member>~ - Topics, Vol. 2, No. 7... · 1 IDMrUoD I IDHrUODa Full page...


Transcript of member>~ - Topics, Vol. 2, No. 7... · 1 IDMrUoD I IDHrUODa Full page...

Page 1: member>~ - Topics, Vol. 2, No. 7... · 1 IDMrUoD I IDHrUODa Full page ..... $6.GO $5.00 ... the P.ost Office Department at Ottawa show booklets are no
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July 1946 BNA TOPICS 39

BNA TOPICS Published monthly by and Cor member>~ ot the B ri tish North America P hila­

telic Society


Full page ........................... $6.GO $5.00 ., Page .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. . 3.60 2.76 JA Page .. . . .. .. . .. . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . • 1.76 1, 60 One Inch single column . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Payable In ad vance. l:lend cop y to t he editor before 16th o f m onth for followln&' montb'a p u bllcaUon.

OFFICERS Pa·e11.: W. R. Hottma n. 77-1!1 95 Ave .. Ozone Park 17, N. Y.

VIce Pa·ea.: J. H . Flal'l'ac luugh, 454 Mt. Stephen Ave., westmount, Que Sec.: Jack Levine, 610 L lbea·ty Ave., Brooklyn 7, N. Y.

Trea... : W. C. PetermAn, 80 Ca·anben·y St., Brooklyn 2, N. Y. Edltoa·: J . Levlno, 510 Liberty Ave .. Urooklyn 7, N.Y.

Latest lists from following stamps and

the P.ost Office Department at Ottawa show bookle ts are no longer avaJia.ble:

:o;cou N umbers 149, l c Yellow 19%8 163, lc Ga·een 1930 171, 8c Ulue 1980 25:!, 4c Grey 1942

Jll, lc Violet. UU C7, Gc Hlue 194! Booldl'ts:

!l,· Red 19U-1918 l c Green 1937 ~c Bt·own 11187 3c Red 1937 2c Jlrown 194Z

that the

180, %c Green 1930, pert 8. E9, lOc ~urcharged 1939 J 6, lc Violet, 198U

Comb. 11142 (lc, 2c, Sc) The rollowlng are avallalllo hut 120, 50c ::lepta 191!-18 142, 2c Green Confed. 19:17 157, 20c Red 1!12M

noted with an aster isk (not we ll cen tered) 169, 5c Violet 19SO (ridged gum) 169, 6C Violet 1980 (flat ~eum) 10:3, 2Uc Orange Confd. 1927

I h:tve rcceivl'd lnfoa·matlun from t he l'hilnt ellc Agency at Ottawa · that thn following ~<tamvs aa·c avallahlc:

$111.00 Booklet. Wua· ~avlnK :-;tamps. 25c Hltac (hit Issue ). $20.00 Rooklet as above. Booklets of 500 or 12110 s tam ps each of the curren t Issue o f Postal Note. Scrip ar·e also available. I undel'!ltand these ::ll'c In panes of 25 stamps. I am Inte rested In h earing Crom pe r·11ons who should be in terested to buy

u. pane oa· two ot each ot theHe witho ut having to purchase complete booklets. (Th is would run up Into n o small s um uf money, about $175 for bOOklets oC each) I t enough are Int erested, I would buy booklets ot each and d ist r ibute the m at race value plus postage.

H. M . Daggett, Nitro, P. Q ., Cana.<t.a

CA NADA Queen Victoria Jubilees

#M 50c min t, v. tine ...... $2 . 75 #63 $3 m int, v . fine ... ..... $35.00 # ·G2 U mint, v. fino . . . . . . . SO .00 #64 $4 m in t, f . to better .... S7 .ou #6% U used, q uit e heavy can . 8. 75 #66 $5 used, quite heavy can. 15.00

#66 $6 mint. a lmost v. tine ........ .. $29.50 Only one of ench. Satisfaction guaranteed. P rompt refund as I d o not Issue

credi t slips.

1ot £mpire St, JOHN B. KILTON

fiN APS # 67 - ASD A Provide nce 8, R. 1.

Page 4: member>~ - Topics, Vol. 2, No. 7... · 1 IDMrUoD I IDHrUODa Full page ..... $6.GO $5.00 ... the P.ost Office Department at Ottawa show booklets are no

40 BNA TOPICS July 19~5

Booklets and Panes It Is not the Intention o f this article to criticize or minimize the possibilities

offered In the method of mounting booklets as set forth In these columna bY Reg • . Barraclough. Rather am I orre..tng an altf'rnn.Uve way f•Jr the mounting of IJooklets and panes.

The main a·eason that the collecting u! booklets wa11 nut popular until re ­c t•ntly may have been the problem of m ounting them. HULK. Ninety percent of ttwse who collected booklet pane~< gav•• nu thought or consideration to thl• coy­or·!i unci interlea.voe. Now th{'y suddenly want th(: <·ntire hooklet. 'l'he only pur·­po:;c they serve Is to l)rov<• tlmt the stnmp,; w•••·e actually issued In IJooklet Corm. !•'or·. example, tht- 1928 lc, :!c. and r..· ·stamp 1 were IHSIII d In booklet panes and made up Into booklets. Having t he cu,·er·s deC.nitely IH ovts that. H owe\'er. the sumt- thr·ee values can IJc collected In tete-bcche, Imperforate panel! tr·om the same plate11 as the pea·foratNI panes: bnt. no cover·e for thesr lmperfor·o.te panes are available since thE>Y \vere nevea· made liP Into a book. These then are only booklet stamps and not pan<'~< In the lr'IIE' lll'nee or tht- word.

The m ounllng of the entlr·c hool;let limits lh(' extent or the collection. Hnw can tho paper, gum. shade m· J)late numher· var·letles be shown when the pu.nes are hidden In a bound hook - how incil'ed wlthnut material damage to 1>art or· ('\'l'n all or the booklet.

About twelve years ago ' 1 started to collect booklet panes. They were quite rensona.IJ!e In price at the time. only the low denomination!! o! an Issue Wlll'e ever used. I had a strong •yen' tor blocks. but could see no I>Urpose or lntereest In collecting just p lain 'blocks of fom·.' .\1y next possibility was booklet panes. Tht•se had to be hlockl! otherwisE> tht>y weren't a complete Item, and as such, they w er-e eet·t alnly a collecllhlt> ltt•rr. with n <ldlnlte Philatelic lnter·est and value.

