Michelini VOLUMES 5-6

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  • 8/14/2019 Michelini VOLUMES 5-6


    Michelini VOLUMES 5 -6

    Mons. Ottavio

    Mons. Ottavio Michelini, was born to Aiming it, in

    province of Modena. After to have served in the diocese ofCarpi was withdrawn and of it dedicated to make the chaplain in

    an association of disabili to Modena. In years 70

    it entered to make part of the Sacerdotal Movement Marianowhen l work of Don still Hunchback era to the beginnings. To

    to leave from 1975, and for all last the four years of life,

    it received messages (that it wrote under dettatura) and

    visions of Jesus and the Madonna. The messages came then

    Mons. Ottavio published in a series of six entitled small volumes


    Confidenze di Jesus to a clergyman.

    In the Jesus messages with heated words denunciation the gravity of

    spiritual and moral situation in which it pours the world today, the confusion and

    the inner rebellion all of the Church, brings to light the deficiencies of

    pastorale puts into effect them, explains that many of these problems are the directed oneconsequence of the deep crisis of faith that pervade today the Church.

    Moreover the Gentleman announced to Mons. Michelini a future purification to

    which it will follow a new spring of peace and justice, for l humanity and forthe Church ", a radiosa dawn, never known before d now.

    Mons. Ottavio Michelini died 15 October 1979

    In the regarding cases private detections it is better to believe that not to believe.

    In fact, if you creeds, and own true one, are happy for having believed, sinceour Saint has asked Madre it. If, on the contrary, you will have believed and will be tried

    false, you will receive all thanks as if it had been true, because you have believed being

    true " (Pope Urbano VIII)

    VOLUMES 5 -6


    Why the publication of this V Book?

    For a mysterious design of the Divine Providence that every thing cures and turns to

    own fine.

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    Jesus wants that all know and know this that it attends this Church

    scristianizzata the measure and he overwhelms the vase trabocca; the abyss and neighbor!

    The humanity is set offing quickly towards the autodistruction and Jesus wants that

    nobody can say in the crucial hour which many obstinately refuse to believe

    I did not know.

    Who will not know, will be because intentionally she has intentional to ignore.

    The messages of the men are accepted but obstinately those of God refuse,

    without not to deign to ascertain of the authenticity, but this is ancient history how much


    ancient the world, you and perhaps be Prophet who has not known envy, jealousy,hatred hostility would be strange today that it acknowledged God, to true Jesus true

    God and

    Man the right to live in the middle of the men, to speak like and when he wants with

    those who gives always He has prechosen, if thus it were not would not be true howmuch is

    saying in the present book.

    d. OR. M.

    1 December 1977


    Supremacy on all the authorities of the earth

    You write son mine,

    I am always, Jesus, that I mean to resume the suspended speech little ago; of the evils

    of my church and the responsibles of the evils of the same one, I have already said to youmuch in i

    precedence books, but I did not exhaust the argument, other things are from clearing,

    later on

    I will clear.

    From how much I have said in the two precedence messages to you, a hard truth emerges

    forit puts into effect them rulers of polulates, the full supremacy of My Church on all the


    of the earth, and this, for Its not human but Divine origin, for Its missionthat it extends the assets and the things terrene, for fine Its that they are the same ones for

    which I,

    Jesus, Unigenito Son of the Father, in the fullness of the times, is made Meat me and

    I died on the Cross for the of the sort human salvation.

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    All this, for the church men, must be always reason not of superbia but

    of humility; they would have to be to acquaintance that was ab aeterno prechosen, not forthey details merits, but .per pure Divine Goodness.

    Grinding contrast

    I then, with the real mystery of My, the personal and physical eucaristica presence in

    minechurch, mystery for which astonished the Angels in sky, to good reason, placing me to

    center of all the creation, I can say to all learned from Me that they are mild and

    humble of Heart .

    It observes son, which grinding contrast between Me, Messia baby in the crib of

    Betlemme, still observes and meditates the not smaller contrast between Me, Jesus,


    on the Cross and the pomposa alterigia, made up under the appearances of vellutatahumility

    that of it alters even the personality and it allows they to manifest which in reality notthey are, have created in other words a mask that of it hides to the others true they

    appearance; well, son mine, Satana were to place on their face the mask and Satana

    he will be to tear it to it from the face.

    Oh, son mine, not preoccuparti of the truth that you write, via that turbamento,

    truth, thus little loved, always goes asserted, without to cure itself of the consequences

    thatthey derive some, a lot nobody you will be able to twist a single hat, you will have to

    suffer, but I do not have

    suffered I, Eternal Verbo of God, I, sum and eternal Truth, in order to assert the truth

    I repeat, it once again, which tremendous contrast between Me and they! but the hour of

    purification will sweep via all the putridume of teologi presuntuosi and arrogant that a lot

    poison has seeded anywhere in My Church, will sweep via all the luridume with

    which every thing has been contaminated, deturpando the Face of My Church, that Facethat I

    I gave in its to be born; now it is wrapped in the dusk and ricolma to such point they give

    to overflow of innumerevoli contradictions, son, in my church not little Shepherds,Clergymen, consecrated spirits generally and faithfuls, are incapable to acknowledge for

    what in reality they are.

    Son mine, in the made Church new I will not tolerate more bureaucrats, civil employees,

    governors, professionals not! Saints I want, Fathers, only fathers, able of

    to exercise their mandate with goodness not disgiunta from the firmness, but firmness

    paternal, always and only paternal.

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    A father does not complete never ingiustizie towards own sons, even if the sons are not

    always rispettosi in the cares of the parents, if all the Shepherds of spirits, clergymen, etc,they were truly fathers, in My Church would disappear all ingiustizie one

    sea of ingiustizie; son, I do not say all, but many escapes must be attributed to

    who in My Church and forgotten to be father; it thinks son, vocationssuffocated, destroyed in the superbia and the pride of who it has not known or intentional

    to be


    Neither he loves themselves, neither he pardons themselves for delegation

    A true father knows to comprise and to pardon the son who erra, the true father knowsto comprise the little sheep that has smarrita and chases it runs after, and found it if

    he places on the shoulders, a true father takes care itself directly of the lost son, loves

    itself some,

    he pardons himself some for delegation.

    Son, you very know, the love door to the union; if in my church he was observedfirst and maximum comandamento of the love would be not the union, but a true one

    authentic communion; same you can state as they are the things in merit. Never

    son mine, could be comprised from human mind the price of the superbia that he renders

    stolti the men.

    In My regenerated Church not there will be more the many dead men who record

    themselves inchurch, today.

    My intermediary come on the earth will be this, with the advent of My Reign inspirits, and, will be the Saint Spirit, to maintain purified with the Fire of Its Love and i

    Its carismi the new Church that will be eminently charismatic.

    Currently many Bishops are mistrustful in the cares of the carismati ones to us, this

    diffidenza donde draws origin? from the precaution perhaps? some time, but many times,

    it draws origin from the jealousy, which is daughter of the superbia; fear is had that

    charismatic the prestige diminishes, to which nearly all it is sacrificed, the prestige is

    the maleficent shadow of Satana pursues that them anywhere.

    Many today do not understand, but time will come in which will understand.

    The superbia that it wraps my Church of shadows of dead women, it frustrates the scopes

    of mine

    Church, because it is cause of the eternal perdition of tantissime spirits if it is believed

    then, that

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    the perdition of a single spirit and more serious than all the sventure, suffering and


    of every time, the drammaticit of the situation will be able to be very understood.

    Enough for the time being, son; benedico you, he prays well and voglimi.

    1 December 1977


    Master and Guide of all people

    Son mine, you write,

    they are Jesus, I resume the open speech but anything but closed on my Church; I,

    I have placed in the world, in the middle of the world, because its mission is turned to all

    iit polulates and nations of the earth, it is constituted for Divine Wanting master and guide

    ofall people; this is the place that competes to Them, this is the place that them will be

    recognized after the purification.

    Indescrivibile is its task in this intermediate time between before come ofChrist on the earth with the mystery of the come Incarnation and Its second one, at the

    end of i

    times, in order to judge alive and the dead men; between these two come, revealing,before,

    Misericordia di God, the second one, the Divine Justice, the justice of Christ, true God

    andtrue Man, like clergyman, King and Universal Judge, this third intermediate one

    come, invisibile with the exception of and the last one he has before come both visible


    This third come is the Reign of Jesus in the spirits, Reign of peace, Reign of

    justice, that it will have its full load and luminous splendor after the purification.

