MEQ&T fwV w9i -- inTr.nllr.n EVGNIN G BULLETIN · 2015. 6. 1. · banquet hall and took their...

T '3T' .5r ' i 'T. ''P'SIBBSIBp lOT"' .i&flManiffiaBMM8Mr: w9i MEQ&T i - jh - , -- r f SrtwywwraraBF. ar pf fwV ( 't1! V"" v Wfr.MfrMW inTr.nllr.n 5 9fMmtWM!9mWMW diLAffltK .! ? (Advertising Medium. . EVGNIN G BULLETIN If yon Don't Read the Millet n EDITION. you Don t Get ALL the Navs. II ?VJ-- c .... lha'PMhh .'..fcfc. s 4 -. Mtl A frVSASf f twwtwWWWWM(MM Vol. 1. No. 258. HONOLULU, H. I., SATURDAY, MARCH 21. 189G. Piiioe 5 Cknts. THE EVENING BULLETIN. Published ovory day except Sunday nt C09 King Streot, Honolulu, II. I. SUHSCUIPTION HATES. For Month, nnywhoro in tho Iln- - wnllnn Islands $ 75 Per Year.... j ti 00 For Year, postpaid to America, Canada, or Mexico 1000 Por Year, postpaid, olhor Foreign Countrios 13 00 I'uyulilo Iiiviirlnlilv In Adrmico. Tolcphono i!i(l. P. O. Box 89. B. L FINflEY, Manager. A LIFE SIZE Crayon Portrait Framed Complete WITH Ons Dosoa Photos of the SiUec ion Only 6B15.00 W I tho LATEST Ol'FElt wo Uavs to nuke. J.J.WILLIAMS Portrait and Landscape Fotoyrapher. KORT STIiEET. Big Three ! Wo huvo the to umionnco tiio ji Agency of tho ' DAILY Francisco Which novr given ua tho "BIG THREE" San Francisco Dallies, vlz.i Call, Chronicle, JCxanainer. VaT Your choico delivered by enrrior to any part of tho city. Only $1.00 Per Month. Yours to command, Wall, Nichols Company Eagle -:- - House (J no. McLean, Prop.) Nuuanu Ave., between Ilerotnula and School streets. ROOM AND BOARD: Por Day, 81.60 Por Week 9.50 Rooms to lot without board if prcforred. jrjT" Diuiciiif! every Saturday with Oleo Club in attendance TELEPHONE 707. Valuable Lands For Sale! A Good Investment I 1UOE LANDS WITH ABUNDANT supply of water. Also, tract Laud miit-nb- lo for cultivation or dividing into homo-sten- d luts ueur IIouolulu. (lood revenue from rlco laudn. For further particulars, iuqniro of tf To Let or Lease. thu tiyinr-Nuno- r JIKS. A LONG, olio uillo from pohtoflli-o- . L irgo house with furulluio. Four bod roouiH, parlor, Iuiko dluhio; room, pantry. l;ithon bath rooms, hot and eold water, with pntoul closutu, hcivaut houBCii, htuiilpH, horbo pndilouk, kakIou and tu-eit- , A chariiiiiiK location. Apply to J AliFlM'.l) MAOUON. Merchant nt next IVwIolllco. -- -- im For Sale. llBAUTIl'lJh (UUNIIlt LOT, 00s.00 (rot. wllliln nun bl on U of n!rtilimru, uornnr of nolo mid Al'ixnudfr Mrwtn, nmr Hid Qalm Otillou', I'iiiwIhiii. Tlti ntfetil, flutw utHMJjrnnly u piiruh n lmllulDR ' 9l(Hf P3E np m trw nmt : MUU h tfc source of good health. ftysr's Sarsaparilia Makes Puro Blood, Sironjthcn'i tho ilorves, Shaipons tho Appetite, flomoves that Tired Feeling, and Makes Life Worth Living. Stifforera fi'uiii indices, tlon, Rcneral d(d)ility,skin discuses, or any other ail- ment arising from Impure blood, should tuko AYEP, 5 SARSAPARULA Gold Medals at the World's Great Expositions. CSTMlownroof cheap imitation. 'Thr liatiio Ayor's S.irrtnparlllii Is prnnil-lie- on tho wrapper, ami Is blown in tho gloss of each buttle. Hollister Drug Co., Ltd. Solo Agents for tho Republic of Hawaii. Interesting ! mports of Champagne In- to the United States, PROM JAN. 1ST TO JUNE l8T, 1805. Cases. dHMumm & Co.'s extra dry 80,831 Poinmory & Urono 11,708 Moet t Ohaticlou D.COS Hoidsicok & Co., (dry Monopole) 7.C01 Louis Roedoror 3.438 Ruiiinrt 313(5 Perrier Jouot 3.28G Irroy&Co 1,785 Vvo. Clicquot 2,378 BouoheSec 992 Delbeck&Co 728 8t. Mnrco..ux 33t Krug& Go 270 Ohas. Hoidsiock 3C5 Viirioua 5.419 Total 81,859 COMPILED FROM CUSTOM HOUSE RECORDS. Macfarlane & Co., Solo AgontB for G. II. Mnmm & Co. for tbo Hawaiian Islands. 124-t- f TO LET. 2 Cottages om Beretanla Sluoot, No, !)!), adjoiuli'K tho Qucou's Hots-pit- llardon. Ono with U Itoonm, also Mosquito Itoom, BiilliliouHc, Kitchuii, l'antry, SoiviintV HouBf, Carriage lloiinu, etc. L irgo garden aud paHturu. One with fi liooins, aUo liathroom, Pan- try, Kitchen, Shed, etc &JBT I'ramwiiy ciuh paint tlio prouiibeH. For iiarticulaiH, nnii y to SIS-l- H. W. .SCHMIDT k SONS. NOTICE. having iti:oi:ivi:i) notiok ov m.v liugbaiid'ri ixlieino IIIncmH at the Tabloln Hospital in Kan Fraucinoo, I am compelled to go to thu Count on Saturday next, Dnr-iiil- j my iditonro my Inuhiwn will ho euu duoto I by my vinploymi and I rwjiwlfully atli Hint our furmur patrunit aonlliiue lluiir kind wtionnni livrviufuio. MIW, rilANIl ALVIU IIbhuIhIu, Marvli 17. Mi, (WMw LEGISLATURE IN SESSION. THE nnusr. op ktpiiksf.nta-tivi:- s tkis a m;sr. Nonutnr JlcJiullt' IViiimiiiihIn IHnro (liiemloiim rr tho ."Tlliil.tpr or riimnoc-lil- tii l.llirnry Itlll. Twenty-Sixt- h Day, Maiicii 21th. the 8enatk. Aflortlieoponing i)roliminnvios Sonntor Lyman from tho Com mitteo on Public Lands reported on tho potilion of rosidoiita of Kauni for an appropriation of 65000 for a now road to Koloa. Tho commiltoo rncomniondod that tho road bo built and that bo appropriated for tho purposo. Eoport Inid on tho tablo to bo taken up with any now appropri ntion bills. Sonator Brown from the Judi- ciary Committee reported on tho petition of thirty-thre- e lawyers and others for an amendment to tho law on privato ways aud wator rights. Tho committeo favors tho chnngo petitioned for and submits a bill con- taining tho desired amend- ment. Tho bill gives tho Circuit Judges in chambors concurrent rights with District Courts in hearing and determining suits of this class, with tho object of hav- ing tho Circuit Judges hoar tho more important cnBes. Pioferred back to the committeo for transla- tion. Souator McCandless submitted tho following interrogatory to tho Minister of Finance: "Pleuso havo a gtatomont made for tho uso of tho Committeo on tho Tax Law, showing the taxes paid in tho lio-publ- ic of llawaii by nil business iirms or busiuosd enterprises, othor than corporations, whether conducted as or by individuals. Said statement to have all bucli business firms or ontorprisos proporly classified un- der tho headings: "Agricultural," " Mercantile,"' " Mechanical," "Grazing," or un- der any other appropriate head- ing." Minister Dnniot' said it would bo necessary to commuuicato with all tho assebsors on tho other isl- ands to procure tho desired in- formation and that it would neces- sarily tako sotno time to compile tho tablos asked. Senator Lyman introduced liis bill for tho benefit of tho Hilo Library and lending Itoom As- sociation. By tho terms of tho bill tho Minister of tho Interior is authorized and directed to ro-sor- and sot apart for tho uso of tho association all of that certain lot or parcel of land situate on tho northwest side of AVuianuo-nu- o streot, 50x100 foot, adjoining tho lot owned by H. Porter, to- gether with govornmont wator, free of charge. Tho bill also exompts all property of tho asso- ciation from taxes, as long ns tho library and reading room aro open to tho goneral public. Tho bill was referred to tho Printing Committee. At 10:25 tho Sonato adjourned till Monday. NOTES CI' 110TJ1 HOUSES. Sotno miscreant has knocked a holo in two panols of tho now i'onco which encloses tho Sonato chambor. Sonator AVatorhouso was tho only absentee at tho opening of tho Sonato this morning, but ho caino in in time to voto on tho motion to adjourn. It is understood that tho rovi-sio- u of tho l'oual Codo Js unsatis- factory in its prcfiout form and that it will go over for thu next Legislature for adoption. If Son- ator Jlolstuiu's bill to rtiviso tho Civil Codo puHHos, this will bring out a now invil ami uriiniiial codo nl llio Hiinio llmo whioli h iiiohI iltmirublii. (IllUMtt til) till Ottlllllo gtll i Vi- - etiur I'Ihimi, All fur n tlullur nl WhI! Mt'huU t'u, IIIK ClItl.'ATUST WI.DIUSO. Mm-Tf- ii llioii.nuil 'iiiiiIck I'tilleil at the Mauip Time Tho largest and most rouiark-abl- o wedding since tho world bo-ga- u, says a writer in tho Cincin- nati Tribune, took plnco at Susa. "When tho Great Alexander had conquered Per in, wishing to unito tho victors and vanquished by tho strongest tios possible, ho decreed a wedding festival. Now guess how many pooplo ho Order- ed to bo married. You could nev- er do it. AVoll, Alexander himsolf was to marry Statira,- - tho daughter of Darius; 100 of Iub chiol ollicors woro to bo united to ladies from 1ho noblest Persian aud Medean families,' and 10,000 of his Greek soldiers woro to marry 10,000 Asiatic women 20,202 peoplo married at, onco. J don't seo how they managed to get up a fenst for so many, butthoy (lid, and fpr u vast multitude of guests bosides. They had tho most sploudid arrangements. On a plain, near tho city, a vast pavil- ion was orected on pillars, sixty feet high. It was hung and spread with tho richest tissues, whilo tho gold and precious stones which ornamented it would have mado your eyes blink. Adjoining this building woro 100 gorgeous chambers for tho hundred bride- grooms whilo, for tho remaining 10,000 an outer court was inclosed nnd hung with costly tapestry; and tables woro spread outsido for tho multitude. A separate seat was assigned each pair, and all wero arranged in a semi-ciicl- o on either hand of tho royal throne. Each bride- groom had received a golden ves- sel for his libation, and when the last of theso had been announced by trumpets to tho multitudes without, tho brides ontored tho banquet hall and took their places. And now, don't you think each bridegroom stood up soparately and vowed, "With this riiic I now theo wed," and so ou. No, tho coremony was vory simple; tho King gavo his hand to Statira and kissed her as his wife, and tho othor bridegrooms followed his example. That was tho way. Thou camo the festival, lasting five days, with music and feats of jugglory and play acting and all kinds of dolightful games. ' an i:.iiii.i,;tii:d unto. What tlio Cathode liny IIIm-Iokci- In IHuiiuiiy WrnppliiK" Harold Frederic writes tho fol- lowing in his London lottor to the Now York Times: Although it is evident that Am- erica is fully abreast of Europo in ovpanding aud developing Boont-gon- 's discovory some quaint inci- dents of tho process hero may not bo duplicated on tho othor side. For instance, tho Vienna Museum for somo timo has possessed as its chiof treas-ur- an Egyptian mum- my which is swathed to resomblo a human being, but bearing an inscription which suggested it to bo nn Ibis instead. Tho thing was too raro and precious to run tho risk of uuwindingits bandages to solve this paradox, but tho sha- dow photograph now plainly ls tho skeleton of a large bird. Professor Bergmann of Berlin utilised tlio discovery tho olhor day for a surgical oporation, but at the same timo made a speech to tho university class, warning thorn of tho pussiblo dangers involved in this weird multiplication of facilities for diagnosis, llo foresees that, now that tlio position of niotals, substances inside tho human form, may bo traced with ease, ovory body who hnd boon carrying bullets, noedleu and shot for years without harm to himsulf will bo poHMcssod with tlio passion to havo tliutu louiitod iilitl duu out, ami nyainst this ho protend y. I In Hit) hu mado hU njieoliil rupulBliiiii In Utn Hiww Turbiult ' !' war Ui ant- ing fl InilM IMIiikHlfNMtttil) iieuo than by anything else, ami even in timo of peaco, whero antiseptic aids aro at their best, ho earnestly deprecates till but strictly essential oporations of this nature. Mot or I. en v oh Ilrltldli Soil. A Waldorf Hotel group woro , discussing tho extont of British territory a low evenings ago when an experienced travolor mado a remark that sot others to looking up their atlases at tbo first oppor tunity, lie had said that a traveler can leave London and go around tho world aud never set foot on othor than British Roil. Asked to outline tho itinerary ho answered: "From England to Halifax; to Victoria over tho Canadian Pacific; across tho Paci- fic to Hongkong, stopping there on tho British reservation; theneo to Singaporo, Ponang, tho island of Mauritius, Capo Town, South Africa; St. Helena and homo to England; or from Ponang you may go to Coylon, thonco by way of Bombay, Adon, Porim, Malta, Gibraltar and thonco homo." Xow York World. lum perm lire of Honolulu. Daily record of temperature kept by Hon. W. if. Castle, Ho- nolulu, Hawaiian Islands. Altitudo 50 feet abovo sea lovol. Latitude 21 18' 20". Longitudo 147 5L' 0". w e s o S is- - o 03 B (8 0? Jan .i78, 09.50! 1.91 C0 2,11 KobJ7R 62.0 00.00 1.20! fifi' 1.81 Mar. 77, oo'.i.u f i.uu 1.11 1.40 4 .pr..'oa, .0(1 5 G2.072.75 0.45l0, 1.01 May (81. 0 05.07-1.9- 0.2310, 0.73 Juuo.8G, 08.075.42 0.550, 0.90! July. 87, 08 077.15 0.410, 0.49 Aug. 89. 71.0,79.43 0.790, 1.4 L Sept.J87, 71.0,78.70 1.09 0. 2.15 Oct . 187, GG.07fi.43 0.230, 0.31 Nov. 82, ;59.0,73.28 2.21 3.27 Dec.,82, 59.072.GG 8.2G 12.02 89.054.0 74.21 19.13 8.81127.91 lilt S11I0 or In accordance with instructions from Messrs. II. W. Schmidt & Sons, W.S. Luco will,comiuencing on Monday noxt, sell at auction a largo and valuable stotflc of dry goods, tailors' goods, clothing, liquors and cigars, saddlery, hardware and grocories. This will bo a salo of oxtroordinary in- terest to tho bargain buyers of Honolulu, and a chanco seldom offered to socuro first-clas- s goods at low prices. Tho list embraces hundreds of useful aud necessary articles, further particulars rola-tiv- o to which will bo published later. Don't forget tho clato,Mon-da- y noxt at 10 a. m., at H. W. Schmidt ife Sons' Btoro on Fort street, between Merchant and Quoo'u. In l uhIiIiikIiiii. Visitor "What would bo a good timo to soo tho Sonato in session V" llosident "Well, you can tako your choice. On Monday and Thursday they attend to Armenia; Tuesday, Yonozuola; Wednesday, Cuba; Friday, tho Transvaal lto-publi- c; Saturday if they win sparo tho timo tho United States. Puck. The Hawaiian question and tho Pacific cablo aro probably rolo-gate- d to recess. TImi Opium CuNi'ii. Tho trial of Hoshina and Iwata for soiling opium ended in Judge do la Yorgiio's Court yesterday afternoon. Both defendants were found guilty, iwata was hou-toiut- to pay a lino of $300 and coritn and 0110 mouth's ImjirlKou-inou- l at haul labor. IIlunu wan given n Him of $500 and six iiioiiIIih' iiiiprlmiiiiui'iii ui hard labor. Thu t'Htfo una apMitliti to tin higlit 1 Kiuirt. W . lltWIN AKItKSTKU. Ilrnuslit In flniirl Undrr Ilrncli IVar-rm- it in 11 linen. Budolph Spreckols vs. W. M. Giffard, secretary of Paauhau Plantation Company, was before Judgo Perry this morning. There was a hot timo between Mr. Kin- ney of counsel for defendant, and Mr. Hartwell of counsel for tho plaintiff, over a Hiibpocuii issued by tho clerk f.,r W. G. Irwin.pres-iden- t of tho company named. Mr.Kinney notified Mr. Irwin thai tlio subprrna was improperly is- sued and ho need not obey it. Mr. 1 fnrtwiAnoved for a bench warrant to bring "Mh InuiiTnto court, which was granted by Judgo Perry. Tho warrant wa? Borved on Mr. Irwin at his oflico by Marshal Brown, who escorted tho witness into court.' Mr. Kin- ney asked for timo to consider what next to do in tho matter, aud, after about ten minutes' da-la- y and a brief consultation with Mr. Irwin, ho announced to tho Court that ho was ready to havo tho hearing proceed. Mr. Allon, of Allou & Lewi's, brokers, of San Francisco and Portland, was on tho stand for the plaintiff. He pro- duced 500 Bhares of Paau- hau stock, in addition to 500 pro- duced before. After resumption of business tho only ripplo in tho proceedings was caused by Mr. Kiujioy'B objections to questions. Outsido of tho courtroom, while tho return upon the bench war- rant was awaited, Mr. Kinney said that Mr. Stanley, of counsol for the plaintiff, had gone past him to procure a subpenna for Mr. Irwin. Ho was not a little oxcited oor the matter. At lUiiiun Kiimrc. Tho Hawaiian band will give tho usual concert atEruma Squaro this afternoon immediately after lie doparturo of tho Austrnlin.Tho following program has boon ar- ranged: 1 March "Vienna" Kmntarb; a Overture Klum and ClauiHo..Mereail.uilu 3 Finnic Ciinnen Illzet I Hemiiilnoenccn of Aubcr. Godfrey Ii Waltz Coinmem-- tho Hull Cooto tl Oaloi l.lglit ana Feather Nicolti Hawaii Ponol. lliilldliitf Lot.. The building lots to bo sold at auction by Jas. F. Morgan noxt Saturday aro situated in the ohdiccst neighborhood at Mnkiki. Fivo or six now modern residences will bo orected in tho innncdiato vicinity within tho coming year, and tho many fine houses being built at tho Punahou tract just boyond thoso lots ensure a rapid riso in value. Thomas Lindsay loaves by tho Australia. Bo gudo yoursol', Tom. A Chinese lady took tho oath of allcgiauco this morning. Slio tenohos a school of Chinese pu- pils on Smith streot. You can't do better thun to call on King Bros., when you want anything in tho picture or art goods lino. Don't forgot tho number Hotel street. Bov. Mr. Bomig hnd a largo audionco last night. After his regular sermon he undertook to prove, in contradiction of an al- leged statement by llov. Mr. L'eck, that tho Methodist church regard- ed baptism as an essential to sal- vation, whilo also recognizing immersion as 0110 of tho modes. Tho Prussian general stalV aro enthusiastic ovor Count Zoppolin's slcorahlo balloon, which can riso 1200 yards, travel olovon miles an hour, carry two tons, stay up fully a week and ascoiul or descend with-o- ut throwing ballast or losing gas. It utilizes aluminum intho motor ami steering gear, but the principal novelty is a suurut prn pinutloii or sizing making silk entirely gas light. Tho uostof one win im it,ouo, inn us vidua 11 IIiiih of war art a lookout ovnr a vtud luiiuo, uitliur by muh or IhuiI, Hill m illUHUMllwllIu, . i vv s.4 i . v i, - L n

