MGO LIKSYUN TO KO-UBPA O KO-ONTAYAN TOD … on Christian Living- Mgo...POMOTAWIYU Iling tat diyot...


Transcript of MGO LIKSYUN TO KO-UBPA O KO-ONTAYAN TOD … on Christian Living- Mgo...POMOTAWIYU Iling tat diyot...

Page 1: MGO LIKSYUN TO KO-UBPA O KO-ONTAYAN TOD … on Christian Living- Mgo...POMOTAWIYU Iling tat diyot “Liksyun to Kosiguruhan” od kosohinda ru no ipat liksyun duwon bersikulu. Tigkonayiu


Obo Manobo– English





Page 2: MGO LIKSYUN TO KO-UBPA O KO-ONTAYAN TOD … on Christian Living- Mgo...POMOTAWIYU Iling tat diyot “Liksyun to Kosiguruhan” od kosohinda ru no ipat liksyun duwon bersikulu. Tigkonayiu


Iling tat diyot “Liksyun to Kosiguruhan” od kosohinda ru no ipat liksyun

duwon bersikulu. Tigkonayiu tod mimurays dos bersikulu nod mimuray-

son du ipat allow, poningkamut ka nod kosompottan du iddos langun no

mgo kahi riyon to bersikulu. Polimokutiyu iddos mgo bokanti no timpu

ru ukit to kodpiyod ka-ay’t disok uvak no libru no moka-atag to “Kod-

ipanow Duma ki Disas Krays”. Lasud du ini riyot disok riyot burusa to

bag du o riyot pitaka ru. Inin disok no libru, duwon limmon bersikulu

nod mimurayson. Moomok da ini nod puungan su riyon man card no

moomok od ontongngan, woy inin libru od ponudtuu ko mambo woy mo-

monnun po-ukit no atag ini kikow.

Od iniyaton doy sikkow nod tavak to pilon mgo intud ipat allow, konna

ko-ilangan no od tigkanon du idda langun tod pohinonaw to kosokkad da

en no timpu. Mokotavang ini kikow no inaayun woy od monokkaa pa en

kos ingowollon du nod ingani to Kahit Monama iling to


NOTE As with “Lessons On Assurance” you will notice that each lesson has a

corresponding verse. Begin working on your new memory verses daily,

endeavoring to master each verse perfectly, word by word. Take advan-

tage of spare moments by carrying the handy “Going On With Christ”

packet with you in your purse or pocket. This packet, contains five mem-

ory verses on easy to review cards and a booklet telling why and how

they apply to you.

We recommend you take a few questions each day rather than trying

to do the whole

study at one sitting. This will help you regulate and stabilize your intake

of God’s Word.

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Walking in victory

Tigkonayiu tod mimurays kos Salmo 119:9, 11. Sulat du kos mgo tavak

ka-ay’t tundugtundug no mgo intud diyon to kikown ko-ugolingun no

mgo kahi.

Begin memorizing Psalm 119: 9,11. Write answers to the following ques-


1. Ondoy man kos id tonduwan to Monama to koponoluwan? 1 Juan 5:5

To whom does God promise victory ? 1 John 5:5


2. Momonnu ta od kosorolli no duwon en koponoluwan ta?

2 Tesalonica 3:3

How do we know that a victorious life is possible? 2 Thessalonians 3:3


3. Ondak id imman to Monama keta nod puungan ta moka-atag to saa? 2

Timoteo 2:19

What does God expect us to do in regard to sin? 2 Timothy 2:19





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4.Ondak moppiyon dosalon atag to minuvu nod kopiyan no duwon kopo-

noluwan to kandhin no kod-oubpa Kodkinobuhi? Salmo 139:23, 24

What is a good prayer for a person who wants to live a life of victory?

Psalms 139: 23, 24



5. Ondoy man kos od boggayan to Monama to ponayun no koponolu-

wan? 2 Corinto 2:14

Through whom will God give continual victory? 2 Corinthians 2:14


6. Id monnu ni Disas Krays ini tid puung atag keta?

Roma 8:4-5, Filipos 4:13

How does Christ accomplish this for us?