    My Church is placed in the middle of the nations, but no nation of the world will have

    straight of sovrapporsi to she, who dared to make it, would go against the designs of

    Divine providence provoking of the disdain. My Church has all how much in itselfit is necessary in order to carry out its divine mission, being I, Jesus, present in mine

    Vicario, the Pontefice Roman being moreover I, present really, physically and

    personally in the mystery of the faith, the present Eucarestia still with the worddivine, I, am the eternal Verbo of God.

    Salvifica, free and independent mission

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    Now son mine, is obvious that no authority on the earth can prevail on The one who

    which it is the sum authority, Alpha and Omega of all and all, without of which nobodyauthority can be. No authority if they do not give God!

    Saying is premised this, My Church, must and will have carry out (like Sacramento ofsalvation) its salvifica, free and independent mission, because it is from God,

    because God is in it; troubles to those who for superbia and pride they will try of

    to hinder of the way on the earth, they would hit in the just disdain and the ira ofDivine justice.

    My Church on the earth, in its relationships with the nations, will cultivate the respect

    andmutual understanding, in fact the fine ones are common, the good of the man; my Church


    the edificazione of the celestial Gerusalemme, the Nations with the edificazione of the

    earthlingGerusalemme. Both the cities are for the common good of polulate, both i

    Powers, the Ecclesiale and the Civilian, if they are not corroded from the superbia,generatrix always

    of envy and jealousy, they will be like two binary parallels that march equidistant with

    the same point of departure and arrival, separated, but joined from the crosspieces, like

    joinedthey are from the crosspieces the railroads of the train that proceed entirety without never

    to meet.

    Necessarily relationships you must be between the two powers, one cannot ignore

    the other; these relationships will have to be always carried out in the within of the

    respective onescompetences and mutual respect, God is extremely geloso of the Gift that form

    largeness and human dignity, that is of the freedom, every sopruso, every sopraffazione is

    an attack to the freedom that cannot be that strictly punished.

    These men, direct instruments of Satana, will be swept via like pulviscolo

    to the wind

    My regenerated Church will never take measures apt to hurt or to offend the other

    people's freedom, or

    however, in compliance with Its Divine one Not sending, thus also the Powers, and whenI say

    powers, I mean to speak about the authorities of any nature, civilians, military, political,

    judicial they will not be able to esorbitare from their limits, making would break off itthe equilibrium of the peace in the world, serious crime that grida vendetta to the cospetto


    Son mine, we do not speak about what it is happening in the world for work of men

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    degenerated, routes to every nefandezza, blinded corrupts and to the point, like their


    Satana, of wanting itself to replace to God, believing of being able some to destroy thedivine Laws and

    eternal, arrogating the right, that it is only of God and no other to the world, which it is

    that one to decide in such a way of the life and the dead women, operating against God,Author

    of the life.

    These men, direct instruments of Satana, I add and irreducible corruttore, will be

    swept via like pulviscolo to the wind in the hour that inexorably is approached, then

    it will be understood that God truly exists and that he is tremendous what to incur in Itsira.

    Sacrilegamente My Laws, my Comandamenti have violato, have profanato

    my Church, has rendered with their infernal stench the irrespirabile air, but a fire fromsky will fall on the earth and will cancel every sign of the human madness, will not

    remain, forcity and nations, stone on stone, until will not be placata the ira tremendous of God.

    Son mine, for the time being enough, prays, repairs, offers your suffering to me, voglimi


    Benedico you and with benedico you the persons who you are beloveds.

    1 December 1977


    One, Saint, Catholic, Apostolic, Roman one, prerogatives that will not never change

    You write son, we resume the speech on My Church, it is and it will remain, One, Saint


    Catholic, Apostolic, Roman, not dumb in this neither will be able to never change with

    changingof the human events; nobody never will be able to deprive it of its prerogatives.

    My Church is in the world for the world, is not static, but perennially inway, will hold the step with the world as it holds it to the shepherds with the flock, its

    mission is clearly missionary, its task to carry to all people the message

    evangelico; she is not absolutist and not even completely democratic, of a democracypure, it is Hierarchical because I have such it intentional and I to it want, its Founder; the


    of it form the dorsal thorn; its government will be an intermediate form between the


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    and the pure democracy.

    Its members will be all a person who has been baptized a christians; to the apex he will bethe Pope, than in cases of

    emergency will be able to govern alone, having in itself every deliberative power and


    The Pope, true and directed successor of S. Peter, will be to the apex of my Church, that

    he isperfect society and as such it holds and it possesses all means in order to pursue fine its

    independently from any other human structure; little of do not put into effect them


    they will fall and others will be simplified.

    Other and who door the message, other who receives the message

    Invisibile head of my Church I am, Jesus; visible head is the Pontefice Roman,successor of S. Peter to which always love will have, respect and humble obedience give

    part of all, Bishops, clergymen and faithfuls, without distinction some.

    The Church is in the world but various from the world and it will not be able to be never

    identified withworld, is prevented some from its nature of master, of mother of the world, from its

    mission, other is who door the message, other is who receives the message,

    degenerations of the hour many faithfuls and clergymen put into effect will find themdissenzienti and also

    Shepherds, but red-establish the truth and the equilibrium, now jolt from many evils, the

    Churchregenerated he will not know dissenzienti approximately its nature.

    He will be always contrasted, the Body follows the risen ones of the Head, but the forcesand the dark ones

    powers of the evil never will prevail on she; it enjoys the detail presence of

    Saint spirit who already the pervade with its carismi; today the carismati ones to us they

    are gone anywheremultiplying, the Carisma always has existed in the Church, the saints was all

    carismati, I speak to us here about carisma like gift the detail and extraordinary data to

    determined persons for the ecclesiale community I do not speak about the commoncarismi

    participated to all the Christians with the sacramentale life.

    Thus the Gentleman disperses the arrogant ones

    The dark Powers of Hell employ all their resources in order to seed discord,

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    it envies, jealousy between the carismati to us waves to diminish some and also to destroy

    of the effects; i

    carismati they must take of conscience to us in order not to allow the enemy to attempt toslowly of the Divine Providence, the carismati ones to us they will supervise in order not

    to fall in the insidie

    of the enemy, cultivating in itself same all the virtues, but in the most particular wayhumility, fundamental pillar and center them of the holiness.

    The regenerated Church will be nearly totally charismatic, will be truly Saint and will beSaint spirit to vivificarla and santificarla in order making of she a beacon of Light that

    will cast

    on the entire humanity.

    Who is the men for porsi against God with the crowds intention to hinder some

    step? Less than a fist than powder that the wind disperses; powder is the rulers

    of it polulates dipped in the denser dusk of theirs superbia.

    That us it wants in order to confuse them? they have closed their heart, their mouths

    speakwith arrogance, eccoli, are left over and they encircle to me in order to pull down to me,

    but will disperse I them

    like powder, nient'altro that powder, has dug dinnanzi to Me a grave and you

    they will fall and from the same one they will be swallowed. Thus the Gentlemandisperses the arrogant ones that they have

    warp conspiracies against of He, thus will pull down Its enemies and its Church will carry

    salvation till the extreme borders of the earth.

    Son for the time being enough, voglimi well; benedico you and with benedico you all

    those who youthey are beloveds.

    1 December 1977


    Little of it perceive the mysterious ferment

    I am, Jesus, that I mean to continue in the manifestation of my thoughts approximatelymy Church puts into effect them, and my Church that is being renewed, only little spirits


    shrewed of my divine activity I have made you to touch with hand the truth of my assetspresence in my Church, you have seen some of the spirits that me are prechosen and that

    they will have important duties in my Mystical Body, but of my ministers, solo little

    they perceive this mysterious ferment, more are chocked in their things, than not

    they are my things, like would have to be, because my ministers would have day and

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    night to be occupied in the things Mine, than they regard to me, they would have to be


    in protecting and defending my interests that is the Gloria of God and the good of thespirits, but

    next to these things very little think, politics, the sport, the films, even pornographic

    approvals in television or public know them, form their nutriment, when notthey feed of things gets worse.

    Sordi, always always ready to the mormorazioni, nearly always indifferent toproblem for which they have been created, for which they have been prechosen calls

    and a such one

    attitude with which it is said not to the Love, not to the Light, not to the Truth, and, to

    this that to these assets is opposed, is truly paradoxical, absurd and inconceivable forwhich he is not more tolerable.

    I want only Saint Clergymen I will disperse the others like pula to the wind

    Here then that I, Verbo of God, present in my Church, are putting into effect the hour of

    purification that will have to re-establish the equilibrium and the harmony destroyedunder chasing

    action malvagia of the prince of the darkness and the menzogna.

