Mia Gamble - Immigration Book Template

Iris Immigratio By : Mia

Transcript of Mia Gamble - Immigration Book Template

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Iris� Immigratio�By : Mia

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Potato famine 3-4

Chapter 2: Journey to America 5-7

Chapter 3: Statue of Liberty 8-9

Chapter 4: Irish traditions 10-11

Glossary: 11-12


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Chapter 1

Irish potato famineIt's truly amazing how it took 12 weeks

to travel from Ireland to America on a

steamship. It's so awful how about 2.1

million fled the country and 1 million

died of starvation. Would you agree

that this potato blight should go away

or stay in Ireland? I overall think the potato blight is unnecessary and very

tragic. Read and find out about the unbearable potato blight.

Often times, Known as the Great famine or Great hunger, Which was

a seven year blight that caused one million people to die of starvation and

two million fled the country to hope for a better life.

The irish also had another

problem. Potatoes were their

main crop and they often paid

their landowners in potatoes. If

they stop making money off


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these potatoes, they would have no money and no food. At this time Great

Britain owned Ireland and its land if they couldn't pay, Britain would often

just kick them right off the land. Through the 1840s-1850s 2.1 million left

their home either making no money or not having food to eat or support

their families. The Irish also were losing more of their profit because

they had no plant to cycle over potatoes were their main source of food and



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Chapter 2

Journey to America

December 1st, 1846

Dear diary,

I have just boarded the big bulky steamship, I was lucky enough to

get a room in steerage. It has a bed and a bunk for me and my little

brother! The noises at night are loud! The noises are as loud as a

stampede of elephants. I was very close to the big engine of the steamship

so that added more to the loud noise. The beds are tiny and have a thin

sheet on them. The cabin is only able to hold two beds. It also has a small

window looking out onto the waters. I hope I find my aunt and uncle in the

big crowd of people. I've heard some stories going around about this big

statue that stands tall in the sky. I hope it's true!

December 28, 1846

Dear diary,

It's not very fun. All I have is a pad of paper and a pencil and some

books. Why does it have to be so boring? All I hear is the clicking of

marbles from my brother, I should have bought other stuff to do. The


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weather has usually been dry, But if you're lucky you sometimes get rain. I

met another girl whose cabin is next door. She likes to draw as well. Her

name is Anne and she's from Germany. We have a small bucket, but there

is also an outhouse with a small toilet that flushes. I hope it gets better!

John and I haven't eaten much but an apple, the food is horrendous. It's

basically slop and tastes like it too. I'm not sure what's in it? It tastes like

moldy soup or my aunts rotten bread. The noises don't get any quieter and

John has been sea sick the whole last week. I'm not quite sure if I'm filled

with fear or happiness but most importantly, hope. Hope we make it there

soon, hope I have a better life, hope I will have food! The smell in steerage

is rank! It smells worse than a rotten can of sardines! I've been told we

have 8 about weeks left. I hope I get there soon!

January 31st

Dear diary,

I've been told i’m close and I cant handle it anymore there's a rumor

going around saying we have one more day! I wonder if we will ever make

it to america? Are we gonna make it through all of the rough storms? Will

we be safe? John and I are both scared to head to America. I can't handle

all of the noises of the engine and waves! and the stench of a wet dog. IT'S


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TERRIBLE!!!! But oh well at least I will be in America soon. I forgot that my

mama packed nice scarves for me and John It's getting very cold going

across the waters. We aren't allowed to go around by first class! I have

seen a couple of them on deck tho! Their class is nice, it has fancy tables

and chairs. I heard they dont get fed slop. I would love to be there so I

wouldn't have to eat slop. They get fancy crystal bows, crystal plates,

crystal glasses. They also get mouth watering chicken. Oh don't forget the

three forks, and three spoons. I'm so starving, gosh I think I'm gonna fess

up and eat the slop that smells like a garbage can on a hot summer day.

- Mary


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Chapter 3

Statue of Liberty

Let me tell you, There was

a man on the deck, he

called himself Mr Victor. He

was from russia. He told me

about This copper Statue

which was a special gift

from france. The Statue of Liberty is a tall figure that represents a woman in

a robe holding a book the book says “ IV MDCCLXXVI”

[ July 4, 1776] The United States Declaration of Independence. France

and the United States during the American revolution democracy would

prevail and freedom and justice for all would be attainted. The statue

was built in France and shipped overseas in crates.They assembled the

Statue of LIberty on the complete pedestal on what was called bedloe’s


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island. This copper statue was sculpted by Frédéric Augéste Bartholdi. The

chains on the lady's feet stand for freedom.


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Chapter 4

Irish traditionsYou will be excited to learn that Irish have

many traditional holidays like Americans.


Holly for example Irish usually put a wreath on their

door, or such as decorating with holly! Forced by

english rules of Christmas, They didn't have much decoration and holly

was one of the plants that grew during winter.

St. Patrick’s Day

Another great Irish tradition is Saint patrick's day, Originally used as a

way to thank chritianity for coming to Ireland, But now it is associated with

wearing green and drinking beer. According to Wikipedia, 35% of Ireland

was catholic in the 1800s-1922.

Candles in the Windows

One of the more common traditions is candle in the window. The

candle represents a code for catholics so they could know that was a safe

place for mass in the household.


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Laden Table

There are many more irish traditions mostly presenting christainity

coming to Ireland. The laden table is another one representing christainity

coming to Ireland, The Irish set aside a dish for Mary and Joseph. They

leave it out on christmas eve, The dish includes a loaf of bread, Caraway

seeds, And a glass of milk. Irish celebrate more holidays but these are the

most common ones!


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~ Blight ~A plant disease one caused by fungi such as one caused by mildews,rusts, and smuts.

~ Profit ~A financial gain, especially the difference between the amount earned andthe amount spent in buying or operating or producing something

~ Prevail ~Prov more powerful than opposing forces; Be victorious “ it's hard for logicto prevail over emotion”

~ Democracy ~A system of government by the whole population or all eligible members ofa state, typically thought elected representatives.

~ Attainted ~Success in achieving something that one desires and has worked for.


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Conclusio�Isn’t it Irish imagration so fascinating? There is always so much to learn

about it, like the potato blight that caused 2 million people to flee the

country. Especially their great traditions, Certainly their 12 week journey to

america. But the big statue of liberty they saw when they got off the

steamship, Ireland is so fascinating.


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Map or Irelan