Merry Christmas!

Issue 8 December 2011 Inspiration for Today from Tell it on the Mountain


Inspirational and uplifting Christmas articles and recipes

Transcript of Merry Christmas!

Issue 8 December 2011 Inspiration for Today

from Tell it on the Mountain

Merry Christmas Everyone,

Isn't this a beautiful time of year? The air is crisp and fresh! Actually it's my favourite time of the year! It's my Savior’s birthday! Can you imagine what it must have been like...Being there to see this precious little baby boy!? Wouldn't it have been awesome, if the whole Christmas Story could have been video taped and pass along from generation to generation?

Well, there is Good News, we do have it recorded in writing! Which is sooooo spectacular in itself. But, isn't it sad, that yet still in this day and age, there are many, many people who have not heard the Christmas Story?? Or, they have heard it and deny that it had taken place!

What are ways that you help spread the birth of Jesus? What are some of the ways you celebrate Jesus' birth? Send me a note and let me know, so I can share with the readers! Perhaps your traditions will become someone else's new traditions.

Pray you find this issue inspiring and uplifting! May you have a very blessed Christmas and find Jesus near!

Peace and Joy, Till next year,Deanne MacBurnie

Christmas Guest List

Kim Boehnke Mike Campagna

Paul Cheng Marilyn LeBlanc

Trevor Lund Guy Myers

Holly Myers

ChipAway WoodWorkingOutFlow MinistrySpreading Joy Corp.

I am so honored to have such talented folks contributing to “Tell it on the Mountain”I am blessed by your submissions & appreciate the time you give to us!

Please readers, won't you spread some inspiration back to our writers &tell them how they have inspired and uplifted you?

Jesse MyersStephanie Page

Christiana Rosetta Mona Vail

Christa WellsMarie WikleTodd Wilson

Wishes Everyone


Reminding you:

"There's no joy like Spreading Joy"

and helping you to make a difference by doing what you can, where you are - with what you


Gift Wrapped Opportunitiesby Guy Myers Ks

Christmas seems to be under attack every year. Just to illustrate how long this has been going on, Wisconsin has been calling the Christmas tree a holiday tree since the nineteen eighties. This year they're actually going to call the Christmas tree a “Christmas tree”. A poll I heard recently stated that over ninety percent of the people want to call Christmas, “Christmas” and the other few percentage work at the CBC (The CBC part is just my attempt at humour). So how should we respond?

I think we could learn a lot from those who celebrated the first Christmas (shepherds) and maybe even a few Christmases later (magi). One question I would like to ask that I find quite interesting is, why would people attack Christmas? Have you ever heard about someone attacking a person at their birthday party. Here we are, every year, celebrating the birthday of Jesus and people attack His celebration. What's with that? What could be cuter then the story about a baby born in a manger, whose mother was a virgin, people came to worship him and give Jesus presents. Isn't that how all birth's take place? People come to see the new baby and some bring presents. Except for the virgin birth and the worship part! These are a couple of things that separate Jesus from every other baby because if He's virgin born and it's okay for people to worship Him, then Jesus must be God, and if He's God, then people need to obey him and they don't want to, so they attack his birthday.

So people are going to attack Christmas! The question is how are we going to respond? I don't think getting mad and acting indignant would glorify Christ! We need to be thankful because people attacking Christmas is free advertising or, in Christian lingo, free evangelism. When the wise men started asking questions about where the baby was, everyone in Jerusalem heard about it. Why? Because the question they asked

was, “Where is he who has been born king of the Jews?” Well how do you think that made the King feel? It upset the King. It upset the King so much He wanted to kill the baby. I'd call that attacking a birthday party. Even though Herod wanted to attack Jesus birthday party, the benefit was that the news about Jesus got out to everyone. The Bible says it this way, “When Herod the king heard this, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him.” Notice it says, “all Jerusalem!” So attacks just help us get the word out.

The second way we could respond is to take the opportunity to ask questions. Questions give the Spirit of God a chance to convict and convince people who Jesus is. As we just saw, the wise men walked into town and asked a question. The shepherds did the same thing. The shepherds are an excellent example because their questions spread the word that that the Saviour was born in town. You might wonder what question the shepherds asked. If you remember the angels didn't say that Jesus was at 777 David street. The angels told the shepherds they would find a the baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger. So the shepherds had to go find a baby in a feeding trough . . . and were do you find feeding troughs? In barns. How many barns where in Bethlehem? Probably one at every house, so its a good thing Bethlehem was a small town. Picture the shepherds knocking on every ones door asking, “Is there a baby in your barn, laying in the feeding trough?” You can just imagine the questions. “No, why would there be a baby in our barn?” Then the shepherds could tell them that angels had told them the Saviour was lying in a manger. I'm sure many people didn't believe them, but they sure got the word out all over town and then allowed the Holy Spirit to linger to convince and convict people who Jesus is.

So, I encourage you, don't worry about people Continued on next pg . . .

Gift Wrapped Opportunities cont. . .

attacking Jesus' birthday party. Jesus can defend Himself! Just remember, Jesus is so awesome He can use the attacks against Him to get the word out about who he is. If you want to help get the word out who Jesus is (and you should want to), then learn to ask good questions and then sit back and watch the Holy Spirit work.

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor,

The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6

Pure Eleganceby Holly Myers

Thought for the Month: “Let Us All Celebrate Jesus”

by Marilyn LeBlanc

Well, here it is, the most favourite exciting time of the year. At times I feel so excited just thinking about Christmas, there's not a thing that I don't love about it. Then all of a sudden reality sets in, all the preparations

that need to be completed before December 25th.

Preparing for Christmas, the hustle and bustle of it all. The crowded malls, shopping

till we drop, coming home with achy feet, that's what it's all about.

Decorating the church, hanging the garland , hanging the wreaths on the windows,

decorate the tree making sure that all the lights are working the way they should and

putting the manger scene together.

Decorating the inside & outside of our house (of course my husband does a lot on the outside) Writing Christmas cards for our

church, family & friends, together this is well over 100 cards. Trying to think of a special

note in each one, that will touch their hearts.Then comes the baking & lots & lots of

wrapping (you know how that is). There are Christmas Concerts, Christmas Buffets, other

Christmas activities of having a good time fellowshipping with other Christians.

Oh & don't forget the Christmas music! I really can't wait until I get my CD's out and

start playing this wonderful music which gets us all in the Christmas spirit.

Then comes that special day that we are all waiting for, when we have more food than we need, but everything smells & taste so

good we just can't help ourselves. Open all our presents which is a lot of fun to see

what each one received. Our children and granddaughter visiting & having lots & lots

of fun together. On Boxing Day visiting

friends & family & yes, more food, more fun.

