methesda's adventure

Julia 4KC Methesda’s Adventures Once in a far away land there was a place that was completely perfect! There was no illness, bad language, or evil. No one had even heard of that in Torteliom. The people never died or were unhappy. Across the sea there was a place called Sockanomia. There were two leaders there names where Methesda and Sartotom. Methesda and Sartotom were arguing about who would be the new leader. They were both in the parking lot, arguing because there could only be one leader. Methesda lost the argument. Sartotom would be the new ruler. “Drats,” Methesda thought as she ducked under the door to her plane in the airport, “I wonder were I will land, hopefully I land in an evil place just like Sockanomia.” When she landed she heard a loud splash outside the plane. It was completely dark outside. She just knew it was a good land because it was quiet and peaceful. In Sockanomia it was always loud and never peaceful. Far of in the distance a boy and a girl heard Methesda land, Their names were Akly and Bibby. They both thought, “What was that?” All of the animals on the beach looked up from their sleep then went back to bed. The coincidence was that Methesda had landed in Torteliom!!! She did not know she was in Torteliom until she saw the sign, “Welcome to Torteliom the greatest place on earth!” She felt like a brick just fell into her stomach.


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Transcript of methesda's adventure

Page 1: methesda's adventure

Julia 4KC Methesda’s Adventures

Once in a far away land there was a place that was completely perfect!

There was no illness, bad language, or evil. No one had even heard of that in

Torteliom. The people never died or were unhappy.

Across the sea there was a place called Sockanomia. There were two

leaders there names where Methesda and Sartotom. Methesda and Sartotom

were arguing about who would be the new leader. They were both in the parking

lot, arguing because there could only be one leader. Methesda lost the argument.

Sartotom would be the new ruler.

“Drats,” Methesda thought as she ducked under the door to her plane in

the airport,

“I wonder were I will land, hopefully I land in an evil place just like


When she landed she heard a loud splash outside the plane. It was

completely dark outside. She just knew it was a good land because it was quiet

and peaceful. In Sockanomia it was always loud and never peaceful. Far of in the

distance a boy and a girl heard Methesda land, Their names were Akly and

Bibby. They both thought,

“What was that?”

All of the animals on the beach looked up from their sleep then went back

to bed. The coincidence was that Methesda had landed in Torteliom!!! She did

not know she was in Torteliom until she saw the sign, “Welcome to Torteliom the

greatest place on earth!” She felt like a brick just fell into her stomach.

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Akly and Bibby went to the Mayor’s house and woke him up. The Mayor’s

name was Quantian. He was an old wise man, when he woke up he looked at

Akly and Bibby and said in a wise voice, “What do you want young children?

Bibby thought to himself, “hmmm, how will I explain this to him?” Then he said

very quickly,

“ Well we heard a big heavy thing land in the ocean, and and we were just

wondering if you could help us find out what it is because you are so smart and


When he finished he was panting very loudly.

Quantian said, “I can help you but not right now!”

Akly and Bibby walked out the door and behind them the heard loud snoring

from the mayor. They walked quietly through the garden, through the skinny

pathway and up to the porch of the house and went back to sleep. Anikly had a

dream that Methesda was going to be mean and not care for the people in

Tortteliom. Bibby had a dream that Methesda would be nice and care for the

people in Torteliom.

The Next day Methesda put on her black and red dress and walked out

the door. Outside she saw all the little kids playing happily, The fathers walking to

work the mothers going grocery shopping, and out to the market. Methesda

thought to herself,

“Disgusting, everyone is so happy.”Methesda saw a little girl playing all by

herself with a pink teddy bear.

Methesda said in her nicest voice, “little girl what is your name?”

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The little girl said in a sweet voice, “ my name is Hysinth, what is you’re name?”

“ I’m Methesda, why are you playing all by your self?” asked Methesda.

Hysinth said, “my other friend Anikly is busy right now but I’m okay with


“Well then she must not like you then.” Said Methesda in a quiet


“No, she likes me she’s just busy making a sand castle.” Said


“If she really does like you then go ask her to play with you.” Said


“Hi Anikly can I play with you right now? Hysinth said.

“Sorry Hysinth I’m busy making a sand castle.”Anikly said as she packed

the sand in the sand castle.

“Hmmm Anikly must not like me,” thought Hysinth. Hysinth left her teddy

bear just sitting there.

“Wait, aren’t you going to bring your teddy bear with you!” yelled Methesda

“I’ll pick it up later no one steals!” cried Hysinth in the distance.

When Methesda heard that she thought of something, she will take the teddy

bear and hide it in Anikly’s room on the shelf so it looks like Anikly stole it. By the

way, all the doors in the city are all unlocked.

Methesda went to Anikly’s house with the teddy bear they were all gone

except for the dog. She crept up the stairs, into Anikly’s room and put the teddy

bear on the shelf and walked silently back down stairs and left. She went to the

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playground and spied on Hysinth until Hysinth went to Anikly’s house. Methesda

was excited to see the look on Hysinth’s face when she sees the teddy bear.

When they got to her house Methesda was struggling to keep up without being

seen. Methesda used a ladder to go up to the small window outside. She saw

that when Hysinth got into her room Hysinth didn’t notice the teddy bear.

Methesda thought of a way to make her look at the bear. She got the lazer pen

out of her pocket and pointed it at the bear. That caught Hysinth’s attention,

Hysinth saw the bear and cried to Anikly,

“Why did you take my beaaaaar!”

Anikly said in a scared voice, “huh what bear?”Hysinth stomped out of the

room and out of the house.

After that Methesda kept doing tricks after tricks after tricks. Methesda played

tricks on almost everyone in Torteliom, Even Akly and Bibby.

Bibby and Akly didn’t know that they were both walking on each side of

Methesda’s tent but they could’nt see each other. They both over heard

Methesda practicing evil on a stolen doll. They both heard Methesda say,

“Ha ha ha this is going great I’m tricking every body in town and now the

parents are arguing, friend don’t like each other any more and so forth!”

Akly and Bibby both walked around the same corner of the tent and bumped into

each other. Akly apologized to Bibby, and Bibby apologized to Akly for being

rude. Then they realized they needed to warn the city that it was actually

Methesda just tricking everyone.

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Akly and Bibby got to the city and warned everyone. Some didn’t believe

but most did because they realized there friends and family wouldn’t be mean to

them. The ones that didn’t believe were sent to Sockanomia. Quantian realized

too that Methesda should be sent away. They all tied Methesda’s hands and feet

with rope and sent her back to Sockanomia. In Sockonomia Methesda was put in

jail for two years. Back in Torteliom it was completely perfect again.