It was comparatively easy to compile the collection of panes that were 111-eued up u ntil that time and then to ndd the new IssuE's 1\!1 they appeared. r wanted to do more with tho collection tW 11 rew tlU.flllr and ><hade varleti~>e were :addl•d, then the differ ent gums nnd flnnlly plato numbert;t when IKijUed. Then It lwcame evident that my writl•-up cm:ld bf' Improved upon by ~>xplafning the reaNon for panNI of six and then 1>:\llNI ot f"Otrr or the samE> htsue. rt wa11 simple l'nough to mention m erely that thest: pa11es wf'r·e from n combination hooklet or· whatever the hase h&I)J)t'ned to be. IIC'r·e thu cover·s antl Interleaves were adued to the collection. both ~<;ngllsh and I<'rench. different colored covers rm· tll!teren t \•ahtel!. also perlo<llcal changes In the dt>Kign on tlw covC'r. The CO\'Cl'R were mounted on sep:rr·ate shl'etR or nu the AAmC' shcrt wtth the panes.

· My collecting or pn.m•s and covers nr·e in run view. 1'h(•y can be exhlhltcd. and (lilly understood by un)'One lntt·r·cstt•<l t'IIOU~h to look at them. The panes muRl have comE> fr·om a hookh•t hecausP l "how th!' ctwcr;; issued with them. Nt)w the ctuestlon is, an· tlle pant>~! rrom thE" samP book 1\1' the covers? Pea·son­:\lly, l tlon't car·e. I only w ;mt tn show nrran~ternent and It the bend­Ing ot the covers and the po!'!slhlc mutilation of the pan('s will only show thnt the panes In that lntRct boukll't arf' th•• origina l pones of tht• bookll't. what hnn• I gained?

ntrT, U you still want to collect thPm Intact (and I (!., a few) 1 tlnd the best way In order to avoid ha.ndlln~ Is to write up your sheet, then silt the shl'l't only as wide as the bact: co,·c·r·. lntoert thf' hack cover into this silt. The booklet cannot shltt regardless of the t~·pe of hlnrling, the back cover will be !lat and Interleaving or the album will protect stamps on the next sheet. All that Is required to show the contents or the hGokl<'t IR to lift the cover show the panes and then turn the page and the back cover will he In fu ll view.

Fortunes have been spen t devising means ror opening hooks so that no dam­age will occur-ring, spiral, snap ·binders, etc. The booklets !rom which we get o11r panes do not have an y of thes!' protecting feature~<. so why take the chance ot ruining something- that can I'<' preserved and protected by just mount­Ing them "EXPLODF.D." Everything I s neat anrt flat and doesn't have to be continually handled. The cardinal crime In stamp collecting t .. "fl'INGERING" and the best thing In stamp collecting Is "SEEING."

To those of us who are Interested In booklf'ts pnd panes they are •gemR' no matter how you mount them. It Is believed that albums of the tuturf' will have pnges and spaces tor panes. W. n. Hofrmnnn.

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Canada's First Community Advertizing 'Via Airmail' by Reg. Barraclough

Receipe: One generous helping of Civic Pride-; stir In a large amount of Desire fot· larger markcttt for Local Products. Allow the mixture to ferment In the heat or Depressed Buslne8tl Conditions until a high preasure Is reached. Then add One Enterprising Young Man with an Idea.

Retultl: A very lntot·estlng attemp on the part of Estcvan, Saskatchewan to focu!l the attention of the gootl people of Winnipeg on the following facts (duly listed on the back of all Estovan-Winnipeg Flight Covers)

·• J:o~tevan Is the center of tho only r icb coal bearing area in Sa.ttkatcbe­wan."

'fhe Bionf1i1t Mine Western Dominion Colllcrtos Ltd. Manitoba. and Saskatchewan Coal Co. Ltd. Eastern Collieries of Bientalt Ltd. Lignite Coal Mines Ltd. Big Lump Coal Co. Ltd.

"The Clay Beds of Estevan. Enot·mous Depo,lljts. The Richest In Western Canada."

The Estevan Brick Co. Ltd. "The Largest Nurseries In Western Canada."

Prah·ie Nureerles Ltd.

Slogans of the Flight: "Buy Souris Coal" "Duy Estevan Brick"

• • • • • •

"Prairie Nurseries for Plants" • • • • •

Mr. Colin Manlove. the ontC'rprlslng young man sold his Idea of dramatic publicity to the local fluslness Men of Estevan.

In those days publicity as we know It today wa~ in Its Infancy, The very Idea .. to make a show, a spectacle or an historic effort that could so catch t he attention and eo the Interest of the 'man In the street• to the point that he might spend mone-y on the advertleed product or products? Preposteroue!! ·

Estevan Is located In the very center of the largest deposit of soft coal In the Province of RaMkatchewan. Many of the early settlers and most of the later arrivals had counted on this natut·al wealth to produce the basts of their de­velopement or the area and the malnteuance of thell· homes. During tho First World War, with the Railroads congested with W nr Traftlc, this coal tleld had enJoyed a very rapid expanttlon. With the comins~ of Peace and the subse­Quent competition fr·om more e~:~tabllshed coal producing areas, business slack­ened ott and some doubt was telt as to the future or the district. The City of Winnipeg was the logical mat·ket due to the highly industrialized character or Its business and to the shortnetts of the freight haul necessary to deliver the Estevan product to the consumet· in that area. Other lnduattes had developed around Este·van due to the variety or Its natural resources and the Industry ot Its citizens. These Industries, Brick Manufacture and Nursery stock, also looked to Winnipeg lll'l their prime market .

This particular advert ising effort pt·oduced by Mr. Manlove envisaged an A lrmail Flight from Elltevan to W'Innlp<'g. Letters would be carried bearing the story of Estevan and Its products to that C'ltv.

