Miami Valley Council Family Friends of Scouting FOS Presenter G… · Friends of Scouting provide...

Miami Valley Council Family Friends of Scouting Campaign Resource Guide for Presenters to Assist in Planning and Conducting Friends of Scouting Unit Presentations

Transcript of Miami Valley Council Family Friends of Scouting FOS Presenter G… · Friends of Scouting provide...

Page 1: Miami Valley Council Family Friends of Scouting FOS Presenter G… · Friends of Scouting provide these benefits and many more to our children, as well as numerous at-risk youth throughout

Miami Valley Council

Family Friends of Scouting

Campaign Resource Guide for Presenters

to Assist in Planning and Conducting

Friends of Scouting Unit Presentations

Page 2: Miami Valley Council Family Friends of Scouting FOS Presenter G… · Friends of Scouting provide these benefits and many more to our children, as well as numerous at-risk youth throughout

2017 Family FOS Chair &

Staff Contact Information

Sunwatch District Chairman:

Kirk Perkins

(937) 233-2612

[email protected]

Sunwatch District Professional:

Doug Nelson

(937) 665-1064

[email protected]

Two Rivers Family FOS Chairman:

Jay Scharenberg

(937) 726-0044

[email protected]

Two Rivers District Executive:

Matt Gettys

(937) 665-1068

[email protected]

Wayne Trace Family FOS Chairperson:

Dan Groth

(937) 665-1062

[email protected]

Wayne Trace District Executive:

Dan Groth

(937) 665-1062

[email protected]

Wright Brothers District Chairman:

Rob Jacques

(937) 776-7026

[email protected]

Wright Brothers District Director:

Jeanne Lawrie

(937) 665-1071

[email protected]

Council Friends of Scouting Chairman

Eric Flasher

(937) 291-1412

[email protected]

Page 3: Miami Valley Council Family Friends of Scouting FOS Presenter G… · Friends of Scouting provide these benefits and many more to our children, as well as numerous at-risk youth throughout

2017 Family Friends of Scouting Fact Sheet

What is Family Friends of Scouting? Family Friends of Scouting (FOS) is an annual, council-wide appeal conducted in every pack and troop be-

tween the months of November and April. The Family FOS Campaign asks parents and families to consider

financially supporting the Scouting program in an effort to offset the cost of providing Scouting to their child.

Why is Family Friends of Scouting important? The true cost of Scouting is greater than the registration fee, greater than the dues your pack or troop may re-

quire, and even greater than the fee charged for camp. Family FOS support ensures quality Scouting can hap-

pen by supporting the cost of camp upkeep and improvements, training of adult leaders, advancement record

keeping, registration, camp scholarships, professional staff guidance and support, and more!

Should every family in my unit give to FOS? Every family should be given the opportunity to experience an FOS presentation, learn more about the ways in

which FOS benefits the program their child enjoys, and consider making a donation dependent on their giving

ability. The true cost of support the council provides for each child is about $240 annually.

But I’m a leader and give my time, why should I support FOS, too? As a leader, you’ve dedicated a lot of time and energy to the Scouting program and you believe it can make a

positive impact on young people. Family FOS helps make the following resources possible: quality camp

property, training for leaders, monthly roundtables, professional support and guidance, and a council service

center with resources. When compared with the cost of many other programs young people join, Scouting is

relatively inexpensive. Your participation in the Family FOS program is critical for the continued success of


I pay dues to my unit. Doesn’t that cover the council too?

No, the council does not receive any funds from your unit dues or registration fees.

We pay for summer camp. Why do I need to donate further? The fees charged for council camps are only a fraction of the total annual cost of owning and maintaining the

properties and running programs. Your usage fees are subsidized by Friends of Scouting donations, so when

you donate you are just paying back for benefits you already received.

How do we conduct a successful Family FOS program? It’s simple. Follow the steps of the presentation preparation within this booklet. Setting a presentation date/

time/location is the first step! Upon completion of the presentation, forward the results to the District FOS

Chair or your District Director within THREE BUSINESS DAYS.