But wait a minute! I forgot someone very special, (you may have already noticed it

yourself) with all the business & excitement of the Season, I forgot Jesus. I wonder how many of us give Him the recognition & time

that He deserves.

The only reason that we have Christmas is that Jesus came to earth, as little humble

baby, so that we will be able to have eternal life with Him in Heaven.

Why don't you do something special for Jesus this Christmas. One of the things that

we did with our children when they were younger, was bake a cake & write on it

"Happy Birthday Jesus." Then we would sing Happy Birthday to Him and have a slice of cake with hot chocolate. We did this on Christmas Eve. It was something special

that our family could do for Jesus.

Before opening your presents, perhaps you could read the Christmas Story from

Luke 2 together as a family. Or go carolling around your neighborhood & pass out

Christmas cookies.

There are so many things that you can do to celebrate Jesus' birth. Why don't you start a

new family tradition of you own, your children will remember it, even when they

are in their 30s.

Luke 2: 10 -12Then the angel said to them, "Do not be

afraid for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people.

For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior who is Christ the Lord.

And this will be a sign to you: you will find a babe wrapped in swaddling cloths,

lying in a manger.”

Our family would like to wish your family a Very Merry Christmas

and a Blessed New Year!

* Holiday Shows * A Canine's Shack

* Meaning in Life * Linus' Famous Speech


If there's anything cool about Christmas time, it's the holiday shows.Do you have a favorite? Frosty? The Grinch? It's a Wonderful Life?

A Charlie Brown Christmas?That last one is among the most famous of all.

And did you know it was done on a shoestring budget and the network predicted it would flop prior to release?

(So much for executives.)

There's a part in "A Charlie Brown Christmas" where Charlie Brownwalks by Snoopy's dog house. (Do you remember that?)

Snoopy's trying to win the neighborhood light and decoration contest.And so his dog house is decorated to the hilt, as Snoopy hands

Charlie Brown a flyer explaining the contest.It's the last straw for Charlie Brown.

He cries out, "Oh no, my own dog has gone commercial. I can't stand it!"

And I wonder if some people's lives aren't a lot like Snoopy and his dog house.No, I'm not saying you're a canine living in a shack.

But I wonder if we're not just trying to win some kind of a prize(of our own mind's making? ~ some of us?)

and in the process our life has lost its meaning.It's just become the next promotion or contest or

thing that needs to be bought or person that needs to be impressedor deal that needs to be made ~ and on and on. Where does it end?

Charlie Brown was in search of meaning in life and he found it.We can find it, too.

Happy holidays!

(To watch Linus' famous speech in A Charlie Brown Christmas, click here)

by Mike Campagna@ blogboy2

H i g h l y F a v o r e dBy: Stephanie Page

“In the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town inGalilee, to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The

virgin’s name was Mary. The angel went to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.” Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind

of greeting this might be.” Luke 1:26-29 Emphasis mine.

This might be one of my favorite parts of the Christmas story. The scene is set. A young girl,preparing to be married. Her whole life in front of her. Sweet, innocent, in love with her Lord.

An angel is sent to her...

Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.

Highly Favored? She thinks. Me? Highly favored?

Yes you. Why? Because the Lord is with You.

Do you know that like Mary you too are highly favored?Jesus came to this world, completely human,

so that he could take your place and mine in deathso that we could have communion with God.

If you have received this gift that Jesusgave starting at Christmas then the Lord is

not only with you, his Spirit lives within you.

You are Highly Favored.

Like Mary, do you at times struggle with thistruth that you are favored by our Lord?

Does it trouble you?Do you have a hard time believing it?Do you feel it to be an impossibility?

V.37 of Luke 1 in the NKJ says this, “For with God nothing will be impossible.”

Today you are highly favored by the Creator of the world, the Lord of Lords and theKing of Kings. Not because of anything you have done or will ever do, but because of

everything he has already done for you. He is with you. With Him nothing is Impossible.

How will we respond this Christmas? Will you respond like Mary?

“I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.”

In light of who He is and all He is has done, is there any other way to respond?

Do you have an




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Christmas TrifleSubmitted by Marilyn LeBlanc

1 can (8 oz ) pineapple3 medium firm bananas sliced

1 jar ( 10 oz ) red maraschino cherries1 jar (6oz) green maraschino cherries

3 1/2 cups cold eggnog2 packages instant vanilla pudding mix

1 prepared white or pound cake (cut into 1 inch cubes)1 carton whipped topping

1/4 cup chopped walnuts (optional)

Method-- Drain pineapple,& set aside. In a bowl whisk or beat the eggnog and pudding mixes for 2 minutes or until slightly thickened. Place 1/2 of the pudding

in a 4 qt. serving or trifle bowl; layer with half of the cake, bananas,pineapple, cherries and whipped cream topping. Repeat the layers.

Garnish with walnuts and cherries.

This trifle is very good, the eggnog gives it a special taste over the Christmas season.

I hope you enjoy it!

Merry Christmas

Chipaway WoodWorking

Wishes Everyone a Very Merry Christmas

Caleb MacBurnieAge 13

NB, CanadaTo place an order,

please contact me [email protected]

Christmas Deals

Ah, December 1, only 24 days till Christmas. The time of year when the selfish monsters in us break loose. Deals and deals galore of toys, video games, ipods, etc. The object I have my mind set on is an Easton S13 (a hockey stick) with grip technology and is super light. For the last couple of days it’s the only thing I’ve been talking about. When I get a chance on the computer it’s the only thing I look up, trying to find better deals on the stick, than the deal I saw the last time I looked.

Well, people would spend hours on the computer looking fordeals, but won’t take 15 minutes to find the best deal ofall… in the Bible… how Jesus was born to someday die on across and save us from eternal death. All we have to do is accept the gift and cherish it. That, my friends, is the greatest Christmas deal ever.

Jesse Myers age 16

The Reason for Christmas

The Old Testament has many prophecies about the coming Messiah, Jesus who will save us from our sins.

After the fall of man, God said to the serpent, “And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head,

And you shall bruise His heel (Genesis 3:15).

This was the first prophecy ever recorded that Jesus’ crucifixion andresurrection will defeat Satan’s stronghold of sin and death.

Moses spoke about Jesus saying, "The Lord your God will raise up for you a Prophet

like me from your midst, from your brethren.Him you shall hear.” (Deuteronomy 18:15)

Moses was the law giver.Jesus came to fulfill all the laws (Matthew 5:17).