The full cost ot the Flight was borne hy the Advertlzers as listed above. The envelopes and RC'd seal or cachet wer <' prepared for Mr. Manlove by the late Mr. Dunbar, a printer In Estevan. The wood- cut from which the seals were printed was designed and made hy Mr. Dunbar.

ln the words of Mr. C. D. Griffith, who was Postmaster at Estevan at the time of this Flight, and who Is still occliJ)ylnA" that rositlon today:

"We made np a special lock-bag which 1 handed to Lieutenant Alton , the Pilot, so that photographs of t he event could be taken. Before TJieuten­ant A)ton l:)ft that morning he ortered to sign a t ew covers tor me, of which

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UNA TOPIC:R July 191 "•

of: er l g ladly availed myself hav:ng h im sl;:;n a f cv:. From my point of view th(~ most Inter esting part was that a friend or

mine fnHll \ \fUiipetun, ::-;u u th D a k o ta, was in town a f e,v da n• before till~ Hig:, t was maut , and wantC'd l<• ::;en ;! some f : um h is l>Oilll ' town. 1 advi11cd l:lln that Lhc unlr way It could he done wo ulrl be t o ha ve h1,; l'ostmastcr •·date stamp" t hem and then send thl' m unllot' cov er t n m : to put In the plane.

We fl: .ed up fvur envelopes which came ,hrough all r:ght, and I l<evt two and he kept two." 'l'hr• " t nr y o f t ·.e act al l'll~ht i::~ rather limit d . After a v ery auspicious

take off, Lieutenant Alton was forced down because of cn;~ lnc trnuHc hl'twecn Bienfait nnd Hirsch. After making the necoHsl.t ry r CPll.irs the P ilot attempt.('(] to take off again but due to the llrnlt<·d ftVnilal' le, he ran lnt.o a ·.tunr· pile and damaged a wing so badly it waH impnsHible to continue tho flig ht. ,\n automohilc came to the rescue an<l ca tTied the ma il to the nNt: est rnih·< ;u l sl.n­tlon wh'ch wns at Hirsch, from which · point the M all na~ was carried the balance or the distance to Winnipeg.

It is generally belleved that about 1250 c.ovcrs were carried of which 400 had the regulation sticker affixed. Some 100 novr rs with and without scnh were signed by Lieutenant Alton that early September mornin;- In 1!124 IJc!orc the take off.

Newfoundland Caribou Inland Revenue by D an Meyerson

The Jot of the N ewfoundland Revenue collector bids fa' r to be an inter­esting one If we can judge from the d<·grce of !'<peciali:r.ntlon availahlc to the collector In just the perforation varletleH and the differ ences in the size of the design In the King G<'orge V R evenues and in tiH) ('ar· ·hou P.evenucs.

In the January 191!'i ls:>ne of the T opic•, I listed the fout· different varieties to be found In the· Gcnrge V Tnln.nd R evenue Rtamps. Rhortl y "th <' t'Cilft<'r. Mr. Roy Trickey, of T owanda, P'a., after an exhaustive Rtudy or these stnwps, wrote me and put forth the suggestion that t he dlffcrencen In the si?:c or the rl c:; ign might be due to paper shrlnl<age or the fact that these stamP!:! may have been mannfactured by both wet or dry print m ethods. This would account for the variation in si~. hut pending further study b y some of our memhet·s, no d efin­Ite conclusion w111 be drawn.

In · the m eantime similar variation s In the size Of the design are found In the case of the Caribou Inland Revenue stamps. Since these variations appear to ' ' " "''nRtAnt. t r hall list them 111< 11eparate varieties for the time being.

In the March 1944 Issue of the Topic•, when the f h·st check JIRt of New­foundland Re·venues wa11 noted, .Just one variety or perforation and size was Jlrt~d for the Caribou Jnlanct nev<'nucs and only four vnlues : the 5c, 10c, 25c and r-oc. T 11nderetand that this I ssue n l !<. ' r r o·;irl c-s a $5, $20, $25 and $50 value.

~lnce then the original listing can be ~really expandect n.nd although l am listlnlf below as many vat·letles as I have seen. I must st"ef!s the fact that the lillt w1.11 ~tlll be far fr11m corr.p!etE' and it will be up to every collector of N ew­f .. .,nd'n,nd R even11o.> et~>mps to check his collection and tr.v to f ill in any values not recorded In the following:

1 . P erf 11 ~ 2814 mm x 21 mm. A. 5c Carmine B. lOc Black C. 25c Light Green D. 50c Deep mue B . · 1. 60 Blstre Brown F. 2. 50 Ochre

2. Perf 13* 27% mm x 20:Y. mm. A. 6c Carmine B. lOc Black C. 25c Light Green



P erf • :·~·, 28rm 1 • • : ·: 1, ) rnm. A. ? n. ? c. ?

· D. 50c D eep B lue .F.. 1.00 nistt·e lkown F. 2.50 Ochn~ r erf 14\t, 27'A,mm x 20');',mm. A. 5c Carmine

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July 1945 BNA TOPICS

Report of the Secretary NEW MF.MDER!';

180 Armstrong, Jame11, P. 0. nox 354, ~tc. Anno de r.el'ovue, P . Q., Canado. 181 Calder, Reginald J ., r.10 10th St. W., Calga•·y, Alb.J1"ta, Canada. 182 Derry, Michael, 163 Glc.ndalo Ave .. 'f01-on :9, C nb1 l0, Canada 183 H ottman. Heinz, 5250 Lakeview Ave., Detroit 13, Mich. 184 Ji'OMter, Charles F., 81 Cher·ltan Ave .. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 185 Gordon, W . C .. 4825 Con naught Dr Jvc, Vancouver, D. C., Canada 186 Leboeuf, Charles, 34 Nelson Rt., V.'ebst er, M8.8s. 187 Macnal.l, n. s., 174 Windmill Hoad. Dartmouth, ~. R., Canada. 188 Morris, 'l'homas F., 60 East 42nd Rt., New Yorl<, N. Y. 189 Pendleton. Charles H., P eabody Ccllege, Nashville 4, Tenn.


190 W eel, Pfe. Gordon J ., 1266 AAF HU-NAFD ATC, APO 824, % P M, NYC. 191 White, \ V. T., 6312 Marguerite St., Vancouver, B. C., Canada 1912 Whitehead, Dr. Alfred. 1463 Bishop ~t .. Montreal, Que .. Canada

APPLICAT IONS FOR ME)M rlERSHI P Doughty, Earl B., Box 2817, Dallas 1, T<xas (DC) D.N.A. By.~. 1.4lvlne, No. 1. Gray, J . A., D<-p t. ot l'hyalcs, Queen's University, Kingston, Ont., C:~nada (C)

Airmai l flr·st f lights po.rtlcula rly ovcrRI'ItS. Airmail stamps, lly c. 11. Uoulfl<•n. No. 25.

