Miami-Dade County Public Schools Seminole Elementary...

Miami-Dade County Public Schools Seminole Elementary School 2017-18 School Improvement Plan

Transcript of Miami-Dade County Public Schools Seminole Elementary...

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Miami-Dade County Public Schools

Seminole Elementary School

2017-18 School Improvement Plan

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Seminole Elementary School121 SW 78TH PL, Miami, FL 33144

School Demographics

School Type and Grades Served(per MSID File) 2016-17 Title I School

2016-17 EconomicallyDisadvantaged (FRL) Rate(As Reported on Survey 3)

Elementary SchoolPK-5 Yes 84%

Primary Service Type(per MSID File) Charter School

2016-17 Minority Rate(Reported as Non-white

on Survey 2)

K-12 General Education No 98%

School Grades History

Year 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

Grade A B C* A

*Informational Baseline School Grade

Note: The school grades calculation was revised substantially for the 2014-15 school year to implement statutory changesmade by the 2014 Legislature and incorporate the new Florida Standards Assessments. The 2014-15 school grades serveas informational baseline data that schools can use to improve in future years.

School Board Approval

This plan is pending approval by the Dade County School Board.

SIP Authority and Template

Section 1001.42(18), Florida Statutes, requires district school boards to annually approve and requireimplementation of a school improvement plan (SIP) for each school in the district that has a school grade of Dor F.

The Florida Department of Education (FDOE) SIP template meets all statutory and rule requirements fortraditional public schools and incorporates all components required for schools receiving Title I funds. Thistemplate is required by State Board of Education Rule 6A-1.099811, Florida Administrative Code, for all non-charter schools with a current grade of D or F (see page 4). For schools receiving a grade of A, B, or C, thedistrict may opt to require a SIP using a template of its choosing.

This document was prepared by school and district leadership using the FDOE’s school improvement planningweb application located at

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Table of Contents

4Purpose and Outline of the SIP

5Differentiated Accountability

6Current School Status

6Supportive Environment

8Family and Community Engagement

9Effective Leadership

15Public and Collaborative Teaching

16Ambitious Instruction and Learning

208-Step Planning and Problem Solving Implementation

20Goals Summary

20Goals Detail

22Action Plan for Improvement

26Appendix 1: Implementation Timeline

27Appendix 2: Professional Development and Technical Assistance Outlines

27Professional Development Opportunities

28Technical Assistance Items

28Appendix 3: Budget to Support Goals

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Purpose and Outline of the SIPThe SIP is intended to be the primary artifact used by every school with stakeholders to review data, set goals,create an action plan and monitor progress. A corollary at the district level is the District Improvement andAssistance Plan (DIAP), designed to help district leadership make the necessary connections between schooland district goals in order to align resources. The Florida Department of Education encourages schools to usethe SIP as a “living document” by continually updating, refining and using the plan to guide their workthroughout the year. This printed version represents the SIP as of the “Date Modified” listed in the footer.

Part I: Current School Status

Part I organizes the current status of the school around five domains inspired by the 5Essentials framework:Supportive Environment, Family and Community Involvement, Effective Leadership, Public and CollaborativeTeaching, and Ambitious Instruction and Learning. Questions regarding the school’s Multi-Tiered System ofSupports have been embedded throughout this part to demonstrate how data is used by stakeholders tounderstand the needs of all students and allocate appropriate resources in proportion to those needs.

Part II: Needs Assessment

Part II requires the school to review performance and early warning systems data in order to develop strategicgoals and associated data targets (i.e., “SMART goals”) for the coming school year in context of the school’sgreatest strengths and needs. An online tool was developed, which includes data visualizations and processingquestions to support problem identification, problem analysis and strategic goal formulation.

Part III: 8-Step Planning and Problem Solving for Implementation

Part III enables the school to develop implementation plans for its highest-priority goals. With the overview ofthe current state of the school in mind and the strategic goals identified through the needs assessment, theplanning team engages in a facilitated planning and problem-solving process, through which they

• Define strategic goals and establish targets to be reached by successfully achieving the goals (Step 1)• Identify barriers that could hinder achieving those goals and resources that could be used to eliminate

or reduce barriers (Step 2)• Select high-priority barriers they want to address initially (Step 3)• Design implementation and monitoring plans for strategies to resolve selected barriers (Steps 4-7)• Determine how they will monitor progress toward each goal (Step 8)


The following appendices, automatically-generated from content entered in Part III, are included in thisdocument:

• Appendix 1 is a timeline of all action steps and monitoring activities• Appendix 2 is an outline of all professional development opportunities and technical assistance items• Appendix 3 is a report of the budget needed to implement the strategies

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Differentiated AccountabilityFlorida’s Differentiated Accountability (DA) system, established in section 1008.33, Florida Statutes, is astatewide network of strategic support, differentiated by need according to performance data, provided todistricts and schools in order to improve leadership capacity, teacher efficacy, and student outcomes. Througha data-driven planning and problem-solving process, DA field teams collaborate with district leadership todesign, implement, and refine strategic goals and action plans that are documented in the SIP.

DA Regions

Florida’s DA network is divided into four geographical regions, each served by a field team led by a regionalexecutive director (RED).

