts, Department of Microbiology,Morrill Science CenterIVN,Amherst, MA 01003, USA 1. Introduction Microbially catalysed processes have the potential to affect the fate of uranium profoundly in a variety of environmental settings. Redox interactions are particularly important becausethe mobility of uranium in the environment is largely determined by its oxidation state. Reduced uranium, U(IV), is highly insoluble and is the oxidation state most often associated with uranium-containing ores (Langmuir, 1978). Oxidised uranium, U(Vl), is relatively soluble and therefore mobile in the environment. Microorganisms catalyse the oxidation and reduction of uranium and therefore influence uranium mobility in the environment. Recent interest in the use of microorganisms for metal removal from waste streams and from groundwater of metal-contarninated environments has sparked interest in microbial redox interactions with uranium and potential applications at uranium- contaminated sites (Lovley & Phillips, 1992a; Lovley, 1995a; Lovley & Coates, 1997). While microbially enhanced oxidation mobilises uranium, perhaps best exemplified during bioleaching of uranium from low grade ore (Brierley, 1978; Hutchins et al., 1986; Rawlings & Silver, 1995; Bosecker, 1997), microbially catalysed reduction processes irnmobilise uranium. Until quite recently, uranium reduction was generally thought to be dominated by abiotic reactions (Jensen, 1958; Hostetler & Garrels, 1962; Langmuir, 1978; Maynard, 1983; Nakashima et al., 1984, 1999). The discovery of anaerobic microorganisms capable of coupling growth to uranium reduction (Lovley et al., 1991) demonstrates a biogeochemical cycle for uranium consistent with geochemical observations of uranium accumulation in anoxic sediments (Bertine et al., 1970; Bonatti et al., 1971; Colley & Thomson, 1985; Cochran et al., 1986; Anderson, 1987; Klinkhammer & Palmer, 1991; Barnes & Cochran, 1993) and proposed conditions of uranium ore formation (Jensen, 1958; Hostetler & Garrels, 1962; Adler, 1974; Langmuir, 1978; Mohagh~ghi et al., 1985). The stimulation of uranium reduction within contaminated aquifers has been proposed as a method to remove uranium from contaminated groundwater in situ and could prove widely applicable at

Transcript of Microbial redox interactions with uranium: an …€¦ ·  · 2015-03-23Microbial redox...

Page 1: Microbial redox interactions with uranium: an …€¦ ·  · 2015-03-23Microbial redox interactions with uranium: an environmental perspective 207 uranium-containing ores also contain

INTERACfIONS OF MICROORGANISMS wrrn RADIONUCLIDESMiranda J. Keith-Roach and Francis R. Livens (Editors)~ 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved


Chapter 7

Microbial redox interactions with uranium: an

environmental perspective

Robert T. Anderson, Derek R. LovleyUniversity of Massachusetts, Department of Microbiology, Morrill Science Center IVN, Amherst,

MA 01003, USA

1. Introduction

Microbially catalysed processes have the potential to affect the fate of uranium profoundlyin a variety of environmental settings. Redox interactions are particularly importantbecause the mobility of uranium in the environment is largely determined by its oxidationstate. Reduced uranium, U(IV), is highly insoluble and is the oxidation state most oftenassociated with uranium-containing ores (Langmuir, 1978). Oxidised uranium, U(Vl),is relatively soluble and therefore mobile in the environment. Microorganisms catalysethe oxidation and reduction of uranium and therefore influence uranium mobility inthe environment. Recent interest in the use of microorganisms for metal removal fromwaste streams and from groundwater of metal-contarninated environments has sparkedinterest in microbial redox interactions with uranium and potential applications at uranium-contaminated sites (Lovley & Phillips, 1992a; Lovley, 1995a; Lovley & Coates, 1997).While microbially enhanced oxidation mobilises uranium, perhaps best exemplified duringbioleaching of uranium from low grade ore (Brierley, 1978; Hutchins et al., 1986; Rawlings& Silver, 1995; Bosecker, 1997), microbially catalysed reduction processes irnmobiliseuranium.

Until quite recently, uranium reduction was generally thought to be dominated by abioticreactions (Jensen, 1958; Hostetler & Garrels, 1962; Langmuir, 1978; Maynard, 1983;Nakashima et al., 1984, 1999). The discovery of anaerobic microorganisms capable ofcoupling growth to uranium reduction (Lovley et al., 1991) demonstrates a biogeochemicalcycle for uranium consistent with geochemical observations of uranium accumulation inanoxic sediments (Bertine et al., 1970; Bonatti et al., 1971; Colley & Thomson, 1985;Cochran et al., 1986; Anderson, 1987; Klinkhammer & Palmer, 1991; Barnes & Cochran,1993) and proposed conditions of uranium ore formation (Jensen, 1958; Hostetler &Garrels, 1962; Adler, 1974; Langmuir, 1978; Mohagh~ghi et al., 1985). The stimulation ofuranium reduction within contaminated aquifers has been proposed as a method to removeuranium from contaminated groundwater in situ and could prove widely applicable at

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many uranium-contaminated sites (Lovley et al., 1991; Abdelouas et al., 1998a, b, 1999b).Microbial uranium reduction also has potential applications in industry for removinguranium from waste streams (Lovley & Phillips, 1992a; Lloyd & Macaskie, 2000). In thischapter, we will review microbial interactions with uranium, particularly emphasising thebiogeochemical aspects and implications of uranium reduction.

