Methodology_MQ Summary and Scoring_Advocacy-Monitoring Capacity

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  • 7/30/2019 Methodology_MQ Summary and Scoring_Advocacy-Monitoring Capacity


    Summary and scoring of the NGOs capacity in advocacy/monitoring01/09/08

    Strengthening Civil Society Monitoring Capacity in MoldovaAnti-Corruption Advocacy / Monitoring Grants Program


    Ref. Deliverable no. 1 of the consultancy assignment - Summary and scoring for theNGOs in advocacy/monitoring and transparency:

    Reviewing the relevant sections of the management questionnaires and prepare asummary and score for each NGO, as well as an overall average, that indicate

    their individual as well as collective capacity in the critical areas ofadvocacy/monitoring and transparency;

    The Methodology used for the Summary and Score conception:

    Considering the overall objective of the consultancy assignment developing a technicalassistance and training plan for the grantees of the SCSMCM Program the approach was tobase the summary and the scoring on key areas of competencies in Advocacy and Monitoring.

    Competencies encompass a combination of knowledge, skills and behavior needed to perform

    a role, to conduct tasks or functions. Consequently, competencies are a relevant basis forsetting training and technical assistance learning objectives, as they constitute an essentialbenchmark in developing organizational performance.

    The summary structure designed took into consideration 3 key areas of competencies inadvocacy and monitoring, further detailed in specific competencies:

    I. Public Policies Influencing/Monitoring Competencies:1. Organizational commitment to advocacy/monitoring processes2. General competencies in the public policy field3. Development of the organizations advocacy agenda/objectives4. Competencies in influencing the public and political agenda

    5. Expertise and track-record in influencing public policy change/enactment6. Expertise and track-record in monitoring public policy implementation and

    evaluation of policy impact7. Impact evaluation of the organizations advocacy/monitoring activities

    II. External Communication, Public Relations and Media Advocacy Competencies1. Development of the external communication strategy to attract support in

    advocacy work2. Organizations reputation within community3. Media relations

    III. Inter-sectorial Partnerships and Working in Coalitions Competencies1. Political mapping and stakeholders analysis competencies2. Nature of relations with decision-makers, public and business sector

    representatives3. Networking and working in coalitions competencies

    The advocacy and monitoring competencies framework was further on described in terms suchthat they can be measured resulting in a Advocacy/Monitoring Capacity AssessmentMatrix (Appendix no. 1).

  • 7/30/2019 Methodology_MQ Summary and Scoring_Advocacy-Monitoring Capacity


    Summary and scoring of the NGOs capacity in advocacy/monitoring01/09/08

    Strengthening Civil Society Monitoring Capacity in MoldovaAnti-Corruption Advocacy / Monitoring Grants Program


    The questions of the management questionnaires Section G: Monitoring and AdvocacyCapacitywere filtered in terms of relevance for the 13 competencies listed previously and theSummary and Scoring Guidelines were designed for the individual and the overallAdvocacy/Monitoring Capacity Assessment of the organizations (Appendix no. 2 and 3).

    The information provided by the organization was classified, for each competency, in positiveindicators indicate the existence and development level of the specific competency andnegative indicators indicate the non-existence of the specific competency. Where no relevantinformation could be identified trough out the management questionnaire the symbol N/A wasintroduced.

    Part of the questions were not relevant for just a specific competency, but were possibleindicators for the overall organizational strengths and weaknesses in terms of advocacy andmonitoring capacity the information found in the answers was integrated in the narrative partof each summary.

    Each competency is measured on a 3 development stages scale Basic, Consolidating andAdvanced. In order to be consistent with the scoring rate of the management questionnaire,these 3 stages correspond to a 10-point scoring scale:

    1. Basic [1-3] indicating a modest capacity in terms of the specific competency;

    2. Consolidating [4-7] - indicating a good capacity in terms of the specificcompetency;

    3. Advanced [8-10] indicating a very strong capacity in terms of the specificcompetency.

    The even number of scores corresponding to the mid-stage allows a strict distinction betweenthe organizations with a solid advocacy and monitoring capacity and those that need

    considerable improvement in terms of the specific competency.

    Considering the scorings system, average scores are calculated for each of the 3 key areas ofcompetencies and an overall average score that indicates the general capacity of theorganization in terms of advocacy and monitoring processes.