Grafttey, W. Arthur , G9 nosemount C1 t>scent, W estmount. P . (J., Canada (C) Canada- pre-stamp and stAm pl<-as covers. Small queen la:~ues. By L. L. Refor<l, No. 136.

Wllsdon. J . F .. 52 J ohn Rt. N., Hamilton, Ont. Canada (C) Cana<ltnn Po~tma~ks. By Ia n C. Morgan, No. 87.

Woodhouse, Rc·v. D. H ., Orace St. Andrew's United Church, Arnprlor, Ont .. Can­ada (C) B.N.A. Hy .J. r.evlnc, ~o. 1.

Young, P. I,., 287 Flora )o; t .. Ottawa, Ont., Canada (C) CAN, NF'D, PRE-T'os· tago wint & used. Revenues. By J. Levine, No. 1.

ADDITIONS TO EXCHANGERS MorriH, Thomns F., 60 East 42nd ~t., N. Y. 17, N. Y. CX) CAN, NFD, PRE­

Prooffl & Essays. Olivier, Geor;:{'s, 12 W ellington St. N., Rherbrooke, Que., Canndn (X) CAN,

N I~D. PRE-Postage mint & used. CAN- A'malls, Bll:s, Aklts, Colis. cover~<, stationery, revs (also Nfd. revs)

CHANGE OF ADDRESS Coleman, Clarence. P. 0. Box 16, Gilman, Conn. T odd, T hatch t>r A., Box 16, Gradyvllle, Pa.

REPORT OF THE TREASURER January 1 to June 10, 19~6

B• l•nce as of ,January 1, 1945 ..... .. ................................. $103 .86 Receipta J a nuary 1 to June 10, 1946 .

• ~emberl!hlp dues a nd fees ........... . ................ $410.00 nack numbers or Topics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~.00 Adv<-rtlsing and C lassified Topics . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . 82.82

T otal n ecelpts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501.82

T OTAL $605.18 O isbursementa January 1 to June 10, 1946

Printing T opics Nos. 11 - 15 inclusive . .......•....... $199 .06 Postag{' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . 84 .16 Rental or typ ewriter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • 8.84 E nvelopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . 12. oo

Total Disbursements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264.05

BALANCE ON H AND June 10. 194 6 $351.13 There are no unpaid bills

' W . C. Peterman, Treasurer.

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44 BNA TOPICS July 1945

CANADA BOOKLETS AND PANES For sever·al years now t he market in C~nadian bookle ia a nd pa nu haa been so hectic tha t I have been afraid to a dve1·tise them for aa le a a it has been im ­pouible to keep a full s tock. As this ad goea to press we ha ve everything l iated in at ock a nd have fai r s uppliea of moat of them. However, it muat be diatinctly u nderstood that t heae quot a t ion• a re aubjec t unaold and price change without not ice if our atock ia exha uated. The quota tiona are for pa nea in fine condition. For extra well cent e red panea add the pe rce nt a ge indicated. S pec i.,l iat s i.n com ­plete booklets m ay be int e reated in the diffrent type covers and inaerta in 1937 and 1942 iaauea. We will be glad t o have your w a nt list or aend you a aelection. The number of panea in the booklet• are given in braoketa thua : (2 ) .

1898 Numera l Pane Com plete Book a Panea

Ca t No. of Engliah French Mint Uaed 77B 2c red ····················· ·· 6 wan t wan t want

1903 Edward

90B 2c red ······················· 6 860 .00 150.00 want

1912-25 George (15%) 104a 1c green ... ············· ····· 6 2.00(4) 15.00 .60 .50 HHa Rate change o'pr·lnt ········· 6 2.00(4) 15.00 104a, 10~b. lc blue ~rreen ... ......... 6 4.00(4) 16.00 1.00 wan t 104a, 104c 1c dar·k blue green ......

1st printing squat s ize G 30.00(4) 7.50 want 105a lc yellow ··················· 4 2.26 2.26 106b tc yellow ············· ·· ····· 6 5.00(4) 5.00 1. 00 1.00 tOGa 2c carmine ·················· 6 . 75(2) 5.00 .20 . 20' 106a Rate ch a nge o'print ··· ·· ···· 6 .75(2) 2.00 107b 2c green ···················· 4 2.25 2.50 t07c 2c g reen ...................... 6 80.00(2) 80.00 40.00 want 108b 3c brown ········ ··· ·· ····· ·· 4 want want 4.00 4.50 t09a 3c carmine . .... ·········· ··· 4 4.00(2) want 1.25 1. 60 105a, 107b, 108b Combination book ... 4 want 12.50 105a, 107b, 109a Combination book ... 4 15.00(3) want

1928 Scro ll (15%) 149a 1c yellow ···················· 6 3.00(4) want .45 .46 150a 2c green .. ·················· 6 2.50(2) want 1.00 1.00 153a 6c violet ............... .. ... 6 6.00 want 149a, 150a, 153a Combination book ... 11.00(6) 149a, 160a, t63a Comb. Agency ovpt .. 11.50(6)

. 1930 Leaf ( 20o/o)