DA Categories

At the start of each academic year, traditional schools are classified for DA support in two categories based onthe most recent school grades data available. Descriptions of each DA category along with the state supportand interventions provided are set forth by Rule 6A-1.099811, Florida Administrative Code:

• Not in DA - A school with a current school grade of A, B, or C; charter schools; and ungraded schools.• Targeted Support and Improvement - A school with a current school grade of an initial D.• Comprehensive Support and Improvement - A school with a current school grade of F or two

consecutive grades of D, or a high school with a graduation rate of 67 percent or less in the mostrecent data release.

DA Turnaround Status

Additionally, Comprehensive Support and Improvement schools have a turnaround status of "Implementing,"based on a school’s grades history, including the current school grade:

• Implementing - A school with a status of "Implementing" requires the district to submit a turnaroundplan to the State Board of Education for approval and implementation. A school remains in"Implementing" status until its school grade improves to a C or higher.

2017-18 DA Category and Statuses for Seminole Elementary School

DA Region and RED DA Category and Turnaround Status

Southeast - Gayle Sitter Not In DA - N/A

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I. Part I: Current School Status

A. Supportive Environment

1. School Mission and Vision

a. Provide the school's mission statement

The mission of Seminole Elementary School is to create a child-centered environment whichencompasses the diversity of a multicultural setting, in partnership with school, home and community.The school fosters critical thinking skills, discipline, high expectations and excellence in all academicareas using state-of-the-art technology at the point of instruction. Through a loving, caring andunderstanding climate, students will be encouraged to work interdependently to achieve a more justand tolerant society which rejoices in its diversity and unity. It is the belief of Seminole ElementarySchool that strong instructional, administrative leadership will guide students to achieve beyond theiracademic potential.

Our mission is to focus on academic and personal excellence through research-based instructionalprograms, expanding current teaching methodologies, increasing parental involvement, organizingavailable community resources, and planning to meet the needs of the whole child in the 21stCentury.

The educational program at Seminole Elementary School focuses on building a community oflearners with the belief that every child can and will realize his or her potential. The school followsFlorida Standards, the K-12 Comprehensive Research-based Reading Plan (CRRP) and theComprehensive Mathematics and Science Program . For students with diverse needs, the schooloffers special education programs and services for SLD, OHI, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Speech &Language and Gifted. The school offers an Extended Foreign Language Program (EFL) to studentswho are interested in becoming bilingual/bi-literate, as well as, academic support for EnglishLanguage Learners (ELL). We house a Title I Pre-kindergarten class that supports the EarlyChildhood Initiative Foundation.

b. Provide the school's vision statement

The vision of Seminole Elementary School is to provide a climate of excellence where stakeholdersare encouraged to exceed their academic potential, incorporating current technology in a diversifiedlearning environment. We will strive to develop a community of lifelong learners in pursuit of globaldistinction, utilizing the talents of staff, community and special programs to formulate a foundationupon which learning depends.

We believe in creating a learning environment that encourages students to develop academically,socially, and emotionally to become lifelong learners and quality contributors to our society.

2. School Environment

a. Describe the process by which the school learns about students' cultures and buildsrelationships between teachers and students

Our school climate survey and home language survey will help provide a snapshot of our students'cultural needs. Teachers use monthly newsletters to maintain communication and bridge the gapbetween home and school. The continued support between faculty and parents will ensure positiverelationships.

Our monthly parental involvement events build positive relationships, communicate the school's

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mission and values, and keep parents informed of their child's progress. These events include, butare not limited to: Open House, Hispanic Heritage Parade, Harvest Festival, Reading Under the StarsNight, Florida State Assessment (FSA) Parent Night, Black History Month Celebration, MulticulturalHeritage Celebration, Pre-K/Kindergarten Orientation.

b. Describe how the school creates an environment where students feel safe and respectedbefore, during and after school

We have clear systems implemented for arrival and dismissal with adult supervision at all times.Safety procedures are in place for all circumstances eg: code red, fire, severe weather. Our twouniformed security personnel are available to anyone entering the school. Having a staff andleadership team that is visible and available allows for students and parents to feel valued,appreciated, and respected. This will help to foster an environment where students will participateand contribute to the learning environment. Cafeteria systems are in place and staff members haveassigned duties to ensure safety for all students. Staff members utilize hand-held radios forcontinuous communication. Students use hall passes and a buddy system when leaving theclassroom. Teachers utilize a warning system built in the public address communication system toalert for safety or threat.

c. Describe the schoolwide behavioral system in place that aids in minimizing distractions tokeep students engaged during instructional time. This may include, but is not limited to,established protocols for disciplinary incidents, clear behavioral expectations, and training forschool personnel to ensure the system is fairly and consistently enforced

The Code of Student Conduct - Elementary is used school wide and extends into the classrooms. Allclassroom teachers follow a behavioral system. Teachers utilize positive behavior support systems toreinforce desirable academic and social behavior and define clear expectations at the onset ofschool. This will help to minimize distractions and keep students engaged during instruction. TheValues Matter, Spot for Success and Do the Right Thing incentive programs are used to promotepromote positive behavior.

d. Describe how the school ensures the social-emotional needs of all students are being met,which may include providing counseling, mentoring and other pupil services

A guidance counselor is available to all students, if counseling is needed. The guidance counselor isavailable to provide services to students upon teacher request. We have additional help from outsideresources and the school's social worker to assist with counseling, as needed. Staff members alsoare available to assist students as mentors if the need arises.

