MGD School,Jaipur€¦  · Web viewYou will make a page of daily attendance it will be checked...

English Class IX General Instructions- 1) Read activity wise details and do as directed. 2) All assignments and activities will be done in a separate file/folder, titled ‘Portfolio’. 3) The Personal information page as attached should be printed, filled and put at the beginning of your file/folder. 4) The Portfolio and home-work will be submitted when the school reopens and will be an important component for Internal assessment for English. 1

Transcript of MGD School,Jaipur€¦  · Web viewYou will make a page of daily attendance it will be checked...

English Class IX

General Instructions-

1) Read activity wise details and do as directed.

2) All assignments and activities will be done in a separate file/folder, titled ‘Portfolio’.

3) The Personal information page as attached should be printed, filled and put at the beginning of your file/folder.

4) The Portfolio and home-work will be submitted when the school reopens and will be an important component for Internal assessment for English.


Full Name:____________________________________________________

Town and Street where you live:___________________________________

Names of members of your family:_________________________________

Best Friends:_____________________________________________________________________

Sports you like to play and/or watch:_________________________________________________

Favourite sportsman or sportswoman:________________________________________________

Special Interests:__________________________________________________________________

Favourite Colours:________________________________________________________________

Favourite Food:__________________________________________________________________

Favourite Music:_________________________________________________________________

Favourite TV Shows/Films:________________________________________________________

Favourite Film Stars/ Pop Stars/Groups:_____________________________________________

Favourite Books:_________________________________________________________________

Favourite Animal or Pet:__________________________________________________________

Activity 1. Diary Writing –

Due to the pandemic, the whole world is in a critical situation. The nation is locked down. This challenging time has made you realize the importance of mundane things. You are spending more time with family working together for daily chores, playing games and attending online classes as well. Share your experience in the form of a diary entry (80 words) in your Portfolio file/folder. {Click few day to day pictures that can be attached with the diary entry along with captions}

Activity 2. Translate the given excerpt to English with contextual vocabulary maintaining its tone, do in your Portfolio file/folder.

ऐसा कभी नहीं हुआ था।

धर्मराज लाखों वर्षो से असंख्य आदमियों को कर्म और सिफारिश के आधार पर स्वर्ग और नरक में निवास-स्थान अलाट करते आ रहे थे। पर ऐसा कभी नहीं हुआ था।

सामने बैठे चित्रगुप्त बार-बार चश्मा पोंछ, बार-बार थूक से पन्ने पलट, रजिस्टर देख रहे थे। गलती पकड में ही

नहीं आरही थी। आखिर उन्होंने खीझकर रजिस्टर इतनी ज़ोरों से बन्द किया कि मख्खी चपेट में आगई। उसे

निकालते हुए वे बोले, ''महाराज, रिकार्ड सब ठीक है। भोलाराम के जीव ने पांच दिन पहले देह त्यागी और यमदूत के साथ इस लोक के लिए रवाना हुआ, पर अभी तक यहां नहीं पहुंचा।''

धर्मराज ने पूछा, ''और वह दूत कहां है?'' ''महाराज, वह भी लापता है।'' इसी समय द्वार खुले और एक यमदूत बडा बदहवास-सा वहां आया। उसका मौलिक कुरूप चेहरा परिश्रम, परेशानी और भय के कारण और भी विकृत होगया था। उसे देखते ही चित्रगुप्त चिल्ला उठे, ''अरे तू कहां रहा इतने दिन? भोलाराम का जीव कहां है?'' यमदूत हाथ जोडक़र बोला, ''दयानिधान, मैं कैसे बतलाऊं कि क्या हो गया। आज तक मैने धोखा नहीं खाया था, पर इस बार भोलाराम का जीव मुझे चकमा दे गया। पांच दिन पहले जब जीव ने भोलाराम की देह को त्यागा, तब मैंने उसे पकडा और इस लोक की यात्रा आरम्भ की। नगर के बाहर ज्योंही मैं इसे लेकर एक तीव्र वायु-तरंग पर सवार हुआ त्योंही वह मेरे चंगुल से छूटकर न जाने कहां गायब होगया। इन पांच दिनों में मैने सारा ब्रह्यांड छान डाला, पर उसका पता नहीं चला।'' धर्मराज क्रोध से बोले, ''मूर्ख, जीवों को लाते-लाते बूडा हो गया, फिर एक मामूली आदमी ने चकमा दे दिया।''

Activity 3. Book review

Read any two of the following books and write a book review of the same on the points mentioned with each category in about 100 words each. Note that you have to choose one book from each category. (To be done in your Portfolio file/folder.)