When Abraham was about to offer his only son to God, The Angel of the Lord said to Abraham, “Do not lay your hand on the lad,

or do anything to him; for now I know that you fear God,since you have not withheld your son, your only son, from Me." (Genesis 22:12)

But who is “Me” speaking as the “Angel of the Lord”?(No created angles can be capitalized)

Continued on next pg. . .

The Reason for Chirstmas cont. . .

And why is “your only son” mentioned three times (Genesis 22:2,12,16)?It was to resonate the fact that God would also not spare

His only Son (Romans 8:32, John 3:16)Christ would be the sacrificial Lamb of God

who will bear the sins of many(Isaiah 53:1-12).

It is believed that the Angel of the Lordis the Son of God who spoke to Abraham.

It was foretold that Jesus will be born from a virgin:Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign:

Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son,and shall call His name Immanuel (Isaiah 7:14),

For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given;And the government will be upon His shoulder.

And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor,Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6).

And the Child will be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2).

The picture we get from the writings in the Old Testament is theforeshadowing of the long awaited birth of Jesus,

In fact, Jesus even said that He came in thevolume of book written of Him (Hebrews 10:7).

And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name, Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins (Matthew 1:21)

So the reason for Christmas is the birth of Jesus!


Written by Paul Cheng

F a r - from - home

C h r i s t m a s …

By Christa Wells

I’ll admit I wondered.Can it be Christmas if there is no bread pudding? Will we feel the awesome joy & delight &

anticipation if we have few decorations and no family and neighbor-friends. If we don’t attend a Christmas Eve candlelight service? If I have no piano?

Without parties and shopping and glowing fireplace, will the “coming” be glorious?

When we decided to arrive in Costa Rica before Christmas, I was up for the adventure,

but definitely uncertain what it would mean for the kids and for me as far as our emotions

related to this great season of celebration.

We were invited to attend a special Christmas worship service at a small church in Cartago, a city about 20 minutes from where we are staying. Our new friends, Tony and Anna Grace, graciously

drove out of their way to transport us and watched over us the whole night.

They meet in a large, windowed room on the corner of a city block and when we arrived, the folding chairs were quickly filling with people, the tables with dishes of yellow rice & chicken & black beans,

and the air with recorded music as the worship team got situated on the stage.

We sat toward the back and waited eagerly. It’s a very strange experience to be enveloped in words and conversation and music and yet be completely unable to understand any of it. To be wholly

dependent on the kindness and ability of others to translate or attempt your language.

Continued on next pg. . .

Far-from-home Christmas cont. . .

(We haven’t run into many fluent English speakers, which is very good and challenging for us!)

The team of musicians, men and women with shakers and electric keyboard and guitars, led a medley of Christmas songs, almost all familiar tunes, from Silent Night to Grown-Up Christmas List and we

listened and swayed and joined an occasional line of harmony.

When the pastor, a tall and gracious gentleman who had come out to greet us at the street, stood to preach, I was all ears, straining hard to understand some little bit.

What I recognized and understood were not the sentences he spoke, but thepower of the gospel in his voice.

The Name. Jesus… Jesus… Jesus. Regalo…And I listened to the singing and the preaching and thought:

These are His people, too. I have family here. And some day there will be no language barrier between us. One day the only thing that really matters will be the only thing.

Long ago God crossed invisible borders and entered our country speaking a new language

called Hope and Rescue, made this language accessible to every human in every

land through the power of His Spirit.

It was a glorious coming, and will always be so,whatever country we inhabit and regardless of décor or tradition.

It doesn’t need to be contrived or conjured because it really, truly, actually IS.

There is no fear that Christmas won’t find us when we are far from home (as we all are),because Christmas is not a feeling but a Person, and He found us years ago.

May your last weeks of waiting be full with the joy and gladness of being found, wherever you are…



Winter Snowby Kim Boehnke

Snow falling from the skyA white blanket it does lie

Like a curtain of fine laceGently floating to my face

Cold and crisp in the airSticking to my hat and hair

I make an Angel on the groundgazing up without a sound

A scarf wrapped about my chinWarm clothing covered limb to limb

Cheeks frosty and bright redCozy hat on my head

So wonderful to be aliveAnother snow storm to survive

Pulling sleds up the hillI start to feel a little chill

In a short while I will be in the darkIt is now time to leave the park

Homeward bound soon to beMarching home content and free

Christmas Is . . .by Mona Vail


The Birth of ChristMy Saviour and my Lord;

He cam from Heaven to rescue me,It says so in His Word!

My life each day is His alone,Mine eyes have opened – it's Him I see;

He's coming soon to take me Home, In Heaven with Him I'll spend...


ShoppingI just love running around town in search of those perfect gifts for my friends and family. I love the music, the lights, the people...but I only like to do it when I am all alone. Even one tag along Sweetie Pie makes the whole endeavour a bit trying. Just one person to hold me back from my carefully mapped out shopping course and my detailed synchronized time schedule, can make the festive mission fall apart.

There is little time for potty stops and snack breaks. With my list in hand and my purse harnessed securely to my back, I set off for my Christmas expedition in the iron jungle. That's what we country folk often call the city. The city at Christmastime is exciting and fun, but I am very thankful that when the day is done, I can escape the commotion and fly to my peaceful, green, open aired home for rest and recharging. I have been very fortunate not to have the dreaded car trouble, difficult salesclerk or bad driving weather to wreck my holiday shopping spree. I've not once been challenged by non-Christ-mass celebrators after wishing "Merry Christmas" to them. Everyone I've met has joined with me in using His special name to mark the season.

So, I gather my parcels, quickly accumulating in the back seat, cross items off my list with great pleasure and revel in some unplanned perfect find. I love those...those little "deals" that you come across that are just right for so-and-so. I absolutely cannot buy just anything for my people. It has to have their name on it, in some sense. So, it has to be tailor made for them AND fit within my budget...thus, such an expedition is necessary.

I had two days of this retail marathon this year...from about 9:00 am until 5:00 pm...without stopping. Along with quite a few homemade gifts, my Santa bag was full. I didn't even notice my aching hips (my feet are's the hips that suffer) or my low blood sugar from forgetting to eat, until I got home. I crash on my bed with sugar plums dancing in my head. Wanting to share my exciting gift discoveries, but I can't...must wait for the 25th...giggling like a child. It really is greater to give than to receive, I just had to get a lot older to realize it.

Most people become paralysingly fatigued upon entrance of a shopping mall. For some reason, I get charged up. The adrenalin starts pumping and my mind is set on a course. I take my sport very seriously. I am a dedicated athlete. I'm sure I lost weight during those shopping days, only to regain them with Christmas cookies and egg nog. So now the wrapping begins. That part is not so much fun for me. I love gift bags.