3. Early Warning SystemsThe school's response to this section may address the requirements of ESSA, P.L. No. 114-95, § 1114(b)(7)(A)(i)and (b)(7)(A)(iii)(III).

a. Describe the school's early warning system and provide a list of the early warningindicators used in the system

The dominant early warning indicators at Seminole Elementary are attendance below 90 percent andreceiving a score of a Level 1 on statewide, standardized assessments in English Language Arts orMathematics. Attendance below 90 percent is an early warning indicator because the issue exists inall grade levels causing students miss quality instruction. Scoring a Level 1 on a statewide,standardized assessment in English Language Arts or Mathematics is another early warning indicatorbecause those students are working below grade level in one or more of the core subjects.

b. Provide the following data related to the school's early warning system

1. The number of students by grade level that exhibit each early warning indicator:

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Grade LevelIndicator

K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12Total

Attendance below 90 percent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0One or more suspensions 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Course failure in ELA or Math 1 3 7 6 9 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29Level 1 on statewide assessment 1 6 15 10 14 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 66

The number of students identified by the system as exhibiting two or more early warningindicators:

Grade LevelIndicator

K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12Total

Students exhibiting two or more indicators 1 3 15 1 15 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 53

c. Describe all intervention strategies employed by the school to improve the academicperformance of students identified by the early warning system

A variety of intervention strategies will be used to improve the academic performance of studentsidentified by the early warning systems. In order to support attendance, students have the opportunityto be a part of Safety Patrols, Future Educators of America and morning News Team. We also offerfree breakfast and free/reduced lunch to our students. We have adopted the Wellness Policy for ourschool breakfast and lunch program.

In order to support positive behavior, we implement the Values Matter, Spot for Success and Do theRight Thing Program. These programs recognize students for their actions at a school-wide level andpromote Positive Behavior Systems. We also implement an Alternate to Suspension Plan thatincorporates different steps for behavior management. To increase achievement, we infuse in-schooland before-school interventions such as Wonder Works, I-Ready, Reflex Math and best practices inReading and Mathematics to supplement instruction.

B. Family and Community EngagementThe school's response to this section may address the requirements of ESSA, P.L. No. 114-95, § 1114(b)(2) and(b)(7)(A)(iii)(I).

1. Describe how the school works at building positive relationships with families to increaseinvolvement, including efforts to communicate the school's mission and vision, and keep parentsinformed of their child's progress

a. Will the school use its Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy (PFEP) to satisfy thisquestion?No

1. PFEP LinkThe school completes a Parental Involvement Plan (PFEP), which is available at the school site.

2. Description

Seminole Elementary School builds positive relationships with families through increased parentalinvolvement in school academic and social activities. We encourage volunteerism and involvement inthe Parent Teacher Organization and Educational Excellence School Advisory Council, whichwelcomes parent input in the operation of the school.

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2. Describe the process by which the school builds and sustains partnerships with the localcommunity for the purpose of securing and utilizing resources to support the school and studentachievement

Seminole Elementary partners with Ibiley Uniforms, Publix Supermarket, Walgreen's, Blue Bunny,Honorable Rebecca Sosa, Commissioner District 7 and our Parent Teacher Organization. Through thesepartnerships, students receive support by way of tutoring, volunteer assistance, mentors and supplies.

C. Effective Leadership

1. School Leadership Team

a. MembershipIdentify the name, email address and position title for each member of the school leadership team.:

Name TitleDeLeon, Mayra PrincipalMartinez, Iris Assistant Principal

b. Duties

1. Describe the roles and responsibilities of the members, including how they serve asinstructional leaders and practice shared decision making

The function and responsibility of each team member as it relates to MTSS and the SIP includes:Administrator(s) (Mayra DeLeon and Iris Martinez) who will schedule and facilitate regular RtImeetings, ensure attendance of team members, ensure follow up of action steps, and allocateresources. In addition to Tier 1 problem solving, the Leadership Team members will meet periodicallyto review consensus, infrastructure, and implementation of building level MTSS.

Tier 2Members of the MTSS Leadership Team will conduct regular meetings to evaluate intervention effortsfor students by subject, grade, intervention, or other logical organization.In addition to those selectedother teachers will be involved when needed to provide information or revise efforts.

Tier 3 SSTMembers of the MTSS Leadership Team will conduct regular meetings to evaluate intervention effortsfor students by subject, grade, intervention, or other logical organization.In addition to those selectedother teachers will be involved when needed to provide information or revise efforts.

2. Describe the process through which school leadership identifies and aligns all availableresources (e.g., personnel, instructional, curricular) in order to meet the needs of all studentsand maximize desired student outcomes. Include the methodology for coordinating andsupplementing federal, state and local funds, services and programs. Provide the person(s)responsible, frequency of meetings, how an inventory of resources is maintained and anyproblem-solving activities used to determine how to apply resources for the highest impact

The MTSS Leadership Team use the Tier 1 Problem Solving process to set Tier 1 goals, andmonitors academic and behavioral data to evaluate progress towards those goals at least three timesper year by:•Holding regular team meetings where problem solving is the sole focus.•Using the four step problem solving process as the basis for goal setting, planning, and programevaluation during all team meetings that focus on increasing student achievement or behavioralsuccess.

