Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Development in Zimbabwe -Internship Report

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  • 8/16/2019 Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Development in Zimbabwe -Internship Report




    Bindura University of Science Education

    Faculty of Science

    Department of Geography

    Name : Tsitsi Chidzvondo

    Student Number : B1336458

    Programme : Development Studies

    Work Related learning Report


    Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises and ooprative Development

    Linquenda House, Cnr 1st and Nelson Mandela Avenue, Pvt Bag 7740Causeway, Harare. Zimbabwe

    +263(4)731003/6/8, 252529/253492/253925 Fax 731879

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     Preface ................................................................................................................................................... iii

     Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................................. iv

     Abbreviations & Acronyms .................................................................................................................... v

     Abstract  .................................................................................................................................................. vi

    1.0  INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... - 1 -

    2.0  BACKGROUND OF THE MINISTRY .................................................................................................. - 1 -

    a.  Vision ....................................................................................................................................................... - 2 -

     b.  Mission Statement .................................................................................................................................... - 2 -

    c.  Mandate .................................................................................................................................................... - 2 -

    3.0  WORK RELATED LEARNING ACTIVITIES .................................................................................... - 20 -

    3.1  RESOURCE MOBILISATION AND PROJECT DEVELOPMENT DIVISION ............................ - 20 -

    3.2  BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT DIVISION ........................................................................................ - 26 -

    3.3 HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT ............................................................................................... - 32 -

    4.0  APPLICATION OF THEORY ON INDUSTRIAL LEARNING ......................................................... - 37 -

    5.0  CHALLENGES FACED BY THE MINISTRY .................................................................................... - 40 -

    7.0 RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................................................................. - 41 -

    7.1 Recommendations to the Ministry .............................................................................................................. - 41 -

    7.2 Recommendations to the University ............................................................................................................ - 42 -

    Organogram………………………….………………………………………………………………….Annex 1 

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    For a student to complete a four year Bachelor of Science Honors Degree in Development Studies, it is

    a prerequisite to undergo a one (1) year supervised industrial attachment during the student‟s third year

    of study. This is embraced as a way of exposing the student to the industry for the purpose of gaining

     practical experience to complement his or her studies. This is also done to asses the student`s ability to

    apply the theoretical knowledge which he or she received during his or her first and second years of

    study. This industrial attachment report is a true write up of the student`s period of stay at the Ministry

    of Small and Medium Enterprises & Cooperative Development, Government of Zimbabwe, Head

    Office, Harare.

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    The internship opportunity I had with Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises and Cooperative

    Development was a great chance for learning and professional development. Therefore, I consider

    myself as a very fortunate individual as I was provided with an opportunity to be a part of it. I am also

    grateful for having a chance to meet so many wonderful people and professionals who led me though

    this internship period. It would not have been possible to complete this internship course without the

    help and support of the kind people around me, to only some of whom it is possible to give particular

    mention here.

    This attachment and the final report, has offered me invaluable lessons and brought me to a close touch

    with the salient practical features and matters pertaining to my degree program Development Studies.

    Such lessons cannot be attained in an ordinary class environment and are largely interplay between the

    class based inputs from my lecturers and more so from the patience and guidance I got from the special

    individual Ministry officials whom I had the rare opportunity of interacting with during my attachment


    I would like to thank the Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises and Cooperative Development for

     providing me with this opportunity to undertake this attachment where I have learned more aboutentrepreneurship and its contribution to socio-economic development. I express my deepest thanks to

    all Ministry staff members for taking part in useful decision and giving necessary advices, guidance and

    arranged all facilities to make life easier. I choose this moment to acknowledge their contribution

    gratefully; their careful and precious guidance was extremely valuable for my study both theoretically

    and practically.

    I would like also to extend my gratitude to my lecturers, Geography Department, Bindura University of

    Science Education for the knowledge they imparted on me. They gave me advice and morale which

    helped me during my industrial attachment. It is this that saw me through the practice successful.

    Also, I would like to thank my fellow interns from other Universities;- Acceptance, Elton, Tatenda,

    Knowledge and Tapiwa for their support and encouragement.

    I perceive this opportunity as a big milestone in my career development. I will strive to use gained

    skills and knowledge in the best possible way, and I will continue to work on their improvement, in

    order to attain desired career objectives.

    Finally, this report cannot be without the mention of my family who were so supportive through

     prayers, encouragement and financial support during the period.

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    Abbreviati ons & Acronyms

    AFSC - American Friends Service Commitee

    DIPA -Department Integrated Performance Agreement

    FAO - Food Agriculture Organization

    GDP - Gross Domestic Product

    ICDL - International Computer Driving License

    IT - Information Technology

    ICT - Information Communication Technology

    IGA - Income Generation Activities

    ILO - International Labour Organization

    IRC - International Rescue Committee

    ISAL  - Internal Savings and Lending

    MIPA -Ministry Intergraded Performance Agreement

    MINISTRY - Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises and Cooperative Development

    MSMECD - Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises and Cooperative Development

    MSMEs - Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

    MOUs -Memorandum of Understanding

    OECD - Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development

    OVOP - One Village One Product

    PFMS - Public Finance Management System

    PPS -Personal Perfomance System

    RBM - Results Based Management

    SACCOs - Savings and Credit Cooperatives

    SNV - Netherlands Development Organisation

    SMECD - Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises and Cooperative Development

    SMEDCO - Small and Medium Enterprise Development Corporation

    SMEs - Small and Medium Enterprises

    UNDP - United Nations Development Programme

    ZIMASSET - Zimbabwe Agenda for Sustainable Socio-Economic Transformation

    ZITF - Zimbabwe International Trade Fair

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    This report is based on the work related learning experience that I had successfully completed with the

    Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises and Cooperative Development (MSMECD). The Ministry is

    a fully fledged Government department which overseas micro, small and medium enterprises sector

    development in Zimbabwe. During my attachment I performed several duties in MSME development.

    The Ministry was a very good choice because I was able to see how every function, process,

    development, assistance among other interventions work in the field and how important are the SMEs

    for the country's community livelihoods, peace building and economic development. One of the biggest

    advantages of my internship was that I had the opportunity to experience different working

    environments through the Ministry as I worked in every department. I was expecting to use my

    knowledge that I gained during four semesters of study at the university and I succeeded in my

    expectations because the work was very multifunctional and besides using the knowledge I had, I also

    learned a lot about how the Non-Governmental Organisation (NGOs) work in collaboration with the

    Government in developmental issues. I learned several things during my attachment and among them

    are livelihoods projects for social cohesion, peace building and economic development, advanced

    computer skills, team work, working under pressure, working with vulnerable communities, reportwriting, project proposal writing and organizational communication skills. I also had an opportunity to

    interact with other organization like UNDP, Silveira House, SNV, Techoserve, IRC, Help from

    Germany, ILO, American Friends Committee among other notable developmental partners which

     partnered with the Ministry in doing various developmental projects. I also learnt that the involvement

    of stakeholders, planning process, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation and maintenance of

    community projects, purpose of NGOs in communities as basic service providers of local knowledge

    and livelihoods. I also learnt the practical application of theoretical work learnt in class room mainly

    with reflection and action.

    I recommend that, my host organization should keep attaching college students with different

    educational backgrounds for work related learning, to help build and improve the organization . Thus

    with the knowledge they gained from their studies, as well give attachés room to be innovative and

    express their skills in different ways and most importantly, strive to keep its integrity and reputation in

    research and development. This will attract several developmental partners and other key stakeholders

    thus keeping up in doing good work for the development of the Zimbabwe, Africa and the world atlarge. Would aslo recommend my University to include enterprenueral studies as a course in our studies

    since it is of great importance in the changing world economies.