I know, I's not the presents that matter...but it is when you are GIVING them. They absolutely do not have to be expensive, just from the heart. Jesus gave so much to us by coming here and He wants us to give too. Personalized, thoughtful gifts that let people know how much we love them. If you can't find anything, just call me. I am a trained, experienced shopper. If chess is considered a sport, then why can't shopping?

Happy shopping!

By Holly Myers


Continued on next pg . . .


by Marie Wikle

We all love giving and making a difference. Spreading Joy is what I love to call it. The problem is that many of us look at our giving in the wrong fashion. We look at what we can’t do, don’t have or dwell on the huge things that we may never be able to do. The Bible is filled with example after example of the Lord giving to us and doing so unapologetically. Our desires to give big and have a huge impact often cloud our hearts of the impact we are making. It blinds us to the reality that we can make a difference with little to no resources. We all can give the gifts to others that the Lord so graciously gives to us. Let’s look at some examples together:

The Gift of Strength – Women are strong. We’ll step in between danger and our children in an instant and think nothing of it. We’ll face monsters that lurk in the dark, giants that terrorize our kids and a million other things that make our children and families feel weak and defeated. When you strengthen another by lending a hand, agreeing in prayer or simply being their rock in times of deep sorrow and pain, you are giving those people the gift of Psalm 46. “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” This Psalm goes on to describe the mountains crumbling into the sea and how we can count on the Lord to strengthen us. You know what it feels like when your world has been shaken to the core and then how wonderful it is when God steps in. During those times when your world is falling apart, a true friend to strengthen you is priceless.

The Gift of Time – God desires to dwell with us, just as he desires us to dwell with him. In this hurry up society where the elderly are pushed aside, kids are sat in front of the TV and there is never enough time for anything anymore, this gift is more valuable than we seem to realize. I love family gatherings, I love girls’ night out and I love one on one time with my kids. Give the gift of time, knowing that this gift will always be treasured.

The Gift of Love – Unconditional love is simply amazing. Being loved just for you is a priceless gift that God gives us. Psalm 139 tells us that the Lord knows every single thing about us and yet He chooses to love us anyway. He loves us when we are whiny, bratty, disobedient, fearful, doubtful and even when we run from Him. We KNOW this love from Him and are so grateful for it. Why, then, do we not value it more when we give this gift away? You don’t just love your friends that live in the fanciest of homes, drive the best cars and provide the best dinner

The Christmas Presentby Kim Boehnke

People rushing all aboutStressed they arewithout a doubt

People running here and thereA happy feeling is quite rare

People juggling workand home

Conversations monotone

People feeling down and sadInstead of happy and so glad

People need to stop and thinkThere has to be a missing link

People need to callsome friends

Get together, make amends

People need more loveand hugs

They do not need morecoffee mugs

The best Christmas Present you can give

Showing kindness everyday you live !

parties. You don’t just love those family members that never cause you grief or always are helpful. You love your family & friends unconditionally and in doing so; you make a huge impact on each of those hearts.

The Gift of Peace – When the tears are flowing, uncertainty and anxiety are bursting from your heart, Jesus steps up and whispers “Peace, be still” and because HE is the Master of the wind, the raging storm must quiet. The peace we have that passes all understanding is because we know that with each trial, God is there with us. We don’t have to go through things alone. When we have a friend that will hold our hand as well as touch our heart with kindness as we are going through the valley brings us amazing peace because we are not alone. This gift allows us to take one more step, knowing that it’s truly going to be ok. I pray you use this gift often as you wrap your arms around someone hurting and assure them that “it” will be ok.

The Gift of Prayer – When we pray for others, we are sometimes guilty of thinking “I wish I could do more.” Well, I do that occasionally. Praying for someone is absolutely the greatest gift ever! I’m boldly going before the throne of grace on their behalf and asking God the Father to find favor with them. I’m going before the One that knows their pain, feels their grief and is right in the midst of their trials. I’m seeking help from the One that can help when no other can. The gift of prayer is perfect as one size fits all and anyone can do it! I don’t know about you, but when I wake up to an email or message that says “I’m praying for you” my heart immediately smiles because I was being wrapped in prayer while I slept. I have a policy that I never break. My mind is usually running everywhere, so when someone pops into my mind and on my heart, I’ll say a prayer for them. Knowing that God placed them there for a reason since it was out of the blue. I do try and contact them to let them know, but sometimes that just doesn’t work out. Give the gift of prayer, without feeling like you should do more.

The Gift of Forgiveness – Pain is pain, regardless of who caused it, where it comes from and how deep it cuts to our core, it hurts! There are some that choose to hold a grudge and will simply not let go and they refuse to give the gift of forgiveness. As long as we are in this earthly body, WE will hurt others. We will disappoint, discourage and cause pain and have to ask forgiveness of those we cause this hurt to. Remember that when someone has to ask you to forgive them. Give this gift freely, without the give and take of reminding and remembering the pain.

The Gift of Courage – Just as Abraham “went” without even knowing where he was going, God supplies us with the courage we need to serve Him. The Bible is filled with time after time when men faced the unknown, like Abraham or giants, like David. Knowing what God wants you to do is one thing, but having the courage to step out and DO it that is another thing entirely. When you step up, stand up and lead the way, you may never realize it but you are giving someone else courage to do the same. Many do not want to stand alone and are fearful so your simple act of leading the way empowers others with the confidence to do the same. Go…boldly so! Cont. On next pg . . .

Priceless Gifts cont. . .

A Miracleby Kim Boehnke

Tiny fingers, Tiny toesTiny Eyes, Tiny nose

I look at you,You look at meWith each other

we will be

Tiny smiles, Tiny criesTiny chest begins to rise

I look at you,You look at me

It is Mom that younow see

Tiny lashes, Tiny hairTiny body soft and bare

I look at you,You look at me

My heart poundswith glee

Tiny hands,Tiny feetfinally, we get to meet

I look at you,You look at me

Happy tears flow fastand free

Tiny problems,Tiny woesA Miracle, onlyMothers know

Dedicated to my Niece “Sherry”

Priceless Gifts cont. . . The Gift of Compassion – Isaiah 30:18 talks about how the Lord longs to be gracious to us and He will show us compassion! We treasure that with the Lord! Jude says and some having compassion, making a difference. When you give the gift of compassion you instantly make a difference. Be compassionate, even if you don’t understand what is going on or how someone could have gotten into “that” situation. Be compassionate with your Pastor, teacher and the other leaders in your church as they have a huge responsibility of making sure that the flock is taken care of. Be compassionate…period. Many people are hostel and indifferent to those who are facing hard times. Your gift is received with a grateful heart and will be passed on. Someone will remember this gift and pass it to another that is facing difficulty.

