MELJUN CORTES JEDI Slides-7.8 Risk Management

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  • 7/29/2019 MELJUN CORTES JEDI Slides-7.8 Risk Management


    Software Engineering 1

    Basic Software Project


    Risk Management


  • 7/29/2019 MELJUN CORTES JEDI Slides-7.8 Risk Management


    Software Engineering 2

    It is considered a potential problem.

    It may or may not happen.

    It is better to: Identify them.

    Assess its probability of occurring

    Estimate its impact

    Establish a contingency plan


  • 7/29/2019 MELJUN CORTES JEDI Slides-7.8 Risk Management


    Software Engineering 3

    Two Risk Characteristics

    Level of Uncertainty

    It is the probability that a risk can happen.

    Degree of Loss

    It is the extent of damage once the risk is realized.

  • 7/29/2019 MELJUN CORTES JEDI Slides-7.8 Risk Management


    Software Engineering 4

    Category of Risk

    Project Risks

    These are risks associated with the project plan. If suchrisk becomes a reality, chances are there would be

    delays, budgetary and resource problems. Technical Risks

    These are risks associated with the implementationaspects of the software. If such risk becomes a reality, itwould be very difficult for us to implement the project.

    This may include design and interface problems,component problems, database and infrastructureproblems.

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    Software Engineering 5

    Category of Risk

    Business Risks.

    These are risks associated with the viability of thesoftware. If such risk becomes a reality, the software

    will become a problem in a business setting. This mayinclude building a software that no one needs, building asoftware that cannot be market and losing budgetary andpersonnel commitment.

    Known Risks.

    These are risks that can be detected with carefulevaluation of the project plan, business environmentanalysis, and other good informational sources.

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    Software Engineering 6

    Category of Risks

    Predictable Risks.

    These are risks that came from past similar projects thatare expected to happen with the current one.

    Unpreditable Risks. These are risks that are not detected.

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    Software Engineering 7

    Risk Table

    It is a tool that allows software engineer identify and managerisk.



    Category Probability Impact RMMM

    Project Size Estimatesmay be too low. PS 60% 2

    A large number ofgroup of end-users arenot identified.

    PS 30% 3

    No components arereused.

    PS 70% 2

    Members of the

    steering committee arenot interested in theproject.

    BU 40% 3

    Project deadline is notnegotiable.

    BU 50% 2

    Staff turnover will behigh

    ST 60% 1

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    Software Engineering 8

    Type of Risk

    Product Size (PS).

    These are risks that are related to the overall size of thesoftware that needs to be developed.

    Business Impact (BU). These are risks that are related to the constraints imposed by

    management or market.

    Customer Characteristics (CC).

    These are risks that are related to end-users requirementsand the ability of the development team to understand andcommunicate with them.

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    Software Engineering 9

    Type of Risk

    Process Definition (PD)

    These are risks that are related to the software process andhow the people involved in the development effort areorganized.

    Development Environment (DE)

    These are risks that are related to the availability and qualityof the tools that are used to develop the software.

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    Software Engineering 10

    Type of Risk

    Technology TC)

    These are risks that are related to the complexity of thesystem and the degree of newness that is part of the software.

    Staff Size and Experience (ST). These are risk that are related to the overall technical and

    project experience of the software engineers.

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    Software Engineering 11

    Risk Impact


    It would result in failure to meet the requirements and non-acceptance of the software.

    2-Critical. It would result in failure to meet the requirements with system

    performance degration to the point of mission success isquestionable.


    It would result in failure to meet the requirements would resultin degration of secondary mission.


    It would result in inconvenience or usage problems.

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    Software Engineering 12

    Risk Mitigation, Monitor and

    Management (RMMM) Plan It is a document containing a plan to manage each risk. It consists of the following:

    Risk ID



    Risk Mitigation and Monitoring

    Contingency Plan

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    Software Engineering 13

    Risk Identification Checklist

    Product Size Risks

    Business Impact Risks

    Customer-related Risks

    Process Risks-Process Issues

    Process Risk-Technical Issues

    Technology Risks

    Development Environment Risks

    Risk Associated with Staff Size and Experience

  • 7/29/2019 MELJUN CORTES JEDI Slides-7.8 Risk Management


    Software Engineering 14

    Product Size Risks

    How large is the estimated size of the software in terms oflines-of-code and function points?