    The summary and scoring methodology considers strictly the information provided by theorganizations in the management questionnaires and was used to structure, summarize andassess the information contained in the answers provided. Thus, the output is highlydependent on the input quality and, unfortunately, in all cases, there are considerable

    information gaps for the competencies assessed.Considering the summaries developed and the competencies framework, its recommended forthe next steps of the TA/T plan development process to more closely asses, through interviewsand group discussions, the competencies that had no positive/negative indicators in theanswers provided already. Once the levels are confirmed, all organizations can be engaged ina systematic development of their advocacy and monitoring capacity.

  • 7/30/2019 Methodology_MQ Summary and Scoring_Advocacy-Monitoring Capacity


    Summary and scoring of the NGOs capacity in advocacy/monitoring01/09/08

    Strengthening Civil Society Monitoring Capacity in MoldovaAnti-Corruption Advocacy / Monitoring Grants Program

    Advocacy/Monitoring Capacity Assessment Matrix



    STAGE 1: BASICModest capacity needs

    assistance on a wide scale

    STAGE 2: CONSOLIDATINGGood capacity, but still room for


    I. Public Policies Influencing/Monitoring Competencies

    1. Organizationalcommitment toadvocacy/monitoring processes

    Advocacy/monitoring activities are notstrategized and thoroughlydesigned/planned. In many cases notthe organization initiated theadvocacy/monitoring process, but it islater approached as supporter.

    Advocacy/monitoring processes areincluded in the projects developedand implemented by the organization.

    The organization has clear actionplan for each advocacy/monitoringinitiative.



    2. Generalcompetencies inthe public policyfield

    The organization has a track-recordof advocacy/monitoring activities, butis generally out-sourcing the technicalexpertise in the public policy field.

    The organization is familiar with thepublic policy cycle and the decision-making process at local and nationallevel. Still, on specific aspects of thefield, external experts are recruited.


    3. Development oftheorganizationsadvocacyagenda/objective

    The organizations advocacy agendais determined by grantingopportunities and/or by themanagements decision.

    The constituency is generallyinvolved only as beneficiaries of theadvocacy activities.

    There is an interest in reaching theconstituency and gathering input ontheir needs. Constituency needs aregenerally considered into theadvocacy planning process.




  • 7/30/2019 Methodology_MQ Summary and Scoring_Advocacy-Monitoring Capacity


    Summary and scoring of the NGOs capacity in advocacy/monitoring01/09/08

    Strengthening Civil Society Monitoring Capacity in MoldovaAnti-Corruption Advocacy / Monitoring Grants Program



    STAGE 1: BASICModest capacity needs

    assistance on a wide scale

    STAGE 2: CONSOLIDATINGGood capacity, but still room for



    im4. Competencies in

    influencing thepublic andpolitical agenda

    The organization has poor results inpushing its advocacy issue(s) on thepublic and political agenda.

    The organization has a track-recordof successful public/political agendasetting.



    5. Expertise andtrack-record ininfluencingpublic policychange /enactment

    The organization providesinformation, education andawareness creation among itsconstituency, the general public andthe decision makers on the advocacyissue and the policy changespromoted.

    The organization has severaladvocacy strategies in place cooperation but also confrontationtactics are enabled for influencing thedecision-makers and obtaining thepolicy change promoted.



    6. Expertise and

    track-record inmonitoringpublic policyimplementationand evaluation

    Monitoring activities are random and

    not very complex.

    On specific issues, the organization is

    actively monitoring the public policyimplementation process.

    The organization has reactioncapacity and mechanisms if abuses



  • 7/30/2019 Methodology_MQ Summary and Scoring_Advocacy-Monitoring Capacity


    Summary and scoring of the NGOs capacity in advocacy/monitoring01/09/08

    Strengthening Civil Society Monitoring Capacity in MoldovaAnti-Corruption Advocacy / Monitoring Grants Program



    STAGE 1: BASICModest capacity needs

    assistance on a wide scale

    STAGE 2: CONSOLIDATINGGood capacity, but still room for


    of policy impact and misconducts are spotted duringthe monitoring process.





    ju7. Impact

    evaluation of theorganizationsadvocacy/monitoring activities

    The organization is aware of theimpact measurement importance, butproper mechanisms/procedures andskilled responsible are not enabled.

    The organization has enabled a M&Esystem for its advocacy/monitoringactivities and the lessons learnt arepin-pointed and generally consideredin future activities.