The Gift of Hope – All the resources are gone…. there seems to be no job, no money, no family members that will come to the rescue…no hope. You see the need, you do what you can to help as well as do what you can to show them other resources and avenues that can be taken. You give hope that tomorrow will be better, you inspire them to keep going, keep looking and remind them that someone cares. There’s nothing like the gift of hope. Philippians 4:19 BUT my God shall supply all your need according to HIS riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

The Gift of JOY – The Bible says that the joy of the Lord is our strength. Have you considered what brings God joy? We bring Him joy just by being ourselves. He loves us, adores us and has chosen us. Our praise, prayers and service to HIM brings him joy. Our act of praise and thanksgiving not only help lift our spirits, heal our hearts and bring us closer to the Lord, but it also brings the Lord joy. Our repentance and willingness to be the light he has called us to be brings Him joy. Our willingness to serve and our complete submission to His will brings Him great joy. Our faithfulness and faith IN Him brings him joy. Faith, even when we can’t see the path, even when we are afraid and even when we wonder why would he even choose to use us in the first place….brings him great joy. Yes, the Joy of the Lord is a priceless gift to give others. Let them see His love, peace, mercy and grace flowing through you.

These are priceless gifts that God gives to us! Why do we not see the value in them as we give them away to others?

I hope this encourages you to re-think your gift giving, refocus your values on these kinds of gifts and that it reminds you that you are

awesome at spreading joy! I hope you’ll remember these gifts as you thinking about giving to others.

One of my goals is to make sure that I’m spreading joy daily and I hope that you’ll make that as your goal as well!

For ideas on making a difference without spending a penny – click on link: 50 Ways of Making a Difference without Spending a Penny more still? Another 50 ways right here a Difference is as Easy as ABC….

Yuletide Cherry CookiesSubmitted by Marilyn LeBlanc

1/2 cup softened butter or margarine

1 pkg softened cream cheese1/2 cup white sugar

1/4 teaspoon almond extract1 cup flour

1 teaspoon baking powder1/8 teaspoon salt

3/4 cup crushed rice crispy cereal15 red or green maraschino

cherries halved and patted dryMethod - In a large mixing bowl, cream the butter, cream cheese &

sugar. Beat in Almond extract. Combine the flour, baking powder

and salt: gradually add to the cream mixture. Cover with saran wrap & refrigerate for 1 hour or

until easy to handle.Shape dough into 1 inch balls;

roll in crushed cereal. Place on ungreased cookie sheets

(I use parchment paper)Bake at 350° F for 12-15 minutes

or until lightly browned.Immediately press a cherry half

in the center of the cookie.These cookies are crispy on

the outside, chewy &tender on the inside.


Now sit back, relax & have oneor . . .two, with a cup of coffee,

tea or hot chocolate,after a busy day & enjoy the

Christmas Season!God bless you & have aVery Merry Christmas!

~ Christiana Rosetta ~

the gift only you can giveAt once the angel was joined by a huge angelic choir singing God’s praises;

Glory to God in the heavenly heights,Peace to all men and women on earth who please Him.

Luke 2:14, The Message

In the bleak mid-winterFrosty wind made moan,Earth stood hard as iron,

Water like a stone;Snow had fallen, snow on snow,

Snow on snow,In the bleak mid-winter

Long ago.

Our God, Heaven cannot hold HimNor earth sustain;

Heaven and earth shall flee awayWhen He comes to reign:In the bleak mid-winterA stable-place sufficed

The Lord God Almighty,Jesus Christ.

Enough for Him, whom cherubimWorship night and day,

A breastful of milkAnd a mangerful of hay;

Enough for Him, whom angelsFall down before,

The ox and ass and camelWhich adore.

Angels and archangelsMay have gathered there,Cherubim and seraphim

Thronged the air,But only His motherIn her maiden bliss,

Worshipped the BelovedWith a kiss.

What can I give Him,Poor as I am?

If I were a shepherdI would bring a lamb,If I were a wise manI would do my part,

Yet what I can I give Him,Give my heart.

Experience it in music by the Winchester Cathedral Choir.

May the love of Christ glow brightly in you ~ Merry ChristmasPost/Tweet this:

Glorify & praise God for everything you have seen & heard. This story will end exactly as He has promised. #LiveSticky

Visit and be Inspired!

Hey Dad,

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!! We had some heavy wet snow dump on us, knocking out the power for 12 hours. The kids think it’s wonderful and have been outside making snowballs, snowmen, and sliding off the shed roof (until I saw them). Tonight, we’re thinking about going to Long John Silver’s since we weren’t able to do that on the first snow night. It’s tradition.

It’s funny how some of the best traditions start. You don’t go looking for them…they kind of find you. Take for example the LJS tradition. Several years ago we were on our way somewhere when it started snowing and it was dark, not the powdery, dusty kind of snow but the big, goose-down kind of snow.

I guess it was dinnertime and we pulled into a LJS. I can still remember walking from the van to the front door as the snow filled the sky in softness. It was magical. Ever since then, when we get those big kind of snowflakes that stick, the kids, who normally hate LJS, beg us to eat at Long John Silver’s. So tonight we’re going…probably.

Those traditions are powerful tools in the fathering toolbox. They somehow tie the tradition or memory to a person and what’s important. I know that when I’m long gone and my sixty-year-old children find themselves surrounded by millions of feathery snowflakes, they’ll not only get this insatiable desire to eat at LJS, but they’ll remember their dad who made a big deal about everything, risked life and limb to drive to LJS in blizzard-like conditions, loved to snuggle around the fire and

watch old movies, and got tears in his eyes when he thought about his kids growing up.

All that from a silly tradition that I didn’t even try to create…it just happened. The important thing, Dad, is to be there when it happens. It saddens me to think that so many dads are too busy doing their ‘thing’ that they miss out on traditions, and when their kids are sixty and surrounded by a million feathery snowflakes, they won’t have him to remember.

So make sure you’re there, Dad, and let the traditions find you.

You 'da dad,

PS -Still need a great gift idea for a family or friend? Buy them T oBethlehem , the Christmas Game for the Entire Family, and you’ll give them a meaningful family tradition and fun, family time. It’s the perfect gift!

Or, if you have some guys in your office/church/neighborhood to buy for, give them some daily encouragement in being a dad, husband, and guy with my 2012 You ‘da Dad Daily Calendar. We'll even cut you a deal if you buy 20 or more.

