Meridian 2013 report (v7)

Common Purpose gives leaders the inspiration, the knowledge and the connections they need to produce real change. France * Germany * Ghana * Hong Kong* Hungary * India * Ireland * MENA * South Africa * Sweden * Turkey * UK Common Purpose Charitable Foundation (Hong Kong) Address: Room 1701B, 17/F, Nan Dao Commercial Building, 359-361 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong, Company Limited by Guarantee, Registered in Hong Kong 52413328-000-12-11-5, Registered Charity 91/11127 Meridian 2013 Report 23 May 28 November



Transcript of Meridian 2013 report (v7)

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Common Purpose gives leaders the inspiration, the knowledge and the connections they need to produce real change.

France * Germany * Ghana * Hong Kong* Hungary * India * Ireland * MENA * South Africa * Sweden * Turkey * UK

Common Purpose Charitable Foundation (Hong Kong)

Address: Room 1701B, 17/F, Nan Dao Commercial Building, 359-361 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong, Company Limited by Guarantee, Registered in Hong Kong 52413328-000-12-11-5, Registered Charity 91/11127

Meridian 2013

Report 23 May – 28 November

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Page Number



Course Overview


The Course Was Good Value For Time


What Participants Learned At Each Event


Improved Ability to Lead Beyond Authority


So What?


Going Forward








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This report contains details about the course, Meridian 2013, including participants’ comments

about what they have learned and what they plan to do going forward. A separate photo album is

available to give readers a feel of what happened on the course. Please send inquiry to

[email protected].


Meridian is a leadership development course conducted for senior executives from across the

private, public, government and non-profit sectors with contributions from key business and

community leaders. [See list of contributors from page 14.] The course in 2013 was held over six

months comprising 17 events and 12 learning group meetings amounting to a total of 107 hours.

Participants were encouraged to attend as many events as they wished but were required to

complete at least 60 hours to formally finish the course.


Meridian provides skills, inspiration and connections to make participants better leaders. It is

designed to improve the ability to lead beyond authority, overcome silo problems inside and across

organizations, enhance participants’ confidence to bring about change, and provide a cross-sector

platform to combine efforts to make organizations and the society work better.

Leadership Themes

To help participants understand what leadership means as well as what skills they have to offer as a

leader we break down the concept of leadership into the following themes and explore them one

by one during Understanding Change and Leadership Insight modules.

1. Sources of Power 2. Playing Different Roles

3. Passion – and Resonance 4. Consensus versus Coalition

5. Who do you need to be? 6. Courage and Caution

7. Pace and Timing 8. Adapting to a New Environment


The course comprised three Core Days and the following modules – Understanding Place,

Understanding Change and Leadership Insight. Learning objectives of each of these are listed


Core Day 1 – Plotting the Course

Gain an overview of the Common Purpose vision for leadership and society.

Become familiar with the methods Meridian provides for learning and development.

Get to know each other and the staff team and start building active, creative networks.

Plan for and direct individual leadership learning journeys.

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Understanding the Place

Behind the scene visits designed to enhance participants' understanding of the context in

which they lead.

Challenge individual’s views of Hong Kong and how it works.

Understanding Change

Case studies with challenge holders and their stakeholders about the changes they have

brought about in their organizations.

Examine participants’ leadership along these themes:

1. Sources of Power 2. Playing Different Roles

3. Passion and Resonance 4. Consensus versus Coalition

Core Day 2 – Broadening Your Vision

Review the breadth and depth of participants’ leadership and their limitations.

Examine and challenge the diversity of participants’ networks, views and ‘default’ manner of

leading within and beyond authority.

Experience and influence real world challenges from other organisations and reflect on the

leadership involved.

Leadership Insight

Conversations with key leaders about their leadership challenges.

Examine participants’ leadership along these themes:

1. Who do you need to be? 2. Courage and Caution

3. Pace and Timing 4. Adapting to a New Environment

Core Day 3 – Preparing to Lead Change

Review how participants have changed over the course.

Measure progress against personal learning objectives.

Find opportunities to move ideas to action.

Consolidate and harness networks and opportunities.

Learning Group Meetings

Peer consultation sessions to help participants tackle the leadership challenges they face.

Develop skills of listening, open and effective questioning, coaching not advising,

investigating not problem solving.

Understand the challenges faced by people in other worlds.


o Series of leadership ‘practices’ or small challenges to complete in participants’ own time

to broaden thinking.