Romans 8:4-5, Philippians 4:13


7.Ondak nopohinonawwan ni Pablo moka-atag to koponoluwan diyon to

mgo kotomanan? Filipos 4:11, 12

What did Paul learn concerning victory over circumstances? Philippians

4:11, 12


8.Lista ru kos osso-osson doorakkon mgo kotomanan no si Disas Krays

mokotavang en keta nod ponalu.

Roma 8:35-39

List several outstanding things over which Christ can make us conquer-

ors. Romans 8:35– 39




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9.Ko-ilangan nod kotalu ta:

We should be victorious over:

1 Pedro 5:8

1 Peter 5:8


1 Juan 2:15, 16

1 John 2:15, 16


1 Pedro 2:11

1 Peter 2:11


10. Ondak pilon mgo po-ukit nod piyod keta riyon to inaayun no kod-


What are some means which will lead to consistent victory in our lives?

Efeso 6:16

Ephesians 6:16


Mateo 26:41

Matthew 26: 41


Salmo 119:11

Psalms 119:11


11– A.Ondak bunga to Kahit Monama ka-ay to kinobuhi ta? Salmo 119:9,

What effect can the Word of God have upon us? Psalms 119:9, 11




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11- B.Ondan man kos od puungan ta amoy od kotanggap ta inin mgo ta-


What must we do to receive this benefit?



12.Sulat du kos Salmo 119:9, 11 pomon diyot poomdom.

Write out Psalms 119:9, 11 from memory.






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1.Ondak id kopi-it Monama nod puungan ta?

What does God want us to do?

Salmo 37:3

Psalm 37:3


Salmo 37:4

Psalm 37:4


Salmo 37:5



2. Boggoy ka to sokkad no unayan nod dumoruma ki tod LONGAGGON

to tivuk no ginawa ta.

1 Samuel 12:24

Give one reason for serving the LORD with all your heart.

1 Samuel 12:24



3. Ondak ingowollon to Monama pomon keta no lampas pa to keton mgo

halad? 1 Samuel 15:22

What does God desire more than sacrifice? 1 Samuel 15:22




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4.Dos keton koddumoruma ko-ilangan:

Our obedience should be:

Salmo 119:60

Psalm 119:60


5. Ondak lampas to langun no id pomonnnan to mgo pomandu to

Monama keta? 2 Timoteo 3:16

What is the chief source of God’s instruction to us? 2 Timothy 3:16


6. Otik od korinog ta kos Kahit Monama piru waa ta man idda puungi,

ondan man kos resulta? Santiago 1:22

If we hear the Word but do nothing about it, what is the result?

James 1: 22


7.Ondak oruwon importanti oraroy no suhu no ko-ilangan od tumanon

ta? Mateo 22:36-39

What are the two most important commands for us to obey?

Matthew 22: 36-39



8. Monnun po-ukit no id pokopokita ta oraroy iddos kodginawa ta ki

Disas Krays? Juan 14:15

How can we best show our love to Christ? John 14: 15



9. Roma 12:13-18 mid ponudtuu keta to pilon mgo po-ukit no id

pokopokita ta kos ginawa ta riyon to dumon minuvu. Lista ru kos oppat

tadda no riyot kikow’n poomdom, ko-ilangan du oraroy no od loyamon

kos Ko-ugolingun du to kodpuung tadda.

Romans 12: 13– 18 tells us some ways in which we can express our love

to others. List four of these things which you believe you need most to


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10. Ondak oruwon ganti to kodtuman?

What are two of the rewards of obedience?

1 Juan 3:22

1 John 3: 22



Juan 15:10

John 15: 10



11. Ondak ossa pa no resulta otik od unnan ta iddos Monama? Mateo


What is another result of putting God first? Matthew 6: 33




12. Sulat du kos Mateo 6:33 pomon diyot poomdom du..

Write out Matthew 6: 33 from memory.