I give through the United Way/Combined Federal Campaign at work and check the

box specifically for Boy Scouts. That counts the same as Friends of Scouting, right? No, the allocation to the council from the United Way/CFC is budgeted annually and is not increased by a di-

rected donation. If you put your dollars toward Scouts, the corresponding amount of others’ dollars is sub-

tracted. The net benefit to the local council is the same either way.

Where do my employer’s matching gift or payroll deductions monies go? All matching gift monies from dollar match or volunteer hour grant programs go directly to Friends of Scout-


Page 4: Miami Valley Council Family Friends of Scouting FOS Presenter G… · Friends of Scouting provide these benefits and many more to our children, as well as numerous at-risk youth throughout

Key Steps to Success

Be personally committed to the campaign's success.

Conduct kickoff at district committee meeting (include commissioners).

Conduct presenter training.

Recruit at least one presenter for each three active units.

Schedule presentation for ALL active units by February 1.

Unit coordinators should send enthusiastic "warm-up" letters before presentation.

Presenter should tell their personal Scouting story, along with the reasons for Friends of

Scouting. Be concise but be sure to cover key items:

True cost of Scouting—In the Miami Valley Council, this is $240 per Scout for one


What the council provides to each unit and Scout—camping facilities, activities and

programs, such as day camps, camporees, Ski Day, etc., training and full-time profes-

sional support.

Make the ask! People give because they are asked and the best ask includes a sug-

gested gift.

Secure a pledge card from every family even if it is a zero. We understand that every family

cannot afford to make a donation, but by telling us that at the presentation we won’t bother

them by asking again.

Unit coordinator and presenters should begin follow up with any families who missed the


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2017 Campaign Strategy & Report Meetings

All meetings will be held as phone conferences beginning at 5:15 p.m.

January 10 Family Campaign to be at 30%

Community Campaign to be at 10%

February 15 Family Campaign to be at 60%

Community Campaign to be at 50%

March 14 Family Campaign to be at 90%

Community Campaign to be at 80%

April 11 Family Campaign to be at 100%

Community Campaign to be at 90%

May 9 Final Report Meeting

All Campaigns to be at 100%

Page 6: Miami Valley Council Family Friends of Scouting FOS Presenter G… · Friends of Scouting provide these benefits and many more to our children, as well as numerous at-risk youth throughout

Thank you for your willingness to serve as a volunteer in the Family Friends of

Scouting campaign. Your involvement ensures funds are available to continue

quality programs in the Miami Valley Council. This packet is designed to help you

be successful.

Preparing to be a Friend of Scouting

BEFORE the presentation

Attend presenter training.

Review Materials (The support materials below are available for presentations.)

Contact the Unit

FOS Presentation Packet:

Blank FOS brochures with attached

pledge cards

FOS participation ribbon

Blank audit sheet

Presenter guide with Sample Script

Council Fact Sheets

Presenter Tote with Ropes

Matching gift cards


Confirm the date, time and location of presentation with unit contact.

Ask to make your presentation first on the unit agenda, just after the flag


Encourage unit to send out letter or email blast before event sample included in

this packet

Check in advance to make sure physical arrangements are adequate (PA,

electrical, etc.)

Check all equipment before starting for proper operation

If you have questions, call your FOS Chair or your District Executive

at 937-278-4825.

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AFTER the presentation

What is next? Turn in at the Miami Valley Council Service Center Please make sure donations from the initial presentation are turned in to the District FOS

Chair or your District Executive within THREE BUSINESS DAYS. (Your District Execu-

tive will gladly arrange to pick up your packet if needed.)

To prevent delays, please DO NOT HOLD your packet until all monies are collected. Do-

nors expect their checks to be cashed or their credit cards to be billed in a timely manner.

On pledge cards, make sure:

Your district’s name, unit type and number are on each pledge card.

We need the parents’, guardian’s or donor’s name, not just the Scout.

The address on the pledge card should be the home address.

If applicable, record your and/or spouse’s employer on the pledge card for matching

gift programs.