Transcript of MEQ&T fwV w9i -- inTr.nllr.n EVGNIN G BULLETIN · 2015. 6. 1. · banquet hall and took their...

  • T '3T' .5r' i 'T. ''P'SIBBSIBp lOT"'.i&flManiffiaBMM8Mr: w9iMEQ&T i - jh-, -- r f SrtwywwraraBF. ar pf fwV ( 't1! V""

    vWfr.MfrMWinTr.nllr.n 5 9fMmtWM!9mWMWdiLAffltK .! ? (Advertising Medium.. EVGNIN G BULLETIN Ifyon Don't Read the Millet nEDITION. you Don t Get ALL the Navs.II ?VJ-- c.... lha'PMhh.'..fcfc. s 4 -. Mtl A frVSASf f


    Vol. 1. No. 258. HONOLULU, H. I., SATURDAY, MARCH 21. 189G. Piiioe 5 Cknts.


    Published ovory day except Sunday ntC09 King Streot, Honolulu, II. I.

    SUHSCUIPTION HATES.For Month, nnywhoro in tho Iln- -

    wnllnn Islands $ 75Per Year.... j ti 00For Year, postpaid to America,

    Canada, or Mexico 1000Por Year, postpaid, olhor Foreign

    Countrios 13 00I'uyulilo Iiiviirlnlilv In Adrmico.

    Tolcphono i!i(l. P. O. Box 89.

    B. L FINflEY, Manager.



    PortraitFramed Complete


    Ons Dosoa Photos of the SiUec


    Only 6B15.00W I tho LATEST Ol'FElt wo Uavs

    to nuke.

    J.J.WILLIAMSPortrait and LandscapeFotoyrapher.KORT STIiEET.Big Three !Wo huvo the to umionnco tiio

    ji Agency of tho' DAILYFrancisco

    Which novr given ua tho

    "BIG THREE"San Francisco Dallies, vlz.i


    VaT Your choico delivered by enrrior toany part of tho city.

    Only $1.00 Per Month.Yours to command,

    Wall, Nichols Company

    Eagle -:- - House(J no. McLean, Prop.)

    Nuuanu Ave., between Ilerotnula and Schoolstreets.

    ROOM AND BOARD:Por Day, 81.60Por Week 9.50

    Rooms to lot without board if prcforred.

    jrjT" Diuiciiif! every Saturday withOleo Club in attendance

    TELEPHONE 707.

    Valuable Lands For Sale!

    A Good Investment I

    1UOE LANDS WITH ABUNDANTsupply of water. Also, tract Laud miit-nb- lo

    for cultivation or dividing into homo-sten- dluts ueur IIouolulu. (lood revenue

    from rlco laudn.For further particulars, iuqniro of


    To Let or Lease.thu tiyinr-Nuno- r JIKS. A LONG,

    olio uillo from pohtoflli-o- . L irgo house withfurulluio. Four bod roouiH, parlor, Iuikodluhio; room, pantry. l;ithon bath rooms,hot and eold water, with pntoul closutu,hcivaut houBCii, htuiilpH, horbo pndilouk,kakIou and tu-eit- , A chariiiiiiK location.

    Apply to J AliFlM'.l) MAOUON.Merchant nt next IVwIolllco.

    --- -im

    For Sale.llBAUTIl'lJh (UUNIIlt LOT, 00s.00

    (rot. wllliln nun bl on U of n!rtilimru, uornnrof nolo mid Al'ixnudfr Mrwtn, nmr HidQalm Otillou', I'iiiwIhiii. Tlti ntfetil,flutw utHMJjrnnly u piiruh n lmllulDR

    ' 9l(Hf

    P3E np m trwnmt: MUUh tfc source of good health.

    ftysr's SarsapariliaMakes Puro Blood,Sironjthcn'i tho ilorves,Shaipons tho Appetite,flomoves that Tired Feeling,and Makes Life Worth Living.

    Stifforerafi'uiii indices,tlon, Rcnerald(d)ility,skindiscuses, orany other ail-ment arisingfrom Impureblood, shouldtuko

    AYEP, 5

    SARSAPARULAGold Medals at the World's Great Expositions.

    CSTMlownroof cheap imitation. 'Thrliatiio Ayor's S.irrtnparlllii Is prnnil-lie-

    on tho wrapper, ami Is blown intho gloss of each buttle.

    Hollister Drug Co., Ltd.Solo Agents for tho Republic of Hawaii.

    Interesting !

    mports of Champagne In-to the United States,

    PROM JAN. 1ST TO JUNE l8T, 1805.


    dHMumm & Co.'s extradry 80,831

    Poinmory & Urono 11,708Moet t Ohaticlou D.COSHoidsicok & Co., (dry

    Monopole) 7.C01Louis Roedoror 3.438Ruiiinrt 313(5Perrier Jouot 3.28GIrroy&Co 1,785Vvo. Clicquot 2,378BouoheSec 992Delbeck&Co 7288t. Mnrco..ux 33tKrug& Go 270Ohas. Hoidsiock 3C5Viirioua 5.419

    Total 81,859



    Macfarlane & Co.,Solo AgontB for G. II. Mnmm & Co.

    for tbo Hawaiian Islands.124-t-f

    TO LET.

    2 Cottages om Beretanla Sluoot,No, !)!), adjoiuli'K tho Qucou's Hots-pit-

    llardon.Ono with U Itoonm, also Mosquito Itoom,

    BiilliliouHc, Kitchuii, l'antry, SoiviintVHouBf, Carriage lloiinu, etc. L irgo gardenaud paHturu.

    One with fi liooins, aUo liathroom, Pan-try, Kitchen, Shed, etc

    &JBT I'ramwiiy ciuh paint tlio prouiibeH.For iiarticulaiH, nnii y to

    SIS-l- H. W. .SCHMIDT k SONS.

    NOTICE.having iti:oi:ivi:i) notiok ov m.v

    liugbaiid'ri ixlieino IIIncmH at the Tabloln

    Hospital in Kan Fraucinoo, I am compelledto go to thu Count on Saturday next, Dnr-iiil- j

    my iditonro my Inuhiwn will ho euuduoto I by my vinploymi and I rwjiwlfullyatli Hint our furmur patrunit aonlliiue lluiirkind wtionnni livrviufuio.

    MIW, rilANIl ALVIUIIbhuIhIu, Marvli 17. Mi, (WMw


    THE nnusr. op ktpiiksf.nta-tivi:- s

    tkis a m;sr.

    Nonutnr JlcJiullt' IViiimiiiihIn IHnro(liiemloiim rr tho ."Tlliil.tpr or

    riimnoc-lil- tii l.llirnry Itlll.

    Twenty-Sixt- h Day, Maiicii 21th.

    the 8enatk.Aflortlieoponing i)roliminnvios

    Sonntor Lyman from tho Committeo on Public Lands reportedon tho potilion of rosidoiita ofKauni for an appropriation of65000 for a now road to Koloa.Tho commiltoo rncomniondod thattho road bo built and thatbo appropriated for tho purposo.Eoport Inid on tho tablo to botaken up with any now approprintion bills.

    Sonator Brown from the Judi-ciary Committee reported on thopetition of thirty-thre- e lawyersand others for an amendment totho law on privato ways audwator rights. Tho committeofavors tho chnngo petitionedfor and submits a bill con-taining tho desired amend-ment. Tho bill gives tho CircuitJudges in chambors concurrentrights with District Courts inhearing and determining suits ofthis class, with tho object of hav-ing tho Circuit Judges hoar thomore important cnBes. Pioferredback to the committeo for transla-tion.

    Souator McCandless submittedtho following interrogatory to thoMinister of Finance: "Pleusohavo a gtatomont made for tho usoof tho Committeo on tho Tax Law,showing the taxes paid in tho lio-publ- ic

    of llawaii by nil businessiirms or busiuosd enterprises,othor than corporations, whetherconducted as orby individuals. Said statement tohave all bucli business firms orontorprisos proporly classified un-der tho headings: "Agricultural,"" Mercantile,"' " Mechanical,""Grazing," or un-der any other appropriate head-ing."

    Minister Dnniot' said it wouldbo necessary to commuuicato withall tho assebsors on tho other isl-ands to procure tho desired in-formation and that it would neces-sarily tako sotno time to compiletho tablos asked.

    Senator Lyman introduced liisbill for tho benefit of tho HiloLibrary and lending Itoom As-sociation. By tho terms of thobill tho Minister of tho Interioris authorized and directed to ro-sor-

    and sot apart for tho uso oftho association all of that certainlot or parcel of land situate ontho northwest side of AVuianuo-nu- o

    streot, 50x100 foot, adjoiningtho lot owned by H. Porter, to-gether with govornmont wator,free of charge. Tho bill alsoexompts all property of tho asso-ciation from taxes, as long ns tholibrary and reading room aroopen to tho goneral public.

    Tho bill was referred to thoPrinting Committee.

    At 10:25 tho Sonato adjournedtill Monday.


    Sotno miscreant has knocked aholo in two panols of tho nowi'onco which encloses tho Sonatochambor.

    Sonator AVatorhouso was thoonly absentee at tho opening oftho Sonato this morning, but hocaino in in time to voto on thomotion to adjourn.

    It is understood that tho rovi-sio- uof tho l'oual Codo Js unsatis-

    factory in its prcfiout form andthat it will go over for thu nextLegislature for adoption. If Son-ator Jlolstuiu's bill to rtiviso thoCivil Codo puHHos, this will bringout a now invil ami uriiniiial codonl llio Hiinio llmo whioli h iiiohIiltmirublii.