2. Microbially catalysed redox reactions of uranium

It is becoming increasingly apparent that microorganisms playa significant, and perhapsdominant, role in the biogeochemical cycling of metals in the environment (Ehrlich, 1990;Lovley, 2000). Metal-microbe redox interactions have implications for ore formationand recovery of metals from ore-containing materials. Aerobic, metal-oxidising bacteriacatalyse the oxidation of reduced metals, enhancing metal recovery from-ore-containingmaterials during bioleaching processes (Brierley, 1978). Anaerobic bacteria found insedimentary environments catalyse metal reduction. Since the reduced forms of manyelements are insoluble, anaerobic sediments frequently serve as environmental sinks.Uranium(VI) is relatively mobile in aerobic environments but once reduced to U(IV)becomes quite insoluble. Understanding the microbially catalysed redox interactions ofuranium is key to understanding recovery of uranium from ore-containing materials anduranium accumulation in anaerobic sedimentS under naturally occurring or engineeredconditions.

Aerobic interactions with uranium: bioleaching processes

Microbially enhanced oxidation of uranium from U(IV) to U(VI) is widely used in therecovery of uranium from low grade ores (Thovinen & Kelly, 1974; Brierley, 1978;Lundgren, 1980; Hutchins et al., 1986; Rawlings & Silver, 1995; Munoz et al., 1995;Bosecker, 1997). Many globally significant ore deposits contain uranium as insolubleoxides, usually with a high proportion of U(IV) (plant et al., 1999). Efficient recoveryof uranium from such materials depends on the oxidation of U(IV) to U(VI), therebycreating a soluble and easily recovered form of uranium. Uranium can often be chemicallyextracted directly from high grade ores (2.5-12.2% U), but global depletion of thesedeposits has resulted in the increased exploitation of lower grade deposits (Brierley, 1978;Munoz et al., 1995). Many lower grade uranium ores (0.~.4% U) are extracted inan aerobic, acid leaching process enhanced by the presence of acid-tolerant, Fe(ll)- andSo-oxidising bacteria (Tuovinen & Kelly, 1974; Brierley, 1978; Rawlings & Silver, 1995;Munoz et al., 1995; Bosecker, 1997). Fe(III) is an effective oxidant for U(IV) and, whenadded to uranium-containing ore under acidic conditions, solubilises uranium as U(VI)in the leachate. Fe(ill) is reduced during uranium oxidation but can be regenerated byacid-tolerant, Fe(II)-oxidising bacteria such as l1Iiobacillus ferrooxidans. 7: ferrooxidansis an appropriate microbial model for bioleaching processes as this organism thrives atlow pH (1.5-2.5 optimal range) and couples growth to aerobic oxidation of Fe(ll), therebyindirectly enhancing uranium recovery from ore-containing materials (Brierley, 1978;Hutchins et al., 1986; Rawlings & Silver, 1995; Bosecker, 1997). Additionally, many

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uranium-containing ores also contain pyrite (FeS2). Representatives of the Thiobacillusand Leptospirillum families have been identified as active aerobic bacterial species withinleach heaps containing uranium and other metals (Brierley, 1978; Rawlings & Silver, 1995;Schippers et al., 1995). The presence of acid-tolerant Fe(ll)- and S°-oxidising bacteria ofthe Thiobacillus and Leptospirillum families enhances pyrite oxidation (Bruynesteyn,1989; Schippers & Sand, 1999; Fowleret al., 1999) generating the Fe(llI) and sulfuric acidnecessary for uranium mobilisation during bioleaching.

Metal-oxidising bacteria can also directly oxidise U(IV) to U(VI) (DiSpirito & Thov-inen, 1981, 1982a, b). While organisms such as 7: ferrooxidans derive energy from theaerobic oxidation of Fe(ll) and So, free energy calculations also indicate a potential net en-ergy gain from aerobic U(lV) oxidation (DiSpirito & Thovinen, 1982b). However, U(VI) istoxic to many organisms and inhibits Fe(II)-oxidation by Thiobacillus species in laboratorycultures at concentrations approaching 1 mM (Thovinen & Kelly, 1974). The isolation ofactive organisms from leaching operations containing much higher U(VI) concentrationsshows that the organisms within leach piles adapt to the much higher uranium concen-trations. In the laboratory, strains of Thiobacillus can be adapted to tolerate higher U(VI)concentrations, thus more accurately modelling the organisms found within leach piles(Thovinen & Kelly, 1974). Strains of Thiobacillus cultured in the presence of U(VI) havebeen tested for the ability to oxidise U(IV) directly. Carbon fixation and oxygen uptakeassociated with the oxidation of U(lV) compounds by adapted cultures of 7: ferrooxidansand 7: acidophilus indicates these organisms couple metabolic processes, but not growth,to U(IV) oxidation (DiSpirito & Thovinen, 1981, 1982a, b). These observations raise thepossibility that uranium solubilisation during acidic bioleaching processes results fromboth direct and indirect microbial oxidation (Francis, 1990; Rawlings & Silver, 1995;