163a 1c g r een ·················· ··· 4 10.00 want I63c lc green ..................... G 12.00(4) want 12.00 want 1G3c P la t e on selvedge ·· · ········ G want want 4.50 want 163c #4 on selvedge ············ · j; want(4) want 3 . 00 want 163c Het Plate # 4 .... ··········· 6 7.50 164a l!c gt·een ······ ······· ···· ··· G want(2) want 1.00 1.00 164a, 164b 2c Rotary (100%) ........ G want(2) want 7.50 want 1G5b 2c red .. .. ................ .. 6 2.00(2) want 1.00 1.00 165b Plat e on selvedge ··········· 6 want(2? want 8.00 ·~ want 16&b :tt4 on selvedge ···· ··· ······ 6 want(2) want 3 .00 want 166b #5 on selvedge ............. 6 want(2) want 3.00 want 165b t:let P late #·4 ....... ......... 6 6.00 want 166b Set Plate #5 ............... 6 6 . 00 want 166a 2c brown ............. ·' .... 4 10.00 want t66c 2c brown . ···· ····· ·········· 6 3.00(2) want 1.60 1.50 166c #4 on selvedge ........ ... ... 6 17 . 50(2) want 4.00 want t67a 3c red ....... ················ 4 7.50(2) want 3.00 8.50 167a Plate on selvedge . ....... . .. 4 10.00(2) want 5.00 want t67a tl on selvedge .. .......... .. 4 15.00(2) want 7.50 want t67a 2 on selvedge ·············· 4 15 . 00(2) want 7 .60 want 167a Set Plate #1 ············ ···· 4 12.50 wan t 167a Set Plate # .2 ······· ··· ····· 4 12.50 want 163a, 166a, 167&. Combination book .... 4 25.00(3) want

Page 9: member>~ - Topics, Vol. 2, No. 7... · 1 IDMrUoD I IDHrUODa Full page ..... $6.GO $5.00 ... the P.ost Office Department at Ottawa show booklets are no

.J'uly 1945 BN.A TOPICS 45

1!)32 Medall ion (15e;,)

1!l5a l c green .. ·· ···· ···· ........ 4 9.00 9 .00 195b l c ~Teen ······ ·············· G s.oo .60 .60 19!ib P lato; on ~;o;lvedge ··········· u want(2) want 3.00 want 195b #2 on tiUIVedge ............. 6 want(~) want 4.60 want 195b Het Plat" # 1- ·· ····· ··· ····· G 7.50 19Ga 2c brown .............. . .... 4 9.00 want 19Gb l!c brown .... . .. ········ ··· ·· 6 2.25 (2) 4 .oo 1.00 1.00 19Ub ! ' late on selvedge .. ...... .. G w nnt(2) want 2.50 want 196b #2 on selvedge ... ...... ..... 6 wa nt want 2.&0 want 196b ~\Gt l-'lato #"I. ......... ······ 6 6.00 19711. ac r·cu .. ....... . . ····· ······· ' 'i want want 2.50 2.50 1~6u, l!lGa, 19'1a Comulnation book .. 4 22 .50(3) 27. 60

1935 George VI (10,.,) :.!17a 1c green ... .... ·· ··········· 4 16.00 w a nt ~l '(IJ lc gr·een ·· ···· ·· ···· ··· ····· 6 6.00(4) want .60 .60 2J8u ~c b r·uwn ················ .... 4 15.00 want 218b 2c twown ···· ····· ··· ······· 6 3.00(2) want 1.00 1.00 ~19a 3c l~d ······· ····· ··· ······· 4 4.00(2) want 1.60 1.50 21711, 2l!:.a. 21Ua Combination book .. 4 31 . 50(3) want . ....

1937 George VI (10,.,) · -231:1. lc g r een ··· ··· · ············· 4 . 76 .75 2~11> lc ga·t:~c n ···· ······ ···· ······ G 1 .00 (4) 1.00 . 25 .25 2:1~ll 2c hr·<•W n ·· ·········· ··· ··· ·· 4 .75 . 75 23::b :.:c l,r·own ... ................ 6 . 76(12) .75 .86 .86 2:!~ll ac !'ed .. ...... . ...... ········ 4 .75(2) ' 75 .35 .86 :.!S tu, 2:1l!u, ~a au, Combination book ... 1 2.00(3) 2 . 50

1942 War laaue (10%) 249a l c green ····· ···· ·· ······· ·· 4 .50 .50 24911 l c ~,;Teen ........ .. ........... 6 . 40(4) . 40 .10 . 10 249C l c gl't•en .................... 3 .06 .10 l!!iua 2c bi'OWn . ···· ···· ·········· · 4 .50 .50 2t.Oll 2c brown ··· ··· ·· ··· ·· · ...... 6 .40(2) .40 .20 .20 2o la :lc red .. . .. .... ··· ········ ··· 4 .80(2) .80 . 40 . 40 2file 3c purple ..... .............. . 4 . 40(2) . 40 .20 .20 25ld 3c ptH'JJle ... ............... . 3 .15 .so 25r.!b ~c r ed ················ ···· ·· 6 .36 (1) .36 .85 . 40 252c; 4c l't'd ········ ·· ·········· ·· 3 .20 .20 249n. !!jOa, 25 l a, Combination book .. 4 1.25(3) 1. 25 :.!49C, ~ G ld, 252c Combination book . .. .j . 40(3) .40

Revenue Book leta MT9c 2e brown 1915 ..... ..... .. ... 6 3.00(4) .75 want W'l'!lc ~c hruwn, 1915 ············· · G 0.00(8) E'l 'l!l 2c b lue, 19:.!3 ................ 6 ~.60(2) 1.25 want l;:'l'~~a ac to lue. 1!1:.!3 ········ ········ 4 5.00(2) 2.50 want l!.'TGla .>.:: blue , 1!1:$<1 ·········· ····· · .60 .30 want

Newfoundland 13111. lc, 1923 ··· ·········· ....... 8 want 100 .00 want 132l:l 2c, 1923 ···· ··· ·············· 8 want 60.00 40.00 l 83n. lc green ··· ······· ·· ······· · 4 20.00 184ll l c grey ····· ··· ·········· ··· 4 7.50 want lb5U :.!c <:al'mlnc ..... ......... .. .. 4 7.50 want I M6b 2c green ····· ·············· · 4 2.60 want 111711 3c hrown . • 12 .50 ................... ] ~j7b 3c brown ... .. ··· ············ 4 7 .60 wan t lli •lh, l SGh, lS'/b, Combination book .. 4 20.00(3)

N. U. 10% Discount It you remit U . H. bills. check or money order payable at N. Y. C.

J. N. Sissons 204 Glonroao Avenue loronto 5, Canada

Page 10: member>~ - Topics, Vol. 2, No. 7... · 1 IDMrUoD I IDHrUODa Full page ..... $6.GO $5.00 ... the P.ost Office Department at Ottawa show booklets are no

BNA TOPICS · July 1945

Canadian Postal Slogan Cancellations by C. B. D. Garrett

C90 "Celebration of Cltyhood, Berlin, Ontario July 15-20, 191;2 made In Rerlln Exhibition"