    In my made Church new, I want only Saint Clergymen for santificare, only wantaware and responsible clergymen of their largeness, power and sacerdotal dignity,

    I will disperse the others as pula to the wind and of they memory will not remain between

    my saintssome. They will be my Saint clergymen animated from the love and the fear of God,

    aware, of their being instruments in my hands of the new creation.

    They will know and believe truly of being the ministers of an Omnipotent King and

    Universal, they will know to estimate the price of the spirits, for which day and night of

    zeleranno the salvation, will know of being beyond that ministers mine, the friends minethat it wants to say, friends of God, friendly servants but I do not call, will know my

    saints to you

    clergymen of the regenerated Church not to be foreign in the House of the Father, but

    familiar future concittadini of the celestial Gerusalemme and of God.

    I will place them as heads in the middle of my people, will make to remember my Nome

    Saint of

    generation in generation, they will be to indicate to polulate and the nations the Lambof God, they will be to make to love it and to indicate it like Alpha and Omega of all and


    all, like the risurrezione and the life, the eternal and increato Love that of Himself

    he fills up the universe, will be they to narrate to all my wonders, will be they to

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    to proclamare to polulates the wonders of the Living God, will be they to proclamare Its

    comandamenti, will be they to anywhere carry the image of the celestial man and not

    of the made man of earth and, with the image of the celestial man, they will carryintegrity

    of life, holiness and truth.

    It is time of perdition, but also of salvation

    Thus they will be and have to be the ministers of my new and dazzling Church made oflight as never it was not, son, and this, time of calamity, but also of large

    Misericordia, is time of tears but also of joy, it is time of perdition but also of

    salvation, and, saves will be my Church from the claws of Satana would want that it for

    always destroyed, it will be the time of victories and of triumphs, it will be the time of thetriumph of

    Mother Mine, than, for the second time, with Its heel will crush the head to

    malvagio snake, will be risurrezione and lifetime.

    You will see son mine, you will see, it, evolving itself of these events without reply in

    human history, much anchor will refuse to believe, sventuratamente will believewhen it is too much late; son, is true, the Cross will not lack to you, but the Cross for you,

    it is not only predilezione, but it is love.

    Courage son mine, I know what tasks, but not to forget that I am God and allI can, I can son, to take the ripugnante vermiciattolo crawling in the powder and

    in the mud of the earth, to raise it till Me and to make of an Angel of Light; you will be

    Prophetin the church tomorrow, and, they will come to you in order to know my thoughts. Not to

    upset to you

    son, and your Jesus who speaks to you, than follows to you, than he loves to you, and theLove that in you tries

    the love, not to disappoint son to me, too many spirits have disappointed to me, too many

    spirits have to mebetrayed.

    Courage son, you receive my blessing like pledge of my love; with you

    benedico those who you is beloveds and for which prays, voglimi and offers yours well tome


    1 December 1977


    Wonderful fusion of the Divine one with the Human

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    You write son mine, are Jesus who I speak to you, I always must dirti important things in


    to my Church post puriphicationem, son, the Church is mine, it has exited from mineCost open, my church is a sacramento of salvation from Me instituted in order to guide

    all the men towards the port of the eternal salvation.

    The Church is a wonderful fusion of the divine one with the human, of which image ishad

    in an inferior order, the fusion of the spirit with the matter (body) in the person

    human, to other you can deduce it image from the fusion of the natural element, spirit

    with the element supernatural, grace.

    I, God and a Trino, have intentional the Church, instrument in order to put into effect and

    to perpetuate on

    earth the second creation; of the Church they are the Head, real invisibile but, alwayspresent, active and supernatural fecund; of the Church they are the Master

    indefectible, the sure Guide, in it is Via, Truth and Life.

    My Church is perfect, human and divine, human society because the men of

    they form the limbs, divine because divine it is its origin, because divine it is its

    nature, because divine it is its doctrine, because divine they are the means ofsantificazione to

    its disposition, because divine they are the aims that it pursues; my church is perfect

    because null it lacks to them for being such, because divine it is the Life that in shecirculates, because

    permeated dall action and from the presence of the Saint Spirit who support, the vivifica

    andsantifica in its way on this earth of exile.

    The smoke of entered hell and in she

    Son mine, I prevent your obbiezione not expressed but thought, because then, Jesus,

    mine, the Church is terribly thus suffering for innumerevoli evils? Because in

    Church is the element man, where is the man, is imperfection there, if then the movedman

    from presumption and tresca pride with Satana, Satana of impossessa and of ago one

    instrument badly, not to never forget it, it is the monkey of God, all whichGod makes in the good, makes it he in the evil.

    Why Jesus mine, the Church and thus seriously sickened?

    Because the smoke of hell has entered in she darkening the minds of those who for

    superbia thus they have intentional; these sventurati will not be able to never estimate the


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    incalculable caused to the Church. I still answer to an other your obbiezione, and perhaps

    less come the action of the Saint Spirit? Not son, God mind and God is not faithful

    to its promises, God has not come less, but the man has lacked to its fidelity.

    Least they are disposed to follow to me on the way of the Cross

    God not coarta never the freedom of the man also when the man uses of this wonderful


    gift against of God, if thus it were not, dimmi that it would be some now of the world?Son,

    how many times I have not said to you that the evil, of any nature it is, does not come

    never gives

    God, but from Satana that are the evil all the evil, and from the man wants that it, notnever gives

    God, God is not infedele to the man, but the man is infedele to God.

    The aims of my Church are the aims of the mystery of my Redenzione, are up to the

    Churchto pursue these fine, but also the means in order to pursue these fine are those of

    my Redenzione: Very many humilities, Poverties, Obedience and the Calvary that today

    they refuse to go up, also between the Bishops, the clergymen and the consecrated ones

    generally, areleast those which are disposed to follow to me in the Way of the Cross.

    The dryness of my Church today finds here its root.

    My Church is the single caretaker, interpreter, depositaria of my Word, anyone

    it dared to deny to my Church this prerogative and sacrilegamente to get hold of,mutilando, deturpando, transforming my Word, it would commit serious sin

    against the Saint Spirit, serious sin of presumption, sin that very rarely it finds


    Son benedico you, donates joy to your Jesus with your availability to the Cross.

    2 Decembers 1977


    The activities of the man are interested to all

    You write son,

    the activity of my Church is not limited to some aspect of the human life of

    Christian in way on the earth, the Christian, is the object and the aim of all the activity

    divine human and of the Church, like single person, member of the community

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    relative, social and ecclesiale, therefore all the structures in which the Christian one


    he works and he lives, are pure they object of the ecclesiale activity, the wish to limitfield of action of the Church to some aspects only of the life of the Christian for

    to exclude of others, would be to attempt to the sovereignty of the Church, would be to

    alter somenature, that it is equivalent to frustrate of the aims for to which has it God intentional and

    mails in the world.

    Who this dared to make, would come to put itself in open and grinding contrast with


    they turn behind those who was tried to make it; my Church is interested to all

    the activities of the man, are public are private.

    It is task of my Church to supervise on the single spirits and all the structures in which

    spirits live; to defend them and protect them from all the dangers that of it threaten

    integritymoral and dottrinale. The task and the responsibility of my Church are truly

    large, because it will have to live in continuous alarm, because the forces of the evil,of Hell and the earth they encircle, it of siege from every part, therefore it will have to be


    always with adequate means that do not lack to them, as it cannot lack to them

    the attendance of the Saint Spirit, for which will not come never less necessary the divineaid,

    if, in the faith, it will want to be watched from the envies and the thin astuteness of its



    Nothing them can be indifferent of whom he is inherent to the life of the man

    Great and serious task of my Church in the world, with its presence and its

    mandate, with the means of which it arranges, it will have to santificare the life of the

    Christians and the atmosphere

    in which they live! nothing them can be indifferent of whom the life is inherentof the man, family, school, print, culture generally and all the structures on which

    the civilization resists.

    It is not lawful to nobody to block the step to the fecund activity of my Church, making it

    it would be opporsi to He who in Its Onnipotenza and Its Providence, to price

    of Its Divine Blood, it has made of the Church, a sacramento of salvation for allmen; the men convince themselves some, once in order always, than to the root of every

    oppression to my Church is always Satana its irreducible and implacable enemy,

    but if to the enemy it is not believed to us or it is not worried to us to characterize it, not it

    will be able

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    to never win

    The man is to the center, object and victim

    Who work against my Church, wants or not, is collaborating directing of Satana,

    that of equal step it acts with Satana in the inestinguibile hatred that Satana feeds andit favors in any case against Christ; all this I have said because all you must

    to know, and, from this acquaintance, trarne reason in order not to be swept up from the

    error and frombadly.