Bosecker, 1997).Mobilisation of uranium arising from the activity of metal- and sulfur-oxidising bacteria

such as Thiobacillus is a potential mechanism for uranium contamination of groundwater.Metal- and sulfur-oxidising bacteria are ubiquitous in the environment particularly insettings where reduced minerals contact atmospheric oxygen. Uranium-contaminatedgroundwater is of concern in areas where past uranium milling operations have left largetailings piles (Abdelouas et al., 1998a, b). Low level leaching of uranium within thesepiles provides a continued source of U(VI) to the local aquifer, and groundwater uraniumconcentrations at many of these sites present a threat to down-gradient water resources.Remediation of uranium contaminated aquifers has tended to focus on 'pump and treat'systems which have had little success in producing sustained lowering of groundwaterU(VI) concentrations (Abdelouas et al., 1999b), prompting investigation of alternative


Anaerobic interactions with uranium

Anaerobic microbial processes have the potential to remove U(VI) effectively fromcontaminated groundwater. A relatively novel process for the treatment of uranium-contaminated aquifers is the stimulation of anaerobic processes to precipitate uranium asU(Iv) within narrow zones across groundwater flow paths (Lovley et aI., 1991). The ideais similar to other permeable reactive barriers (Cantrell et al., 1995; Gu et aI., 1998) except

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that, in this case, the indigenous anaerobic bacteria are stimulated within the subsurfaceby the addition of a suitable electron donor. Groundwater at many uranium-contaminatedsites is aerobic and uranium is therefore mobile. The creation of anaerobic conditions, aswould occur upon the addition of organics, creates conditions favourable for reduction andtherefore precipitation of uranium in situ. A variety of anaerobic organisms are knownto reduce U(VI) and the production of anaerobic conditions within aquifers results in apredictable succession of microbially catalysed redox processes that can influence uraniumimmobilisation.

Succession of anaerobic microbial processes in sedimentary environmentsUranium and other heavy metals often accumulate in anaerobic sedimentary environmentsas a direct consequence of microbial metabolism. Anaerobic conditions develop in sed-iments due to the depletion of oxygen by aerobic bacteria which couple the oxidationof organic matter to the reduction of dissolved oxygen as the terminal electron acceptor.Oxygen is therefore most rapidly depleted in sediments containing large amounts oforganic matter (Chapelle, 1993). Diffusion of oxygen into sediments is slow and oftenlimits aerobic processes to fringe areas along the oxic/anoxic boundary in organics-contaminated aquifers or at the sediment/water interface of aquatic or marine sediments(Klinkhammer & Palmer. 1991; Anderson & Lovley, 1997). On the depletion of oxygen,microbial respiratory processes shift to alternative terminal electron acceptors such asNO-;, Mn(IV), Fe(III), SO~- and COz (see Chapter 3, this volume).

Anaerobic metabolism in aquatic and marine sediments exploits a succession of terminalelectron accepting processes (ponnamperuma, 1972: Reeburgh, 1983). In an ideal system,on depletion of oxygen, microbial processes coupled to NO-; reduction become dominant.Deeper in the sediment, as NO-; concentrations are depleted, microbial processes shiftto Mn(IV) reduction, followed successively by Fe(ill) reduction, SO~- reduction andfinally COz reduction (Fig. 1) (Froelich et al., 1979; Reeburgh, 1983). The segregationof anaerobic processes into distinct zones is not absolute and sediment heterogeneity ordeparture from steady state can lead to microsites where several terminal electron acceptingprocesses exist together. Under steady state conditions, there is generally one predominantterminal electron accepting process (Froelich et al.. 1979; Reeburgh, 1983).

While the distribution of terminal electron accepting processes within sediments understeady state conditions correlates with the thermodynamic energy yield of each reaction, amore accurate model of terminal electron accepting process distribution can be obtainedby considering the physiological constraints on microbial metabolism and the effects ofmicrobial competition (Lovley & Chapelle. 1995). Terminal electron accepting processdistribution in sediments is often explained on a thermodynamic basis where organismspreferentially utilise the terminal electron acceptor yielding the most available energy(McCarty, 1972; Stumm & Morgan, 1981; Bouwer, 1992). However, reactions leading toless energy should also occur to some extent if they are thermodynamically favourable.Therefore, thermodynamics alone cannot adequately predict terminal electron acceptingprocess distribution in sediments, as they cannot explain the general absence of reactions,such as COz reduction (methanogenesis), with a lower energy yield in zones dominated byother, more energetically favourable terminal electron accepting processes. Organic matterdegradation under anaerobic conditions initially results in the generation of Hz and low

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molecular weight organic acids such as acetate via the successive activities of hydrolyticand fermentative organisms (Fig. 2) (Lovley & Chapelle, 1995). Anaerobic respiratorybacteria compete for hydrogen and organic acids as substrates, and different electronaccepting processes have different threshold substrate concentrations (Lovley & Goodwin,1988; Lovley et al., 1994). For example, in the presence of Fe(llI), Fe(llI) reducers willoutcompete SO~- reducers because Fe(llI)-reducing bacteria can metabolise substrates tolevels too low to support SO~- reduction (Lovley and Phillips, 1987). Therefore, Fe(llI)reduction will predominate in sediments where NO3 is depleted and Fe(llI) is available.Similarly, SO~- reducers can metabolise substrates to levels too low to support methano-genesis (Lovley & Klug, 1983; Lovley and Goodwin, 1988). In the presence of SO~- andin the absence of Fe(1II) and NO3 ' SO~- reduction will predominate. Threshold substrateconcentrations form the physiological basis for microbial competition and explain terminalelectron accepting process distributions in anaerobic sediments (Lovley & Goodwin, 1988;Lovley et al., 1994).