ClOO "Ccntcnaft·e Day She•·brooke Centennial .July 31-Sept 4, 1937." C102 "Centena1·y Celebration Toronto June 1930 International Peace." CUO "May 6th 1940-Centenat·y ot the Postage Stamp.'' Hamilton. C115 "Central A Jgoma l~xhlbition, ::o;ault Ht. Marte Rep 30-0ct 1.2.1914." not Ill. CJ17 "('entt·al Canada Exhibition Ottawa Sept 9-16, 1916." , Cllla Not lllus. As 117b except no dashes before or a fter Ottawa. 1920. Cl17·b "Central Canda Exhlhltlon-ottawa- Sept 5- 15-1924," C122 Not. Ill. "Central Manitoba Victory Fair, Porta:;e La Prairie. Jy 8-10 1919.'• C125 "Chahko Mlka Nelson B. C. July 13-18 1914." · C127 "Child Welfare Exhibition 1912 Pour Le Blen-etre Des Enfant!! Montreal

Oct 8 1912." Cl30 "Children's Mill< Fund Tag Day- June lOth- " Toronto 1938, 39, 40, 45. C lSOa "Chlld•·en Milk Fund Tag Day May 29." Toronto 1943, 44. Cl33 "Civic Voters ltegtster Now." Vancouver 1934. C136 "Montt·eal. May 12-24th Clean l'aint & Hcat:tiCy Nettoyez Peinturez

Embellissez." 1928, 29, 30, 31. C138 "Ch;an Paint Beautify Nettoyez Petnturez .Embelllssez--Montreal-1'

1939, 40, 41, 43 CHO "Clean Up! Fire P revention Day October 9th 1920." Ottawa 20. Montreal

20. R f>gi na 2>2. To•·onto 19, 22. Vancouver 20, 22. C141 "Clean Up! Fire Prevention Day October 9th 1922." Montreal 1922. CH:2 "Clean Up- Paint Up and Beautify Greater Toronto •)1ay 1st t o May 8th."

1932, 33. . -C144 "Clean Up Paint Up and HE'autlfy Apr 21st to May 3." Hamilton 1924. CH8 ''Clean Up & Paint Up The Modcl'll Cru11ade." ~t. J ohn 1928. C150 "Cleaning r:p W ccl< May 18th to 24th.'' Bilin;; ual, M.ontr·eal 1924. C156 Not Illus. Coburg Ont. Horse ~h,lw, Date .... 1913, 14, 19. Cl58 "Coldstrcam Guanls T3and Brandon Exhlhltion June 22 to July 2.'' 19211. ClGO "Come to Cranhrool<'s Celebra tion ~ept 5-10." 1938 C165 "Come to London Centennia l and Old Boys• Celebration July 31- Aug 1

1920. C170 "Come to Victoria for 24th May." 1934. C173 "Come to Victoria's 24th May Celebr·ation." 1934, 35. C175 "Come to Winnipeg fndustrlal ~how June 22- July 4 19>25." C178 "Come to Winnipeg ~tampede (Rodeo) June 29 fo July 5 1926." C184 "Community Chest Helt> Our H elpless." Winnipeg 1934, 35. C186 N ot Illus. "Community Chf>st RPrver the Year Round." Saskatoon 1941, 42. Cl88 Not Jllus. "Community' Chest ~ervin!\' Mor(>, needs More." Halifax 1941. C190 "Community Rervice Campaign for $425.000.00 Oct 25th-29th 1927." Tor-

onto 1925, 26, 27. Date and amount different each year. C195 "Concert for the Benefit of Ottawa Cl"lppled C hildren Oct 15- 16 & 17.''

1925, 26. C196 "Concert for the Benefit of Ottawa Crippled Chl!rlren Oct 12-13-14-15."

19127. czoo "Conf ... deratton 1867- 1927." Ottawa 1927 . . C204 "Confederation Pagean! Exhibition J\.ugust 10 to 20." Vancouver 1927. C206 "Conserv National etc Appel etc." Montreal 1928. C210 "Conserve Coal Rave One Ton In Five.'' R~>veral varieties. Calgary, Lon­

don, Hamilton, Ottawa, Toront'O, New W estminster, ' Vancouver, VIctoria, Winnipeg. All 1943 or 1944.

C212 "Conserve Coal Conservez Le Chat·bon.'' Montreat 1943. Quebec 1944. C214 "Comnwve Energy Locate Factory at ~eat or Power." Nln.gara Falls 1919,

20, 21. 0218 "Contribute Generously to Soc'lal Health Services.'' Bilingual. Montreal

1930, 32. C220 Coronation Royal Tmin Flag. May June 1937. C221 "Coronation H. M. King Geo1·ge VI and H. M. Queen Elizabeth May 12

Page 11: member>~ - Topics, Vol. 2, No. 7... · 1 IDMrUoD I IDHrUODa Full page ..... $6.GO $5.00 ... the P.ost Office Department at Ottawa show booklets are no

.l .. Jv l 915 ... - - ·· .. --·------------- ----.. ----.. - -.

BNA orOPICS 47 •

' \S~,~t\OMOfrc#rylfa CENTENAIRFOAY ~ ~'o fv1AY GT!' 1940 c.; 9£t\ll tt.ONTAIUO SH£R8FIOOK£ JU\..'( t5· 2.0 · \91l C£NT£NNIAL. CENTENARY

NltiMk~UMEY."\fl\1\-* JUI-'~ 31 - $A!',.? 4- Of TH£ 11HI7 P(}STACE STAMP g-w

~·-~· "-110 CE\4~t\AL CAMA\)A CHAltkO HIKA ~ £ti~R'I ii·,_, EXHIBITlON N£LSON.5 .C c,~ to • o_.,

OTTAWA ,,UlY 13·18 1~ \ClO ~ S£PT - 9-16

IQ16 191+ ""'~-.L ~ vEtt,' r "' C-117 C..l25 C-1~



-~liNE to~ - SEPT ~-\S-t 9 2.4, to101CTR£Al OCT 16 .c-t~ O..lt7i. e..t27


(,J.l-'OA. _e. I X'1 _c.t.n


-MONTBEAL-BEAUT! FY £-.M.Bflll SS fZ. c-ttm. c-1311


. G~~~ ~o~1'o BEAUTIFY OC.T08£R 91'1' 1~22 . M~Y \~TO MAY 6 APR 21t!' TO MAY 3.