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o Online forum where participants are able to ask for and offer advice and visits to each

other’s workplace to gain exposure to one another’s world.


o A day immersed in the economic, political and social context of a city outside Hong Kong

where Common Purpose operates.


To help measure the success of a course, Common Purpose asks participants 3 questions at the end

of each event. Our primary indicator measures whether participants felt the day was ‘good value

for time.’ Scores are measured on a scale of 1 to 6 where 1 is Strongly Disagree and 6 is Strongly

Agree. We calculate the percentage of participants who score a 5 or a 6 making the assumption

that these participants found the majority of the day good value for their time. Our benchmark is


Meridian 2013 passed the benchmark comfortably with 95.6% of the responses to KPI Questions

scoring 5 to 6.

KPI Questions Average Score

Question 1 This event has been good value for my time 5.5 out of 6

Question 2 This event has presented me with a balanced range of

different views and perspectives.

5.3 out of 6

Question 3 I have felt able to participate fully. 5.4 out of 6


The following comments were collected from participants at each event on the course.

Core Day 1 – Plotting the Course

o Gained insight into the challenges facing Hong Kong

o Broadened horizon on political and social issues that were overlooked amidst busy

office routines

o Become aware of the role I can play as a manager of a private company and a citizen

of Hong Kong

Understanding Place

Poverty in HK

o Gained more understanding about poverty in Hong Kong

o Learned a useful framework to understand the issue

o Appreciated the rare opportunity to speak face-to-face with the less fortunate

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Hong Kong 2030 - opportunities and challenges in the regional and global context, the

financial sector and knowledge economy

o Gained useful insight into the possibilities for the SAR

o Great opportunity to hear about global leadership strategies

o Enhanced understanding of how super business leaders look at leadership and


o Heard very inspirational and forward looking views about two different industries

Who has power in Hong Kong?

o A very informative and thought provoking session about political realities and

different political orientations

The Post 80s and Post 90s generations - aspirations and challenges

o Get to understand why youngsters take up radical politics; know more about the

thinking of the younger generation, their expectation of the society and their own


o Become more aware of the frustration of youngsters; will help my interaction with


o Changed my perception of the post 80s and 90s generations positively; come to

appreciate the need to allow more space and give more support to them

Core Day 2 – Broadening Your Vision

Who Do You Need To Be

o Mr Lam truly inspired and provoked me to think about who do I 'want' to be.

o The session has helped me set my goals and overcome obstacles by reflecting on

who do I 'want' to be.

o Mr Lam's charisma has a strong influence on me. I am determined to change my

management style and be more humble. It will not be an easy job but I will try to

apply this in my office and personal life as my primary goal.

o Mr Lam's talk made me re-think the concept of 'common purpose'.

o Mr Lam's sharing was excellent and open. It has a strong impact on me.

o I treasured the session with Mr Lam very much as I found it interesting, insightful and


o Mr Lam is a very impressive speaker with strong passion.

Understanding Change

Passion and Resonance

o Stop accepting people’s argument that change is impossible and thinking that old

and big organizations cannot be changed but start looking at change as a journey

that never ends and that everyone has a role to play

o Start to generate my passion into a clear direction, communicate my vision with facts

in a transparent way, persuade stakeholders with evidence and engage colleagues

at all levels

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o Stop being solely a ‘computer’ manager but start to visit and talk to frontline staff;

show more appreciation; do more coaching to help those less capable to get a sense

of achievement and motivate them to move forward with results; reduce resistance

by persuading them to take small steps and deliver change on a gradual basis

Sources of Power

o Stop accepting that there are difficult people who simply cannot change.

o Start to pay more attention to engage customers and stakeholders to better

understand “users’ perspectives” when formulating change.

o Start to evaluate how we look at discipline in our work place and see how we might

be caring leaders and engage our target audience at the emotional level

Consensus vs. Coalition

o Stop spending too much effort on gaining consensus. Stop trying to change everyone

or make everyone happy but aim at creating critical mass instead; accept the ’10-80-