The succession of microbial processes observed in aquatic and marine anoxic sedi-ments is also found within aquifers contaminated with organic compounds (Lyngki1de &Christensen, 1992; Baedecker et al., 1993; Patterson et aI., 1993; Vroblesky & Chapelle,1994; Lovley et al., 1994; Bjerg et al., 1995; Borden et al., 1995; Rugge et al., 1995).Pristine aquifers generally contain low concentrations of organics and are therefore gener-ally dominated by aerobic processes (Chapelle, 1993). In other words, microbial processesin pristine, aerobic aquifers are donor limited. The amount of electron acceptor in the formof oxygen exceeds the amount of electron donor (organic carbon). When aquifers becomecontaminated with organic materials, such as petroleum hydrocarbons or landfill leachate,the amount of electron donor (organic carbon) far exceeds the amount of dissolved oxygenand microbial metabolism shifts to anaerobic processes due to consumption of dissolvedoxygen by aerobic degradation processes (Chapelle, 1993; Anderson & Lovley, 1997).

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Fennentable substrates

~ermentatio~V other low mol. wt.Acetate organic acids

-~~~f~icrobia! Competition~ ~ I? = for Substrates

<::::' 0 tl' 0

N03- reducersMn(IV) reducersFe(III) reducers8°42- reducersMethanogens

Fig. 2. Organic matter degradation in anaerobic environments.

In heavily contaminated aquifers, large areas dominated by anaerobic processes developdowngradient of source areas as soluble contaminants migrate with the groundwater toproduce a contaminant plume (Lyngkilde & Christcnsen, 1992; Baedeckeret al., 1993;Bjerg et al., 1995; Borden et al., 1995; Rugge et al., 1995). In the anaerobic portions ofa contamination plume, a succession of terminal electron accepting processes develops,similar to that observed with depth in anoxic aquatic or marine sediments. Areas dominatedby methanogenic processes tend to be found closest to the source, where contamination hasexisted for the longest period of time and where all potential electron acceptors other thanCO2 have been exhausted. Methanogenic conditions are followed by successive down-gradient zones dominated by SO~- reduction, Fe(III) reduction, Mn(IV) reduction, NO3reduction and aerobic conditions once again at the contaminant plume boundary (Fig.3) (Chapelle, 1993; Lovley et al., 1994; Lovley, 1997; Anderson & Lovley, 1997). Thecomposition of terminal electron accepting process zones within contaminated aquifersvaries, based on the availability of potential electron acceptors and, for most aquifers, ismuch more complex spatially than Fig. 3 implies. Nonetheless, this model serves as auseful basis for understanding microbial processes in contaminated groundwater systemsand for the application of some in situ bioremediation techniques (Reinhard et al., 1997;Anderson et al., 1998; Hutchins et al., 1998; Anderson & Lovley, 2000).

The terminal electron accepting process distribution observed in organic-contaminatedaquifers is a useful model for understanding in situ microbial immobilisation of uranium.Many metal-contaminated aquifers, including sites contaminated with uranium, are notusually associated with high concentrations of organic materials and are therefore aerobic(Abdelouas et al., 1999b) but in situ immobilisation of uranium can be accomplished by

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Fig. 3. The distribution of tenninal electron-accepting processes (TEAPs) observed within anaerobicportions of aquifers contaminated with organic compounds.

creating anaerobic conditions within the subsurface. Uranium immobilisation will dependon the anaerobic process( es) stimulated in situ and the way in which microorganisms foundin each terminal electron accepting process zone interact with uranium.

Uranium reduction under Fe(III)-reducing conditionsMicrobial processes coupled to Fe(llI) reduction are predicted to be important duringstimulated in situ uranium reduction. Groundwater at uranium contaminated sites oftencontains high concentrations of NO) and SO~- derived from past acidic extractions andongoing bioleach processes within uranium mill tailings piles (Abdelouas et al., 1999b). Inthe presence of NO) , stimulated anaerobic processes within the subsurface are likely to bedominated initially by NO) reduction for the reasons mentioned above. Uranium reductionis not a favoured process under these conditions and removal of NO) is a prerequisite for in

situ uranium reduction. Uranium may in fact be mobilised under NO) -reducing conditionsin some brine environments where U(VI), present as insoluble hydroxides and phosphates,solubilises in the presence of bicarbonate produced by microbial oxidation of organics(Francis et al., 2000). Additionally, NO) reduction could, in principle, be coupled to themicrobial oxidation of U(IV). Both these mechanisms have the potential to increase the

mobility of uranium in groundwater.

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Although, in the absence of N°"i ' metabolic processes coupled to Mn(IV) reduction areexpected to be the most favourable, Mn(IV) abundance in sediments is generally low sothat Mn(IV) is not likely to be a major electron acceptor in comparison to other metalssuch as Fe(III) (Lovley, 1 995b). Fe(lll), on the other hand, is widely available in sedimentsand metabolic processes coupled to Fe(lll) reduction are likely to be dominant in manysediments upon the depletion ofN°"i (Lovley, 1995a). Fe(ffi)-reducing bacteria are knownto reduce U(VI) (Lovley et aI., 1991; Gorby & Lovley, 1992) and are predicted to be thedominant U(VI)-reducing microorganisms during in situ U(VI) reduction.