    Two masters cannot themselves be served simultaneously that they have opposite

    interests inthis world of light and darkness, life and dead women, truth and errors, or servants

    God, or Satana servants, not is other alternate ways; or omnipotent God, Onnisciente,

    God eternal Love infinitely, increato, or God that are Light, or rebellious first Satana,

    dusk, hatred, division, superbia, omicida, generator of darkness, fomentatore oferrors, of heresies and every other evil.

    The man is to the center, object and victim of this situation, the man, free and

    intelligent, it is the able solo being able to choose between these two poles, or with God

    in the life

    without end, in the light, the truth, or, with Satana that in itself encloses all the evils.

    This is the great historical truth in which the man it becomes part coming in this world;

    this truth in my new Church, will constitute the nucleus centers them and fundamentalfrom

    which to nobody it will be lawful, or however permission, to bear away.

    In order today enough son mine, prays, repairs always well and voglimi.

    3 Decembers 1977

    MY CHURCH and the full failure, total, of the materialismo

    Son you resume the pen and you write.

    The men are fairs, proud of their civilization, but which civilization? of the civilizationof the things, of the matter, they are convinced, or, such pretend themselves, to have

    recreated a second

    terrestrial paradise, thinks, and as it could be otherwise, they think that one hardlypalm divides them to hand from a lot yearned for happiness, than with much febrile


    anywhere they try try, it in the pleasures of the meat, here the obsessing esilarante

    fanatical exaltation of the sexiness, of the pornography, the organized defect and

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    legalizzato, that it engages enormous financial means that not even the liveliest fantasy

    it can catch up, put black, how much they cost to the hidden organizers try, it,

    materialisti men of this century perverso, in the pleasures of the table, the possessionof the wealth, in the greed of the honors, the discoveries of science, the art

    degenerated and disheartened for the deficiency of faith and the regurgitation of


    But they are noticing, uselessly trying to hide it, here because I have saidthey pretend, than in all these things a lot is not the happiness febrile and anxiously

    tried failure then of the materialismo? , boy mine, full failure, total

    of the materialismo, but the human pride never will admit this, will be swept up and

    incenerito, and these words go understandings in their literal sense, will be incenerito, butthis will not never admit it, will be the era of the purification to sweep some via the


    and even the memory; son mine, between vent'anni of it will not speak itself more.

    The battle and in existence, but the Victoria is decided

    Marx sped up the laborers and she polulates of all the world to rebel against God, famous

    son, I have said against God, in order to pull down He and its Church, this is the true one

    objective of the marxismo masked diabolically under the mantle of the corporate

    property,in fact it does not have the said marxismo that the Religion is the opium of polulates?

    The Vergine SS.ma, Mother Mine and yours, than very knows the true matrix ofatheist communism, of it has collected the challenge, the battle is in existence, but the

    Victoria is decided,

    it is and will be of the Mother Mine, than, to the just hour, it will crush with Its Heel thehead

    of the velenoso snake.

    Therefore for the enemies of God and its Church, for the supporters of the materialismo a


    advertised like large the Victoria of the man, beyond which more nothing v', if not

    icy squallore of the tomba on which it is recorded the word fine, the atheist marxismoit constitutes the most colossal perpetrated deceit from the dark Powers of Hell to

    it gives of the entire humanity and this is astonishment reason, of wonder that single

    men, that he polulates and nations, than made intelligent creatures to image and

    likeness of Creator God they, could have been drafts in this macabro andfrightening deceit only the superbia that it blinds, can give an explanation, is not then

    much difficult one to become account of the innumerevoli contradictions of the atheist


    Divine Truth of manifest God in the same man, manifest in the Created one where is

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    evidently manifest Its Wisdom, Its Power, Its Presence.

    Traitor less not perversi than Giuda

    No man can accept the marxismo without to degrade if same, without hits them

    against the evidence of its spiritualit, its original largeness of its freedom,freedom that is not, and, never could be, from the matter.

    Son, if it is not easy to understand the crowds blindness of the man has carried who it tosuch

    incredible pervertimento to rinnegare if same and to place if same to a level

    inferior to that one of the animals, dimmi you son mine, if can be easy to understand like,

    consecrated Christians, and, even Bishops, are anch'essi fallen in this rovinosamaterialista conception for which they spend time and energies in order to convince if

    same and

    the others that the atheist communism deserves of being taken in consideration and, with

    it,it grows, and, worse still, us nutre of its deadly poison; but this is perfidy that

    grida vendetta in the presence of God.

    Traitor less not perversi than Giuda, they have closed the eyes to the Truth, are i

    necrofori of the spirit, are and will be, between not a lot, the executioners of the Church,

    theirspresence speaks about dead women, they, for election, destined to being life bearers.

    My Church has many branches buckets, has spiny shrubs, has very many yellowed leavesincapable to receive the vivificatori beams by now, you rami and leaves that are in the

    dusk, but

    my Church is also Alive Body, wonderfully alive, rich of perfumed flowers,saints, just, confessori, martyrdoms and spirits particularly fecund Victims.

    My Church is waiting for its complete pruning, after which, rigurgiter ofvital humors, every bruttura will be removed to them, will appear thus to the beautiful

    world, divinely

    beautiful, it will shine more than any spring sprizzando flares of sovrumana light,

    she will be the Spouse from intentional Me, wished, fertilized adorned of its preciousmonili;

    wisdom, wisdom, humble purity, love, faith, hope will be the pearls that

    they will adorn its forehead.

    Now enough, son mine, rested; benedico you and with benedico you all those who you


    3 Decembers 1977

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    Beautiful, pure, covered of candor and love, it is thus I want that it, and, thus will be

    You write son mine,

    I am, Jesus, I ask than you to resume in hand the pen; this that is happening

    in my Church, in which moreover wonderful spirits do not lack, he is trulyabominable.

    In precedence messages I had occasion of dirti many times over that if you had made to

    see youwhat it is some behind the facade of my Church you would be died at once: one

    infame connubio, a tresca nauseante of my ministers, my faithfuls and even of

    Bishops with the dark forces of the evil, are only a tragic aspect of this desolating

    truth, is the desolation of desolation, great desolation that demands oneenergetic participation and an advance of the times.

    Son, is the Spouse burned from desire to meet itself with the Spouse in of of the wedding,

    they are the Spouse who burns with desire to embezzle its Spouse from the mud in which

    and be

    jetty in order to come to it beautiful, pure, covered of love and candor; and thus I wantthat it and

    thus mine will be the Spouse tomorrow, troubles to those who will attempt to its candor,

    isgeloso of it and I will not allow that or ulteriorly insulted.

    He is absurd truly paradoxical what and

    My regenerated Church will not have more to submit to the sopraffazioni of the superbia

    ofmen rendered enslaved from the dark powers of the evil; son mine, the fight lead from

    Prince of the darkness using of the materialistica conception of the life, has placed

    the church, and, not only the Church, but the humanity all in a blind alley, without escape

    thatit cannot if not to lead in the most tremendous tragedy of the of the sort human history,

    tragedy without precedence, I reaffirm to you, and absurd truly paradoxical what and,

    thanthe humanity you walk with much lightness towards a thus immane catastrophe.

    The exaltation of the matter, in all its several aspects and fields, the glorificazione offorce bruta, the divinizzazione of all this that is corruttibile, the dispregio of all the values

    of the immortale spirit, than it does not perish and never it will perish, the spregio for the

    conquests of

    spirit, reason and end of First and the Second Creation, are logical

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    consequences of the precipice in which Church and polulate of the earth are in order to


    In my regenerated Church, the life characterizes them, familiar and social of the men,

    it will have to be sfrondata from all that makes and deceptive assets for which men and it

    polulatesfaticano, fights and dies, collecting the sad truth of the sin, that is

    eternal eternal damnation; this, son mine, are madness, like crazy are he who this


    it has carried on the earth, the of the sort human life on the earth will be reorganized, or

    innumber, or in insatiable silks always new requirements.

    Poor humanity, you will be saved, not for your merit, but which price!