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    The report covers the student`s work related learning experience at the Ministry of Small and Medium

    Enterprises and Cooperative Development (MSMECD), Government of Zimbabwe for the period of

    August 2015 to April 2016.


    The Ministry of Small and Medium& Cooperative Development was formed in 2002 after the

    realization that SMEs play a pivotal role in fostering economic growth. This was done after the advent

    of the Economic Reform Program in 1991, the Ministry of Industry and International trade in

    conjunction with the Ministry of Youth, Gender and Employment Creation established a policy

    document for the support of micro, small and medium enterprises. Cabinet approved the policy

    document in July 2002, which led to the creation of the Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises

    Development (MSMED) in October 2002 to take a leading role in the implementation of the policy.

    The Ministry is a government organ that is mandated to create a conducive and enabling regulatory

    environment which promotes the development and growth of micro, small and medium enterprises

    (MSMEs) in Zimbabwe.

    In line with the Government of National Unity framework the Ministry incorporated the Cooperatives

    division in 2009, which used to be part of the Ministry of Youth, Gender and Employment creation

    resulting to the Ministry now known as the Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises & Cooperative

    Development (MSMECD).

    The Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises & Cooperative Development (MSMECD) Head officeis located at Linquenda House (Cnr 1st  street and Nelson Mandela Avenue). The Ministry has got

    offices in the ten Provinces namely Harare, Bulawayo, Masvingo, Mashonaland West, Mashonaland

    East, Manicaland, Mashonaland Central, Matabeleland South, Matabeleland North and Midlands as

    shown on the map on figure 1 below;

    Figure 1 Ministry Coverage

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    The establishment of Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises & Cooperative Development

    (MSMECD) has played a significant role in the development of the economy ensuring that woman and

    youth are integrated into the mainstream economy. This sector has come of age and is highly regarded

    as an important sector as these enterprises immensely contribute to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

    MSMEs have been acknowledged as the hub of economic growth and a building block for

    globalization. MSMEs are generally considered as the backbone of all economies and the hub of socio-

    economic development, growth, dynamism and flexibility. It is envisaged that support to the SMEs

    sector will achieve many other goals such as poverty alleviation, spreading employment to rural areas

    and improving situation of women.

    a.  Vision

    To be the „nerve‟ centre for economic growth and empowerment through the development of MSMEs

    and Cooperatives in Zimbabwe

    b.  Mission Statement

    To create and maintain an enabling environment that promotes vibrant micro, small and medium

    enterprises and cooperatives.

    c.  Mandate

    To create a conducive and enabling environment that promotes the development and growth of micro,

    small and medium enterprises and Cooperatives


    The MSMEs has goals which are a key arsenal to the economy as a whole, these are Economic, socio-

    economic and environment goals.

    i.  Economic

    To stimulate economic growth and generate foreign currency

    ii.  Socio-economic

    To create employment and improve standards of living of the population within peoples‟ cultural


    iii.  Environmental

    To promote environmental conservation practices among MSMEs and Cooperatives

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      Formulate and implement policies for micro, small and medium enterprises and cooperatives


      Develop legal and regulatory framework for micro, small and medium enterprises and cooperative


      Promote, coordinate and monitor innovative financing schemes for micro, small and medium

    enterprises and cooperatives development 


    Provide skill and management training that support entrepreneurship and growth of small businesses as well as cooperatives 

      Facilitate linkages between large enterprises , MSMEs and cooperatives 

      Provide business consultancy services to MSMEs and cooperatives 

      Research into investment and marketing opportunities for MSMEs and cooperatives  

      Develop and maintain a data bank of MSMEs and cooperatives 

      Administer the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Revolving Fund 

      Liaise with and coordinate sector Ministries involved in the promotion of MSMEs and

    cooperatives   Provide technical designing and production services to MSMEs and Cooperatives  

      Provide financial and administrative services 

      Provide legal advice 

      Provide Human Resources Management and Development 

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    The Ministry follows a Results Based Management (RBM) approach. A management strategy bywhich the Government ensures that its processes, outputs and services contribute to the achievement of

    clearly stated expected accomplishments and objectives by focusing on performance and achievement

    of outputs, outcomes and impacts. It is focused on achieving results and improving performance,

    integrating lessons learned into management decisions and monitoring of and reporting on

     performance. The Ministry Integrated Performance Agreement (MIPA) outlines the Ministry`s work-

     plan anchored on the Ministry`s Key Result Areas (KRAs). Each department has its KRAs hinging on

    the MIPA.


    The Ministry has many development partners so as to ensure that development is foreseen especially in

    the rural areas and the urban poor. The development partners help in the capacity building of the

    entrepreneurs so that sustainable development can be achieved since the Ministry‟s goals include

    development in the key sectors which are economic, socio-economic and environment sector. The

    development partners include UNDP, International Labor Organization, SNV, Hand in Hand,

    Technoserve, American Friends Service Committee, Help from Germany, International Rescue

    Committee among others. Table 1 below shows major projects being undertaken in collaboration with

    developmental partners.

    TABLE 1: Projects Being Implemented


    UNDP Support for Peace Building and Increased Access to Sustainable Livelihoods inZimbabwe

    ILO Economic Empowerment and HIV Vulnerability Empowerment Reductionalong Transport Corridors in Southern Africa

    IRC One Village One Product

    Hand in Hand Enterprise Development Programme

    Technoserve Agro Initiative Zimbabwe

    SNV Agricultural Revitalisation Project- Commercialising Small Holder Farming

    AMERICANFRIENDS (AFSC) Livelihood Restoration Project

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    The Ministry`s hub revolve mainly with the society at large through livelihoods programs for exampleIncome Generation Activities (IGA) and Internal Savings and Lending (ISALs) which are administered

     by the Ministry in an effort to encouraging savings to the society. More-so the Ministry plays a pivotal

    role in promoting Entrepreneurship by providing business start up kits for SMEs all over the country.

    The Ministry also does training on SMEs on Start and Improve Your Business (SIYB) and moreover

    the Ministry is affiliated with the Chitungwiza Garment factory and National Handcraft Centre. The

    Ministry also offers funding to SMEs through its parastatal Small and Medium Enterprises

    Development Corporation (SMEDCO).

    Formation of Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies (SACCOS) aimed at creating financial

    inclusion within communities through providing affordable finance. The savings that are generated

    from the SACCO are offered to members to invest in Income Generating projects which will go a long

    way in creating sustainable livelihoods.

    Ministry also works with SME bodies to facilitate the creation of conducive environment for the

    development of the sector. More over the Ministry links SMEs to the society by engaging in graduating

    SMEs and exhibitions in which SMEs will be showcasing their products to the society. The Ministry

    also does business linkages to Small enterprises by making them subcontract to large organizations

    throughout the country.

    ii. Departments

    There are 9 departments which enable Ministry to coordinate and implement its activities. The

    departments are;

    •  Research and Policy Development


    Business Development

    •  Resource Mobilisation and Project Development


    Cooperatives Division

    •  Technical Services Division

    •  Human Resources Management


    Finance and Administration

    •  Legal Services

    •  Internal Audit

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    Research and Policy Development Division

    Functions of Research and Policy


    Monitor the implementation of policies for micro, small and medium enterprises and


    •  Design strategic plans for MSMEs and Cooperatives


    Conduct research on MSMEs and Cooperatives


    Develop and maintain an up-to-date database for MSMEs and Cooperatives

    •  Set up small business and cooperative resource centre

    •  Identify and review prohibitive laws and regulations

    •  Develop an enabling legal and regulatory framework


    Provide one-stop-shop for business formation and licensing


    Facilitate formulation of code of conduct and ethics for MSMEs and Cooperatives

    •  Design incentives that promote growth of MSMEs Cooperatives.