10’ rule. Get buy-in from the 80% and build strategic coalitions as far as possible

o Stop relying on authority only to bring about change; stop doing everything on my

own but start to engage management more and put them under the spotlight; tie-in

change results with the personal interest of top management

o Start to identify and articulate a ‘burning platform’ to set a common goal for change;

focus on long-term rather than short-term benefits; let them see the benefits; show

appreciation of other people; give them credits; make them heroes; engage all levels

to generate “Do’s and Don’ts” posters; enhance internal communication and

increase internal branding efforts; understand human nature as the key to change


Playing Different Roles

o Stop being biased against any of the four roles but use different ones in different


o Start to engage stakeholders emulating the example of the Police and the

management of Chung King Mansions

o Start to put theory into practice

Leadership Insight

Adapting to a New Environment

o Keep adapting, changing and taking up new enterprises

o Stop over-worrying about uncertainties but start to inspire as well as facilitate

others to find the best angle or add value

o Stop posing a threat to others but start to think out of the box; differentiate myself

from others and build trust when I am in a new place

o Start to maintain integrity in work and life, be sincere in dealing with others and

accept failures of colleagues

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Pace and Timing

o Stop over-planning but be patient and spend time on building up the team,

preparing the ground and waiting for a good time to bring about change

o Stop feeling cosy and comfortable with the current situation but start to think about

what transformational or disruptive change might happen to the organization and

prepare people for them; start to ask what might create a sense of urgency;

communicate immediately and build an emotional account

o Stop rushing and getting action immediately but start to be more thorough and

think through all relevant factors first; maintain high EQ and develop relationships

o Start to re-assess the ability of the people in the team and play to their strengths

rather than impose targets that are beyond their capability

Courage and Caution

o Stop being afraid of failure; being non-committal; worrying about disagreeing with

the boss; being defeatist, hesitant or indecisive in challenging the status quo; being

reluctant to speak up; taking the easy way in life and not stretching oneself to do

something helpful for others

o Start taking courage to make difficult decisions and base them on a set of principles;

take calculated risks after careful analysis, judgment and planning; challenge the

norm in a polite manner and with wisdom; speak out more and be sincere when

challenging the boss; re-visit corporate values and make decisions according to

them; listen to colleagues and tap their views on critical matters

o Stop avoiding the media and problems, but embrace them

Who Do You Need To Be

o Start to change my management style and be humble

o Start to connect with my team; show respect for what they have accomplished; talk

to different levels of staff including frontline colleagues to collect their opinion

o Start being flexible and adaptive but keep the dream

o Start to believe in myself, be courageous, humble and frank when faced with public

confrontation and take criticisms willingly

Core Day 3 – Preparing to Lead Change

Eyes on the Hill, Feet on the Ground

o Start to build a strong team, communicate my vision clearly and operate the

organization from the customers’ point of view

o Start to always think world class to take my organizations to greater heights

o Stop thinking that one has to shout or be domineering to be a leader

Other Comments

o To go beyond my own silo, remind myself to be more outgoing and develop

collaboration across-departments and external bodies to better leverage on others’

wisdom and achieve bigger results

o Always innovate and keep the big picture in view

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o Start to ‘look from outside in’

o Start to develop my subordinates into change agents

o Start to identify the value of our work and build up our brand

o Get to know the needs of stakeholders, collect feedback from staff patiently and

solicit their support/idea systematically in order to improve the efficiency and

capacity of our company

o Stop thinking negatively and worrying about fuss

o Start to examine all the changes I have started to make to see if any of the 7 steps

recommended by the contributor might be applied

o Start to build fun elements into the change process

o Start to devise actionable plans to implement my vision

o Start to change mind-set regarding change management and not lose faith despite

setbacks but continue to make improvements

o Start to maintain discipline at work and daily life, but be caring at the same time

o Stop thinking that social service is dull and start to support social enterprises

o Start to observe Green Monday and abstain from meat on those days

o Start to review own value and mission in life and share them with others

o Start to work from the heart and take an interest in social problems

o Continue to pursue dreams

o Stop being sceptical and fixated at own expectations

o Stop making judgments and drawing conclusions before I have gathered adequate


o Start paying attention to and giving feedback on health policies

o Start being kind and work for the benefit of others

o Start communicating initiatives more effectively; meeting and learning from people

of different backgrounds and cultures

o Stop telling people what to do but start to take things one at a time; take up the

challenge to make a difference when the opportunity arises rather than regret in

future; work hard and do my best

o The visit reminds me of the importance of “discipline”, of being disciplined myself, of

leading by example to foster a good culture of discipline and responsibility at work

o When dealing with staffs that are difficult to work with I shall try to change them

through a combination of discipline and understanding of their needs


Since one of the aims of Meridian is to enhance participants’ ability to lead beyond authority we are

keen to know whether or not their ability to do so has actually changed as a result of the course.