    Son, they will be the same men with their hands to destroy this civilization

    of the matter, of the material things, ignoring that the true civilization is not of the thingsmaterials, but of the immortale spirit; it will not be to Me that they will have to charge

    sfacelo of their nauseante pagana civilization is carrying that them to the extreme ruin, to

    brutal violences, to the exaltation of the crime, the legalization of the crime, you see

    the abortion, introduced like social conquest not to Me son, not to Me, but only tothey insipienza will have the tremendous hour of the purification.

    The Church, rinata to novel life not trescher more with perfido the materialismo,extolled

    and exalted with unanimous chorus by all means of communication, it prints, radius,

    cinema, theatre, like pseudo an art without inspiration and with others thousand ways,this

    pagana civilization, defined also civilization of the consumption, all has dissacrato, all

    hasupset, all it has profanato and violato, the nature, its invariable laws, seas, rivers,

    lakes, all have polluted and poisoned, the harmony has broken this civilization of the


    of the world of the spirit and smashed the equilibrium of the physical world.

    Poor humanity, you will be saves, not for your merit, but which price; you will be saves

    forDivine goodness that has created to you, redenta, santificata.

    Son prays mine, voglimi well; benedico you.

    4 Decembers 1977


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    It will have to be radically restructured

    You write son mine, are Jesus.

    How many things will be burnt in my Church in the hour of the purification, have saidson mine, burnt, a burnt thing wants to say destroyed destroyed what, therefore that

    he cannot more serve the men, I speak about many material structures and also not

    materials; my New Church, as many times over I have said to you, will have to beradically

    restructured for which it will have to reappear with the primiera line that I gave to them


    Mother mine and my Apostles.

    The Mother my SS.ma after my Risurrezione remained on the earth, It, with Me

    Corredentrice, seguit with my Apostles (Queen Apostolorum) to generate, in

    semplicit, in humility, the love and the pain my Church, is obvious son mine,that immutato and untouchable the patrimony of the Detection must remain, than

    presumption and human pride would want to modify, to amputate, to transform, this

    it is unforgivable crime, this is superbia equal only to that of Satana and this

    superbia it is in the mind of pseudo teologi, several Bishops, innumerevoliconsecrated clergymen and mine which straight arrogates the absurdity to interpret


    their will the word of God, to fold it and to enslave it to the requirement of the times, forwhich this that yesterday was, today is not more for changing of the human events, is not

    new this heresy, how many of it made champions above all the Protestants with


    Son, this that is from God, touches itself some dumb, who dares to make it God

    challenge, and, who is the manfrom porsi against God and to dare to defy it?

    He watches the semplicit of my life terrena

    Instruments of Satana, you are some, but will disperse I them, less than a fist than powder

    they are that the wind will disperse because the memory does not remain of they, has

    misused and they are arrogant misusing my Misericordia, Patience andDivine Longanimit, and this will get worse their risen ones.

    My Church will be reorganized, like reorganized will be the entire humanity, them willbe

    given back its primitivo face, it will be destroyed that tumefatto, deturpato that they have

    to them

    given the men.

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    How many times son mine, I have not said to you that I, God, are infinitely simple and

    simple I want all the things? I dislike the human pride that for personal prestigeit stretches to render and complex this complicated that for its nature is simple, this

    semplicit print the man test discovers in all the things to it, it constitutes mine

    divine I seal.

    Son mine, considers and meditates, great mystery was and is that one of the Incarnation,

    butI watch with how much semplicit I have manifested the world, I still consider

    semplicit of the family of Nazareth, prototype of all the families, astonishes

    Angels of the sky, like the large ones of the earth, the Magi of far away the East, watch

    andhe still observes son, the semplicit of all my life terrena, how much far one from

    he intrigues, from the conspiracies, the ambitions, the greeds of the Clergymen of the

    Tempio, than

    little points of reply do not have with men of Church of this generationmaterialista.

    He will be the man, xecutioner of if same!

    Oh, son mine, a fire will fall from the sky, intentional and provoked from the man, the

    superbiaof the man, all how much will incenerir has been poisoned and contaminated from the

    man, for which

    same same, paradoxical, but true will be the man xecutioner of if. Already they aremarked

    those who will escape to the annihilator fire that will clean up Church and humanity from

    the luridume

    of which they are intrise; the structures gushed from the superbia will be destroyed to alland from

    human madness that has rendered abominable humanities and Church in the presence of


    Son courage, you will salt Me when all she is consumed, when she polulates and Church

    they will walk with joined, in peace and fraternit, the semplicit of Creator God and

    Gentleman of every thing.

    Son, the Holy Fathers, the Saints and Great Doctors of the Church, never would have

    allowed themselvesto dissent from the authoritative judgment of those who of the Patrimony of the Detection

    they are, for divine Wish, the single caretakers and interpreters legitimize, in other words


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    they would have contested I legitimize Mastery of the Church, single Master, Caretaker


    Interpreter of the divine Word, is clear and manifest malafede not justifiable innobody, many less in the Shepherds, clergymen and consecrated generally, asserting that

    Word of God, like eternal and immutable God, can be adapted to changing times

    as changing they are the men to every stormir of wind.

    How and possible to ignore that God, sum and eternal Truth, neither dumb, neither can

    change?God neither Its Word cannot be folded to the man, but he is the man who always and

    wherever it must be folded to God.

    As it is possible to ignore that between all living visible and invisibili only the man inway on the earth can change? Son, is always Satana to push the man to

    to replace itself to God, for sottrarlo to God and pushing it towards the abyss of the


    Now enough, son, benedico you; voglimi well, he prays and you offer your suffering to


    8 Decembers 1977


    You write son,

    they are the Mother of Mine and of your Jesus, they are the Immaculate Conception, they


    Vergine dressed and crowned Mother of so l of stars, is Maria, the Mystical Rose ofParadise, the Rose that encloses every scent in itself, than wants to speak to you.

    Son how much never appreciate has been the consacrazione to my Immaculate Heart ofwhich

    today you have made homage me; I would have today intentional, than the festivity of

    Mine is celebrated

    Immaculate Conception to pick and to accommodate in my Heart the consacrazione of allmankind in order to make of gift my Jesus, to the Celestial Father my and the Saint Spirit

    to which mankind belongs for creation, redenzione and santificazione,

    but unfortunately this that have today not been able to make, I, Maria, Mother of theChurch and

    Queen of the Universe, I assure to you that it will make, when, in time not far away, all

    it will be completed.

    Son must hurry this day because in it he will be able himself to be said finally that

    the advent of the Reign of My Jesus, in the heart of all the men, has come.

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    Rosario saint, powerful remedy to tantissimi the evils

    It must hurry this day with the appreciate prayer to Me of the Rosario Saint, with

    the inner mortificazione of the spirit and with the mortificazione of the senses, is sordi,

    and, such they remain, many of the so-called the bonds to this my old invitation,nevertheless,

    son mine I, from have pointed out it to centuries and, I have pointed out in these last 150

    years mineChurch, like a powerful remedy to the many, very many evils plague that it; if me

    they had listened, in particular my clergymen, all mine consecrated, the peace

    it would reign on the world; in they it is the great responsibility of being Guide in the

    world,of being Light, It knows them and I leaven, but unfortunately of all these things, very

    many of they,

    they do not know just nothing.

    Son mine you has been said and you have seen like all you have come true yourself, than

    very manyencounter with many faithful spirits have been predisposed because between you you


    the unit, and, in the unit, than always encloses in itself the Charity, the means of defense

    against irabid onslaughts of Satana and its legions against the bonds.

    Satana, having to its continuation good of the sort human part, pours its forces andthose of its follows to us against my unarmed Church and know you it because unarmed,

    necessity therefore that the bonds are and are joined in order to make bank the brulicanti

    forcesof the evil that they give every part encircles to you.

    But you do not have fear, you are, supervising itself, but also trusting in the Saint Spirit,in

    Merciful heart of my Jesus and in my Immaculate Heart: in our Hearts

    you will always find shelter and protection.

    Son mine not to forget the Baptism, you very comprise this that I want dirti, for you,

    he has an extreme importance, species in your future, you, son mine later on you will

    understand thisthat today you cannot understand.

    Benedico you, son my delight and with benedico you all yours confratelli of theMovement

    Mariano and benedico also that which will be your family, in were turo not far away.

    The Immaculate one

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    5 January 1978


    Nearly total deficiency of Spiritual Directors

    You write son mine, are Jesus, I want to resume the messages of which I have pointed out

    to you in one

    our talk, return on a argument already dealt: nearly total deficiency of

    Spiritual directors; which the causes?

    I will point out to the main ones:

    1) Lack of pastorale sensibility from not little Shepherds.

