
10/22/2013 1 “International” Accreditation for Engineering Education Initiation & Preparation Process toward “JABEE Accreditation” (Japan Accreditation Board for Engineering Education) Department of Mechanical & Biosystem Engineering Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) M. Faiz Syuaib 2013 Presentation Outline ¾ Definisi dan Konsep Dasar Akreditasi ¾ Akreditasi JABEE: Introduksi Singkat ¾ Persiapan dan Implementasi Proses Akreditasi JABEE untuk S1 TMB-IPB ¾ Kerangka Dasar Penyusunan Kurikulum “JABEE”: o Conceptual Mechanism: “P-D-C-A” o JABEE Criteria: 9 Criterion #1: Learning Outcomes 9 Criterion #2: Educational Method 9 Criterion #3: Achievement of Learning Outcomes MFS_TMB-IPB_2012/13 9 Criterion #4: Educational Improvement ¾ Self Review Report (SR) o Learning Outcomes (LO) o Evaluation Method to Achieve LO o Curriculum Mapping to Achieve LO DEFINITION Accreditation: “The act of granting credit or recognition (especially with respect to educational institution that maintains suitable standards)”. English Dictionary: Akreditasi: “Pengakuan terhadap suatu lembaga pendidikan yang diberikan oleh badan yang berwenang setelah dinilai bahwa lembaga itu memenuhi syarat kebakuan atau kriteria tertentu”. Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia: BAN PT (UU RI N0 20/2003) MFS_TMB-IPB_2012/13 Akreditasi: “Kegiatan yang dilakukan untuk menentukan kelayakan program dan satuan pendidikan pada jalur pendidikan formal dan non formal pada setiap jenjang dan jenis pendidikan berdasarkan kriteria yang bersifat terbuka”. BAN-PT (UU RI N0. 20/2003) : SYARAT LEMBAGA LEMBAGA BERWENANG (Akreditor) DEFINITION SYARAT, KRITERIA, STANDAR Kebakuan LEMBAGA, PROGRAM, SATUAN Pendidikan Assessment MFS_TMB-IPB_2012/13 Accredited (recognized) TERPENUHI atau TIDAK Failed (Not Accredited) Ya Tidak


JABEE mechanism

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“International” Accreditation for Engineering Education

Initiation & Preparation Process toward “JABEE Accreditation”(Japan Accreditation Board for Engineering Education)


Department of Mechanical & Biosystem EngineeringBogor Agricultural University (IPB)

M. Faiz Syuaib2013

Presentation OutlineDefinisi dan Konsep Dasar Akreditasi

Akreditasi JABEE: Introduksi Singkat

Persiapan dan Implementasi Proses Akreditasi JABEE untuk S1 TMB-IPB

Kerangka Dasar Penyusunan Kurikulum “JABEE”:

o Conceptual Mechanism: “P-D-C-A”o JABEE Criteria:

Criterion #1: Learning OutcomesCriterion #2: Educational MethodCriterion #3: Achievement of Learning Outcomes


Criterion #4: Educational Improvement

Self Review Report (SR)

o Learning Outcomes (LO)o Evaluation Method to Achieve LOo Curriculum Mapping to Achieve LO


Accreditation: “The act of granting credit or recognition (especially with respect to educational institution that maintains suitable standards)”.

English Dictionary:

Akreditasi: “Pengakuan terhadap suatu lembaga pendidikan yang diberikan oleh badan yang berwenang setelah dinilai bahwa lembagaitu memenuhi syarat kebakuan atau kriteria tertentu”.

Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia:

BAN PT (UU RI N0 20/2003)


Akreditasi: “Kegiatan yang dilakukan untuk menentukan kelayakanprogram dan satuan pendidikan pada jalur pendidikan formal dan non formal pada setiap jenjang dan jenis pendidikan berdasarkan kriteriayang bersifat terbuka”.

BAN-PT (UU RI N0. 20/2003) :









Accredited (recognized)



Failed (Not Accredited)



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M t l R iti & E i l th St d d

Global/Regional Networking to assure quality worldwide

WA, SA, DA, APQN, NABEEA, etc. (consensus ?)

Syarat, Standard, KriteriaLembaga / Badan / Institusi /

JABEE.…?, ABET…?, BEM… ?, CAST…..?, ABEEK…?, etc…?

Mutual Recognition & Equivalency among the Standards

To assure quality within a nation, principally!



Akreditasi Internasional (International Accreditation) …..?

Syarat, Standard, KriteriaInternasional …..?

Lembaga / Badan / Institusi / Akreditor Internasional …..?

