Memorandum of Understanding with Active and Expired Between … · Kiev Taras Shevchenko University...

Memorandum of Understanding with Active and Expired Between Jawaharlal Nehru University & Foreign Universities as on 04.10.2019 S.No. University Country Name Date of Signed Period of MoU Expire On 1. Dongguk University, Korea Korea 28.06.1997 Till mutual unders- tanding. Termination of MoU is subject to one year of notice from either side 2. Academic Exchange Programme, Otani University, Japan Japan 12.09.1996 The agreement shall continue in effect unless either of the institution wishes to terminate the MoU, 3. Gyeongsang National University, Korea Korea 28.06.1997 3 years 27.06.2000 4. The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill USA 01.08.1997 Period of termination not mentioned 5. University of Illinois, USA USA 04.10.1997 5 years 03.10.2002 6. Ritsumeikan University, Kyota, Japan Japan 27.04.1998 5 years 26.04.2003 7. University of Inchon, Inchon (Korea) Korea 23.06.1998 5 years 22.06.2003 8. National University of Mongolia Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia) Mongolia 22.03.1999 Period of termination not mentioned 9. The University of Waterloo, Canada Canada 01.01.2000 2 years 30.12.2002

Transcript of Memorandum of Understanding with Active and Expired Between … · Kiev Taras Shevchenko University...

Page 1: Memorandum of Understanding with Active and Expired Between … · Kiev Taras Shevchenko University (Ukraine) Ukraine 02.01.2004 3 years 01.01.2007 31. The University of Bergen, Norway

Memorandum of Understanding with Active and Expired Between

Jawaharlal Nehru University & Foreign Universities as on 04.10.2019

S.No. University Country Name

Date of Signed

Period of MoU

Expire On

1. Dongguk University, Korea

Korea 28.06.1997 Till mutual unders-tanding. Termination of MoU is subject to one year of notice from either side

2. Academic Exchange Programme, Otani University, Japan

Japan 12.09.1996 The agreement shall continue in effect unless either of the institution wishes to terminate the MoU,

3. Gyeongsang National University, Korea

Korea 28.06.1997 3 years 27.06.2000

4. The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

USA 01.08.1997 Period of termination not mentioned

5. University of Illinois, USA

USA 04.10.1997 5 years 03.10.2002

6. Ritsumeikan University, Kyota, Japan

Japan 27.04.1998 5 years 26.04.2003

7. University of Inchon, Inchon (Korea)

Korea 23.06.1998 5 years 22.06.2003

8. National University of

Mongolia Ulaanbaatar


Mongolia 22.03.1999 Period of termination not mentioned

9. The University of Waterloo, Canada

Canada 01.01.2000 2 years 30.12.2002

Page 2: Memorandum of Understanding with Active and Expired Between … · Kiev Taras Shevchenko University (Ukraine) Ukraine 02.01.2004 3 years 01.01.2007 31. The University of Bergen, Norway

10. Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey

Turkey 24.01.2000 3 years 23.01.2003

11. Pusan University of Foreign Studies, Pusan, Korea

Korea 10.03.2000 5 years 09.03.2005

12. Chonnam National University, Kwangju, Korea

Korea 13.05.2000 5 years 12.05.2005

13. San Luis University of Argentina

Argentina 21.03.2001 5 years 20.03.2006

14. University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain

Spain 03.07.2001 5 years automatically extended additional period of 5 years

15. Sunchon National University, Republic of Korea

Korea 20.08.2001 5 years 19.08.2006

16. The University of Isfahan, Iran

Iran 14.11.2001 Period of termination not mentioned

17. Azzahra University, Islamic Republic of Iran

Iran 15.11.2001 3 years 14.11.2004

18. University of Salzburg, Austria

Austria 08.02.2002 3 years 07.02.2005

19. The University of Sistan & Baluchistan, Iran

Iran 15.04.2002 3 years 14.04.2005

20. Shahid Beheshti University (SBU), Islamic Republic of Iran

Iran 15.04.2002 5 years 14.04.2007

21. University of Paris XII Val De Marne, France

France 24.06.2002 5 years 23.06.2007

Page 3: Memorandum of Understanding with Active and Expired Between … · Kiev Taras Shevchenko University (Ukraine) Ukraine 02.01.2004 3 years 01.01.2007 31. The University of Bergen, Norway