A variety of bacteria are capable of interacting with U(VI) by sorption, accumulationor reduction (Lovley & Phillips, 1992b; Suzuki & Banfield, 1999; Lloyd & Macaskie,

2000). However, Fe(lll)-reducing bacteria are the only organisms known to have theability to couple growth to the reduction of U(VI) (Lovley et aI., 1991; Gorby & Lovley,1992;). Microbial U(VI) reduction by Fe(lll) reduce~ has been investigated largelywith organisms in the genera Geobacter and Shewanella (Lovley et aI., 1991; Gorby& Lovley, 1992; Ganesh et al., 1997; Truex et al., 1997). These organisms utilise U(VI)as a terminal electron acceptor, oxidising acetate (Geobacter) or hydrogen (Shewanella)and deriving energy for growth (Lovley et aI., 1991). Uranium is precipitated as insolubleuraninite (UOv during these processes (Gorby & Lovley, 1992). A recent estuarine isolate,Desulfotomaculum, which is capable of utilising U(VI) as an electron acceptor, couplesgrowth with the oxidation of short chain fatty acids such as buTate (Tebo & Obraztsova,1998). This organism is also capable of utilising Fe(ffi) or SO4- as an electron acceptorduring metabolism. However, its distribution in sediments is as yet unclear. By contrast,members of the Geobacter family are of particular note as they have been found in a widevariety of anaerobic aquifer sediments and molecular studies have suggested that theyare the dominant members of the Fe(III)-reducing microbial community in subsurfaceenvironments (Rooney-Varga et aI., 1999; Snoeyenbos-West et aI., 2000). Uraniumreduction in Geobacter metallireducens is thought to proceed via electron transport from ac-type cytochrome to U(VI) (Lovley et aI., 1993a). The observation that Geobacter speciesutilise acetate as an electron donor during U(VI) reduction is important because acetateis one of the most common degradation intermediates in anaerobic environments and theaddition of acetate has been shown to stimulate the enrichment of Geobacter species inanaerobic aquifer sediments (Snoeyenbos- West et aI., 2000). Therefore, acetate additionto sediments contaminated with uranium is likely to stimulate the growth and activity ofknown U(VI)-reducing Geobacters. Furthermore, Fe(lll)-reducing organisms degrade awide variety of organic contaminants such as aromatic hydrocarbons (Lovley et al., 1993a).Stimulation of Geobacter organisms within aquifers contaminated with both uranium andorganic contaminants could potentially result in the immobilisation of uranium coupled tothe oxidation of contaminant organics (Lovley et al., 1991).

Uranium reduction under thennophilic conditionsRecent isolations of thermophilic Fe(ill)-reducing organisms capable of U(VI) reductionimply that many higher temperature uranium deposits may have biological origins (Kieftet al., 1999; Kashefi & Lovley, 2000). A deep subsurface Thennus isolate obtained froma South African gold mine grows optimally at 60°C by Fe(ill) reduction and will reduceU(VI) in cell suspension with lactate as the electron donor (Kieft et aI., 1999). The

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hyperthennophilic organism Pyrobaculum islandicum grows at 100°C and is also capableof U(VI) reduction, using hydrogen as the electron donor (Kashefi & LoYley, 2000).Neither of these organisms couples growth to U(VI) reduction but the potential theydemonstrate for uranium immobilisation at high temperature is consistent with conditionsproposed for the fonnation of some sandstone-type uranium ore deposits (Hostetler &Garrels, 1962) and other well-known deposits such as the Oklo nuclear reactor (Brookins,1990).

Respiration of humic substances: implications for U(VI) reductionFe(m)-reducing bacteria utilise humic acids as electron acceptors, for example by reducingquinone groups (Scott et al., 1998) and these are then a potential source of reductant foruranium immobilisation (Lovley et al., 1996). Some types of uranium ore deposits areassociated with humic-related materials such as lignites or black shales (Plant et al., 1999).Uranium immobilisation in these depo&its is thought to occur upon complexation andreduction by organic matter (Nakashima et al., 1984, 1999; Landais et al., 1987).

Microbially reduced humics are known to reduce metals such as Fe(m) abiotically.On metal reduction, the reoxidised humics are once again available for use as bacterialelectron acceptors. This process, known as 'electron shuttling', greatly accelerates the rateof Fe(m) reduction in sediments (Lovley et al., 1998; Nevin & Lovley, 2000) and suggestsa biological source for the reduced organic matter observed within some organic-richuranium deposits (plant et al., 1999).