Unit FOS coordinators should follow-up with everyone else within two weeks of the

presentation. Additional cards should be turned in, in the white envelope.

Record all donations on the audit sheet, noting payment info where needed.

Utilize the unit roster and contact families that did not return a pledge card. Ask

for their support.

Have den leaders, Assistant Scoutmasters or committee members help in follow-

up efforts.

Subsequent collections are encouraged to be turned in regularly throughout the


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Sample Warm-Up Letter to Unit Donors


Dear Parent:

You and your family are invited to join us at our (Blue & Gold/Court of Honor) scheduled on (Date, Time, and

Location). We are very proud of the boys’ achievements and extremely appreciative of all the parental in-


During the (Blue & Gold/Court of Honor) a volunteer from (enter community) will briefly discuss the annual

Friends of Scouting (FOS) campaign which helps underwrite the cost of Scouting for all involved. We thought

it might be beneficial to send out this letter in advance so you are aware and will give some thought into your

course of action.

Each year, our Scout unit is asked to support the administrative side of Scouting. The Miami Valley Council

currently supports over 2,000 volunteers who develop and enrich the lives of more than 7,500 boys and girls,

ages 6 through 20, from across the council. The council provides numerous benefits to all of our youth and

adult volunteers. A few of these benefits include:

Operation of an excellent camp with consistent top accredited ratings which provides

outstanding activities and programs to our youth

Professional guidance and support which mobilizes several hundred volunteers in our

immediate area who work with the children from our community

Supplemental accident insurance for all registered youth and adults

Primary liability insurance for all registered volunteers

Camp scholarships and uniform assistance to families in need of assistance

Friends of Scouting provide these benefits and many more to our children, as well as numerous at-risk youth

throughout our service area.

The Scouting organization annually spends in excess of $240 per youth. Compared to most activities like

hockey, basketball and even piano lessons, Scouting is a great investment and truly a bargain. Following the

FOS presentation, you will be asked to financially support Scouting.

We hope all parents will consider a gift and turn in their pledge form during our (Blue & Gold/Court of Hon-

or). Please remember any gift is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your support of Scouting.


Pack/Troop Committee

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Sample Script ―Working Together

Good evening, I’m _____________, a volunteer, from the Miami Valley Council to present our

Friends of Scouting Program for 2017. The Friends of Scouting is the annual fund raising

campaign to support Scouting in the Miami Valley to achieve the Scouting mission: to prepare

young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the

values of the Scout Oath and Law.

To start our program I need four Scout volunteers who can tie at least a square knot. (Select

four Scouts and have them come forward…hand each a short rope section. If Cubs, lean to-

ward the oldest as they are more likely to be able to tie knots quickly.)

As I hand these four Scouts ropes, we are going to set up a scene to highlight the importance of

Scouting—not just in your son’s life—but in the communities of the Miami Valley served by

our Council. Imagine this box needs rescuing. Perhaps—heaven forbid—it’s you in a car ac-

cident in a nearby city. Think of two cars driving by. One is full of Scouts or former Scouts

trained in leadership, first aid, emergency preparedness; the other, just young people. Who

would you rather have come to your rescue? Fortunately, for our rescue we have these fine


Scout 1, (you can, of course call Scouts by their names) you represent our endowment, corpo-

rations and foundations. Would you please tie your rope to the box? As he starts our rescue

you’ll all see the rope becomes shorter just like these funds can fall short if the business cli-

mate is poor or if businesses move or close.

Scout 2, you represent camping and activity fees. Again, the rope is shorter with a knot tied

much like our funds to maintain our two camps and other act ivies may come up short if units

select out-of-Council camps or don’t attend Day Camps or other activities.

Scout 3, you represent popcorn sales. This year, we are about $20,000 behind in our sales. Be-

cause the sale happens so late in the year, shortfalls here can be very difficult to recover from.