22. Yerevan State University, Armenia

Armenia 30.09.2002 5 years 29.03.2007

23. Barcelona University, Spain

Spain 18.03.2003 5 years 17.03.2008

24. Korea University, Korea Korea 16.04.2003 5 years Automatically extended additional period of 5 years

25. The University of New South Wales, Australia

Australia 08.05.2003 3 years Automatically renewed for every three years

26. University of the Philippines, Quezon City

Canada 11.09.2003 3 years 10.09.2006

27. The University of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada

Canada 24.09.2003 3 years 23.09.2006

28. Korean Foundation, Seoul, Korea

Korea 20.10.2003 5 years 19.10.2008

29. Chungnam National University, Korea

Korea 22.10.2003 3 years 21.10.2006

30. The Institute of

International Relations

Kiev Taras Shevchenko

University (Ukraine)

Ukraine 02.01.2004 3 years 01.01.2007

31. The University of Bergen, Norway

Norway 29.01.2004 3 years 28.01.2008

32. Bandaranaike Centre for International Studies, Colombo, Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka

29.04.2004 3 years 28.04.2007

33. The University of Waikato, Hamilton

New Zealand 02.06.2004 3 years 01.06.2007

Page 4: Memorandum of Understanding with Active and Expired Between … · Kiev Taras Shevchenko University (Ukraine) Ukraine 02.01.2004 3 years 01.01.2007 31. The University of Bergen, Norway

(New Zealand)

34. Yale University, USA USA 17.06.2004 5 years Automatically renewed from year to year.

35. Rennes 2university, Rennes, France

France 18.06.2004 3 years Automatically extended for additional period of 3 years at each expiration date.

36. The Australian National University, Australia

Australia 15.07.2004 2 years 14.07.2006

37. Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea

Korea 24.12.2004 5 years Period of termination not mentioned

38. The University of Groningen, the Netherlands

Netherlands 01.01.2005 3 years 31.12.2007

39. Jinan University, Guangzhou (China)

China 28.01.2005 3 years 27.01.2008

40. Lancaster University, Lancaster (UK)

UK 07.02.2005 3 years 06.02.2008

41. The University of World Economy and Diplomacy, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan 05.04.2005 3 years 04.04.2008

42. Institute Technologicoy Estudios Superiores De Monterrey, Mexico

Mexico 20.05.2005 3 years 19.05.2008

43. La Universidad Central De Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela

Venezuela 01.06.2005 3 years 31.05.2008

44. Universidad Del Rosario, Bogota (Colombia)

Colombia 10.06.2005 3 years 09.06.2008

Page 5: Memorandum of Understanding with Active and Expired Between … · Kiev Taras Shevchenko University (Ukraine) Ukraine 02.01.2004 3 years 01.01.2007 31. The University of Bergen, Norway

45. Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria

Austria 08.09.2005 3 years 07.09.2008

46. Bilkent University, Ankara Turkey

Turkey 08.11.2005 3 years 07.11.2008

47. Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea

Korea 08.01.2006 11.01.2007

3 years 07.01.2009

48. University of Pisa, Italy Italy 30.01.2006 1 years 29.01.2006

49. University of Verona,


Italy 13.02.2006 2 years 12.02.2008

50. University of LOS Andes, Venezuela

Venezuela 27.03.2006 3 years 26.03.2009

51. University of Bari, Italy Italy 29.03.2006 Whole

period of

the Bursary

52. University of Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa

South Africa

31.03.2006 5 years 28.02.2011

53. Martin Luther University, Halle, Wittenberg, Germany

Germany 05.04.2006 3 years 04.04.2009

54. The Georgia Institute of Technology’s GIT, USA

USA 26.05.2006 3 years 25.05.2009

55. Nordic Centre in India, Uppsala, Sweden

Sweden 03.11.2006 3 years 02.11.2009

56. University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania

Romania 21.11.2006 3 years 20.11.2009

57. Eotvos Lorand Univerity, Budapest, Hungary

Hungary 27.11.2006 3 years 26.11.2009

Page 6: Memorandum of Understanding with Active and Expired Between … · Kiev Taras Shevchenko University (Ukraine) Ukraine 02.01.2004 3 years 01.01.2007 31. The University of Bergen, Norway

58. Freie University Berlin, Germany

Germany 08.01.2007 5 years Automatically renewed annually after the initial period of five years.