I P-1~ c-t4.i "-144 . • COME' ~0 • ~ COLOSTRfAM GUARDS JUH&

~, -2.a- \.ONOOHCOO£NNIAL ~u:, .;- BAND -:- _-r.o ~AND ....


-~·-- U..IIYI a..••• ~COM£~ ijME 1 o -QKis CLEAN~.UP·.wf~ .


lfBRATI~N tS AU-2.+MAY FOR· 2fficMAY. SEPT 5-lO flO ~~JliN£ OU NETtO~~E .

Page 12: member>~ - Topics, Vol. 2, No. 7... · 1 IDMrUoD I IDHrUODa Full page ..... $6.GO $5.00 ... the P.ost Office Department at Ottawa show booklets are no

48 BNA T OP ICS July 1945


""' ~ N I P E: c tNOUSTR IAL -sHo~ /

JIINUl·JULl-. (91.5'

C:. · 17S".


C! . ·~'· -------CONfEDERATION


AUGUST10To 2.0.

t. .20'*-·



f'OI' S ~2$,000.00 OCT lSI! •24Jt!

19 2. 7.


C:. . lOO _________ _,~ - ~0~'~·--------~



<:. . ?..10 ,



c:: . ~, ••

CO~O~TION .:::::,....-...-...;::. H.M.Kl1UiG£OA6tll/

Alii I> H.M. Quu-~LII.AJe»t



. e-nz.



Page 13: member>~ - Topics, Vol. 2, No. 7... · 1 IDMrUoD I IDHrUODa Full page ..... $6.GO $5.00 ... the P.ost Office Department at Ottawa show booklets are no

- --·- -·- _____________ .-..__, ___ _ .July 1945 BNA TOPICS

C222 C230 C!l35 C237 C2·10

1937." Several minor forms all 1937. Calgary, Hamilton, London, Ottawa, Toronto, Vancouver, Victoria, Winnipeg. Coronation Flag etc. Bilingual, Montreal & Quebec 1937. Not Jllus. "Cornwall Centennial and Old Boys Reunion" Cornwall 1934. Nut .lllus. "Ct·ippled Children Ta.g Day" Toronto 19·41. Not lllus. "Ct·lpplM Civilian Tag Day" Toronto 1942. Not ll!u>:~. "CzechoHlovakla Tag Day" Toronto 1943. .


lllu~trat!on C20 should be C22. Jllustratton C21 should be C20. Illustration C22 shoul!l be C21. C45 "Canada'R Great Eastern Exhlbitlor• ::;herbrooltc Que. Aug 25 Sept I 1917.'•

lllustr·ated but omitted in text b(~tween C40a anu C51. C'·l8a . " \ 'unad!an V<H'JH; Hcunlun 'l'orontv Ont .July 30-31 Aug 1."

lllu!ltm.ted but omitted !t·om text bt'l\H•en C40a and C51.

Why I Collect the Stamps of Canada by Charles McDonough

As far back as I can rememb(•t·. l have been Interested In the Hl11tory of Canada. When I took uP Philatt)Jy 1 decided that Canada would be one ot the cuuntt·les whose stamps I would .:nllect.

'J.'he Canadian-American t·elationship Is uniqu(' ln, the World-two countri<'S of such similarity in !ll?.e and natlll·al rcsom·ces might well have become deadly r·lvals. lnstt~arl we have thP Inspiring spectncll' of 4,000 miles of unfortlfleu ft·ontit•t·. Canao:t has <L IJOJIUin.tion of 11,419.00() anrl an area uf 3.694,000 square miles. Province of Canada : Then~ an~ t'ecords of a voya.~e l>y Le tr lo~rlcson about the yNu· 1000 A. D. After him, .John l'o.hnt landt.>d on the coast of Nova Hcotla In the summer vf 1497: spt•nt sonw tlnH! <ill <L m•arby Is land c11.lle<l Ht. Johns Is lan•l, pt·obahly named at'tet· him. H(' landed t>pon the Continent before Columbus or Vospucci. Jn 1524, VeJTazano explort·d this part of the eastern coast, whlle . . racques Cat·tiet' Is ncel:timP<i a:; the r·tnl di:;co,·e rC' t' ot Canada .. Jn 1535 he ex­plorNI thE> Ht. Lawt·t•nc{· Hh·<·t· and tnok possN•slon of the country In the nam(' of the Kin~; of l"ro.nC{'. On his second trip he cstahll!>.hed a settlement at Queb<'<'. He cx)lln t·t·d tht• :>aq ll<!llay :wd Pstahlisht'd settl:!r$ at Ta<lousac wher e the Haqm•nay Rivet· joins the ::-lt. I.J\wt·e;lce. T,) ::-lom'H' l de Champlain goes the honout· or lncorllOratlng- the City of Quebec In 1608. He was given a Royal Chat·ter from the King or Ft·fwct' to adminl!lter the Dominion of the- King of Franc<' In Canada. Champlain !IITived In Canada In 1603 and Inaugurated a pt•t·iud uf stable govcrnmNlt and •;xpandin~ Fretl< h influence. Pressln~ w('st­wat·d. he srt up n tradit~t;· pt>><t at f loC'helagn (nnw known ns Montt'eal) and <'xplored the set·ies of I .ttk(>S prmntmat>ly a " far as Lakes Ontario and Erie. From this timt• forward for· a <·l'ntury nnd a ha'f th~' French established sett!P­ments throughnut that. which Is n ow quebec and built up a French Civilization.