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Tigkonayiu tod mimurays dos Filipos 4:13

Begin memorizing Philippians 4: 13

1. Ollog bo no unayan no od moomet ki pomon to keton mgo koometan woy waa

kogahan? 2 Corinto 12:9

Mambo man?

Should our weakness and inability ever be sufficient cause for discouragement? 2

Corinthians 12: 9 Why?




2.Mambot iyon inaayun od aamon to Monama iddos mgo “moobbava kos kominu-

vuwan” nod puung to mgo mokososoobbu pinuungan atag kandin? 1 Corinto 1:26-


Why does God so often choose “ordinary people” to accomplish great things for


1 Corinthians 1: 26– 29




3. Otik od kotintal ki nod pobporoong to keton mgo talinto o mgo kogahan, ondak

dappan nod sompotton ta?

1 Corinto 4:7

If we are tempted to be proud of our talents or ability, what must we remember?

1 Corinthians 4: 7



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4.Si Disas Krays_________________________________________;


Otik ponayun ki no nosokkad diyot lampas no kotuusan din, ondak od immanon ta

nod kopuungan?

Juan 15:5

Christ is the _________________________________; we are the


As we draw upon His unlimited power, what can we expect to do? John 15: 5



5. Ondak id tandu ni Disas Krays iddot waa pa sikandin id pakpak diyon to krus?

Juan 14:16, 26

What did Christ promise just before He was crucified? John 14: 16, 26



6. Kannu od kotaman iddos kodboggoy to Uhis no Ispiritu? Juan 14:16

For how long is the Holy Spirit given? John 14: 16



7.Dos Uhis no Espiritu keton Tohodnonaw (Juan 14:26), woy Tohodpotuntuu

(Juan 16:13) ondan pa kos dumon dontulon no id boggoy keta kos Uhis no

Espiritu? Pinuungan 1:8

As well as being our Teacher (John 14:26), and Guide (John 16:13) for what other

purpose is He given?

Acts 1:8



8. Monnun po-ukit nod ponokkalon ki to Monama? Efeso 3:16

In what way does God strengthen us? Ephesians 3: 16



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9.Ondak koovottan du taddot tandu riyon to Filipos 4:13?

What does the promise of Philippians 4:13 means to you?



10.Sulat du kos Filipos 4:13 pomon diyot poomdom du.

Write out Philippians 4: 13 from memory.





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Tigkonayiu tod mimurays kos Juan 13:34, 35

Begin memorizing John 13:34, 35

1.Mambot id tugut to Monama no id buwis din kos Anak din atag to ke-

ton mgo saa? Roma 5:8

Why did God allow the sacrifice of His Son for our sins?

Romans 5: 8 ________________________________________________________________________________________


2. Ondam man kos po-unsaran to kodpohinowannoy tod pompomakoy? 1

Juan 4:10, 11, 19

What is the basis for Christian Love? 1 John 4:10, 11, 19



3. Ondoy kos po-ukit po-ukit no iddos ginawa to Monama iling to bunga

nod kokita ka-ay to kinobuhi ta?

Roma 5:5

Through whom is God’s love produced in us? Romans 5: 5


4. Ollog bo no iddos minuvu od ginawa to Monama piru konna od gi-

nawa to duma rin nod pompomakoy? 1 Juan 4:20

Is it reasonable that a man would love God and yet not love a fellow

Christian? 1 John 4: 20




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5. Ondan iddos unna woy dakkoon suhu? Mateo 22:37, 38

What is the first and great commandment? Matthew 22: 37, 38



6. Ondan man kos mid sokkad taddot ossa pon mgo suhu? Roma 13:9

What summarizes the other commandments? Romans 13: 9



7.Ondan man kos kotompusan no mgo suhu ni Disas Krays? Juan 13:34

What was one of Christ’s last commands? John 13: 34



8. Ondak id ikahi ni Disas nod pokita no id ginawa ki kandin? Juan 13:35

What did He say that this would indicate? John 13: 35




9. Ondoy pa man kos id iniyat to ni Disas keta nod ginowannon ta?

Mateo 5:44

Whom else are we challenge to love? Matthew 5: 44



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10.Ondan kos od tavang keta nod podtohon to soyup to duma?