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•Determining how we will know if students have made expected levels of progress towardsproficiency.•Responding when grades, subject areas, classes, or individual students have not shown a positiveresponse.•Responding when students are demonstrating a positive response or have met proficiency by raisinggoals or providing enrichment respectively.•Gather and analyze data at all Tiers to determine professional development for faculty as indicatedby group or individual student diagnostic and progress monitoring assessment.•Ensure that students in need of intervention are actually receiving appropriate supplemental Tier 2intervention. Gather growth monitoring assessment data for all interventions and analyze that datausing the Tier 2 problem solving process after each growth monitoring assessment.

Tier 2The second level of support consists of supplemental instruction and interventions provided inaddition to and in alignment with effective core instruction and behavioral supports to groups oftargeted students who need additional instructional and/or behavioral support. Tier 2 problem solvingmeetings occur regularly (monthly is suggested) to:•Review growth monitoring assessment data for intervention groups to evaluate group and individualstudent response•Support interventions where there is not an overall positive group response•Select students (see SST guidelines) for SST Tier 3 intervention

The School Improvement Plan (SIP) summarizes the school’s academic and behavioral goals for theyear and describes the school’s plan to meet those goals. The specific supports and actions neededto implement the SIP strategies are closely examined, planned, and monitored on the MTSS Tier 1worksheets completed three times per year. The MTSS Problem-Solving process is used to first carryout, monitor, and then adjust if necessary, the supports that are defined in the SIP. Annual goals aretranslated into progress monitoring (3 times per year) and growth monitoring assessment measures(approximately once per month) that can reliably track progress on a schedule based on student needacross Tiers. Tier 2 supports are provided to students who have not met proficiency or who are at riskof not meeting proficiency.

Finally, MTSS End of Year Tier 1 problem solving evaluates the SIP efforts and dictates strategies forthe next year’s SIP. At this time, previous years' trend data across grade levels is used to examineimpact grades for support focus or prevention/early intervention efforts. While the SIP plan does notfocus on the primary (untested) grades, the MTSS leadership team extends the intent of the SIP tokindergarten, first, and second grades' as they contribute extensively to later grades performance andstudent engagement.

Title I Part A:Supplemental instructional materials will be included as part of the budget to ensure students whohave additional remediation are assisted through extended learning opportunities during in-schoolinterventions. The district coordinates with Title II and Title III in ensuring staff development needs aremet. Support services are provided to schools, students, and families. School based, Title I fundedCommunity Involvement Specialist (CIS), serve as bridge between the home and school throughhome visits, telephone calls, school site and community parenting activities. The CIS schedulesmeetings and activities, encourages parents to support their child's education, provides materials, andencourage parental participation in the decision making processes at the school site. CurriculumCoaches develop, lead, and evaluate school core content standards/ programs; identify and analyzeexisting literature on scientifically based curriculum/behavior assessment and interventionapproaches. They identify systematic patterns of student need while working with district personnel toidentify appropriate, evidence-based intervention strategies; assist with whole school screening

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programs that provide early intervening services for children to be considered “at risk;” assist in thedesign and implementation for progress monitoring, data collection, and data analysis; participate inthe design and delivery of professional development; and provide support for assessment andimplementation monitoring. Parents participate in the design of their school’s Parent Involvement Plan(PIP) – which is provided in three languages at all schools, the school improvement process the life ofthe school and the Title I Annual Parent Meeting at the beginning of the school year. The annual M-DCPS Title I Parent/Family Involvement Survey is intended to be used toward the end of the schoolyear to measure the parent program over the course of the year and to facilitate an evaluation of theparent involvement program to inform planning for the following year. An all out effort is made toinform parents of the importance of this survey via CIS, Title I District and Region meetings, Title INewsletter for Parents, and Title I Quarterly Parent Bulletins. This survey, available in English,Spanish and Haitian-Creole, will be available online and via hard copy for parents (at schools and atDistrict meetings) to complete. Other components that are integrated into the school-wide programinclude an extensive Parental Program; and special support services to special needs populationssuch as homeless, migrant, and neglected and delinquent students.

Title I, Part C- MigrantThe school provides services and support to migrant students and parents. The District Migrantliaison coordinates with Title I and other programs and conducts a comprehensive needs assessmentof migrant students to ensure that the unique needs of migrant students are met. Students are alsoprovided extended learning opportunities (before-school and/or after-school, and summer school) bythe Title I, Part C, Migrant Education Program.

Title I, Part DDistrict receives funds to support the Educational Alternative Outreach program. Services arecoordinated with district Dropout Prevention programs.

Title IIThe District uses supplemental funds for improving basic education as follows:•Training to certify qualified mentors for the New Teacher (MINT) Program•Training for add-on endorsement programs, such as Reading, Gifted, ESOL training and substituterelease time for Professional Development Liaisons (PDL) at each school focusing on ProfessionalLearning Community (PLC) development and facilitation, as well as Lesson Study Groupimplementation and protocols.

Title IIITitle III funds are used to supplement and enhance the programs for English Language Learner (ELL)and Recently Arrived Immigrant Children and Youth by providing funds to implement and/or provide:•Tutorial programs•Parent outreach activities through the Bilingual Parent Outreach Program (The Parent Academy)•Professional development on best practices for ESOL and content area teachers•Coaching and mentoring for ESOL and content area teacher•Reading and supplementary instructional materials•Cultural supplementary instructional materials•Purchase of supplemental hardware and software for the development of language and literacy skillsin reading, mathematics and science, as well as, thematic cultural lessons is purchased for selectedschools to be used by ELL students and recently arrived immigrant students•Cultural Activities through the Cultural Academy for New Americans for eligible recently arrived,foreign born students. The services will be provided should funds become available for the 2017-2018school year and should the FLDOE approve the application(s).