''~hile this was going on In Qtwi:H><'. the British people- were very active In the .,;ngllsh Colony to the South rncl ·we!lt. The N nrth Amerlean Continent now luul two growing and antagonistic l{rOtlp!'. Eventually war broke out between <3t·eat l"h'lta.i n ancl France. In 1759, the British landed troops on the Isle of Or· leans opposite Quebec. The fortification being too strong to take by frontal as­sault, the British trnops on !'-;eptemlwr 12th c limbed the h eights west of the City <hn·lng thP nl~--ht :mel on the 'ollowln!l: rr. ~rnlng were In battle at·ray upon the Plains of Abraham. The British were Jed by General Wolfe and the French hy General Montcalm. Both were killed. By the Peace of Paris, l7Ga, which ended the war. Canada was ceded by France to Great Britain. Canada was considered at that time to consist of the land area north of the Rt. Law­t·t>nce River Including Its many l.akes,. large and small. Roon lntet'!'tltlng de· v<'lopment took place. The I<JngliRh ColonleA to ihE> Routh, as a rt•sult or the

Page 14: member>~ - Topics, Vol. 2, No. 7... · 1 IDMrUoD I IDHrUODa Full page ..... $6.GO $5.00 ... the P.ost Office Department at Ottawa show booklets are no

60 BNA TOPICS July 1946

Hevolutionary War, 1778-1783, had gained their lndeptmdencc. During the Am­erican War of Independence many perHons In the thirteen colonies who were loyal to the British Empire emigrated towards the North. These people became known a.s ''United Empire l..oyalhtts." They settled In all that area north of tbe thirteen Revolting Statell IUld aa-e still traceable a.s the dominant element Jn Ontario, the Eaatern T ownship or Quebec and the !:'t. John River Valley o f New Ba·un~:~wick. The area on the north ~:~hores of Lakes Ea·ie and Ontario became mon, predominantly F;ngll>~h than ever uud when Cnnada watt divided toa· legis­lative reason, this area becam(•. known !'Is Uppea· Canada at1 distinctive from lower Canada roughly lying east or the confluence or the Ottawa and St. La.w­r t•nce Rivers. Later these areas, sornt'what ch.ll\t(ed, becamt' the Provinces of Ontaa·to and Quebec. Dominion of Canada. Klr John A. M cDonald was a great leader and could be looked upon as the Father or the Dominion or Canada, the >:~ame as George Washington Is often looked upon In the United Htates as the Father of his Country. The result or h l11 leadershltl waN t hat In 1R67 the Act of Confederation, com m only referr etl to as the Britl11h North Amel'ican Act, was passed. By this Act, Ontario, Quebec, Nova Rcotla and. New Br unswick joined the Conf eder­ation known as the Domln lun or Canada. In 1870 Manitoba came Into the Con ­federation as the fifth Province and ~:~I nee that time Brlt!llh Col umbia, 1871; 'Prince Edward I sland, 1873; Alberta. and Saskatchewan In 1905. There Ia also a great section to the North and Northwest which Is k nown a.s the Northwest Territories. To the west oc t hem and t o the north or British Col umbia and Joining A laak& on the east, Is the Yukon Territory. Canada has the largest land area of any unit of the British Commonwealth or Nations and comes next a fter l n<lla and England in the numlw a· of subjects.

The Govurnment or Canada c11n lw del!crllwd u>< a combination or British and AmE-rican ideus. ThE> F'ath•·•·::s 111' tlw f'onr<-dea·atlon ponclca•ed the problem of or!C'ftnizing the governmE-nt tlf Canada; they st>lt·ctt-d the l11'ith1h feature of a Houtie o f Com mons and the House ur Loa·d!! hut nurnecl tlw Upper House the Hennte. The Canadian ~enate is v&J'Y <liffer cnt fa·om the Legislative Body oC the same name In the .United l"tate11. ~ .. t cmbt' I'N of tht· l"enut e ure appointed for lite by the ~vernor General on thP nomlnulion nt lh\l Government represented by the Prime Minister who Is the I A'adea· of t he dominant or Majority Party In the House o f Common!!. The powers or the ~enate no·e lim ited t o that of the veto of T~gialatlon originating In the H ouse or Com mons which however has t he power t o override t he veto if it de11lres to do so. The H ouse of Commons n.a·e olected by t he people. 1'he lmperlnl c•onrea·enctl or 1926 defined Canadol's pot~i­tlon within the British Commonwealth or Na llnni'l n>J equn l In status to the United K ln lf(lom. The 1-\tatue or We~Jtm l nSt('t· In !931 rl'mnvl'd the last legal limitation upon Canada's leglslatal ve autonomy. 'l'ht· a·eal founder s and leaders of Canada were Jacques Caa·tler. Hamuel de Champlain, General Montcalm, General Wol!e, J ohn A . McDonald. Wilfred Luurlt>r, Thomas Darcy McGee. Robert Baldwin, Louts r.arontalne, George Cartlea·. A 11 ot t.h cse are portrayed on many of the stamr>s of Canada.

Copies of Nos. 2 and 3 of t he Topics are no longer avallu.ltle. Ther·e are only 10 copies of No. 1 and 8 of No. 4 still left. T he >~U PJ)ly uf the othea· Issues Is greater but diminishing qu ickly. Wri te rm· yollll' hnck copleH now. 25c per copy.

DEALERS! What Doea t he Collector Need ?'

What. Ooea the Collector Want!

The Collector k nows what he needs, 'BUT he wants to know where he can buy

l t. An ad In the Topioa ta your lbest way to t ell a B. N. A. Collector where to buy.

The 'Topic: Way' ia the 'Top Way'

Page 15: member>~ - Topics, Vol. 2, No. 7... · 1 IDMrUoD I IDHrUODa Full page ..... $6.GO $5.00 ... the P.ost Office Department at Ottawa show booklets are no
Page 16: member>~ - Topics, Vol. 2, No. 7... · 1 IDMrUoD I IDHrUODa Full page ..... $6.GO $5.00 ... the P.ost Office Department at Ottawa show booklets are no

111e .._"!.,. fo,.. o._. of 'tM mut lmere1tlng lu·anolt•• .t Can~d;.,. P,.,ll•· Wy.

They were l~ued frem 1811 to ttM. In m011t cue~~ they ca.rrted the mall to ml».lnt dletrt~ .and I,II<>Jate4 Ctlll•

muntu .. which Jacked proper tran•wrt fa.c\lltlee. They w•r• e&DCUoD~ b7 tb• Poart ornce Departmea~ whlle luue4 by prJ~ ~ OtiUJU,tlOM.

hiHI for our 1846 Prtoe LIM of -th... ~trtpe. • •

. Cent-.ry Stamp MoGJII Cell ... AWftw• ,

lllftA.U.~ tHO.