1 Pedro 4:8

What will enable us to overlook the faults of others? 1 Peter 4: 8



11.Otik id ginowannan ta kos duma, ondak od kopuungan ta?

What will love for others cause us to do?

Galacia 5:13

Galatians 5: 13


Filipos 2:3

Philippians 2: 3


12. Bosa-aw kos 1 Corinto 13. (Note: The rest are not necessary in Manobo).

Read 1 Corinthians 13. The word LOVE in the Bible sometimes appears as


A. Diyon to langun no pinuungan tod pompomakoy, ondak lampas to lan-

gun? (Bersikulu 13)

Of the great virtues of the Christian life, which is the greatest?

(Verse 13)


B. Ngoraniyu kos osso-osson moppiyon pinuungan no od koworan

to koru-anon otik waa ginawa (Bersikulu 1-3)

Name some several good things which are profitless without

love. (Verse 1-3)


C. Otik no-iraom ki to ginawa, ondak botasanon nod kowora?

(Bersikulu 4-6)

When love rules our lives, what things will not be present?

(Verse 4– 6)



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D. Lista ru kos pilon mgo botasanon/pinuungan nod kokita ka-ay to

keta otik no-iraom ki to ginawa to Monama. (Bersikulu 4-7)

List some things which will be present when God’s love controls

us. (Verse 4-7)




13. Sulat du kos Juan 13:34, 35 pomon diyot poomdom du

Write out John 13: 34, 35 from memory





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Tigkonayiu tod mimurays kos Salmo 122:1

Begin memorizing Psalm 122: 1

1. Tigkonayiu tod mimurays kos Salmo 122:1

What must true believers not neglect? Hebrews 10: 25



2.Dos duma od undiyot simba-an pomon to ko-ilangan en. Ondak ollog no bota-

sanon to kod-undiyon to

simba-an? Salmo 122:1

Some attend worship service out of sense of duty. What is the right attitude?

Psalm 122: 1



3. Lista ru kos pilon id puungan taddot unnon od pompomakoy riyot timpu nod lo-

livuung sikandan.

List some things the early believers did as they meet together.

Mateo 18:19, 20

Matthew 18: 19, 20


1 Corinto 16:1, 2

1 Corinthians 16, 1, 2




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1 Corinto 11:23, 25

1 Corinthians 11: 23, 25


4.Dos langun nod pompomakoy id po-iling to ___________________________no

si Disas Krays kos ____________________________ woy dos od pompomakoy


The entire Church (all believers) is compared to a __________________________

of which Christ is the _______________________ and believers are the


Colossians 1: 18, 1 Corinthians 12: 27.

5.Ossa pa taddot mgo apostoles woy mgo propeta, lista ru dos duma pa no duwon

kotungdanan to

Kodponoggas tod lolivuung nod pompomakoy. Efeso 4:11, 12

In addition to the apostles and prophets, list others who are responsible to build up

the Church.

Ephesians 4: 11, 12

6. Mambot ko-ilangan no duwon soukuu ta to dumon od pompomakoy?

Roma 12:5

Why should we be concerned for each other? Romans 12: 5


7. Dos bonaan pastor, ondan kos od puungan din taddot od lolivuung nod pompo-

makoy no id ponguuwan din?

Jeremias 3:15

What ill be the true pastor do for his congregation? Jeremiah 3: 15



8. Ondak sokkad no kopiyannan nod ko-iangani ta otid pominog ki to Kahit

Monama no id wali? Roma 10:17

What is one benefit of hearing the Word preached? Romans 10: 17




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9. Ondak ko-ilanganon no botasanon tod pompomakoy riyot kandin no pastor woy

dumon mgo ponguu riyon to simba-an?

