MESSAGES - University Women's...

MESSAGES Issue 3 /\ Publication Promoting Programs of the University Wome n's Club November 2005 Song of the Alpine Joyce Gellhorn University Memorial Center Aspen Room Tuesday, November 8, 2005 , I l :30 a.m. (Reservation by Tuesday, November I) Colorado's high country ha s inttigued Joyce Gellhom for over fifty years as a destinati on, as well as a place to explore and study. She has taught sc1ence and natural history classes in Boulder County for over twenty-five yea rs to stud ents ranging in age from four to eighty-four. She holds a Ph.D. m botany with a spec ialty in plant eco logy and has writt en more than eighty articles and chapter s for science textbooks. Song of the A lp ine is her first book. Dr. Ge llhorn 's presentation, "Song of the Alpine," fea tur es slides and discusses adaptations of plant s and animals living through the rigors of all seaso ns m the Rocky Mountain alpin e tundra. No one can full y appreciate or understand this beautiful area without some acquaint anc e with it through all seaso ns of the year. The talk covers clim ate and includ es stories about the activities of plants and anim als m the differe nt seaso n s. In additi on , human use of alpine areas ts examin ed from prehistoric Native Americans to the present time. President 's Letter What do yo u think of when you turn your calendar page lo Nove mber? Pumpk in pie? Homecoming? Elections? Veterans? Nove mber means to me the end of autumn. Mom's birthd ay, All-State music festiva ls, and (for 30+ yea rs as a university professo r) final preparat ions for end-of-semester choral concerts. Growing up in Iowa literally meant going over the river (the Misso uri) to Grand mother ·s house for Tha nks- giving. From high schoo l days. the focus for me was All-Stale music festivals al the end of the month. For four yea rs I playe d in the All -Stale Band ({irst cha ir in the bass cla rinet section when I was a senior!). Later. as a neophyte in the teaching profession , I en tered voca l quartets in the competition for All-Stale Chants. As a retiree, howeve r, Nove mber has taken on new meanin g. I freque ntly travel to far off places dur ing th is month . Nove mber 2005 is no exccplio n- l wi ll soo n be on my way to Egyp t! But the Unive rsity Women ·s Club keeps ro lling along w ith a plethora of activities fo r its members. The ongoing activities spo nsored by the various interest groups keep many of us from falling into the doldrum s of "Herc Comes Winter.' ' The Lecture Luncheon on Nove mber 8 gives us a chance to learn something abo ut how living things thrive in alpine tund ra co nditi o ns. We wi ll be seei ng old frie nds as well as introducing our guests. At the end of the month, most of us will feast with family and friends while giving thanks for our many bless ings . And then. it's on lo shopp ing! So here's to an interest ing Nove mber! Appreciate the changes in the weather , the chance to connect with family, the opportunity to wear those clothes on the other side of your close t! Befo re you know it, 2005 will come to a close and we wi ll have lo start working on our New Y car ' s reso lutions. Nove mber is an exce llent in- betwee n time. Cherish it! Harriet Simons, Pres ident

Transcript of MESSAGES - University Women's...

Page 1: MESSAGES - University Women's… · MESSAGES Issue 3 /\ Publication Promoting Programs of the University Women's

MESSAGES Issue 3 /\ Publication Promoting Programs of the University Wome n's Club November 2005

Song of the Alpine Joyce Gellhorn

University Memorial Center Aspen Room Tuesday, November 8, 2005 , I l :30 a.m. (Reservation by Tuesday, November I)

Colorado's high country has intti gued Joyce Ge llhom for over fifty yea rs as a destinati on, as we ll as a place to explore and study . She has taught sc1ence and natura l history classes in Boulder County for over twenty-five yea rs to stud ents ranging in age from four to eighty-four. She holds a Ph .D. m botany with a spec ialty in plant eco logy and has writt en more than eighty articl es and chapter s for science textbooks. Song of the A lp ine is her fir st book.

Dr. Ge ll horn 's presentation, "Song of the Alpine," fea tures slides and discusses adaptations of plant s and anim als living through the rigors of all seaso ns m the Rocky Mountain alpin e tundra. No one can full y appr eciate or understand this beauti ful area without some acquaint anc e with it through all seaso ns of the year. The talk covers clim ate and includ es stories about the ac tivities of plants and anim als m the differe nt seaso ns. In additi on , human use of alpine areas ts examin ed from prehistoric Na tive Americans to the prese nt time.