    Business Development


    •  Identify entrepreneurship and business management training requirements


    Facilitate entrepreneurship and business management training

    •  Provide business advisory and support services

    •  Identify both local and external markets


    Facilitate formulation and strengthening of clusters and associations

    •  Create and strengthen enterprise culture through encouraging initiative, creativity, productivity,

    quality and good labour and industrial relations

    •  Design and manage a database of organizations and individuals that provide training

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    •  Facilitate linkages between large enterprises, MSMEs and Cooperatives

    Resource Mobilisation and Project Development



    Develop and implement innovative resource mobilization strategies

    •  Mobilize resources

    •  Facilitate funding of SMEs and Cooperatives


    Manage and monitor funding schemes


    Provide guidelines for the design of project proposals


    Appraise/adjudicate projects

    •  Monitor implementation of programmes

    •  Promote, coordinate and monitor innovative financing schemes for micro, small and medium

    enterprises and cooperatives.

    Human Resources Management and Development 


    •  Provide human resources management and development services


    Recruitment, selection and placement and separation

    •  Rewards Management

    •  Staff Training and Development


    Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare including HIV and AIDS workplace programming.

    •  Public Relations and Publicity of Ministry programmes


    Maintenance of staff discipline

    •  Coordination and Performance Management Systems

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    Cooperative Development



    Conduct initial research on cooperatives issues

    •  Develop and maintain an up-to-date database for cooperatives

    •  Administer the Cooperative Societies Act [Chapter 24:05]


    Provide advisory and extension services to cooperatives


    Design incentives that promote growth of cooperatives


    To register and deregister Co-operative Societies in all sectors of the economy

    •  To carry out educational and training programs of officers and co-operative members

    •  Mobilise grassroots communities and empower them to form cooperatives and manage

    development projects for sustainable livelihoods

    Finance and Administration



    Provide financial and administrative support services

    •  Coordination of Results Based Management (RBM) systems


    Management of Accounts-Creditors

    •  Suspense Account and Revenue Account

    •  Management of Public Finance Management System (PFMS)


    Procurement and Transport Servic

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    Technical Services



    Provide technical advice and demand driven technical training

      Designing jigs, tools including dye making through latest technology

      Promote production of Printed Circuit Boards for spares\components

      Impart technical skills to MSMEs in CNC and CAD\ CAM


    Administer and operate the MSMEs Common Service Centres for industrial production


    Identify technical skills requirements for MSMEs and Cooperatives

    Internal Audit


    To monitor, evaluate and control governance processes undertaken by the Ministry:


    Monitor, evaluate and control governance processes quarterly

      Assess the cost effectiveness of any project undertaken by the Ministry

      Risk management

      Monitor financial administration and accounting procedures

    Legal Services

    To promote legal advice to the Ministry on various legal issues pertaining day-to-day

    administration of the Ministry.

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    In this chapter the student places interest in core departments in the organisation. It is a summary ofevents that take place in the departments and an outline of the responsibilities and duties of each

    department. The student also takes interest in the achievements and challenges of the departments to


    2.1 Research and Policy Development

    Research in any organisation is vital for the formulation of policies and for program development and

    is useful for solving particular existing problems of concern therefore it is important for organisations

    to have a department that stands for research. The ministry has one such department which stands in

    for research and policy formulation. It is responsible for creating and maintaining a policy and

    regulatory framework for sustainable MSMEs development.

    Some of the department‟s duties and responsibilities are as follows: 

      Formulating and Monitoring the Implementation of Policies for MSMECD.

    The department is responsible for the formulation of policies for the organisation. A research is done to

    identify problems in the sector and organisation and thereby develop actions that can be taken. Policies

    formulated should be in line with the Ministry‟s mandate which is to create a conducive and enabling

    environment which promotes the development and growth of MSMEs and Cooperatives. Since the

    formation of the Ministry in 2002, the Ministry has been using SME Policy and Strategic Framework

    to review the changes in the economic environment. The department also ensures that policies

    formulated are being implemented in the organisation and review if the policy is having the desired

    effect. Evaluation of the policy is also done to see if there‟s need for modification, change or redesign.  

      Conducting research on MSMES and Cooperatives

    In order for the Ministry to be up to date with the trends in the MSME sector, the department carries

    out a research on the MSMEs and Cooperatives. This is done so as to form a foundation of program

    development and policy formation and also try to solve particular existing problems of concern. The

    department researches on the performance of the SME sector, possible markets for MSMEs and also

     potential markets for the MSMEs. This will help the Ministry in advising the MSMEs on the products

    that are currently on demand, train them on how to produce them and on locating possible markets.

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    The department also looks at the challenges that the MSMEs and Cooperatives are facing and how best

    to solve these challenges to ensure their sustainability.

    In line with the economic blue print Zimbabwe Agenda for Sustainable Socio-Economic

    Transformation (ZIMASSET), the department conducts a research on whether enterprises are

     practising sustainable business practises for competitiveness which is important in order for the

    Ministry to address these issues to them and ensure they are in line with the country‟s policy. This also

    helps the Ministry to facilitate code of conduct and ethics for MSMEs and Cooperatives thereby

    enabling better relationships between MSMEs, other organisations and individuals they network with.


    Developing and maintaining an up-to-date database on SMES and Cooperatives.

    SMEs register their existence to the Ministry through this department which then records and keeps a

    database. The database captures essential information such as demographical details and contact details

    of MSMEs. Data collection exercise is an on-going process and the database will be used in

    coordinating and streamlining Government programmes and facilities aimed at MSME development.

    This also acts as a one-stop shop for business formation and licensing and this helps ease the expenses

    incurred by MSMEs and Cooperatives when registering their enterprises reduce, registration periods

    and eliminates barriers to entry.

    Division`s Achievements

      The division has managed to register several Private Business Corporations (PBCs) during the

    year in support of the formalisation agenda.

      The division managed to align the MSMEs policy to ZIMASSET expectations and made

    corrections incorporating comments from Cabinet. Cabinet approved the amended policydocument which was later launched in June 2015.

    Division`s Failures

      The Division has failed to make follow ups on data collection due to lack of funds. Database

    server broke down for several months thereby hindering data capturing.

      The Division failed to launch the new MSMEs Policy on time due to lack of funds for the

    Launch Ceremony and the production of Policy copies.

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    2.2 Resource Mobilisation and Project Development

    According to the MSME FinScope Survey Zimbabwe (2012), lack of access to finance is the major

    challenge facing the MSME Sector. Efforts are being done by the Ministry through the Resource

    Mobilisation and Project Development department as it searches for funds from Government, private

    sector and donors. The department also sources materials, machinery and equipment for the

    development of SMEs. Funds acquired by the Ministry are handed over to Small and Medium

    Enterprise Development Cooperative (SMEDCO) which is a financing arm of the Ministry. However,

    due to the economic challenges that the economy is facing, the Department has not been able tomobilise much resources for SMEs therefore SMEDCO has been using a revolving fund which is the

    fund which was allocated to the Ministry by the government for SME own lending.

    In line with the department‟s objectives some of the department‟s duties are as follows: 

      Mobilise Resources

    It is the department‟s duty to identify potential development partners such as International Labour

    Organization (ILO) under the Corridor Economic Empowerment Project, the United Nations

    Development Programme (UNDP) under the Support for Peace Building and Increased Access to

    Sustainable Livelihoods in Zimbabwe Project, American Friends under the Livelihood Restoration

    Project, Help from Germany under the Micro Enterprise Development Project, International Rescue

    Committee (IRC) under the one village one product (OVOP) Project, Hand in Hand under the

    Enterprise Development Programme, Technoserve under the Agro Initiative Zimbabwe, among others.

