



MexicoEducational System, Curricula, and InstructionRaymark D. Llagas MEM 657 Reporter 5Demography/PeopleIt is bordered on the north by the United States, on the southeast by Guatemala and Belize, on the east by the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico, and on the west by the Pacific Ocean.

Demography/PeopleIt is not only the nations most populous city, but with more than 25 million inhabitants the largest metropolitan area in the world.

It is the largest Spanish-speaking country in the world.

Approximately 55 percent of the population ismestizo, or mixed European and indigenous blood.

The political divisions of Mexico include 31 states and one federal district.

There are three branches of government: the executive, the legislative, and the judiciary.


Educational authorities and planners in Mexico are faced with two quite different and partially conflicting tasks: on the one hand, to manage and increase educational opportunities for the burgeoning population; on the other hand, to improve the quality of education at all levels in the face of this increasing demand.

Mexico has been implementing reforms such as standardized national admissions and exit examinations at different levels of education, teacher evaluation and professional development mechanisms, institutional evaluation and accreditation, and a set of rankings for university degree programs.


Mexico a consistent top-10 source of international students for U.S. institutions of higher education. The factors impacting U.S. travel to Mexico in recent years include concerns related to the 2009 outbreak of the N1H1 flu and a general plateauing of study abroad numbers among U.S. students during the recent global financial crisis.

POLICY, ADMINISTRATION, FUNDING AND REGULATION Until the early nineties, primary schools, lower secondary schools, and teacher education were under the direct control of the federal government, specifically through the offices of the Secretara de Educacin Pblica/SEP(Secretariat of Public Education) or state ministries of education.

In 1992, modifications were made to the Constitution and Federal Law of Education that transferred most of the administrative duties for these schools to the respective state ministries of education.

POLICY, ADMINISTRATION, FUNDING AND REGULATION The SEP continues to distribute free textbooks to primary and lower secondary schools throughout the nation, and the states are obliged to teach the curriculum set out by the SEP.

Upper secondary and higher education does not, in most cases, come under the direct control of the SEP. Public autonomous universities supervise their own programs, budgets, and teaching personnel, and often supervise the studies of private institutions of higher education. Public technological institutions and teacher training institutes fall under the supervision of the SEP, other federal agencies, or state ministries of education.

POLICY, ADMINISTRATION, FUNDING AND REGULATION Current legislation requires all programs at private institutions to have official recognition status.

The1917 Constitutionprovides that education should avoid privileges ofreligion, and that one religion or its members may not be given preference in education over another. Religious instruction is prohibited in public schools; however, religious associations are free to maintainprivate schools, which receive no public funds.

Proof of Mexican citizenship is required to attend public schools for free.




EDUCATIONAL STRUCTUREThe education system in Mexico can be divided into four main categories as follows:I.Educacin Basica (Basic Education)I.1Preescolar(preschool): Ages 3 6I.2Educacin primaria(primary education): Grades 1 6I.3Educacin secundaria(lower secondary education): Grades 7-9II.EducacinMdia Superior(Upper Secondary): Grades 10-12/13II.1Profesional Tcnico (Technical High School)II.2Bachillerato (General High School)III.EducacinSuperior (Higher Level)III.1Tcnico Superior (Higher Technician)III.2Normal Licenciatura (Teachers Training College)III.3Licenciatura Universitaria y Tecnolgica (University Degree)IV.Posgrado (Post Graduate Studies)IV. 1 Specialidad (Specialty)IV. 2 Maestra (Masters Degree)IV. 3 Doctorado (Doctorate Degree)

PRE-SCHOOL The General Law of Education states that pre-school education (preescolar) is a part of basic education, and therefore it is provided free of charge. Since 2004, one year of pre-school education has been mandatory.

It consists of one to three grades serving children from three to five years old.

Preschool is pre-primary education that teaches basic aptitudes and stimulates formation of habits. Beginning in the 2004/2005 academic year, preschool will be included in compulsory education.

PRE-SCHOOL Pre-school is considered a link between the home and Primary School.

The goals are the following:1. To prevent and detect developmental problems that may interfere with the childs learning.2. To increase the childs vocabulary and coordination.3. To promote and develop attitudes that will facilitate socialization.

ElementaryPrimary education is six years in length and runs from grade one through grade six.

Instruction is offered in primary schools that are alternatively known ascolegios(typically private),institutos, orescuelas.

The SEP is responsible for the content of the national curriculum while the National Institute for Assessment of Education(Instituto Nacional para la Evaluacin de la Educacin[INEE]) monitors standards inschools.

ElementaryEvery public and private elementary school uses common plans and programs of study, free student textbooks, and support materials for teachers, all written and disseminated nationally by the SEP. States may publish and use supplementary texts for state history, culture, and geography. The SEP has published a series of state monographs, also intended for use with the Elementary school curriculum.

Elementary schools may operate on one, two, or three sessions. The schedule is national:Morning session: 8:00 a.m. until 12:30 p.m.Afternoon session: 2:00 p.m. until 6:30 p.m.Evening session: 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m.