Title VI, Part B – NA

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Title X- HomelessMiami-Dade County Public Schools’ School Board approved the School Board Policy 5111.01 titled,Homeless Students. The board policy defines the McKinney-Vento Law and ensures homelessstudents receive all the services they are entitled to. The Homeless Education Program seeks toensure a successful educational experience for homeless children by collaborating with parents,schools, and the community. The Homeless Education Program assists schools with theidentification, enrollment, attendance, and transportation of homeless students. All schools areeligible to receive services and will do so upon identification and classification of a student ashomeless. The Staff in the Homeless Education Program provides annual training to: 1) SchoolRegistrars on the procedures for enrolling homeless students, 2) School Counselors on theMcKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act which ensures that homeless children and youth are notto be stigmatized, separated, segregated, or isolated on their status as homeless, and are providedall entitlements, and 3) all School Homeless Liaisons assigned by the school administrator to providefurther details on the rights and services of students identified as homeless. Project Upstart and TheHomeless Trust, a community organization, provides a homeless sensitivity, awareness campaign toall the schools - each school is provided a video and curriculum manual, and a contest is sponsoredby The Homeless Trust-a community organization. Project Upstart provides tutoring and counselingto selected homeless shelters in the community. The District Homeless Liaison continues toparticipate in community organization meetings and task forces as it relates to homeless children andyouth. Each school will identify a school-based School Homeless Liaison to be trained on theMcKinney-Vento Law ensuring appropriate services are provided to the homeless students.•Supplemental Academic Instruction (SAI) This school will receive funding from SupplementalAcademic Instruction (SAI) as part of its Florida Education Finance Program (FEFP) allocation.•Violence Prevention Programs•The Safe and Drug-Free Schools Program addresses violence and drug prevention and interventionservices for students through curriculum implemented by classroom teachers, elementary counselors,and/or TRUST Specialists.•Training and technical assistance for elementary, middle, and senior high school teachers,administrators, counselors, and/or TRUST Specialists is also a component of this program.•TRUST Specialists focus on counseling students to solve problems related to drugs and alcohol,stress, suicide, isolation, family violence, and other crises.•District Policy Against Bullying and Harassment. Miami Dade County Public Schools adopted Policy5517.01, titled Bullying and Harassment. It is the policy of the Miami- Dade County Public SchoolDistrict that all of its students and school employees have an educational setting that is safe, secureand free from harassment and bullying of any kind. This policy provides awareness, prevention andeducation in promoting a school atmosphere in which bullying, harassment, and intimidation will notbe tolerated by students, school board employees, visitors, or volunteers. Administrators ordesignees are required to begin any investigation of bullying or harassment within 24 hours of aninitial report. All Staff, Students, and Parents/Volunteers MUST receive training on an annual basis.Every school site is required to implement 5 curriculum lessons on Bullying and Violence Preventionper grade level Pre-K thru 12.

Nutrition Programs•The school adheres to and implements the nutrition requirements stated in the District WellnessPolicy.•Nutrition education, as per state statute, is taught through physical education.•The School Food Service Program, school breakfast, school lunch, and after care snacks, followsthe Healthy Food and Beverage Guidelines as adopted in the District's Wellness Policy.•Housing Programs - N/A•Head Start- N/A•Adult Education- N/A•Career and Technical Education- N/A•Job Training- N/A

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•OtherHealth Connect in Our Schools•Health Connect in Our Schools (HCiOS) offers a coordinated level of school-based healthcare whichintegrates education,medical and/or social and human services on school grounds. Teams atdesignated school sites are staffed by a School Social Worker (shared between schools), a Nurse(shared between schools) and a full-time Health Aide. HCiOS services reduces or eliminates barriersto care, connects eligible students with health insurance and a medical home, and provides care forstudents who are not eligible for other services. It delivers coordinated social work and mental/behavioral health interventions in a timely manner. It enhances the health education activitiesprovided by the schools and by the health department. The program offers a trained health team thatis qualified to perform the assigned duties related to a quality school health care program.

2. School Advisory Council (SAC)

a. MembershipIdentify the name and stakeholder group for each member of the SAC.:

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Name Stakeholder GroupIleana Oria TeacherMargarita Matamoros TeacherArisel Llanes TeacherNancy Alvarez Education Support EmployeeMike Hernandez Business/CommunityEddy Barea Business/CommunityAnne Palacio TeacherMichael Uffenorde TeacherPablo Miret TeacherOlga Laffita TeacherManuel Dovales ParentAgnes Winokur ParentMayra DeLeon PrincipalFrances Power TeacherZoila Ortiz Education Support EmployeeCinthya Pena ParentPhyllis Phillips ParentJoaquin Cameselle ParentNisleydis E. Ochoa ParentNikole Hernandez StudentSofia Cameselle StudentFlavia Alvarez TeacherGabriel Capote TeacherDaniel Garcia ParentMike Acosta ParentKaren Perez ParentLazaro Basart ParentRyan Hernandez Business/Community

b. Duties

1. Provide a description of the SAC's involvement with the following activities, as required bysection 1001.452(2), Florida StatutesThe school's response to this question may address the requirements of ESSA, P.L. No. 114-95, § 1114(b)(2).

a. Evaluation of last year's school improvement plan

At the initial SAC meeting, we will review the proposed School Improvement Plan. The projected2017-2018 school budget will also be shared at the initial SAC meeting. Input will be collected toensure the budget is used in areas needed for the school.

b. Development of this school improvement plan

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The Educational Excellence School Advisory Council (EESAC) will assist in creating and analyzingthe school data and participate in the development of the School Improvement Plan. In addition, SACwill be part of monitoring of the plan throughout the school year.

c. Preparation of the school's annual budget and plan

The projected 2017-2018 school budget will be shared at the initial SAC meeting. Input will becollected to ensure the budget is used in areas needed for the school.