    The Ministry has to date managed to maintain close relationships with these partners in order to

    develop SMEs.

    The partners also fund the Ministry in the workshops that they organise through the department for

    example the Stakeholders‟ Consultative workshop with Development Partners which was held on the

    22nd May 2015 which was funded by UNDP. It was meant to share experiences and information on

     programmes for SME development. It was also meant to identify sector constraints and intervention

    gaps and to minimise duplication of programmes.

      Project Development

    The division also draws up projects and project proposals for MSMEs in need of financial assistance

    from the Ministry. Recognising the need of entrepreneurship and small industries in Zimbabwe and the

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    need to promote Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises with a view to leveraging capabilities and

    opportunity for the Ministry, it, through the division in conjunction with the National Small Industries

    Corporation Republic of India, established an India-Africa Vocational Training Centre (VTC)/

    Incubation Centre (IC) in Zimbabwe. The project was funded by India and is meant to train SMEs on

    how to operate machinery and equipment used in various sectors. SMEs are also trained on other skills

    such as marketing skills and cost management skills. This is done to promote and enlighten SMEs on

    value addition to attain the Government‟s goals in line with the ZIMASSET.  

    The Ministry through the division, in partnership with UNDP, formulated a project on Support for

    Peace Building and Increased Access to Sustainable Livelihoods in Zimbabwe. It is meant to redressthe country‟s instability to increase livelihoods and decent work opportunities and targets mainly

    women and youth. The project facilitates women and youth SMEs with access to markets and

    developing sustainable financing options. These are to mention, only a few of the projects that the

    department coordinate.

      Manage and monitor funding schemes

    The division coordinates Government SME funding facilities. It gives a critical analysis of

    disbursements and maintains data on all beneficiaries. It also produces annual reports which show the

    successes and failures of the funding schemes which they will have implemented thereby giving room

    for the Ministry to debate on better ways of sourcing and allocating funds.

      Provide guidelines for the design of project proposals

    The Ministry caters for all classes of SMEs and some of the SMEs that come to the Ministry for

    financial assistance have not even a clue of what a business proposal is and therefore need to be taught

    on how to produce them. A detailed project proposal guideline is given to them for a more detailed

    approach. Much assistance is required in the preparation of cash flow statements, management

    structure and strategy formulation. During these sessions in which SMEs are taught how to write

     project proposal, they are also given on the spot advice on how they can allocate the resources

    carefully depending on the sector the SME is into.

      Monitor implementation of programmes

    The department designs monitoring tools to ensure programmes and projects established are executed

    and ensure consistency in the future. SMEs that require funding are also monitored to ensure fund

     borrowed are used for the intended purposes. This is done through site visits in which officials visit the

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     project sites to inspect for example visits which were conducted during my intern period in Gokwe,

    Binga, Lupane and Umzingwane districts to monitor projects by SACCOs members in which a total of

    143 individual member projects were visited. The members are into poultry, retailing, flea markets and

    fishery among others.

    Division`s Achievements

      In the year 2015 a total of 2218 entrepreneurs were trained in business management and this

    covered the topics: book keeping, marketing, costing, business planning, management and

    leadership. Participants from Umzingwane were trained in Apiculture and this empowered

    them to start bee keeping projects.

      The department conducted monitoring visits to SACCOs earmarked to benefit from the

     project‟s revolving fund worth $10 000 per each SACCO. The visits were done to assess the

    group‟s viability for financial support. 

    Division`s Challenges

      The department is limited from full operation by lack of vehicles to undertake the projects and

    for site visits.

      Due to the economic hardships that the country is currently facing, the department has not been

    able to mobilise the required resources needed to develop SMEs

    2.3 Business Development 

    The Ministry aims at developing and sustaining already existing but struggling MSMEs for survivaland growth. Through the Business Development department, the Ministry is actively involved in

    capacity building of SMEs and Cooperatives. The capacity building programmes include market

    development, training, business linkages and clustering and infrastructure provision.

      Market development

    The main intention is to access to local, regional and international markets for MSMEs and

    Cooperatives. Through market development programmes the department facilitates the participation of

    Zimbabwean MSMEs and Cooperatives at local, regional and international trade fairs, exhibitions,

    shows and, trade and investment missions. These fairs include the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair

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    (ZITF), foreign exhibitions such as the Swaziland International Trade Fair, the 2012 Shanghai World

    Expo in China and provincial agricultural shows. The ZITF is attended every year and at least 20

    SMEs are sponsored by the Ministry to exhibit under its banner. This helps the SMEs to interact with

    customers and other business people enhancing their skills in production of quality products.


    Training is done in order to equip MSMEs with entrepreneurial, management, technical and marketing

    skills and this is done through partnerships with organisations like Africa Regional Intellectual

    Property Organisation (ARIPO), ZimTrade which has export marketing trading programmes and

    Standard Association of Zimbabwe (SAZ). Specific areas of training include training of trainers, export

     promotion trading, quality standards training, corporate governance, marketing business

    communication and management skills.

      Infrastructure development

    The Ministry consults and collaborates with relevant Ministries and SMEs and facilitates relocation of

    SMEs into appropriate infrastructure. It works together with the Ministry of Local Government and

    Urban and Rural development in efforts to provide infrastructure to the SMEs countrywide. SMEs are

    encouraged to adopt the Build Operate Transfer (BOT) system in which SMEs build structures, operate

    on them and then transfer the ownership to the relevant authorities after an agreed period of time.

    Some SMEs have been allocated working space in structure under Operation Garikai/ Hlalani Kuhle.

      Business Linkages and Clustering Programmes

    These programmes are aimed at fostering growth and development of SMEs by increasing capacities

    and competences of SMEs. Business linkages generate the need of forming alliances, clusters andnetworks which help small businesses to compete, grow and cooperate with large firms therefore the

    department facilitates MSMEs to subcontract with large cooperates.

    2.4 Human Resources Management 

    Upon appointment into the Ministry, the student was placed in the Human Resource Management and

    Development department where he spent a period of two weeks. The student gives a detailed analysis

    of the department and work done by the student in relation to the functions of the departments.

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      Recruitment and Selection

    An organisation‟s performance depends on the character of employees employed in the organisation. It

    is important that an organisation recruit relevant personnel with relevant skills. It is therefore the duty

    of HR department in the Ministry to attract and find the right people with the right skills that match the

     job requirements. The department carries out both internal and external recruitment. Selection is done

    on an educational and psychological measurement basis. An interview of the applicants or candidates

    is done to evaluate their decision making abilities and how they would deal with certain situations if

     presented with them.


    Training and Development

    Training is vital in an organisation to ensure employees are up to date with changes in the industry

    which include technological and legal advancements especially for members of staff who have been

    with the organisation for a long time. It equips employees with new ideas which will add value to the

    Organisation. The Human Resource department in the ministry is responsible for the training of

    employees. It is the one that assesses when training is needed, who needs the training, where and by

    whom. Various training initiatives have been done in the Ministry in which employees were sent to

    attend training courses in Japan, India and South Korea. The department arranges workshops for

    employees that allow them to interact with other employees in other organisations thereby motivating

    them and increasing their skills.