President 's Letter

What do yo u think of when you turn your calendar page lo Nove mber? Pumpk in pie? Homecoming? Elections? Ve terans? Nove mber means to me the end of autumn. Mom's birthd ay, All-State music festiva ls, and (for 30+ yea rs as a university professo r) final preparat ions for end-of-semeste r chora l conce rts.

Growing up in Iowa litera lly meant going over the river (the Misso uri ) to Grand mother ·s house for Tha nks­giving. From high schoo l days. the focus for me was All-Stale music festivals al the end of the month. For four yea rs I played in the All -Stale Band ({irst cha ir in the bass cla rinet section when I was a senior!). Later. as a neophyte in the teaching profession , I en tered voca l quartets in the competition for All-Stale Chants.

As a retiree, howeve r, Nove mber has taken on new meaning. I freque ntly travel to far off places dur ing th is month . Nove mber 2005 is no exccplio n- l wi ll soo n be on my way to Egyp t! But the Unive rsity Women ·s Club keeps ro lling along with a plethora of activities fo r its members. The ongoing activities sponsored by the various interes t groups keep many of us from fa lling into the doldrum s of "Herc Comes Winter.' ' The Lecture Luncheon on Nove mber 8 gives us a chance to learn something abo ut how living things thrive in alpine tund ra conditions. We wi ll be seeing old friends as well as introducing our guests. At the end of the month, most of us will feast with family and friends while giving thanks for our many bless ings . And then. it's on lo shopp ing!

So here's to an interest ing Nove mber! Appreciate the changes in the weather , the chance to connect with family, the opportunity to wear those c lothes on the other side of your close t! Befo re you know it, 2005 will come to a close and we wi ll have lo start working on our New Y car ' s reso lutions. Nove mber is an exce llent in­betwee n time. Cherish it!

Harrie t Simons, Pres ident

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November 2005 Issue 3



You wil l want to save Nove mber 8, Dece mber 15. February 14, and March 14 for our popu lar Lecture Luncheons in the Aspen Room at the Uni versity Memorial Cent er. The varied topics and intere sting speakers will provide you and your friends a de lightful lunc heon experience on four more Tuesdays this season. All luncheon s begin at 11 :30 a.m. The luncheo n cost remains at $ 15 this yea r. Checks payable to the Univer sity Wome n 's Club are due by the indicated reserva tion date for eac h luncheon . Of course , you may write a check for all remaining lectures at once ! Checks for lbc luncheons shouJd be mailed to UWC, c/o Julia Lucr man, 6673 Olde Sta~e Road, Boulder CO 80302.

The Obesity Myth Paul CamJ>OS

University Memorial Center Aspen Room Tuesday, Dece111her 13, 2005, 11 :30 a.m. (Reservation by Tues<lav , December 6)

A native of Colorado , Pror. Paul Campos practiced law in Chicago before returning lo his ho111e state in 1990 lo join the law focultv of CU al Boulder. He has written extensively on the role ot" law in American societv . A recent book is J11risma11ia: the Madness of .--lmerica11 law . Since March 1999, he has written a weekly column for the Rocky A fou111ai11 News.

Prof. Campos will speak Oil his most recent book , The Obesity i\{vth. Campos will show, among other things, I ) how the nation -s most prestigious and trusted media sources misinfom1 the public about obes ity: 2) how weight-loss mania fueled the impeaclunenl of Bill Clinton; and 3) how the skim1y elite project their anxieties about over-consumption on U1e poorer and heavier tmderclass.

From Plato to Piglet Claudia Mills

University Memorial Center Aspen Room Tuesday, Febmary 14, 2006, 11 :30 a.m. (Reserva tion by Tucsda, , February 7)

Claudia MiUs is an Assoc iate Professor of Philosoph y at CU, working m U1e areas of cU1ics and social and political philosophy. She is also the author of over 35 children ·s books, including 7 x 9 = Trouble! (an American Library Assoc iation Notable Book), Makeovers by Marcia (a Junior Library Guild co>lPl' lion ) :mrl 7 in~,'< Rf,,, ~ Ril,IM .. nm (h Pr m o<:t rPr l'11t titlp)

Prof. Mills will be speaking Oil how her love of philosophv


influences her children ·s books and how her love of children ' s literature intluences her research and teaching in philosophy.