2. Describe the use of school improvement funds allocated last year, including the amountbudgeted for each project

EESAC funds in the amount of $3719.49 were utilized for school supplies such as ink, printers andhardware needs such as bulb for projectors or any other deemed by EESAC.

3. Verify that the school is in compliance with section 1001.452, Florida Statutes, regarding theestablishment requirements and duties of the SACYes

a. If the school is not in compliance, describe the measures being implemented to meet SACrequirements

3. Literacy Leadership Team (LLT)

a. MembershipIdentify the name and position title for each member of the school-based LLT or similar group, ifapplicable.:

Name TitleDeLeon, Mayra PrincipalMartinez, Iris Assistant Principal

b. Duties

1. Describe how the LLT or similar group promotes literacy within the school, if applicable

The major initiatives of the LLT this year will be to address: 1.) address declining achievement levels,SWD and the lowest 25%; 2.) monitor the fidelity of implementation of intervention programs; and, 3.)assist with instructional refinement through professional development in increased rigor of FloridaStandards 4) continue to address the reading and mathematics achievement of learning gains withthe use and implementation of the McGraw Hill Reading Series and Houghton Mifflin MathematicsProgram.

D. Public and Collaborative TeachingThe school's responses to this section may address the requirements of ESSA, P.L. No. 114-95, §1114(b)(7)(A)(iii)(IV).

1. Describe the school's strategies to encourage positive working relationships betweenteachers, including collaborative planning and instruction

Faculty meetings and professional development sessions are scheduled to be held on a monthly basis.Grade levels meet weekly to encourage positive working relationships and focus on planning effectivelyand collaboratively.

2. Describe the school's strategies to recruit, develop and retain highly qualified, certified-in-field,effective teachers to the school

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Seminole Elementary administration retains and recruits teachers by providing support and incentives.The school has 100 percent of teachers highly qualified and certified-in-field.

3. Describe the school's teacher mentoring program, including the rationale for pairings andplanned mentoring activities

Seminole Elementary implements a teacher mentoring plan, as needed. The school has a very highpercentage of teacher retention; however, there is a plan in place for beginning and new teachers. Theyare paired with experienced teachers within the same grade level. Time is allocated for the mentoring totake place, in addition to, resources, modeling of best practices and time to discuss improvement inclassroom/instructional practices. Seminole Elementary is part of the i3 Grant, through which first yearteachers receive additional instructional support and coaching.

E. Ambitious Instruction and Learning

1. Instructional Programs and Strategies

a. Instructional Programs

1. Describe how the school ensures its core instructional programs and materials are alignedto Florida's standards

The Office of Academics and Transformation provides all schools with guidance and support relatedto curriculum, delivery of support services, interpretation of compliance/policy requirements and bestpractices to increase awareness and ensure implementation of the Florida Standards.

b. Instructional Strategies

1. Describe how the school uses data to provide and differentiate instruction to meet thediverse needs of students. Provide examples of how instruction is modified or supplementedto assist students having difficulty attaining the proficient or advanced level on stateassessments

Seminole Elementary uses a data-driven approach to differentiated instruction in order to meet thediverse needs of our students. During the first weeks of school, all students are given assessments inReading, Math, Writing, and Science. The data provides the teacher the base to develop andimplement a plan for differentiated instruction. Teachers hold on-going progress monitoring to ensureskills are being mastered.

2. Provide the following information for each strategy the school uses to increase the amountand quality of learning time and help enrich and accelerate the curriculum:

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Strategy: Before School ProgramMinutes added to school year: 1,170

Title III funds are used to supplement and enhance the programs for English Language Learner(ELL) and Recently Arrived Immigrant Children and Youth will be able to participate in beforeschool tutorial programs in the areas of reading and mathematics.

Strategy Rationale

Before-school tutoring is implemented to ensure increase in reading and mathematicsperformance.

Strategy Purpose(s)

• Core Academic Instruction

Person(s) responsible for monitoring implementation of the strategyDeLeon, Mayra, [email protected] that is or will be collected and how it is analyzed to determine effectiveness of thestrategy

Data is collected and analyzed on an on-going basis by the tutoring teacher assigned to carry outthe tutoring program in the areas of reading, mathematics, and science. Adjustments will be maderegularly to meet the individual needs of students.

Strategy: Weekend ProgramMinutes added to school year: 1,080

Funds are used to supplement and enhance the core instruction in the areas of reading andmathematics.

Strategy Rationale

Weekend program is implemented to ensure increase in reading and mathematics performance.