ElementaryDuring the first two grades, 45 percent of class time is devoted to Spanish. The school day includes a recess, during which students may play in the patio area and eat a snack. Children bring something from home or buy food such as eggs, French fries, ice cream, or fruit from the school "Cooperative.

Student disciplinemust conform to national norms. Teachers have Elementary responsibility for maintaining order and may call in a parent if the child misbehaves. The principal becomes involved if the matter is not settled or in the event of a serious problem. Individual schools have the authority to suspend or even expel students.

ElementaryExtra-curricular activitiesinclude field trips for which the students pay, clubs, and participation in community events. Clubs involve students in dance, drawing, singing, reading, or sports. They sometimes function during a special activity time during the school day on Fridays, or they may be organized after school hours.

Every Monday there is a ceremony to salute the flag, and a civic festival is scheduled for each month.

Junior High School Lower secondary education is three years in length and runs from grade seven through grade nine.

Students follow either an academic track (educacin secundaria general) or a technical track (educacin secundaria tcnica).

Instruction is offered atescuelas, institutosorcolegios secundaria. Graduating students are awarded the Certificate of Secondary Education (Certificado de Educacin Secundaria).

Junior High School It is tuition-free, and since 1993 obligatory.

Students take classes in: biology, chemistry, physics, a foreign language, arts, and technology. In addition, national curriculums are complemented by subjects and content relevant to the local area as decided by state governments.

Upon completion of the three-yearescuela secundaria, students receive a comprehensive transcript that allows them to apply to upper-secondary education.

There are two types of secondary education: general and technical, leading to a Certificado de Secundaria General and Certificado de Secundaria, respectively.

Junior High School The SEP determines the school calendar, plans, and programs of study.

By the 2000-2001 school term, all secondary students received free texts.

Secondary buildings may be used by the community for special events such as town fiestas, shelters during natural disasters,Telesecundaria, adult education classes, and public health campaigns.

Junior High SchoolThe school principal is responsible for the organization, operation, and administration of the school. He or she may be assisted by an assistant principal and a school secretary, whose job is more like an administrative assistant. There may also be personnel called prefectos, who assist with discipline and who may serve as substitute teachers.

There is a School Technical Consultative Council, which advises and assists with school operations. In schools with large faculties, teachers may be divided into "academies," which operate much like departments in United States schools.

Junior High SchoolThe teachers change classrooms, not the students, with the exception of vocational classes, labs, or physical education.

Discipline is regulated by national norms, administrative and instructional staff may establish rules particular to an individual school. School staff will inform parents and request a conference if the student continues to misbehave. The principal is the ultimate authority in the school and has the authority to suspend or even expel students for repeated or serious offenses.High School/Junior CollegeUpper secondary education is a further three years in length, after three years of lower secondary, and runs from grade 10 to grade 12.

Admission to upper-secondary school depends on institutional policies. Standardized examinations have been developed byCENEVAL/Centro Nacional de Evaluacin(National Center for Evaluation) for lower secondary school leavers and are used as an admissions criterion for some upper-secondary schools.

High School/Junior CollegeThere are a range of different schooling options, which include: SEP-controlledcolegios, state-controlledcolegios, private schools, preparatory schools (escuelas preparatorias) affiliated with public autonomous universities, and private schools recognized by the state governments.

Students follow one of two tracks:1. Academic University-Preparatory(Bachillerato General) 2. Professional Technical Education(educacin profesional tcnica) ACADEMIC UNIVERSITY-PREPARATORY (BACHILLERATO GENERAL)Programs lead to the award of thebachillerato / preparatorioand acertifocado de etsudios(transcript) attesting to completion of the program.

Higher secondary university preparatory programs traditionally have prepared students by disciplinestreaming in such areas as pre-engineering, pre-medicine, or the humanities among others. Programs within the general secondary education level lead students on an academic track in preparation for tertiary education.

More recently, however, the trend has been towards a more general academic curriculum during the first two years, followed by specialization in the third year. A foreign language, typically English, is compulsory.



PROFESSIONAL TECHNICAL EDUCATION (EDUCACION PROFESIONAL TECNICA)Leads to the title ttulo de tcnico profesional(title of professional technician).

This sector of upper-secondary study was formerly classified as terminal vocational study, but in 1997 the SEP designated it as preparatory.

Holders of thettulo de tcnico profesionalare now officially eligible for admission tolicenciadodegree programs.

Students take general education classes (mathematics, English, sciences, etc) in addition to professional classes in their field of specialization. Technical secondary education offers non-university programs that prepare students for vocational work or tertiary level education to become qualified technicians in specific areas of agriculture, industry, forestry, services, and marine sciences.

There is also a period of practical training and community service embedded in the programs.PROFESSIONAL TECHNICAL EDUCATION (EDUCACION PROFESIONAL TECNICA)


High School/Junior College In school year 1998-1999, more than 58 percent of the upper middle school students were enrolled in academic high school, 14.4 percent were enrolled in technical professional, and 27.4 percent studied technological high school (Perfil de la Educacin en Mxico, p.71).

