Methods of correction of characterological disorders associated with the detection of severe...

Methods of correction of characterological disorders associated with the detection of severe diagnosis. Anna Kashina, psihologist

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Page 1: Methods of correction of characterological disorders associated with the detection of severe diagnosis. Anna Kashina, psihologist .

Methods of correction of characterological disorders associated with the detection of

severe diagnosis.

Anna Kashina,

Page 2: Methods of correction of characterological disorders associated with the detection of severe diagnosis. Anna Kashina, psihologist .

Factors influencing the formation of identity

Factors influencing the formation of identity

Factor (lat. Factor «making, producing") - the reason, the driving force of any process

Inner Factors - Here belongs private activity of individual, generated by controversy, interests and other motifs, realized in self-education, as well as in the activities and fellowship.

Outer Factors - Here belongs a macroenvironmnet, -meso and microenvironment natural and social, education in the broad and narrow social and pedagogical sense.

Social Factors - Environment and education

Biological Factor - Heredity - anatomical and physiological structure, physique, physiological features, specialties of the nervous system, anomalies in the development of the organism,                           predisposition to certain diseases hereditary nature

Page 3: Methods of correction of characterological disorders associated with the detection of severe diagnosis. Anna Kashina, psihologist .

Protective mechanismsAlmighty control - self-perception as the cause of everything that happens in the world. Dissociation - separation of self from its unpleasant experiences. Introjection - unconscious inclusion of views, motives, attitudes, and so forth, perceived from the outside in an inner world. Denial - a complete rejection of awareness of unpleasant information. Primitive idealization - the perception of the other person as perfect and omnipotent. Primitive isolation, in particular a protective fantasy - escape from reality into another mental state.

Projective identification - when a man ascribes to someone a role based on its projection.

Projection - misperception of internal processes as occurring outside.

Splitting of the ego - an idea about someone just as good or just bad, with the perception of inherent qualities that do not fit in this assessment, as something completely separate.

Somatization or conversion - a tendency to experience somatic distress in response to psychological stress and search of medical care in connection with such somatic problems.

Page 4: Methods of correction of characterological disorders associated with the detection of severe diagnosis. Anna Kashina, psihologist .

The Grief ProcessShock





Page 5: Methods of correction of characterological disorders associated with the detection of severe diagnosis. Anna Kashina, psihologist .

secondary defensesCancellations or Reimbursement - an unconscious attempt to "undo" the effect of adverse events through the creation of a positive development.

Identification - identification with another person or group of people.

Isolation of affect - removal of the emotional component derived from consciousness.

Intellectualization - unconscious desire to control emotions and impulses on the basis of a rational interpretation of the situation.

Compensation or overcompensation - cover their own weaknesses by underscore the strengths and overcome the frustration in one area by over satisfaction in other areas.

Moralization - finding a way to convince themselves in the moral necessity of what is happening.

Acting out or discharging - the removal of emotional stress by playing situations, that led to negative emotional experiences.

Sublimation - redirect impulses in a socially acceptable activity

Page 6: Methods of correction of characterological disorders associated with the detection of severe diagnosis. Anna Kashina, psihologist .

Methods of correction of characterological disorders

Supporting technique: to create an atmosphere of psychological safety, patient education, linking anxiety to certain stresses

Expressive technique: secure borders, pronunciation of contrasting emotional states, the interpretation of primitive defenses, getting the supervision of the patient, support of individualization and obstruction regression interpretation at rest, the use of appropriate material countertransference interaction of mature and typological dimensions of personality.

Page 7: Methods of correction of characterological disorders associated with the detection of severe diagnosis. Anna Kashina, psihologist .

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Anna Kashina, +371 29902881