Solar Decathlon Ruby Nahan

University Memorial Center Aspen Room Tuesday, March 14 , 2006, 11 :30 a.m. (Reservation by Tuesda y, March 7)

Ruby Nahan is a Senior Technica l Conummicator in the Office of Conummications at the National Renewable Energy Labora tory. She works wiU1 research scientists and engineers in variou s solar energy teclmologies lo conununicale their research effort s and results to govenm1ent, industry, and U1e genera l public. Ruhy is a member of the Rules and Regulations and Organizing conunitt ees for the Solar Decathlon . As an organizer, she mmrnges all nomnedia communications efforts for U1e competition m1d event.

The Solar DecaU1lon is a competition to design, bui ld, mid operate the most attractive and energy-effici ent solar-powered home . Eighteen teams of college students from the United States (including Puerto Rico) , Canada , and Spain competed in 2005. The teams work for two years designing and building small homes Uiat must meet all the needs of a typical familv, using only solar energy. They brought their houses to the National Mall in Washington , D.C., where U1ey assembled a " solar village." While in D.C. , U1ey competed in ten contests . Some contest s evaluated team abilities in architecture , home design, and conununication s, while 0U1ers tested U1e production of electricity and hot water from solar panels lo perfonn all the functions of a home. From October 7 to 16, 2005, the public was welcome to visit the village , where U1ey were able to tour the houses, visit exhibits, and attend workshops on energy efficiency and solar energy. Rub y will present the results and highlight s of the 2005 conmetition and event. Leaming about the temns' work will be a great inspiration for all of us to think in new ways about how we use energy everyday

Page 3: MESSAGES - University Women's… · MESSAGES Issue 3 /\ Publication Promoting Programs of the University Women's

Issue 3 November 2005

SEE YOU AT CU A new era at one of the nation ' s top women ' s basketball programs begins thi s winter as fonner Tulsa coach Kathy McConnell-Mi ller take s over from the legendary University of Co lorado head coach Cea ! Ilan-y who retired last spri ng . McConnell-Miller win have four returning starters and eight letterwinner s on the court with her this year as the Buffaloes prepare for their exhi bition opener on Thursday, November 3, 2005, against the Colorado Schoo l of Mines in the Coors Events/Conference Center . CU opens the its regular-season home schedule on Friday , November 18, against Cal State­Full erto n. Other homt: game s are on November 21, December 8, 28, and 30 . For more information, sec www .CUBuffs .com.


Nominating Committee University Women's Club

2005- 2006

Ro se Marie Khubehandan i, Chair (303 -499- 1507) ; Gail Fergu son (303-545- 60 45) ; Clau d ine Garbv (303-49 9-4062) .

Send nomination s to the commillcc for the folio\\ ing officer s in the 2006- 200 7 ycnr : Pres ident-Elect , Secrcta r~1-

E!cct , Trea surer-Elect. Elec tion s \\ ill take place in the spring of 2006 .


Do you hnve an idea for a FUNd-rai scr? La st , ·car. U WC member s hosted a fow even ts at member s' home s to ra ise extra mone y for scholar ship s. If YOU have some experti se to share (a cookin g speciali ty , orgnni z ing n game afternoon , etc .) , let a 13oard member know . Janu ary ,, ould be a good time for a FUN (d) afterno on!


/\.s of Oc tober 10, the Univer sity Women 's Club had 221 paid member s (plu s 9 honorary member s). The amount recei ved for scholar ship s, to date , wa s $3245. A quick calcula tion shows that the average donation per member come s to approximately $ I 5. Thi s is slightly down from the $ 17 average a yem ago. We know that many organi zation s arc asking for mone y , especia lly at this time or year . The Univer s ity Women ' s Club trie s to keep its dues low so that member s will be encouraged to add on extra money for scho larship s . It is neYer too late to mak e a con tr ibu tion for deserving women studen ts at CU . Even if you have alread y paid your U WC due s, you ma y use the member ship form to send additi onal contributi ons. Thank s!