The SEP has proposed the creation of a new administrative department to coordinate Upper Middle Education and has proposed a number of strategies to expand and strengthen high schools. These include: financial and institutional support, especially for public institutions; a system of scholarships; curricular reform; teacher training; and ongoing evaluation (Programa Nacional de Educacin, 2001-2006, p.182).High School/Junior CollegeIn the period 1971 to 2000, total enrollment increased more than six-fold from 290,000 to 1,962,000, rising to just shy of 3.5 million in the current academic year.

ADMISSIONCompletion of an academic or technical upper-secondary program (bachilleratoorprofesional tcnico) is ordinarily required for admission to tertiary level institutions.

Certain university departments require that incoming students complete higher-secondary programs in a track relevant to their prospective major field of study.

Typically, entrance examinations andbachilleratograde point averages are used to filter students.TYPES OF INSTITUTIONSubsistema de Universidades Pblicas (Public University Subsystem)These institutions have a large degree of autonomy over management, budgeting, and curricular content.

Subsistema de Educacin Tecnolgica(Technological Education Subsystem)Research-based science and technology institutions comprising polytechnic universities and technological institutes offering university degrees in engineering and applied sciences. These institutions tend to be very specialized, offering programs in just a few fields of study.

Subsistema de Universidades Tecnolgicas(Technological University Subsystem)Institutions administered by state authorities but authorized by guidelines established by the SEP that offer two-yeartcnicodegree programs incorporating on-the-job training in applied disciplines.

TYPES OF INSTITUTIONSubsistema de Educacin Normal(Teacher Training Subsystem)Offeringlicenciado degree programs for all types and levels of teacher training.

Subsistema de Otras Instituciones Pblicas(Other Public Institutions Subsystem)Specialized institutions of higher education including theInstituto de Antropologa e Historia, schools belonging to the umbrella institution of theInstituto Nacional de Bellas Artesand institutions of the armed forces.

Subsistema de Instituciones Particulares(Private Institution Subsystem)Private higher education institutions whose programs of study are supervised by either federal or state ministries, or by public autonomous universities. Higher Education/ UniversitiesUNDERGRADUATE STUDIES

Undergraduate studies normally last at least 4 years, divided intosemestersorquarters, depending on the college or university, and lead to a Bachelor's degree (Licenciatura).

Students follow one of four tracks:1. Tcnico Superior Universitario2. Normal Licenciatura3. Licenciatura Universitaria4. Licenciatura Tecnolgica

Advanced Technical Higher Education(TECNICO SUPERIOR UNIVERSITARIO)Offers two year programs during which students continues their technological degree to obtain their professional license.

consist of six 15-week semesters with 30 percent of the curriculum being theoretical instruction and 70 percent practical instruction and projects.

Upon completion of their courses, students receive a Ttulo Profesional, or professional title, which is a terminal degree.Undergraduate Level Teacher Education(Normal Licenciatura) First level in obtaining students professional degree in teaching, either at pre-primary, primary/basic, secondary, or higher education.

Upon completion of four to six years of study at a teacher training college, students obtain the title of Licenciado en Educacin Preescolar, en Educacin Primaria, or en Educacin Secudaria.

Secondary school teachers obtain the Licenciatura, Profesor, or Maestro upon completion of studies, or in some cases through in-service training.

For Higher Education teachers, students participate in specialized training programs to upgrade their teaching status or receive scholarships to study at the Master's or Doctoral level.Undergraduate Level Studies(Licenciatura Universitaria) Lead student to obtaining their first higher education degree, a licenciatura.

Generally, the Licenciatura, equivalent to a U.S. Bachelor's degree, lasts for four years, though certain fields of study requiring professional qualifications, such as Engineering (Ingeniero), Dentistry, and Architecture (Arquitecto), last for five years.

In order to obtain their degree, students must complete all coursework, participate in a social service program (generally lasting one year), prepare a thesis, and/or take a professional exam.Technological Undergraduate Level Studies (Licenciatura Tecnolgica) Lead students to obtaining their first higher education degree in technical studies, licenciatura tecnolgica.Higher Education/ UniversitiesGRADUATE STUDIESEntry to the second tier of higher education, the U.S. equivalent to graduate education, requires the licenciatura.

It includes;1. Maestra2. Especialidad3. DoctoradoHigher Education/ UniversitiesMASTERS DEGREE(MAESTRIA)

Leads students to a Master's degree, Maestra, upon completion of two years of study.

Requires the completion of coursework and typically a thesis. The licentiate degree is usually required for admission.

SPECIALIZATION(ESPECIALIDAD)Focuses on a professional concentration without elective courses, leading to completion of studies in one semester up to one year.

Upon completion of studies, students receive a title of Especializacin.Higher Education/ UniversitiesDOCTORAL DEGREE(DOCTORADO)

Leads students to a Doctoral degree, Doctorado, upon completion of three to five years of study.

It includes completion of coursework, original research and a dissertation.THANK YOU!