59. University Institute for Social Sciences, Business Studies And Technologies (ISCTE), Lisbon

Portugal 10.01.2007 3 years 09.01.2010

60. Univ. Institute for Social Science, Business Studies and Technology, The Institute Camoes, Lisbon, Portugal

Portugal 11.01.2007 5 years 10.01.2012

61. York University, Toronto, Canada

Canada 16.01.2007 3 years 15.01.2010

62. The Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Russia

Russia 24.01.2007 5 years 23.01.2012

63. University of Padova,


Italy 08.02.2007 3 years 07.02.2010

64. Rovira Generalitat de

Catalunya], Canada

Canada 19.02.2007 Period of termination not mentioned

65. Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan

Japan 09.03.2007 5 years Automatically renewed every five years

66. The Complutense University, Madrid, Spain

Spain 15.03.2007 3 years 14.03.2010

Page 7: Memorandum of Understanding with Active and Expired Between … · Kiev Taras Shevchenko University (Ukraine) Ukraine 02.01.2004 3 years 01.01.2007 31. The University of Bergen, Norway

67. The Tokyo Foundation & Nippon Foundation, Japan

Japan 15.05.2007 1 years 31.05.2008

68. The Rovira I Virgili

University, Spain

Spain 27.07.2007 3 years 26.07.2012

69. The George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA

USA 01.08.2007 3 years 31.07.2010

70. Keio University, Japan

Japan 21.08.2007 3 years 20.08.2010

71. University of Jyvaskyla, Finland

Finland 05.09.2007 5 years 04.09.2012

72. Hermann Von Helmholtz Gemeinschaft Deutscher Forschungszentren E.V. Germany

Germany 30.09.2007 3 year 29.09.2010

73. University of Lausanne, Switzerland

Switzerland 01.10.2007 3 years 30.09.2010

74. Nameseoul University, Korea

Korea 05.11.2007 3 years 04.11.2010

75. University of Mauritius, Mauritius

Mauritius 03.12.2007 3 years 02.12.2010

76. Kobe University, Japan

Japan 13.02.2008 3 years 12.03.2011

77. Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages Almaty, Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan 27.02.2008 3 years 26.02.2011

78. Arabaeva Kyrgyz State University, Russia

Russia 18.03.2008 3 years 17.03.2011

Page 8: Memorandum of Understanding with Active and Expired Between … · Kiev Taras Shevchenko University (Ukraine) Ukraine 02.01.2004 3 years 01.01.2007 31. The University of Bergen, Norway

79. EL Colegio De Mexico, Mexico

Mexico 26.03.2008 5 years 25.03.2013

80. Minnesota state University Mankato, USA

USA 04.04.2008 3 years 03.04.2011

81. Institute De Recherche Pour Le Development (IRD), France

France 17.04.2008 3 years 16.04.2011

82. Universitat Konstanz, Germany Essex University, Konstanz University & JNU Tripartite MoU Signed Agreement for the Exchange of Students with University of Konstanz (Germany)

Germany UK JNU

23.05.2008 26.09.2011 10.09.2019

3 years 3 years 5 years

22.05.2011 25.09.2014 09.09.2024

83. University Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV), Paris, France

France 20.06.2008 3 years 19.06.2011

84. Keimyung University, Daegu, South Korea

South Korea 13.07.2008 3 years 12.07.2011

85. Daito Bunka University, Japan

Japan 06.08.2008 5 years 05.08.2013

86. Vrije University Brussels, Belgium

Belgium 05.09.2008 3 years 04.09.2011

87. University of Desarrollo,


Chile 22.10.2008 4year 21.10.2012

88. Marc Bloch University, Strasbourg, France

France 03.02.2009 5 years 02.02.2014

Page 9: Memorandum of Understanding with Active and Expired Between … · Kiev Taras Shevchenko University (Ukraine) Ukraine 02.01.2004 3 years 01.01.2007 31. The University of Bergen, Norway

89. Stockholm University, Sweden

Sweden 06.03.2009 3 years 05.03.2012

90. Rice University, Houston, U.S.A

USA 10.12.2009 3 years 09.12.2012

91. Korea National University of Arts Seoul, Korea

Korea 20.01.2010 3 years 19.01.2013

92. The Academy of Korean Studies, Republic of Korea

Korea 22.01.2010 22.01.2015

5 years 3 years

21.01.2015 will be automatically renewed on 3 years basis thereafter, unless terminated or replaced with a new MoU.