Strategy Purpose(s)

• Core Academic Instruction

Person(s) responsible for monitoring implementation of the strategyDeLeon, Mayra, [email protected] that is or will be collected and how it is analyzed to determine effectiveness of thestrategy

Data is collected and analyzed on an on-going basis by the tutoring teacher assigned to carry outthe tutoring program in the areas of reading, mathematics, and science. Adjustments will be maderegularly to meet the individual needs of students.

2. Student Transition and Readiness

a. PreK-12 TransitionThe school's response to this question may address the requirements of ESSA, P.L. No. 114-95, §1114(b)(7)(A)(iii)(V).

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1. Describe the strategies the school employs to support incoming and outgoing cohorts ofstudents in transition from one school level to another

Title I Administration assists the school by providing supplemental funds beyond the State of Floridafunded Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten Program (VPK). Funds are used to provide extended supportthrough a full time highly qualified teacher and paraprofessional. This will assist with providing youngchildren with a variety of meaningful learning experiences in an environment that gives themopportunities to create knowledge through initiatives shared with supportive adults. In selected schoolcommunities, the Title I Program further provides assistance for preschool transition through theHome Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY) Program. HIPPY provides in-hometraining for parents to become more involved in the educational process of their three- and four-yearold children.

Seminole Elementary School offers a Pre-K Program. The VPK program is designed to prepare four-year-old students for kindergarten. The VPK program provides each child an opportunity to performbetter in school. This first-rate program includes high literacy standards, accountability, appropriatecurricula, substantial instruction periods, manageable class size, and one qualified instructor andparaprofessional.

Establish the “Transition to Kindergarten” annually to build partnership with local early educationprograms, including the in-school prekindergarten program. Through this joint venture, parents andchildren will gain familiarity with kindergarten as well as receive information relative to the registrationof students at the school. The principal will also meet with the directors of neighborhood centers.

b. College and Career Readiness

1. Describe the strategies the school uses to advance college and career awareness, whichmay include establishing partnerships with business, industry or community organizations

Not Applicable

2. Identify the career and technical education programs available to students and industrycertifications that may be earned through those respective programs

Not Applicable

3. Describe efforts the school has taken to integrate career and technical education withacademic courses (e.g., industrial biotechnology) to support student achievement

Not Applicable

4. Describe strategies for improving student readiness for the public postsecondary levelbased on annual analysis of the High School Feedback Report, as required by section1008.37(4), Florida Statutes

Not Applicable

II. Needs AssessmentThe school's completion of this part may address the requirements of ESSA, P.L. No. 114-95, § 1114(b)(6).

A. Problem Identification

1. Data to Support Problem Identification

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b. Data UploadsData uploads are not required by the Florida Department of Education but are offered as a tool for theneeds assessment. In this section, the school may upload files of locally available data charts andgraphs being used as evidence of need.The following documents were submitted as evidence for this section:

No files were uploaded

2. Problem Identification SummaryThis section is not required by the Florida Department of Education but is provided as an opportunity forthe school to summarize the points of strength and areas of need that have been identified in the data.

B. Problem Analysis SummaryThis section is not required by the Florida Department of Education but is provided as an opportunity for theschool to summarize the underlying "why"? or root causes for the areas of need identified in the data, asdetermined by situational awareness of, and research conducted by, the stakeholders involved in the needsassessment.

C. Strategic Goals

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If core instruction is increased in all content areas then student achievement will improve.

School Improvement GoalsThe following key is intended to help readers understand how the sections of this document correspond to thesteps of the 8-step planning and problem-solving framework used in the School Improvement Plan. The QuickKey numbers can help registered users go directly to the point of entry for any given goal, barrier and strategywithin the online survey.

Problem Solving Key

G = Goal B =Barrier S = Strategy

1 = Problem Solving Step S123456 = Quick Key

Strategic Goals Summary


Strategic Goals DetailFor each strategic goal, this section lists the associated targets (i.e., “SMART goals”), targeted barriers toachieving the goal, resources available to help reduce or eliminate the barriers, and the plan for monitoringprogress toward the goal.

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G1. If core instruction is increased in all content areas then student achievement will improve. 1a


Targets Supported 1b

Indicator Annual TargetELA Achievement District AssessmentWriting Achievement District AssessmentELA/Reading Gains District AssessmentWriting Gains District AssessmentLiteracy Rate - KindergartenFSA ELA AchievementLiteracy Rate - Grade 2Literacy Rate - Grade 1Math Achievement District AssessmentMath Gains District AssessmentFSA Mathematics AchievementStatewide Science Assessment Achievement

Targeted Barriers to Achieving the Goal 3

• Professional development follow-up and support is isolated to designated professionaldevelopment days.

Resources Available to Help Reduce or Eliminate the Barriers 2

• Strategic scheduling, subject level liaisons, faculty meetings, Power BI, PD opportunities, datachats.

Plan to Monitor Progress Toward G1. 8

PD meeting logs and notes, meeting agendas and minutes

Person ResponsibleMayra DeLeon

ScheduleMonthly, from 9/4/2017 to 6/7/2018

Evidence of CompletionStudent progress will be measured through assessment results.

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Action Plan for ImprovementFor each strategy selected in the plan to reduce a targeted barrier to a strategic goal, this section lists therationale for that strategy (i.e., why the school believes it will reduce the barrier) and the action steps that havebeen identified as necessary to implementing the strategy, including details such as the point person, timingand duration, and evidence of completion. At the end of each set of action steps is the plan for monitoring theimplementation and effectiveness of the respective strategy.