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Familyman Ministries cont. . .

This year, my son, Sam (16) created a Christmas animated short, kind of like a Familyman Christmas greeting. Would you help spread the Familyman name by posting it,

passing it on, and Facebooking it? We hope you enjoy it.

The Best Christmas towns – Having trouble getting into the Christmas spirit? Then maybe you should move to one of the following towns: Christmas, FL - Bethlehem, PA - Santa Claus, IN -

North Pole, AK - Snowflake, AZ - Noel, MO - Rudolph, WI - Christmas Valley, OR

Familyman Ministries - Familyman Ministries started with this mission: "to remind dads of what's most important." How to accomplish this mission has grown, along with the ministry. The original weekly email (the Familyman Weekly) sent out to just over a hundred dads is now sent out to thousands of dads across the country. There are also many encouragement products available for moms and dads.

Take a look around our website There's lots of cool stuff like top ten lists, cartoons, articles for men, and directions on how to make a potato canon

(most of it is stuff women won't get). Remember, being a dad is the most important job you'll ever have, and you only get one shot at it!

TODD WILSON, author of Help! I'm Married to a Homeschooling Mom and The Official Book of Homeschooling Cartoons, is a dad, writer, conference speaker, and former pastor. Todd's humor and gut-honest realness have made him a favorite speaker at homeschool conventions across the country and a guest on Focus on the Family.

His articles have appeared in various magazines. Christianity Today also posts his weekly column (The Familyman Weekly) on their website.

Todd and his wife Debbie, along with their eight children spend several months of the year traveling the country encouraging moms and dads. His humor, realness, and straight talk to men (& women) have become his trademark.

Looking at the Christmas StoryThrough The Eyes of The Authors

by Trevor Lund

The Christmas Story comes down to us from antiquity from two main sources. I’m not counting the Armenian Infancy Gospels or the more modern Saint Nicholas folklore.

The Story of Jesus coming to earth as a baby are de-livered to us by primarily two of the gospel writers – Matthew and Luke. They give the details. They high-light the fulfilled prophecy. They place the event in world and Jewish history. But the other two Gospels tell us a lot more His arrival and purpose than we might otherwise pick up on in either of the main historical accounts.

The beauty of historical accounts show us the authors main focus and main purpose and taking a few posts to look at how each Gospel writer handles the coming of Jesus as a baby reveals their message to their first read-ers and to us today.

Let's take a look at how Jesus' birth is handled in each gospel. It's an interesting study.

Christmas According to MatthewThe Gospel of Matthew was written to Jewish believers. His genealogy places Jesus in Jewish history. He con-tinually points out how Jesus fulfills the prophecy for the Messiah – including, but not limited to the fact that the Messiah:

• Would be a descendant of Shem named Abraham (Genesis 22:18; 12; 17; 22). Fulfilled: See Christ’s genealogy in Matthew 1.

• Would be a descendant of Abraham’s son, Isaac, not Ishmael (Gen. 17; 21). Fulfilled: See Christ’s genealogy in Matthew 1.

• Would be a descendant of Isaac’s son, Jacob, not Esau (Gen. 28; 35:10-12; Num. 24:17).Fulfilled: See Christ’s genealogy in Matthew 1.

• Would be a descendant of Judah, not of the other eleven brothers of Jacob.Fulfilled: See Christ’s genealogy in Matthew 1.

• Would be a descendant of the family of Jesse in the tribe of Benjamin (Isaiah 11:1-5). Fulfilled: See Christ’s genealogy in Matthew 1 and Luke 3:23-38.

• Would be of the house of David (2 Samuel 7:12-16; Jeremiah 23:5; Psalm 89:3-4). Fulfilled: See Christ’s genealogy in Matthew 1; Luke 1:27, 32, 69. Note: Since the the Jewish genealogical records were destroyed in 70 A.D., along with the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple, it would not be possible for a Messiah impostor who was born later to prove his lineage back to David and thus fulfill this prophecy.

• Would be born in a small city called Bethlehem, specifically the one formerly known as Ephratah (Micah 5:2). Fulfilled: Matthew 2:4-6

• Would be born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14). Fulfilled: Matthew 1; Luke 1.

• Would come while the Temple of Jerusalem is standing ( Malachi 3:1; Psalm 118:26; Daniel 9:26; Zechariah 11:13; Haggai 2:7-9). Fulfilled: Matthew 21:12, etc.

• Will perform many miracles (Isaiah 35:5-6). Fulfillment: See the Gospels

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Looking at the Christmas Story cont. . .

• Will open the eyes of the blind (Isa. 29:18). Fulfillment: Matt 9:27-31; 12:22; 20:29.

• Will speak in parables (Psalm 78:2). Fulfillment: Matthew 13:34, etc.

• Will have his way prepared by a messenger (a man of the wilderness) (Isa. 40:3; Malachi 3:1). See John the Baptist (Matthew 3:1-3; 11:10; John 1:23; Luke 1:17).

• Will be betrayed (Psalm 41:9). Fulfillment: Matt. 27:3-10.

• Will be betrayed by a friend (Psalm 41:9). Fulfillment: Matt. 27:3-10; 26:47-48.

• Will be betrayed for thirty pieces of silver (Zech. 11:12). Fulfillment: Matt. 27:3-10.

• The betrayal money will be cast onto the floor (Zech. 11:13). Fulfillment: Matt. 27:5.

• The betrayal money will be cast onto the floor of the Temple (Zech. 11:13). Fulfillment: Matt. 27:3-10.

• The betrayal money will be used to buy a potter’s field (Zech. 11:13). Fulfillment: Matt. 27:6-10.

• Will not open his mouth to defend himself (Isaiah 53:7). Fulfillment: Matthew 27:12.

• Will be beaten and spit upon (Isaiah 50:6). Fulfillment: Matthew 26:67; 27:26-30.

• Will be “numbered with the transgressors” (Isaiah 53:12). Fulfillment: Jesus was crucified as a criminal in between two thieves (Mat 27:38).

• Will be given vinegar and gall to drink (Psalm 69:21). Fulfillment: Matthew 27:34, 48.

• Will be buried with the rich (Isaiah 53:9). Fulfillment: Matthew 27.

• Will be the Son of God (Psa. 2:7). Fulfilled: Matthew 3:17, etc.

Jewish people around the time of Jesus were looking for a Messiah who would be King. Their recent history

proved that a dedicated resistance – with the help of God – could overthrow a world power and set up an earthly Kingdom. This is exactly what happened during the inter-testmental period when Judas Maccabeus re-volted against the Seleucid Empire. The Greeks had forbidden the practicing Jewish religion since 175 BC. Maccabeus was ultimately victorious, saw the miracle that is remembered in Hanukkah and forged an alli-ance with the emerging state of Rome to keep the theo-cracy free.