· The Story of My Experiments with Truth by Mahatma Gandhi/ The Story of My Life by Helen Keller

· Theme of the autobiography

· Most interesting/ captivating/ life changing incident in the writer’s life

· What I learnt from the book.

· The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho/Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain/ The Varieties of Human Experience by William James

· Theme of the novel

· Most interesting part/ character/ incident of the novel

· My favourite character of the novel

· If I had to change the ending of the novel

Activity 4. Go on a virtual tour of any one museum using the link below and write your experience as a Diary Entry in 100 words in your Portfolio file/folder.

A virtual tour of 12 world famous museums


संविभाग (पोर्टफोलियो) हिंदी कक्षा 9


       नोट -

* पोर्टफोलियो हेतु अलग से फाइल बनाएं

* पोर्टफोलियो के कार्य के आधार पर अंक प्रदान किए जाएंगे अतः रचनात्मकता के साथ

सुसज्जित करेंI

* पाठ्य सामग्री extra marks, Diksha app, NCERT solution, के माध्यम से प्राप्त

की जा सकती हैI

* पोर्टफोलियो का कार्य स्कूल खुलने के पश्चात जांचा जाएगा I

1. इस संकट की घड़ी में विषय पर स्वयं के अनुभव के आधार पर अनुच्छेद लिखें (कृतिका के

पाठ इस जल प्रलय में, के आधार पर)

2. देशभक्ति या समसामयिक विषय पर कविता लिखें एवं याद करें (स्वरचित अथवा किसी

प्रतिष्ठित कवि की)

3. भक्ति काल एवं आधुनिक काल के प्रमुख कवियों का संक्षिप्त जीवन परिचय एवं प्रमुख रचनाओं के बारे में लिखिएI (प्रत्येक काल के 4--4 कवियों के बारे में)

4. इन अवकाश के दिनों में जब सारा परिवार एक साथ घर पर है तो कोई न कोई रोचक या मजेदार घटना जरूर घटी होगी, ऐसी ही किसी घटना का वीडियो बनाएं (समय सीमा 3 से 4 मिनट इस वीडियो को अपने पेन ड्राइव में सुरक्षित कर ले, विद्यालय खुलने पर स्मार्ट बोर्ड पर देखने हेतु, वीडियो में आपके परिवार के सदस्य भी भूमिका निभा सकते हैं)


Holiday Homework 20-21

Subject: French Class: IX


1. Any rough copy or any old coloured or craft papers for creative work can be used.

2. Submission of the homework on school reopening.

3. Any doubts or queries regarding the work can be asked through Whatsapp.

· Make Power point Presentation on Francophone countries .It should be pictorial and with its famous identities in French.

· To make PPT on lesson 1 of Mon passport book of class 6,7,8 of important elements of France and learn them thoroughly. It should be pictorial and in french.

· To download anyone French song from Net and learn it with its meaning and verbs.

· To learn all the grammar topics of French from Mon passport book of class 8 and to solve  3 related exercises of every grammar topic 

· To learn the Advent rule of past tense and write it 5 times with all the verbs in Notebook. 

एम जी डी गर्ल्स स्कूल , जयपुर

सत्र - 2020-21

विषयः - संस्कृत

कक्षा – 9

निर्देशाः –

i.छात्राएँ संस्कृत विषय के ग्रीष्मकालीन अवकाश कार्य को नोटबुक नंबर -2 में करें l

ii ग्रीष्मकालीन अवकाश कार्य का मूल्यांकन पोर्टफोलियो/नोट बुक नंबर-2 के अंतर्गत किया

जाएगा l

iii. नोट बुक(पुरानी अथवा नई)/पुरानी कॉपी के पेज निकाल कर भी बनाई जा सकती है।

iv. कार्य स्कूल खुलने के पश्चात् जांचा जाएगा I



1. अभ्यासकार्यस्य प्रत्येकविषयस्य 5 प्रश्नाः करणीयाः |

2. लेखनस्य स्मरणकार्यस्य च गतिविधिम् आन्तरिकमूल्याङ्कने ग्रहीष्यते |

(अ) अभ्यासकार्यम् - क - अपठित -अवबोधनम्

ख - पत्रलेखनम्

ग - चित्र वर्णनम्

E link -

(ब) लेखनकार्यम् - कुटुम्ब वृक्षः –

  स्व परिवारस्य छायाचित्रं पेष्टित्वा तस्मिन् दर्शितं प्रत्येक सदस्यस्य अभिधानं (नाम) एवं तेन/तया सह