Hence, participants were asked to complete a self-assessment survey both before as well as after

the course. They are also encouraged to invite 360 degrees feedback from their co-workers.

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It is gratifying to note that all of the Meridian 2013 participants achieved significant improvement

over the course on their ability to lead beyond ability.

The four areas which together create the ability to Lead Beyond Authority

Approach: Leaders step forward on issues, frequently into the uncomfortable. Seeing the bigger

picture and understanding different perspectives and opinions leads to flexibility and confidence to

operate in new and different contexts and across boundaries. This in turn ensures open

mindedness to new ideas and ways of working. Approach is indicated in individual profiles as

courage, breadth and adaptability.

Self-awareness: Leaders need to know themselves - who they are, what they will stand for - and

have a sense of direction and belief in the face of challenge. This inner conviction and knowing of

oneself needs to be balanced with understanding and taking an active interest in others; with

developing strong relationships; being inquisitive; listening hard and asking questions. Self-

awareness is indicated in individual profiles as humility, empathy, self-belief and curiosity.

Strategy: An ability to create value for and from networks and make connections will help leaders

as they strive to deliver over the long haul. Being in it for the passion and not for the immediate

reward requires patience and hard work to keep the momentum going. Leaders need to think

through many options, understand the system they operate in, build coalitions and be flexible,

while keeping clear aims and goals in mind. Strategy is indicated in individual profiles as add value,

play the long game and vision.

Impact: Leaders who have the desire to tackle problems and issues outside of their direct authority

and who can make change happen will recognise the need to alter their influencing style. Through

taking the time to understand their audience and tailor their message and approach, they create

support and legitimacy. They will know how to bring the best out of others around them and create

an atmosphere of freedom, creativity and enjoyment. Impact is indicated in individual profiles as

responsibility, resonance and fun.

Self-assessment profiles of Meridian 2013 participants

Four profiles are reproduced below for reference. Other profiles, on anonymous basis, are available

on request. Please send inquiry to [email protected].

This chart compares the average self-assessed ratings collected at the beginning and the end of the

course. The light-coloured bars show an individual’s scores from the beginning of the course, and

the dark bars show the scores at the end of the course.

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So what do all these mean as to how the participants might behave in future? The question was put

to them on the last day of the course. Here are their answers.

Overcoming silo problems inside and across organizations

So what would you do outside your silo, beyond your authority, across departments to make your

organisation work better?

Work together with other departments to build a shared vision

Identify opportunities for collaboration

Facilitate synergy to make 1+1=3

Encourage partnership marketing

Proactively raise ideas for the greater good of the organisation

Apply what I have learned on the course to my cross-team projects

Organize cross-team meetings every quarter to implement the road map for action

Promote the Common Purpose style of leadership to Board of Directors of Joint Ventures

Role model positive thinking

Care about other people and subordinates and understand their concerns

Arrange stress management workshops

Engage internal stakeholders and communicate reasons and solutions

Keep striving for improvements

Generate more positive energy

Enhancing participants’ confidence to bring about change

So what would you STOP doing after the course to be a better leader?

Stop procrastinating and think too much or make too many contingency plans

Stop letting obstacles get in the way

Stop accepting that things cannot be changed

Stop avoiding difficult problems

Stop compromising quality

Stop doing things on my own

Stop relying only on authority, knowledge and arguments to lead and influence but use

different sources of power

Stop taking personal credit for achievements

Stop being an ‘expert idiot’

Stop jumping to conclusions

Stop being a boss who cannot connect with colleagues

Stop blaming staff for mistakes

So what would you START doing after the course to be a better leader?

Turn obstacles into opportunities

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‘Dare to err’

Lead beyond authority to influence people

Show determination to my staff about the changes our organization needs and the level of

performance it requires

Be prepared to change myself and improve on weak areas

Create clear visions and missions for my organisation and share them with people

Build my own leadership style along my personality strengths

Be more open-minded

Build a strong team

Engage colleagues and top management when targets are being set

Share credits with other staff

Actively encourage and act upon feedback from staff

Tell positive stories to motivate and communicate

Review how I might supplement my ‘one life one job’ thinking

Share the things I have learned on the course with my colleagues

So what would you CONTINUNE to do after the course to be a better leader?