It happened once – not that long ago in the memory of an ancient people – and Lord willing it could happen again.

Matthew’s genealogy ends with Joseph. He wrote about Joseph and the dreams God gave him. The father’s role of the Messiah was important to the early Jewish be-lievers.

Matthew mentions the weeping in Ramah over the deaths of the children under two by Herod. He talks about Herod, the king in Jerusalem. He includes the Magi coming to find the King and the gifts they brought to the house. There is no mention of the shep-herds, no hint of the birth in the manger. Matthew was writing to Jewish Christians to tell them their King had come.

Christmas according to Matthew is the birth of our King.

I love the story in Matthew. It tells me God is in con-trol. Prophecy foretold years in advance is shown as fulfilled. Dreams direct Joseph telling him what to do, when to go and when to come. God is involved in the major life decisions of this family with a young king to care for … and He’s willing to give me similar direc-tions.

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Looking at the Christmas Story cont. . .

Jesus is King. He is sovereign. But He’s not uninvolved with the affairs of man. Christmas according to Mat-thew proves this once again to me.

Christmas According to MarkI wonder how many people came to this section with no idea that Mark says nothing about Christmas. I’m sure I snagged a few theologians who think I’m either unschooled or a heretic and are reading to find which it is.

Mark’s conspicuous absence of a nativity account speaks volumes to us and that’s what I want us to con-sider.

Why would Mark – that in many ways is so close to its synoptic brothers (Matthew and Luke) – leave out any mention of the coming of Jesus as a baby?

Mark starts with a quick mention of John the Baptist and then right into Jesus’ baptism and ministry. He doesn’t seem to care about the prophecies Jesus fulfilled like Matthew. He certainly doesn’t care to put Jesus into Jewish or World history. Some describe Mark a a pas-sion with a longer introduction. Before I explain that, let’s take a look at a few things about the book of Mark.

Since the earliest times it’s been held that Mark, while a witness to the events of Jesus’ life, was the scribe for Peter. Remember Peter was the one to jump onto the waves. He was the one to run into the tomb when John stopped at the entrance. He was the one to speak up when the rest of the disciples were quite. He was the impetuous one.

42 times in 16 chapter (and these are just the ones that make it into English) the word “immediately” is used in the book of Mark. Everything in Mark is focused on the

one event. Everything in Mark rushes towards the reas-on Jesus came. Mark is so focused on the passion of Christ – His death on the cross – that he doesn’t have time to waste on Jesus‘ birth.

And that’s something we can never forget in the Christmas season. Yes, Jesus came as a baby and we celebrate his birthday on the only day early Christians could celebrate together as slave and free – the pagan holiday of Saturnalius – but we should never forget Je-sus came to this world to die. His death paid the price for our sins. It satisfied the requirements for justice. It made us friends again with the Father. And by His stripes we were healed.Christmas without the cross is no better than a pagan holiday.

Christmas according to Mark is Jesus came to die.

Christmas According to LukeMatthew placed Jesus in Jewish history. Luke places Je-sus in world history. He puts it in time – Caesar Au-gusts taxes the world during the time Quirinuis was governor of Syria . His genealogy ends with Adam.

Luke has carefully researched the events around Christ’s birth – and he starts with the events around Je-sus’ cousin’s birth – the miraculous birth of John.

Luke gives fuller accounts of angels – Matthew talks about angels appearing in dreams (more acceptable to a first century Jewish audience) while Luke is writing to Theopilus -either a Greek patron or a group of Greek believers that were known as “God Lovers”. The Greeks were more accustomed to stories of the gods interacting with humans and so would be interested in angelic en-counters. He writes about the angel coming to Zachari-ah who didn’t believe He could become a father and so had his mouth shut until the prophecy was fulfilled.

Looking at the Christmas Story cont. . .

Luke talks about everything Mary hid in her heart about Gabriel’s visit. He reveals the story of the shep-herd in the field keeping watch over their flocks by night and lo, the angel of the Lord stood before them and the glory of the Lord shone around them and they were terrified… sorry got lost in a Sunday School pro-duction… oh it’s too good, let’s keep going… and the angel said to them – “Fear Not, for behold I bring you news of great joy that shall be for all people, for unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you ‘you shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger.” And suddenly, there was with the angel a multitude of heavenly hosts singing “Glory to God in the highest and on earth, peace to all men on whom his favor rests”…

Wow, that takes me back… don’t you love Christmas pageants when you can’t hear the kids and don’t care if their lines get mixed up? I don’t care for the profes-sional pageants – but hey if you like them, don’t let me stop you. I know the work that goes into them needs to be appreciated… where was I? OH yah, Luke…

Luke mentions the accounts of women – Mary, Elizabeth, Anna. He’s the one to talk about the sheep herders in the field. He’s the one who makes sure we know they laid the child in a manger because there was no room in the inn. He makes sure to let you know the Angels said this is “great joy for all people”.

Luke was writing to Greek speaking believers who needed to know the Jewish Messiah was for them. You don’t have to be born into the right family. You don’t need to be the top of society. You don’t need to be a man to be loved by God.

It’s a message we need to get out to people every day.

Why do non-Christians describe Christians as “Judg-mental”? Because too often we are. As long as we have it right, it doesn’t matter who’s going to hell. That’s not the message of Luke.

Christmas according to Luke, is Jesus came for all.

Christmas According to John

Can you guess what my favorite Christmas account is?

Is it Matthew that tells us Jesus came as our King? I love Matthew’s interest in how prophecy is fulfilled – I don’t understand it all, but I enjoy seeing how he saw proph-ecy fulfilled. But it’s not my favorite narrative.

Is it the lack of a story in Mark? When I was a kid, Dad started a tradition of reading a Christmas narrative be-fore we opened our presents. When we read from Luke it seemed like forever. Matthew was quicker, but lacked the angels in the field. I never could get Dad to read the Mark account, even though I’d ask him for it every year… I mean really, those gifts just don’t open them-selves. I love remembering Jesus came with a purpose – He came to die, but the lack of an account in Mark is not my favorite account. Besides now I take some pleas-ure in making my kids wait to open their presents.

Is it the detail of Luke I love? Luke is the classic account. It has so much detail and is so well written, it rolls of the tongue. I so appreciate knowing Jesus came for all, but it’s not my favorite account of the nativity.

So you guessed it. Christmas According to John is my favorite account. It puts the awe of the advent into me every year. I love reading it, reciting it, meditating on it. It’s powerful.