What attitude should the believer have toward his pastor and other spiritual


1 Tesalonica 5:12, 13

1 Thessalonians 5: 12, 13



Hebreo 13:7

Hebrews 13: 7



10. Ondak od immanon ni Pablo woy ondak mgo loggotloggot no pomandu rin

atag tat unnon od lolivuung nod pompomakoy? Roma 15:5, 6, 1 Corinto 1:10

What was Paul’s hope and admonition for the early churches? Romans 15: 5, 6,

1 Corinthians 1:10


11.Ondoy kos id boggoy to dakkoon koru-anon to koddasaa atag to kodposokad-

doy tod lolivuung nod pompomakoy? Juan 17:1, 20-23

Who especially prayed for unity among believers? John 17:1, 20-23


12.Ondoy kos id bagkos tod pompomakoy amoy od pokodsokkad?

1 Corinto 12:13

Who binds the Church together in unity? 1 Corinthians 12: 13


13. Sulat du kos Salmo 122:1 pomon diyot poomdom du.

Write out Psalm 122:1 form memory.




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Tigkonayiu tod mimurays kos Tito 3:8

Begin memorizing Titus 3: 8

1. Mambot konna ki od pobporoong no notobbus kid? Efeso 2:8, 9

Why can’t we boast about our salvation? Ephesians 2: 8, 9



2.Kopongnga ki notobbus, ondak od immanon to Monama pomon keta?

Efeso 2:10

After we are saved, what does God expect of us? Ephesians 2:10



3.Ahad so waa ki notobbus ukit to

______________________________________________________________ (Tito 3:5), ondan pa

kos id od popuungan to ipat od pompomakoy? Tito 3:14 ________________________________________________________________________________________


Although one is not saved through ______________________________________

(Titus 3:5), what is every Christian urge to do? Titus 3: 14


4.Ondak id boggoy keta to Biblia no pilon unayan nod puung ki to mop-


What are some reasons the Bible gives for our doing good?


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Mateo 5:16

Matthew 5: 16


Tito 3:8

Titus 3: 8


5.Atag man to ondoy iddos kodpuung ta to moppiya? Colosas 3:17

As we do good works, whom should we represent? Colossians 3: 17


6.Lista ru kos mgo moppiyon pinuungan no unayan no “noroong” ka-ay to Biblia

iddos pilon mgo od


List the good works for which certain believers received “honorable mention” in


Dorcas— Pinuungan 9:36

Dorcas– Acts 9:36



Febe— Roma 16:1, 2

Phoebe– Romans 16:1,2


Epafras 4:13?

Epephras– Colossians 4:14



7. Momonnu ki od bovotasan diyon to konnod pompomakoy? 1 Pedro 2:12

Mambo man?

How are Christians to live before unbelievers 1 Peter 2: 12 Why?




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8.Ondoy man kos od puungan ta to moppiya? Galacia 6:`10

To whom should we do good? Galatians 6: 10




9.Ondak pilon po-ukit to kodpuung to moppiya?

What are some ways to do good?

Roma 12:13

Romans 12: 13


2 Corinto 9:7, 8

2 Corinthians 9: 7, 8


Santiago 1:27

James 1:27


10. Ondan kos bonnaan posivonnaa to keton soukuu riyon to mgo duwon ko-

ilonganon? Santiago 2:15, 16

What is the true proof of our concern for those in need? James 2: 15, 16.




11. Ondan man kos id ekkop/sangkap to od pompomakoy atag to langun no mop-

piyon pinuungan? 2 Timoteo 3:16, 17

What is it that equips a Christian for all good works? 2 Timothy 3:16, 17




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12.Ondoy man kos klaru oraroy no id poponudtulan nod puung to moppiya?

Tito 3:8

Who are explicitly told to maintain good works? Titus 3:8

13.Sulat du kos Tito 3:8 pomon diyot poomdom du.

Write out Titus 3:8 from memory





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Tigkonayiu tod mimurays kos 2 Corinto 9:7

Begin memorizing 2 Corinthians 9:7

1. .Dos Monama, no mid boggoy to kandin no Anak amoy od bayad atag to kod-

tobbus keta, mid boggoy

Mandad to (8:32)

___________________________________________________________ woy

(Efeso 1:3).