    (IllUMtt til) till Ottlllllo gtll i Vi- -etiur I'Ihimi, All fur n tlullur nlWhI! Mt'huU t'u,


    Mm-Tf- ii llioii.nuil 'iiiiiIck I'tilleil atthe Mauip Time

    Tho largest and most rouiark-abl- owedding since tho world bo-ga- u,says a writer in tho Cincin-

    nati Tribune, took plnco at Susa."When tho Great Alexander hadconquered Per in, wishing tounito tho victors and vanquishedby tho strongest tios possible, hodecreed a wedding festival. Nowguess how many pooplo ho Order-ed to bo married. You could nev-er do it.

    AVoll, Alexander himsolf was tomarry Statira,-- tho daughter ofDarius; 100 of Iub chiol ollicorsworo to bo united to ladies from1ho noblest Persian aud Medeanfamilies,' and 10,000 of his Greeksoldiers woro to marry 10,000Asiatic women 20,202 peoplomarried at, onco.

    J don't seo how they managed toget up a fenst for so many, butthoy(lid, and fpr u vast multitude ofguests bosides. They had thomost sploudid arrangements. Ona plain, near tho city, a vast pavil-ion was orected on pillars, sixtyfeet high. It was hung andspread with tho richest tissues,whilo tho gold and precious stoneswhich ornamented it would havemado your eyes blink. Adjoiningthis building woro 100 gorgeouschambers for tho hundred bride-grooms whilo, for tho remaining10,000 an outer court was inclosednnd hung with costly tapestry;and tables woro spread outsido fortho multitude.

    A separate seat was assignedeach pair, and all wero arrangedin a semi-ciicl- o on either hand oftho royal throne. Each bride-groom had received a golden ves-sel for his libation, and when thelast of theso had been announcedby trumpets to tho multitudeswithout, tho brides ontored thobanquet hall and took theirplaces.

    And now, don't you think eachbridegroom stood up soparatelyand vowed, "With this riiic I nowtheo wed," and so ou. No, thocoremony was vory simple; thoKing gavo his hand to Statira andkissed her as his wife, and thoothor bridegrooms followed hisexample. That was tho way.Thou camo the festival, lastingfive days, with music and feats ofjugglory and play acting and allkinds of dolightful games.

    ' an i:.iiii.i,;tii:d unto.

    What tlio Cathode liny IIIm-Iokci- InIHuiiuiiy WrnppliiK"

    Harold Frederic writes tho fol-lowing in his London lottor to theNow York Times:

    Although it is evident that Am-erica is fully abreast of Europo inovpanding aud developing Boont-gon- 's

    discovory some quaint inci-dents of tho process hero may notbo duplicated on tho othor side.For instance, tho Vienna Museumfor somo timo has possessed as itschiof treas-ur- an Egyptian mum-my which is swathed to resombloa human being, but bearing aninscription which suggested it tobo nn Ibis instead. Tho thingwas too raro and precious to runtho risk of uuwindingits bandagesto solve this paradox, but tho sha-dow photograph now plainly ls

    tho skeleton of a large bird.Professor Bergmann of Berlin

    utilised tlio discovery tho olhorday for a surgical oporation, butat the same timo made a speech totho university class, warning thornof tho pussiblo dangers involvedin this weird multiplication offacilities for diagnosis, llo foreseesthat, now that tlio position ofniotals, substances inside thohuman form, may bo traced withease, ovory body who hnd booncarrying bullets, noedleu and shotfor years without harm to himsulfwill bo poHMcssod with tlio passionto havo tliutu louiitod iilitl duu out,ami nyainst this ho protend y.

    I In Hit) hu mado hU njieoliilrupulBliiiii In Utn HiwwTurbiult ' !' war Ui ant-ing fl InilM IMIiikHlfNMtttil) iieuo

    than by anything else, ami evenin timo of peaco, whero antisepticaids aro at their best, ho earnestlydeprecates till but strictly essentialoporations of this nature.

    Mot or I. en v oh Ilrltldli Soil.A Waldorf Hotel group woro ,

    discussing tho extont of Britishterritory a low evenings ago whenan experienced travolor mado aremark that sot others to lookingup their atlases at tbo first opportunity, lie had said that a travelercan leave London and go aroundtho world aud never set foot onothor than British Roil.

    Asked to outline tho itineraryho answered: "From England toHalifax; to Victoria over thoCanadian Pacific; across tho Paci-fic to Hongkong, stopping thereon tho British reservation; theneoto Singaporo, Ponang, tho islandof Mauritius, Capo Town, SouthAfrica; St. Helena and homo toEngland; or from Ponang youmay go to Coylon, thonco by wayof Bombay, Adon, Porim, Malta,Gibraltar and thonco homo."Xow York World.

    lum perm lire of Honolulu.Daily record of temperature

    kept by Hon. W. if. Castle, Ho-nolulu, Hawaiian Islands.

    Altitudo 50 feet abovo sea lovol.Latitude 21 18' 20".Longitudo 147 5L' 0".

    w eso S is-

    - o

    03 B(8 0?

    Jan .i78, 09.50! 1.91 C0 2,11KobJ7R 62.0 00.00 1.20! fifi' 1.81Mar. 77, oo'.i.u f i.uu 1.11 1.40


    .pr..'oa,.0(1 5 G2.072.75 0.45l0, 1.01May (81. 0 05.07-1.9- 0.2310, 0.73Juuo.8G, 08.075.42 0.550, 0.90!July. 87, 08 077.15 0.410, 0.49Aug. 89. 71.0,79.43 0.790, 1.4 LSept.J87, 71.0,78.70 1.09 0. 2.15Oct . 187, GG.07fi.43 0.230, 0.31Nov. 82, ;59.0,73.28 2.21 3.27Dec.,82, 59.072.GG 8.2G 12.02

    89.054.0 74.21 19.13 8.81127.91

    lilt S11I0 orIn accordance with instructions

    from Messrs. II. W. Schmidt &Sons, W.S. Luco will,comiuencingon Monday noxt, sell at auction alargo and valuable stotflc of drygoods, tailors' goods, clothing,liquors and cigars, saddlery,hardware and grocories. Thiswill bo a salo of oxtroordinary in-terest to tho bargain buyers ofHonolulu, and a chanco seldomoffered to socuro first-clas- s goodsat low prices. Tho list embraceshundreds of useful aud necessaryarticles, further particulars rola-tiv- o

    to which will bo publishedlater. Don't forget tho clato,Mon-da- y

    noxt at 10 a. m., at H. W.Schmidt ife Sons' Btoro on Fortstreet, between Merchant andQuoo'u.

    In l uhIiIiikIiiii.Visitor "What would bo a

    good timo to soo tho Sonato insession V"

    llosident "Well, you can takoyour choice. On Monday andThursday they attend to Armenia;Tuesday, Yonozuola; Wednesday,Cuba; Friday, tho Transvaal lto-publi- c;

    Saturday if they winsparo tho timo tho United States.


    The Hawaiian question and thoPacific cablo aro probably rolo-gate- d

    to recess.

    TImi Opium CuNi'ii.

    Tho trial of Hoshina and Iwatafor soiling opium ended in Judgedo la Yorgiio's Court yesterdayafternoon. Both defendants werefound guilty, iwata was hou-toiut-

    to pay a lino of $300 andcoritn and 0110 mouth's ImjirlKou-inou- l

    at haul labor. IIlunu wangiven n Him of $500 and sixiiioiiIIih' iiiiprlmiiiiui'iii ui hardlabor. Thu t'Htfo una apMitliti totin higlit 1 Kiuirt.

    W . lltWIN AKItKSTKU.

    Ilrnuslit In flniirl Undrr Ilrncli IVar-rm- itin 11 linen.

    Budolph Spreckols vs. W. M.Giffard, secretary of PaauhauPlantation Company, was beforeJudgo Perry this morning. Therewas a hot timo between Mr. Kin-ney of counsel for defendant, andMr. Hartwell of counsel for thoplaintiff, over a Hiibpocuii issuedby tho clerk f.,r W. G. Irwin.pres-iden- t

    of tho company named.Mr.Kinney notified Mr. Irwin thaitlio subprrna was improperly is-sued and ho need not obey it.

    Mr. 1 fnrtwiAnoved for a benchwarrant to bring "Mh InuiiTntocourt, which was granted byJudgo Perry. Tho warrant wa?Borved on Mr. Irwin at his oflicoby Marshal Brown, who escortedtho witness into court.' Mr. Kin-ney asked for timo to considerwhat next to do in tho matter,aud, after about ten minutes' da-la- y

    and a brief consultation withMr. Irwin, ho announced to thoCourt that ho was ready to havotho hearing proceed.

    Mr. Allon, of Allou & Lewi's,brokers, of San Francisco andPortland, was on tho standfor the plaintiff. He pro-duced 500 Bhares of Paau-hau stock, in addition to 500 pro-duced before. After resumptionof business tho only ripplo in thoproceedings was caused by Mr.Kiujioy'B objections to questions.

    Outsido of tho courtroom, whiletho return upon the bench war-rant was awaited, Mr. Kinney saidthat Mr. Stanley, of counsol forthe plaintiff, had gone past him toprocure a subpenna for Mr. Irwin.Ho was not a little oxcited oorthe matter.

    At lUiiiun Kiimrc.Tho Hawaiian band will give

    tho usual concert atEruma Squarothis afternoon immediately afterlie doparturo of tho Austrnlin.Tho

    following program has boon ar-ranged:1 March "Vienna" Kmntarb;a Overture Klum and ClauiHo..Mereail.uilu3 Finnic Ciinnen IllzetI Hemiiilnoenccn of Aubcr. GodfreyIi Waltz Coinmem-- tho Hull Coototl Oaloi l.lglit ana Feather Nicolti

    Hawaii Ponol.

    lliilldliitf Lot..The building lots to bo sold at

    auction by Jas. F. Morgan noxtSaturday aro situated in theohdiccst neighborhood at Mnkiki.Fivo or six now modern residenceswill bo orected in tho innncdiatovicinity within tho coming year,and tho many fine houses beingbuilt at tho Punahou tract justboyond thoso lots ensure a rapidriso in value.

    Thomas Lindsay loaves by thoAustralia. Bo gudo yoursol',Tom.

    A Chinese lady took tho oathof allcgiauco this morning. Sliotenohos a school of Chinese pu-pils on Smith streot.

    You can't do better thun to callon King Bros., when you wantanything in tho picture or artgoods lino. Don't forgot thonumber Hotel street.

    Bov. Mr. Bomig hnd a largoaudionco last night. After hisregular sermon he undertook toprove, in contradiction of an al-leged statement by llov. Mr. L'eck,that tho Methodist church regard-ed baptism as an essential to sal-vation, whilo also recognizingimmersion as 0110 of tho modes.

    Tho Prussian general stalV aroenthusiastic ovor Count Zoppolin'sslcorahlo balloon, which can riso1200 yards, travel olovon miles anhour, carry two tons, stay up fullya week and ascoiul or descend with-o- ut

    throwing ballast or losinggas. It utilizes aluminum inthomotor ami steering gear, but theprincipal novelty is a suurut prnpinutloii or sizing making silkentirely gas light. Tho uostofone win im it,ouo, inn us vidua

    11 IIiiih of war art a lookout ovnr avtud luiiuo, uitliur by muh or IhuiI,Hill m illUHUMllwllIu,

    . i vv s.4


    v i,- L


  • HE' '


    i niMii:NNi:ii ane i'o.hpii.kd immi SH52 tost u 8 "$k tii:: ArsritAMA'v mail.





    All tlio Xohi of llio IkIhiiiIk Since theIpiiirluro ( tlm I,il Sin

    l'ntielil( .Hull.

    Bolow will bo found nn opitotnoof till tho important happeningsin llio islands, tiud especially inthis city, since tho doparture oftho Alnincdii on tho fith inst:

    March o Alox. Mcuartnov, aschool teacher fprmorly oE Kukuihnelo, Hawaii, died nt tho Queen'shospital.

    March G -- Tho Supromo Courtrcudorod its decision on tlio con-tested olection case from tho isl-and of Hawaii. II. L. Holstoinwas declnrod ontitled to a sent inthe " Uo -- ' a majorityoE ono voto over Alexander Young.Tlio face of tho returns showed tiho, each recoiving 127 votes.

    Ah Luko, n prominent Chiueso,died.

    Tho will of tho Into JohnThomtis "Waterhonse wns filed forprolmto. Tho value of tlio estateis given ns S288.000, consisting ofreal eslnto in Honolulu, SoIJ.OOO;in Cnlifornin, $10,000, nud in Io-w- n,

    !?7,000; nud porsonnl cstatoof merchandise, furuituro, person- -ni eiioctsnnd mo insurance, valuedat 100,000. Tlio will directs inas few words possible that thowife ol tho decedent shnll receivetlio whole estate and act as guard-ian of the children and executrixwithout being required to giveany bonds whatsoever.

    March G Tho Senate finishedconsideration of tho Appropria-tion Bill for current oxponses onsecond rending.

    Colonel McLean lee' nnd at thoi M. C. A. hall on "Tho Battloof Waterloo."

    March !). There was consider-able excitement in tlio city overtlio arrest of Hoshina and Iwata,two J n panose, on th chargo ofBelling opium. Hoshina was em-ployed a an assistant in the Ap-praiser's department of tho custombouse. It is charged that he tookadvantage of his position and thoconfidence imposed in him by hissuporiors to pass a considerablequantity of opium and other con-traband goods through tho customhouse, which ho afterwards dis-posed of to Jnpaneso merchants atreduced prices.

    A native sailor on tho stenmerKnuni wns instantly killed by thofalling of n slingful of sugnr,which broke his neck nnd back.

    March 10. Tho It. M. S. Mio-wor-nrrived from Vnncouvor

    after n pnssngo of oight dnys.Fred. II. Hedward, one of those

    exiled after tho recent rebellion,returned on tho Miowera.

    Tho Glade homestead' on Juddstreet and seven other pieces ofpropoi ty in tho vicinity wore pur-chased by 0. Bolto for 15,000.

    J. J. Sullivan, manager of thoPunthcoii Stables, was thrownIrom a brake and severely hurt.

    Tho Choral Society gave a veryHnccossful concert, tho first sincotho organization of tho society.

    March 11. F. S. Dodgo was ap-pointed by tho president a mem-ber of tho Land Commission inplace of Lorriu A. Thus ton

    A personal difficulty betweenF. B. McStockor and E. A.Norrio,editor of the Independent, led totlio nrrest of tho latter on a chargeof assault and battery, which wasal't'irwnrds dismissed for want ofprosecution.

    James Sutherland, chiof en-gineer of tho Claudine, wns mar-ried to Miss Adolaido Brims attho residence of the bride's motherby Ilov. Mr. Biruio of tho CentralUnion church.

