Message of Swami Part 1

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Transcript of Message of Swami Part 1

  • 8/2/2019 Message of Swami Part 1


    today i start a seriese of discusion


    message from sai

    we see


    middle rich


    middle poor


    peoples in world

    all type of people in the world

    the fact is weather the person is rich or poor hardly any person is truly happy

    superficially the wealthy seems to appear having a nice time

    by contrast miserly has constant companion to the poor

    how ever all are with out expectation full of intensity and insecurity

    only the fears of rich and the poor are different

    there are some people who are always happy with out having any worries of the world

    some says the money is the key to happiness , and yet that does-not seems to be the case

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    at best all the money seems to garunties temporary pleasure

    what then is the secret of real happiness

    for decades swami telling us so many times

    these days all rich and poor are cut out of nature

    in ancient times this was not the case people live in the open and communed freely with nature

    and he often wonder what all all these things i see every day

    around me where did they come from

    is there a purpose in all that exist or non at all

    there is indeed a purpose the what exactly is that purpose

    where did i come from

    how did i fit into all this

    is there any meaning and purpose to my life and ifso what is it

    who determined that purpose and why

    what is called knowledge immersed from the answer to the questions like theses

    it is humans alone that have special ability

    reflect , ponder , inquire ,investigate , reason, to seek solutions ,and to acquire knowledge . in other

    words humans are unique , because they are having this amazing ability to be conscious

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    conscious of many thing including universe and all that it contain since god is the source of the

    universe , every thing in it , including our capacity to be aware and conscious has naturally come from


    so let us start from god himself

    god the creator is abstract ,formless , eternal ,and best described as ultimate and ultimate

    most religions proclaim that fact no question about it

    on the other hand , most devotees of baba , tend to think of god in form of swami alone , baba himself

    told , avatars are the embodied form the supreme one , special form tho

    in other words a avatar is a god with form , which he assume for a specific purpose and limited timeonly , at the abstract level the supreme god is nothing but pure consciousness , that is y the vedas

    declare " pra gya nam bramaa "

    which means god is absolute or pure consciousness

    since god is pure consciousness , and every thing including us come from him it is natural that some

    aspects of consciousness is present in creation also

    how ever consciousness is not visible to the eye there fore cannot see it

    nor we can detect it by instruments either

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    consciousness is beyond the senses , that is he 1st lesson we must learn

    nerveless this consciousness is present in the universe , further its power is immanent every thing in

    the universe for the cosmos , volcanoes , avalanches , tiger , elephant , and even the tiny ant

    baba says

    for all there is 1 cause

    baba describing bulbs

    u can see so many bulbs hear

    u can count

    there are many bulbs


    there is only 1 current that flows in all this bulbs

    that current is only the truth

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    it is the omnipresence of god baba describes

    bulbs are many but current is one

    jalaludin rumi a poet discribes in a poem

    i died as a rock , evoved as a plant

    i died in mineral

    i was a plant

    i died as a plant i was an animal

    i died as an animal

    i was a man

    so he tells

    y shell i fear when i died , but 1s more i shell die to be as an blessed angel

    but even from angel-hood i must pass on

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    all accept god perishes

    when i sacrifice my angel soul i shell become that which no mind never conceived

    so let me not exist , for nonexistence proclamations to him we shell return

    a question now becomes are we avare that we are come from god , and a life in the human form is

    given to us so that we may go back to god

    i am afraid most of us do not know that

    baba tells we waste our lives with out even bothering to enquirer of such matters

    which is y baba some times ask us and ans his question

    he asks

    who are you

    and he gives the answer

    you are the atma

    where did u come from

    from the suprime self

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    where are u supposed to go

    back to the suprime self

    baba then adds knowing this truth

    engage your act

    in the bliss of the supreme

    also known as supreme self or as atma

    God is omnipresent that means consciousness is present every where in the universe to the galaxies