93. Seoul National University, Republic of Korea

Korea 12.07.2010 5 years 11.07.2015

94. Paris 8 University, France

France 12.10.2010 3 years 11.10.2013

95. Dublin City University, Ireland

Ireland 18.04.2011 3 years 17.04.2014

96. Russkiy Mir Foundation,


Russia 26.10.2011 5 years 25.10.2016

97. AL- Farabi Kazakh National University , Almaty Renewed

Almaty 07.02.2012 16.09.2016

3 years Until terminated


98. Queensland University of Technology, Australia

Australia 14.03.2012 5 years 13.03.2017

Page 10: Memorandum of Understanding with Active and Expired Between … · Kiev Taras Shevchenko University (Ukraine) Ukraine 02.01.2004 3 years 01.01.2007 31. The University of Bergen, Norway

99. The Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences (VASS), Vietnam

Vietnam 29.03.2012 5 years 28.03.2017

100. The Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Vietnam

Vietnam 29.03.2012 5 years 28.03.2017

101. The Vietnam National University Hochiminh (VNU HCM), Vietnam

Vietnam 29.03.2012 5 years 28.03.2017

102. The Vietnam National University Hanoi (VNU Hanoi), Vietnam

Vietnam 29.03.2012 5 years 28.03.2017

103. The “Turcology Project”, Yunus Emre Institute, Turkey

Turkey 27.04.2012 4 years Automatic renewal for same periods without any notice of termination etc.,

104. Erasmus University of Rotterdam, Netherland

Netherland 15.05.2012 3 years 14.05.2015

105. Mokpo National University, Korea

Korea 15.05.2012 3 years 15.05.2015

106. Aarhus University,

Denmark and Partner

Universities in the IBIES

Consortium, Erasmus

Mundus Action 2

Partnerships – Lot 11 –


Denmark 15.07.2012 4 years 14.07.2016

107. University of Cape Coast Ghana, West Africa

West Africa

16.07.2012 3 years 15.07.2015

108. University of Ghana,

Accra City, Ghana

Ghana 23.08.2012 3 years 22.08.2015

Page 11: Memorandum of Understanding with Active and Expired Between … · Kiev Taras Shevchenko University (Ukraine) Ukraine 02.01.2004 3 years 01.01.2007 31. The University of Bergen, Norway

109. Erciyes University


Turkey 29.08.2012 3 years 28.08.2015

110. University of Latvia,

Raga, Latvia

Latvia 03.09.2012 5 years 02.09.2017

111. Leiden University,



Netherlands 19.09.2012 3 years 18.09.2015

112. University of South

Australia, Adelaide,


Australia 19.11.2012

5 years 07.10.2017

113. Victoria University of

Wellington, New


New Zealand

19.10.2012 3 years 18.10.2015

114. Belarusian State University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

Belarus 16.11.2012 3 years 15.11.2015

115. Russian Tajik Slavonic

University, Dushanbe,


Tajikistan 30.01.2013 5 years 29.01.2018

116. Tajik National

University, Dushanbe,


Tajikistan 15.02.2013 5 years 14.02.2018

117. Universidad Del Norte Paraguay

Paraguay 21.02.2013 3 years 20.02.2016

118. Queens University, Belfast, United Kingdom

UK 26.02.2013 3 years 25.02.2018

119. The University of Warsaw, Poland

Poland 27.02.2013 13.09.2019

3 years 3 years

12.04.2016 12.09.2022

Page 12: Memorandum of Understanding with Active and Expired Between … · Kiev Taras Shevchenko University (Ukraine) Ukraine 02.01.2004 3 years 01.01.2007 31. The University of Bergen, Norway


120. Eberhard Karls

Universitat Tubingen,


Germany 01.03.2013 5 years Feb.2018

121. Ural Federal University,

Russia `

Russia 12.03.2013 3 years 11.03.2016

122. Humboldt-University Zu Berlin (HU) Humboldt University with Global Study Programme and SEA Partnership Agreement (Renewed Partnership Agreement

Germany 14.05.2013

5 years 5 years 5 years

13.05.2018 02.06.2015 02.06.2020

123. University of Alberta,

Edmonton, Alberta,


Canada 29.05.2013 5 years 28.05.2018

124. Washington University

in St. Louis, USA

USA 01.07.2013 Period no mentioned

125. The Institute Cervantes,

Universidad Autonoma

de Madrid, Alliance of 4

Univeristies (A_4U),


Spain 19.07.2013 5 years, 18.07.2018 and the MoU will be automatically renewed for futher periods of one year unless on party notifies the other party in writing and before the expiration date of the initially agreed validity period, that the don not wish to renew the MoU.

126. Julius Maximilian University, Wurzburg,

Germany 23.09.2013 3 years Automatically extended additional

Page 13: Memorandum of Understanding with Active and Expired Between … · Kiev Taras Shevchenko University (Ukraine) Ukraine 02.01.2004 3 years 01.01.2007 31. The University of Bergen, Norway


period of 3 years-

127. Kwansei Gakuin

University, Japan

Japan 25.09.2013 3 years Thereafter it shall be renewed from year to year.