    Georgo O. Wiltso Camp, No. 1,Sons of Veterans, wns organizedwith tlif following officers: Cap-tain, Louis K. McCJrow; firstlieutenant, K. J". Lynn; Mvundliouti i.cint, .1. . Sl.urt; campcouncil: (icmgo Dillingham, G.H. Mangiw i.nd A. L. l'utleihon;

    & 1 1 1 LwlffiSoiS. ..... .. .I it jb n.ii if .i

    ()4ivk wiuitlil mli iiiMUdwaliuiwlmun uutlu.111luyihiimHw i liit('iMi'iiitiiH Uoluvuiuil'li fi ' 'I yf')tlMf",ii "tuv lilitiJlillHt'l '"m In I W'WIH.'I itiatui .i'MIkfiwS 'i tit alujjtoHttiim, fumte


    tuVMwruhi) n'HH I '""W"' I f'"

    delay butgrfjjiowQ bottle-- of

    "Perry iAv's'

    ai beyaaAy to a"ttdfanZ CURz any

    J IhroatHollister -:- - Drug

    Company,l.TG-t- f Agents for tbo Ilawaiian Islands.


    Hawaiian Blue StoneFrom the

    l'ntnousPcEaion Qoar-rif-s!

    OltDAmu 13 (68JActo i in

    tvfi ciTTn, n TlicfiiieStonecmstiik 1! in ll.iwail for

    Ht .m nt... II bujlillrtf; hihIV fencing pur- -

    w- J poses Cut tofjrtzz&& order In nnvsize or shapeto suit thetrade or pub-lic. ....

    p9 This stoneM the same nsuiol in the Pu- -MJl1irt" College

    Mr. i laml Vou Holt- I IhuildiiiRS.Acent lor Lanu IJrus., 3. F.

    Arthur Harrison, Prop.m-t- f

    Poi SalBwilciing -:- - Lots


    JhElJ&.&;,7'.XDcllunttti situation. DLcuiifnlvidT? of the

    ocu.m. r.xccllcnt nel;lib'rhuoi. Lovelyeurruuiullnus.

    A. V GEAR.181-- tl

    porPoi!Uan Doom &. Co., Fort Street

    Noxt Lticn ' riunitip! Mill, will harofreHb ovory dny


    KALIHI POI FACTORY,Which will be sold to f.miillo.s in large or

    Hiunll qtiutititics. No Contain- -kim Fcn.Nistn.ii.

    W L. WllCtiX,131tf- - Proprietor Knlilii Poi Factory.

    Store open 'eiilni;i.


    Cash . Grocery

    Fort Street, Opposite ClubStnbk's. Tol. 35S.



    Cli MO RIO!Pir lrm a! Tm Vew of wur en HmIIWnti! at a law rut vl inurwit.

    u, a.,"9lMv livutmu M.

    EVENING BULLETIN, MAHOH 21, 189G.wWiMlinwaftiJu a gmw.MMwi . mm.. i.,.,MMUIirIH:l.. MBV



    Curry Powder ns inado by

    llccipo from tho Purest Tngredients.

    iET TRY IT OISTOJi: --S3


    Empire SaloonA general stock of Liquors, Ales nnd




    Aro of tho llnoHt ami como to ntdirect irum Uttropo. .


    Imported straight from Louis-villo- ,Ky.

    JAMES OLDS, Prop.

    COMMERCIAL SALOONCor. Miimnii inn! Itcrclmili St.

    T. Ki:rEM, ninntior.

    COOL "ItESH BEER!On Driiujrhl nml the Standard Brands of

    Bottle lker.FINE WHI8KIE8, 1R&NDIE8. WINE8 AND


    TtHI.i: CI.AIIIT A SIM.CIAl.TV.200 tf

    Wanted at the Louvre Saloon,Ol Nniinnu Street.

    5000 moa dally to drink the G00O


    EDWARD & HARRY,PogtoQJco liox 470 Honolulu.


    merchants ExchangeS. 1. 811 AW, Propriotor.

    Corner lClngiK Nuimiiu Streetn, Knuiilulu

    Choice Liquors mid Fine Ilror.

    Tolopliono 401.W. H. RICKARD,

    General Business Agent.Will attond to Couveyauciiig in

    nil its Brnnchcs, Collectinganil all Buoinohs llattors

    of trust.

    All Business entrusted to himwill receive Prompt and CarefulAttention. Oflico:

    Hcnokaa, Hamakua, Hawaii.


    326 MERCHANT STREfcTOld Bulletin Building.

    Collections Promptly At-tended to.

    Money Delivered the Day of Collection.


    David Dayton.I have some cli-

    ents who wanthouses to live in.

    David Dayton.l!U-t- i Merchant titreot.


    Shaving ParlorsTHANK J'ACIlUC'O'.l'mpr.

    I'Wt Nt. Opp. I'atilliuou fcstalilitH.y i ii '.'in


    Oolfll l nwr VmU Tel, ttt)g.


    us is prepared nftor the Original



    vmiAThi i .i 1 i in ' i ii ,iiMMiiu miiiiunj

    AND THE- -

    IT I


    l)y tliclcadlri); Collcccs nnd mosl noted Statesmen and Writers

    Of the World.The Inttor ns tlio

    MOST INTERESTINGHistory of America

    Ever Written.T-- READ A FEW OPINIONS:

    The Dictionary!Prof. Slinler of lliirxnril kiijk:

    "It will remain an enduring monumentto tho labor ot its editor."I'rof. Nnyrnor Oxfuril ITiilirrnlty ay :

    "It will desorvu all of the cncouiia pacHcdnjion it "I'rof. Wlioclcr of Ynle nny ;

    "Clear, concibo, nccuruto, comprehon-Hivo.- "

    The Historical Novels.liy ProfoHHor Jolin R. MuhIoIc.)Win. cK ii ey, flmcrinir nfoiilci, dnys:

    "Ono of tlio uiiiut lxiiiutiful productionsof tlio American vr hs I hnvo ever hecn."

    llinlllHN Itiiuillnn, It. II., I,I,.I , IIIdIi-- !ol llm .TI. Clmrcli, .llloNiiurl. iii)m:

    "I linvf rend 'Tho Columbian HmtoricilN'ovcIh' with Kri-- pli'iisnio. Anyone, Ithinli, can ruud tliuno buokt with pluaMtroand profit."

    II. I,. V.'liitiiinn, II. It., I I,.li.. I'rrsl.drill ol Coltiy Diitvnroliv. I'liilnc. nkjns" 'Tho Coluinbiiiu llihioricul NovcIh'hnve a welconiH plnco in my homo. ThoyluiMi (juickuncd inteic nt in the Htudy ot ournntiotnd life. I know of no moro vuliublohelps to bo pliioed in llm liomu."

    B. R FOSS,olicitiujj A;cnt.r. Address 1 O. llox S07. Honolulu.or ci.ll at tho I. X. L. Store, corner King

    nmt Miuanu HtrcetH102-t- f


    Iron WorksQueen Sient, Houoluln:


    KmnUhcd for IlulldiiH; All Clares ofMaehlnery Hupalr Work, and,

    lleeoiiHliuetliiii or ltemodvl- -lni; Old 1'latitn.

    Iron, IIiiibs, PliOHphor-llnnuo- , Zinc, i,nud Lend CiibtmH. Ornimiunlal

    nud plain Cast Iron nud Steel Coliimux,linn nud btevl (iinleu nud Tiuhkch,(iliitlugt, DiMin and hliutlorN, find a i;entrul lluu of lion nml 111 iihh Work for bnil(liii;snfnlluhiHscH. Ships' lllnoKKiuilli Wink donovilli nenl iii'hh nml illnpateh. All wiukinnii.hlilp I'lmrnutieil liiat ilahs, mid nt piktHt lint lnnu hecn hlthmto unknown on theHawaiian IidiimM.

    Ul ml )idir will reouitu piuiupt uttun.lluu,

    C. R. MCVEIGH,Mniingci nml Proprietor,

    f. tL ti m

    I .

    E1TERY i MAN i HIS


    roit the crnn




    The marvelous remedy which

    Hals?FOR SALE BY

    O-- "v" Nir -VST Kent pamphlet free on application. V.

    J. T. Waterhouse.

    Eileen Street Store.GROCERY DEPT.




    in Tins and Jars. Assorted Clmt-noy- s,

    nams and Bncon, PottedMeats, Uoston Unkod Beans and







    I X L LIME.





    SILKS,LACI'-S- ,



    JohnT Waterhouse.193-t- f

    Refrigerated Poultry


    Fresh Salmon


    ftteopoliton lYjeafi Co.

    Telephone 45.

    SI Street.O. J. Walleh ... Manaqkiu



    Haw Contractors.A New Abstract Office.

    As a result oE 15 year's oxpori-enc- oin tho Abstract Business, I

    am pro pared to nut Ice Abstracts ofTitlo in u most thorough, accurateand uompleto manner, and onshort notico.

    E. W. Maki.nmi:v.In Ar. O. Smith's OJllco, !U8

    lYnt Street. 215-1- 1

    'jUlUCIflCAUTWItiailT,Ooiminl Muiuigt-- r ul

    Ths liqglUbU Mfo Awiwmi ggsloty

    Ul tho Ihills) mimlur tlm ItiwallBiililBJHUi

    Uitvi MMvfeftstggsijIlBaelBlo.TM tM. UlUv. . &t4 Wurb, QIH,

    W li.l'riuuy M' ,HVttfc u.I mgA


    w ibt U ,4t i .


    op nun ri op




    Fall2afsCjT- .siLi- .nsrs:,

    bolo Agent, tlonolulu.0. llox .f)2, Telephone 20. 19C-t- f

    mnckxuiwm WUIWIUV

    fr3.i&!iihxxr. i JV


    jJgfefl IB ill


    No. fi, Drniimi - San Francisco,FOlt SALE IN HULK.

    Amfkipan llouitnoN Wiiiskiks i'm Ttond perbaiul euutaiuiiiu ubout 40 gallons eachnt vnrioitH prices according to ngo nndqunl ty.

    Califoiinia ORAri: Diundy in Ifoud perbiirrul of nbout AO to 50 gallonH.

    CASE GOODS.Aim the celthrrtltd Cure Whiakie;

    "Extra Pony" Jionrbou Wnisky, 12 bottlea3

    "Heart rasH" liouihon Linky, 12 bottles, 2'J--5 gallons per two.

    "Old i ioneer" llonrlion Whisky, 12 bottles,2 2-- 5 gallons per

    "Tounesseo Whitn ltyo" Whinky, 12 bottler,IS 2 C Bullous per eno


    Send orders by mnil. SatiKfnction gunrantecd,

    Braunschweiger & Co.Ml-li- n No. fi, Drnuini Htrtet.

    t. ki aiviV ifrrTJ!.Wt:1tmt!

    hlW'fi'AHJ;,imu L V sir! 1

    mm mm

    tilil 1II II!Hill Vir

    500 PAIR



    Custom Housa Broker,

    jSTotary -- :- Public,General Business Agent.

    CollcctlouH cuiefully nttuuded to.

    KTOfflco with II. E. Wnlkor, Cum.mi no Block, Muiclmut Btieot. 2a8-t- f

    Jose Do Espirito. Santo,

    Guitar Maker.

    Taro-1'atc- h and Ukulele Guitars

    Maduof Hawaiian WooiIh.

    uwiiONAiii.r. run km.

    1110 l'oi t KtiLot OpliONituUluli


    AlM4rt ThtaMWIKKX""84




  • '&ippryyiwM wypwpMt-- " pwww rrr; T'!1ff'5,,,!' ' fW'EVENING BULLETIN, MARCH 21, 1890.

    KMt iwbtpt nwmwwifwwwmopii himmii


    Clins. 1). Wilson, first sorgoaiit;II. A. "Wilder, qunrtor-tiiiistor-eorgoan-

    G. II. Grcon, oliupluiir,Geo. Ovorbcck, eorgciint oE thoguard; J. F. Hilbus, principalmusician; Louis Ad lor, corporalof tho guard; L. l'l'rkins, cit.npguard. Past Coimunuuor H. Mc-Keng-

    o G.AV. Do Long Post,No. 45, was installing oflicer, ns-sist-

    by tho following membersof tho post: Past Commander J.N. Wrightj Commander It. J.Greono, Adjutant L. L. La Pierre,Quartermaster AV. L. Eaton, Ofli-c- or

    of tho Day "W. E. "Williams,Senior er L. Ad-le- r,

    Comrades James Dodd andU. Conklin.

    March 12. Tho Appropriationbill for salaries and pay rolla wasfinally passed in tho Senate.

    Judgo Carter grunted tho peti-tion of Emmalino Mngoon andfourteen others lo linvol1. 13. Mc-Stock- or

    appointed as nextfiiondof four Afong minors and of MaryAfong, a wealc-minde- d person, fortho purposo of prosecuting a suitof petitioners against Julia 0.Afong, Mnriu K. Humphreys neoAlong and A. S. Humphroys. Thosuit in question is a bill in equityfor an accounting and for tho ap-pointment of a revivor and trus-to- o.

    Tho Court also signed aninjunctku forbidding

    tho defendants lo sell or alionatoany of tho proporty covered bytwo deeds of trust executed byChun Afong, husband of tholirst-nnme- d defendant, his wife,and J. A. Magoon and W. F.Allon, successively tni teos,whoro-b- y

    Chun Afong, boforo his rofor China n fow years ago,

    sot apart S200,OU0 of PepoekeoPlantation stock, to furnish fromits iucoino and increase the meansof support, education, etc., to his 'wife and their children. .

    Goro Narita, formerly sccrotaryof tho Japaucso legation here, loftfor Japan.

    Tho afternoon train from Ewaran into a wagon diivcn by aPortuL'ii''R( at Wuipiloijilo eioss- -ing. Tho wagon was con vet tedinto kindling wood and tho drivorthrown out and bruised, thohorses escaping without injury.

    Tho Japanese steamer Chiyoda-Mar- usailed for Yokohama taking

    tho member of Wirth's circuswhich had jiibt completed a suc-cessful threo months' season intho islands.

    Uniform Hank, Knights ofPythias, eloctod tho following of-ficers: 0. J. McCarthy, captain;C. B. Gray, lioutonaut; Geo. P.Donison, 2d lieutenant; Geo.Stratomeyor, recorder, and F. li.Oat, troabiiror.

    March 11 Tho steamship Mo-now- aiarrivod from tho Coast at

    3 p. in.Itov. M. liirnin of tho Central

    Union ehuich lectured at tho Y.M. 0. A. hall on "Tho HolyLand."

    Miss Kato Fiold returned from atour of tho island of Oalm.

    Judgo Carter ordered that thoinjunction in tho Afong suit maybo dissoled without prejudice,upon the filing of a bond of $50,-00- 0

    with "W. F. Allen as suroty.Tho required bond was forthwithfiled and approved.

    Tho ongagemont of Miss Mol-li- oAtkinson to Samuel G. "Wilder

    was announced; also that of MissLillio Hart to Francis Gay, andMiss Annio Paty to Ernest Mott-Smit- h.

    March 10 Steamship Australiaarrived from San Francisco at 1p. m.