    How many is number of programs, files and transactions?

    What is the database size? How many is the estimated number of users?

    How many components are reused?

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    Software Engineering 15

    Business Impact Risks

    What is the business value of the software to the companyor organization?

    What is the visibility of the software to senior management?

    How reasonable is the delivery date? How many is the customers?

    How many are the products or systems that interoperatewith the software?

    How large is the project documentation?

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    Software Engineering 16

    Business Impact Risks

    Does the product documentation have quality?

    What are the governmental constraints applied to thedevelopment of the project?

    What is the cost associated with late delivery? What is the Cost associated with a defective product?

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    Software Engineering 17

    Customer Related Risks

    What is the customer working relationship?

    What is the level of the customers ability to state theirrequirements?

    Are customers willing to spend time for requirementsgathering?

    Are customers willing to participate in formal technicalreviews?

    How knowledgeable are the customers in terms of thetechnological aspects of the software?

    Do customer understand of the software developmentprocess and their role?

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    Software Engineering 18

    Process Risks-Process

    Issues Does senior management show full support or commitmentto the software development effort?

    Do the organization have a developed and writtendescription of the software process to be used on thisproject?

    Do the staff members know the software developmentprocess?

    Is the software process used before in other projects with

    the same group of people? Has your organization developed or acquired a series of

    software engineering training courses for managers andtechnical staff?

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    Software Engineering 19

    Process Risks-Process

    Issues Are there any published software engineering standards thatwill be used by software developer and software manager?

    Are there any developed document outlines and examplesof deliverables?

    Are formal technical reviews of the requirementsspecification, design and code done regularly? Do theyhave defined procedures?

    Are formal technical reviews of test procedures, test cases

    done regularly? Do they have defined procedures? Are the results of each formal technical review documented,

    including errors found and resources used? Do they havedefined procedures?

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    Software Engineering 20

    Process Risks-Process

    Issues Do they have procedures that ensure that work conductedon a project conforms to software engineering standards?

    Do they use configuration management to maintainconsistency among system/software requirements, design,code, and test cases?

    Do they have documents for the statement of work, softwarerequirements specification, and software development planfor each subcontract?

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    Software Engineering 21

    Process Risk-Technical

    Issues Are there any mechanism that facilitates clearcommunication between customer and developer?

    Are there any specific methods used for software analysis?

    Are there any specific methods used for component design? Are there any specific method for data and architectural


    Are codes written in a high level language? How much isthe percentage?

    Are documentation and coding standards followed?

    Are there any specific methods for test case design?

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    Software Engineering 22

    Process Risk-Technical

    Issues Are software tools used to support planning and trackingactivities?

    Are configuration management software tools used tocontrol and track change activity throughout the softwareprocess?

    Are CASE tools used?

    Are quality metrics collected for all software projects?

    Are there any productivity metrics collected for previoussoftware projects?

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    Software Engineering 23

    Technology Risks

    Is the organization new to the technology?

    Do we need to create new algorithms, input or outputtechnology?

    Do the software need to use new or unsupported hardware? Do the software need to use a database system not tested

    in the application area?

    Do we need to define a specialized user interface?

    Do we need to use new analysis, design, or testingmethods?

    Do we need to use unconventional software developmentmethods, such as formal methods, AI-based approaches,and artificial neural networks?

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    Software Engineering 24

    Development Environment

    Risks Are there any software project management toolsemployed?

    Are there any tools for analysis and design?

    Are there any testing tools? Are there any software configuration management tools?

    Are all software tools integrated with one another?

    Do we need to train the members of the development team

    to use the tools? Tools? Are there any on-line help and support groups?

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    Software Engineering 25

    Risk Associated with Staff

    Size and Experience Is the staff turnover high? Do we have skilled team members?

    Is there enough number of people in the development team?

    Will the people be required to work overtime? Will there any problems with the communications?

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    Software Engineering 26


    Risks and Risk Management Category of Risk

    The Risk Table

    Risk Identification Checklist