128. Ghent University,


Belgium 03.10.2013 3 years 02.10.2016

129. Kadir Has University,

Istanbul, Turkey

Turkey 07.10.2013 3 years 06.10.2016

130. University of



Mozambique 21.10.2013 3 years 20.10.2016

131. University of Sao Paulo,


Brazil 12.11.2013 5 years 11.11.2018

132. The University Libre De Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium

Belgium 25.11.2013 5 years 24.11.2018

133. Murdoch University,

Western Australia



19.12.2013 3 years 18.12.2016

134. Middle East Technical

University, Ankara,


Turkey 24.12.2013 3 years 23.12.2016

135. The Institut D’Etudes Politiques De Paris, Science PO, France

France 10.01.2014 5 years automatically extended additional period of 5 years-

136. University of Valladolid, Spain

Spain 11.02.2014 3 years 10.02.2017

137. International University of Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan 18.02.2014 3 years 17.02.2017

138. University of Bahrain, Bahrain 19.02.2014 3 years 18.02.2017

Page 14: Memorandum of Understanding with Active and Expired Between … · Kiev Taras Shevchenko University (Ukraine) Ukraine 02.01.2004 3 years 01.01.2007 31. The University of Bergen, Norway


139. University of Edinburgh, Scotland

Scotland 25.02.2014 3 years 24.02.2017

140. Bangladesh Agriculture

University, Bangladesh

Bangladesh 10.03.2014 3 years 09.03.2017

141. Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, Germany

Germany 25.03.2014 5 years 24.03.2019

142. Monash University,


Australia 25.03.2014 5 year 24.03.2019

143. University Hassiba

Benbouali of Chlef,


Algeria 09.04.2014 3 year 08.03.2017

144. University of

Saskatchewan, Canada

Canada 30.04.2014 5 year 29.04.2019

145. Gediz University, Izmir,


Turkey 22.05.2014 5 years 21.05.2019

146. University of Sheffield,


UK 26.05.2014 3 years 25.05.2017

147. Tsinghua University,


China 05.06.2014 3year 04.06.2017

148. University Degli Studi

Di Napoli”L’ Orientale”,

Naples, Italy

Italy 13.06.2014 3 year 12.06.2017

149. National Chengchi

University, Taiwan

Taiwan 18.06.2014 3 years 17.06.2017

150. University of Lisbon, Portugal 08.07.2014 3 years 07.07.2017

Page 15: Memorandum of Understanding with Active and Expired Between … · Kiev Taras Shevchenko University (Ukraine) Ukraine 02.01.2004 3 years 01.01.2007 31. The University of Bergen, Norway


151. Roskilde University,


Denmark 15.08.2014 3 years 14.08.2017

152. University of Tehran, Iran

Iran 22.08.2014 3 years 21.08.2017

153. Charles Sturt University,

Bathurst, Australia

Australia 09.09.2014 3 years 08.09.2017

154. University of Havana,


Cuba 12.09.2014 3 years 11.09.2017

155. Georg August University of Goettingen, Germany

Germany 29.09.2014 3 years Extended for 3 years

156. Halu Oleo University

(UHO) Kendari,


Indonesia 24.10.2014 5 years 23.10.2019

157. Institute Agama Islam

Negeri, Bengkulu,


Indonesia 31.10.2014 3 years 30.10.2017

158. The University of Queensland, Australia

Australia 04.11.2014 5 years 03.11.2019

159. University of Dhaka, Bangladesh

Bangladesh 24.11.2014 3 years


160. University of Warwick, United Kingdom

UK 6.01.2015 3 years 5.01.2018

161. Trinity College Dublin,


Ireland 14.01.2015 3 years 13.01.2018

162. Kinki University, Osaka,


Japan 27.01.2015 3 years 26.01.2018

163. Kandahar University, Afghanistan 10.02.2015 5 years 09.02.2020

Page 16: Memorandum of Understanding with Active and Expired Between … · Kiev Taras Shevchenko University (Ukraine) Ukraine 02.01.2004 3 years 01.01.2007 31. The University of Bergen, Norway