“Global Mobility” ofhuman power, academics, professionals for global co-prosperity

JABEE: Introduction

Japan Accreditation Board for Engineering Education,

Didirikan pada 19 November 1999,

Organisasi independen, beranggotakan representasi himpunan profesi-hi f i bid ji i d bid k d ik t t thimpunan profesi bidang enjinering dan bidang akademik tertentu,

Tujuan: menjamin pelaksanaan program pendidikan keteknikan(engineering) di Jepang dengan kriteria yang terstandar danberkesetaraan internasional,

Bersifat akreditasi program studi (bukan akreditasi institusi secarakeseluruhan),


Prinsip akreditasi JABEE bersifat “voluntarily” (keinginan sendiriuniversitas/prodi yang bersangkutan) dengan tujuan dan kesadaranuntuk meningkatan kualitas akademik; bukan karena “keterpaksaanregulasi”.

JABEE: Introduction1999: JABEE berdiri,

2000: menandatangani MoU dengan ABET (USA),

2001: akreditasi S1 (bachelor) mulai dilaksanakan,

2001: menjadi provisional member of Washington Accord (WA),

2005: menjadi signatory WA (the first non-English speaking country),

2006: full member of Asia-Pacific Quality Network (APQN),

2007: akreditasi S2 (master) mulai dilaksanakan,

2007: menginisiasi berdirinya “Network of Accreditation Bodies forEngineering Education in Asia”,


2008: menjadi signatory Seoul Accord.

2010: telah mengakreditasi 435 prodi S1, dan 4 prodi S2 di Jepang,

2010: kongres memutuskan untuk dapat mengakreditasiuniversitas di luar Jepang Indonesia (IPB) adalah yangpertama, dan besar kemungkinan yang terakhir…

JABEE: Missions & Characteristics

International equivalency of engineering education programs,

Improvement for the quality of engineering education,

Foster engineers capable to work internationallyFoster engineers capable to work internationally.

Voluntary accreditation (not enforced by laws),

Non governmental organization (autonomous)

Independent from educational institutions


Independent from educational institutions,

Discipline based examination,

Examinations by engineering societies.

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JABEE: Missions & Characteristics

Not interfere distinctive characteristics, diversity, and innovation of theeducational institution,

Support educational improvement of the program operating institution,

Implemented by request of the program operating institution notbe by enforcement,

Criteria and process of accreditation shall be disclosed (transparency),

Neutral and authoritative third-party evaluation,

Accredited programs shall be disclosed,

Accreditation shall have term of validity (mostly 6 years)


Accreditation shall have term of validity (mostly 6 years),

Evaluation shall be fair and consistent,

Unnecessary works shall not be created and shall economize cost,

System itself shall be evaluated and revised periodically.

JABEE: List of Accredited Field in Bachelor Program


Program Akreditasi Internasional di IPB

Bachelor Program in Agricultural Engineering

Departemen Teknik Mesin & Biosistem(Department of Mechanical & Bio-system Engineering)

Akreditasi ke: JABEE


C ibili k k k i ik i i d i i


-Compatibility : konten, karakteristik, visi dan misi,- Fleksibilitas terhadap karakteristik dan konten spesifik prodi,- Kemudahan dalam proses, prosedur, waktu, harga (biaya),- Reputasi: signatory berbagai international accord,- Kedekatan Dep. TMB dengan sistem pendidikan Jepang , - Diversifikasi afiliasi akreditor internasional,- Suport berdirinya network di Indonesia “IABEE” NABEEA

Accreditation Process: General Flow & Time-line


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Accreditation Process: General Flow & Time-line


Accreditation Process: General Flow & Time-line


Accreditation Process: General Flow & Time-line


Accreditation Process: General Flow & Time-line


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Accreditation Process: Time-line of DMBE-IPBPersiapan(2010-2011)

Deklarasi:stakeholders & web

(S 2011)

Pengajuan resmiAkreditasi kpd JABEE

(Okt 2013)

(Sep 2011)

Implementasi Programsesuai kriteria JABEE

(Sep 2011~ Jun 2014)

Termasuk di dalamnya:- Penyempurnaan dan

penyesuaian dokumen

Pengiriman dokumenSR kpd JABEE

(Juli 2014)

On-site visit olehreviewer JABEE

(Okt-Nop 2014, approx.)


penyesuaian dokumenakademik sesuai kriteria,

- Penyempurnaan danpenyesuaian kegiatanakademik yg diperlukan

- Penyusunan dokumen SR (Vol 1 & Vol 2)

Pengumuman hasiloleh JABEE

(Apr-Mei 2015, approx.)