    2) Compenetrazione of the materialismo in all the structures of my Church, seminaries,Religious orders, convents.

    3) Deficient culture patristics, asceticism and mystic.

    4) great Deficiency of inner life with consequent impossibility and logic inability

    to direct spirits for the grinding contrast between The Manifest the requirements of the

    spiritsthirsty of truth and spiritual ascension and the cold ices that are found in the mind of i

    clergymen demands to fulfill this most delicate ministry.

    Son, if he enters in a icy house buia and, donde you will reach light and heat if that house

    of it is totally lacking? As a spirit can yearning of being capacity to God to find

    aid from who from God is far away? How many spirits firm as are paralyzed, incapableof

    to walk, own because they do not have who helps them!

    The eternal salvation, final goal of the life

    At the head of the local churches they are the Bishops, on which the large one is

    incumbentresponsibility of the spiritual life of the flock they entrusted, spiritual life wants to say

    fluid circulation of the Divine Life in its Church, in the spirits that of it make part,

    to the Bishop therefore the duty is incumbent to become account of the most seriousnecessities of

    spirits to He entrusted, if the Bishop is Saint, he will not lack the Wisdom, have said

    the Wisdom, the intuito one that it comes from the Spirit who is in its heart, for which

    will be like

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    divorato from the zeal for giving and supplying to the spirits all the valid aids of which

    they have

    need in order to walk straight towards the final goal of the life that iseternal salvation, then will see the Bishop with clarity all the gaps, the shadows,

    necessity of the spirits of the flock that must graze and of all will make in order to supply,

    it will render account of the found it hard life, latent of religious families, will see theparalysis of

    many spirits and of many communities, groups of prayer, than many times sgarrano

    own for lack of a sure spiritual guide.

    Before great worry, empty of every human material interest, will be that

    to collect around himself the best clergymen in order to make some of the good guides

    spiritual; with these clergymen it will decide this then that it will be necessary to makefor a true one

    spiritual regeneration of its church, because in its null church it lacks for

    to be able to walk on the way of the Holiness.

    The Bishop is not only a President of an Assembly, but the spiritual Father of

    its church that must cure, alimentary, preservandola from the heresy, the error, from

    amorality, therefore great is its task that must acquit with precaution and

    courage, but with great faith and love, prescinding from the judgments of the men andholding account of the single Divine Will; now son mine, is my Will that the Bishops

    they are Saint, than rispecchino in itself my life of man-God for this they are made me

    man, and that they put, even, the dark ones to the root in order to uproot the evilanywhere is itself

    nested, without fear and fear, never they will not be denied my aid if

    they will want to only operate for the Gloria di God, the advent of Its Reign, forthe performance of Its Will, is not this that I, Jesus, have taught to you to ask

    every day?

    Then radical disinfection of all the infected structures; if a Bishop does not feel itself

    to burn from this zeal. my Apostle in the world cannot more being.

    Problem centers them of the Pastorale: to tear the spirits to Satana

    The materialista conception that has wrapped my Church in a buio deep never

    approval before, this crisis of faith that has removed not only the Christians, but alsoothers

    it polulates infedeli, from God, cannot be cured if not with the return to the faith, for

    whichit will be cure of the Bishops to carry out a pastorale illuminated sage and, or, directed to


    they clergymen, than to their faithfuls; there are centers for the formation of Catechisti

    and one

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    center for the formation of a valid culture of S. Writings, S. Fathers and Doctors

    of the Church, I do not have need of clergymen scientists, do not have need of teologi

    presuntuosi, but I have need of clergymen sages and saints who have flood conscienceof their sacerdotal largeness and their sacerdotal powers.

    This the Bishops must comprise, for this must operate, to thisthey must orient their pastorale leaving from part all this that is marginal;

    once again son, I assert that the problem centers them of the Pastorale, which Shepherds

    and Clergymen must address their spiritual and material energies, because the bodyit is support of the spirit and for the spirit it has been given, he is to tear the spirits to

    Satana and

    he follows its to us in order to give again them to Me, because to Me they belong, and, to

    prevent in any casethat the rectums and the pure ones of heart do not have to being tricked and swept up

    from the astuteness of


    That it wants or not, this is this that I want, and, the purification in existence, will make

    she thisthat the insipienza of mine consecrated has not known or intentional to make.

    You benedico son mine and voglimi well.

    17 January 1978


    You write son mine, are Jesus who speaks to you.

    Not creed son mine, than you can nourish still some doubt approximately how much you

    have to yousaying in all the messages precedence, you have strained yourself also indovinare the

    times not

    avendoti never fixed precise dates, if errors in this have been, are only errors

    yours, not Mine.

    You have said that the tyranny of Satana on the earth is in order to catch up its maximum

    level, you have said, it because I have intentional who said you it, many I have listened toyou

    commiserandoti, because son mine is little those which they see, very many those

    that they do not see and between these very many ones there are of those which they havelike task

    precipuo of their life to precede in quality of guides and masters the spirits they

    entrusted, spirits redente with the My most precious Blood.

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    Son, I have prepared to you for the hard days and difficult that quickly they are

    approached, I have to youintroduce spirits Victims and spirits prechoices, because in the hour of the test, also

    physically separated, you know to be near, many neighbors to form a single spirit,

    a single spirit, a single body to joined Me with the generous offer and the prayerhe lives; you do not have fear, lasciatevi not to intimorire, if I am with you, who I will be


    something against of you?

    Nothing will be able to happen without that allow I it

    - Jesus mine, that I will have to make?I have already said son to you mine, lasciarti to guide without fears, nothing will be able

    to happen without

    that allow I it; how many times I had to dirti that all the evil, physicist, moral, spiritual

    it has a single only root, the sin completed from the men not without the interference ofSatana, radix omnium malorum

    The men have said not their God, have turned themselves towards false divinity, are


    created new idoli thus serving the Demon they irreversible enemy, now of

    they will collect the fruits.

    I do not have created the free man? I supplied the man of intelletto do not have because

    he couldto discern the good from the evil? I do not have I date to the man the will, because known

    he chose it well like supreme scope of its life? I, God could to coartare

    freedom of the man making it similar, indeed inferior to the bruti? unfortunately verymany

    men, especially mine consecrated, will only notice when it is too much

    you are late, but only son mine, because thus they have intentional.

    - Jesus mine, will be many these hard days?

    Son, partially the sourness and the duration will depend also from as you will react with

    your faith and with your generosity.

    - Not to leave us or Gentleman single! You are only our cliff, our defense!How many times I have not said to you that I never do not disappoint? I, am in the middle

    of you, in

    half to you mine is the Mother, son watched to we with the semplicit of childreninnocents and all you will have from We.

    Also in buio I will be next!

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    The world is more and more slipping towards the abyss, the dusk wraps that it is

    growing and between a lot it will not be buio complete; it does not forget to you, also in

    buio I youI will be next!

    Son, was thus also for Me in the Getsemani, neither saw neither felt the Father mine, onlyI was in the middle of my friends; to the buio of the Getsemani it followed the

    sfolgorante light of


    I know this that tasks son and once again I prevent to you, the Association Hope I will be

    I, Jesus to preservarla although the Giuda will betray who it; you very know the sad one

    rising of the traitor Apostle, the tradimento in itself encloses much malvagit for whichdifficultly it finds forgiveness.

    Naturally when the storm infuriates with violence all has fear, also

    Apostles on the lake of Genezaret were scared, fairies in way not to deservereproach that I in that occasion made they!

    Now son benedico you and with benedico you all those for which he prays, not to forget

    never the effectiveness of my blessing.

    Voglimi well.

    8 March 1978




    You write son mine, are I, Jesus, that he means chiarirti how much has said C to you. in

    meritto the Sacred Bible.

    You know son mine, because many times you I have said, that I, God and a Trino are for

    infinitely simple nature and that therefore all the one which I make and say reflectsthis my nature, like every book, every work of art reflects the artistic temperament

    and literary of the author, also my Bible, also manifesting the temperament

    artistic, poetico and literary of those who as instruments were chosen in order to write it,it leaves in a wonderful transparency to catch a glimpse the infinite semplicit of Its true


    author, the Saint Spirit.

    The Sacred Bible then is the intentional book from the Three Divine Persons in most


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    communion of Will, in order to communicate the eternal and immutable Word of God to

    elect people, in order to of the sort prepare it for the greatest event of the history

    human, to the come one on the earth of Me, Verbo of always generated God from theFather, with

    divine mandate of the Father to supply to the restoration of the equilibrium smashed from

    Satanawith the sin it originates them, by means of the Second Creation with the mystery of the


    Morte and Resurrezione mine.