Islamic Republic of


164. Lehigh University (LU), Pennsylvania, USA

USA 26.02.2015 3 years 25.02.2018

165. CA’Foscari University of Venice, Italy

Italy 27.02.2015 3 years 26.02.2018

166. Grinnell College, Iowa, USA

USA 17.03.2015 5 years


167. University of Heidelberg, Germany

Germany 26.03.2015 3 years extendable


168. Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China

China 26.03.2015 3 years 25.03.2018

169. Berlin School of Economics and Law, Germany

Germany 09.04.2015 3 years 08.04.2018

170. Amman Arab University

(AAU), Jordan

Jordan 13.04.2015 3 years 12.04.2018

171. School of Oriental and African and Studies (SOAS), University of London, England, UK

UK 22.04.2015 5 years

21.04.2020 Automatically extended additional period of 5 years

172. The University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom (UK) Renewed

UK 01.05.2015 3 years


173. Surindra Rajabhat

University, Surin,


Thailand 25.05.2015 3 years 24.05.2018

174. University of

Copenhagen, Denmark

Denmark 09.06.2015 3 years 08.06.2018

Page 17: Memorandum of Understanding with Active and Expired Between … · Kiev Taras Shevchenko University (Ukraine) Ukraine 02.01.2004 3 years 01.01.2007 31. The University of Bergen, Norway

175. Mississippi State

University, Mississippi

State, USA

USA 25.06.2015 5 years 24.06.2020

176. Nordic Centre in India India 20.07.2015 3 years 19.07.2018

It shall be renewed

from year to year

177. Curtin University of

Technology, Australia

Australia 23.07.2015 5 years 22.07.2020

178. University of

Westminster, London,

United Kingdom

UK 23.07.2015 3 years 22.07.2018

179. University of Brawijaya,

Malang, Indonesia

Indonesia 20.08.2015 3 years 09.08.2018

180. Sookmyung Women’s University, Seoul, South Korea (Two AoCs) The agreement is to be

automatically renewed

at the end of each 5 year


Korea 31.08.2015 5 yrs 30.08.2020

181. King’s College London, University of London

UK 10.09.2015 3 years 09.09.2018

182. Valaya Alongkorn

Rajabhat University

Under the Royal

Patronage, Thailand

Thailand 14.09.2015 3 years 13.09.2018

183. Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan

Japan 07.10.2015 5 years 06.10.2020 It will be renewed automatically for

Page 18: Memorandum of Understanding with Active and Expired Between … · Kiev Taras Shevchenko University (Ukraine) Ukraine 02.01.2004 3 years 01.01.2007 31. The University of Bergen, Norway

another five y ears

184. Jordan University, Amman

Amman 11.10.2015 3 years 10.10.2018

185. An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine

Palestine 13.10.2015 3 years 12.10.2018

186. BirZeit University, Birzeit, Palestine

Palestine 13.10.2015 3 years 12.10.2018

187. Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

Israel 14.10.2015 3 years 13.10.2018

188. Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

Israel 14.10.2015 3 years 13.10.2018

189. Shandong University, Jinan, China

China 30.11.2015 3 years 29.11.2018

190. The University of Sydney, Australia Renewed

Australia 01.12.2015 5years 30.11.2020

191. Universitas Islam Negeri

‘Maulana Ibrahim’

Malang, Indonesia

Indonesia 11.12.2015 3 years 10.12.2018

192. Guiyang University, Guiyang, Guizhou, China

China 12.01.2016 5 years 11.01.2021

193. Tongren University, Tongren, Guizhou, China

China 12.01.2016 5 years 11.01.2021

194. Guizhou Minzu University, China

China 12.01.2016 5 years 11.01.2021

195. University of Porto, Portugal

Portugal 18.01.2016 5 years 17.01.2021

Page 19: Memorandum of Understanding with Active and Expired Between … · Kiev Taras Shevchenko University (Ukraine) Ukraine 02.01.2004 3 years 01.01.2007 31. The University of Bergen, Norway

196. AECID, Govt. of Spain, Spain

Spain 25.01.2016 3 years 24.01.2025

Auto. Ext. for 3 years

for two times (total 9


197. The University of Western Australia

Australia 18.02.2016 5 years 17.02.2021

198. Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel

Israel 19.02.2016 3 years 18.02.2019

199. The National University of Tres De Febrero, Argentina

Argentina 05.05.2016 3 years 04.05.2019

200. Kaunas Kaunas University of Technology, Kaunas, Lithuania

Lithuania 06.05.2016 3 years 05.05.2019

201. The George and Carol Omlsted Foundation, Falls Church, Virginia, United States

USA 10.5.2016 3 years Automatically

extendable for every

year to year

202. Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, USA

USA 20.05.2016 3 years 19.05.2019

203. The Pennsylvania State University, USA

USA 26.08.2016 3 years 25.08.2019

204. University of Udayana, Bali, Indonesia

Indonesia 30.09.2016 3 years 29.09.2019

205. Azerbaijan Technological University, Ganja, Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan 30.9.2016 3 years 29.09.2019