  • 7/30/2019 Methodology_MQ Summary and Scoring_Advocacy-Monitoring Capacity


  • 7/30/2019 Methodology_MQ Summary and Scoring_Advocacy-Monitoring Capacity


    Summary and scoring of the NGOs capacity in advocacy/monitoring01/09/08

    Strengthening Civil Society Monitoring Capacity in MoldovaAnti-Corruption Advocacy / Monitoring Grants Program



    STAGE 1: BASICModest capacity needs

    assistance on a wide scale

    STAGE 2: CONSOLIDATINGGood capacity, but still room for


    and usually cover its activities. ce

    III. Inter-sectorial Partnerships and Working in Coalitions Competencies

    1. Politicalmapping andstakeholdersanalysiscompetencies

    The organization runsunstructured/superficial stakeholdersanalysis during the planning stage ofits advocacy/monitoring initiatives.

    The organization has carefullyidentified the local stakeholdersinfluenced/that can influence itsadvocacy objective and collects inputfor the stakeholders analysis.



    2. Nature ofrelations with

    decision-makers, publicand businesssectorrepresentatives

    The relations with publicadministration are seen as us-

    against-them and contacts areusually either avoided or consist of(polite) confrontations.Common initiatives are non-existent.

    The organization is able to approachpolicy makers with reference to

    operational aspects and public policyissues.

    The organization has experience insome kind of common actions withpublic institutions or business sectorrepresentatives.





    sre3. Networking and

    working incoalitions

    The organization lacks working incoalition experiences, although it hasbeen involved in some kind of

    The organization has a track-recordof coalition involvement onadvocacy/monitoring work.


  • 7/30/2019 Methodology_MQ Summary and Scoring_Advocacy-Monitoring Capacity


    Summary and scoring of the NGOs capacity in advocacy/monitoring01/09/08

    Strengthening Civil Society Monitoring Capacity in MoldovaAnti-Corruption Advocacy / Monitoring Grants Program



    STAGE 1: BASICModest capacity needs

    assistance on a wide scale

    STAGE 2: CONSOLIDATINGGood capacity, but still room for


    competencies punctual collaborations andappreciates the benefits of common

    endeavors in reaching itsadvocacy/monitoring objectives.

    The organization developed long termpartnerships and is an active member

    of several network in its field of work.Tfo


  • 7/30/2019 Methodology_MQ Summary and Scoring_Advocacy-Monitoring Capacity


    Summary and scoring of the NGOs capacity in advocacy/monitoring01/09/08

    Strengthening Civil Society Monitoring Capacity in MoldovaAnti-Corruption Advocacy / Monitoring Grants Program


    Appendix no. 2

    Advocacy/Monitoring Capacity Assessment-Summary and Scoring Guidelines-


    Overall score:

    Overall capacity:


    Advocacy/Monitoring Capacity Assessment:


    Relevant Questions for theCompetency Assessment




    I. Public Policies Influencing/Monitoring Competencies

    8. Organizationalcommitment toadvocacy/monitoring processes

    MQG2. Whattypes/topics/areas ofadvocacy or monitoringactivities did your NGOimplement or is interestedin implementing?

    9. Generalcompetencies in thepublic policy field

    MQG16. Describe themost significant advocacyactivities your organizationhas carried out in the pasttwo years, with anemphasis on activitieswhich were directly linkedto written reports or policyassessments youprepared

    10. Development

    of the organizationsadvocacyagenda/objectives

    MQG1. How do you define

    who your constituenciesare and what their needsare?

    11. Competenciesin influencing thepublic and politicalagenda

    MQG18. How did youensure officials interest forthe monitoring reports?

    MQG19. What

  • 7/30/2019 Methodology_MQ Summary and Scoring_Advocacy-Monitoring Capacity


    Summary and scoring of the NGOs capacity in advocacy/monitoring01/09/08

    Strengthening Civil Society Monitoring Capacity in MoldovaAnti-Corruption Advocacy / Monitoring Grants Program



    Relevant Questions for theCompetency Assessment




    arguments did you use to

    influence public decision-makers? Rights-basedarguments, evidence-based arguments?

    MQG20. How manyrecommendations fromthe monitoring report wereimplemented during 6months/ one year after thereport release?

    12. Expertise andtrack-record ininfluencing publicpolicychange/enactment

    MQG4. What level ofdecision-making wastargeted?

    MQG5. Whatadvocacy tactics did youuse (for all your advocacyactivities)?

    MQG9. What wasthe impact of theadvocacy activitiesimplemented?

    MQG 10. Did yousucceed to ensure policychange in the targetedarea?