स्व संबंधं द्वयोः वाक्ययोः संस्कृत-भाषायां स्व उत्तर-पुस्तिकायां लिखित्वा कुटुम्ब - वृक्षम् रचयत l

(स) पूर्व-पाठितं व्याकरणिक - विषयानाम अभ्यासं कुरुत l

(द) स्मरणकार्यम् - संस्कृतगीतम् ( कस्मिन् एव विषये ) स्मरत |

E link - Jayatu samskritam , Gaiea Sanskrit अथवा

संस्कृत भाषायां ‘जन्मदिवसस्य गीतम्’ कंठस्थ कृत्वा स्व उत्तर-पुस्तिकायां लिखत |

e link :-






1.) Do correction of all four home assignments, if possible redo them properly.

2.) Revise all the work done till now.

3.) In case of any query contact your subject teacher.

4.) Submission on school reopening.

(INSTRUCTIONS-Cut out all the triangles from the two images given. Be careful not to cut any of the writings out by mistake!Start to match up the edges of the triangle by matching questions with their answers.As you progress your aim is to create a triangular shape as shown below.Paste the figure thus obtained in your copy. )

Draw the following crossword puzzle in your copy. Use the hints given below to solve it.

Solving Sudoku puzzles helps to improve memory. It boosts logical thinking and also increases concentration power. Draw any two Sudoku in your copy and solve them.

Pick one of the following topics and prepare a chart or an A4 drawing sheet on it:

1.) Symmetry in nature

2.) Maths in art form (ex: Worli Art)

3.) Patterns in nature


M.G.D. Girls’ School,JAIPUR




1. All students to make a crossword of at least 15 clues from the topic Motion .(on A4 sheet). This activity will be considered as a part of MULTIPLE ASSESSMENT activity of Science.

2. Students to write following experiments in a practical file(Common for biology,Physics, Chemistry) .Leave observation tables blank so that we can fill them when we do the experiments. (make observation table and diagrams on the blank side of the practical file with pencil only)

3.Submission on opening.

Experiments as follows:

Experiment 1: Determination of the density of solid (denser than water) by using a spring balance and a measuring cylinder.

AimTo determine the density of a solid (denser than water) by using a spring balance and a measuring cylinder.

Apparatus RequiredA metallic object (any shape), iron stand, a spring balance, a measuring cylinder

TheoryMass per unit volume of a substance is called the density of a given substance.Let M be the mass of a given substance/object and V be its volume. Its density ρ is given byρ = MV=MassofObject / VolumeofObjectIts S.I. unit is kg m-3.Let the weight of object measured by the spring balance in air = W g-wt.Initial volume of water in measuring cylinder = V1 mL.Final volume of water in measuring cylinder when object is fully immersed in water = V2 mL.Volume of object = Volume of displaced water = (V2 – V1) mLTherefore, density of object (ρ) = W (V2−V1) g cm-3


1. Hang the spring balance vertically with the help of iron stand as shown in Fig. 2.2.

2. Find its least count by using the given formula:Least Count = RangeofgivenspringbalanceTotalnumberofdivisions

3. Check the zero error (if any) and record it with proper sign.This is the reading of spring balance when no weight is suspended from its lower hook.

Measurement of weight of a given metallic object:

4. Hang the metallic object with the lower hook of the spring balance as shown in Fig. 2.3.

5. Take the reading of spring balance when the metallic object becomes static.

6. Obtain the true weight of the given metallic object by subtracting the zero error (if any) from the observe weight.

7. Repeat the experiment thrice and find its mean weight.Measurement of the volume of a given metallic object:

8. Pour some water into the measuring cylinder and record the initial level of water (lower position of meniscus) as shown in Fig. 2.4. Let the initial volume be V1 (mL).

9. Remove the metallic object from the spring balance and tie it by a thin strong thread and immerse it fully in the water in measuring cylinder.

10. Note down the new position of meniscus V2 (mL) in the measuring cylinder as shown in Fig. 2.5. The level of water rises up because the immersed object displaces water from its initial level.

