Multi Genre Research Project Delaney Woodbury


Multi Genre Research Piece

Transcript of MGRP

Multi Genre Research ProjectDelaney Woodbury




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My name is Delaney Ryan Woodbury. I’m 5’4 and a blast in a glass! I love to hang out with my friends and family and laugh until I cry. I am the type of girl that will always stay by her friends. I am a loyal and trustworthy person to be around also. I am committed into sports and love to play basketball. It is my life! I play every summer and anytime when it feels good and I have spare time.I believe that you have to live your life to the fullest. I don’t like the saying “YOLO” because it leads people to do dumb things. I live my life to the fullest by doing exciting things that are legal and that won’t get me in trouble. I would one day like to go skydiving and travel across the world on a plane. I also have always wanted to ride in a helicopter and see the oceans and islands.I also love writing. It is a big hobby for me. When I was a little kid I would always have a pen and paper and I would sit down at the end of the night and write about what happened that day. I would do it just to write something, I also would write anything even if it didn’t have a meaning to it. While writing this Multi Genre piece I have enjoyed it because I love to write.


I’m not a fighter, but I will fight for what I love

Top 10 Things I Believe In1. Promises should always be kept along with secrets.

2. God is always listening and uses actions wisely.

3. Patience will get you things you love.

4. Forgiveness goes a long way.

5. Honesty should always be present with anyone you are talking to.

6. I believe there is a Heaven and a Hell

7. Karma WILL always come back to get you.

8. I believe you should always give until you have nothing more to give.

9. You must believe in what you are doing in order to do it well

10. There is no such thing as ‘natural talent’ and that you have to work to become great.

The WillDelaney Woodbury

I leave my courage to Jordan Davis,- She knows she can do amazing things in life, but she doesn’t have

the courage to show it and feels down about herself.

I leave my self confidence to my mom,- She has to know that I do think of her as a good mother and that

she is beautiful in her own skin and shouldn’t beat down on herself so much.

I leave the good memories to my dad,- One of the things that would always make me and my dad feel better about things was always remembering our funny one on one memories.

I leave my sense of humor to all my friends,- I always made them laugh and thats what they all know me best for.

Even though I may be gone I would still want them to laugh and remember all of my jokes.

I leave my fight to everyone who is afraid,- They need to fight for what they believe in and what they want and not let others get in the way of what they do because if they fight they will succeed.

Parents To Daughter Interview

1. What did you think when you found out mom/you were pregnant with me?2. What were the baby names you had thought of?3. What kind of child did you think/hope I would turn out to be?4. What was the most important thing you wanted for me in my life?5. What was the most complicated thing I did when I was a baby?6. What were you thinking when mom/you went into labor?7. Whats something you’ll always remember about me as a baby?8. What did you think when I was diagnosed with Asthma?9. Whats something you wish you could change that would’ve made my feel, act, or be better?10. Whats the funniest thing you can remember that I did?Answers From Parents:

Questions Asked To Parents:

1.Happy, knew that I was going to be the last one.2. Left it up to my mother.3. Athletic, main thing was healthy.4. Common sense, happiness5. Spitting up every time you ate.6. “Its going to be a long day”7. You loving stuffed animals and “teaching” them as

if they were real8. Scared. I experienced your aunt and she had it

bad, i didn’t want you to wheeze and have a hard time breathing and doing what you wanted.

9. I wanted to play more sports with you instead of just ride bikes and read to you. I thought if I did that you could have been more competitive in your sports.

10. When your sister was grounded, you rode your bike past her and would stick your tongue out, then

1.“Oh crap” I was freaked out.2. If you were a boy I would have named you Lane.3. Preppy girl.4. Wanted you to have everything you ever wanted.5. You were always sick.6. Hoping it went fast like it did for your sister.7. That you would always chug your formula down

then would puke it up, yet you were always happy.8. Hoped you wouldn’t always be sick9. That you didn’t have Asthma, wasn’t sick, and

didn’t have to take so much medicine for the first 8 years of your life.

10. The little moments when you would say words wrong because of your speech problem and tease you about it, but there isn’t much because most of the time was a serious situation.


BransonGoing to Branson was my first vacation. I was about 5 at the time. My family went there to ride the duck boat, watch a play, and explore all of the attractions. You would always remember your first vacation and it would always be something special to you.

St. LouisSt. Louis is the home of Cardinal’s Baseball. That’s why St. Louis was important to my dad and me. It was my first baseball game. My dad and I have always liked the Cardinal’s and we were able to stay at the Millennium Hotel and get good seats for my first baseball game.

South DakotaSouth Dakota was my first out of state trip. We had gone up to see our cousin’s wedding. While there we went to the state park and saw their waterfalls and structures. It was a full 6-8 hours driving without stopping. It was also my farthest vacation from home.

Travel JournalBranson,St.Louis, South Dakota


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Dreams define your mind from reality. Reality is most of the time stressful and the truth. Also the truth hurts. Dreaming will get your mind off of what had happened during the day. You are able to think what you want without rules. Dreams help me escape my reality every night. Anytime I have had a bad day I will lay down, fall asleep and forget about the day and it makes me feel better when I have forgotten. I dream about what I wish would’ve happened during the day, what I want to happen to me later on in my life, or about the people that I adore.Daydreaming is also good for me. It calms me down when I need it the most and I can’t go to sleep. It relaxes me because when I dream of what I like I become happy. I will be in a great mood. Dreaming is, and always will be, my way of calming down and being myself. I am so much happier and in a better mood when I have dreamed of something good or I have something I can dream about. I am so glad our brain is able to create the animated pictures in our head we call dreams.

Urban Dict ionaryThe online dictionary that you can see what others define your name as.


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Delaney -

“ intelligent, loving, desired, caring, graceful, honest, trustworthy, humble, bashful, hyper, humorous”

A writer, true person, book nerd, dancer, party girl, down to earth, loves animals.

-Beautiful girl which boys chase after, apologizes more than necessary feel nervous and guilty very easily, means no harm.

-Listens to great music, has great style without really trying, everyone’s friend, natural brown head, most guys like hanging out with her

-Has big crushes that last a long time, doesn’t think of her as pretty, somewhat popular but will get along with everyone.

The Woodbury’s have immigrated to the U.S from England, Ireland, Great Britain, and France.

The average life expectancy of Woodbury’s is around 80- 85 years.

Most of the family occupations are farmers and keeping house.

There were 294 Woodbury’s that served in the Civil War; 7 of them were confederates and the other 287 of them were for the Union.

Successful Woodbury’sEllen Woodbury- Animator, SculptureMax A. Woodbury- American MathematicianWalter B. Woodbury- British InventorWoody Woodbury- American Comedian, Actor and Television Personality

The Woodbury Family Information

BibliographyParents To Daughter Interview:Source is from my parents.

Urban Dictionary Definition:

Woodbury Family