      Maintenance of Staff Discipline

    The department is responsible for maintaining discipline within the Ministry. This involves employee‟s

    ability to respect working hours. The department keeps all record of personnel who are and have been

    on leave. Through the use of an attendance register, the department can monitor absenteeism and if

    workers are getting to work on time. It also assesses to see if workers are working in line with the rules

    and regulations they were given according to the statutory instrument. It is the division‟s mandate to

    maintain discipline by continuously engaging staff to stay away from breach of the code of conduct.

      Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare

    Health, safety and welfare issues are a major concern in organisations. Employees are attracted to

    organisations which assure them of safe working environment, with less chance of injury and diseases.

    The Human Resource department handles and addresses these issues on behalf of employees in

    meetings to ensure that cleaning facilities are available to employees. The Ministry through this

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    department formulated the HIV/AIDS policy document to create awareness and for publicity on the

    consequences of the pandemic both to the employees and the general public.

      Reward Management

    According to Zhou (2009), total reward strategies need to be analysed and practised throughout the

    time to make it work effectively and perfectly. Reward management plays a pivotal role in the

    attraction and retention of highly skilled and experienced staff. The Human Resource department in the

    ministry is responsible for organising an end of year party every year to celebrate the achievements

    made by the employees. At this function the worker of the year is awarded an award as a reward for

    his/her hard work. This is meant to motivate the employee and boost the self-esteem of the employee.

    It is the duty of Human Resource department to recognise achievements made through the employee

    and reward them. Money alone is not the major motivator for people to perform well. Intrinsic, non-

    monetary forms of reward such as empowerment, professional growth and meaningful work are also

    known to be key work motivators.

    Division`s Achievements


    The department has managed to fill vacant posts and increased the establishment of filled posts

    exceeding the targeted number.

      A total of 50 members managed to go for overseas training in 2015 and more are to go this

    year. Other staff members were admitted for in-service training at Public Service Training


      The department managed to publicise Ministry events, programmes and functions by

    effectively facilitating media coverage to most of the Ministry‟s events and programmes.  

      A memorandum of understanding was signed by the Ministry with Kunzwana Women

    Association to carry out HIV/AIDS programmes for SMEs. The agreement ensures that the

    Ministry benefits from workplace HIV/AIDS programmes which will be conducted by the

    organisation. IEC materials and condoms were accessed by staff to mitigate the case of new


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    Division`s Challenges


    The department incurred challenges in filling some important posts due to challenges related insecuring Treasury Concurrence of at least half the establishment. The public Service

    Commission took time to fill the senior management positions that are centralised in terms of

    recruitment and last year all vacant posts were frozen.


    The department faces financial challenges as last year there was no adequate budget for

    training, induction, safety and health, HIV & AIDS workshops, RBM and publicity

     programmes. Staff did not get their travelling and subsistence allowances for the various trips.

      Reward in terms of salaries and allowances were low and could have been a motivating factor.

    2.5 Finance and Administration 

    This department plays a big role in the day to day activities of the Ministry. It manages all financial

    transactions involved in the Ministries activities. It is responsible for producing consolidated budgets

    for the Ministry which are then submitted to the Ministry of Finance for consideration and this will

    determine the amount the Ministry will get from the National Budget. It also manages the creditor‟s

    account. As Government Policy, each supplier to the Ministry must have a vendor number so as to

    ensure accountability in government departments. The Finance department is also responsible for the

     processing of Travel and Subsistence (T&S) claim forms for officers travelling locally and

    internationally. It coordinates the Result Based Management System (RBM) in which departments sit

    together to determine objectives and the means of achieving those objectives.

    The role of the Administration section is the procurement of all internal requisitions such as stationary,

    office furniture, fuel coupons and electrical appliances. The Administration section works hand in handwith the accounts section to make payments. In the department there also is the Registry office which

    keeps record of all meetings, events and activities within the Ministry. All letters to and from the

    Ministry go through the registry for official stamping and filing of copies.

    Challenges faced by the Division

    Due to the fact that the whole Ministry is dependent upon this department to meet its financial

    obligations, the fact that there is not enough money in the state coffers makes it difficult for this

    department. There are situations when employees fail to get monthly allocations of „Provisions‟ on

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    time due to the fact that the Ministry does not have money. There are even situations where officers

    travel on duty without being paid their T & S.

    2.6 Cooperative Development

    The department was previously under the Ministry of Youth, Indigenisation and Empowerment. Its

    main role is to promote the development and growth of cooperatives in Zimbabwe through pieces of

    legislation and policies. It thus has the mandate to mobilize grassroots communities and empowering

    them to form cooperatives and manage development projects for sustainable livelihoods. The

    department administers the Cooperatives Act. The department is currently reviewing the Cooperatives

    Policy to be in line with the Cooperatives Societies Act so as to create an enabling policy and

    regulatory environment for the growth and development of Cooperatives in Zimbabwe.

    The Cooperatives Department is spearheading the formation of Savings and Credit Cooperatives

    (SACCOS) across the country. A savings and credit cooperative is a financial cooperative that provide

    services only to its members .SACCOS products and services includes shares, training, savings,

    insurance and investments, loans and financial advice. 

    Challenges Faced

    Despite some achievements made by the Cooperatives Department the department continues to face

    serious challenges in executing its duties. Most cooperatives are found in rural areas and considering

    the poor state of roads some areas are not accessible thus making it difficult for officers to reach these

    areas. In addition, the structures of the Ministry only reached the provincial level and therefore only

     benefited few people in the urban areas. Furthermore, lack of finances means that not all cooperatives

    will be able to get financial assistance although they can make great contributions to the economy.

    Lack of proper management in terms of admnistrator for the existing cooperatives has led to

    dissolution of some cooperatives without proper paper processing.

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    The student was first deployed to the Resource Mobilization and Project Development Division. The

    overall functions of the division are as follows;

    •  Identify resource requirements for MSMEs and cooperatives

    •  Develop and implement innovative resource mobilization strategies.

    •  Mobilize resources

    •  Facilitate funding of MSMEs and Cooperatives

    •  Manage and monitor funding schemes

    •  Provide guidelines for the design of project proposals

    •  Appraise / adjudicate projects

    •  Monitor and evaluate implementation of programs

    •  Design and maintain database of funded projects

    Key Result Area

    i) Resource Mobilization, and

    ii) Development, Implementation, monitoring and evaluation of MSMEs and Cooperatives projects

    and programs

    3.1.2 Activities Undertaken by the Student

    The student carried out tasks in line with the department`s key result areas. The tasks are under two

     broad categories of Resource Mobilization and Project Development.

    A) Resource Mobilization

    i) MSME Financial Expo Report

    The growth of the micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and cooperatives in Zimbabwe is

     pivotal to achieving sustainable economic development through the sector‟s immense contribution to

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    income generation, employment creation and poverty reduction. However, access to finance still

    remains one of the biggest challenges affecting the growth of the sector and the provision of affordable

    access to finance and promoting financial linkages is pivotal in exploiting the untapped potential within

    the sector.

    The Ministry with support from UNDP is promoting the creation of sustainable livelihoods projects for

    MSME and Cooperative Development. Support is being provided in form of business management

    training, formation and capitalization of Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies (SACCOs),

     provision of start-up kits, and facilitation of access to markets. To date, the Ministry has facilitated

    implementation of various livelihoods projects in beekeeping, kapenta fishing, cattle fattening and otherincome generating projects. The provision of appropriate micro credit facilities will go a long way in

    ensuring sustainability and viability of the livelihood projects. However, lack of awareness of the

    funding facilities available is a major challenge facing the entrepreneurs and there is need to promote

    linkages between MSMEs and cooperatives and financial institutions to reduce the information


    In an effort to redress the situation, the Ministry conducted a two day MSME Finance Expo on 23-24

    July 2015 at Civic Centre, Bulawayo to create awareness of the funding facilities as well as to promote

    linkages between MSMEs, cooperatives and financial institutions. The Expo was held under the theme,

    “Promoting SME Productivity in the Agro Processing Value Chain.”. 