JABEE Certificate

1.Penyesuaian Sistem dan Prosedur AkademikIdentifikasi penyesuaian pelaksanaan akademik danperubahan dokumen-dokumen terkait agar sesuai dengan

Accreditation Process: Persiapan & Penyesuaian

kriteria JABEE,

Menyusun kerangka “LO” dan implementasinya,

Menuangkan data dan informasi umum ke dalam website,

Penyiapan sarana/prasarana untuk pelaksanaan kegiatanakademik yang sesuai dengan kriteria JABEE,


y g g ,

Pelaksanaan kegiatan akademik sesuai kriteria dan LOyang telah direncanakan selama 3 tahun,

Penyiapan material untuk SR serta bukti-buktipendukungnya.

2. Penyusunan Dokumen AkreditasiDokumen dalam bentuk fisik harus disusun dan disiapkandalam Bahasa Inggeris (sebagian besar material dokumend l h k tib l d t i l BAN PT)

Accreditation Process: Persiapan & Penyesuaian

adalah kompatibel dengan material BAN-PT),Penyusunan dokumen akreditasi (SR, Vol. 1 & Vol. 2),Penyusunan dokumen bukti pendukung:• Course syllabi,• Academics guidance & SOPs,• Academics records,


,• Hand-out, hand-book,• Katalog kurikulum,• Profil departemen,• Leaflet departemen,• Stakeholders meeting.


“Role model” lulusanyang dihasilkan

b d k i i i iMandato 4 s

Educational Improvement:- Evaluasi Diri (sesuai sistem yang berlaku),- Konsiderasi kriteria profesi & kebutuhan stakeholder,- Dokumentasi & Notulensi,- Perbaikan Berkelanjutan (Continuous Improvement)

Criterion #1: LO “PLAN”Criterion #2: Ed. Method “DO”

Criterion #4: Improvement “ACT”

berdasarkan visi, misidan tujuan pendidikaninstitusi serta harapan


“Profil Lulusan”

Category-dependent Criteria:

(a) ~ (i)

Mandatory: 4 yrs edu. sys, 124 csu,

60% math + nat.sci + eng. Sci.








s of




ons Item

s required by

Society &



“Learning Outcomes”

Pengetahuan & Kompetensi

SPESIFIK bidang ilmu

Educational Methods



Dosen, Tendik(jml keahlian)


Proses Admisi


Pengetahuan, Kompetensi, Keahlian,

Etik, Sikap, dll.

Items to be Considered : (a) ~ (i)

for Bachelor

Items to be Considered by Field:

Agric. Eng.

I rg(jml, keahlian) (PBM)

Fasilitas, Lingkungan & Pendukung Suasana


Achievement of Learning Outcomes:- Kriteria & metode evaluasi setiap mata ajaran,- Kriteria & metode evaluasi komprehensif kelulusan,- Kriteria & evaluasi transfer kredit (jika ada),- Setiap lulusan harus memenuhi kriteria

Criterion #3: LO’s Achievement “CHECK”

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Learning outcomes to be achieved

Knowledge and abilities of the graduates






(Minimum) Requirement level by the society (standard)

1.1. Profile of Graduate (Profile of ‘professional’ to be fostered by LO) :

JABEE Criterion 1 : Learning Outcomes

The program shall define its profile of autonomous professionals to be fostered.

The program shall take account of traditions, resources and fields of graduates to define the profile of professionals.

The profile of professionals shall be defined by giving consideration to the requirements of the society and the demands of the students.

The program shall broadly publicize the profile of professionals.

The profile shall be made well-known to the students and faculty.


knowledge and abilities which graduates are supposed to achieve at the time of the graduation,the model that the program expects the graduates to be after having gained experience as professionalsthe expected LO shall be well-known by the faculties and students,shall be established by giving consideration to the requirements of the society and the demands of the students

1.2. Category-dependent Criteria:a) An ability of multidimensional thinking and its knowledge from global perspective.

b) An ability of understanding of effects and impact of engineering on society and nature, and of engineers’ social responsibility (engineering ethics).

) K l d f d bilit t l th ti t l i

JABEE Criterion 1 : Learning Outcomes

c) Knowledge of and ability to apply mathematics, natural sciences.

d) Knowledge in the related engineering disciplines, an ability to apply.e) Design ability to respond to requirements of the society by using various sciences,

technologies and information.

f) Communication skills includes, logical writing, presentation skills and debating and fundamental communication skills applicable internationally.

g) An ability of independent and life-long learning


g) An ability of independent and life long learning.

h) An ability to manage and accomplish tasks systematically under given constraints.i) An ability to work as a team

concretizing items broadly disclosed internally and externally ,the expected LO shall be well-known by the faculties and students,taking account of tradition of the program, resources and working fields of the graduates, the expectation of society and requirements of the students as well.