    Albort Tullott aud Miss AliceDavis worn married.

    March 17.-- --Lorrin A. Thurstondelivered an address at an openmooting of tho American Loaguoon "Tlio Opium and LiquorTraffic."

    Minister Damon declared intho Sonato that tho Executive hadno intention of interfering withtho prosont tariff on goods fromtho United States, and espociallyCalifornia wines.

    AV. H. Charlock and Miss Min-nie Itosn wore married nt tho resi-dence of AV. It. Sims by ltov.Alox.Mackintosh..

    March 1-8- The Supromo Courtauthorized tho trustees of thoLunalilo Estate to build an ad-dition to thu main building of thoLunalilo ilonm.

    Portugunso cilizons hold a bigcolouration over tho recont vic-tories of tin' Portuguese in Africa.

    Juliou D. llayno, editor of thoHawaiian, was sorvedwith a penal buiiimons on achargo of being a common nui-sance. The chargo aroHo out ofnoitalii iimttm I'uiilaiiii'd in thoIhhI JHHtio uf thu Hawaiian, wliiolirnilnnlml mi (hit dllimiutlM" of Utuuttliai' nf Imlliui In I llil illlv. '

    March 19 Tho Supromo Court'hoard tho appeals in tho Henriettaopium smuggling cases.

    March 20 Hoshina and Iwata,two Japaucso, wore convicted ofselling opium and sentenced tosix months each and a fine ofSjOO. Hoshina was an employeof tho Custom Houbo and usedhis position to pass opium throughto his confederates.

    Rudolph Spreckols returned totho city from tho other islands.

    Tho Hoort QualitiesPossessed by Hood's Sarsapnrilla nro almostbeyond mention. Host of all, it puriflos thoblood, thus Hticngthtuing t ho ncrvea. Itregulates the digestive organs, invigoratesthe kidnojs and liver, tones and builds upthe entiro system. It cures dyapoptin,scrofula, eiturrh and rheumatism. Itcincm-br- ,

    Hood's Cures.Hoon's 1'im.s net easily, yet promptly-an-

    cflectively ou thu liver and bowels, 1!3 c.110

    G. It. Harrison, practical pianomid organ mnkor and tuner, canfurnish best factory references.Orders left at Hawaiian Nows Co.and tho Wall, Nichols Co.ivill receive nunpt nttentionl'. ii'puono Nos: 231, 1'JO and

    442. '

    I lib n



    Company.-- IIKALHW IN- -


    B. & N. Lampsand silk lampshadts.

    Hawaiian Lime.( Dimmit Block





    AVo uso tho greatest caro inmoving all kinds of goods andat MODEItATE PlUOEB.

    King Street, near Fort.Tolophono 8G.

    J. J RUI.MVAK, J. IlUOKLBT,President beo'y.

    Fashion Staples Co.,L'fl.Honolulu, II. I.

    SciiT.ivaN & Bdcklky, Mnn'fj'ruFINEST EQUIPPED CARRIAGES

    in tho City, with Competent and Care-ful Drivore.

    Stand at the Pantheon Stables,Comer of Fort and Hotel Strcots.

    Tolepuonk:Hnw'n Hotel Stables, 82.Fmilheon Stables, !M,Fnsliion Stables. 148.



    'Xelepliono ll'LZi.HJEJ" Coinuiont in uuuocossay.



    BAGGAGE delivered and chock-ed t0 any Steamor. Furnlturoand Pianos cure-full- movod atJtoammiiblu UaU'H,

    Satisfaction GuarantsBtl.Fort and Quttn sts.

    l)y 'A'ol. 919, IUbIiIoiiubTd!. OJU,

    Ex S. S. "CHINA"A Largo Invoice of tho d Yiimnt'yn

    Shirts, comprising Pcrcalo nnd White Linen DiussShirts, Pajninnsiiiul Custom-mad- o Clutliitig. llnnd-som- e

    Paper0 Serins Hand-painte- d in HawaiianScenes. Also, n Large Assortment of ElegantIland-paiiite- d Silk Fans. Everything at LowPricefe.

    Hotel Street. Ni xt to Oiclwny & Porter's.


    March 16th.

    w4J o(D a"u P

    V)m o

    wo I"w oonm' ih0mm

    Goods Marked Way Down


    P.O. IJ.ix 480.

    THE TO


    COltNEIt OK

    King & Nuuanu Sts.

    Commissioner of Deeds-- l'OK THE--

    ofHalnjr btcn iipiiolnted nnd cmnmlKalonud

    n CommUnlonor of Deeds for the State of Cal-ifornia, 1 am prepared

    To ndniliilMcr ami toitlly mtlis.To take and eerllfj dvimeltloiid and afllda- -

    VltB.To take nnd eirllf tho nclaioHkJgraeiit or

    proof of powers of attorney, mortj;a(;es,transfer?, ejrabts, ilctilrt or other Instrumentsfor record.

    For the State of California I

    A. V. GEAR,Telephone 2M. CO'J Kln Street.

    ?J2-- tf X--ie Co.,502 KING STREET,

    Opposite ilttropolltnn Miat Co.

    IPRISSI--I :- -: FRUITSHy cery Cnliforuin Bteauier.

    Importers of all Kinds of Orocerles, Fruits,Canned (ioods, Ciicar and Tobaicos,

    ut Lowest 1'rlces.Fresh Vre;i'(iililcH Alunjs on llnml.

    lohaeeo nnd Cigars.

    L. A11LO,No. 4C8, Nuuanu Ktioet.

    lias just received a now lino ofDRY GOODS, LADIES AND GENTS'


    Agont for tho following rico plantations:Wuipio, Wuiawii, Wuimalu, Waiulua,Knueoho anil luipulauntfif" Jly neo from Kaueoho is ui.irkod

    L A and is guurunteed Al.P.O. UoxlH, .... Tolephouo 11)9.

    143- -


    iMex'clioiii :- -: Tailor4S Nuuanu strict, V O llox J.VI

    Fine Suitings Made to Order,fltCIM 11E8T




    Munis nt All Ilours, I ihjii from t n. in. to1 o'elook nt uiiilit. halnnlay, open r.llniuht. 121 tlul.oU for SUO i:cntlihiKClean. HOTEL Bntl.iri',21 1 Opposite l'iiuthboii Saloon,

    Comer KIiik uud llethel utrects,

    in Cijnra nud Tobncoosllmt lrnnd of Manllln Olgurmill llliwl ClnllM,

    At low Ml ptleei, MJ- -

    -:- -

    fijade To Order Aq 0tijle

    Ladies and Gents.Now Style Every MuNDAY nud

    Best Straw Hats,From 25c. Up.

    T.Xo. 323 Nuoauu Slreot. I32-- t I

    S. KIMURAWholesale Dealer in Japanese

    Liquors and ProUslous, SaUl n sjicclnltv,Allen Stkkut. Tklui'hone 703.

    :idTklkphonb 246M I'TUALAT THE


    Buy New Second-Han- dFURNITURE.


    State California.





    Hats! Hats!





    u. i.

    "W. A.hha & Co.,320 Kuuhnu Streot.

    AERCHANT -:- - TAILORS.Tino Suiting'! from Kent Aniericnn nnd

    English Cloth.

    ClothcJ Cleaned nnd llopnlred.

    HOP IIING & COMPANY,Wholesalo Dealers In

    Clilmsu Silk, Tea, aud MuttliiR,Liquors ami Slanlla Clgnrs, Eujjllsh and

    American Orocerles.403 Hotel street. - - . Telephone 147.

    AH PING,Denier in Chinese Ten, Cignrs,

    Tennut Oil, Sugcr, Sonp,Caudles, oto., nt lowestmnrkot pneo

    Corner Nuunnn nnd I nnnlit Btreots. 143- -

    PALACE RESTAURANTEormerly tbo Bay Hofto Saloon

    Corner llethol nml Hotel Streets, Honolulu.

    SPECIAL EATINO HOUSE:Privnlo Itooms for Ladies nml Gentlemen,

    Ojon from C a. in. to 1 In morning.Price of Tickets, S4.G0. Siuglo Meal, 2.o.


    Meals 25 Cents. I!"!"0I'rhnto Room forLiidies.


    LIN SING KEE,3?limber Sd Tinsmith.

    Duller In Tin and Anatu Ware.All Mi.ds of l'luinlilni; dunu In a Satisfactory

    Manner at Loucsl ItntusP. OliuxSTI, SIS' 4111 Hotel St.

    Chock Chec & Co., Merchant Tailors,

    ClotbiH Cleaned uud Hupiiicil.No. .'J2J Niiuiinu Street.

    "IG-l- y P.O. 15 2.1.3.

    YUEN LEE,223 (iuuou Street,

    Cignrs nnd Tobncco,LA CONSTANCIA CIGARa

    And Other Pino llmiuls. Wholoritlu nmlItotuii. 217 1(


    Klnuu mill lJuiiolibovl tairootii,

    ICE -:- - ORBAM !trtr Dillwrwl lonll imrl4 ol tho city,

    'Meiilimw 07M 900.K

    i WiA , & S Jri


    r9fmmmvmiMvmtrtnitriia0 uwMtio wmwiwmiwhmiwwh m iwm n, "vlH


    Investment Co.HAVE FOll SALE

    A Few SLnrca of

    Pnla Stinr Stock,Iluwailun Suur Co. Stock.


    Hawaiian Government and 1stMortjrnifo Siifrtir l'lnntu- -

    tioii Jlonds.tgr For partlculnrs apply to

    Tho Hawniinn Safo Deposit &Investmont Company,

    OH Fort Hirnnt Ilonolmla

    Castle & Cooia(LlMITHl)





    Fitted u) with nil tho Modern.Appliances for

    Manufacturing and Repairing Vehicles

    of Every Description.

    Elacksmithing and Horsa Shoeing.


    Telepli-oan-- e 5220,1-t- fCIGARS


    KAMTAI'S,Oiipostto Pantheon llnrlier Shop, nt Lowcnt

    Prices. Try my

    Flor Finn, La Perln Del Oricntc,La J'ueritta Del Sol and

    La Emjicrutriz.Tho Smoker'rt Favorites.


    IP. ICroia.oo. rcp.

    Tor Day S 2.00Per Week lii.00

    OpocioJ. ICcnti-J.-- r rza.t03lTho Best of Attendance, thu iicst Situa-tion nml tho Finest Menls in thin Cit)

    European Restaurant.f)09, ITotcl street.

    CHOCE: SING, Manngei-- .Pirst-clas- s tnealg at regular rates. Powl

    served on Thurxdnys ami Sundays.Board by week $4.50.

    fjBF" For best quality of llunilluCigars,Cigaroitcs and Tobacco como to Hop Sing'snext door. 147-t- f

    FOOK ON & CO.,Nuuanu Street.

    Jutt oponod now supply of rirst-clas- s Shoesjust received.

    Ladies' & Gents' Shoes Made to Ordor

    Prom American and French Leathers.

    C T. AKANANo. 324, Nuuanu street.

    MERCHANT TAILOR,'Fine Suitings mude to order ut loutst prices.145 Clotlns cleaiidl unil repiilrtd.

    TOMCIIUNO KEE,No, 47, ... . Nuuanu ttreet.Dealer iu Ladies' nud Gentle-

    men's Shoes.Hoots and Shoe to order. I uu the loet

    inntulnl. (ioods uarmnted towcar well. tt'J--

    QUONG SAM KEE & CO.Importer and Dculers In

    General Merchandise,I Comer King and Maunaktn Sts,

    N. Fernandez,Notary Public and 'I ypewriler.

    u KA.MIU.MA.NU 'iui:r.r,1', 0. Ilux fm), TekplluiiBJIIV

    151) tf

    3 'mThe . . .

    Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

    Has a largo assortment of

    Chandeliers and Elec-trical Goods

    Constantly on hnnd.Estimates given for Iioubo wir-

    ing and Electrical plants.Marino Wiring a gpooialty.

    THEO. HOFFMANN,12-l- d Manager.

    Ill uu.410 Hotel slreel, ncir Nuiiami.

    ImportersOf All Kinds of Provisions,

    Chinese Tea andGringer,

    GROCERIES, -.'- - RICE,All kinds of Canned fruit, fiigars,und n largo assurtmo t of gomfo toonumerous to mcniiou at tho cry

    LOWEST PRICES.g01-2r- c


    : AND : DEAL-ER : IN ... .

    Furniture, Bedding, Etc., Etc.Contractor und I3uttder.

    No. 89, Nuuanu htrcet.Has on hand CofHns, Camphor Trunks

    MattiuR, Wurdrol-CH- , Desks, Mutresscs, oto.l(J& Call in and inspect god's.

    ICO-t- f

    Orient Planing Mill,VING FAT & CO.,

    CONTKACTOIIS AND UUII.DEK3,Furniture of all kinds made and repaired

    Ilulldlii'' houses und ranking rice mills a spe-cialty, r. O. Ilox lltt, eomer Klnt' oud HctLtlstreets. 143

    WING WO & CO.,Manufacturers and dealers in Ladies',

    Gents' nud Children's

    Boots, - Shoes, - 0 - Gaiters.No. 35 Nuuanu St. - - P.O. Box 103.

    Honolulu)&" Boots aud Shoos mado to order In

    best stjlc nt Wholesalo and ltctall prices.148-t- f

    YEE ON CO.,317 Nuuanu St. P. O, llox 143.

    Watchmakers and Manufactur-ing Jewelers.

    Hepalrinjj ol Watches and Jewelry, ALLWOUK GUARANTEED.

    Importers ot Watches and Clocks ot Flncetll'J Qrndcs.

    CHIN WO & CO.Young Ah Iu, Mgr,

    Comer Ikretaula and Nuuanu sts,, Honolulu.KICE PLANTEUU-Al- waj s have for sale thobest quality or rlee. Our rice marked W O Ois guaranteed to be Al.

    Agents for the following rico plantations:Palatini, Ilalawa. Mnaualua, Walklkl, Wolplo,Kalawao. Kaualtiapa aud Waloll, Oahu, andIlanulel, Kauai.

    145 Tel, 518. PO Box 243.

    TIM KEE,MERCHANT TAILOR- -Suits to ordor. Pit Guaranteed. Kino DuckSuit, $5 up; Fino Tweed Pouts, $4.50 np;?ino Huit, $18 up. Clothes cleanod and re-paired. 200 KING STltUET.

    P. O. Box 144.

    HO YEN KEE & CO.,Plumbern

    and dealers inCnOCKEUY, ULASSWAUE, ETC., ETC.

    Wider Pipes, laid and repaired,and plumbing neatly executed.

    143- - No 41, Nuuanu street.

    FOR . . .


    At lowest prices, go toWING TAI LUNG.

    14- 1- 331 Nil ii ami street.

    JA.1 SIJNTG 1CEE.ii.iMiui:ii.