    to the ant

    as scholars declared

    1) consciousness sleeps in a stone

    2) stares in a plant



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    consciousness expresses its self in humans at best

    so human birth is very very special , because it is human only who can give highest expression to the

    divinity latent with in

    by the way swami often tells us of all the birth , the human form is a rare privilege and a special


    the question now becomes how to what extent does consciousness flower in an human

    before we see the answer to the question we need some back ground

    swami says

    every human being is made up of 3 distinct entities namely

    gross body , suttle mind and the atma which is the couse for all

    where does all these come from

    let us start with the body

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    u and i will say

    the body is made up of blood bones flesh etc , very true but flesh blood bones are made up of

    molecules of various kinds

    ans molecules in turn are made up of atom

    ok but where do this atom come from

    u know some thing every atom in every human body can be traces to all the way back in beginning of

    the universe to the so called big-bang

    which where the universe is supposed to have been born

    by the way this is not some thing i am making up

    this is what

    morden science says

    thus our body is verily connected to the beginning of the creation

    thus our body is verily connected to the beginning of the creation

    since creation came from the creator we can say our body really came from god

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    and u know what

    just to contentiously remind us that we all came from him

    god has decided to make our heart as his permanent residence

    that is what swami himself often tells us

    since atma is just another name for god and god dwells with in us

    that also means atma is also a part of us

    so of all that we learn , we not only body complete with senses , and the brain

    but the atma with in us

    of course

    as a result we can not only speak of bodily jeans but also spiritual and divine jeans

    the difference is the bodily jeans come from parents and through there ansistor , the divine jeans

    come from god or atma

    we are now left with question that we also have a mind dont we , where is that come from ,

    we know all even animals have brains which is part of gross body of the animal concern

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    thus the rat has a brain the monkey has a brain , elephant has a brain and so on

    the humans who are the end product of biological evolution have also a brain a very powerful brain in


    we are now left from a question

    where is that come from

    we know that all animals also have brain

    rat , monkey ,elephant have brain

    and so on

    human who are end product of biological evolution also have brain

    a brain very powerful infact

    but they also have some thing much more than mear brain

    that some thing is the mind

    it is very difficult to describe mind , the mind is not merely brain that many think it to be

    it is some thing extra that is shuttle

    and between the gorse body and the causal atma

    one may think of it as a interface of the body and the atma

    an interface of the brain and the atma growing towards each other shell i say

    the mind is extreamly powerful since

    part of it grown out of the atma


    so powerful is the mind that in geeta krishna tells arjuna

    among the senses i am the mind

    and in living being i am consciousness

    it is this power of mind , directly derived from atma , which human evolved from their existence , and

    few 1000 years attain amassing heights

    that some thing is the mind

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    it is very difficult to describe mind , the mind is not merely brain that many think it to be

    it is some thing extra that is shuttle

    and between the gorse body and the causal atma

    one may think of it as a interface of the body and the atma

    an interface of the brain and the atma growing towards each other shell i say

    the mind is extreamly powerful since

    part of it grown out of the atma


    so powerful is the mind that in geeta krishna tells arjuna

    among the senses i am the mind

    and in living being i am consciousness

    it is this power of mind , directly derived from atma , which human evolved from their existence , and

    few 1000 years attain amassing heights

    in fact so high the humans swod that they now totally dominate the planet

    the mind is remarkable

    in that it can focus attentions not only out side but also with in

    thus it is the mind can ask who am i

    the question that baba raises and discuses in discourses

    to u and me this question may sound strange

    but when swami is raising this question what he is asking is the following

    of the three elements that make of your personality namely

    body , the mind and the atma

    which of these you identify your self with

    who am i

    who are u

    baba says u r three

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    the 1 you think that you are physical body