Uranium reduction under S~--reducing conditionsFor some time, geochemical studies have shown that the accumulation of uranium inanoxic marine sediments is a globally important sink for uranium in the environment(Bertine et al., 1970; Bonatti et al., 1971; Colley & Thomson, 1985; Anderson et al.,1989a, b; Klinkhammer & Palmer, 1991; Barnes & Cochran, 1993). On a geologicaltime scale, mobile U(VI) produced from the oxidation of U(IV)-containing materials istransported into the marine environment and becomes immobilised by reduction to U(IV)in anoxic sediments (Ferguson, 1987; Klinkhammer & Palmer, 1991). Sulfate reductionis a dominant microbial process within anoxic marine sediments, so abiotic reductionof U(VI) by sulfide, hydrogen or organic matter was previously thought to accountfor uranium accumulation in these environments (Jensen, 1958; Hostetler & Garrels,1962; Langmuir, 1978; Maynard, 1983; Landais et al., 1987). Similarly, investigations ofterrestrial uranium ore deposits identified an accumulation of uranium in anoxic zonesalong steep redox gradients in association with organic matter and pyrite (FeSv (Adler,1974; Maynard, 1983). The close association of sulfide minerals with uranium mineraldeposits suggested sulfide reduction of U(VI) as a potential mechanism for uraniumprecipitation in anoxic environments (Jensen, 1958; Hostetler & Garrels, 1962; Adler,1974). Abiotic reduction of U(VI) by sulfide has been demonstrated at relatively highconcentrations of U(VI) (>3 mg 1-1, pH 7, 35°C) (Mohagheghi et al., 1985). However,the persistence of environmentally relevant concentrations of U(VI) «0.8 mg 1-1) in thepresence of sulfide in the environment (Anderson et al., 1989a) and in laboratory studies(Lovley et al., 1991) indicates little potential for abiotic reduction of U(VI) in naturalwaters.

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SO~--reducing bacteria previously associated with uranium precipitation (Mohagheghiet al., 1985) are now known to reduce U(VI) to U(IV) enzymatically, thereby providing amechanism for rapid accumulation of uranium in many sedimentary environments (Lovley& Phillips, 1992b; Lovley et al., 1993b, c; Tebo & Obraztsova, 1998). SO~- reducerscouple the oxidation of hydrogen or lactate to the reduction of U(VI) by electron transportvia a C3-type cytochrome (Desulfovibrio vulgaris) but cannot obtain energy for growthby this mechanism (Lovley & Phillips, 1992b; Lovley et al., 1993c). The SO~--reducingDesulfotomaculum described earlier is reportedly capable of growing using U(VI) as anelectron acceptor (Tebo & Obraztsova, 1998). However, detailed investigations of the po-tential for enzymatic uranium reduction have focused on organisms of the Desulfovibriofamily (Mohagheghi et al., 1985; Lovley & Phillips, 1992b; Lovley et al., 1993b, c; Phillipsetal..1995;Tuckeretal., 1996. 1998; Ganesh etal.. 1997, 1999;Panaketal..1998;Spearet al.. 1999;). These organisms tolerate high concentrations of uranium in solution (up to24 roM). are relatively easy to grow and freeze-dried cell preparations exposed to oxygenretain activity upon reconstitution in media, a practical advantage for use in biotreatmentapplications (Lovley & Phillips, 1992a, b). Desulfovibrio-catalysed U(VI) reduction isrelatively insensitive to a wide variety of potentially co-contaminating metals «100 roMZn(ll), Cu(II). Ni(ll), Co(lI) (Lovley & Phillips. 1992a) and will precipitate uranium fromU(VI)-containing groundwaters and simulated waste streams (Lovley & Phillips. 1992a;Ganesh et al.. 1999).

Potential industrial applications of Desulfovibrio-catalysed U(VI) reduction have beeninvestigated in immobilised cell systems (Lovley & Phillips, 1992a; Tucker et al.. 1998),batch cultures (Ganesh et al.. 1997, 1999) and flow-through bioreactors (Tucker et al.,1996; Spear et al.. 1999) for the treatment of uranium-containing waste streams. Industrialeffluent or contaminated groundwater commonly contains elevated concentrations of NO;and SO~-. and/or U(VI) complexed with organic ligands (Lloyd & Macaskie, 2000). El-evated NO; and SO~- concentrations can interfere with Desulfovibrio-based bioreductionprocesses. For example. results obtained from immobilised cell systems indicate a decreasein U(VI) removal efficiency in the presence of as little as 50 mg 1-1 NO; , presumably dueto N°"i toxicity (Tucker et al.. 1998) although SO~- concentrations as high as 2000 mg1-1 did not affect U(VI) removal. Batch cultures reduced U(VI) in the presence of higheranion concentrations (up to 5000 mg 1-1 NO; and SO~-), typical of those observed inuranium-containing waters (Ganesh et al., 1999). Additional batch culture data show thatreduction rates for U(VI) complexed with organic ligands vary depending on the denticityof the ligands and the identity of the bacterial species used (Ganesh et al., 1997). so thetreatment of mixed uranium-organic waste streams may be difficult (Macaskie, 1991).

In sediments. SO~- reduction generally takes place in zones distinct from Fe(llI)reduction because Fe(ill)-reducing bacteria can out-compete SO~- reducers for substrates(Lovley & Phillips, 1987; Chapelle & Lovley, 1992). However, SO~- reducers can reduceFe(ill), but cannot grow by this metabolism (Coleman et al.. 1993; Lovley et al., 1993b).and it is ~ssible for SO~--reducing organisms to compete effectively for Fe(llI) at theFe(llI)/SO~- reduction zone interface or in sediments under non-steady state conditions(Lovley et al., 1993b). Minimum threshold hydrogen concentrations are lower for SO~--reducing organisms when reducing U(VI) rather than Fe(ill), suggesting SO~- reducersmay also reduce U(VI) within the zone of Fe(llI) reduction zone prior to significant

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sulfide accumulation (Lovley et al., 1993b), consistent with the observed accumulationof uranium within anoxic marine sediments (Bertine et al., 1970; Bonatti et al., 1971;Colley & Thomson, 1985; Cochran et al., 1986; Anderson et al., 1989a, b; Klinkhammer& Palmer, 1991; Barnes & Cochran, 1993).