    ALL KINDS OKTINWAHE, CltGOKEKY,etc., at tho M'ry loweit prlciM. King rtrceimaktil uud Ewa ol MaunaKeu,


    All kinds ut tlnwnro, crockery,U lit lowust prieo. , ( , t

    111 N'nmmu ami llotilstntli

    WiiiirtWr., viw






  • tt'






    5! Eueijir Bulletin


    DANIEL LOGAN, Editor.

    8ATUHDAY, MAHCH 21, 1890.


    ll iri appropriate to givo n briefreview of political mutters in thishpeoial nmil edition. Tho Legis-lature is limiting good progress,Bponding but littlo sonio maythinl loo little -- timo in dobnto.Senator Brown's bill to ponnit.the importation of opium and toproido facilities for its consump-tion in licensed houses, is restingin the hands of a select committee.There is strong opposition to itfor to main reasons, iz.:1st, ' the legalizing of thotratlic would bo intrinsically bad,fraught, especially, with injury totho nativollawaiinns, and, second-ly, that, as tho Queen's signing oftho opium hconso bill in 1893 wasgiven to tho world as ono of thochief reasons for tho overthrow ofthe monarchy, it would bo stulti-fying in tho highest degreo for aLegislature, that is tho first choiceof tho pioneer electorate of thoRepublic, to pass, at its initialregular session, a uioasuro similarto that for which tho throno wastoppled over. Tho question ofgreater restriction and control ofthe liquor tratlic may bo said alsofo be befoio tho Legislature. Atthe special session last year acommission was appointed to in-vestigate tho question and reportat this legular session. It wouldappear, however, that the commis-sioners did not begin their inves-tigations until about tlie timo ofthe opening of tho session. Thonllioy invited tho views of any whohad such to oiler. Tho result wasa confusing varioty of opinionsfrom both the temporance and thooppo-dt- o side. Somo of tho form-er advocated tho Gothenburg sys-tem, others tho South Carolinadispen&ai-- y system, while somowanted a combination of both.There woro advocates of no drink-ing on tho promises wheroBold, and somo of having noliquor carried clsowhero to bodrunk. Chief Justico Judd wasnotably among tho last montioned,Lolding that it was tho bottle car-ried homo which was the banc- oftho natives. Of course the aboli-tion of scioens on doors and win-dow", of amusements and music,or anything that makes the saloonattractive, together with tho doingmvny with treating, all was re-commended. Prohibition, puroand simple, was with more or lessreluctance conceded to bo out oftho question, ns being far in ad-vance of tho bulk of public senti-ment, and besides through fear ofantagonizing California to tho re-ciprocity treaty tho backbono oftho country's industry and com-merce from tho considorabloblow it would iuilict on tho wiiiotrade of that Stato. Tho commis-sion's report is still awaited. Inan address before tho AmericanLpaguo tho othor night L. A.Thurston, ex Minister to Washing-ton, deprecated any ladical actionat the present juncturo with ro-ga- rd

    to either opium or liquor, astending to divide tho supportersof the republic when all should bounited until tho goal of annexa-tion was reached.

    J I.I Jjr ' - - t l ' iwturo

    t Be:'?!

    1 r.'.'i1 X O .5Wfts , ,i,.. re- -

    r -"-!no ti w Iffl ji "


    y1 W ii

    pihfii Qjiflsii

    Both tho bill for .salaries and pay rolls and that for jothor out of currontrevenue havo parsed second read- -

    ing iu the Sonato and tho first onohas about got through tho IIouso .ou second reading. They got I

    away with more than tho revenueexpected from present visiblosourcos aDout iSJ,oUU,uuu outmeasures for the rovo-nu- o

    nro promised from which thoGovernment hopo to derive a sur-plus of 10,000. In this connec-tion tho Minister of Finance, an-swering a question suggested bynowspapor talk, informed theSonato that thoro was no intentionof raising tho duty on Californiawine, nor indeed on any Americanproduct now paying duty. It hasbeen intimated that an income taxis ono of the means intended forraising more money .Two bills havoboon introduced by tho Minister ofFinance to authorizo a nationalloan of two million dollars "to meetthe future of tho Ito-publ- ic

    for the purposo of publicworks, tho promotion of industrial

    and of education."Ono is the loan bill proper, thoother to define tho powers of thoMinister in relation thereto. In-terest is not to exceed six percont., the torin is to bo fifty years,aud tho bonds may bo registeredin London, Now York, Paris orBoston. Discount is not to ex-ceed live por cent, on bonds beaiving five per cent, interest, norton per cent, on bonds bearingfour and a half per cent, intoiest,nor fifteen percent, on thoso bear-ing four por cent, interest. It isbelieved that the Minister of Fi-nan- eo

    will also introduce a bill fortho refunding of tho existing pub-lic debt, which is out at ratesrunning as high as nine por cent.,nnd on which tho interest is abouta quarter of a million for thecurront bionnial period.

    A general Act, pro-viding for tho of allmale residents above tho ago offifteen years, is another importantmeasure. It has been advocatedfor many years, chiefly as a meansof keeping tho run of contractlaborers, especially tho Chinose.After almost fierco opposition intho of 1892, on thoground that it was foreign to An-glo Saxon traditions of liberty,tho bill passed third reading in thothon united chamber and was du-ly placed in tho hands of thoQuoon's Chamborlain for thoroyal signature. When tho Provisional Govornmont took clmrgotho whoreabouts of tho bill couldnot ho nnd what bo-can- io

    of it remains a mystery tothis day. At tho present sessionthe bill passed socond reading astage that is usually supposed todecido tiio fato of a bill ou itsprinciple withouta breath of This wasin tho House where tho bill hadbeen introduced. Great was thosurpriso, thoroforo, when the billcamo up for third reading, to havotho Minister of Finance, Mr.Damon, strongly opposo thomeasuro ou tho grounds urgedagainst it in 1892, while the Attor-ney Gonoral, Mr. AY. O. Smith,just as advocated itspassage. Tho bill carried thedav, and was onlv referredto a committee for the pur-pose of amending it toprovide that every person arriving

    fj. DA N I VxwN5 0'VUygtB'wryuyL'grjijgTueasTT'jjrr-t- "

    Vi.TO-'LMVH7'3e- i W"












    .mIiAbmS 'mum aln

    V. ARTFULLY tf'VHrsj "CELCCTCD f :mo i

    .RM-nrDI- W ' MA or u.n- ( ' tt).vo,v.

    lM r" I i -J



    i'.. J fV?..

    r.M.tiit.:,t.k,-imui-t;"-fM.- .ii

    iK VI

    EVENING. BULLETIN, MAEOII 21, the country shall rogistor im-mediately, instead of a provisionin tho draft which made onoamenablo to regisliation afterthrco months' residence

    Thoro is a bill beforo tho Legis-laturo of Now York, with ovoryprospect of passage, to triK thosalo of liquors in tho Stato. Itis expected to produce 83,000,000of revenue Senator Baines, thopromoter of the measure, proposesto tackle tho manufacturers nextyear. Ho hopes that, beforo horotires from his throe years' tnrm,not ono dollar will havo to bo rais-ed by direct taxation for Statopurposes. The inheritance tax,the corporation tax, tho excise taxand the manufacturers'tax, he i,

    ought to bring in tho 815,-0(10.0-required to run the Suito


    Among tho lato nows is aroportthat Franco is beginning to tiro ofhor alliance with llussia. A pro-minent French statesman is credit-ed with romarking: "Bussia isliko socialism. Shoasks forovory-thin- g

    and gives nothing in return.Sho is insatiable" It is hard tosay whothor a disruption of thoFranco-ltussia- a alliance would bofor or agaiust the preservation ofpeace.

    Hero is a legal nut to crack: Iftho Chinese cook of tho Henriettaget off in the trial of tho appealsnow pending, will ho bo liable toprosecution for being illegally inthe country ? As defendant to acharge of smuggling ho is legallyhold by tho Court. ' Onco in thocountry aud within tho jurisdic-tion of tho Court, could it bo saidthat ho has landed unlawfully ?

    Bust is rapidly getting awaywith tho iron fence around thoExecutive builditig grounds,which is only iivo years old. Thosurfaco of tho pickets is becomepitted and scaled oil" at an alarm-ing rato. Cannot tho Govorn-mont afford paint to protect thiscostly work, nnd lot tho Boldiorsoxorciso thomsolves laying it on?

    The Guardianshipof a Watch.

    STRANGE that wo shouldbo udvurtisiiig our wutch de-partment so much, when al-ready every ono in tho islandsknows that WE ARE THEPEOPLE for Hue watchwork. But tlif point is justthis: Our perfect work is soappreciated, that wo find ourpresent facilities are just a lit-tle too small to handle thelargo volume of work with dis-patch; so we are going to en-Ini- gc

    tho department, andWANT YOUR WORK also.Seethe point? Excellencethe top notch of por tectumthat's the magnet which draws,and tho only one we use. Ifyou could only realize howmuch worry we can save youby bringing j'our timopiccc tous in the fiist placo, you wouldnot hesitnto an instant, whenthings have gone wrong, butbring your watch to us at onco.Complicated work is our spe-cial delight. Tho watch hasnot yet been made, which wecannot handle iu a proper andworkmanliko manner. Todaywo do all work which up to afew years ago had to bo sentaway; iu somo cases even totho factor' whero the watchwas made. No amount ofbragging on our part could bons convincing to you, as thegroat number of watches, of acomplicated order, which havobeen perfectly repaired by usin tho paf.t few years uil ofwhich tho owners will tell you,M.atthoy are PERFECTLYDONE.

    J)o you wiuli to bo convincedof this. No boLti-- r way thanto appoint uh your watch guar-diuiiH- ,

    H, F. Wiohman

    fimeiy Jopie

    March 14, 1S96.

    A church congregation downin Sanders, Ky., was dismissedmost summarily under un-pleasant circumstances twoSundays since. Right in theniirbllp nf thr ni'pnfhfr's HU-- 'course there bolted into thechurch through the half-op- endoor what appeared to be ablack and white cat, closelyfollowed by a yellow dog. Catand dog ran swiftly down themiddle aisle to the platform.The preacher taken unawares,did the natural thing, kickedat the cat, hit it, and landed itsquarely in the middle of thecongregation. Then it turnedout that the cat was a skunk.The rest of the story is left tothe imagination of the reader.

    This week we want to callyour attention especially to theAlaska Refrigerator andgive you a few items concern-ing its construction.

    To give strength and dura-bility, an inside body, or frameis made of well dried, matchedwood, to which hardwoodcleats are solidly nailed. Uponthese cleats the outer body, orframe, is built.

    The inner frame is madefrom perfectly odorless wood,and is lined with zinc. Po-lished as bright as a mirror,presenting a very clean and at-tractive appearance.

    All exposed wood, as underthe lids and about the doors,is odorless tulip poplar,thoroughly shellaced. Thismakes the Refrigerator cleanand sweet.

    Between the Outer and innerwalls there is an inch and ahalf space filled with PureCharcoal. There is nothingso good in every way for fil-ling the space between thetwo walls ol a Refrigerator asPure Charcoal.

    The locks are entirely newin principle, and are, withoutexception, the best ever usedon a Refrigerator. They willkeep the door closed perfectlytight, even if they were leftone-eigh- th inch loose.

    The hinges are very strong,beautiful in design, and madeexpressly for The ALASKARefrigerator.

    All the trimmings are solidbrass, dipped finish, this beingthe latest style in fine brassgoods.

    From the results of testsmade during the past threeyears, we are convinced thatthe Alaska is the best Re-frigerator in the market, inconstruction, in power to pre-serve perishables, in economy01 ice, ana, in iacr, in an tnepoints necessary to make themfirst-cla- ss in every respect.


    Hawaiian Hardware Co.


    Opposito SprookolB' Bunk,

    NO. 307 3TORT BTHWET.



    IS TJ-L-B


    PaItEBONAuction Sales by W. S. Luce.

    Large Clearance W SCHMIDT A--SONS, I slmll hell nt their Hushiess

    IIouso 011 Fort Btrcet,

    On Monday & Tuesday,JUurcli 'MniKl'Jllli,AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M.,

    An Assortment of

    Dry - GoodsTailors' Goods,Clothing, Shirts, Etc

    LlQUQrS &ClCjarSSaddlery,

    Hardware,Groceries. i

    ZV Puller vKirticulurn Iieieufter. Libe-ral terms to the tnulo. All Goods holdwithout jtseno.


    W. S. LUCE, I2:7-3- t Auctioneer.

    VALUABLECane .", Lands

    For Sale At Auction.

    On ilONDAY. Uarch 30th,XT 12 O'CLOCK NUON,

    I hlull sell, at my Audion Hooms,

    Thrco Parcels of Irrigated Cano Lands,

    SitunUd In the DUlricts ofKauoliul, Muolea,Kiiiill, Is and of Mniil Tills Frojierti Is ntluceciit leasul to tliu Itcclnrodl) tiuHiirCom-tian- y

    for a tcsm of ten jeum, from tho Utli ofMuruh, lb'.U, at nu annual rental offllt.SUclear of taxes. There are 5.J acres iu tholands and throuch them runs I lie aleri-uo-jil-

    for the Iteciproclty Suar Comiuuy. Amiiynlllceiit lucstmeut mict raro ciMiue forHieeulators. Title perfect, fee simple andfree ol all encumbrances.

    Terms Cash In U 8. Gold Coin. Deeds atcxpono of purchaser.

    For fuithcr particulars, apply to

    W. S. LUCE,217-t- d Auutioucor.

    G0AL 20fifikvlc

    For Family Use !

    Just lloceicd, ox "C. C. runic," i cnigo ofi

    Wellington, Dsparfcurts BaiJ.dpI

    Which is otlViod iu (jur.utitlos to mitt.

    2240 lbs. to the Toln.

    delivery vnm .

    WILDER & CO., I'D.'.'.in ini

    hulMiiriliti for ilin lCvi.sif, u Jlui.I.JtTIN, If) I'DlitH pur lip'lll



    TA) n4VJ



    V SLQOp.Auction Sales by Jas. F. Morgan.



    'On TUESDAY, Mnrch 24th,AT 12 O'CLUCK NOJN.

    At jny Siilcurootn, Qiu'en street. Honolulu,I trill hcII at l'ublio Auction, by onlor of F.W. McCheHticy, Iio,., l'resictent of ThoWoodlawu Couiimuy, hIiihvh iu abovo Compuny oh follow:

    MeCorriatoi), C Slinres.


    Ticmhlo, t slmrm.JAS. 1?. MuTtGAN,

    251 !)t Auctioneer.

    Auction Sale

    Residence bites.A.T MAKIKI.

    OnSATUKDAY, March 28,AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON.

    At my Snlenroom. Queen street, 1 will Bollut l'ublio Auction, llio following

    Valuable Residence Lots at Jiaklkl1. Corner of Keeuiiinokii mid Domiiits

    Ms. KroiiUj;' of iilkiftou Ki'fntimolui etrert,nnil I.'IU ft on Domlnls ut. ConUliia'JG.lOUsi It.