Problem Solving Key

G = Goal B =Barrier S = Strategy

1 = Problem Solving Step S123456 = Quick Key

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G1. If core instruction is increased in all content areas then student achievement will improve. 1


G1.B1 Professional development follow-up and support is isolated to designated professional developmentdays. 2


G1.B1.S1 Infuse professional development sessions into regularly scheduled faculty meetings, withopportunities for refreshers, follow-up, and instructional support. 4


Strategy Rationale

Cyclical data analysis process, including assessment; analysis; and action, is a key framework forschool-wide support of student achievement.

Action Step 1 5

Liaisons will lead professional development opportunities focusing on analyzing student data toascertain strengths and weaknesses to identify clear and accessible future instructional paths.

Person Responsible

Mayra DeLeon


Weekly, from 9/4/2017 to 6/7/2018

Evidence of Completion

PD agenda, common planning logs, data chats, lesson plans

Action Step 2 5

Teachers will create standard-aligned lessons focused on meeting the academic needs ofstudents gleaned in data chats through differentiated instruction.

Person Responsible

Mayra DeLeon


Weekly, from 9/4/2017 to 6/7/2018

Evidence of Completion

Lesson plans, student work samples

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Action Step 3 5

Administrative walkthroughs to observe and gather evidence of purposefully planning within theliteracy framework.

Person Responsible

Mayra DeLeon


Weekly, from 9/4/2017 to 6/7/2018

Evidence of Completion

Walkthroughs, lesson plans, student products

Action Step 4 5

Administrative walkthroughs to observe alignment of lessons and standard mastery asdemonstrated through student work samples.

Person Responsible

Mayra DeLeon


Weekly, from 9/4/2017 to 6/7/2018

Evidence of Completion

Walkthroughs, authentic student work, lesson plans

Plan to Monitor Fidelity of Implementation of G1.B1.S1 6

Administration will monitor effectiveness through classroom walkthroughs and data analysis.

Person Responsible

Mayra DeLeon


Weekly, from 9/4/2017 to 6/7/2018

Evidence of Completion

Lesson plans, data binders, data chats, student work folders

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Plan to Monitor Effectiveness of Implementation of G1.B1.S1 7

Determine effectiveness of instruction through student end products and data analysis.

Person Responsible

Mayra DeLeon


Weekly, from 9/4/2017 to 6/7/2018

Evidence of Completion

Common planning logs, data chats, lesson plans, student work

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IV. Implementation Timeline

Source Task, Action Step or MonitoringActivity Who

Start Date(where


Deliverable or Evidence ofCompletion

Due Date/End Date


PD meeting logs and notes, meetingagendas and minutes DeLeon, Mayra 9/4/2017 Student progress will be measured

through assessment results.6/7/2018monthly


Determine effectiveness of instructionthrough student end products and dataanalysis.

DeLeon, Mayra 9/4/2017 Common planning logs, data chats,lesson plans, student work



Administration will monitor effectivenessthrough classroom walkthroughs anddata analysis.

DeLeon, Mayra 9/4/2017 Lesson plans, data binders, data chats,student work folders



Liaisons will lead professionaldevelopment opportunities focusing onanalyzing student data to...

DeLeon, Mayra 9/4/2017 PD agenda, common planning logs,data chats, lesson plans



Teachers will create standard-alignedlessons focused on meeting theacademic needs of students...

DeLeon, Mayra 9/4/2017 Lesson plans, student work samples 6/7/2018weekly


Administrative walkthroughs to observeand gather evidence of purposefullyplanning within the...

DeLeon, Mayra 9/4/2017 Walkthroughs, lesson plans, studentproducts



Administrative walkthroughs to observealignment of lessons and standardmastery as demonstrated...

DeLeon, Mayra 9/4/2017 Walkthroughs, authentic student work,lesson plans


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V. Professional Development Opportunities

Professional development opportunities identified in the SIP as action steps to achieve the school's goals.

G1. If core instruction is increased in all content areas then student achievement will improve.

G1.B1 Professional development follow-up and support is isolated to designated professional developmentdays.

G1.B1.S1 Infuse professional development sessions into regularly scheduled faculty meetings, withopportunities for refreshers, follow-up, and instructional support.

PD Opportunity 1

Liaisons will lead professional development opportunities focusing on analyzing student data toascertain strengths and weaknesses to identify clear and accessible future instructional paths.


Reading, Math, Science Liaisons




Weekly, from 9/4/2017 to 6/7/2018

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VI. Technical Assistance Items

Technical Assistance opportunities identified in the SIP as action steps to achieve the school's goals.

VII. Budget

1 G1.B1.S1.A1Liaisons will lead professional development opportunities focusing on analyzing studentdata to ascertain strengths and weaknesses to identify clear and accessible futureinstructional paths.


2 G1.B1.S1.A2 Teachers will create standard-aligned lessons focused on meeting the academic needs ofstudents gleaned in data chats through differentiated instruction. $0.00

3 G1.B1.S1.A3 Administrative walkthroughs to observe and gather evidence of purposefully planningwithin the literacy framework. $0.00

4 G1.B1.S1.A4 Administrative walkthroughs to observe alignment of lessons and standard mastery asdemonstrated through student work samples. $0.00

Total: $0.00

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