11. Obtain the volume of the immersed metallic object by subtracting the two position of meniscus (water level) i.e. V2 – V1

12. Repeat the experiment thrice and find its mean volume.

ObservationsLeast count of spring balance: ………… g wt.Zero error of the spring balance: …………. g wt.Least count of measuring cylinder: ……….mLTable: Measurement of weight of a given metallic object.


Reading of spring balance

Weight of metallic object

(without object) W1 (g wt.)

(with object) W2 (g wt.)

Weight of object observedW2 – W1(g wt.)

True weight of object W = (W2 – W1) – (Zero error) (g wt.)


W’1 =


W’2 =


W’3 =

Mean weight of given metallic object = W‘1+W‘2+W‘33 = ………..g wt.Mass of the given metallic object by spring balance, (M) = ………….. g.Table: Measurement of volume of a given metallic object


Initial position of meniscus(Without metallic object)V1 (mL)

Final position of meniscus(Metallic object immersed) V2 (mL)

Volume of objectV = V2 – V1 (mL)


V’1 =


V’2 =


V’3 =

 Mean volume V = V‘1+V‘2+V‘33 = ………….mL

CalculationsTrue mass of given object = ………… gVolume of given object = …………..mLDensity of a given metallic object = MassofObject/VolumeofObject=M/V g/mL = ……….g/mL = ………… kg m-3 ( 1000 kg m-3 = 1 gmL-1)

ResultThe density of the given solid (heavier than water) = ……… kg m-3.


1. Spring balance should be sensitive, stable and error free.

2. The horizontal pointer should move freely along the scale of spring balance.

3. Spring balance must be suspended vertically from fixed support of iron stand.

4. Reading should be taken only when oscillation of hanging object dies completely.

5. Eye should be kept in line (exactly horizontal) while taking the reading of spring balance as well as measuring cylinder as shown in figs. 2.6 and 2.7.

6. Solid object should be dried completely before measuring mass in air and when allowed to immersed in water.

7. While measuring the volume of object, the object should not touch sides and bottom of a measuring cylinder.

Source of Error

1. Least count of spring balance may be higher.

2. Spring of spring balance may be permanently stretched.

3. Solid object may not be completely dried.

4. The eye may not be in the proper level of meniscus while measuring the volume of solid object.

Experiment 2: Establishing the relation between the loss in weight of a solid when fully immersed in Tap water

AIMTo establish the relation between the loss in weight of solid when fully immersed intap water

APPARATUS REQUIREDA spring balance, a clamp stand, two different solids, such as metallic brass bob and rectangular block, overflow can, tap water, a strong thread and two empty beakers.

THEORYAccording to Archimedes’ principle, when a body is immersed in a liquid, completely or partially, it loses its weight. The loss in weight is equal to the weight of liquid displaced by the body.The loss in weight of a body is due to the presence of upthrust which is equal to the weight of liquid displaced. Thus,Loss in weight = Weight of body in air – Weight of body immersed in water=W2 – W1= Upthrust in water on the body= Weight of liquid displaced.


(A) Measurement for the apparent loss in weight of brass bob:

(a) Experiment with tap water:

1. Measure the weight of a solid, say a metallic ball in air by using spring balance as shown in Fig 3.1 Weigh the empty beakers using spring balance.

2. Set the spring balance, overflow can with tap water and beaker as shown in Fig 3.2.

3. Now, allow the bob to immerse completely in water in overflow’ can.

4. Note down the new position of pointer of the spring balance. This will give you the weight of the brass bob in tap water.

5. Weigh the beaker containing displaced water which is collected from the overflow can while immersing the bob in it completely.

6. Find the weight of displaced water by subtracting the reading of step (2) from step (6). The weight of liquid displaced is equal to the upthrust. Therefore, the weight of displaced water would be equal to the loss of weight in the brass bob.

7. Repeat the above steps two more times with the same brass bob after drying up completely. Tabulate your observations in Table A.

(B) Measurement for the apparent loss in weight of second solid body:

1. Take a different solid body such as a metallic rectangular block given by your teacher.

2. Repeat the experiment in the same manner as done for the measurement for the apparent loss of weight of brass bob in tap water .