    S. Bible before, and the Gospel then, are directed to the people and for the people of God,

    in order to illuminate it and trarlo from the dusk descent on mankind with the sin it

    originates them,Its content of Light and Wisdom is accessible to all the spirits not intossicate and

    poisoned from the smoke of the dark hell that and pollutes, is the superbia vomitata

    on the humanity from Satana, that it believes it badly thinks and it wants its for conquest

    and on whichit tries to impose its reign of darkness in contrast to the Reign of God, Reign of

    Light, of Justice, Peace and Love.

    Who is not with Me is against of Me, and, who is against of Me does not have part with


    Nobody has the right to interpret the Word of God, that is the Detection, if not the one


    that from God to this she has been deputy, that is its Church and in the Church only toThe one who which

    it has been date the key of the Reign of skies that is to Peter, the Vicario mine and to the

    successory onesof my Apostles that live in communion with Peter.

    They have been arbitrary, they are and they will be arbitrary the personal interpretationsof many

    teologi arrogant and presuntuosi that the Gloria of God and the good of does not have

    them to the spirits

    induced to elevate itself to masters of the people of God, while the Master is a solo, IVerbo

    eternal of God, visibly represented on the earth from the Pontefice Roman, and,

    anyone, teologi, Shepherds or Clergymen who do not want or do not accept the Masteryof the Church, they are heretical, anate me because same they put themselves to outside


    Church, the prestige does not have importance, the dignity the charges that they cover,who

    he is not with Me is against of Me and who is against of Me, does not have part with Me

    with mine

    Reign, but has part with the reign of Satana.

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    Son, how many you are some today up and low, even covered of porpora, outside of

    my Church, incedono solemn and, I repeat to you once again, ammantati of a untuosa andvellutata hypocritical humility, walks on the hem of the precipice also many Bishops who

    also protesting their fidelity to the Church, passively, making thus accomplices of

    Main Satana and prince of menzogna, have allowed the same Satana to enteranywhere, above all in the Seminaries, Religious Ecclesiali University, Congregations,

    in order to demolish, to sweep up in the error and the heresies many and many spirits that

    in the plandivine of my Providence, they had been prechoices like precious and fecund germs of

    future puttinges while they have become perdition instruments; for this son, I said to you

    to advice against the young people to enter in the Seminaries, in order not to start them in

    it makes us of lupirapaci.

    Troubles to who careful one to the Word of God counterfeiting it and mistificandola

    How I could be merciful with those responsible Shepherds a lot scempio? ofmany ruins? the Shepherds do not become account that give the life for its little sheeps,

    while they have not moved a finger in order to prevent so much badly? son, but that

    they think? when they never re-enter in itself same in order to cry and to deplore much

    insane one andstolta pastorale?

    Son is not this a argument that can be exhausted in a single message, veryother I have from dirti!

    In my Church renewed and regenerated the successory ones of my Apostles, they willhave

    to be strictly intransigenti and supervising so that the precious patrimony and

    inestimabile of my Detection does not have more to being thus terribly tornfrom the human pride, so that the warehouse of my Detection is guarded like one

    garden closed in which nobody serpe poisoned or granted of entrarvi!

    My Word goes received pure and simple as pure and simple have manifested I it theygive

    always in my Prophets; troubles to who careful one to mistificandola It counterfeiting it

    and,better it would be for these wretches to throw itself with a pebble to the col lo in the deep

    one of i


    Son mine, benedico you; he repairs and he prays.

    10 March 1978

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    Son mine, I am, Jesus, that I mean to resume the speech of my Church.

    The Church will be made new like to already said in the precedence messages you, butnot without

    an effective contribution of My Mystical Body that will have to regenerate if same in the

    love andin the suffering, and, this can giovare in order to understand blooming better to you than


    Virgulti that tomorrow, riunificati, will be the garden of my Church, this says to you

    that still last it is not the Association Hope.

    I do not know son mine if you memories all which I said to you with respect to sterility of

    Modern Pastorale, than does not only give fruits, own as the fico about which it speaks

    Gospel, but has poisoned and polluted nearly the totality of the structures of the old oneChurch, thus deformed in the lines that I gave to them in the action of its birth.

    The enemy who is to the root of all the evils, materials, moral and social is always

    same, Satana, than with industrialization and the modern technology, a lot

    extolled like the great conquests of science. now, like not never, it is

    unmasking its tragic stiff deceit to the entire humanity that only now it catches a glimpse

    which great danger them is innanzi, for the pollution that sound dead women anddestruction

    for the entire nature, died and destruction total for the wonderful dwelling (the earth) that

    Iwith the Father we have given you to mine but that it is never the material pollution of

    forehead to

    more serious pollution of the spirits?

    The obbiettivo of the enemy has always and only been this, spiritual ruin and dead

    women and

    material for this humanity from conquered he with the always maintained deceit andtiranneggiata with the violence, with the wars, died revolutions and: all this today who

    it does not see and own for guilty and volunteer to it blindness.

    He is true Jesus mine that in your Church is much evil and a lot putridume, but is

    also much good ''

    Son mine, you have seen in the message precedence like boldness and the aggression of

    he to

    spirits do not know limits, a lot push it hatred to provoke in same the my Church

    men, clergymen and Shepherds who with inaudito pride, the inimicus hominis, not

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    they hesitate to seed in my Vine, that is in my Church, every kind of errors and of


    Son, I want ricordarti an other thing, what you a day said to me: It is true

    Jesus mine, than in your Church v' much evil and a lot putridume, but is also a lot

    well. '' what I answered to you? If you made you to see what it is behind the facade ofmy Church, you of moriresti at once; now son mine, I want chiarirti better the sense

    of these words, you see so much well, but all the good that creeds to see, tasks own

    that or all such? I do not deny to you, and want to confirm it once again to you, than notSaint Bishops lack in my Church, Saint clergymen, spirits truly

    brave and also heroic whose material spiritual works and also, are animated they give

    supernatural vitalities, therefore appreciate God, but son, said to you and I repeat to you,

    that they arelittle, little in connection with spreading of the evil, the corruption, the heresy that

    he sweeps up in the eternal eternal damnation an enormous number of spirits.

    But you understand what wants to say eternal eternal damnation?

    I already tried to make you to understand it an other time, means that all the calamities ofthe earth,

    from the Creation of the man till the end of the times, they are a NOTHING in

    comparison to

    a single spirit that goes damned!

    Not esagerazione, but truth!

    Gridala hard this truth to the blind people and the sordi.

    Grida to that the Celestial Father has sent Me on the Cross because no spirithe had to get lost!

    Understood from this the tragedy of the Calvary that continues in the Putting and My


    Mystic for the salvation of the spirits?

    Understood the grandiosit of the fight between Life and Dead women, Light and

    Darkness, Truth and


    Tried to understand and to see not only the great evils of the outer world, of

    matter, but also largest, the more immensely great evils of the spirits.

    Very many works and activities of the modern Pastorale are devoid of theirs

    spirit, of the straight intention

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    Yes son, many are the works and the very many activities of the modern Pastorale but of

    these are devoid of their spirit, of the straight intention, you see the activity and not

    he is always given to all to know of the spirit, dinnanzi to Me, son mine, very many ofthese activities appear as the corpses can appear in advancing putrefazione;

    works without the faith are not God chip axes, now the superbia and the pride has

    suffocated the faith in the spirits, as it could therefore it appeal to God a Pastoraleimperniata on a simply human faith, without the spirit of the supernatural? on

    supernatural a human faith rations them enemy of the faith? .

    Here the explanation son mine, not illuderti, only the little privileged spirits

    they will be able capirti, the others not, from here the aversion that they nutrono in your


    For the time being enough son mine, six tired one, but you resist for it recites of S.

    Rosary in

    communion of the Saints of the sky and the earth.

    Benedico you and voglimi well. You also extend this blessing to those which you

    they want well and you they are beloveds, not turbarti then for the harassments that theenemy would want

    recarti in very greater measure.

    11 March 1978


    Not to fear son, you write, I I say to you to write.

    Memories son, what I made to see you to the Verna in 1975, in a moment you sawstate of depression of my Church, well, this state of depression in mine

    Mystical body is gone more and more aggravating, sees son to it mine, the abandonment

    in whichthey are left?