    The student assisted in producing a report of the SME Financial Expo.

    Assisted in drafting a concept to mobilise an amount of US$33 863.67 for electrification of

    Gwelutshena SME Common Facility Centre in Nkayi. A proposal will then be drafted from the concept

     paper for onwards transmission to possible funders.

    ii) On-the Spot Advice

    MSMEs and Cooperative societies visit the Ministry seeking advice on their business ventures,

    initiatives, innovations and proposals. The student assisted MSMEs in coming up with project

     proposals and business plans for their financial requirements. The Ministry has project proposal

    guidelines in place. SMEDCO is the financial arm of the Ministry mandated to fund MSME and

    Cooperatives projects. All financial needs enquiries were referred to the parastatal. While others were

    referred to banks for possible funding. The MSMEs are into leather manufacturing, transport, timber,

    Industrial Hygiene Equipment, retail, service and Poultry.

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    B) Project Development

    i) Project Concept Papers

    In line with the Zimbabwe Agenda for Sustainable Socio- Economic Transformation (ZIMASSET)

    economic blueprint, the Ministry is coming up with innovative projects for sustainable development.

    The student assisted in drafting concept papers on Value Addition of Horticultural products and small

    grains, Peanut Butter Production value chain, and aquaculture projects for possible pursuance. Detailed

     project proposals will be deduced from the concept paper.

    ii) UNDP Peace Building and Increased Access to Sustainable Livelihoods Development

    Various strides are being made to ensure the Zimbabwean economy reaps the benefits associated with a

    vibrant and growing small and medium enterprise (SME) and cooperatives sector, to alleviate poverty,

    spread employment to rural areas, improve the situation of women and youth, economic empowerment

    and increase access to investment in the economy. As opportunities in the economy are shrinking, the

    micro, small and medium businesses and cooperatives sector has become critical to recovery and

    sustainable economic development. This sector also has the potential to create community owned

    labour intensive businesses opportunities for inclusive development and poverty reduction.

    Against this background, the Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises and Cooperative Development

    with financial assistance from United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) are implementing

    sustainable livelihood projects. The projects are being implemented in six districts of Lupane, Insiza,

    Umzingwane, Mberengwa, Gokwe and Binga.

    The student attended meetings and Steering Committee convention to approve the 3rd and final quarter

    work plan as well as project monitoring and evaluation exercises.

    UNDP held a programming process on the 7th of September at UNDP offices in which the student

    attended. The purpose of the meeting was to share the 2016-2020 programmes plans. The Ministry

     presented the prospective plans for the programme.

    iii) Project Monitoring and Evaluation of implemented Projects

    The division has managed to execute its tasks towards the development of SMEs. It is administering

    various projects including the Indo-Zim project, Chitungwiza Garment factory and the National

    Handicraft centre. The student did Monitoring and Evaluation of SMEs those who are at the

    Chitungwiza Garment Factory. They are venturing into sewing, toilet cleaner making. Visits to the

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    Chitungwiza Garment Factory were made so as to facilitate working space to ILO beneficiaries, which

    include seven different groups of SMEs both women and men who venture in sewing of school

    uniforms, packaging of kapenta, and detergents making.

    The student assisted the organisation in regularising the company after registration of directors with the

    Registrar of Companies. The student submitted the organisation`s file to the Registrar of Companies for


    iv) WE EFFECT: Enterprise Programme for 2015 to 2017

    Assisted in analysing the organisation`s semi-annual progress report for 8 districts in Midlands,

    Masvingo, Mashonaland East, Manicaland, and Matebeleland Provinces. The programme aims to train

    7500 entrepreneurs and capacitate 1500 Internal Lending and Savings (ISALs). The target group are

    youths and women in business. To date a total of 7263 enterprises and 505 ISALs were supported.

    v) American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)

    The student assisted in analysing the AFSC quarterly updates report submitted to the Ministry.

    The Income Security and Livelihoods project in Hopley Project is at its initial stage. The three year

     programme started in July 2015 and will end in December 2018. The programme targets to support 400

    entrepreneurs in Hopely Farm. AFSC held two community mobilization and awareness workshops in

    Hopely Farm for the stakeholders and potential entrepreneurs to appreciate the new project. Silveira

    House was engaged to carry out a technical needs assessment for 500 entrepreneurs. A total of 229

    entrepreneurs have now been enrolled in various trades and are now waiting for the training to

    commence in the second quarter.

    vi) Meetings and Workshops

    During the course of the first quarter several meetings where held including one divisional meeting.

    The student wrote reports of minutes of the meetings attended and filed them.

    Attended a workshop on Microfinance Advisory Council (MAC) on 09 September 2015 to craft vision,

    mission, values and strategic goals of MAC.

    A meeting was held with International Trade Centre (ITC) Africa Region Manager to map a way

    forward for Agro-based projects proposed to be implemented in the country in partnership with ITC.

    ITC is a United Nation agency which is implementing horticulture projects such as tomatoes,

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    strawberry, and pepper. The project is targeting 2000 greenhouses starting from year 2016. The project

     budget was estimated at US$4.5 million. The funds will be mobilised from European Development

    Fund of the green house technology projects.

    vii) Compilation of Reports

    As per the work-plan, the division produces weekly and monthly reports. A roaster is in place for the

    same. The monthly report for August was produced.

    viii) Other Duties

    The student carried out other office work as assigned by the supervisor. Some duties included general

    office maintenance, drafting speeches and talking notes for senior officials` presentation to various fora,

    drafting memoranda for inside communications and letters for outside communications as well as

    attending to MSMEs and cooperatives as they visit the office. CBZ SME Fund Facility Launch 

    The Ministry in collaboration with the CBZ Bank successfully launched a USD10 million SME

    Funding Facility in Bulawayo at Holiday Inn on 17 October 2015.

    The Launch was officiated by the Vice President of Zimbabwe .His Excellency. P. Mphoko. At the

    side-lines of the launch,twenty (20) SMEs exhibited their products and services. Fifteen (15) exhibitors

    were beneficiaries of CBZ Bank and five (5) SMEs were beneficiaries of the Ministry. The student

    assisted in preparation of speeches, inviting the guest of honour and other dignitaries for the occasion

    as well as attending to other logistics.

    3.1.3 SME financing

    SMEs approach the division seeking assistance on drafting bankable project proposals and available

    sources of finance. Some MSMEs were referred to SMEDCO, which is the Ministry`s parastatal

    mandated to finance MSMEs. Others were assisted in drafting bankable project proposals. The Ministry

    has a project proposal guideline in place. Most SMEs assisted were in retailing, manufacturing and

    agricultural sectors.

    3.1.4 UNDP PROGRAMME - Draft Evaluation Report

    The student assisted in drafting a summary of an independent evaluation on UNDP‟s contribution to the

    livelihoods development in Zimbabwe for the period 2011 to 2015.

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    The student suggested a recommendation in the evaluation report under Peace Building and Access to

    Sustainable Livelihoods Programme to be revised noting that the recommendation should capture the

    livelihoods programmes that are still essential to be pursued to address issues of poverty, inclusive

    growth and sustenance of peace in the country.

    3.1.5  Chitungwiza Garment Factory 

    The Ministry facilitated the occupation of Chitungwiza Garment Factory by beneficiaries from ILO.