    MQG16. Describe themost significant advocacyactivities your organizationhas carried out in the pasttwo years, with anemphasis on activitieswhich were directly linkedto written reports or policyassessments youprepared

  • 7/30/2019 Methodology_MQ Summary and Scoring_Advocacy-Monitoring Capacity


    Summary and scoring of the NGOs capacity in advocacy/monitoring01/09/08

    Strengthening Civil Society Monitoring Capacity in MoldovaAnti-Corruption Advocacy / Monitoring Grants Program



    Relevant Questions for theCompetency Assessment




    MQG22. Please

    describe how themonitoring activities couldcontribute to youradvocacy efforts?

    13. Expertise andtrack-record inmonitoring publicpolicyimplementation andevaluation of policyimpact

    MQG16. Describe themost significant advocacyactivities your organizationhas carried out in the pasttwo years, with anemphasis on activitieswhich were directly linkedto written reports or policyassessments youprepared

    MQG 17. Did you usemonitoring activities inyour work?

    MQG20. How manyrecommendations fromthe monitoring report wereimplemented during 6

    months/ one year after thereport release?

    MQG22. Pleasedescribe how themonitoring activities couldcontribute to youradvocacy efforts?

    14. Impactevaluation of theorganizationsadvocacy/monitorin

    g activities

    MQG13. How did youmeasure success of theadvocacy activitiesimplemented?

    MQG20. How manyrecommendations fromthe monitoring report wereimplemented during 6months/ one year after thereport release?

  • 7/30/2019 Methodology_MQ Summary and Scoring_Advocacy-Monitoring Capacity


    Summary and scoring of the NGOs capacity in advocacy/monitoring01/09/08

    Strengthening Civil Society Monitoring Capacity in MoldovaAnti-Corruption Advocacy / Monitoring Grants Program



    Relevant Questions for theCompetency Assessment




    II. External Communication, Public Relations and Media Advocacy

    Competencies4. Development ofthe externalcommunicationstrategy to attractsupport in advocacywork


    5. Organizationsreputation withincommunity

    MQG 12. How wouldyou describe the successof your advocacyactivities?

    6. Media relations MQG21. How manymedia outlets publishedabout the Advocacy /Monitoring activitiescarried out by your NGO?

    III. Inter-sectorial Partnerships and Working in Coalitions Competencies

    4. Political mappingand stakeholdersanalysiscompetencies


    5. Nature of relationswith decision-makers, public andbusiness sectorrepresentatives

    MQG8. Whoprovided you with thenecessary financialresources?

    MQG18. How did youensure officials interest forthe monitoring reports?

    6. Networking andworking in coalitionscompetencies

    MQG3. Did you workalone or in coalition?If incoalition what role did you


  • 7/30/2019 Methodology_MQ Summary and Scoring_Advocacy-Monitoring Capacity


    Summary and scoring of the NGOs capacity in advocacy/monitoring01/09/08

    Strengthening Civil Society Monitoring Capacity in MoldovaAnti-Corruption Advocacy / Monitoring Grants Program


    Appendix no. 3

    Overall Advocacy/Monitoring Capacity-Summary and Scoring Guidelines-



    Organizations inDevelopment

    Stage 1: BASIC

    Organizations inDevelopment


    Organizations inDevelopment

    Stage 3:ADVANCED

    Average Scoreand


    I. Public Policies Influencing/Monitoring Competencies

    15. Organizational commitment to


    16. Generalcompetencies in thepublic policy field17. Developmentof theorganizationsadvocacyagenda/objectives18. Competencies in influencing the

    public and politicalagenda19. Expertiseand track-record ininfluencing publicpolicychange/enactment

    20. Expertiseand track-record inmonitoring publicpolicy

    implementation andevaluation of policyimpact21. Impactevaluation of theorganizationsadvocacy/monitoringactivities

  • 7/30/2019 Methodology_MQ Summary and Scoring_Advocacy-Monitoring Capacity


    Summary and scoring of the NGOs capacity in advocacy/monitoring01/09/08

    Strengthening Civil Society Monitoring Capacity in MoldovaAnti-Corruption Advocacy / Monitoring Grants Program



    Organizations inDevelopment

    Stage 1: BASIC

    Organizations inDevelopment


    Organizations inDevelopment

    Stage 3:ADVANCED

    Average Scoreand


    II. External Communication, Public Relations and Media Advocacy Competencies

    7. Development ofthe externalcommunicationstrategy to attractsupport inadvocacy work8. Organizationsreputation withincommunity9. Media relations

    III. Inter-sectorial Partnerships and Working in Coalitions Competencies

    7. Political mappingand stakeholdersanalysiscompetencies8. Nature ofrelations withdecision-makers,public and businesssectorrepresentatives9. Networking andworking incoalitionscompetencies

    Overall Advocacy/Monitoring Capacity