    !i. Adjoining No I on Domli street Fron- -tajrc of lilU feet on Doinlulu streut, and 2UUft Contahiii :,(KJu ei ft

    o. AdjoluhiK No i on Dominis stieet.Froutu:;o of I'M ft on Domlnls ht, Uul) ft deep.uuiiiaiu o.uu' bl II.

    4. Corner of Domlnls and Kcwalo sts.iFlOlltHKO It mi Kuunlost. nnd 1H1 fton Domlnls si. Contains U'lUlOO sii ft.

    Corner of Keualo and llculu sts.Front- -UU It on Keualo si, und I.iU ft ou He- -Contains Jil.ll'ji) si ft.

    II. AdloiulllL' No 5 on llcula Bt.ILJO It faclii!'ou the street, s.00 ft dicii.. Tli iilmvc Lots are Htnitcd In tho Imme-diate vicinity of the rvBldinces of K V l'etcr-in- .

    KMi,imd.I (1 ltothucll, K--i The aboc Lots will nil fate (lie lino of theproposed LKtlrlf Itnllun

    iTIils sale oirein one of the fe opportunitiesti) obtain a llnu Iuiku llesidence 8lle In an ex-cellent neighborhood. The lots comuuiud auextensive view.

    T I'luus of tho property can be seen atmy olllcc.tty Fart of the puichueo price cm icmaluoii,n)orltmi;u.

    For furthtr paitlculars, apply to

    JAS. F. MOKGAN,21f td Auctinucor.


    For Sale.3 am dlicttedto sell at Public Auction on

    Wednesday, May 37, '96,atl") o'clock noon ol said day ut my palesluoms un (Jiu'cii stieet, hi Honolulu (unlesssiiouer dlspoM d ofut private Bale) the lollow-ln- u

    deserlbLd property, uamely:A tract ol land of a bo ill l!,!!i)0 acres In leo

    simple sltuutc ut Kolo und Olelomoana 1 InSouth Komi, Island of Hawaii, about elylitmiles by a (jood roud houi Ilookeuu, one olthu lurest villages lu Kona. There Is an ex-cellent lundlnirou the luiul Itself Iromuhcrethe tolleeuiiil other produce could be shippedsml a good site for a mill near tho ljiidltu;.Fifty acres of hind ure In tollee. Uoiiglily

    there Is about t.een hundred acres ofspleudld coireo laud Ijlnjjall on ouu block onboth sides of the (iiivernuient ltoad. tighthundred ucrea lyhif; aboe anil to tho Kastoftlie een liiiniliid acii's above mcutloiiiil Ualo i'i client land and ulllioiiL'li til it highernllttude I mi doubt also well minuted forculleo iiilluie '1 lie lower land below theeolftti bull It. sultuidi' tor pint apples and sisal,'lime Is a drjinj: lioiite, store and work-loom- s,

    a (iordou's I'lilper, laborers' ipinrtcrami tanks at the I'l.u.Utlon, und (huland Uiait1y nallul Thciu bus never beenany hllu'ht on this laud, colfeu waspluutcd neicat imiuvjcarsai'n. Old ii'bldcnlsof Kona llkuthu Inle I). II Nnhlmi, J.K'nnliiioUiianilollicrs luno lotllkd lo UiHfuel, There Uusia Imlur) iippiiiieuunt toOluhiinoniiii 1.

    Ttinim cash or purl of llio iiurulimii' prlcttcnu U'iiirIii mi inuriKWintt'lKht per cent plcniinum. DmU nml iIbiiiw nl thu expeiiH) opiirelmKT.

    A iuuji of lliu pmiwrly ii) bo seen nut) fur.tlivr iNirtluular wbfgtiiid at my sales ivuids.

    .1. V. MOIIOAN.u id




  • " vJ


    jfy7' wiwi?' '' vfVvfcV;, j1; 'VOT

    EVENING BULLETIN, MARCH 21, 1890.fwmmxmtmin i iimn Mtfa wm t prrm wtfiwwjiwwf)w i m -- -, nvAwLimnMn wLOCAL AND GENERAL.

    Stonmor edition.Colonel G. F. Littlo is in tho

    city.3and concert at Einnin squnro

    this afternoon.David Kawannnnkon has

    from a trip to Hawaii.There- was no session of tho

    Houso of Representatives today.Rev. Mr. Garvin will preach at

    Kamohanioha Hall at 11 a. m. to-morrow.

    Tho next steamer from SanFrancisco is tho 13elgie, duo nextSaturday.

    Tho trial of II. M. Berg for va-grancy has been again continueduntil Monday.

    Miss A. Cnhill, Hotel strnot,calls attention to a fine display ofEaster millinery.

    II. F. Allen gons to San Fran-cisco on tho Australia. "Y F.Allonis not going away.

    H. J. Lyman, E. J. Weight, 0.von Harain and Harry Gohancamo over on tho Kinau.

    Tho Y. 3iL C. A. orchestra willliavo a special rohearsal tonightfor their coming concert.

    Tho candlo guessing contest-sti- llcontinues to attract great at-

    tention at Wall, NicholB Co.Tho Kamohamohn Gleo Club

    will sing at tho revival sorviccs oftho Christian church tonight.

    Tho Kinau brought a big cargoof Biigar 11,075 bags, besideshorses, Bhoop and other f roight.

    Rev. Mr. Birnio will speak atControl Union church tomorrowevening on "Tho Argument fromLife."

    Philip Pock, tho Olaa coffeoplanter, camo up on tho Kinau;ulso E. D. Baldwin, tho Hilo sur-veyor.

    In tho polico court this morn-ing the charge of larceny in thothird degrco against H. Mailo wasiiollo pros.'d.

    Bmhop "Willis will administertho rito of confirmation at tho 11a. in. sorvico at St. Andrew's Cathe-dral tomorrow.

    Mrs. En Syaka Aseu hap113 fathoms of land for

    JJ210 square feet, on tho proposedRiver street, with tho Government.

    Evangelist Romig will deliver aspocial address to raon at thoChristian church tomorrow even-ing, but tho ladies aro especiallyinvited.

    The chargo against tho threonewsboys for selling Sun Fran-cisco papers without a liebnso hasboon continued until moved on byeither party.

    A sailor named Hoigler pleadedguilty this morning in Judgo dola Vergne's court of an assaultwith a dangerous weapon on 11.ltoist. Sentence was suspended.

    This paper contaius all tho important happenings of tho islandssiuco the departure of tho Ala-meda. Mail a copy of it to yourfriends abroad.

    At Kawaiahao church tomorrowevening somo of tho teachers whoreturned on tho Morning Star willgivo on account of missionarywork in Micronesia.

    Rov. Mr. Peck's subjects at thoMethodist church tomorrow willbo "How to Livo as a Christian"in the mo:ning,and ''Good MoralsNecessary to Good Laws" at night.

    Mrs. Larkons, who is horo in thointorest of tho King's JJaughlois'Homo of San Francisco, wishes tooxpross hor thanks for courteoustroatmout received during hor stayin Honolulu.

    In answer to a question by Rep.Illinium jestorday, tho Ministerof tho Interior said tho romovalof tho powder mugaziuo was un-der consideration. That's what itwas livo years ago.

    A musicalo and recitation willbo givon at St. Paul's school,

    on Thursdayovoning noxt at 8 oVlock. MisnAnno Proscott tho author istoucher of this school, and evident-ly know's how to nmko thingshum.

    While returning from tho Myr-tle bouthoiiHO yostoiday evening,Hovorul of tho boys on their wImoIhullompiori a riuio, which resultedin u collision, For hovuhiI inin- -Ulan, bloyolou and ridort wornfilrown uvor ho mud. ChnrliuOmitu bud hi lUi" slightlyilamnifod, hut happily no out vitnLuit


    TII15 STOUV OJ' A YOI Ml I.AHYisr s.tnrii'H iai,i..

    Ili--r Itcnllli Wnn Madly ShatteredNullernl from a llml Oolieli iiml('nu.tmit I'm I n In flic Nlilc I'hIcimill AlinoM lllooillcnH Hor lluulih.j;iiIii ICotorcil.

    l'rom tho Smith's rutin llcoord."1 know that if I had uot begun

    taking Dr. AVilliams' Pink Pills Iwoula not have lived much longer."These words were uttered by MissMossop, daughtor of Mr. JohnstonMossop, of this town, and a younglady extremely popular amongher friends and acquaintances.Miss Mossop had been ailing forseveral years, and hor rccovory tohealth is a mutter of genoral re-joicing among hor friends. To aroporter sho gave her story as fol-lows: '! scarcely know how myillness began. Tho first symptomwas a feeling of tiredness upon thoslightest exertion. Tho color loftmy face, and 1 become as palo asa corpse. Then 1 was attackedwith a pain in my loft sido andcoughed a great deal. Atiirst homo remedies werotried, but as they did notdo any good a doctor wascalled in, nnd I wus under his care


    i.- am iuiv h hi fli i i jf

    1 i "!!P" . 7.nfcSr-t-jJCould not Go Up Stairs mMoic Jiestbig.

    for about a year. But tho treat-ment did not do mo any good, andI was steadily growing weaker andweaker. I was unable to go up-stairs without having to sit downand rest when I got thore, and thepain in my side became more audmoro intense I kept wastingaway and lost all intorest in life,and at last was so low that recov-ery was not expected. At thisjuncturo my mother saw an articlein a newspaper relating to tho cureof a young lady whoso case wasalmost idontical with my own, andwhoso euro was duo to Dr. Wil-liams' Pink Pills, and this prompt-ed a trial of that medicino. Bytho time a couplo of boxes woreued there vn a fooling of im-provement and I continued usingtho Pink Pills until I had takennine boxes, all the time gainingrapidly, until now I feel tlmtihave recovored my old time hoalth.I can now walk a long distancewithout being tired, and I amno longer troubled with thatterrible pain in my side. My np-poti- to

    has returned and I can noweat almost as much as any moin- -oer ot the tamily, and I know thathad I not begun taking Pink PillsI would not liavo lived much long-or.- "

    Mrs. Mossop says sho cannotoxpross the gratitudo sho fools to-ward this grand medicino whichhas restored hor loved daughter'shealth, and will always speak ofit in terms of praise.

    Dr. Williams' Pink Pills aroespecially vuluublo to womon.They build up tho blood, restorothe norves, and eradicate thosetroubles which makes the lives ofso many womon, old and young, aburden. Dizziness, palpitation oftho heart, nervous headache andnorvoiiB prostration speedily yieldto this wonderful medicino.

    Dr. Williams' Pink Pills arosold by Hoi,usti:h Dituo Co.,wholesale agents for Hawaii, andall doalors in medicine.


    Spring MillineryMonday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

    Mnrcir.'iM.i.MtliamliUtli.An Uleguut l.lnu (i I Imported

    French Pattern llats, BouhdIs & TopsWill bo displayed. AImi, I tin l.nol

    Nnvi'ltlct In

    Fancy Pocsian & Drcadon Ribbono

    Mm am iweliiw m ami variety.

    MUSS A. UAI I i.ruM Hold girvti. ri

    "'fit'1081 of "" iu Li'ivouing Pownr.Latest tT.S. Gov't Itonort.

    & T &g33&mSOIMtEtX JPQFE.

    WW. DIMOND'SA half dozen years ago n

    gentleman of Honolulu talafter buying und ri-

    ding u bicycle that "the daywill come when half of Hono-lulu will be on wheels."

    The remark or prophecy 1msbecome literally a fact, for whois it who will not ride a bicyclewhen they can get one that isns reliuble as the Ivor John-son ?

    This is a now wheel heroand it will take titno to intro-duce it, but once it gets a hold,or rather once it is seen on thestreet and tried it will replacenearly all tho makes now soldhere. We huve tho IvorJohnson; it is a 1 igh gradebicycle of 189G pattern and issold under a guarantee. GeorgoIT. Paris will ride a Johnsonand you who aro used towheels and know a good onewhen you seo it will recognizeat a glanco tho good points.

    Wo have others. Fourmonths ago a bicyclo agent inSan Fraiicisco in order to in-troduce his wheel took overfrom the proprietor of a cvcle- -ry ull the wheels ho had instock. Some were a week old,others . new, some had beenused a month. They aro asgood today us when the' lofttho factory. Wo ' took thewhole stock at a bargain.

    You have a chance to gotthem from us.

    Vim Holt Building.

    OCEANICSteamship Co.




    Foil TUB ADOVE POUT ONHntiirriiiy, .Hstruli ii 1st,

    AT 1 O'CLOCK p.m.Tlio mulorni(,'no(l njv now prepared to

    Irsiio Through Tickets from tin City to nilpoinMlii Hie United Stat h

    iiTVot fiutht'i' imittoiiliiw tegnrdiugFroi'hi or IVoe, apply to

    Wm. g. irwin .to-.- , r.'n,2.VJ-I- K AgontH.

    Hawaiian DinnerAT THE

    Eagle HouseSaturday, March 21st.

    Evcrylhhuj Slrirthj HnxcaUan.

    Banquet! Music! Dancing!

    PST" Dinnor nt fi i M. Dnnc-in- yut 8:110. ItefroBiinioiits dur-

    ing tho ovoning.

    8J37 Tho Hnwaiiiin QuintottoCluh is engaged for Uuh occasion.

    Tickets, - SBl.OO2,"-2- t

    IVAIPIOlOLLBUTTEItham: on this iiunu

    Is Honolnln's Favorite Table Butter!? Try K.uiiplo mid yon will tiny no


    Foi le ufc urj ienjij peit fyllI'Ail.l'NOMk 11V

    HENRY DAVIS & CO,,nun i'. .11 hiiwi,

    -. ngw, u

    BaKlllSPoW ir


    is our new inscctitudo for

    roaches, bed-bug- s, moths nnd

    insect pests of nil kinds.

    It kills them instantly, des-troys the eggs. Won't stain;

    doesn't huve an unpleasant

    odor; easy to use. The great

    value of Rough-On-Bug- s is,

    you can sprinkle it in the cre-

    vices, where their nests are,and thus destroy tho eggs and

    break up their breeding places.

    Full directions with each bot-

    tle. Try it. If it doesn't dowhat wo claim, wo refund

    money. You therefore take

    no risk. Price 25c.Got it of

    1IOBRON DRUG CO.Solo Proprietors.

    Just -:- - Arrived


    or Tin:.

    P. D. Corsets

    We 1)?k to call special attention to tho

    P. D. LINEN

    AND THK- -

    P. D.Summer Corsets

    Of which wo enrry All Sizoa in Htock.

    B. F. Ehlers & Co.FORT STREET.

    uis-t- i

    Take an Outing

    'pSLjSATURDAYS ....

    AND.... SUNDAYSTrnins will hiivn ut 9:15 a. m.

    nnd )'A5 r. M.,nrrivin in Mono-lul- uat 3:11 mid 5:55 i. m.