God, who gave His Son to purchase our salvation, also gives (Romans 8:32)

____________________________________ and (Ephesians 1:3).


2.Ondan man kos pila taddot mo-uraan gasa Rin keta?

What are some of His many gifts to us?

Roma 5:5

Romans 5:5 _______________________________________________________

2 Timoteo 3:16

2 Timothy 3:16 _____________________________________________________

1 Corinto 15:57

1 Corinthians 15:57 _________________________________________________

Santiago 1:5

James 1:5 _________________________________________________________

3. Ondak dakkoon ponunggelengan ta no ko-ilangan nod poko-inuruk keta nod

boggoy? 2 Corinto 8:9

What great example do we have that should prompt us to give? 2 Corinthians 8:9


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4. Ondak tandu to Monama taddot od boggoy? Lucas 6:38

What is God’s promise to those who give? Luke 6:38 ________________________________________________________________________________________


5. Amoy od kahaa kos Monama, monnuwon ta man tod boggoy?

In order to please God, how should we give?

2 Corinto 9:6

2 Corinthians 9:6


2 Corinto 9:7

2 Corinthians 9:7


Mateo 6:12

Matthew 6:12


6. Ahad diyon to koworan woy kosupittan, monnun po-ukit dos kodbog-

goy to togo Macedonia? 2 Corinto 8:2

Even in poverty and affliction, how did the Macedonians give?

2 Corinthians 8:2


7.Ondak id puungan dan to waa ran pa id boggoy to soopi? 2 Corinto 8:5

What did they do before giving their money? 2 Corinthians 8:5 ________________________________________________________________________________________

8. Ondak puhawang no id pokita ni Pablo amoy konnod kotampod o inaa-

yun iddos kodboggoy to togo Corinto nod pompomakoy? 1 Corinto 16:2

What plan for systematic giving did Paul suggest to the Corinthian

believers? 1 Corinthians 16:2


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9.Ondak kod-ontong tod LONGAGGON taddot disok piru sakripisyu no

gasa? Lucas 21:3-4

What was the LORD’s estimate of a small but sacrificial gift?

Luke 21:3-4



10.Konna soopi kos dalig to langun no kororattan, ko konna (1 TImoteo


The root of evil is not money itself but (1 timothy 6:10)


11.Ondak id ikahi ni Disas nod bontayan ta?Lucas 12:15 Mambo man?

What did Jesus say to beware of? Luke 12:15 Why?



12.Diyon to itulon ni Disas moka-atag to lohoddon no minuvu, ondak id

ngaran to Monama taddon minuvu? Lucas 12:16-21

In Jesus’ story of the selfish man, what did God call him? Luke 12:16-21


13.Ondak unayan no id boggayan ni Disas to dakkoon koru-anon iddos

kodpo-udsuu/kodnigusyu to Espirituhanon kuntra tat material no mgo im-

pon? Mateo 6:19-21

For what reasons did Jesus recommend investing in spiritual rather than

in material things? Matthew 6:19-21




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14.Sulat du kos 2 Corinto 9:7 pomon diyot poomdom du.

Write out 2 Corinthians 9:7 from memory.





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Tigkonayiu tod mimurays kos Salmo 107:2

Begin memorizing Psalm 107:2

1. Ondan kos ko-ilangan nod puungan to konna pa od umow kos mgo minuvu tod

LONGAGGON woy od pomakoy kandin amoy’d kotobbus? Roma 10:13, 14.

What is necessary before people can call the LORD and believe in Him for salva-

tion? Romans 10:13, 14




2. Duwon bo rispunsibilidad ta nod piyod to mgo minuvu riyon to ki Disas Krays?

2 Corinto 5:18, 20

Do we have a responsibility to bring men to Christ?

2 Corinthians 5:18, 20


3.Ingkon taman/sippang kos keton rispunsibilidad? Pinuungan 1:8

How far does our responsibility extend? Acts 1:8


4. Ondan man kos ko-ilangan no dosalon ta diyon to keton kodposivonnaa atag ki Disas Krays?

For what should we pray as we witness for Christ?