JABEE Criterion 2 : Educational Method2.1. Curriculum design

a) Shall clearly indicate relation of set of courses and the learning outcomes in the curriculum.

b) Standardized course term and educational contents shall satisfy the items as defined in Category-dependent Criteria.g y p

c) Shall prepare the syllabus for each course in accordance with the curriculum. d) The syllabus shall clearly describe each course’s position in the curriculum,

the educational components and methods, the learning outcomes and the evaluation methods and the evaluation criteria.

e) The course hour shall be specified either in its syllabus or in related documents.

2 2 Implementation of Learning & Education


2.2. Implementation of Learning & Educationa) Shall implement education as described in the syllabus.b) Shall encourage active learning of the students and shall commit to ensure

sufficient self-learning hours for the students.c) Shall make students regularly review the degree of achievement for each

learning outcome to reflect it to their learning.

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JABEE Criterion 2 : Educational Method2.3 Faculty

a) Shall provide a sufficient number of faculty members to implement the curriculum with appropriate educational methods and to yield intended educational results, and shall provide the faculty with institutional support on education.

b) Shall have communications network among faculty for close collaboration among courses set in the curriculum to obtain better educational results.

c) Shall promote Faculty Development (FD) to encourage the faculty’s educational abilities.

d) Shall have a system to institutionally evaluate faculty’s educational activities.

2.4 Process of Admissiona) Shall establish concrete admission policies and procedures.


) p pb) In case the program admits students from other education institutions to

transfer into the program, the program shall establish and publicize concrete policies and procedures for such transfer.

c) In case the program allows students move between the courses within the education institution, the program shall establish concrete policies and procedures of moving in and out.

JABEE Criterion 2 : Educational Method2.5 Educational Environment and Students Support

a) Shall be equipped with classroom, laboratory, exercise room, library, information related equipment, self-learning and rest facilities, cafeteria, etc. necessary for the students to achieve the learning outcomes of the program.

b) Shall make efforts to ensure necessary financial resources to maintainb) Shall make efforts to ensure necessary financial resources to maintain, improve, and operate the educational environment.

c) Shall have a system as for educational environment and for students’ learning, such as to help students better understand lectures, and to enhance students’ learning motivation, and to take account of the demands of the students on such support.


shall be made well-known to the students, the faculty and the staffs,the system shall result in improving education,shall make efforts to ensure necessary financial resources to maintain, improve, and operate the educational method.

JABEE Criterion 3 : Achievement of “LO”3.1. Shall evaluate, on each course, the degree of achievement of the learning

outcomes for each student in accordance with the evaluation criteria and methods defined in the syllabus.

3.2. Shall have evaluation methods for credits, which the students have earned in other higher education institutions and the credit transfer shall be accepted in accordance with the defined evaluation methods. The program shall also have evaluation methods for credits earned by the transferred students in the previous education institutions and the credit transfer shall be accepted in accordance with defined evaluation methods.

3.3. Shall provide evaluation criteria and methods to holistically evaluate the degree of achievement of each learning outcome of the program. The evaluation shall


g p gbe made in accordance with the evaluation criteria and methods.

3.4. All the graduates of the program shall have achieved all the learning outcomes of the program.

3.5. By achieving all the learning outcomes of the program, all the graduates of the program shall have acquired the contents of (a) to (i) of Criteria 1(2).

JABEE Criterion 4 : Educational Improvement4.1 Self-review of Education

a) The program shall have a self-review system of educational activities in accordance with Criteria 1 to 3 on the basis of evaluation results of the degree of achievement of the learning outcomes.

b) Th t h ll i l d t t t t k t f th i t f thb) The system shall include structure to take account of the requirements of the society and the demands of the students. The system itself shall have self-checking structure.

c) The minutes of meetings and committees relating to the system shall be accessible to the faculty. Records of any meetings relating to the system shall be accessible to the faculty.

4.2 Continuous ImprovementTh h ll h t t ti l i it d ti l ti iti


The program shall have a system to continuously improve its educational activities based on the self-review results.

The self-review system shall be made well-known to the faculty,The scope of self-review and improvement here include all educational process and environment from admission to graduation.The self-review system and the activities for continuous improvement shall be implemented in accordance with the system.

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JABEE: Self-Review Report


JABEE: Self-Review Report


JABEE: Self-Review Report


JABEE: Self-Review Report


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JABEE: Self-Review Report


JABEE: Self-Review Report


JABEE: Self-Review Report

MFS_TMB-IPB_2012/13 MFS_TMB-IPB_2012/13

Prepared for the Workshop of

“Preparation Process of JABEE Accreditation”

the Department of Mechanical & Biosystem Engineering. IPB

Bogor, 23-24 October, 2013

By:M. Faiz Syuaib