Karen D iamo nd , Member ship Chai r

Page 3

Sponsorship Brings New Benefit for UWC Members

·111e Unive rsity Women's Club is now sponsored by the Univer sity Pre sident' s Onicc . Thi s "offic ial' ' status came about becau se or our e-mail account s. As a result or this new status, members with intt!met acce ss and/or e-mai l account s through UWC will soon have acce ss to the Univer sity libra ry over the internet. In additio n, all member s may have patron privilege s. The membership will be infonncd once detail s have been \\'Orkcd out.

Spon sorship by the Unive rsity Presidenr s office came about because of a change in Un iversity policy . Now nil accou nts on Univer sity servers have to have an academi c or admini strative dcpm1mcnt sponsor. In addition , U1e Univer sity has changed the in fonnation used for providing St!curily for our accom1ls. Our full Social Sec urity number s will no longer be used. Instead , our birthdat es and only the last four digit s of our Soci al SL'CUrity number s will be used for sewrit y purposes .

Marge Defrie s, E-mail Conummic ations


We had some postal prob lems in Septembe r that resulted in your later-than-usual receipt or AIESSAGES. Please bear wiU1 us as we attempt to solve U1is prob lem. Remember : you can acce ss the infonnation that you need about our activiti es on the UWC wcb site- www .BoulderUWC .org .


Deadline for the Decembe r/January 2005 /2006 issue ts Novembe r I 0. E-mai l articles and infonnation to Kathlet!n.Salzberg@colorado .edu or mail lo 2 185 Kohler Drive , Boulde r 80305 . Ca ll KaU1lcen at 303-49 9-4128 wiU1 any quest ions.

Page 4: MESSAGES - University Women's… · MESSAGES Issue 3 /\ Publication Promoting Programs of the University Women's

November 2005

November I, 2005 November 8, 2005 November I 0 , 2005

December 6, 2005 December 13, 2005

Januar y IO, 2006

Feb ruary 7, 2006 February IO, 2006 February 14, 2006

March 7, 2006 March I 0, 2006 March 14, 2006

April 4, 2006 April 10 , 2006 April 18, 2006

Mav 2, 2006 May 9, 2006

University Women's Club Calendar 2005-2006

Tuesd ay Tuesday Thu rsday

T uesdav Tuesda y


Tuesday Friday Tuesdav

Tuesday Friday Tuesdav

Tuesda \· Monday Tuesday

Tuesdav Tuesdav

Board Meeting , 11 :00 a.rn. Lecture Lunc heon, 11 :30 a.m. AIESSAGES dead line for December /January issue

Boa rd Meeting , 11 :00 a.rn. Lect ure Lun cheo n, 11 :30 a .rn.

MESSr1GES deadline for Februar y issue

Board Meet ing, I I :00 a.rn. MESS -1GES deadline for March issue Lecture Luncheon, 11 :30 a.m .

Board Meeting, 11 :00 a.rn. J\1ESS4GES deadline for Apr il issue Lecture Luncheon , 11 :30 a.m .

Board Mee ting , 11 :00 a.rn. 11/£.S'.S'.-IGES.deadline for May iss ue Scholarship Lunche on

Hono rs Tea Tri-Board Meeting


Issue 3

Now is the time to start planning to prepar e your nomination of an outstanding woman in our community for the Margaret Willard Award , which will be presented at the Honors Tea on May 2, 2006.

The award , named after the first president of the Women 's Club , has been presented annually for the last twenty -three years to a woman who is an outstandin g female role model. You may want to consider a faculty member , an alumna still very invol ved with CU , a tireles s fundraiser who devotes considerable time to improving campus life, a UWC member who has made an outstanding contribution , or any other woman deserving this award.

Past years ' awardees include Barbara Lutes , Doris Olsen , Marcia Westkott , Susan Avery , Ceal Barry, Karen Raforth , Betty Walters , Jo Copland , Esther de Onis (posthumously) , Barbara Doscher , Donna Goldstein , Mary Bonneville, Joya Popo vic, Angela Thieman , Kristi S. Anseth. Katherine Moerke , Virginia Patterson , Marilee DeGoede , Elaine Hansen , Edith Deir Apa , Patricia Limerick , Jane Butch er, Julianne Steinhauer , and, in 2005, Barbara Brenton .