Pinuungan 4:29 Acts 4:29


Colosas 4:3 Colossians 4:3



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5.Ondak mgo botasanon no ko-ilangan ta en id pomuwa ka-ay to poomdom ta tim-

bang mga tohodposivonnaa ki Disas Krays? 2 Timoteo 2:24

What tings should we keep in mind as we witness? 2 Timothy 2:24 ________________________________________________________________________________________


6. Ondan man kos po-unsaran to Moppiyon Dinoggan? 1 Corinto 15:3, 4

What is the heart of the Gospel? 1 Corinthians 15:3, 4



7. Ondan man kos kovonnaan no ko-ilangan no id posaddoo ru pomon ka-ay to

tundug-tundug no bersikulo?

What facts should you present from the following verses?

Roma 3:23

Romans 3:23


Roma 6:23

Romans 6:23


Juan 1:12

John 1:12


8.Ondan man kos konnod kowora/ko-obbuu no bonni no id gamit to Monama nod

pokovoggoy to umuu riyon to od pominog to Moppiyon Dinoggan? 1 Peter 23: 25

What is the imperishable seed which God uses to give life to those who hear the

Gospel? 1 Peter 23:25 ________________________________________________________________________________________


9. De-en, diyon to kodposivonnaa ta ki Disas Krays ondan man kos ko-ilangan en

nod puungan ta? Marcos 4:14

Therefore in witnessing what must we do? Mark 4:14


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10.Mambot epektibo kos Kahit Monama? Hebreo 4:12

Why is the Word of God effective? Hebrews 4:12



11. To kodbasa ru taddot notomanan to kodposivonnaa ni Disas tat ba-ay no togo

Samaria (Juan 4:7-26) ondan no bersikulu o kodpokita to kodseribisyu.?

As you read the account of Jesus' witnessing to the woman of Samaria

(John 4:7– 26) what verse or serves show:

A. Id pokesan din kos tongkoanan ukit to tongkoanan no duwon sinorollan


That He opened the conversation on a subject familiar to her?


B. Iling tid pokesan din kos kandin no poomdom amoy od kokilaa rin iddos

kovonnaloy to kandin no saa.

That He turned the conversation to spiritual things?


C. Id pokilaa ni Disas .no sikandin en kos Mesiyas

That He brought her to recognize the fact of her sin?


D. Nopotommu ni Disas kandin no ko-ilanganon.

That He revealed Himself as Christ?


12. Iddos Monama mid boggoy to tavak to kada prublema o kodduworuwa

moka-atag to koluwasan. Monnuwon du man tod tavak inis od tundug

tundug no mgo osengan?

God has given as answer for every problem or doubt concerning

salvation. How would you reply to the following statements?



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“Od nokkaanokkaa a nod puung to moppiya sippang tod kogaha ku”.

Efeso 2:8-9, Tito 3:5

“I’m doing the best I can”. Ephesians 2:8-9, Titus 3:5 ________________________________________________________________________________________


“Dos langun no relihiyun od piyod keta riyon to Monama”. Juan 14:6

“All religion lead to God.” John 14:6 ________________________________________________________________________________________


Konna a man oraroy morat.” Juan 3:3

“I’m not too bad.” John 3:3



“Od kovovallan a rad nod pompomakoy piru konna pa ko-ungkay”. 2 Corinto 6:2,

Santiago 4:14

“I’ll become a Christian someday.” 2 Corinthians 6:2, James 4:14 ________________________________________________________________________________________


13.Pila taddot unna nod ponudtulan ta moka-atag ki Disas Krays idda en so:

Marcos 5:19

Some of the first to whom we would witness are: Mark 5:19 ________________________________________________________________________________________


14.Mambot konna ta id ko-ilow kos posivonnaa moka-atag to Moppiyon Dinog-

gan? Roma 1:16

Why should we go on witnessing boldly? Romans 1:16 ________________________________________________________________________________________


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15.Sulat du kos Salmo 107:2 pomon diyot poomdom du.

Write out Psalm 107:2 from memory ________________________________________________________________________________________