3. Tabulate your observations.

4. Repeat the experiment for two more times.

OBSERVATIONS AND CALCULATIONSZero error of the spring balance, e -=  …………… g wt.Least count of spring balance =  …………… g wt.Range of spring balance =  …………… g wt.Density of water = 1 gm cm-3Weight of empty beaker (Wb) =   …………… g wt.

Table A: Verification of apparent loss in weight of solid body in tap water

Note : For positive zero error, zero correction = (W’1-e) g wtFor negative zero error, zero correction = (W’1+e) g wt


1. The apparant loss in weight of solid immersed fully in liquid (tap water) is equal to the weight of liquid displaced by that body. This also proves Archimedes’ principle.


1. The zero error (if any) of the spring balance should be noted accurately.

2. A stable, sensitive and zero error free spring balance should be used.

3. Solid body should be immersed fully in tap water water not partially while taking the spring balance reading.

4. Solid body should not touch the side or bottom of the overflow can.

5. There should be no air bubble present inside the water or salty solution while immersing the solid body.

6. Care must be taken while solid body is allowed to immersed in tap water so that tap water does not splash out.






1. Write your Name, Class and Section on the top right side corner of the sheet where

you are doing your HOME WORK

2. Do the given assignment in any sheets and make folder for the same.

3.Submission on opening ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Answer the following:

1.Write the chemical composition of any two sanitizers used.

2.Give method of preparation of any one sanitizer in brief.

3.Write two disadvantages of excessive use of sanitizers.

4. Hands on activity to be performed at home. Paste the pictures clicked whole performing the activity.

Magical crystals

You will need

Image: CSRIO

· Sugar

· Salt

· Bi-carb soda

· Warm water

· 3 eye-droppers

· 3 spoons

· 3 plastic containers or bowls

· Measuring cup

· 3 small plastic cups

· Marker

What to do

1. Label the containers ‘sugar’, ‘salt’ and ‘bi-carb’.

2. Pour half a cup of warm water into the container labelled ‘sugar’.

3. Add a spoonful of sugar to the water and stir until dissolved. Keep adding sugar until no more will dissolve.

4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3, but with the salt instead of sugar.

5. Again repeat Steps 2 and 3, but this time with bi-carb soda instead of sugar or salt.

6. Label the small plastic cups ‘sugar’, ‘salt’ and ‘bi-carb’.

7. Use separate eye-droppers to put a few drops of each container’s solution into the matching cup.

8. Place the cups in a warm, sunny place and leave them until the liquid has evaporated. What do you see?

You can try this activity with other crystalline substances as well.

What’s happening?

When a solid (or ‘solute’) is dissolved in the water until no more dissolves, the solution is ‘saturated’. The amount of substance that dissolves in water increases with temperature. As the solution cools back down to room temperature, there is now more solute in the water than would normally be the case – the solution is ‘supersaturated’.

As the water evaporates, the solute precipitates out of solution in the form of crystals. This is an example of crystallisation. You will notice that each precipitate forms slightly different crystals: they might be different in size and shape. The size and shape of a crystal depend on a number of factors including chemical formula, temperature and pressure. In general, crystals that form slowly tend to be larger than crystals that form quickly.

5. Prepare two worksheets by considering the important concepts and phenomena

learnt from the chapter MATTER IN OUR SURROUNDINGS. The worksheets to be prepared on separate sheets.

a. Prepare a crossword puzzle.

b. Prepare a set of ten jumbled words .



Holiday Homework 2020-21

Subject: BIOLOGY

Class: IX


1.MIND MAP/CONCEPT MAP -Mind mapping is simply a diagram used to visually represent or outline information. It is a powerful graphic technique you can use to translate what is  in your mind into a visual picture. Since mind mapping works like a brain, it allows you to organize and understand information faster and better

2.First you read and understand the chapter carefully ,choose any one topic, categorize and organize the ideas you have brainstormed and identify their relationships. Use a single page or space and place information and check its connections .Use colors , images and key words as it aids in enhancing your memory and retention.

3. Prepare a Mind Map on any ONE of the following topics of

Biology syllabus of Class IX

· Cell –plant cell/animal cell: eukaryotic/prokaryotic cell, cell organelles-their structure and function, diffusion/osmosis

· Tissues and their types, structure and function- plant or animal tissues

4. For support, you may use links OR

Your work  will be judged on the following Rubrics :-

Creativity/Content knowledge/Presentation/Expression/Artifact and this will be part of Portfolio which will be marked for internal assessment.