Accept advice from people

Keep good communication with my team

Be approachable

Work as a team, never lead alone

Be open-minded and flexible

Think strategically

Ensure everything is done to a high standard

Lead by example

Get buy-in from subordinates

Make a difference at work and in my community

Ensure staff knows what they need to do and are capable of doing so

Leverage on the strengths of staff members

Network with Common Purpose classmates

Seek peer support for my growth

Continue to meet in Common Purpose Learning Groups

Provide a cross-sector platform for leaders from the private, public and not-for-profit sectors to

combine efforts to make their organizations and the society work better

So what would you do outside your silo, beyond your authority, across organizations, with people in

this group and others to make the community work better?

Help the younger generation by providing them with life and job experiences to give them

confidence and recognition and to nurture positive values among them

Act upon the project discussed during Core Day 3 to help young people

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Initiate ideas and create a platform to share them

Network with different sectors and be more involved in community affairs

Encourage people to understand issues from all sides

Do more volunteer work where possible to help those in need

Study community issues in Hong Kong and the Mainland and apply the BSC-map technique

to deal with them

Join learning group meetings to help solve the problems of others

Not hesitate to contact Common Purpose classmates for help if needed

Think globally and make myself available to contribute more

Build up lasting connections with people I meet

Create more networking events with people from different sectors

What is your biggest take away from the course?

Acquired vision and courage to be an effective leader

Realized that leadership has many different styles and there is no one best one. I will try and

apply the good points of each style in my workplace

The opportunity to take a deep look and review my ‘one life one job’ thinking

Been inspired to be courageous to create change with passion and vision without losing

sight of the importance of good implementation

Expanded my horizons, consolidated new experiences and fostered new friendships

Gained valuable insight from various speakers and acquired a wide network of new friends


Participants were encouraged to take advantage of the social capital within the group and continue

to work together after the course to make their organizations and the society work better. On Core

Day 3, the final day, they were asked to propose projects for this purpose and the following two

groups were formed.

Youth Project – ‘Building Dreams and Sharing Reality’ - an experiential learning programme of

exercises, visits and mentoring for 15 young persons to encourage them to fulfil their own


Learning Groups – monthly meetings to share each other’s challenges, to practice active listening

and devising new solutions.

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Meridian 2013

Module Date Theme Contributor Role

1. Core Day 1 23.5 Plotting the Course

The Common Purpose




Common Purpose HK

Beyond authority -

leadership in a changing




Council Chairman

The University of Hong


Social, economic and

political environment in

the next five years

Christine FANG

Chief Executive

HK Council of Social


T L TSIM Managing Director

T L Tsim and


Paul TANG Chief Economist

The Bank of East Asia

2. Understanding


30.5 Meet the People –

Poverty in HK

LAW Chi-kwong


Community Care Fund

SZE Lai-shan Community Organizer

Society for Community


3. Understanding


3.6 Master the Money –

Hong Kong 2030-

opportunities and

challenges in the regional

and global context

John RICE Vice Chairman

General Electric


4. Understanding



Master the Money –

Hong Kong 2030-

opportunities and

challenges in the

financial sector and

knowledge economy



Standard Chartered




Director and General



Intellectual Capital


5. Understanding



Map the Power –

Who has power in Hong

Kong – Legislative Council

TSANG Yok-sing


Legislative Council

Alan LEONG Leader

Civic Party

Emily LAU


Democratic Party

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TAM Yiu-chung


Democratic Alliance

for the Betterment

and Progress of Hong


6. Understanding



Meet the People -

The Post 80s and Post

90s generations –

aspirations and


LUI Tai-lok Professor of Sociology

The University of Hong


Dominic LEE Chairman

Young Liberals

Edwin LO Indie music


Fergus FUNG Founder and Chairman

Foodwise Co. Ltd

Jeff SZE Political Assistant

Education Bureau


Ivan TAN Scholarism

University students

Secondary school students

7. Core Day 2 5.9 Broadening Your Vision

Who do you need to be

LAM Woon-



Non Official Members

Executive Council


Change Game-

How to make the ‘Revitalizing Tung Choi Street (aka “Goldfish Street”)’ project in the Mong Kong Shopping Area possible?

SO Ngai-long Senior Manager

Urban Renewal


Change Game- Sexual Harassment in the Workplace - How to bring about attitudinal and ultimately behavioural change among employers?

Ferrick CHU Head

Policy and Research


Equal Opportunities


Change Game- How to make Power Retail Centres, a social enterprise operated by disabled people for charitable purposes, financially independent?

