Memories Of Going Gold Director In USANA Brisbane

Memories Of Going Gold In USANA


This our story of when we GOLD Directors in Usana in 2014 February. On February 1st Vicki and I went Gold Directors in USANA. The company really treats you special when you reach this level as we received so many greetings, well wishes, phone calls and texts from people all over the world. On Monday of the week we went Gold we received a phone call from USANA Australia's GM in Sydney congratulating us. Just imagine that. Then the day after we got a big bunch of flowers sent from HQ in Sydney to us. We were tickled pinch. To top it off they flew Pamela Ferry, the corporate Manager for Network Development all the way up to Brisbane to take us out for dinner and then just before we had our desserts Pam handed us our GOLD pins. How special did we feel that evening in Paddington, Brisbane. Two weeks later we got a Congratulation Card sent from USANA Health Sciences in Salt Lake City signed by all the Top Corporate staff in SLC. Vicki and I are so proud to be associated with such a great company. Next our Brisbane Team under Gold Director Myrna Widlend gave us a Gold Plaque at our Feb meeting in Paddington. Our team also had a special dinner for us. This is just amazing stuff. Thank you Team. Thank you USANA. Claude & Vicki Brisbane 0422-44-2029