3. Engineered removal of uranium from groundwater and waste streams bymicrobial reduction

As mentioned earlier, in situ imrnobilisation of uranium by stimulating Fe(III)- or SO~--reducing organisms within the contaminated subsurface potentially provides a moreeffective method of uranium removal from groundwater. Additionally, biotechniques basedon microbial U(VI) reduction have been developed to remove uranium from industrialwaste streams to prevent further entry of uranium into the environment.

Reduction-based bioremediation of uranium contaminated aquifers

Uranium mill tailings piles are notable sources of aquifer contamination and reduction-based techniques provide effective methods of uranium removal. Uranium in natural watersand uranium-contaminated aquifers is generally found in low concentrations (0.1-1 mg1-1) and is most likely to exist as a carbonate complex (Langmuir, 1978; Mohagheghiet al., 1985; Abdelouas et al., 1998a). U(VI) forms stable carbonate complexes andthe addition of 30-100 mM bicarbonate solutions to contaminated soils and sedimentsremoves U(VI) in quantities comparable to extraction with 1 M HN03 (phillips et al.,1995). In comparison to acid extraction, bicarbonate extraction is relatively specificfor U(VI) and the leachate is easily ~enable to further biotreatment (phillips et al.,1995). Desulfovibrio, Geobacter and Shewanella species have been shown to precipitateuranium as insoluble uraninite (002) from carbonate complexes in sediment extracts andcontaminated groundwater (Lovley et al., 1991; Lovley & Phillips, 1992a; Phillips et al.,1995). This technique, based on microbial reduction of U(VI), is one of many which arepotentially useful for removing uranium from groundwater, contaminated soils, sedimentsand waste streams (Macaskie, 1991; Thomas & Macaskie, 1996; Francis & Dodge,1998). A comprehensive review of other biotechniques (biosorption, biomineralisation,bioprecipitation) pertinent to radionuclide removal from various sources has recently beenpublished (Lloyd & Macaskie, 2000) and the reader is referred to this work and Chapters11 and 12 of this book. Reduction of U(VI) is discussed here because it has the potentialto immobilise uranium in situ providing an alternative to pump and treat-based techniquesfor aquifer remediation.

Current pump and treat remediation practices for removing uranium from groundwatergenerally do not provide sustained, decreased U(VI) concentrations within aquifers (Ab-delouas et al., 1999b). Stimulated U(VI) reduction can be accomplished in situ upon theaddition of a suitable source of organic carbon (Fig. 4). A zone of stimulated anaerobicactivity positioned perpendicular to groundwater flow paths could serve as a zone ofuranium immobilisation, preventing further migration within the subsurface (Lovley &Phillips, 1992a). The potential for stimulated anaerobic conditions to remove U(VI) from~

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216 Robert 7: Anderson, Derek R. Lovley

Organic GalbonSolution

Pun\p or Gravity feed

Injection ~lleryorErnplacedSource of


, ,

...,., .


CO~ O!galUc C

~UlIV) u(VI)

Fig. 4. Conceptualised bioremediation scheme for stimulated U(VI) reduction in situ upon bulkaddition of a suitable electron donor.

groundwater has been evaluated in aquifer sediments collected from a uranium mill tailingspile nearThba City, Arizona (USA) (Abdelouaset al., 1998a, b; Abdelouasetal., 1 999a, b).Ethanol added to aquifer sediments during batch and column studies promoted anaerobicconditions and resulted in uranium removal from groundwater even in the presence ofrelatively high concentrations of N°"i and SO~- (Abdelouas et al., 1998b). Microbialprocesses coupled to N°"i reduction were initially stimulated as predicted in our earlierdiscussion of terminal electron accepting processes. U(VI) reduction commenced afterthe depletion of N°"i, resulting in the precipitation of uraninite. The reduction of Fe(lII)was not monitored over time, precluding an evaluation of U(VI) reduction under Fe(llI)-reducing conditions in these sediments. However, stimulated SO~- reduction resulted inthe removal of uranium from incubations of sediment and groundwater, indicating that theaquifer contains indigenous SO~- reducers capable of precipitating uranium (Abdelouas etal., 1998b). Uraninite precipitated with the reduced sulfide mineral mackinawite (FeSo.9) ispotentially shielded from oxidative dissolution on return to aerobic conditions (Abdelouaset al., 1999a). These observations imply that uranium immobilised under SO~--reducingconditions at this site could remain immobile for extended periods of time even in thepresence of dissolved oxygen (Abdelouas et al., 1999b).