    The abandonment of a person from an other is always disamore; the sons who

    they abandon the parents in order to go itself some for the world, do not love theirs sureparents, or viceversa the parents who abandon the sons, and how many times happen

    that snaturati fathers and mothers abandon also in most tender age own sons, and

    they make why it? Not sure they love because them, but because burnt from more turpi

    passions prefer the evil to the good, the sin sozzo to the paternal pure love ormaternal.

    How much suffering from who feels abandoned, suffering that many not

    they can understand, but that torture and tears the heart.

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    Son then you thinks and reflects on the abandonment from the men, but you add

    also from the sons of God, my siblings, my friends of my ministers,of many my Shepherds watch and consider as are dealt in the mystery of the Love,

    he watches the solitudine in which I come left, he watches and he considers the sacrilegi

    with which I comebetrayed and sold, he watches and he considers from how many I come rinnegato, he

    watches and he considers

    from how many they are hated the Love, hated! the love that it demands like only andsingle answer

    the love, has instead the aversion, the hostility and often hatred! , the abandoned Way,

    Rinnegata truth for the error, the Life refused and posposta to the dead women, I, the

    Light, whichone prefers the darkness!

    Convertitevi to the Gentleman, otherwise all you will perish.

    Son, you only see that not abandonment draft, but v' a lot more of the abandonment

    that also much suffering generates and many tears ago to pour from who of and theobject, and,

    the object today in my Church of this aversion, is my Merciful Heart and

    the Immaculate Heart of the Mother mine and yours.

    Why continuous to parlarti of all this? Because continuous son with much insistence

    to recall the evils that plague my Mystical Body, than, obstinately, except

    always the exceptions, are obstinate refusing to take to conscience of this its tragic onesituation, dipping itself more and more in the dusk that it is losing in the eternal


    eternal the spirits?

    I insist to speak of because you, my small dulled pen have, it to write and to scream it

    hard to all: convertitevi to the Gentleman otherwise all you will perish!

    I have always said to you not curarti of the judgment of the men, but always and only of

    that one of God.

    Sordi to the callbacks Mine and of the Mother mine; deriso and they have schernito mine

    Prophets that he will be some of they?

    Son, is clear and very comprehensible from every straight spirit the tremendous collision

    between the powers

    of the darkness and the sons of the light; he is very comprehensible and intuitable fromall i

    good that to this point would not be joints, if in my Church the army of mine

    cresimati, you can say with more exactitude, 'army of my soldiers, my ministers, i

    my Shepherds had not refused my instructions, data with my Word of Life

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    and with my Life of humility, obedience, love and suffering, if my ministersand my Bishops had not forgotten my luminosity and explicit invitation to follow to me

    completely on the Way of the Cross, today he would not hang on my Church and on

    world the ira tremendous of the Divine Justice, thus hardly tried and offense.

    Till when the Father mine the generation of this century will support perverso?

    They are remained sordi to the callbacks of the Mother mine, deriso and they have madeobject of

    scherno my Prophets, than he will be some of they?

    Son, now you go to rest, benedico you, voglimi well and as you always offer yours to mesuffering in repair a lot abominio.

    28 May 1978

    Dl FAITH ALIVE the JUST one

    You write son mine, are Jesus,

    of faith alive the just one, the faith finds its reason to be in Me, that they are the eternal

    oneLiving word of God, finds its reason to be in Me that they are the Truth and that

    to the men it has given testimony of Me, Via Truth and Life.

    Son, you of every thing would want to always know some because, I have admonished to

    you not

    to make it, because your faith is perfect and because to your it leads you faith to the totalabandonment to My Merciful Heart.

    Today it is the festivity of my Body and my Blood; this mystery goes accepted and livedon the veridicit of my Word, this mystery already announced in the Sacred Bible more

    times, from revealed Me then instituted during the Last Supper, are the greater gift that


    it could make the humanity, but especially to its Church for the life of the same one, Itit is to the center of the tests from the Father demanded for the income in the Reign of

    Skies, It is

    the object of these tests, of it forms the spirit that is transformed while still alive with thehope and

    the love: o h, if the men son mine, knew to preservare their pure heart and scevro

    from the sin which power, which light would find in this mystery of love;mystery of my Body and my Blood and how much God in its infinite munificenza

    it has been able and intentional to give to the humanity, like testimony of Its Love

    infinitely for

    same humanity.

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    The Love holds me prisoner in the Eucaristico mystery.

    Continuous, son mine, not inferior miracle to the miracle of the Creation

    of the Universe, the Redenzione, not inferior to all the miracles completed in the time,

    before and after come mine, perennial source mail in the world because the men, inthey short way on the earth, could come near to the Source of the Life, and of

    this life, to nourish itself, as the Hebrew in the desert nourished themselves of the Manna

    that the Father

    it made to fall on the barren and sterile desert, in order not to be made preda of the dead

    women, whoit eats this Bread will have the Life and not morir in eternal, but who, intentionally not


    he eats, and, who eats some dishonourably. he will perish in eternal.

    - Oh, my beloved Jesus, You that from always you knew the risen ones that was serbata

    to you in yoursDivine Presence in the mystery of the love from the ingratitudine and human malvagit,


    you have not never worried yourself to prevent so much badly?

    - Son, the Love that has carried to me on the Cross is the same Love that he holds to meprisoner in the Eucaristico mystery; the love mine for the men is infinite and exceeds of

    large long the human malvagit and ingratitudini.

    Son mine, the reasons of credibility of this great mystery, does not lack, indeed notthey do not only lack, but they abound, if there are Christians who assert not credervi

    it is only for intentional and guilty religious ignorance, if there are Christians who

    profananomystery of the love, is because these Christians have given to spirit and body to Satana,

    which thus it is deeply penetrated in their heart to the point some to have become

    the dominating absolute.

    The hour is next and unavoidable

    If there are then Clergymen, and, many you are some, and, not only simple clergymen,than

    they sacrilegamente celebrate the Sacrifice of the Putting, these, like the antichi

    clergymenHebrew, dominated from the TWO concupiscenze and of the spirit and the meat, cannot

    to understand neither they can see because wrapped from the same demonic dusk for

    which ofthey with reason can themselves be said: homo animal not percepit ea quae sunt spiritus

    Of i

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    Son mine, you very know the state of tremendous depression in which mine is sealed

    with lead

    Church; by now it is saturates, to nothing have been worth all the callbacks, the hour it isnext and

    inevitable, and, the sold enemies mine, Giuda novels to the dark powers of the evil,

    they will be destroyed and dispersed like powder to the wind.

    Son prays mine, repairs with your suffering, does not import that you understand, imports

    thatyou with the great humility have to believe, firmly to believe to Me, living Word and

    eternal of God, present in my Church in the great mystery of the Love and the Faith,

    present, and many times single, in my Tabernacoli.

    You benedico son and with you all the persons who you are beloveds.

    30 May 1978


    Figliolino mine, is the Luigina.

    You could figliolino mine, farti partecipe for a single moment of our Paradise, allyour perplexity would disappear at once; a buio imagines deep, intense, than

    it wraps to you all, in the buio is not well, the buio is of Satana of is he inestinguibile it

    source and the buio of the spirit is still more terrible of the buio of a dark night, then,without warning a celestial splash of Light removes you the buio in which you are dipped


    tuffarti in this light paradisiaca but figliolino beloved is things that are difficult to maketo understand you that you proceed of imaginations, you are in way and the port for you


    Ottavio is still a lot far away

    You were not and you are not single but in the storm in course; you know that all the


    simple and humble never for they initiative comes less to the made promises, and, invirtue

    of our pact united always in the time and the eternity, I never do not have distolto mine

    look from your way, I follow to you and I will follow you till the landing place yours inthe place that you

    it attends, but tied you now it is the work that God wants and for which it has already

    made Itschoice, then I with all the friends yours of the Paradise, consider you a single thing

    inseparable inscindibile and, nothing fears and uncertainties therefore, because you know

    that to

    He not piacciono and not piacciono because they are a manifestation of distrust and of

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    abandonment lack, while It attends more from you and the Associates engaged a total

    and perfect confidence, a total and perfect abandonment in He.

    You know that It does not have haste, this but it does not want to say that in He you it is

    disinterestedness or

    unconcern, these things are imperfections and in He instead, all it is infinitelyperfect!

    The evil explodes with the violence of the hurricane, but it will pass

    Figliolino mine not to measure same you and your mission on the earth with the same


    with which measures the others, you would not find yourself with the result, every manand every work has

    a various print, God is not never repeated, and this is worth for you and for those who

    in the Association Hope they have tasks and responsibility of first slowly.

    Figliolino mine know you it, you would have to know, that the evil explodes with