    Adequate space was allocated to kick start their projects such as garment making, dried fish packaging

    and toilet cleaner making.

    The student facilitated compliance to the Registrar of Companies by the Chitungwiza Garment Factory.

    The organisation`s file is in the process of being updated as per the Companies Act requirements.

    3.1.6  Technoserve 

    The Ministry is working with Technoserve to come up with the possible livelihood projects in line with

    existing MOU. A meeting in this regard will be convened at earliest convenience.Monitoring and

    evaluation of the Agro-initiative Zimbabwe is also in the pipeline. The student facilitated in drafting a

     joint project monitoring and evaluation schedule.

    3.1.7 American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)

    The Ministry held a meeting with AFSC to share and interact with the Ministry on SME area of focus

    and future plans. The organisation is now embarking on a three year programme starting from July

    2015 to July 2018. The programme is targeting zone two (2) to six(6) in Hopely farm. The organisation

    successfully lobbied for land to build a factory shell in Hopely using the same concept as that of

    Hatcliffe Extension. The construction was delayed as the allocated place is yet to be serviced. The

    organisation sought the Ministry support to engaging the relevant authorities to facilitate the approval

    and necessary documentation for the establishment of the factory shell. The student assisted in coming

    up with the report of the meetings.

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    At the beginning of November the student was introduced to the Business Development division whereshe is expected to be attached for the rest of the second quarter of the attachment period.


    The overall functions of the Business Development Division are to;

    •  Identify entrepreneurship and business management training requirements,


    Facilitate entrepreneurship and business management training,

    •  Provide business advisory and support services,

    •  Identify both local and external markets,


    Facilitate formulation and strengthening of clusters and associations,

    •  Create and strengthen enterprise culture through encouraging initiative, creativity, productivity,

    quality and good labor and industrial relations,


    Design and manage a database of organizations and individuals that provide training, and

    •  Facilitate linkages between large enterprises, MSMEs and Cooperatives


    3.2.1 Concept Papers

    The student assisted in the compilation of concept notes on value addition of products that needed to be

    flagged for funding. These products include small grains, horticultural products, honey, leather &

    leather products and peanuts. Other targeted Government Ministries which included Ministries of

    Agriculture, Youth, Industry & Commerce, Rural Development, Sport & Recreation and WomenAffairs where also engaged in coming up with concept papers.

    3.2.2 Manna Creative Fashions (MCFS), First Year Anniversary Celebrations  

    The Ministry attended Manna Creative Fashions` (MCFs) first year anniversary celebrations which

    were held on 24 November 2015 in Chisumbanje. The student had a chance to tour the workshop for

    MCFs sewing project. There are five (5) different types of machines, fabric cutting machine, an ironing

    area of the finished products and a store room. They produce mainly work suits which they supply to

    Green Fuel (Pvt) Ltd at a profitable price. Aprons, dustcoats, formal uniforms for the Green Fuel Pvt ltd

    staff, and seat covers are also produced at the factory.

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    The figures 1 and 2 below show the student touring Manna Creative Fashions (MCFs) workshop and

    MCFs members showing their work suits respectively.

    Figure 2: Tour of the Workshop Figure 3: Product Displays

    Other projects in Chisumbanje include poultry, carpentry, technology centre, apprenticeship, and

    irrigation schemes. These projects have a positive effect on their livelihoods since Chisumbanje is in

    the ecological region five (5) of Zimbabwe, where unfavourable climate conditions are experienced. So

    these projects tend to be the best alternatives for the Chisumbanje populace since farming is not reliabledue to the erratic rainfall experienced in this region.

    3.2.4 Small and Medium Enterprises Engineering, Production Machinery and Equipment Expo

    The Ministry held a Small and Medium Enterprises Engineering, Production Machinery and Equipment

    Expo at the Harare Agricultural Show Grounds under the theme‘Promoting SMEs in the Agro

     Processing Value Chain’ , which tended to touch on value addition and beneficiation component of the

    Zimbabwe Agenda for Sustainable Socio-Economic Transformation (ZIMASSET) economic blueprint.

    This was meant to create and maintain an enabling environment that promotes the development and

    sustainable growth of Micro, Small Medium Enterprises and Cooperatives. Figure 3 below shows

    some of the machines manufactured by the SMEsthese include peanut butter making machine, candle

    making machine:

    Figure 4: SME Exhibits

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    3.2.5 Superior Holdings Launch 

    The student had the opportunity to attend Superior Holdings launch of highly advanced machinery fortanning and processing hides at its tannery in Willowvale industrial area. Various Ministries including

    Finance and Industry & Commerce were present. In line with the ZIMASSET economic blueprint,

    Superior Holdings is initiating value addition of leather and leather products in its value chains. The

    company use local hides and process them locally up to finished leather products.

    Composition of products is as follows;

    i)  65% women fashion shoes,


    35% men‟s shoes,


    school shoes,

    iv)   belts,

    v)  ladies hand bags and



    It uses hides from cattle, crocodile, snake, goat, sheep, fish and chickens.

    The company is working in collaboration with the Centre for Applied Socialin the value chains of

    leather and leather products. Some SMEs were trained on producing quality hides for the market. These

    include forty three (43) in Murehwa who were given business startup kits that included knives for

    skinning, salt and were also trained on how to skin the cattle and taking care of the hides before selling

    to the manufactures.

    Chart 1 below shows Leather collections done in various parts of the country from one hundred and

    sixty (160) SMEs

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    Page - 30 - of 50 Value Addition and Beneficiation

    The student attended a meeting on preparation of concept papers for cabinet presentation which the

    division of Business Development facilitated. Other key Ministries were invited for brain storming. The

     projects compliments value addition and beneficiation component of the ZIMASSET economic

     blueprint. Green Fuel (Pvt) Ltd

    A meeting was held with Green Fuel (Pvt) Ltd which is an ethanol processing company in

    Chisumbanje, Middle Sabi, Tanganda and Chiredzi. The agenda of the meeting was to update theMinistry on the achievements made by the SMEs and an invitation to the commemoration celebration

    of Manna creative Fashions First Year Anniversary. Manna Creative Fashions have a sawing project in


    Manna Creative Fashions has nine (9) SMEs composed of seven (7) women and two (2) men which

    were trained by the Ministry. The projects have enabled the SMEs to improve their livelihoods as other

    individual projects like poultry and horticulture were also being bred. Entrepreneurs can now feed their

    families, pay school fees and buy uniforms for their children thus human development. Other projects

    that are being coordinated by Green Fuel (Pvt) Ltd and the Ministry in Chisumbanje are carpentry,

    community library where computer training skills are being done for grade six (6) and seven (7) then

    form three (3) and four (4) and other willing community members. Jewelry Workshop 

    The student also attended a jewelry workshop at Mukwati building, in Harare. The agenda of the

    workshop was to brainstorm with various Ministries, business people in the jewelry manufacturing andselling, bankers and other stakeholders on how to revive and resuscitate the jewelry industry. When the

     jewelry industry is revived that will mean decrease in the exportation of raw gold, diamond and other

    minerals. This will definitely aid in the value chains and creation of jobs for the unemployed, since

    niches with countries like China, India and Italy are expected. National Climate Change Response Strategy Workshop

    The Ministry attended the workshop on the launch of National Climate Change Response Strategy, in

     preparation for the Zimbabwe Environmental Policy as contribution to COP21. All stakeholders were

     present including government officials to ensure a holistic approach to curb climate change for

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    sustainability. Various speakers spoke on the dangers of climate change and to map way forward as a

    nation. it was emphasized that every individual has a part to play starting from the grassroots, that is

    rural areas, which depend much on natural resources for their livelihoods. Emphasis also was on

    strengthening of education, capacity of the people as a way of tackling climate change.