5.Submission on opening.







1. Project on Disaster ManagementStudents can refer to CBSE website for the same

2. For Multiple AssessmentCovid 19-It's impact ( It can be done in the form of Narration, Pictorial  or

Graphical representation or in any other form )


MGD Girls’ School, Jaipur

Holiday Homework 2020-21

Subject: Vocal Music Class: 9


1. In your music notebook write down all these:

· Alankaars 1 to 10

· Bhajan- payoji maine guru charno mein vishraam

· Taal- Dadra, kehrwa, teen taal, rupak

· Prayers- tu hee ram hai tu Rahim hai, tu pyaar ka saagar

· Patriotic Song- nij rashtra ke shareer ke shringaar ke liye

· Songs- saare jahan se accha, hum honge kamyaab

· School prayer- I would be true

· School song- Oh come let’s sing of MGD

· Folk song- any one regional folk song of your choice

· National song- Vande matram

· National anthem

2. Learn and practise all songs and prayers.

3. I will check the notebooks once the school reopens.

महारानी गायत्री देवी विद्यालय, जयपुर

ग्रीष्म अवकाश हेतु गृह कार्य - 2020-2021

कक्षा 9 एवं 10

विषय - संगीत (वाद्य)


निर्देश – निम्नलिखित का अभ्यास करें

· वाद्य को लेकर बैठने का आसनI

· बो पकड़ने की विधि

· बो चलाने का सुंदर अभ्यास

· वाद्य का रखरखाव

· दिए गए अलंकारों का अभ्यास

· गृह कार्य विद्यालय खुलने के पश्चात जांचा जाएगा

· सा रे ग म प ध नि सां

सां नि ध प म ग रे सा

· सासा रेरे गग मम पप धध निनि सांसां

सांसां निनि धध पप मम गग रेरे सासा

· सासासा, रेरेरे, गगग, ममम, पपप, धधध, निनिनि, सांसांसां

सांसांसां, निनिनि, धधध, पपप, ममम, गगग, रेरेरे, सासासा

· सासासासा, रेरेरेरे, गगगग, मममम, पपपप, धधधध, निनिनिनि, सांसांसांसां

सांसांसांसां, निनिनिनि, धधधध, पपपप, मममम, गगगग, रेरेरेरे, सासासासा

· सारेसा, रेगरे, गमग, मपम, पधप, धनिध, निसांनि

निसांनि, धनिध, पधप, मपम, गमग, रेगरे, सारेसा

· सारेग, रेगम, गमप, मपध, पधनि, धनिसां

सांनिध, निधप, धपम, पमग, मगरे, गरेसा

· सारेसारेग, रेगरेगम, गमगमप, मपमपध, पधपधनि, धनिधनिसां

सांनिसांनिध, निधनिधप, धपधपम, पमपमग, मगमगरे, गरेगरेसा

· सारेगम, रेगमप, गमपध, मपधनि, पधनिसां

सांनिधप, निधपम, धपमग, पमगरे, मगरेसा

· सारेगसारेगम, रेगमरेगमप, गमपगमपध, मपधमपधनि, पधनिपधनिसां

सांनिधसांनिधप, निधपनिधपम, धपमधपमग, पमगपमगरे, मगरेमगरेसा

· सारे रेग गम मप पध धनि निसां

सांनि निध धप पम मग गरे रेसा

· सारेगग, रेगमम, गमपप, मपधध, पधनिनि, धनिसांसां

सांनिधध, निधपप, धपमम, पमगग, मगरेरे, गरेसासा

· साग रेम गप मध पनि धसां

सांध निप धम पग मरे गसा

· सासासा गगग, रेरेरे ममम, गगग पपप, ममम धधध, पपप निनिनि, धधध सांसांसां

सांसांसां धधध, निनिनि पपप, धधध ममम, पपप गगग, ममम रेरेरे, गगग सासासा

· साम रेप गध मनि पसां

सांप निम धग परे मसा

· सासा मम, रेरे पप, गग धध, मम निनि, पप सांसां

सांसां पप, निनि मम, धध गग, पप रेरे, मम सासा

· साप रेध गनि मसां

सांम निग धरे पसा

· सासा पप, रेरे धध, गग निनि, मम सांसां

सांसां मम, निनि गग, धध रेरे, पप सासा

· सा, सां

सां, सा

· सासा, सांसां

सांसां, सासा

· सासासा, सांसांसां

सांसांसां, सासासा

· सा

सा रे सा

सा रे ग रे सा

सा रे ग म ग रे सा

सा रे ग म प म ग रे सा

सा रे ग म प ध प म ग रे सा

सा रे ग म प ध नि ध प म ग रे सा

सा रे ग म प ध नि सां नि ध प म ग रे सा

· सां

सां नि सां

सां नि ध नि सां

सां नि ध प ध नि सां

सां नि ध प म प ध नि सां

सां नि ध प म ग म प ध नि सां

सां नि ध प म ग रे ग म प ध नि सां

सां नि ध प म ग रे सा रे ग म प ध नि सां

· सां

नि सां

ध नि सां

प ध नि सां

म प ध नि सां

ग म प ध नि सां

रे ग म प ध नि सां

सा रे ग म प ध नि सा

· सा

रे सा

ग रे सा

म ग रे सा

प म ग रे सा

ध प म ग रे सा

नि ध प म ग रे सा

सां नि ध प म ग रे सा

Holiday Assignments, class 9th  & 10th   