Nominations are invited from faculty, stalI , st11dents, alumni , and UWC members. If you choose to nominate someone deserving this award , please include a nominating letter , two letters supportin g the nomination , and a brief vita or resume (optional). Nominations should be sent to committee chair Vinita Sturgeon , 7034 Indian Peaks Trail , Boulder CO 8030 I . Deadlin e for nominations and supporting letters is March I , 2006. For further infonuation , call Vinita Stmgeon at 303-530 -3695 or email her at hlshirgeon @earthlink .net.


Page 5: MESSAGES - University Women's… · MESSAGES Issue 3 /\ Publication Promoting Programs of the University Women's

IS~UC .> .I\IOVcmoc r LlllJ::>

Interest Croups Chair : Barbara Zable (303- -l-l2-3077: zab lebj l@co

Afternoon Book Grou1>: This g roup mee ts al 2:00 p.m . on the fourth Tuesday of Lhe month in members' homes. New members are always welcome . The No, ·cmber 22 meeting will be held at the home of EYa Gerstle . 3650 -lth St.. Boulder 8030-l (303 -H 3-3 l 92) . The group will discu ss The 1 ·otcano love r by Susan Sonta g. In the event of snow. we w ill ca ncel the meeting and meet at a late r date. If you ha, ·c any que stions. please ca ll Rhea Little. acting chair (303- -l-l2-7-l86).

E,·ening Book Grou1>: Co-chai rs are Diana Beer (303-2-l7 -1106: darnallbee r(a_; m) and Linda To0tnr c (303 --l-l3-33 l 0: Linda.Toomr [email protected] .net). The group meets at 7:30 p.m. on Lhe second Thursda y of the month . The Nove mber 11 mee ting wi ll be held at the home of Helen Goldman . 227 5 Bluebell Ave .. Boulder 80302 (303 --l-l3--l953) . The group will discuss The Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys.

French Com'ersation Grou11 2: The Chairperson is Janice Bel.kora (303-5-l3-867-l : jbc lkora @co mcas . The grou p mee ts c, ·c!) ' Monday at 10 :00 a .m. throu ghout the acad emic yea r at members · home s for coffee and lively discussion in French only . If you are interested in joinin g this g roup. please contact Janice .

Garden Group: The group will mee t on Wedn esday morning . Nove mber 16 (topic/even t dec is ions made at the October 19 mee ti11g). For detail s. please e-mail Liz Schmidt (carsH 0l co mcas o r phone 303 -652-l-l95 . if yo u cannot e­mail).

Hikin g Group: Thi s yea r-round group mee ts on Fr iday s at 9 :00 a.m. Septemb er throug h May (8:30 a.m. Jun e-Au gust). Most hikes arc of modera te diffi culty and end ju st before 110011. Hikin g places val) · depending on the weather and preferences of the members. Meetin g places may also val) ' . Currently we w ill be mee ting al the eas t end o f Lhe lowe r leYcl of Folcy·s parkin g garage o ff 30th SLrec l. If you miss two or more consec utive week s. ca ll Nuril Wolf (303--l-l3-7958) o r Heidi Lynch (303 -499-5779) lo check on any change in plan s. since we sometimes change meeting places or take bag lunches for a more distant hike.

Investment Grou1>: Th e lnves lmcnl Club mee ts at 9:00 a .m. on the second Wedn esday o f every month in members· homes. Anyone wishing to join may obtain furth er infonnation by ca lling LaDo nna Shea (303- -l9-l-2-l65) .

Italian Conwrsation : The group meets weekly throu ghout the year. currently at 2:00 p .m. on Thu rsdays at Ca fe Bravo . 2-l25 Canyon Blvd. in the Watcr street Plaza. We welcome those who would like to chiacchierare with us in Italia n. For further information . please call Ma:xenc Wilson (303-530-46 19).