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Looking at the Christmas Story cont. . .

Where is it you ask? Well, here it is. I’m doing this from memory – I can’t remember how far it goes, but it starts with John 1:1:

In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was with God and the Word was God – He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made, without him nothing has been made. In him was life and his life is the light of men. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not understood it. There was one sent from God his name was John, he came a wit-ness to the light to testify so that all men might believe. He himself was not the light, he came as a witness to the light. The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world. He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came into his own and his own did not receive him. Yet to all who receive him, to those who be-lieved in his name he gave the right to become children of God. Children not born of natural descent or human wisdom or a husband’s will… but born of God. The Word became flesh and made his dwelling with us…

There it is: “The Word became flesh and (literally) camped out for a while.” Remember I said Matthew puts the birth of Jesus in Jewish history and Luke puts the birth of Jesus in World history? John puts the birth of Jesus in Cos-mic history.

The One who spoke and the 400 million stars of this galaxy were formed and 400 million galaxies of this Universe came into being – the one who sustains the spin of an electron around a proton and makes the dark matter we’re only speculating about keep the uni-verse together… took on flesh and camped out for a while.

Yes, Jesus came as our King. He came to die in our place. He came for all. But the thing that continually puts me in awe of Christmas is HE CAME. Immanual – “God With Us” stripped himself of his omnipresence and omniscience and came as a helpless baby in a manger.

I don’t understand. I can only see the edges of this pic-ture. But I appreciate it and I’m in awe of it.

Christmas According to John is GOD came.

And shouldn't we always have that sense of awe when we consider the greatness and love of our great and loving God?

My prayer for you this Christmas is that you'll find a reverential awe that you'll experience throughout the year. Take the time to explore more of God today.

Trevor Lund has two distinct calls on his life - to be a pastor and to write - currently he’s fulfilling both of those calls predominately online. On just about every social networking site, you can find him as revtrev . . . especially on his blog at












It's a fact. The holiday season comes. And while many are gleeful and

glad, still others are grouchy and glum. It's not that they don't want to be happy. It's not that they don't want to have fun (and frolic). It's just that money's tight (for some) or they've lost their job (for others) or, you see, that loved one passed away earlier this year (for still others) and to be cheerful and bright right now? Well, it's just not gonna happen, quite frankly. And it could be just about anything that's got any one of us in a "Bah, humbug" mood. (Can you relate?)

I want to try to help "restore the joy" (should you find yourself in need of help). That's what this post is all about. I've lumped together (below) what I call "JOY enhancers" using the acronym "J-O-Y." I mean, you just can't do this sort of stuff in the list and still be in despair. It's just not possible (at least in my mind). And so in the interests of restoring/enhancing "JOY", here we go with...

21 "Joy" Enhancers (When You Need To Get Your Joy Back):

1. J-UMP, skip and hop like you used to do as a kid.2. J-OIN with others to sing Christmas carols.3. J-OG ~ or whatever exercise suits you (gets the blood flowing).4. J-OURNAL a list of happy moments in your life.5. J-OKE around with a good friend.6. J-ETISEN the hurts of the past, forgiving those who hurt you.7. J-OURNEY to a celebration of Christmas at a church in your area.

8. O-PEN the curtains of your home to let the sun shine in.9. O-FFER to help with the needs of another.10.O-MIT negative thinking from your mind.11. O-RCHESTRATE a dinner and invite your neighbors.12. O-PINE (to yourself) about all the things you're thankful for.13. O-CCUPY a lower place (by choice) in a situation and give someone else the higher place.14. O-RDAIN in your heart that you're gonna make this the best Christmas ever.

15. Y-EARN for the good ol' days (but make today a good ol' day!)16. Y-IELD to seeing the good in others. (It's really there if you look close enough)17. Y-ANK out (in a gentle way) old pictures of family and friends to look at.18. Y-ACK on the phone with a sibling that you haven't talked to (yacked with) in a long time.19. Y-AWN because you stayed up late watching "It's A Wonderful Life" starring Jimmy Stewart.20. Y-ELL, Hallelujah! (Rejoicing has a way of bringing back the joy)21. "Y-OU'RE a mean one, Mr Grinch" ~ If he can get better so can you. Believe it.

21 "Joy" Enhancers

Outflow exists to share Christ's love!

We are a charitable acts of kindness ministry that longs to reach the needs of the poor and oppressed. When we gather we believe it is important to share a meal, to break bread, offering our lives as a genuine friend. We don't want to be anything that we aren't. While we sit with people, we discover a peace, a compassion, and a love that can only be explained by a genuine encounter with Christ.

We love being a gathering place that shares the pulpit. The stage is always open for anyone in the room. Often a message is prepared , but many times it is superseded by God's awesome presence within the room. God moves at the table, from the kitchen, and from within the most unlikely.

As Christ lovers we are discovering that Jesus is within the poor. Some call us a church. Some call us a mission. Some call us a safe place to meet with friends. We want to be all of those things! What we do isn't complicated. . . most do it everyday. We prepare a meal, wait for Jesus to show up, then eat with HIM!

We strongly believe that the #1 thing missing in ministry today is someone willing to build a relationship.

So we sit. We eat. We listen. And we use words when necessary.

Have questions? Wanna know when were meeting next?

Like to talk about our future?

Contact us anytime:

Mail Outflow Ministry 125 Rothesay Avenue PO Box 7073 Saint John, NB E2L 2B0


Jayme Hall: 1-888-529-6358

[email protected]

The ABC'S of SalvationThe dictionary defines salvation as:

1. deliverance 2. pardon 3. snatching from the jawsGod's gift to us is everlasting life through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

All we have to do is have faith and follow these 3 easy stepsAdmit - Believe - Confess

Ephesians 2:8, 9 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-

not by works, so that no one can boast.

1. Admit That You Are A Sinner.Romans 3:10 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one.Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God.

Results Of Sin And Gods Gift to Us.Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death;

but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

What Did Jesus Do For Us?Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this:

While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

2. Believe In The Lord Jesus.John 3:36 Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life,

for God's wrath remains on him.Romans 10:10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified,

and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.

3. Confess The Lord Jesus.Romans 10:9 That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”

and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead,you will be saved.

Romans 10:13 For “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.Next Say This Prayer Believing With All Your Heart

“Lord Jesus,I know that I am a sinner.

Lord the sinful life that I lived separated me from you. Lord forgive me of my sins.

I believe that you died on the cross and rose on the third day to pay for my sins. From this day forward

I will put all my trust in you, Lord show me how to live a life for you.In Jesus name, Amen”