All students, please prepare any one Semi Classic dance like: Stuti of God, Tarana, Thumri and any Bollywood Semi Classical etc.



  The duration of the dance should be at least 3 minutes. 

  Whatever you prepare for the dance, bring it with you when school opens and also share it on WhatsApp


For more information or any clarification, call or send the mail.


Thanks & Regards

Holiday HomeWork 2020-21

Subject: Art Education Class: 9th & 10th

Note: 1) I am providing you some images; you can use that as a reference.

2) Please mention your Name, Class and Section on the backside of the sheet.

Activity: 1 Do any one of the Indian Folk Painting:

a) Madhubani Painting

b) Gond Painting

c) Warli Painting

d) Kalamkari Painting

Material Required: A3size sheet (Cartridge or ivory), Poster Colours, etc

Activity: 2 Poster Making (Choose any one of the following Topics):

a) Women Empowerment

b) Awareness about COVID-19

c) Benefits of YOGA

Material Required: A3 size sheet (Cartridge or ivory), colour (poster/acrylic).

MGD Girls ‘School, JaipurHoliday Home work 20-21

Subject: Sculpture

Class: 9th


· In case any query please contact on this mail ID : [email protected]

How to make glass bottle decoration with newspaper—

Material required:

- Newspaper,

- Glue,

- Bottle

- Cardboard

Video Link:





Make project on one game and sports-Basketball, Throwball, Swimming and Athletics (any two track and field events)

1. Show your creativity in project presentation.

2. Project to be done neatly in a scrap book to be assessed and evaluated.

3. Write about the history of the games and sports.

4. Mention all rules and regulations of the game and sports

5. Write any five names of national and international players along with their photographs.

6. Play (Indoor games like Carom, Chess) one hour every day for your mental and physical fitness.

7 .Do 15-20 minutes stretching exercises/skipping/zumba/aerobics etc.





In present scenario daily Yoga and exercises practices are very much required for every individual.

Students during holidays, as I always ask you to take a Yoga session at home for your parents and grandparents.

You should practice these daily with your family.

1. Om chanting-9 times

2. Spot jogging-1 minute

3. Neck exercises, shoulder rotation, simple leg bending from knee

4. Forward-backward bending

5. Spinal twisting

6. Paschimotanasan-30 seconds

7. Dhanurasan-15 seconds

8. Pawanmuktasan-30 seconds

9. Shavasan-2 minutes

10. Bhastrika Pranayam-1-2 minutes (deep breathing little fast)

11. Kapalbhati-50 strokes

12. Anulom-vilom-5 minutes

13 .Bhramari Pranayam-5 times

14. Meditation (concentrate and feel your natural breathing)

15. Laughing exercise.

You will make a page of daily attendance it will be checked after holidays.

*Drink water in a sufficient amount *Pray God to keep this universe happy and healthy.

* Don’t take stress

*Pray God to keep this universe Happy and Healthy.

1. Show your creativity in project presentation.

2. Write about the history of the games and sports.

2. Mention all rules and regulations of the games and sports.

4. Write any five names of national and international players along with their photographs.

5. Play (Indoor games like Carom, Chess) one hour every day for your mental and physical fitness.

6 .Do 20-30 minutes stretching exercises/skipping/zumba/aerobics etc.