Music Grou11: The group is open to all pcrfonn crs and listeners . Th e g roup meet s on the second Monday of the month at 7:30 p.m. The Nove mber 14 meeti ng will be at the home of Maril yn Picchiotti no. 3703 Te lluride Circle. Bou lder 80305 (303 --l9-l-7-l79) . For more inform ation . please ca ll Jean Wainwri ght (303 --l9-l-12-l8) o r Dori s Garcia (303--l9-l-8860) .

Reader's Theater: A group has been fonncd to meet mon thly on the last Thursda y of the month at 9 :30 a .m. in members· homes. Currently the g roup is readin g plays sugges ted by its the memb ers. The Nove mber/Dece mber mee ting. our annual holida y Soup/Sa lad/D esser t mee ting. is scheduled for Dece mber 2 at 10:00 a .m. The g roup is prese ntly full : to be placed on a waiti ng list. please ca ll Rut h Wark entin (720 -890-0 272) .

Tea and Travel: Co-chairs arc Ginni e Ross (303-332- 60 14: Virginia.Ro ss@co lorado .edu) and Claudine Ga rby (303 --l99--l062 : claudincgarb y@ com cas . The group mee ts on the fourth Tuesday of the month at l :30 p.m. Anyo ne interested should co ntact the hostess. On November 29. Ro se Marie K hubchandani wi ll speak about Laos and China at the home of Roz Pfaff . 3 l 90 Lane Co urt . Boulder 80303 (303--l99--l060). There will be no meeting in Dece mbe r or January .

Winter Sports: Winter sports cnUmsiasts will meet occasionaJiy ai1d on an impromptu bas is (after big snows!) to go cross-country skiing or snow shoeing al c lose- to-Bou lder loca tion s. If you wou ld like to be on the list. co ntact Sheri)' Bruff (303--l 15-9970: She rry .Bruff @co lorado .edu) .

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No vember 2005 Issue 3

UWC Hikers are first to spot and report a small fire in Rocky Mountain National Park . Photos by N ancy Schwiesow , Septemb er 23, 2005 .

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Issue.: 3 Novcmbcr 2005

A Note from the Membership Chair

Welcome! Please fill out the member ship fon11 complete ly. even if you were a member last yea r. I wou ld like to ve rify all the infonnation that I have in the data base. Please print cle arly. espec ially your e-mai l address .

Please not e: bu lk mail is NOT forwarded by the post office . Ther efo re. it is important that you let me know if you plan to be away for severa l month s, so I can redirec t yo ur MESSAGES. Contact me with your temporary addre ss and the month s you ·d like the new sletter mailed to that address. or note it on the memb e rship form. For those membe rs ,, ·ho previo usly have g iven me thi s informati on, please do so again for confirmation .

Karen Diam ond 303-939-8656 Karcn .Diamond (qjcolorado .cdu

Free E-Mail Address

All current dues-paying UWC members are eligible lo receive an e-mail address through CU. If interested in subscribing , call Marge Defries al 303-494-6395 , or e-mail her at dcfriesm(a'colorado .edu.

:}_ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Name ___________________ Phone _________ ____ _ _

Address -------------------------------------­

e-mai l address

__ lam enclosing my dues of $25 . I am a new or returning member. (Circle one)

__ Enclosed is my tax-deductible contributi on of $20 for the scholarship fund. (Circle one)

$25 $30 $50 Other ---

Please make all checks payable to UWC (combine dues and donations) Mail to: UWC Membership, P.O. Box 188-U, Boulder CO 80308-18-U

l haYe a friend who might like to join the UWC. Please send membership i1lformation lo: Name

Address ------ -- - - ------- ------- ------------

Page 7

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University Women ' s Club of the University of Colorado at Bou lder P.O. Box 18844 Boulder CO 80308-1844

Return Service Requested

Caryl F. Kassay 2000 Kohler Drive Boulder, CO 80305 -5243

Non-Profit Org.

US Postage

PAID Boulder CO 80302

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w,vw.BoulderUWC.o rg

MESSA GES Deadline Deadline for the December /January 2005/2006 issue is November 10

E-mail articles to Kathleen .Salzberg@colorado .edu or mail to Kathleen Salzberg, 2185 Kohler Drive, Boulder 80305

Any questions , call Kathleen at 303-499-3128