206. University of Muhammadiyah Malang, East Java,

Indonesia 18.10.2016 5 years 17.10.2021

Page 20: Memorandum of Understanding with Active and Expired Between … · Kiev Taras Shevchenko University (Ukraine) Ukraine 02.01.2004 3 years 01.01.2007 31. The University of Bergen, Norway


207. Universite De Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France and Student Exchange

France 25.10.2016 5 years 24.10.2021

208. Sichuan University of Peoples’s Republic of China

China 28.10.2016 5 years 27.10.2021

209. Sichuan University of

People’s Republic of


China 28.10.2016 5 years 27.10.2021

210. Interdisciplinary Centre

(IDC), Herzliya

Herzliya 17.11.2016 3 years 16.11.2019

211. University of

Massachusetts, Amherst,

Massachusetts, USA

USA 06.01.2017 3 years 05.01.2020

212. Yogyakarta State

University, Indonesia

Indonesia 20.01.2017 3 years 19.01.2020

213. University of Rome, Rome

Rome 03.02.2017 5 years 02.02.2022

214. Universiti Teknologi Mara, Malaysia

Malaysia March 2017 3 years March 2020

215. Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania Tanzania 02.03.2017 3 years 01.03.2020

216. Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway

Norway 08.03.2017 5 years 07.03.2022

217. University of Cologne,


Germany 02.05.2017 3 years 01.05.2020

Page 21: Memorandum of Understanding with Active and Expired Between … · Kiev Taras Shevchenko University (Ukraine) Ukraine 02.01.2004 3 years 01.01.2007 31. The University of Bergen, Norway

218. Toyo University, Japan Japan 08.05.2017 3 years 07.05.2020

219. University of Glasgow UK 22.05.2017 5 years 21.05.2022

220. Sciences PO Lyon, France and Student Exchange

France 29.08.2017 3 years 28.08.2020

221. The Universite Grenoble Alpes (UGA), France

France 30.10.2017 5 years 29.10.2022

222. Vilnius University, Lithuania

Lithuania 14.11.2017 3 years 13.11.2020

223. Seoul National

University, Republic of


Student Exchange Programme

Korea 24.11.2017 5 years 23.11.2022

224. Samarkand State

University Samarkand,


Uzbekistan 07.12.2017 3 years 06.12.2020

225. Colima University, Mexico

Mexico 15.12.2017 3 years 14.12.2020

226. Tribhuvan University,


Nepal 01.01.2018 3 year 31.12.2020

227. Institute of Advanced Sciences, Dartmouth, MA, USA

USA 09.01.2018 3 years 08.01.2021

228. University Jean-Moulin Lyon 3, France Renewed

France 15.01.2018 3 years 14.01.2021

229. Sungkyul University, Gyeonggi-Do, Korea Student Exchange

Korea 21.01.2018 3 years 20.012021

Page 22: Memorandum of Understanding with Active and Expired Between … · Kiev Taras Shevchenko University (Ukraine) Ukraine 02.01.2004 3 years 01.01.2007 31. The University of Bergen, Norway

230. Jinan University, China China 22.01.2018 3 years 21.01.2021

231. University of Florence, Italy

Italy 12.02.2018 5 years 11.02.2023

232. EL Colegio De Mexico Mexico 11.04.2018 5 years 10.04.2023

233. University of Bern,


Student Exchange

Renewed on 24.05.2019

for a period of five years

Switzerland 24.04.2018 5 years 23.04.2023

234. Eurac Research, Bolzano/Bozen, Italy

Italy 03.05.2018 3 years 02.05.2021

235. Indraprasta PGRI University, Jakarta, Indonesia

Indonesia 07.05.2018 3 years 06.05.2021

236. Universidad Catolica

Del Maule, Chile

Chile 17.05.2018 3 years 16.05.2021

237. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia

Russia 01.06.2018 5years 31.05.2023

238. University of

Technology, Sydney


Sydney 12.06.2018 5 years 11.06.2023

239. Yunnan Academy of

Social Sciences/ the

Chinese (Kunming)

Academy of South and

Southeast Asian Studies,


China 14.06.2018 3 years 13.06.2021

240. University of Rouen Normandy, France Renewed

France 18.06.2018 3 years 17.06.2021

Page 23: Memorandum of Understanding with Active and Expired Between … · Kiev Taras Shevchenko University (Ukraine) Ukraine 02.01.2004 3 years 01.01.2007 31. The University of Bergen, Norway

241. Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea Renewed

Korea 20.06.2018

5 years


242. Tomsk State University,

Tomsk , Russia

Russia 23.06.2018 5 years 22.06.2023

243. Yunnan Minzu

University, China

China 28.06.2018 3 years 27.06.2021

244. South Kazakhstan

Pedagogical University,

Shymkent, Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan 12.07.2018 3 years 11.07.2021

245. C Asian Research Network

Korea, Seoul, Korea

Korea 27.09.2018 3 years 26.09.2021

246. The University of

Colombo, Colombo,

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka

08.10.2018 5 years 07.10.2023

247. Kookmin University,

Seoul, Republic of Korea

and Student Exchange

Korea 11.10.2018 3 years 10.10.2021

248. National Tsing Hua

University, Taiwan

Student Exchange

Taiwan 17.10.2018 3 years 16.10.2021

249. Ho Chi Minh National

Academy of Politics

(HCMA), Hanoi,


Vietnam 06.11.2018 3 years 05.11.2021

250. Far Eastern Federal

University, Russia

Russia 20.12.2018 5 years 19.12.2023

Page 24: Memorandum of Understanding with Active and Expired Between … · Kiev Taras Shevchenko University (Ukraine) Ukraine 02.01.2004 3 years 01.01.2007 31. The University of Bergen, Norway

251. Shenzhen University,

Guangdong, China

China 23.12.2018 5 year 22.12.2023

252. The Anton De Kom

Universiteit Van

Suriname (AdeKUS)

Suriname 02.01.2019 3 years 01.01.2022

253. National Chung Hsing

University, Taiwan

Student Exchange

Taiwan 09.01.2019 5 years 08.01.2024

254. Chiang Mai University,


Thailand 19.02.2019 5 years 18.02.2024

255. The Moscow Region

State University,

Mytishchi, Russia

Russia 28.02.2019 3 years 27.02.2022

256. Jagiellonian University,


Poland 08.03.2019 3 years 07.03.2022

257. Simon Fraser University, Burnaby Canada

Canada 11.04.2019 5 years 10.04.2024

258. The University of Melbourne, Australia

Australia 11.04.2019

5 years 10.04.2024

259. Universitas


Surakarta, Indonesia

Indonesia 24.04.2019 3 year 23.04.2022

260. Renmin University of

China, Beijing, China

Student Exchange

China 24.04.2019 5 years 23.04.2024

261. Moscow Pedagogical

State University ,

Moscow, Russia

Russia 25.04.2019 3 years 24.04.2022

Page 25: Memorandum of Understanding with Active and Expired Between … · Kiev Taras Shevchenko University (Ukraine) Ukraine 02.01.2004 3 years 01.01.2007 31. The University of Bergen, Norway

262. Universitat Kassel, Germany

Germany 30.05.2019 5years 29.05.2024

263. Eurasian National University by L.N. Gumilyev, Astana, Kazakhastan

Kazakhastan 06.06.2019 3 years 05.06.2022

264. University of Zurich,


Switzerland 06.06.2019 3 years 05.06.2019 at the end of three yrs the MoU will be automatically extended for another three year period unless otherwise determined.

265. Eurasian National

University by L.N.

Gumilyev, Astana,


Kazakhastan 06.06.2019 3 years 05.06.2022

266. University of Islamic

Denominations, Tehran,


Iran 14.06.2019 3 years 13.06.2022

267. FSBEI HE Murmansk

Artic State University,


Russia 21.06.2019 4 Years 20.06.2023

268. Korea Foundation,


Korea 01.07.2019 2 year 30.01.2021

269. University of Free State,

South Africa

South Africa 18.07.2019 4 years 17.07.2023

270. Allameh Tabataba’I

University. Tehran Iran

Iran 05.08.2019 5 years 04.08.2024

And will be

automatically renewed

for periods of the same

Page 26: Memorandum of Understanding with Active and Expired Between … · Kiev Taras Shevchenko University (Ukraine) Ukraine 02.01.2004 3 years 01.01.2007 31. The University of Bergen, Norway

duration unless one of

the Parties decides to

end it.

271. Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education “Pushkin State Russian Language Institute”, Moscow, Russia.

Russia 26.09.2019 3 years 25.09.2022

272. George Mason University, Virginia, USA

USA 27.09.2019 3 years 26.09.2022