    the one other think you are mental body

    the one you arally are that is atma

    really are that is atma

    you are atma swarupam

    mind is like a mad monkey

    dont fallow the mind , dont fallow the body , fallow the consciousness

    that is your form that is love form that is true form

    having been this true form we wander so many directions

    what is that mean

    what is the mean if we say i am the atma

    what swami means that

    our thought , word , deed should reflect that the fact that we are atma

    to make us understands swami tells us

    if a persons who is dominated by the body and the senses will be like a animal with a tendency

    to be angry be cruel and so on

    a person dominated by the mind in other hand likely to be claver intelligent , creative

    but the mind dominated person could also be ambitious , conning , untruth ,unhuman , brutal , and so


    in the worst case the person can even be truly demonic

    what about a person who is tuned to the atma

    how would that kind of person be

    swami has discribed that person also

    kind , very loving always compassionate ,ever ready to help , always smiling and so on

    he would we the very embodiment of virtue and purity

    thus that ring a bell

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    may be it does


    that description reminds us of swami himself

    so that swami aften tells us your life should be my message

    so easiest way to say is "" love all serve all "

    do not think of hurting a peron


    yet how many people we find who confound at this principals sadly

    very few

    y is that

    that because

    the mnd comes in the way

    mind comes in the way

    it distract our attention completely from swami teachings

    swami often tells us

    our mind can be good friend and show us the way to god

    on the same hand that same mind can mislead us and hand us to the devil

    thus mind can be a friend or and enemy if we are not careful enemy is what the mind will become

    so what exact we should do to stair, turn the mind towards god

    the answer is simple fallow swamis teaching

    so now u can know y am i doing this small message serial

    we will recall many things swami has telling us all this years

    let us say our tourist has come thate are many cassino's , night clubs ,

    the man sees a gambling then

    feels a urgs to go and gamble

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    even tho he does not have much money with him

    this is what temptation is all about

    where exactly thus the temptation come from

    temptations is a manifestation of Evil tendency larking in the dark corner of the mind

    that is where it hides like cockcrows do


    when do cockcrows come out of hiding

    when it is dark and when there is no one around

    in the same way temptation shows its ugly face when there is darkness of spiritual ignorance

    so our friend the tourist is fall to the temptations of gamble perhaps make some money

    some thing is telling him strong warning

    not to fall to the temptaiton

    what is that poor fellow to do

    swami says what the man should do is simple

    he must get in touch with his atma

    this he makes via the pipe line called the buddhi

    he should ask the atma my mind is telling me to gamble should i

    or should i not

    what ever the advice the atma gives it should faithfully fallow

    atma would say u fool u came hear to do surtain purpose do not fall to the false attraction , it may drag

    u to ruin

    this is y swami says always fallow the master

    your concise is your real master

    --->consciences is your real master

    conscience ,indweller , atma

    all are the dif way to god who resides in our heart

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    let us go back to for a moment to buddhi for which we made

    a reference

    the simplest way to tell what bhudhi is all about is

    it is a hot line to god with in

    if the hot line is not kept in perfect condition we can not reach god when there is an emergency



    how do one keep this hot line in working condition

    swami has the answer as always he says

    he says

    always avoid bad company

    avoid seeing what is bad

    avoid hearing what is bad

    avoid speaking what is bad

    avoid hurting others no matter what the circumstances

    make sure u always feel good and think good

    make sure u always speak good and do good

    very complected rules are they

    they must be fallowed regularly remembering swami , god will be always watching


    1 does all that how does it help

    in the following way if u

    if u think u'r mind is misleading u

    u can diel the hot line and ask your conscience

    describing what the mind is asking you to do

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    then ask is it write or is it wrong

    then ask is it right or is it wrong

    is it selfish or is it selfless

    is there any anger or jealousy involved

    is there any cheating or dishonesty involved

    will it harm any one

    will it do good to others

    and make them happy


    will god approve of what i am thinking of doing

    if u ask all this questions sincerely u can bet , baba , swami , god , who is seated in our heart will guide us


    so there it is

    it is up to now

    2moro we shell go forward , continue

    om sai ram