Micaela communication speech104

Communication The Process Micaela Wolfe Speech 104 Argumentation


Speech 104 Marteney Communication the process

Transcript of Micaela communication speech104

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Communication The Process

Micaela WolfeSpeech 104


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Every Thing we do sends a Message

Communication Happens Even if we are just standing around

Communicating Critical Thinking: Communicating with Others By: Sterk and Marteney

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Step 1 * Sending

The Sender is the Source of the message

In the example here Mr. Stick wants to get the message across that he says hello

The Sender is in control of the message he intends to send

He is responsible for the success or failure of the message

Communicating Critical Thinking: Communicating with Others By: Sterk and Marteney

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Step 2 * EncodingThis is the process of thinking of what you want to communicate, and then representing that thought in a verbal or non verbal way

My Stick is using Facial Expressions to help put those thoughts out there

During the encoding process, Mr Stick will take into account the environment he is in as well as the receiver of his message

Environment includes: social system, culture, past experiences, gender influences, education, language, expectations of both you and the person you are communicating with

Communicating Critical Thinking: Communicating with Others By: Sterk and Marteney

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Step 3 * Message

The Message is simply what you want to communicate.

Mr Stick wants to “Attack at Dawn” and he has a cleaver way of showing it on a big Poster.

The message is how you put the words together to form a sentence, spell the words, form your sentences and put it all together. Communicating Critical Thinking: Communicating with Others By: Sterk and Marteney

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Step 4 * Channel

The Channel is the “medium” that the message has to go through to get to our brain.

We have 5 senses: We See, We Hear, We Taste, We Touch, We Smell

Once the message is sent it travels through at least one of our senses to get through to us

If we give someone a rose to show them we love them...they not only see it, they smell it and touch it: That rose could communicate to us that the person loves us through our hands, eyes and nose.

Communicating Critical Thinking: Communicating with Others By: Sterk and Marteney

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Step 5 * Receiver

The receiver is the target audience of the message the sender is giving.

There is a primary audience (chosen by the sender)

There could also be a secondary audience (all others who access the information)

Receivers are not responsible for starting communication, but they are responsible for listening and providing feedback

Communicating Critical Thinking: Communicating with Others By: Sterk and Marteney

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Step 6 * Decoding

Decoding is the ability to translate the message the sender puts out there into something the receiver understands

This can never be done 100% because the sender and receiver are different due to: social systems, culture, past experiences, gender influences, education and languages

Both parties play a role in the decoding

Communicating Critical Thinking: Communicating with Others By: Sterk and Marteney

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Step 7 * Feedback

Feedback is the information the receiver sends back to the sender

The receiver lets the sender know how well you have “decoded” the information they sent you

Are you falling asleep in their lecture, are you responding back in a way verbally to let them know the correct answer, do they say I love you too when you said I want to break up

Feedback is the responsibility of the receiver

Communicating Critical Thinking: Communicating with Others By: Sterk and Marteney

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Step 8 * Noise

Noise is anything that gets in the way of the communication process

This can be actual noise such as music, or a baby screaming

This can also be psychological like a bad attitude which does not allow you to hear anything people say to you

Noise can happen at any moment during the communication process

Communicating Critical Thinking: Communicating with Others By: Sterk and Marteney

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Poor Communication

It is not that we do not want to communicate, it is that we are not communicating correctly.

With all of the different personalities out and with all the different cultures there it is no wonder there are so many misunderstandings when we communicate.

Communicating Critical Thinking: Communicating with Others By: Sterk and Marteney

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How to Avoid Misunderstandings

Communicating Critical Thinking: Communicating with Others By: Sterk and Marteney

Hi Jon, I really want you to ask

me out!

Hi Sally, You are not

my type. Plus I like

Michelle. I am sorry if this hurts

your feelings

Mean what you say, know your audience and check for understanding!

And Remember Everything We Say And Don’t Say is Communicated - Even if it is not what we meant to communicate!