Stanley NG Executive Director

HK Rehabilitation


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8. Understanding



Passion and Resonance –

Revitalizing the HKJC






Hong Kong Jockey


9. Understanding


18.9 Sources of Power –

How to prevent re-


LIU Yuen-kwong Superintendent

Cape Collinson



10. Understanding


3.10 Consensus vs. Coalition –

Make life better

L M CHOW Director

Marketing and

Customer Services

China Light and Power

11. Understanding


10.10 Playing Different Roles –


Allan LAU

Senior Assistant

Commissioner of


HK Police Force

12. Leadership



Adapting to a New


The contributors’

leadership challenges

and dilemmas

Francis NGAI

Founder and CEO

Social Ventures Hong


Pace and Timing

The contributors’

leadership challenges

and dilemmas




The Link

13. Leadership



Courage and Caution

The contributors’

leadership challenges

and dilemmas

KO Wing-man

Secretary for Food and



Art of Storytelling

Stephen LEUNG Country Manager

Pfizer Hong Kong

14. Leadership



Pace and Timing

The contributors’

leadership challenges

and dilemmas



President and

Managing Director

Turner International

Asia Pacific Ltd

Adapting to a New


The contributors’

leadership challenges

and dilemmas





Asia Financial Holdings


15. Leadership



Pace and Timing

The contributors’

leadership challenges

and dilemmas

Rosanna WONG

Executive Director

HK Federation of

Youth Groups

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Adapting to a New


The contributors’

leadership challenges

and dilemmas

Gabriel LEUNG Dean

Faculty of Medicine

The University of Hong


16. Leadership



Who do you need to be

The contributors’

leadership challenges

and dilemmas



Courage and Caution

The contributors’

leadership challenges

and dilemmas

Eva CHENG Former Secretary for

Transport and Housing

17. Core Day 3 28.11 Preparing to Lead


Eyes on the hill, feet on

the Ground

Allan ZEMAN Chairman

LKF Group

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Name Last Name Company Name Job Title

1 Danko Au Yeung Hong Kong Police Tactical Unit HQs Chief Superintendent /

Commandant Police Tactical Unit

2 Wai

Leung Chan Caritas Hong Kong Social Work Supervisor

3 Jean Cheung Civil Service Training and

Development Institute Senior Training Officer

4 Agnes Ching Bauhinia Foundation Research

Centre Manager (Research)

5 Philip Ho Hong Kong Jockey Club Manager, Public Affairs

6 Brenda Kwok Office of the Privacy Commissioner

for Personal Data Chief Legal Counsel

7 Rebecca Lam Hong Kong Police Force Chief Superintendent, Security Wing

8 Kevin Lau CLP Holdings Limited Senior Manager

(Regulatory Strategy Development)

9 Simon Lee KPMG Partner

10 Matthew Lee City University Chair Professor and

Director of Communications & PR

11 Cindy Leung Hong Kong Family Welfare Society Head of Service

12 Moses Mui Hong Kong Council of Social Service Chief Officer (Family & Community)

13 Carroline Ng Correctional Services Department Senior Superintendent

(Human Resources)

14 Brian Ng Hong Kong and China Gas Company

Limited Transmission Operation Manager

15 Rebecca Ng Hong Kong Children & Youth

Services Agency Director

16 Joseph Siu Department of Health

CEO / Deputy Head (Boards &


Department of Health

17 Bonnie So Hong Kong Red Cross Deputy Secretary General (Services)

18 Lewis Soo CLP Holdings Limited Deputy Director (Residential

Channels & Marketing)

19 Melvin Wong Hong Kong and China Gas Company


Project Marketing and Sales


20 James Wong Hong Kong and China Gas Company

Limited Senior Vice President

21 Alicia Yeh WWF Director, Development

22 Samson Yuen Hong Kong Note Printing Limited Director and General Manager

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The success of Meridian 2013 was due in a great part to the contributors who gave us their time

freely to meet the participants and answer their questions. They have inspired the participants and

changed their mind-set beyond our expectation. We are truly indebted to them and to the Hon.

Ronald Arculli, GBM, CVO, GBS, OBE, JP, Chairman of Common Purpose Charitable Foundation

(HK), who helped us recruit them. We are also most grateful to Mr LAU Ming-wai, Vice Chairman of

Chinese Estates Holdings for vetting applications and the following organizations for allowing us to

use their facilities for meetings: Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Ltd, MTRC, Towngas, The

Financial Times, The Link Management Ltd, Turner CNN, Simmons & Simmons and Chinese Estates