    This workshop helped the Ministry especially the Business Development division since it is the one

    which deals with the SMEs. As part of way forward, trainings in sustainable use of natural resources

    will be enhance to foster development of environmental friendly projects like beekeeping and proper

    irrigation schemes, which tend to have a positive effect in curbing climate change.

    Figure 4 below shows some of the handcrafts exhibited by the SMEs, made from recycled materials,

    old newspapers and old cassettes.

    Figure 5: SME Handicrafts

    3.2.7 Compilation of Reports

    As per the work-plan, the division produces weekly and monthly reports. A roaster is in place for the

    same. A weekly report was produced by the student and monthly report for the month of November.

    3.2.8 Other Duties

    The student carried out other office work as assigned by the supervisor. Also as the Business

    Development division‟s norm the student attended Monday divisional meetings and helped in minuting.

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    The student was introduced to the Human Resources Management and Development division where

    she was expected to be attached for the rest of the last quarter of the attachment period.

    3.3.1 Functions of Human Resources Management and Development.

    Overall functions of Human Resources Management and Development are:

    •  To provide human resources management and development services

    •  Recruitment, Selection and Placement and Separation,

    •  Rewards Management•  Training and Development

    •  Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare

    •  Public Relations

    •  HIV and AIDS Awareness Campaigns,

    •  Administration

    •  Coordination and Performance Management Systems

    •  Coordination and facilitation of national duties


    i) Leave Processing

    It is the Ministry‟s policy to approve leave first and get it signed by the superiors and a copy is filed.

    The student was tasked to update the leave register of the Ministry‟s staff. The student was able to

    record and file leave forms of officers at the Head office, province and district offices. These included

    vacation, sick, and indefinite sick leaves special, annual, manpower development leaves. The leaves are

    recorded, filed and one copy is send to the Salary Services Bureau (SSB). The student also undertookleave amendments which were due to miscalculation of leave days. The forms were sent back by the

    SSB to the Ministry for proper amendments to be done. The leave days were corrected and send back to


    ii) Pay Slips

    Pay slips of the Month of February which were pending and those of March were also issued by the

    student who also assisted in the preparing for dispatch of pay slips for provinces and districts offices.

    The Ministry ensures that pay slips are treated with safety measures since they are confidential.

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    Every member of the Government abides to sign and take payslips on time thus each month when they

    are issued out. Those on critical conditions such as sick, maternity leave may be given payslips by the

    Human Resources department at their homes or hospital. The student assisted in the contacting of a

    member who had to sign and collect pay slips, who were on indefinite sick leave.

    A memorandum was also constructed by the student so as to inform the Directors and Officers of all

    departments reminding them about early pay slip collection. Since non collection of pay slips if

     persisted can cause cessation of salary by the SSB.

    Provinces and District are required to return back the pay sheet and these are filed at the Human

    Resources offices Head Office. The student was tasked to file the pay sheet forms for Chinhoyi and

    Midlands for the month of February 2016.

    iii) Acting Allowances Processing

    The Ministry has members who are acting in positions which are higher than their grades, so they are

    given acting allowance by SSB. A register of these members is kept by the Human Resources Officer

    and it is updated time to time, depending on the period of acting members. Calculation of acting days

    for those officers acting for Deputy Director and Executive Assistant offices was done by the student.

    Also letters for the extension officers to be submitted to SSB were drafted. This is done to be able to

    confirm with Salary Service Bureau for the acting allowances to be processed. For one to be able to

    attain acting allowance must act for a higher level grade for more than 30days then allowance should be

    able to be received by that officer. The letters for the acting officers were sent to SSB and the other

    copies were filed for reference.

    iv) Personal Performance System Training

    Members of the Ministry from the Head office where trained from 23 of March 2016 to 25 March

    2016. The student assisted in compilation of Ministry‟s members who were to be trained on PPS both

    of the Head office and Provincial offices. The student also aided in enquiring provisions for the training

    and made sure that they were in place in every training session. These included stationery and breakfast


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    v) Ministry Publicity

    The Publicity committee and the Student accompanied the Minister to the Palm Tree Gardens which isan SME owned land development company. This SME was funded by SMEDCO, a financial arm of the

    Ministry. She was able to develop 2 different sites that is one from Zengeza Chitungwiza and Snake

    Park. The plan is to be able to host different occasions and giving that natural beauty, since they have

     planted many indigenous trees, gazebos and created waterfalls. In Snake Park the one that is now in

     business there are also projects of nursery of trees, flowers and horticultural products in green houses.

    They have 26 employees and when the Chitungwiza branch starts its operations in April more people

    will be employed. Which means employment creation is positively supported since the Ministry helps

    MSMES in order for them to employ more people. 

    The tour pictures are shown below both Chitungwiza and Snake Park

    The Ministry through Publicity Committee places adverts for various activities, the student was tasked

    to submit an advert to the Herald which was advertised on the 9th of March 2016. This advert was

    about vacancy of Administrator to administer the affairs of certain housing cooperative Societies. These

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    cooperatives have been registered and approved to be authentic by the assistance of the Ministry.

    Capturing electronically of applicants that applied for the Administrator position was done by the

    student. These applications were going to be downsized to the required number according to the

    defined qualifications which were stated in the advertisement.

    The student was able to contact zim-papers that includes the Herald, Chronicle, FINGAZ, Newsday and

    The Standard. The main purpose for this was to get quotation on the prices of the advert sizes so as to

    help in the budgeting system and as well the variations and alternatives to go for when needing media


    All meetings of the Publicity committee the student was able to attend as a stand in secretary, and the

    student was also able to assist in change of the Ministry‟s website appearance, face book chat line and

    as well putting frequently asked questions on the platform to assist MSMEs.

    vi) Ministry Detailed Establishment

    The student contacted all provincial offices and head office departments in the process of compiling

    academic qualifications of all ministry's members. This information was requested by the PSC for them

    to update their database. The student assisted in the data capturing on excel work sheet.

    vii) Public Service Commission& Salary Service Bureau

    The student drafted a letter concerning the acting allowance approval by the SSB for a Technician

    Assistant who acted for Chief Technician who was absent at the period. The student was also tasked to

    write acting allowance letters to be submitted to SSB for the Officers Extension officers. All the

    members receiving acting allowance they have a register which should be updated from time to time.

    The student helped to calculate the days of those acting extension officers and updated the registers

    The student was also tasked to deliver manpower development letter of appreciation to PSC along with

    other documents which were needed by PSC.

    viii) Result Based Management (RBM) and its Theoretical Application

    Assisted inthe validation of PPS (which is a personal performance evaluation tool for the RBM). The

    student also made sure that they have been stored in a secure place, since they will be needed for later

    reference and final stage of data capturing

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    ix) Requests for Information

    Also the student was able to submit letters for request of information brought by Students doing theirresearches from different institutions which include UZ, Women‟s University, Buse, Chinhoyi

    University, these were submitted to the Records and Information Division to follow the right channel,

    since they need the Ministry‟s superiors approval for them to be able to get the requested information.

    Those approved to request information they are mostly referred to the Research and Policy Division

    since this is the division which does the monitoring of implementation of policies for micro, small and

    medium enterprises and cooperatives, Design strategic plans for MSMEs and Cooperatives, Conduct

    research on MSMEs and Cooperatives, Develop and maintain an up-to-date database for MSMEs and

    Cooperatives. So most of the information of the Ministry‟s progress, future plans and hiccups can be

    found there.

    x) Internal Transfers and Appointment o