As you can see, our rope is short of our goal. That’s why we are here today. This young man

represents the Friends of Scouting Family giving. It is families like you than can help us

achieve our goal and ensure Scouting continues in the Miami Valley. Working together we

can make that extra rope available to Scout 4. Scout 4, use your rope to complete the rescue

and drag the box to me. (Cheers…Box rescued!)

Because we were successful in rescuing the box, we get a special treat! As a special bonus,

any Scout whose family turns in a card—regardless of the pledge amount—will be able to take

home one of these ropes. If you have two sons, you only have to turn in one pledge card and

both will get ropes. I’m asking my four excellent knot tiers to hand out Friends of Scouting do-

nation cards and pens if needed. By the way, as a special thank-you to our volunteers, they get

to keep the rope they tied in addition to one they’ll get with a family pledge card returned.

We’ll take a minute so you all have the opportunity to fill them out. Remember, it takes

volunteer time and money to achieve the mission of Scouting. This is an opportunity to pro-

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vide Scouting’s benefits to a Scout you may never see.

You have the option to use a credit card and can spread the payment amounts over time if it is

more convenient. The Council fund raising committee has requested you consider a tax de-

ductible pledge of $240… ($20 a month) as the First Class donation level. If you contribute at

this level, in addition to the useful rope, you’ll get a shoulder rocker as you see at the bottom

of the pledge card. If you wish to give more—GREAT. If conditions prevent you from giving

that amount, consider half the amount. If you are unable to give any amount, please complete

the card and indicate a $0 pledge. This does two things, first, you save Council mailing costs

trying to contact you, and it allows your Scout to get a useful rope.

We want everyone to have an opportunity to help support the Scouting movement. Let’s take a

few minutes and complete the cards now even if you only have a few dollars to donate. By

filling out the pledge card—even if you don’t have cash or a check on you right now—you can

make a difference. Every bit helps the Scouting movement stay strong for you, your families,

and your community.

I’ll collect them in a moment. If you pledge at the $240 First Class level, let me know by ei-

ther telling me or folding the corner of the pledge card and I’ll make sure you get the shoulder

rocker patch. If you’d like the center patch or prior year rockers to complete the set, they can

be purchased at $75 each, once you make the First class level donation.

If you have friends, co-workers, or other family members you think are willing to help Scout-

ing, please direct them to where they’ll see a DONATE button and can

give used cars, stocks, or credit card or check donations.

The Miami Valley Council has been a good steward of earlier donations and will work hard to

make the best Scouting experience for your Scouts. Please help us ensure Scouting goes for-

ward for years. Let’s fill out the cards now and I’ll answer any questions as I walk around col-

lecting completed cards and passing out ropes to the families turning in cards. (Give the rope

to the adult handing in the card.) Raise your hand if you need a pen to complete the form.


ed…) Thanks for your time. I’m going to add up the pledged amounts and we’ll announce

what we’ve done together later in the evening. (This can be done by you or by giving the total

report to the Scout leader at the event.)

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Matching Gift Information

Increase the power of your dollars and volunteer hours through Matching Gift

programs at your place of work.

Not sure if your company participates?

Check with your company Human Resources Department.

Online or paper applications accepted.

Matching Gift General Information cards are available in FOS Unit Presentation

Packet or at the council service center.

Questions about Matching Gifts?

Jeanne Lawrie


[email protected]

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Working Together—Family Friends of Scouting


FOS annual campaign

Get 4 knot tying scouts

Rescue story: 2 cars—trained scouts vs others

Scout 1 Endowment, Corporations Foundations—rope shorter if busi-

nesses close or move

Scout 2 Camping and Activity fees—shorter if units don’t attend

Woodland or Cricket

Scout 3 Popcorn sales—not always the same, for example, sales were

down this year

When any category is short—FAMILY giving ensure Scouting contin-

ues in the Miami Valley

Cheers! Give ropes & ask for help passing out cards … Thanks with

Ropes and give ropes for all cards (even 0) credit cards( and smaller

over time payments), cash check ANY AMOUNT pass out cards and



$240 level patch & other patch options THAKS for helping continue

Scouting in Miami Valley Council