    ROUND TRIP TICKETS:lt Class lid ClflDD

    Pearl Citv 75 $ COEwn Plantation... 1 00 75Wniiiuiio 1 50 1 L'5

    Position Wanted.1JV A WIDOW I.ADV AS IIOlTSn- -

    lttHinur or Coiiiinuiiuin litmt of roteruueou.Ainb.J. .MvRLSO, 183 l'tift glicnt.


    A HKUOKIMIAND CJ.VUIU.Vtir. "Itluiuur Iu jntd urilur, Afray t "VV,("



    520 IPorfc Street.


    Elegant Wash Materials

    N. S. SACHS'Nevv Krencli Orgaiidies

    Kxquisito Patterns in Light nnd Dark Ground).

    Printed Dimities and Muslins . . ,In Trltty Dnin'y Fi);nrcs nnd Ilnlr Stripes.

    Fancy Piques and Cotton DuckA FINL ASSOKTMEN'T OK

    Percales I Percales IStylNh l'litteni' for Shirt Wnlslo.SILKOLINES !

    A New Assortmeut. Choice l'nttcrnn.



    Valencienne '. Laces !

    Piano for $100A Fine $350

    By paying n single big silver dollarlong tuo

    AVill burn, now on exhibition in our (WALL, NICHOLS COMPANY)lnrgo show window. Call and oxnmino the Piano. Every lover of musicwill rccognizo tho superior qualities of the "Fischer" Grand.

    Every purchaser of Oiio Dollar's worth of goods is entitled to aWo have adoptod this moans of more largoly advertising thef;upss.merits of tho Pisehor Piano.

    Tho contest will tako placo on tho

    11th. DAY OF JUNEAnd will bo held under tho porsonal supervision of representatives

    from tho Press of Honolulu.



    sloo COUPON 9t- -Candle Guessing Coupon.

    Hoight of 4 Foot.


    I PREMIUM. Kill In(ir lyreturn weHood Iron)

    Clcgant Upright tame time

    I Flj&mnpO HowViiliictl i s:i.lo. Days.

    a 7 ilio nearestcorrect nui' iiitake thu Piano.


    I HONOLULU, H. I.(ggisfisiissjgjsiaiEjaa





    AN TO I'l'IU MASK Al'lnu lllo"ded 111 IvIllK in Hi lit L'HI-ti-

    nud iiiinid ill every rwperl, i nllreil In uliny (U'Ullur hy Martti, fi eui.ulil, ilmu KnIIm V liy iliu llnuu U n IIiidilrltur nnd itlti's of tij fasiTim enlnml U uuw In Hip hand. l mi utpuilvuveil I ml hit.

    iW I'T Riiiih ini

    mMvt Ai I'tiU )rg k.

    Fischer Pianofor tho of how


    Takes Placo on Juno 11th.

    this Conpon nnd prccnt mme to ub Pmull, nccuiiipniiU'd l nn ilnllar, ntul In

    i;fvuyoii the choice of one dollar's north ofour laro nnd vailed stock, and at tlio

    we 1U record jour nuets n follows:

    Lons Will It BurnHuurs Minutes. I

    Niiino ,





    Our Closing Out SaleTHE





    SOTlCi; IS I1KKKIIV HIVDN TIIATTIII.Meiiaullle lierctoforu .carried on InHonolulu li.v ilnliu TIioiiiik Wulerliou.u willIn minium d h) tin- iiihIi r.lnid iiiuler tlioIjle ami iiinnu of

    J. T.Tlio ili IhmIiii'm will he under llm llan.

    uauiiinit III' Mil lll.MIV VTMIIII)WH Vtliwill rl for Hie iimti i u full ur of tttlni'iiZAHHTii iioi'iini; watkiiiiouhk,

    HfMHllflr 1)1 ami fulK llml.e MIMlttr I III)Will I . Wttti'lUi.u.e, Jl

    rjarje Xjino otLu.i'je Stock . Stiles nnd Sn-tln- s

    Stoclc ot Olothn nnl Soi'jyeHLargo Stoclc of While Insliiis

    Aro being sold during the month of March Halt' Price.

    A. G-re- at Opporluiiily !

    OF FftSHION, 519 FORT

    filll?ov Sal!





    privilege guessing








    IWHUklH, Mnrt'tl I, ttm

    Mli .




    t iV




    ii. 'kw



  • i



    tJ; t


    rv ,lft






    !oblp lCxirolon of AimlAiiirrIcnn(loott l'collnc.

    At Northfiold, Minnesotn,llov. Mr.McConnoll of tho

    CongrogfttionRl church preachedin a most onthusiastic ninunor oninternationalism. Prcsidont Strongof Carloton Collogo, introducedresolutions favoring a perpetualtreaty of arbitration botweon thoEnglish-speakin- g nations, whichwere unanimously adopted. ThoclTecton tho mooting became some-thing indescribable as tho vastcongregation joined in Hingingtho following international hymn,written by l'rof. G. II. Hunting-ton, of Carloton College, to thetuno of "America":

    Two omniii'H by tlio sea,Two nations great and free,

    One iiKti ui nuo of ancient famo,One tongue, ono faith, wo claim,Ono God, whoso glorious name

    "We loo and praiso."What deeds our fathors wrought.

    Vliat battles wo havo fought,Lot fame record.

    Now, vengeful passion, cease.Come, iotoiies of peace,Nor hato nor pride's caprico

    Unsheath tho sword.

    Though deep tho sea and wide,Twixt u aim and real, its tido

    13inds strand to strand.So bo tho gulf betweenGroy constb and islands green,Groat populace and queen,

    13y frhmdrdiip spanned.

    May the gicnt God aboveGuard tho dear lands wo lovo,

    Or cist or west;Lot lo c more fervent glow,As peaceful ages go,And strength yet stronger grow,

    Blessing and blest.

    now to .poll 'I'm

    Tho cit is called kut in Danishand Dutch, katt in Swedish, chatin French, katti or katzo hi Ger-man, catus in Latin, gato in Por-tuguese and Spanish, kot in Po-lish, I ts in Uusshui, c.ith inWelsh, kath in Cornish, catua inBasque an I gaz in Armenian.

    Mechanics' U mo. corner Hoteland Nun mu streets, lodging byday, week or month. Terms: 25and 50 coots per night $1, and$1 25 nor wei k.

    you can't do hotter than to callon King Bros., when you wantanything in the picture or artgoods line. Don't forgot thonumber Hotel streot.

    Brown & Kuboy havo for salea complete line of watches, clocks,cutlery nnd '.olid and plated jewel-ry of every description, that theyare soiling at reasonable prices.

    290290-29- 0. Tho UnitedCarriago Co. Fine carriages andtho fastest horses in the worldwith competent drivors alway ob-liging. tVirner King and Fortstreets. Telephone 290.

    City Carriago Co.. J. S. And.rado, mannger. It you want ahnok with good horse and c.iro-fuldriv- or

    ring up Telephone 113,corner of Fort and Merchantstreets- - Hack at all hours.

    Tho Singor recoived 54. iirstawards for Sowing Machines andembroidery work at tho Worlds'Fair, Chicago, 111., being thelargest number of awards obtainedby any exhibitor, and moro thandouble the number given to allothor Sewing Machines. B. Bi:u-Gi'liso-

    Agetit. Bethel streot,Honolulu.

    There vi I bo n nnooial sale ofDr. Jaeger's S.mitaiy Wool nr

    t 'limey's, to loducostock. Prices will bo S3 per suitfor' hi .us, and JiO.50 persuit for extra hirg si.s Ltidiott'suits, all wliito and natuml,at $8 suit D. not lot thisopportunity pass in got thesegoods at much less than theirvalue, as tlj mi'" will only asttill Muck is roduo' l.

    Messrs. W. C Peacock it Co.havo placed on salo at lli.-i- rmlaonB, tho Boynl, Paoilio andCosmopolitan, tho cnlobr itedPabst Milwaukco draught beer.It is ono of tho tinest inthe worldand its excellent qualities havogained for it an enviable reputa-tion, it i.s tho only draught beorin Honolulu that is iiiuinifaetureilOHht of the Kooky Mountains.Tho 1 loyal, Paoiliu and tJowiiopo.litilli liave oxuliangeablo tokens sothat If you buy h glasH of beer atalio of rl.nm Hud I'fKwivo a iheokiiBolnuiift for .voiir fjuaihT it ingood fur Hiiolhii Klnw nt oltlinroflllfl tlui'i plmnn,


    ir. J. BakerHorUi Pembroka, Mass.

    Alter the GripRollof from Hood's Snrsnparllla

    Wondorful and Pormanont."C L II oo J ts Co., Lowell. Mini i

    l ktilncy trouble n overo p.Mm Inmy back, which was brought about by n coldcontracted lillo In cami at TMnnflold In 18C1I havo been troubled moro or lcis since thattlnm and hao been unable to do any heavywork, much Ims any llttlng. 1 received onlytemporary relief from medlilnci I.nt sprlnaI had an atUck ot the gflji, which led mo with

    A Bad Cough, Very Weakphysically, In fact my system was completelyrun down. I tried a bottle of Hood's

    so much better tint 1continued UMiir It, and taken six bottles.II Ins done wonders fur me, ns 1 h.ivo not ownso free irom mj old pains und troubles slnco the

    Hood'ssi' Cureswar. 1 consider Hood's Sarsaparllla a God-se-blessing to the sutTerlng." William J. BakfuNorth rembroke, Mass.

    Hood's Pills euro Constipation by the peristaltic action of tho alimentary canal

    Ho"bron Drug Co., ld.Solo Agenta for tho Kopublio ot Hawaii.

    J. P. R00R1GUES.Fort Street, opposite llnckfeld's.

    I WILL

    Make YoujMl I r "A SUIT

    emu 4 LIKE

    THISm I f


    A New Lot of Nice Goods JustReceived. Cleaning and Re-pairing. 21o-- t

    C. B. DWIGHT,Does nil kinds ot Work in

    Cement A Stone Sidewalks & Curbing

    Flo lins on linnd n InrRO apply otCluueso Grnuito Curb nud nlwaj-- s keepsHnwniinu Oiirbiujr Stoue. Estimntcspivea mid lowea- prices assured, 'relo-ohon- o



    rr "r



    To Burn!and of the Finest.



    At tho snnio Low Rates ns utmal.

    A Big Lino ot New Goods inst received perS.S. Australia.


    rierchant Tailors,Arlington lllock, : : : ; Hotel street.

    kf- t-wy



    The above lllcjcle nas madu as (;ood atnew uy

    H. G-- .HiCM'lc Manufacturer.

    107 King street. H'J-- tf

    Like OursNo On GroceriesEvery prico wo quote lit tlio lowoht. We

    nteud ti Keep our prices always tho lowest.If tliej'ro not bring youi pureha- - backand pot tho money. That's our standingoffer. Comparo our prices consider thutquality is tho choicest mid son if suchprices aro to lo lound cUewucre.

    (ufck, I too Delivery.


    Hotel streot, opp. Arlington Annex.

    For Sale or to Rent.

    A desirnblo dwellinc house onHassinger street. Apply to

    The Hawaiian Sale Depositand Investment Company,Fort streot. t

    Piano For Sale.a woonwAim & mtowx piano.

    lias an excellent tone nud is in iiuo condi-tion . Will bo sold cheap for cash.

    Address L, T.195-- tf Bdllktik Ofllco.




    Bathing Resoriat waikiki.

    Pine Fishing1.


    Fire Insurance Company, Hartford, Conn.Ahsuts, S0.e20,21l.00. Income, 7,000,103.03. .

    London & Fire Insurance Company, (U. S.'Branch), Liverpool,

    Assots, S2,700,S70. Incoiho, $1,859,000.

    Talaiine Insurance Company, (U. S. 'Branch), Manches-ter,

    Asretx, 82,8.1(1,2:10.23. Iucome, $:i,OI5.0S1.00.

    "9QT" Iiisnus Firnt-cliii- s lluicintile nnd Manufacturing llisks nnd Duelling Pro-nart- yin tho nho w Companies on tho most fuvoinblo terms.

    T-- livdZ- - XDo-rset- t.21.1-I- J MutniAM Btkect.

    Exolusive Atti'aotive.






    Fnio Hods and Unit Furnished.



    noxt to Lucas' Mill

    Ships' Blacksmithing,Carriage Building

    and Repairing

    Drays, Carts andWagon Building



    Jewelry !

    Our Stock of Spring Goodsis !ickiiovlc(lued by ovory-bod- y

    to bo tlio finest on theHonolulu tnstrkct, and con-sists of everything Usefuland OrntuiH-titiil- . Our pricesaro noderato. Jowolry inspec design manufactur-ed to order ou short notice.

    JCfBSEN&PFEIFFER.P. O. Box 287 Fort Street.


    Honolulu, iliiuaimn Islands


    Principal Parts of tho World,and

    Transact a General Banking,"Busiuewn.

    rt wished tsr.s

    BANKERS,Transact a G rl Banking

    and Exchange Business.Commercial and Traveler's

    Letters of Credit issued, avail-able in all the principal citiesof tho world.


    direct from the Factories in


    Of and Cigars. Pipes andSmokers' Sundries. ......

    K" Just recoived choico lotHoliday presouts.



    or !he Old.

    Pi 311IMS &


    White Brothers' Cement

    Corrugated Iron Roofing,

    Galvanized, Water Pipe

    Faints and Oils.


    Roche Lime,

    C. & C. Fine Flour,

    Hay, Grain, and Groceries.

    Hardware and

    Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc., Elo.

    sSMiiMw&mk New S

    mm ;3fli F

    f' '(& S -- l v "( .(.ii" SwK&S i ?' V

    mky ymmwssMM ufsMY&AMiiW'w w , (r r,jmv i ii .'Aiissjsao v ; ,fc mmm, A-iA- ,.. mmmmmwA mtzmm

    ... -- . XM8&&- -





    --IS FROM- -


    articles foi



    One of the Best Known

    Residenis of Seattle

    Made Well.

    Cured of Kidney

    CHARLES PROS.CH, Socretnry cf Waohlngton Plonoor AssocJatlon.6: i Ninth Stiihet, )

    Sitti.u, Wash., May 8, 1894. JWells, KiciiAnnso.v & Co.,

    Gentlemen; For yusiro my kidneys havo beon affected, ntic! a mild form ofrheumatism afflicted '

    The worst affliction fioin which I Mid'eied more or los3 for ten years past has heen insomniaand its natural ranlh, extreme nervousness. This jrrew 00 biul thrt it was often ditlicult forme to write tr,y num.' legibly. Painc's Celery lias cured M9 of the insomniaand nervousness, so that I again enjoy lelVeshinjj sleep.

    For some months last year I sufleied ncntc pains in niy chest, which almost nifjhtly compelledme to arise liom bed and walk the jloor or sit up for hours. A lecumbeiit position uruighton the pains 1 . or tiiyht; the position assumed in writing also caused them. I have beenhappily relieved of these vatiotis disoulcts by Paiuo's Celciy and now enjoybe