Stimulation of SO~--reducing conditions may not be appropriate at some sites dueto the potential for sulfide production. Bulk electron donor addition to the subsurface islikely to trigger SO~- reduction because of the overwhelming supply of electron donorrelative to potential electron acceptors in the subsurface. However, controlled addition oflow concentrations of electron donor may be an effective method for stimulating U(VI)

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reduction under Fe(III)-reducing conditions without at the same time inducing substantialSO~- reduction. Fe(III)-reducing organisms of the Geobacter family, known to reduceU(VI), have been detected in diverse aquifer sediments from very different geographicallocations, indicating these organisms are widespread in groundwater environments (Coateset al., 1996; Rooney-Varga et aI., 1999; Snoeyenbos- West et al., 2000). Addition of variouselectron donors, particularly acetate but also glucose, lactate, benzoate and formate, topreviously aerobic aquifer sediment stimulates the growth of potentially U(VI)-reducingGeobacter species (S~oeyenbos-West et al., 2000). This has been tested experimentallyin sediments collected from a uranium-contaminated aquifer near Shiprock, New Mexico(USA) (Finneran et al., 2002). Acetate addition (2 mM) caused faster removal of U(VI)from batch sediment incubations compared to other potential electron donors such aslactate. Uranium removal was coincident with Fe(III) reduction but not with SO~-reduction, despite the presence of 10-40 mM SO~- in the groundwater used in theincubation experiments. The results indic'4-te that rapid uranium immobilisation can beachieved with the addition of acetate and SO~- reduction need not be induced if lowconcentrations of electron donor are supplied, sufficient only to deplete NO] and stimulateFe(III)-reducing conditions (Finneran et aI., 2002) (Fig. 5). Coprecipitation of ~raniumwith sulfide minerals, which could interfere with future efforts to remove the immobilised,and concentrated, uranium can therefore be prevented (Abdelouas et aI., 1999b).

Bioreduction of uranium in waste streams

Removal of uranium from waste streams prevents potential discharges of high con-centrations of uranium into the environment. Addition of U(VI)-reducing organisms touranium-containing mixtures is potentially a unit process for the removal of uranium fromsolution by precipitation of uraninite (Gorby & Lovley, 1992; Thcker et al., 1996, 1998;Ganesh et al., 1997; Truex et al., 1997; Spear et al., 1999;). On a per cell basis, enzymaticreduction of uranium has a greater potential to remove uranium than biosorption techniquesbecause of the limited availability of sorption sites at the cell surface (Lovley & Phillips,1992a). Amounts of precipitated uranium reported for Desulfovibrio (Lovley & Phillips,1992a) are comparable (11 g U(Vl) g-l dry cells) to results obtained during phosphatase-mediated uranium precipitation (9 g U(VI) g-l dry cells) (Macaskie, 1991) and are likelyto be greater in flow-through systems (Lovley & Phillips, 1992a). Information regardingthe kinetics of U(Vl) reduction in the presence of Desulfovibrio and Shewanella speciesis necessary for bioreduction process design in flow-through systems (Thcker et al., 1996;Truex et al., 1997; Spear et al., 1999). Half saturation constants (Ks) for U(Vl) reductionaverage about 0.5 mM for Desulfovibrio species (Thcker et al., 1996; Spear et al., 1999)and 0.13 mM for Shewanella species (Truex et al., 1997) with maximum specific reductionrates (k) of 1.38 mmol U(Vl) mg-l h-l and 0.24 mmol U(VI) mg-l h-l, respectively.The specific rate data suggest Desulfovibrio-mediated U(VI) reduction may be kineticallyfavoured compared to Shewanella-mediated reduction (Spear et al., 1999). U(VI) reductionkinetics for Geobacter species have not yet been reported.

Bioreactor performance for U(VI) reduction will depend on the bacterial speciesselected. U(Vl) in waste streams is often complexed with various organic ligands thatcan affect rates of bioreduction and potentially inhibit uraninite precipitation (Robinson

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218 Robert 7: Anderson, Derek R. Lovley

---LI1N Concerdr~of 0rg:U'Ii: C~<n

tOrganic CaJ:bon



CO1 OJ'6atUc C

~U(1V) U(Vf)

Fig. 5. Stimulated U(VI) reduction in aquifers upon the steady addition of low concentrations of asuitable electron donor such as acetate. Fe(IIl) and U(VI) reduction are stimulated upon the depletionof °2. NO) and Mn(IV) as electron acceptors.

et al., 1998). Increased rates of Desulfovibrio-based U(VI) reduction have been reportedfor uranium complexed with monodentate ligands, such as acetate, relative to polydentateligands such as malonate, oxalate or citrate (Ganesh et al., 1997). In contrast, using aShewanella-based bioreduction, U(VI) complexed with polydentate ligands was reducedfaster than that complexed by monodentate ligands (Ganesh et al., 1997). The results implythat uranium removal rates, and therefore process design, will depend on the choice ofU(VI)-reducing bacteria employed for a given biotreatment process.

4. Summary

Uranium contamination of the environment has received increased attention in recentpost-Cold War years. Examples of microbial interactions with uranium, particularly U(VI)reduction, has prompted new hypotheses concerning the origin of uranium deposits,microbially-enhanced ore recovery and potential bioremediation applications for uraniumremoval from contaminated media. While a wide variety of techniques is available toremove uranium from waste streams, removal of uranium from contaminated aquifersremains problematic. U(VI) is quite soluble and therefore mobile in aerobic ground-water. Indigenous Fe(ill)- and SO~--reducing bacteria found within aquifer environmentsare capable of reducing U(VI) to insoluble U(IV) thereby precipitating uranium from

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groundwater when anaerobic conditions are stimulated. Microbial U(VI) reduction haspotential applications in the bioremediation of many uranium-contaminated sites suchas mill tailings piles. Ul:iderstanding the microbial ecology of anaerobic aquifers can aidthe stimulation and control of an in situ process for uranium immobilisation. However,uranium reduction in situ has yet to be attempted at a uranium-contaminated site.


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