Merlin example

In this clip of the TV drama Merlin, camera techniques have been used to show different class and status . A track shot is used after Merlin leaves the castle and walks through the market. This shows the audience the contrast of where he works to where he belongs. As the castle is big a clean and the market place is busy, loud and a bit dirty. This represents Merlin to have a lower class than those who live in the castle e.g. the prince and princess. Another camera technique used was an over the shoulder shot . This was used when Merlin challenges Arthur to a battle. The shot is over Arthurs shoulder to show that even though Merlin is fully in the shot Arthur still owns the shot giving him higher class and status . This shows the audience that Arthur is the superior in this shot as he dominates the left hand side even when his back is to the camera. A long shot is also used to represent different class and status. This was used when Arthur

Transcript of Merlin example

Page 1: Merlin example

In this clip of the TV drama Merlin, camera techniques have been used to show different class and status. A track shot is used after Merlin leaves the castle and walks through the market. This shows the audience the contrast of where he works to where he belongs. As the castle is big a clean and the market place is busy, loud and a bit dirty. This represents Merlin to have a lower class than those who live in the castle e.g. the prince and princess.

Another camera technique used was an over the shoulder shot. This was used when Merlin challenges Arthur to a battle. The shot is over Arthurs shoulder to show that even though Merlin is fully in the shot Arthur still owns the shot giving him higher class and status. This shows the audience that Arthur is the superior in this shot as he dominates the left hand side even when his back is to the camera.

A long shot is also used to represent different class and status. This was used when Arthur